Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 12, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Luis Vargas Torres Technical University
How to cite this article (APA
): González, F., González, A., González, J., Deza, C., (2022)
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of
wetlands and vermicomposting and the production of fertilizer: systematic review,
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 12(1) 1-23
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by
means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the production of fertilizer:
systematic review
Análisis de la afectación en la comunidad de tramientos de lodos residurales por
medio de humedales y vermicompostaje y la obtetención de fertifilizante: revisión
Feliciano Javier González Delgado
Mater in Territorial Planning and Environmental Management. Universidad Nacional de Tumbes,Tumbes, Peru. ORCID: 0000-0001-6282-1478
Alfredo Xavier Gonzalez Delgado
Civil Engineering. University of Guayaquil, Guayaquil, Ecuador. ORCID: 0000-0001-7045-9253
Juan Carlos Gonzalez Delgado
Mater in Territorial Planning and Environmental Management. Universidad Nacional de Tumbes, Tumbes, Peru. ORCID: 0000-0001-6282-1478
Carlos Alberto Deza Navarrete
D. in Environmental Sciences. National University of Tumbes, Tumbes, Peru. ORCID: 0000-0002-3324-3741
The sludge generated in wastewater treatment plants is an element
of great importance due to the pollutants that constitute it and its
potential impact on the environment. Therefore, it is important to
investigate new technologies that can treat these biosolids with less
impact and convert them into usable products, such as fertilizers. This
article presents a review of the important aspects of the treatment of
sewage sludge by means of wetlands and vermicomposting
processes to obtain a material that can be applied to agricultural soil.
Initially, information concerning the origin and composition of sewage
sludge is presented. Subsequently, important aspects to consider in
the treatment of sludge are mentioned, followed by an individual
explanation of the treatments using wetlands and vermicomposting.
Received 2021-03-02
Revised 2021-0-11- 9
Accepted 2021- 11-2
Published 2022-01-4
Corresponding Author
Feliciano Javier González
Pages: 1-23
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Finally, the integrated treatment of wetlands and earthworms is
described. At the end, conclusions and possible future research
concerning the topic addressed in the article are drawn.
sludge; vermiculture; swamps; compost; humus.
El lodo generado en las estaciones depuradoras de aguas residuales
es un elemento de gran importancia debido a los contaminantes que
lo constituyen y su potencial impacto al ambiente. Por consiguiente,
es importante investigar nuevas tecnologías que puedan tratar estos
biosólidos causando un menor impacto y convirtiéndolos en
productos utilizables, como por ejemplo fertilizantes. El presente
artículo expone una revisión de los aspectos importantes del
tratamiento de lodo residual por medio de humedales y procesos de
vermicompostaje para obtener un material que pueda ser aplicado en
el suelo agrícola. Inicialmente se presenta información concerniente
al origen y composición del lodo residual. Posteriormente se
mencionan aspectos importantes a considerar en el tratamiento de
lodos y a continuación se explican de manera individual los
tratamientos utilizando humedales y vermicompostaje. Finalmente se
describe el tratamiento integrado de humedales y lombrices de tierra.
Al final se establecen las conclusiones y posibles investigaciones
futuras concernientes al tema abordado en el artículo.
Palabras clave:
lodo; lombricultura; pantanos; abono; humus.
Wastewater treatment processes generate considerable amounts of
sludge Ignatowicz, (2017), thus becoming a surplus that must be
treated and disposed of. Brix, (2017). The sludge contains various
contaminants such as, pathogenic microorganisms, organic toxic
compounds, inorganic substances, polymeric extracellular substances
excreted by bacteria, recalcitrant organics and heavy metals. (Chen et
al., 2016; Zhu et al., 2016; Wang et al., 2017; Hu y Chen, 2018; Hu et
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
al., 2020).
The composition of sewage sludge causes this type of waste to
require proper management, because it could affect surface water,
soil and groundwater. Hu et al., (2020). There are conventional
methods for sludge treatment based on concentration, drying,
anaerobic digestion, which have high operating costs. Andrade et al.,
(2017)which have high operating costs and can also cause
environmental Hu et al., (2017) and can also cause environmental
impacts due to noise and emissions. Therefore, it is important to use
natural and environmentally friendly processes such as artificial
wetlands and vermiculture.
