The challenges of social participation in Santiago de Cuba
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
The actions deployed so far have been insufficient, if compared with the
central government's purposes in the informatization of the country. Both
PP (2019b) and Rodríguez et al., (2018) emphasize that the purpose is, to
achieve in society an agile, efficient, modern, electronic and socially
inclusive government. In the considerations made by Boffill et al., (2015)
indicate that the management of local public administration requires not
only to advance in the modernization of its structures, acquisition of
technological infrastructure and undertake changes that crystallize in a new
scheme of relations with citizens and businesses, but also to promote the
introduction of such changes in society to create an environment conducive
to the development of a culture of innovation and social participation in
problem solving (p. 3). In this direction, progress must continue to be made
in terms of the potential that can be contributed to the development of
social participation.
In the different mass media there are spaces for interaction and social
participation, insufficiently explored, if compared to their communicative
and participatory potential, all with presence in social networks. They
address different topics related to the economic, political, cultural, health
and sports spheres, among others, with repercussions for society. Although
they constitute internal communicative strengths for generating a formal
and organized social participation of the institutions and their society, in
some occasions, they are not effective for certain mobilizations and calls
that are carried out. However, in the communities of the municipality, it has
been found that effective communicative actions should be further
diversified and not those that generate spontaneous, impulsive and
unorganized participation, on the one hand, and, on the other hand, it is
necessary to raise the participatory culture of the subjects and their local
institutions (social, economic and political, among others).
The strategy of the AMPP with its structures in the communities.
At present, the AMPP and its management body (PP, 2019b) are perfecting
the strategy of attention to the People's Councils (CP), based on the
recognition of the latter's functions. In this sense, the strategy is limited by
the insufficient use of local diagnoses as the starting point for any social
participation action with the objective of raising the quantity and quality of
life, economic and social. Current circumstances demand a local diagnosis