Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 12, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Luis Vargas Torres Technical University
How to cite this article (APA
): Arce, T., Fernández, R., Garrido, J. (2022) Adaptation and yield of Glycine
Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador, Revista Científica
Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 12(1) 56-78
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions
of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Adaptación y rendimiento de Glycine Max L., en las condiciones agroecológicas del
cantón Quinindé en Ecuador
Tito Arce Olivo
Mater, Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres" of Esmeraldas. Campus, ORCID: 0000-0002-3194-1263
Ramiro Gaibor Fernández
Mater, Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres" of Esmeraldas. Campus,, ORICD: 0000-0002-0981-2000
Jaime Garrido Quimiz
Mater, Technical University "Luis Vargas Torres" of Esmeraldas. Campus, ORCID: 0000-0002-1847-0305
The present research was carried out on the adaptation and yield of Glycine
Max l., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton of Ecuador,
under the geographical coordinates: 00º13'33'' north latitude and
73º26'00'' west longitude, to determine the adaptation and yield of 15
soybean materials to these agroecological conditions. Fifteen treatments
and three replications were applied, using InfoStat software for significance
testing. In the experiment, soil analysis, mechanized field preparation,
sowing, weed control, fertilization, phytosanitary controls and harvesting
were carried out. The agronomic parameters evaluated were: plant height,
branches per plant, days to flowering, bearing height, pods per plant, days
to maturity, days to harvest, seeds per pod, seeds per plant and economic
analysis. The results indicate a good adaptation of all treatments;
specifically their earliness, loading height, grain weight and yield. It is
concluded that the adaptation and yield processes will contribute
significantly to the formulation of new studies, considering the growing
demand for products made from soybeans, thus benefiting producers and
crop, soybean, adaptation, yield, yield, agroecologies
Received 2021-06-02
Revised 2021-09-11
Accepted 2021-10- 21
Published 2022-01-04
Corresponding Author
Tito Arce Olivo
Pages: 56-78
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
La presente investigación se realizó adaptación y rendimiento de Glycine
Max l., en las condiciones agroecológicas del cantón Quinindé de Ecuador,
se abordó bajo las coordenadas geográficas: 00º13´33´´ de latitud norte y
73º26´00´´ de longitud oeste, para determinar la adaptación y rendimiento
de 15 materiales de soya a estas condiciones agroecológicas. Se aplicaron
15 tratamientos y 3 repeticiones, empleando el software InfoStat para las
pruebas de significancia. En el experimento, se realizó un análisis de suelo,
preparación mecanizada del terreno, siembra, control de malezas,
fertilización, controles fitosanitarios y cosecha. Se evaluaron los parámetros
agronómicos: altura de planta, ramas por planta, días a floración, altura de
carga, vainas por planta, días a maduración, días a la cosecha, semillas por
vaina, semillas por planta y el análisis económico. Los resultados indican
una buena adaptación de todos los tratamientos; específicamente su
precocidad, altura de carga, peso de grano y rendimiento. Se concluye que
los procesos de adaptación y rendimiento contribuirá significativamente en
la formulación de nuevos estudios, considerando la creciente demanda de
productos elaborados a base del grano de soya, beneficiando de esta
manera a productores y consumidores.
Palabras clave:
cultivo, soya, adaptación, rendimiento,
Soybean is an oilseed of world demand whose potential is not
being considered in Ecuador. It is an important crop for the
producers of the Ecuadorian coast, considering the
characteristics of the plant and the planting cycles, for a rotation
with grasses such as corn and rice. Soybean production is an
important crop in the provinces of the central zone (Guayas, Los
Ríos), where approximately 80% of the cultivated area is
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
In 2020, the national soybean area was 12,694 ha, with an
average yield of 1.63 T ha
, ranging from 2.2 T ha
in Valencia
to 0.53 T ha
in Urdaneta, in the province of Los Ríos. However,
76% of the producers have less than 5 ha, 10% have between
5.1 and 10 ha, and 14% have more than 10 ha. Of all producers,
19% use certified seed as planting material and 81% recycle
seed. Pests and diseases are the main reported problem for
production (63%), followed by drought (3%) and ash fall (82%);
only 1% reported problems with seedling quality (14). Soybeans
are composed of proteins, fats, carbohydrates and minerals.