Sludge treatment by artificial wetlands does not use energy or
mechanical equipment, neither does it require the addition of
chemicals Brix (2017). Vermiculture is a promising technology in
sludge reduction through a process known as vermicomposting,
especially in small communities located in developing countries.
Emamjomeh et al. (2017). Wetland-treated sludge is often used in
soil as a fertilizer, as well as through vermicomposting. Chen y Hu,
(2019)as well as through vermicomposting to stabilize the organic
fraction of the sludge into humus material. Yadav et al. (2016).
Wastewater treatment plants generate sludge during primary
(physical and/or chemical), secondary (biological) and tertiary
treatments. Sludge is an aqueous, semi-liquid biosolid with a variety
of colloids. Mendoza et al. (2010).
Biological treatment corresponds to the activated sludge system,
which is a biochemical process through which wastewater purification
is achieved using aeration tanks and artificial agitation for the
development of a countless number of nitrifying organisms Orhon y
Biotechnology (2015). In this way the organisms degrade the organic
matter and the removal of nitrogen and phosphorus occurs. Dai et al.
(2016). As a by-product of the treatment, residues called active sludge
are obtained. Nascimento et al. (2020)which contain floccules that
determine the properties of the sludge through size, shape, density
and strength. Christensen et al. (2015). The composition of the sludge
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
in its content of micro and macro elements depends on the chemical
composition of the wastewater and the treatment technology used.
Kiper et al. (2019).
The largest and most diverse group present in activated sludge is
from the microbiological point of view, the sludge generated in
treatment systems for domestic wastewater or domestic mixed with
industrial waters possess a great bacterial diversity. The phylum
proteobacteria dominate, followed by bacteroidetes and firmicutes,
where in the latter Clostridium is the dominant genus, followed by
Treponema, Propionibacterium, Sintrophus and Desulfobulbus.
Nascimento et al. (2018).
In the analysis of 12 sludge samples collected from 5 sewage
treatment plants across the United States, 43 different forms of human
viruses were found, among which Adenovirus, Herpesvirus,
Papillomavirus, Coronavirus, Klassevirus and Rotavirus DNA were
identified. Mulchandani y Westerhoff (2016). In another study carried
out on 10 sludge samples from 5 water treatment plants treating the
water of a population of between 100,000 and 1,000,000 inhabitants,
43 different types of human viruses were observed through
metagenomic studies, such as the respiratory viruses Coronarivus
HKU1, Klassevirus and Cosavirus. Bibby et al. (2013). The SARS-Cov-
2 virus, which caused a worldwide pandemic, has been detected in
sewage sludge. Kocamemi et al., (2020).
Regarding heavy metal content, sludge from wastewater treatment
systems possesses elements such as Zn, Pb, Cu, Cr, Ni, Cd, Hg and
As, whose concentrations range from less than 1 mg/l to more than
1000 mg/l Huang et al. (2015).
Microplastics exist in sludge that could reach the environment when
they are disposed in agricultural soil. In China, the existence of
microplastics in sludge from 18 sewage treatment plants was
investigated and it was observed that 59.6% of these presented a
white color and 63% fiber as material represented by polyolefin,
acrylic, polyethylene and polyamide Li et al. (2018).
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Rarely is the wastewater only of domestic origin, mostly it also
contains industrial wastewater and components from street and
sidewalk washing when combined sewage systems are in place. Thus
sewage sludge may also contain other elements in addition to organic
matter, such as harmful toxins in the form of detergents, salts,
hormone disruptors and toxic organics. Singh y Agrawal (2008).
Activated sludge may contain concentrations of pesticides depending
on the type of industry. Ponce-Robles et al (2017) demonstrated
through their research that high concentrations of pesticides can
accumulate in industrial sludge, especially thiabendazole and
pyrimethanil. The food and packaging industry in which high volumes
of water are used for post-harvest treatment is a major source of
pesticide contamination.
