eISSN: 1390-8146
E-government in latin america: a systematic review
Gobierno electrónico en América Latina: una revisión sistemática
Submitted (14.09.2020) Accepted (12.05.2021)
Electronic government, or e-government, is the use of
technological communication devices, such as computers and the
Internet, to provide better public services to serve citizens and the
development of the country as a whole. E-government is not just
something related to online procedures or organizational or
process restructuring. It is a sociological and political conception
that today does not seem to be conceptually present in a clear
way. These experience models can serve as a basis for the
development of similar solutions in other countries, taking into
account the importance of the use of ICTs to increase the efficiency
and effectiveness of public functions, facilitate the government-
citizen relationship and strengthen national strategies to promote
transparency and integrity. The use of technological tools also
fosters the development of a knowledge society, which is an
essential condition for achieving the social, economic and political
goals of countries. In it, governments are committed to identifying
ways to use information and communication technologies to
promote, in particular, the modernization of the State, and with
them, greater efficiency and transparency in the management and
provision of services in the public sector, in order to meet the
needs and aspirations of all people. The information related to the
countries has been provided and/or validated by the national
authorities in charge of these issues.
Keywords: e-Government, e-commerce, e-business, e-commerce
Luis Enrique Baca Castañeda
Master in Public Management,
Universidad Cesar Vallejo, Lima, Peru,, 0000-0002-
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria
Investigación y Saberes
Vol.11 No. 3
Septiembre - Diciembre 2021
e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
El gobierno electrónico o e-gobierno (en inglés, e-government), es el uso de
dispositivos tecnológicos de comunicación, como computadoras e Internet para
proporcionar mejores servicios públicos al servicio de los ciudadanos y el
desarrollo del países en su conjunto. Gobierno Electrónico no es solo algo
relacionado con trámites en línea ni reestructuras organizacionales o de procesos.
Se trata de una concepción sociológica y política que hoy no parece estar
conceptualmente presente de manera clara. Estos modelos de experiencias
pueden servir de base para el desarrollo de soluciones similares en otros países,
teniendo en cuenta la importancia del uso de las Tics para incrementar la
eficiencia y efectividad de las funciones públicas, facilitar la relación gobierno-
ciudadanos y fortalecer las estrategias nacionales de promoción de la
transparencia y la integridad. El uso de herramientas tecnológicas fomenta
además el desarrollo de una sociedad del conocimiento, la cual es condición
primordial para alcanzar las metas sociales, económicas y políticas de los países.
En ella, los gobiernos se comprometen a identificar formas para utilizar las
tecnologías de Información y Comunicación favoreciendo, de manera especial, los
procesos de modernización del Estado; y con ellos, una mayor eficiencia y
transparencia en la gestión y en la provisión de servicios en el sector público, con
el fin de satisfacer las necesidades y aspiraciones de todas las personas. La
información relativa a los países ha sido proporcionada y/o validada por las
autoridades nacionales a cargo de estos temas.
Palabras clave: Gobierno Electrónico, comercio, electrónico
1. Introduction
Latin American countries are becoming increasingly aware of the need to
integrate into multilateral governance networks.
Scenarios and perspectives of e-government in Latin America and the Caribbean
By: Gonzalo Diéguez| José María Gasparín | Jimena Sánchez |Lorena Schejtman
In this sense, they have tended to link up by fostering the creation of institutional
ties adapted to their particular priorities. These relations are defined, however,
under the decisive influence of the United States, which sees in Latin American
nations the sure expansion of its economic hegemony. Paradoxically, the
experience of the European Union is in itself a powerful reference for Latin
American integration and could become a channel of access from Europe to Latin
Luis Enrique Baca Castañeda
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
E-government is a recent invention, whose origins and definition are associated
with the debates surrounding the reform of public administrations during the
1980s and 1990s (Menzel, 1998: 445-452).
In Latin America, the first e-government initiatives were implemented towards
the end of the 1990s. These projects followed the same guidelines of e-
government worldwide and were mainly aimed at making budget execution,
financial administration and customs and tax management more efficient. Within
the general framework of administrative reform, they incorporated the use of ICTs
to put an end to the "file culture" typical of the region, characterized - among
other things - by the lack of coordination of budgetary, accounting and treasury
record systems, the absence of programming and information mechanisms, the
lack of coordination between the enactment of laws and budgetary cycles, and
formal ex-ante control structures that operated months behind schedule.