Proteins are located in the protein bodies or aleurone grains and
fats in spherosomes, dispersed among the protein bodies, and
up to 22% of oils and 42% of proteins can be extracted from
The Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (2020), reports that
since 2017 its monetary values for both purchase and sale have
been decreasing. For 2019 there was a reduction of -4.8%
compared to 2018, decreasing from $ 624.34 per MT to $
594.35, this for sale. This report mentions that 64% of producers
have not received training on the technical management of the
crop, this would explain the high percentage of use of recycled
planting material. Planting is generally done in June and
harvesting takes place in October, and as is common in
agricultural production, 82% of the production goes to
intermediaries. Soil acidity and low temperatures have a more
pronounced effect on nodulation and uptake of atmospheric
nitrogen (Napoli et al., 2014). Soybean productivity and
competitiveness is significantly influenced by the type of seed
used in planting, according to MAG 65% of seed in Ecuador is
recycled, which means that the farmer keeps part of the
previous crop to plant in the next cycle, affecting the quality of
the product. Choez-Quiroz et al. (2021), point out that it is
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
necessary to develop specific actions to increase soybean
production, taking into account that training, associated with
the use of transgenic varieties, requires increasing the
technological knowledge of the crop by producers, as an
important pillar in the proper management of the crop.
According to the Survey of Surface and Continuous Agricultural
Production (ESPAC) of 2020, Esmeraldas has an area with
agricultural use of 447 447 hectares, of which 101 442
correspond to oil palm, 82 448 to the cultivation of cocoa, hard
corn 1 746 and; cassava 114, in smaller amount area where
vegetables, fruit trees and plantations of forest species are
grown. Some studies indicate that several areas have the
potential to develop soybean cultivation (Timbre, San Mateo,
Tachina, Montalvo, Rioverde, among others), which is an
excellent opportunity for farmers in these communities to
improve their income and contribute to the expansion of this
crop. However, the aforementioned problems and the lack of
knowledge about the crop could generate difficulties in its
promotion. Therefore, the National Oilseed Program
(PRONAOL) of the National Autonomous Institute of
Agricultural Research (INIAP) and the Technical University "Luis
Vargas Torres" of Esmeraldas are investigating the adaptation
of different planting materials to different ecosystems in the
central zone of Esmeraldas. The work is part of the project
"Procedures for strengthening and sustaining enterprises in the
canton of Esmeraldas, Ecuador.
Materials and methods
The experiment was conducted in the Quinindé canton,
geographic coordinates 00º13'33'' north latitude and 73º26'00"
west longitude, Esmeraldas province, Ecuador. The average
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
temperature is 26°C, average monthly rainfall is 93 mm and
relative humidity is 86%. The soil is sandy loam with 31 ppm N
(medium), 25 ppm P (high) and 0.13 meq/100 ml K (low). A pH
of 5.8 (medium acid).
The seed of the soybean materials evaluated (10781, S-867,
10485, S-864, 10734, 10795, S-772, S-731, 10017, 10032,
10489, S-891) was provided by the Department of Oilseeds of
the Litoral del Sur Experimental Station "Dr. Enrique Ampuero
Pareja" of INIAP, considering as controls the commercial
varieties INIAP-307, INIAP-308 and IJ-112-97. Due to the
characteristics of the experimental area, a Completely
Randomized Block Design (CSBD) with 15 treatments and three
replications was applied. Statistical analysis was performed
using InfoStat software.
