Rev. Cient. Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes 11 (3) 2021
Rodriguez (2016). E-government: Towards the modernization and transfer of
public management The great need of governments to streamline, optimize,
make more flexible, transparent and cheaper processes and/or activities of the
public system, has motivated the accelerated and substantial use of information
and communication technologies (hereinafter ICT) for the development of
increasingly complex applications, necessarily supported by dedicated
architectures, specially designed to work in the most optimal way, integrating
systems, using the best management tools and developing models suited to
government needs, creating compatible platforms that solve issues such as
interoperability, compatibility, access, security, among others.
Impact of E-Government on Public Management in Ecuador by Ricardo Alberto
Arcentales Macas and Elías Gamboa Poveda
Finally, it can be said that e-government implies the restructuring of public
services, a strong investment (human, budgetary and in information and
communication technology equipment) by administrative agencies at all levels, as
well as cultural change, which is a key factor for the successful implementation of
E-government as a technology for social inclusion. Reflections from Social Work
RevistaKatálysis On-ine(2018) E-government has evolved since the 1990s as a
state support tool to develop its service function to citizens. Within the growing
tendency to apply classic concepts of private management in the public sphere, it
is key to identify Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) as a
supporting element and not as an end, so that they support the decision-making
process executed by public managers.
However, it does not mean that automating or installing appropriate software and
hardware everywhere, both in the public administration, which is known as
Intranet communication, and connecting with citizens through the web, is enough
to speak of e-gov. It will be necessary to allow a genuine exposition of criteria,
solutions and deliberations on the social, economic, legal and political reality of a
country so that a transparent and efficient government/administrated
relationship can be initiated.
Models and phases of E-Government: the linear in debate A series of works
contributed to the adaptation or extension of linear models to the generalized
and accepted frameworks among intellectuals and those responsible for e-
government today. The texts by Bellamy (1998), Bakio (2001), Yong (2003),
Andersen and Henriksen (2006), which classified the types of actors and
relationships, as well as the phases of the linear model for the implementation of
e-government, stand out. The classification of actors involved in e-government
was based on the links between government and its public environment (G2G),