Examples of this type of project are the integrated financial information systems
in Argentina (SIDIF), Chile (SIGFE) and Uruguay (SIIF), and the customs
management systems MARIA (Argentina), LUCIA (Uruguay) and ISIDORA (Chile)
(Frick, 2006).
This section presents a systematized collection of experiences in which
information technologies are used to support government activities (e-
government) that are currently being implemented in the group of countries
included in the guide: Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Venezuela,
Honduras, Nicaragua, Panama, Mexico, Guatemala and Costa Rica. Information
on the state of progress in the use of new information and communication
technologies (ICTs) applied to public administration in these countries is thus
made available to the authorities and users of the Guide.
Contemporary societies are exposed to complex phenomena such as globalization
and the accelerated advance of information and communication technologies
E-government: State, citizenship and democracy on the Internet? Juliá Massal
Carlos Germán Sandoval. Undoubtedly, the possibilities for social participation in
public affairs and political decision-making are strengthened by ICTs, giving rise to
what is known as e-governance (Frey, 2005). Given that it promotes greater
intervention in government management, governance proposes an organizational
structure based on the network model, in which ICTs "represent a potential for
promoting electronic networks in the urban space, guaranteeing greater
interactivity among local actors, expanding public participation and strengthening
local democracy" (Frey, 2005, p. 111).
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
E-government in Latin America from a critical perspective1 Ángel Páez The
concept of e-government began to be used at the end of the 1990s, linked mainly
to the promotion of a more transparent and efficient administration through ICTs.
E-government: from the new public management to governance Jaime Torres
Fragoso*Electronic Government as the opportunity to develop close relationship
between the state, citizens, governments and private institutions, through ICT,
allowing the impact and compilation of communication and benefits both inside
and outside the domain for the provision of services, resolution making and
accountability of relations, The health directorates with which they implement,
execute, control and adapt government policies, applying them to promote the
direction of benefits with impartiality and clarity, providing comprehensive user
care effectively at different levels of care with a network approach through a
process of continuous improvement of quality and human resource development
to achieve a healthy community.
The study of e-government has grown exponentially in recent years, and has been
consolidated in several annual conferences, specialized journals and the
publication of books focused on the subject.
This growth, which implies a certain theoretical pluralism, conditions the concept
and makes it volatile. Thus, it is possible to find different conceptualizations of e-
government; however, the specialized bibliography tends to highlight four
common elements for its definition:
a) the use of tic,
b) the presence of government actions, such as the provision of information,
goods and public services,
c) the improvement of the relationship between government and citizens, and
d) the existence of strategies to create value among participants.
E-government or e-government. Public policies and efficiency of e-Government
under the social perspective. Dr. Cesar Vargas Diaz.
Electronic Government (hereinafter EG) is the transformation of the entire
government as a paradigm shift in government management, it is a management
concept that merges the intensive use of ICTs, with modalities of management,
planning and administration, as a new form of government. From this point of
view, GE is based on and supports its application in Public Administration, aiming
to contribute to the use of ICTs to improve services and information offered to
citizens and organizations, improve and simplify institutional support processes
and facilitate the creation of channels to increase transparency and citizen
Luis Enrique Baca Castañeda
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
E-government is a seemingly inevitable public policy tool that transforms
government action and the professional practice of social work. Based on the
ethical and political challenge implied by the professional practice of social work,
a critical analysis of the interpretations of e-government as a neutral or
ideologically determined tool is presented. Its relationship with power and its
negative effects on citizenship are also discussed.
For Gartner Group, "E-gov.... is a continuous innovation of services, citizen
participation and governance by transforming external and internal relationships
through technology, the Internet and new media" (Abraham, 2001).
The poor relationship between the institution, citizens and users of the different
services they provide, which, through information and communication
technologies (ICT) can bridge the gap since they have been put at the service of
an original type of public management, characterized by assistance to the
population, professionalization of management, and efficiency, quality and
continuous improvement of processes.
From Theory to Practice by María Érick (consultant) General Supervision Miguel
Porrúa (SEDI-OAS E-Government Coordinator) Editing Roberto López (GEALC
Network Manager) Support Karina Sánchez (Gael Network) Graphic Design
Andrea Amendola
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) have been determinant in the
implementation of Electronic Government, being considered among the main
concerns of governmental entities, underestimating the value of information.