Soil preparation consisted of two passes of plowing and one
pass of harrowing. In addition, the field was furrowed,
considering a separation between furrows of 45 cm and placing
15 seeds per linear meter at a depth of 3 cm. Thinning was
carried out 12 days after planting, eliminating the plants that
were outside the row and those that showed little vigor, leaving
12 plants per linear meter. Nitrogen fertilizer was applied 30
days after planting 60 kg N ha-1. For weed control,
Pendimentalin (1 L ha-1) was used on the same day of planting,
followed by mechanical controls every 15 days. Three irrigations
were made, due to the humidity present in the soil. The pods
were harvested according to the earliness of the materials
The following variables were evaluated:
Days to flowering: The number of days from sowing until 50%
of the plants of each treatment emitted flowers was counted. In
addition, flower color was determined for each material.
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Days to maturity: Days to maturity was considered from sowing
until 95% of the plant leaves presented yellow color.
Days to harvest: The days elapsed from planting until the plants
of each treatment reached harvest maturity were counted.
Plant height (cm): It was evaluated at 55 days, randomly
selecting 5 plants in the net plot and measuring from the base
of the plant to the apex. The result was averaged.
Height of load (cm): It was recorded at harvest, in the same
plants as the previous variable, considering the height from the
base of the soil to the point of insertion of the first pod.
Pods per plant: To evaluate this variable, the number of pods
on five randomly selected plants in each treatment and
replication was counted and then averaged.
Seeds per plant: To evaluate this variable, the number of grains
of five plants taken at random from the useful area of the plot
was counted and averaged.
Weight of 100 seeds (g): In each treatment and repetition, a
sample of 100 seeds was weighed on a precision balance, the
result was expressed in grams and the results were averaged.
Yield (kg ha-1): Yield was calculated based on the weight of
grains harvested from the useful plot of each treatment and
replicate; this value was expressed in kg ha -1.
Economic analysis: The reference costs and income generated
by the treatments evaluated were established. The net benefits
and the B/C ratio were determined.
Days to flowering
The ANAVA for days to flowering shows that there are statistical
differences among the materials evaluated. (Table 1)
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Table 1.
Days to flowering in the adaptation and yield of Glycine max
L., in the Quinindé canton.
F.V. SC gl CM F p-value
treatments 14<0 164.53 11.75 25.44 .0001
repetitions 3. 73 2 1. 87 4 .04 0.0287
Error 12.93 28 0.46
Total 44 181.20
Tukey's test indicates that materials considered early
flowered at 37 days (S-731, M-10017, M-10795, M-10781, S-
864, S-772 and S-867), medium at 40 days (M-10032, IJ-112-
97, M-10485, M-10489) and late at 42 days (S-891, INIAP 307,
INIAP 308 and M-10734). These results agree with the reports
of Cortez (2010), Guamán (2014) and Santillán (2010) (Table
Tukey's test for days to flowering in the adaptation and yield of
Glycine max L., in the Quinindé canton.
Treatments Averages n E.E.
S - 731 36.67 3A 0.39
M-10017 37.00 3A 0.39
M-10795 37.33 3A 0.39
M-10781 37.33 3A 0.39
S - 864 37.33 3A 0.39
S - 772 37.33 3A 0.39
S - 867 37.33 3A 0.39
M-10032 39.67 3 0.39 B
IJ - 112 - 97 40.00 3 0.39 B
M-10485 40.33 3 0.39 B
M-10489 40.33 3 0.39 B
S - 891 41.33 3 0.39 B
INIAP 307 41.67 3 0.39 B
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
INIAP 308 41.67 3 0.39 B
M-10734 41.67 3 0.39 B
Different letters indicate significant differences (p<=0.05).
Days to maturity
The ANAVA for days to maturity shows statistical differences
among the materials evaluated. (Table 3)
Days to maturity in the adaptation and yield of Glycine max L., in the
Quinindé canton.
