eISSN: 1390-8146
Socio-environmental conflict management as a starting
point for economic development
La gestión de los conflictos socio ambientales como punto de
partida del desarrollo económico
Submitted (14.09.2020) Accepted (12.05.2021)
The objective of this literature review article is to carry out an
analytical observation and determination of fundamental
aspects in the field of socio-environmental conflict management
and its interaction with the economic development of the
people involved, be they communities and/or regions. A detailed
review of articles found in different bibliographic registries such
as Dialnet, SciELO, Latindex and others has been carried out. We
were able to identify 22 articles with topics related to the
management of socio-environmental conflicts and their impact
on the economic development of the communities involved,
which allowed us to analyze relevant information for the
development of the article. Upon finding a diversity of literature
by authors on the subject, it became evident that an efficient
management of socio-environmental conflicts has an impact on
the development of the people, which is reflected in a culture of
peace. In this line, it was concluded that an efficient interaction
of the institutions involved, whether public or private, in the
framework of the prevention of socio-environmental conflicts,
will bring about sustainable development for the State and its
Keywords: socio-environmental conflict management, economic
development, institutions
Moises Vidal Salinas
Master in Public Management, Universidad
Cesar Vallejo, Lima, Peru,Orcid:
Juan Angel, Diaz Tena
Master's Degree in Health Services
Management, Universidad Cesar Vallejo,
Lima, Peru,Orcid:
Sandra Karina, Masias Ponce
Master in Measurement and Evaluation of
Educational Quality, Universidad Nacional de
Educación Enrique Guzmán y Valle, Lima,
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria
Investigación y Saberes
Vol.11 No. 3
Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
Este artículo de revisión de literatura tiene como objetivo efectuar observación
analítica y determinación de aspectos fundamentales en el ámbito de la gestión
de los conflictos socio ambientales y de su interacción con desarrollo económico
de los pueblos comprometidos, llámense comunidades y/o regiones. Se ha
realizado una revisión en detalle de artículos encontrados en distintos registros
bibliográficos como Dialnet, SciELO, Latindex y otros. Se logró identificar 22
artículos con temas relacionados a la gestión de conflictos socio ambientales y su
incidencia en el desarrollo económico de las comunidades comprometidas, que
permitieron analizar información relevante para el desarrollo del artículo. Al
encontrarse con una diversidad de literatura de autores en la materia, se
evidenció que una eficiente gestión de conflictos socio ambientales, repercuten
en el desarrollo de los pueblos, la misma que se ve reflejada en una cultura de
paz. En esta línea, se concluyó que una eficiente interacción de las instituciones
comprometidas, sean públicas o privadas en el marco de la prevención de los
conflictos socio ambientales, traerá consigo un desarrollo sostenible para el
Estado y sus poblaciones.
Palabras clave: gestión de conflictos socio ambientales, desarrollo económico,
1. Introduction
When analyzing the problem of the management of socio-environmental
conflicts, the way they are dealt with by the State and its institutions, due to
different escalations related to various mining projects, give rise to a feeling that
one cannot avoid finding oneself in the midst of a context that cannot be managed
and that there is no apparent sign of a solution. As a complement and within the
global approach, the World Bank, by granting financing to the governments of the
region so that they can invest in various projects, such as the construction of roads
or wastewater treatment, seeks to ensure that the populations and the
environment are not affected by the mining projects, and that they are not
affected by the mining projects, seeks to ensure that the populations and the
environment are overprotected against risks of probable adverse impacts and in
this sense, based on the principle of investment with socio-environmental
responsibility, it is improving and optimizing the different mechanisms for
managing socio-environmental conflicts, based on granting viability not only in
the economic but also in the social and environmental aspects. On the other hand,
Moises Vidal Salinas
Juan Angel, Diaz Tena
Sandra Karina, Masias Ponce
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
Perez (2019) in his article, suggested that, when studies linked to environmental
policies are carried out, they have not been recurrently considering the analysis
of socio-environmental conflicts. In this line, although it is correct that states
strengthen the normative part and the processes of solving socio-environmental
problems, it is not responsible to neglect the escalation of social conflicts, which
in the long run will bring problems to the State itself. Also, Arizaca (2017),
indicated in his article that, in order to strengthen the sustainability of natural
resource exploitation activities, they depend on the efficiency of their institutional
units that cover the relationship between mining, land, water and population.