ELECTRONIC GOVERNMENT (2017) Given the importance of Electronic
Government in today's society this paper aims to review the role of information,
its management and quality in the provision of public services under this modality.
A literature review is conducted on the definitions, characteristics and opinions of
different authors regarding the implementation of E-Government. The results of
the research highlight the importance of attending to information management
and its quality, together with ICTs, in the processes involved in E-Government,
which together have a positive impact on the quality of the service provided and
on the efficiency and administrative effectiveness of public institutions.
Others such as Castoldi (2002:112) consider that the concept "includes all those
activities based on modern information technologies, particularly the Internet,
that the State develops to increase the efficiency of public management, improve
the services offered to citizens and provide government actions with a much more
transparent framework than the current one".
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
Rodriguez (2016). E-government: Towards the modernization and transfer of
public management The great need of governments to streamline, optimize,
make more flexible, transparent and cheaper processes and/or activities of the
public system, has motivated the accelerated and substantial use of information
and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) for the development of
increasingly complex applications, necessarily supported by dedicated
architectures, specially designed to work in the most optimal way, integrating
systems, using the best management tools and developing models suited to
government needs, creating compatible platforms that solve issues such as
interoperability, compatibility, access, security, among others.
Impact of E-Government on Public Management in Ecuador by Ricardo Alberto
Arcentales Macas and Elías Gamboa Poveda
Finally, it can be said that e-government implies the restructuring of public
services, a strong investment (human, budgetary and in information and
communication technology equipment) by administrative agencies at all levels, as
well as cultural change, which is a key factor for the successful implementation of
E-government as a technology for social inclusion. Reflections from Social Work
RevistaKatálysis On-ine(2018) E-government has evolved since the 1990s as a
state support tool to develop its service function to citizens. Within the growing
tendency to apply classic concepts of private management in the public sphere, it
is key to identify Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a
supporting element and not as an end, so that they support the decision-making
process executed by public managers.
However, it does not mean that automating or installing appropriate software and
hardware everywhere, both in the public administration, which is known as
Intranet communication, and connecting with citizens through the web, is enough
to speak of e-gov. It will be necessary to allow a genuine exposition of criteria,
solutions and deliberations on the social, economic, legal and political reality of a
country so that a transparent and efficient government/administrated
relationship can be initiated.
Models and phases of E-Government: the linear in debate A series of works
contributed to the adaptation or extension of linear models to the generalized
and accepted frameworks among intellectuals and those responsible for e-
government today. The texts by Bellamy (1998), Bakio (2001), Yong (2003),
Andersen and Henriksen (2006), which classified the types of actors and
relationships, as well as the phases of the linear model for the implementation of
e-government, stand out. The classification of actors involved in e-government
was based on the links between government and its public environment (G2G),
Luis Enrique Baca Castañeda
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
government and business (G2B), and government and citizen (G2C). Each linkage
between the actors gives rise to the characteristics of the levels of
implementation of e-government.
What is E-Government? UNMSM-OGPL-OEI
Phases of e-Government development.
The development of e-Government is an evolutionary process, comprising at least
four phases:
Presence, Interaction, Transaction and Transformation.
A. Presence, a phase in which governments put online basic information about
laws, regulations, documents and organizational structures, without further
relationship with citizens.
B. Interaction: In this phase the first interactions between citizens and companies
with the government are generated. Government processes are involved by
improving and simplifying them, opening certain communication channels for
citizens, businesses and the government itself.
C. Transaction, It allows the completion of procedures and payment of fees and
taxes through the implementation of virtual means of payment (credit or debit
cards), improving productivity and citizen participation.
D. Transformation, In this phase the relationship between the ruler and the
citizen changes. Changes are made in the way the government operates and the
benefits originated are received and used, to a great extent, by citizens and
The opportunities offered by e-Government are:
- Make public spending more productive.
- Facilitate citizen access to public services.
- Increase competitiveness.
- Improve management efficiency and transparency.
- Fighting corruption.
- To create links towards the democratization process and citizen participation.
- Strengthen interaction and accountability between citizens and their public
- Build trust.
E-Government Objectives
- Add value through the use of Information Technologies (spatial-temporal).
- Support the process of decentralization of services (procedures, virtual
classroom, payments, etc.).
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
- Administrative Simplification (automation and improvement of processes)
- Integrate institutional-interinstitutional information systems.
