Piedad Francisca Yépez Macias
Nixon Ronaldo Herrera Gurumendi
Ronny Javier Gaibor Carvajal
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (2) 2021
Poultry farmers are interested in looking for new nutritional alternatives, so that
the production periods are carried out in less time and the product to be obtained
is of higher quality, in the alternatives of additives are the synthetic ones such as
vitamins, enzymes, probiotics, amino acids and APCs (Antibiotic Growth
Promoters), among others. These help to improve production rates, so the poultry
industry has generated different ways to innovate these synthetic additives
looking for natural alternatives that have been used empirically and without
scientific study of the properties they have trying to improve their production
costs. (Herrera Mendoza, Use of three levels of ginger (Zingiber officinalis) meal
as a growth promoter in broiler diets, 2016).
Using antibiotics as growth promoters (APCs) in therapeutic subdoses in feed
increases animal performance and productivity by controlling pathogenic
bacteria, inhibiting their growth or controlling them, keeping the animal's
digestive tract healthy and thus having a better utilization of the nutrients
contained in the feed. (Ranilla & Carro, 2002) .
The application of antimicrobials in animal nutrition (antibiotics and
chemotherapeutics) dates back 50 years. The first experiences (in chickens)
demonstrated their beneficial effects at the end of the 1940s, and in the 1960s
their commercial use was widely spread in Europe. (Cepero Briz, 2006) .
The trend towards natural products and the concern of some social sectors has
led to the reduction or prohibition of the use of APCs in the production of animal
protein for human consumption due to the possibility of the development of
microbial resistance. (Gonzáles, et al., 2013) . The use of antibiotics, although they
have played an important role in the safe production of meat, their use is being
limited due to the consequences they cause to the consumer, and trends have
been generated to look for alternatives to replace them. (Méndez, et al., 2015).
Additives have played an important role in the safe production of meat, but their
use is being limited due to the consequences they cause to the consumer, which
has generated a tendency to look for alternatives to replace them. (Méndez,
García, Santellano, Durán, & Silva, 2015).
The use of certain plants as alternative medicine long ago to improve health or
cure diseases in humans, there has been a growing interest in these medicinal
plants lately, which has led to a significant increase in scientific research has led
to the identification of the active components of phytobiotics and the
mechanisms of action of these in the animal organism. (Roofchaee, Irani,
Ebrahimzadeh, & Akbari, 2011).