In Italy the study performed on samples collected from sludge coming
from 35 sewage treatment plants to measure concentrations of
nonylphenol, nonylphenol ethoxylates and phthalates showed, that
the limits proposed by the European Union on substances to be used
as fertilizers are sufficiently conservative to avoid negative effects on
soil fauna Lamastra et al. (2018). Zoghlami et al. (2020) They
concluded in their studies related to the treatment of semi-arid
agricultural soil that the accumulation of organic matter and its
mineralization improve soil structure and fertility in proportion to the
dose of sludge applied. The study in an area over which sewage
sludge was applied for 10 years showed that there was no increase in
organic matter and there was an influence on biogeochemical
parameters resulting in the total supply of P, partially N and
micronutrients for maize crops. Melo et al. (2018). The residue can
improve soil fertility. Tontti et al. (2017).
The presence of microplastics is a fundamental issue when
considering the use of sludge in soil. Microsplastics are altered when
there is treatment on the sludge, this becomes an unknown risk that
can have a significant impact by accumulation in the soil and
subsequent dispersal into lakes and marine ecosystems Li et al.
(2018). The effectiveness of retention in sewage treatment plants
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
depends on the density and particle size. Microplastics with a density
greater than that of water are almost completely retained in the
sludge during primary and secondary treatment. Nizzetto et al. (2016).
When assessing the public health risks resulting from the application
of activated sludge in residential areas, the potential interactions of
contaminating chemicals with low levels of pathogens must be
considered. An increased risk of infection can occur when allergic and
non-allergic reactions to endotoxins and other chemical components
irritate the skin and mucous membranes, which affect barriers to
infection. Lewis et al. (2002).
Urra et al. (2019) concludes that sewage treatment plant sludge must
be properly treated before being applied to agricultural soil, so as to
minimize the introduction of contaminants and the risk of spreading
antibiotic resistance. Before using sludge in agriculture, further
studies are needed concerning the risk of mishandling, dispersal of
sludge on the soil into water bodies due to climatic effects, additive
and synergistic effects and toxicity. (Rastetter et al., 2017, p. 34).
Treatment systems called artificial wetlands are engineered systems
that have been designed and constructed to utilize the natural
processes related to vegetation in natural environments, soil and their
association with microorganisms present in water treatment Vymazal
y Březinová (2015). This wetland is also known as a reed bed system
or sludge dewatering wetland and is composed of a porous medium
in which emerging macrophytes are planted. Arroyo et al., (2018). The
porous system has a sealed flushing zone composed of a filter bed of
successive layers of stone, gravel and fractionated sand, within which
processes such as the following occur (Magri et al., 2016)within which
processes such as penetration, evaporation, transpiration and the
production of leachates capable of being treated by additional
wetlands also occur. Hu et al., (2019).
The stabilization process results from the synergistic action between
plants, organic matter, microorganisms and the combination of other
processes such as mineralization and humification Peruzzi et al. (2017).
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
The sludge treatment system causes the least environmental impact
and is the one with the best cost-effective scenario for land
application, compared to other treatments such as post-treatment
composting, centrifugation with post-treatment composting and
finally transport of the biosolid to a generalized treatment system
Uggetti et al. (2011). In environmental impact, reference is made to
a lower atmospheric impact in terms of COequivalent
Uggetti et al. (2012). In the evaluation of the level of contamination
and potential ecological risk of heavy metals in the sludge, it is
necessary to know the total concentration of heavy metals and their
chemical form. Tytła y health (2019).
Plant species have a different effect on sludge. For example T.
angustifolia and S. fluviatilis have a low performance in sludge volume
reduction, while P.australis exhibits a high performance and better
action in drying and mineralization Gagnon, Chazarenc et al. (2013).
Species such as Phragmites australis Cav can absorb up to 23% of the
total nitrogen, in general the plants through evapotranspiration
reduce the volume of the sludge and improve filtration through the
root system which stimulates microbiological activities. Korboulewsky
et al., (2012). The saturated layer of wetlands favors transpiration and
influences the volume of water and the mass of pollutants discharged.