- Apply international frameworks and standards
Proposals for and from Latin America Each nation-state must generate its own
theories that allow the design and implementation of public policies framed in
political and epistemological approaches that correspond to the dynamics of the
social world that gives meaning and relevance to governments. In an unfinished
search for a Venezuelan theory of e-government as a priority public policy of the
Venezuelan State, we find several Latin Americans such as Andrade (2007, 2009),
Kaufman and Piana (2007), Sandoval (2009), Neüman (2008, 2009), Albornoz
(2007), García Santiago (2009), Cendrós, Durante and Fermín (2004), Cardon
(2005), Araya (2004 and 2005), Reilly (2004), Petrizzo (2005), Zavarce (2005),
Gonzalo (2006), Carballo, CaĴ afi , Sanoja and Zambrano (2006), who have already
advanced the path of urgent theoretical and political reflection that the problem
of e-government merits, given the strategic relevance that ICTs represent today
as a lever for social transformation and development. In principle, we must
establish that the essence of the discussion on the role of ICTs in State-citizen
relations (e-government) should not be technological or oriented exclusively to
efficiency and effectiveness in the provision of services (since that would
correspond to the instrumental approach), but rather framed within the
processes of reconstruction of democracy.
We consider that the Internet, besides being a space for the mediatized transit of
market interests, can be at the same time and paradoxically a form of mediation
that citizens are using today to form "their own political and ideological
constellations, avoiding the established political structures and creating an
adaptable political environment" (Morales 2004: 76). Araya (2005: 56) similarly
expresses that "[...] the Internet can be seen as a possibility of empowerment for
the citizen, or on the other hand, as a factory of hegemony for companies and
governments". Thus, e-government is developing right on the razor's edge
between the instrumental and unidirectional public administration model
(corresponding to representative democracy) and a new form of public
management centered on the citizen (participatory and protagonist democracy).
In foreign theories we observe the separation between e-government and e-
democracy, both framed in e-governance. From this approach, e-government is a
tool for satisfying customers-citizens, saving resources and integrating more
harmoniously with the market through e-commerce. We agree with Araya (2005)
on two arguments:
Luis Enrique Baca Castañeda
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
1) In the discussion, e-government should not be separated from e-democracy,
and 2) E-governance should not be separated from e-democracy.
2) The emphasis should not be on electronics, but on an essentially political
discussion about the foundations of democracy.
"The challenge is to establish a link between e-government and e-democracy in
order to go beyond unidirectional models of service and public policy" (Araya
2. Materials and Methods
The research methodology is to grant validity and scientific rigor to the results
obtained in the process of study and analysis.
Likewise, research methodology is the part of an article in which the criteria
adopted in the choice of the work methodology and the reasons why it is
considered that such procedures are the most pertinent to approach the object
of study, etc., are presented and described.
On the other hand, research methodology is also called a discipline of knowledge
that aims to elaborate, define and systematize the set of techniques and methods
to be followed during the development of a research process.
As such, research methodology is applicable to the most varied disciplines of
The article is based on the review and documentary search, with classification
parameters of databases such as SCOPUS, SCIELO and EBSCO. We have also
applied the technique of documentary analysis, which is a set of operations aimed
at representing a document and its content in a form different from its original
form, in order to enable its subsequent retrieval and identification.
The fact that we have also used quantitative and qualitative procedures in an
investigation could probably help to correct the biases inherent to each method,
but the fact that quantitative methodology is the most used is not a product of
chance but of the evolution of the scientific method over the years.
Table No. 1 Types of research
Types of Research
Observation Units
Methods and
modernization and
Modernization and
Public Management
Documentary analysis
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
transfer of public
Management and
public policy
Determinants of e-
government in
Department for
Effective Public
Management "
Guide ".
Public Management for
Electronic Government
Documentary analysis
government in
Electronic Government
Public Management
government as a
technology for
social inclusion.
Electronic Government
Social inclusion
Documentary analysis
government as a
technology for
social inclusion.
Sample not defined
Citizen security policies
Documentary analysis
7.-Reflections from
the perspective of
Social Work
Gradual theoretical
Exploratory Factor
Analysis with semi-
structured qualitative
8.-New Society, E-
Government and
Electronic Government
9. Revista cubana
de ciencias
Versión On-line
ISSN 2227-1899
Public policies
Documentary Review
From theory to
descriptive and
explanatory type.
