Diana Verónica Véliz Zamora
Dante Eduardo Pinochet Tejos
Camilo Alexander Mestanza Uquillas
Jaime Fabian Vera Chang
Santiago Cristóbal Vásquez Matute
John Jairo Pinargote Alava
Rev. Sci. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
11 (2) 2021
The results of this investigation showed that the availability of P-Olsen did not
generate a significant effect (p>0.05) on EUR. This confirms the conservative
nature of EUR (Gallagher and Biscoe, 1978; Sinclair, 1986), even in a harvestable
crop in vegetative stage. This is reinforced with other research, where similar EUR
stability responses were found, facing the same variability factor (P) or other soil
constraints (Valle et al., 2009, Salvagiotti and Miralles, 2008; Plénet et al., 2000b;
Fletcher et al., 2008b and Sandaña et al., 2012), although this work is the first
report of its constancy in Daucus carota. Because of this, comparisons were made
with other species where EUR has been studied. According to the results of this
work, D. carota presented a higher average EUR through aerial biomass (1.23 g
MJ-1 based on RIFA) compared to legumes such as Pisum sativum (1.13 g MJ-1)
and lower values than cereals such as in Triticum aestivum (1.63 g MJ-1) (Sandaña
et al., 2012). These differences could be attributed to differences in the energy
cost of biomass synthesis (Sinclair and Muchow, 1999).
On the other hand, given that the organ of agronomic interest of D. carota is the
root, it is important to report that the average EUR based on total biomass is 2.86
g MJ-1, being 1.3 times higher than the EUR of aerial biomass, probably due to a
larger destination size (root accumulation) of the assimilates.
Our biomass values had a better association with RIFAa than with EUR. These
results are similar to what was found in crops such as Triticum aestivum (Sandaña
and Pinochet, 2011; Rodríguez et al., 2000; Lázaro et al., 2009), Zea mays (Pellerin
et al., 2000; Colomb et al., 2000; Fletcher et al., 2008b) and Helianthus annuus
(Rodríguez et al., 1998a). Considering the linear associations shown between
RIFAa with the level of soil P availability reflect that the pattern described in other
species was maintained in both cultivars of D. carota.
Many crop models assume EUR as a constant (Sinclair, 1986), but other studies
reported that it varies widely depending on plant phenology (Garcia et al., 1988
and Arkebauer et al., 1994). In this regard, Lecoeur and Ney (2003) reported a
change in EUR during the development of the Pisum sativum crop, and in
particular a decrease was observed during the vegetative phase; and Werker and
Jaggard (1998) found that sugar beet had a decrease in EUR at the end of the crop
cycle, under rainfed conditions. EUR can also vary with crop species (Valle et al.,
2009), environmental conditions, management factors such as water supply,
disease and nutritional status (Monteith, 1994).
The variability of EUR also depends on the extent to which the canopy absorbs the
available radiation, i.e. the leaf area index (LAI), where characteristics such as leaf