Maillet & Albalá (2018), in their article, raised a substantiated question, related to
the consequences of conflicts and factors related to socio-environmental conflicts
in electricity projects in Chile. Medrano et al. (2019) in their article about
corporate social responsibility in the relationship between peasant communities
and mining companies, recommended engaging mining companies and the
community in strategic alliances with a projection of sustained development,
where the protagonists obtain benefits, i.e., this link should generate value
beyond the life of the extractive operation itself. Likewise, Alvarado (2017) in
their article, concluded that the historical analysis of the results of policies seeking
an economy independent of its natural resources should serve to maintain the
need for political changes in favor of a new type of governance between the
governmental and the local. Toledo (2019) in his journal article related to the
shared responsibility between government, mining conglomerates and
communities, implies that the idea of an efficient functioning of state entities also
gives access to governance in the country. Likewise, Massa-Sánchez et al. (2018),
in their article related to the large mining sector and social conflicts, in Ecuador,
analyzed the degree of relationship between the mining legal part with
megaprojects, taking as a type case the Mirador project. Pinto & Luyo (2018), in
their article in which they focused their analysis of what happened in the context
of the Las Bambas mining megaproject and which escalated into a social conflict
with serious repercussions in 2015. The article tried to show that the petitions of
the population were supported by objective motivations because the inconsistent
changes made in the environmental impact studies that were executed by the
Chinese corporation (MMG), were fundamental, since they will harm related
areas both directly and indirectly. Also, Aparicio (2017), who had as an objective
in his doctoral thesis "to determine the influence of corporate social responsibility
in the prevention of mining social conflict case Las Bambas 2014".
In this sense, by having an efficient management of socio-environmental conflicts,
which determines a starting point to achieve economic development in the
communities or populations involved, it is necessary to carry out an analytical
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
study of the literature, which strengthens a body of documentation that allows us
to know the origin of the conflicts, their optimal management and how to avoid
their escalation to the detriment of disturbing social peace, which would have dire
economic consequences for the State. In this line, the study and review of the
approaches elaborated by various authors, the same ones mentioned in this
article, in the framework of the management of socio-environmental conflicts,
allows us to rethink the importance of providing feedback on the suitable
procedures that efficiently bring the control of such conflicts closer, which would
represent satisfying the needs, especially of the communities involved.
The objective of this article consists of a structured review and analysis of the
literature on the management of socio-environmental conflicts and their impact
on economic development. Thus, Rojas et al. (2019), in their article on research
trends in socio-environmental conflict due to oil exploitation, conclude that the
study of socio-environmental conflicts has been increasing in Latin America and,
with it, the expansion of the realities studied from various perspectives. In this
sense, they suggested that socio-environmental conflict is little addressed from
the perspective of the thinking of social groups, such as those related to values,
information and knowledge of the communities, which are not widely developed
in research.
Socio-environmental conflict management
It is necessary to focus the definition to the social conflict as such and it is precisely
that, taking what is mentioned in Fairchild's sociology dictionary in which he
grants a definition to the social conflict as a social opposition in which the
consequent purpose consists in the evil that can originate to one or more persons
or opposite sets in their capture or in the damages that they manage to produce
to their property or that in which the occupations of an individual or a set of
persons, in an unintentional way, impede the performance or damage the
composition of the other person. (Fairchild, 1974, p. 92). Likewise, Paredes (2019)
in his article entitled "Mining conflicts in Peru: between protest and negotiation",
in which he conducted an extensive analytical review of the literature on
negotiation processes arising from social conflicts linked to the mining sector,
suggests that socio-environmental conflicts fundamentally express the
emergence of new actors and disputes over the management of increasingly
scarce resources.
Likewise, La Rosa & Rivas (2018), when carrying out a detailed analysis on conflict
theory, conceptualize social conflict as a claim in which social protagonists have
Moises Vidal Salinas
Juan Angel, Diaz Tena
Sandra Karina, Masias Ponce
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
different interests, externalizing their respective ideals or interpretations in which
they project to obtain the maximum benefit, according to their priorities or needs.