Electronic Government
Descriptive -
Electronic Government
Public Policy
Bibliographic and
documentary review
Luis Enrique Baca Castañeda
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
13.-JAEN José
Moncada Library.
Sample not defined
Documentary Review
Sample not defined
Documentary Review
15,. Thesis
presented on
Electronic Government
Documentary analysis
submitted by
Gestión Pública y
Desarrollo Local
Public Management
submitted by
Gestión Pública y
Desarrollo Local
Public Management
and Development
18.- Design of an e-
proposal to
improve the
management of
the Regional
Government of
Electronic Government
19.-Scenarios and
prospects for e-
government in
Latin America and
the Caribbean
Electronic Government
Survey and interview
20.- E-Government
in Latin America
from a critical
Electronic Government
21.- Determinants
of e-government in
Electronic Government
Structured interviews
22.- Espirales
government in the
management of
Mixed Study.
Electronic Government
Public Management
Table 1 shows the different types of methodology, which are considered to be of
great contribution. The categorization of different methods and instruments
necessary for the research in the process of collecting data according to the E-
Government study. In addition, it can be observed how the problem is present in
different countries and in different magnitudes, the search for adequate policies
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
is seen throughout Latin America. The information collected presented a
comparison between each research, showing a greater perspective.
3. Results
In the research collected, the authors present their results, contributing to the
scientific community with their contribution, as shown in Table 2.
Table 2. Results
1.-Electronic Government: Towards
modernization and transfer of public
Exposes the increase of electronic system
management in the americas
Analyzes difficulties and achievements in
the use in public management.
Management and public policy
Determinants of e-government in
Department for Effective Public
Management " Guide ".
Electronic Government.
Proposes the establishment of dialogic
policies with the inclusion of spaces for
dialogue in municipalities and citizen
participation in e-Government.
The social linkage in optimizing the use of
e-government was discussed.
4.-Electronic government in public
Different strategies and models are
proposed to improve the effective
participation of e-government in public
5.-Electronic government as a technology
for social inclusion.
E-government correlates with government
action and citizen participation
6.-Electronic government as a technology
for social inclusion.
Implementation of instrument to measure
social inclusion
7.-Reflections from the perspective of
Social Work
Social work will be improved and
processes will be faster and more
8.-New Society, E-Government and
Exposes the use and management of the
electronic system and the freedom of use
and management.
9.-Revista Cubana de Ciencias
Informáticas On-line Version ISSN 2227-
Concludes that electronic activity today is
the most recommended activity
Luis Enrique Baca Castañeda
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
From theory to practice
He concludes that the use and
management of e-government is very
important and that it should not remain a
mere theory, but should be implemented.
11.-Electronic Government
Very important and modern system and
very efficient in the management of
12.-Electronic Government
Modern instrument widely used in
different fields of human activity.
13.-JAEN José Moncada Library.
Management and use of electronic
systems in public administration.
Use of electronic systems management
and control, accuracy and efficiency.
15.-Thesis presented on Electronic
It proposes different strategies to improve
the use of e-government.
16.-Thesis submitted by Gestión Pública y
Desarrollo Local
The use and training of e-government is
proposed to improve management levels.
17.-Thesis submitted by Gestión Pública y
Desarrollo Local
It is proposed to implement the electronic
media for greater security and operation
of the Local Government.
18.- Design of an e-government proposal
to improve the governmental
management of the Regional
Government of Lambayeque.
E-government is created as a
technological need to transfer the
functions of a traditional government to
its web portal in order to generate a
closer relationship with citizens, improve
communication and promote government
19.-Scenarios and prospects for e-
government in Latin America and the
E-government policies offer excellent
opportunities to transform public
administrations into instruments of
sustainable development.
20.- E-Government in Latin America from
a critical perspective
The article is based on the study of the
situation of electronic government (EG) in
Venezuela in the last ten years (Páez,
Iribarren and Neumann 2003; Páez and
Castañeda 2007; Montilla and Páez 2007
and 2010; Páez 2010 and 2011), to
propose theoretical guidelines that could
contribute to generate a discussion
oriented to the development of Latin
American theories on the phenomenon of
electronic government, as well as to
reorient public policy in this area.
21.- Determinants of e-government in
The level of e-government and its
determinants in the municipalities of the
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
five most populated regions of Chile are
analyzed. It works with a database with
188 municipalities that concentrate more
than 71 percent of the estimated national
population in 2016.