Gagnon et al., (2012). Phragmites austrlis and Typha species together
with a wood chip filter media showed great benefits in sludge drying
and mineralization, as well as no phytotoxicity and low heavy metal
and pathogen content. Uggetti et al., (2012). Calderón-Vallejo et al.
(2015) In addition, the performance of wetlands planted with
Cynodon spp. in the treatment of sludge from septic tanks was
investigated, finding a chemical oxygen demand removal efficiency
of 71% and a total solids removal efficiency of 44%. The stabilization
process in the sludge helps to immobilize heavy metals, which are
retained in the sludge. Peruzzi et al. (2011)which are retained in
fractions related to the stabilization of organic matter. Peruzzi et al.
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
In the evaluation of sludge dewatering performance and
microorganism dynamics during the supply and rest periods, it was
observed that total solids increased by 24-31% and volatile solids
decreased by 43-47%, while total nitrogen kjeldahl and total
phosphorus concentrations decreased Wang et al. (2020). If the
wetland contains a piped aeration system, a better reduction of
antibiotics such as oxytetracycline, tetracycline, azithromycin,
sulfamethoxazole, as well as antibiotic resistance genes is achieved.
Ma et al. (2019). Ventilation has a positive influence on the diversity
and richness of the microbial community, which results in a good
removal of pollutants such as organic matter in the water draining
through the wetland, which in turn is less susceptible to being affected
by the climate. Meng et al. (2020). Correlation analysis between
antibiotic concentration and antibiotic resistance genes in the bottom
and top layer of the wetlands indicate a significant correlation
between roxithromycin, azithrocin and MRSA abundance. Ma et al.
(2019). During the period of sludge supply in wetlands there may also
be removal of antibiotic resistance genes. Ma et al. (2020).
Micropollutants may be present in sewage sludge. These are mostly
found on the upper surface of the wetlands or are diffused throughout
the depth of the filter material, as is the case of xenobiotics. Maurer
et al. (2020)The presence of plants promotes microbiological diversity
and thus antibiotic removal and sludge stabilization, with the
predominant bacterial community being Proteobacteria,
Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes, while the dominant genera are
Thiobacillus, Dechloromonas and Pseudomonas. Wang et al. (2019).
Uggetti et al. (2012) concluded in their research that the sludge from
a wetland is close to being a stable end product and the
concentration of heavy metals and fecal bacteria meet the legal
permissible limits for land application.
Application of Vericomposting in the Treatment of Sewage
Sludge from Wastewater Treatment Plants
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Vermicomposting is a mesophilic process to stabilize organic matter
using the joint action of microorganisms and earthworms under
aerobic conditions (Xie et al., 2016). During this process, earthworms
feed, grind and digest organic wastes with the help of aerobic and
anaerobic microflora, leaving a moist and microbially active final
material. (Maboeta et al., 2003). Worms increase the surface area of
any material and make it more favorable for microbial activity and
decomposition. (Bhat et al., 2018). The earthworm Eisenia fetida can
convert household solid waste and sewage treatment plant sludge
into compost of very good and acceptable quality . (Amouei et al.,
2017). At the beginning the biomass and fecundity of the earthworms
increases, but later decreases due to the unavailability of appropriate
food, which shows that quality and abundance of food directly affect
the biological parameters of the system. (Yadav et al., 2015). In
investigations of the action of earthworms on granulated dehydrated
sludge, an improvement in microbial activity and biomass was
observed, with rapid decomposition and final products with low levels
of bacteria and eukaryotic densities, compared to the non-addition of
earthworms. (Fu et al., 2016).
Vermicomposting has been practiced in Poland since 2014 with
sewage sludge from the Zambróv water treatment plant, where
research showed that the use of Californian earthworm provides good
mineralization and humification, thus complying the vermicompost
with local regulations and is a valuable mineral-organic fertilizer
(Boruszko, 2020). In a comparative study between composting and
vermicomposting of sewage sludge, it was determined that after two
initial thermophilic pre-compostings, vermicomposting achieved the
best and most homogeneous final product. (Hanc y Dreslova, 2016).