Also, Calderón (2012), points out that social conflicts are closely linked to the
management of institutions and social demands, ergo, the more social gaps and
lower levels of performance of public entities, then there will be an increase in
the number of social conflicts and also assumes that natural resource exploitation
projects, whether medium or large scale, have an endemic relationship with the
generation of such social conflicts. In this sense, Romero et al. (2020) indicated
that community mediation qualifies as a way of solving or managing social
conflicts that develop in certain social groups, in which negotiation and openness
to dialogue are encouraged, generating conciliation of the problems that affect a
community. Along the same lines, Ccama et al. (2019) in their article related to
social conflicts in Peruvian mining, conclude that there are several elements
(ownership of the subsoil, poor distribution of income from mining, persistent
relative poverty in the area of exploitation, land affectation, among others) that
cause rural communities to perceive that this exploitation of resources, instead of
benefiting them, limits their chances of escaping extreme poverty.
Likewise, considering a more institutionalized appreciation we have the
Ombudsman's Office (2015) that indicates as elements or dimensions of social
conflict management, we have as such the actors, the problems and the process.
It is precisely that Poma & Gravante (2018) in their article aimed to analyze the
role of emotions in socio-environmental conflicts in which they interviewed self-
managed protagonists who defended their territory and conclude that sharing
moral emotions can influence the collective identity and strategic decisions that
in the long run can mean a positive or negative complement in the managements
of such socio-environmental conflicts. Also, Cuadrado (2017) in his article explores
the challenges of governance and how these tend to cause socio-environmental
conflicts and analyzes the main demands of the communities and of the responses
of the managements of certain committed public institutions and in such sense
finds as important factors that favorably influence the management of such
conflicts the crisis, communal leadership, small-scale and homogeneous
communities, as well as legal demands. This allows us to rethink that, to the
extent that these factors are assertively compacted, not only will the demands be
met for the benefit of the communities, but a climate of social peace and thus
shared economic development will be obtained. Along the same line, we have
Canaza (2018) in which, in his study, he stops his analysis in the various socio-
environmental claims expanded in the Peruvian territorial scope having on the
other shore globalized capitalism. He foresees this situation as mining
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
conglomerates and the socio-environmental consequences originating in Peru
increase, those affected start claims in search of the longed-for environmental
justice and in which they consider their rights to climate justice have been
violated. Within the framework of the Peruvian State, it is important that
governmental efforts are made to give due attention to socio-environmental
conflicts and in this line there is R.M. No. 067-2021-MINAM, in which the
guidelines or directives for the management of socio-environmental conflicts
were approved.
Economic development
At present, it is an undeniable reality that the relationship between natural
resource exploitation projects and socio-environmental conflicts has been
somehow very close, in the sense that, although it is true that in recent years Peru
and much of Latin America have been favored with an increase of important
mega-projects, which have been contributing significantly to the economic
development of the countries, it is also true that when this growth of investments,
especially in the mining sector, has materialized, socio-environmental conflicts
have also been increasing. This means that there is a large sector of the population
in the various areas of influence or regions where natural resources are exploited,
which has been perceiving that, despite the large investments made by the State
and large companies, the population has not overcome its condition of extreme
poverty and has not been able to efficiently meet its basic needs. On the other
hand, the mining sector continues to account for the majority of socio-
environmental conflicts in Peru.
In this line, the Ministry of Energy and Mines, in its 2019 Mining Yearbook
magazine, stated that metallic mining represented 9.1% of the total national GDP
in 2019. It also highlights that copper production contributed 56% of the total
mining GDP, while gold and zinc 12% each.