22.- Espirales Magazine Electronic
government in the public management of
Within the natural process of inserting
new technologies into public
administration, the introduction of
municipalities or local governments into
the new management model has been
considered as one of the most important
The information obtained from the articles shows the state of e-Government,
observed from different aspects to reflect on the high levels of ignorance among
5. Conclusions
The results show that the selected articles invite to the analysis of the reality and
provide an approach to the topic of study, showing new options on the
establishment of e-government in public policies and how they have resulted in
the context in which they were developed, being able to analyze the limitations
and deficiencies of each policy to be strengthened and adapted to the context.
The importance of Electronic Government (EG) is due to the fact that the growing
process of globalization and development of the new Information Society requires
from the State and the process of modernization of public management, a
proactive, effective and decisive attitude, oriented to intensively incorporate the
use of ICTs in its processes, in a complementary manner to other techniques and
tools in the different areas of management.
E-Government is not an end in itself; moreover, its essentially instrumental nature
requires the review, redesign and optimization of processes as a prior step to the
introduction of any change in technology or in the production functions of public
organizations. In this way, E-Government acquires the double dimension of a
catalyzing agent for changes in processes and a technological tool as an instrument
to improve the performance of the State's actions.
Luis Enrique Baca Castañeda
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
Rodríguez, Gladys S. E-government (2016): Towards the modernization and
transfer of public management Revista de Derecho, no. 21, 2004, pp. 1-23
Universidad del Norte Barranquilla, Colombia.
Gestión y política pública versión impresa ISSN 1405-1079 GESTIÓN REGIONAL Y
LOCAL.-DETERMINANTS of electronic government in municipalities.
Evidence from the Chilean case.
OAS " Secretariat for Political Affairs " Department for Effective Public
Management " Guide " Electronic Government.
Torres, Maritza Vásquez, Carmen Viloria, Amelec (2017).
E-government in public management Institutional author:UN. ECLAC. ILPES
Symbol: LC/L.3313-PISBN: 9789211217674 (printed ed.)41 p. grafs.Editorial:
CEPALApril 2011
E-government as a technology for social inclusion. Reflections from Social Work
Revista KatálysisOn-ine version ISSN 1982-0259Rev. Katálysis vol.20 no.3
Florianópolis Sept./Dec. 2018
New Society, E-Government and Democracy No 195 JAN - FEB 2005
(Menzel, 1998: 445-452) The concept of e-government began to be used at the
end of the 1990s, mainly linked to the promotion of a more transparent and
efficient administration through ICTs.
Cuban Journal of Informatics Sciences On-line Version ISSN 2227-1899 Rev cuba
cienc informat vol.14 no.3 Havana jul.-set. 2020 Epub 01-Sep-2020
From theory to practice: How to successfully implement e-government.
Regional experience and barriers to e-innovation. Conducting the study
María Érick (Consultant) General Supervision Miguel Porrúa (Government
Electronic SEDI-OAS) Editing Roberto López (GEALC Network Manager) Support
Karina Sánchez (Gael Network) Graphic Design Andrea Améndola
E-government: from the new public management to governance Jaime Torres
Government Scientific Journal of e-Government. Electronic Government or e-
Government. Public policies and efficiency of e-government under the
social perspective. Dr. Cesar Vargas Diaz.
E-government: State, citizenship and democracy on the Internet? Juliá Massal**
Carlos Germán Sandoval.
Electronic Government and Public Management 2 very important topics in the
Management of the state for its security and good use and speed in the
Operations by Carlos Huamán Flores and Renato Manrique Chiclayo -
Lambayeque 2019.
Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
Design of an e-government proposal to improve the governmental management
of the Regional Government of Lambayeque 2017.
Principal Author: García Echevarría, María del Pilar Format: graduate thesis
Publication Date: 2013Language: Spanish Access Level: Open Access
E-government. Administrative transparency, Lambayeque. Regional Government
Resource link:
Institution: Universidad Católica Santo Toribio de Mogrovejo Repositorio:
Thesis OAI Identifier: oai:
Scenarios and perspectives of e-government in Latin America and the Caribbean
By: Gonzalo Diéguez | José María Gasparín | Jimena Sánchez |Lorena Schejtman
E-government in Latin America from a critical perspective1 Ángel Páez
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Impact of E-Government on Public Management in Ecuador by Ricardo Alberto
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