In addition, it has been shown that with vermicomposting the
concentration of the regulator kinetin in plant growth is twice as high
as with vermicomposting. (Rékási et al., 2019). On the other hand,
mixing sewage sludge with garden waste and using vermicomposting
processes with variations in their operation phases such as the
addition of liquid fertilizer, recirculation of the generated leachate,
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
addition of mature vermicompost and ventilation, proves to be highly
positive in each case, accelerating the decomposition of organic
material in comparison with traditional composting. (Cincin et al.,
The earthworm E.andrei has a great ability to degrade previously
composted sewage sludge by reducing microbial biomass such as
bacteria and fungi, which also demonstrates that the composting-
vermicomposting combination can be a good alternative for the
management of this type of biosolids (Villar et al., 2016). The
combination of organic waste subjected to vermicomposting and
inorganic waste inoculated with treated wastewater results in a
vermicompost rich in N,P,K, which can be used in the production of
ornamental plants. (Karimi et al., 2017).
Over the years the concentration of heavy metals has been analyzed
in the vermicompost made from the sewage sludge of the wastewater
treatment plant in Zambróv, Poland, the results of which show that
they are below the maximum permissible limits concerning
fertilization and use in crops. (Boruszko, 2016).
Integration of Wetlands and Vermicomposting for Sewage
Sludge Treatment
Artificial wetlands and vermicomposting are two processes that can
be used for the treatment of sludge from sewage treatment plants,
having the benefit of integrating both technologies. Worms can
improve sludge dewatering and stabilization in wetlands planted with
P. australis, in addition to decreasing E. coli and volatile fatty acids
and converting the final product into a good fertilizer. Hu y Chen,
(2018). Earthworms improve sludge stabilization dramatically in the
accumulated sludge and increase evapotranspiration. Chen et al.,
(2016). Although worms can decrease the nutrient content, they have
a positive effect on the heavy metal content by decreasing for
example the bioavailability of Cd and Cr in wetlands. Chen y Hu,
2019, Hu et al. (2020). There is an improvement in the removal of TN
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
and TP in wetlands due to the absorption of Typha orientalis and the
biological effect of T. tubifex. Kang et al., (2017).
Due to population growth and thus the need for territorial expansion,
there is a need to implement new wastewater treatment plants, which
also leads to an increase in the generation of sewage sludge, thus
becoming a waste requiring treatment. The current systems for the
treatment of this sludge entail construction, energy, operation,
mechanical costs and impacts due to atmospheric emissions and
noise. For this reason it is important to develop and research new
low-cost technologies with less impact on the environment, such as
artificial wetlands and vericomposting.
Wetlands and vermicomposting, when used separately, demonstrate
high efficiencies in the removal of contaminants such as pathogens
and heavy metals from the sewage sludge, also achieving the
respective dewatering and mineralization. Both are low-cost
technologies in construction and operation.
Constructed wetlands depend on climatic conditions for a correct and
rapid stabilization of organic matter. Within these, the
microbiological and biochemical parameters vary during the sludge
supply and settling stages, and it is therefore essential to consider the
duration of the process at the time of use. Drying is essentially due
to evapotranspiration carried out by plants.
Vermicomposting in sewage sludge leaves a product with good
characteristics to be used as fertilizer. The worms through their
digestive system process the organic matter and release a product
rich in nutrients.
The use of earthworms in artificial wetlands provides an additional and
effective aid when dewatering and stabilizing the sewage sludge for
use in agricultural soil, so this combination should be studied in
greater detail focusing on the removal of contaminants such as
antibiotics, antibiotic resistance genes, heavy metals, microplastics,
Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
emerging pollutants, viruses. In the latter, the Sars-cov-2 virus and its
permanence in the sewage sludge after going through the treatment
process and applied as fertilizer should be the object of study.
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Analysis of the impact on the sewage sludge treatment community by means of wetlands and vermicomposting and the
production of fertilizer: systematic review.
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