From this perspective of the economic benefit that large investments in the
mining sector bring to the national economy, the best scenario would be that the
State should be concerned that this mining boom is reflected in the hardest hit
sectors and those living in extreme poverty. Likewise, the rural communities in
the areas of influence will not be able to adequately exploit the resources until
they feel their own development. Therefore, in order for the population to feel
that there is a favorable synergy for their development, both the State and the
mining projects must modify their terms and must make the communities
involved a protagonist and real participant. In this line, León (2019) in his
interesting article related to the economic determinants of socio-environmental
Moises Vidal Salinas
Juan Angel, Diaz Tena
Sandra Karina, Masias Ponce
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
conflicts in Peru, specified in relation to the social factor, that the lack of equity in
the distribution of profits is an element that contributes to the generation of
conflicts, i.e., socio-environmental conflicts are projected to grow while a
population or region has a higher rate of inequality in income distribution.
Céspedes et al. (2020), interpreted in their article that there is a close relationship
between economic development and social conflicts in the Huánuco Region and
that these events have a direct consequence on its economic development, linked
to the growth of the mining canon.
2. Materials and Methods
The analysis-synthesis, holistic-dialectic and deductive methods were used,
complemented by a rigorous documentary review, which allowed us to make an
analysis of the scientific support found. Precisely from them, the most relevant
information is summarized. The knowledge base on the management of socio-
environmental conflicts was based on a summary-synthesis of a diversity of
articles found, highlighting references in the Dialnet, SciELO and Latindex
platforms with the search term "development of critical thinking" "only in the title
of the article". A search was also carried out in various sources as a complement
to the analysis of the proposed topic in the framework of socio-environmental
conflict management.
We have managed to find a large amount of literary material with a range of
analysis period of the last 5 years, i.e. 99% of the information collected
corresponds to periods 2017-2021 and 1% corresponds to information from the
years 2012 and 1974 which have been considered for the relevance of its content,
the same that are closely linked to the management of socio-environmental
In this line of ideas and statements, based on the literature reviewed and
analyzed, it becomes necessary to ask ourselves the question about the different
mechanisms of socio-environmental conflict management, in which it is based on
the procedures in which the institutions of the Peruvian State are prioritizing their
actions in order to minimize the escalation of these events. Then we ask
ourselves: How do the institutions intervene in the framework of socio-
environmental conflict prevention and to what extent does their efficiency favor
economic development?
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
3. Results
In this review article it is relevant to indicate that, from the results of the
information obtained, 1 corresponds to a doctoral thesis, 22 correspond to
systematic information articles, of which 2 articles correspond to publications in
indexed journals. Likewise, relevant information has been obtained from journals
of institutional organizations, 2 national and 1 international, as well as
information from 2 books: 1 national, 1 international and 1 legal standard. In this
sense, a flow chart is detailed in Figure 3 with the summary of the literature
review carried out.
Once the review of the articles was completed, topics related to the management
of socio-environmental conflicts were identified. These allowed obtaining an
important framework of information for the development of this article and
within the idea of a research project related to socio-environmental conflicts.
Based on the information obtained from diverse literature, the question is posed:
How do institutions intervene in the framework of socio-environmental conflict
prevention and to what extent does their efficiency favor economic
It is necessary to have an approach to the degree of participation and generation
in the economic development of the States in the framework of socio-
environmental projects and in this sense we have, Ríos (2018) who presented us
in his review article related to Mining in Latin America and The Caribbean, a Socio-
environmental Approach, interesting indicators in relation to the participation of
mining in the GDP in Latin America and the Caribbean.
The article also summarizes the importance of the mining industry for the growth
of the people and how it influences the economies of Latin American and
Caribbean countries.
There is no doubt, then, that one of the emblematic institutions of Peruvian
society, in which the greatest responsibility and protagonism in the management
of socio-environmental conflicts lies, is the Ombudsman's Office. In this line, this
institutional body expands its attributions to defend and supervise, as well as to
prevent and mediate with the purpose of counteracting situations that threaten
or violate fundamental rights and to open dialogue processes to help solve a given
social conflict. It is important to point out that this governmental institution is not
the one that resolves a social conflict, but collaborates, participates, defends and
influences the reestablishment of dialogue in order to avoid the escalation of such
social conflicts. In this sense, social actors must perceive that such conflicts must
be managed as a complex process with the sole purpose of meeting their
Moises Vidal Salinas
Juan Angel, Diaz Tena
Sandra Karina, Masias Ponce
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respective needs. In this line of ideas, this institution, as representative of the
State, carries out its intervention.
They highlight their importance in addressing each element within the framework
of public order (social peace) and propose the degree of dynamism between the
institutions and the parties involved in the management of socio-environmental
conflicts, in which solutions are proposed and from these solutions an important
feedback is generated for future escalation of social conflicts. In this order of
ideas, when this proposal is taken into account, there is a leading and important
incidence of the components of socio-environmental conflict management in the
search for maintaining public order and the generation of economic development
both in the State and in the communities involved. By way of illustration, the
following table Figure 6 summarizes the socio-environmental conflicts registered
in the period August 2019-August 2020:
Returning to the statement of revealing the importance of the different
approaches in the literature review of the various authors in the field of socio-
environmental conflicts, it is clear that these represent sources of feedback for
optimization and dynamic strengthening of the management of these socio-
environmental conflicts as a way of managing them in order to maintain and
improve social peace with the purpose of generating the desired economic
development for the States and their communities.
On the documentation determined and analyzed, very important information has
been obtained from each of the referenced publications and the knowledge
acquired has managed to address critical situations for the development of how
to articulate for the development of socio-environmental conflict management in
order to achieve economic development.
A situation reiterated in the literature of various authors, in relation to the
management of socio-environmental conflicts, is that they have a major point of
origin in the existing differences between the communities or peasant societies
and the corporations dedicated to the exploitation of natural resources.
Rivas (2018), defines social conflict as that manifestation in which social actors
have different interests and this position is included in the analyzed literature, in
such a way that Harahap et al. (2018), Truntsevsky et al. (2018), and also, Dordevic
et al. (2017), manifested an analogous conceptualization, but the resolution of
this is from a different optics each one.
Also, there is diversity in the literature addressed by various authors consulted
regarding the importance of the elements of social conflict management. That is
to say, not many authors have been evidenced that perform this type of
breakdown, considering how relevant it can mean to make an analysis in an
atomized form of social conflict. It should be noted that Cárdenas (2017) proposed
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
in his article that institutional legacies and a dynamic participation of civil society
are key elements to understand the process in the management of social conflict
and that these elements will help to understand the challenges of the State for
the management of conflicts in various regions or areas of influence.
A diversity of literature related to the management of socio-environmental
conflicts and their impact on economic development has been found, however,
there are epistemological gaps noted in this article. In this sense, it has not been
noted an important emphasis in the literature of the authors that, a way to avoid
the escalation of social conflicts in general and their escalation to the detriment
of the development of the States is to suggest or propose a real and effective
training to the actors that are part of a social conflict, proposing gestures of trust
and strengthening of dialogue.
5. Conclusions
There is a diversity of literature by authors on the management of socio-
environmental conflicts, however, the States have not been able to contain the
increase or escalation of such conflicts and are not considering a more direct
participation of the increasingly impoverished communities. This means that less
developed States, such as Peru and most Latin American countries, do not take
history into account and consequently there is no adequate feedback, which
means continuing to make the wrong political, social, cultural and economic
decisions, to the detriment of economic development and an increase in socio-
environmental conflicts. In this sense, an efficient interaction between public and
private institutions involved in the prevention of socio-environmental conflicts will
represent an ideal starting point for sustainable development for the State and its
In this sense, it follows that:
The intervention of government institutions in the framework of socio-
environmental conflict management has not been able to reduce the social gap
with the communities that have a direct influence on the exploitation of natural
resources. The lack of integration of actions among governmental institutions as a
strategy for a common solution in the area of socio-environmental conflict
management has led to the escalation of social conflicts to the detriment of
economic development. The issue of conflict prevention is often raised, however,
there is no suggestion of optimal training of the actors involved in a socio-
environmental conflict.
Moises Vidal Salinas
Juan Angel, Diaz Tena
Sandra Karina, Masias Ponce
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
The state through its institutions and the companies that exploit natural resources
have not been taking into account the communities in the areas of influence and
it is urgent to specify new terms in the contracts for these projects.
In the absence of efficient management of socio-environmental conflicts, peasant
communities have the perception that the State and its system do not benefit
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