F.V. SC gl CM F p-value
Treatments 14<0 306.44 21.89 8.71 .0001
Repetitions 6. 98 2 3.49 1.39 0.2661
Error 70.36 28 2.51
Total 44 383.78
Tukey's test indicates that the evaluated materials were
presented in eight groups: M-10781 matured at 86 days, at 87
days (M-10017, M-10032); at 89 days (S-891, M-10795, S-731),
at 91 days (S-864, S-867, INIAP 307, M-10734); at 93 days (IJ-
112-97, M-10489); finally at 94 days (INIAP 308, S-772). This
agrees with that reported in the adaptation evaluations carried
out by Cortez (2010) and Santillán (2010); and partially with
Holguín (2012); the local controls INIAP 307 and INIAP 308, are
presented with a harvest cycle of 120 days (Table 4).
Tukey's test for days to flowering in the adaptation and yield of
Glycine max L., in the Quinindé canton.
Treatments Averages n E.E.
M-10781 85.67 3A 0.92
M-10017 86.67 3A 0.92 B
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
M-10032 86.67 3A 0.92 B
M-10485 88.67 3A 0.92 B C
S - 891 89.33 3A 0.92 B C D
M-10795 89.33 3A 0.92 B C D
S - 731 89.33 3A 0.92 B C D
S - 864 90.67 3 0.92 B C D E
S - 867 90.67 3 0.92 B C D E
INIAP 307 90.67 3 0.92 B C D E
M-10734 90.67 3 0.92 B C D E
INIAP 308 93.33 3 0.92 C D E
IJ - 112 - 97 93.33 3 0.92 C D E
M-10489 94.00 3 0.92 D E
S - 772 94.33 3 0.92 E
Different letters indicate significant differences (p<=0.05).
Days to harvest
The ANAVA of days to harvest showed that there were
significant differences among the treatments studied (Table 5).
(Table 5)
Days to harvest in the adaptation and yield of Glycine max L. Merril in
Quinindé Canton.
F.V. SC gl CM F p-value
Treatments 2823.78 201 14 .70 26.36 <0 .0001
Repetitions 7 .78 3 2 .89 0.51 0.6070
Error 214.22 28 7.65
Total 3045.78 44
The materials that were harvested at 111 days were: M-10781;
at 112 days (M-10017, M-10032), at 113 days S-867; harvested
at 119 days M-10485; at 122 days (S-891, S-731, M-10795,
INIAP 307) at 123 days (S-864 and M-10734); at 133 days INIAP
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
308, IJ-112-97, M-10489 and S-772) . The behavior of the cores
coincides with the reports of Cortez (2010), Guamán (2014) and
Santillán (2010); and partially with the report of the Ministry of
Agriculture and Livestock (2020) (Table 6).
Tukey's test for days to harvest, adaptation and yield of Glycine max
L., in the Quinindé canton.
Treatments Averages n E.E.
M-10781 3A 110.67 1.60
M-10017 3A 111.67 1.60 B
M-10032 3A 111.67 1.60 B
S - 867 3A 113.33 1.60 B C
M-10485 3 119.33 1.60 B C D
S - 891 3 121.67 1.60 C D
S - 731 3 121.67 1.60 C D
M-10795 3 121.67 1.60 C D
INIAP 307 3 121.67 1.60 C D
S - 864 3 123.33 1.60 D
M-10734 3 123.33 1.60 D
INIAP 308 3 133.33 1.60 E
IJ - 112 - 97 133.33 3 1.60 E
M-10489 3 133.33 1.60 E
S - 772 3 133.33 1.60 E
Different letters indicate significant differences (p<=0.05).
Height of plants (cm)
The ANAVA for plant height indicated that there were no
significant differences between treatments, but there were
significant differences between replicates. The coefficient of
variation was 16.62 (Table 7).
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Plant height, adaptation and yield of Glycine max L. in Quinindé
F.V. SC gl CM F F p-value
treatments 3366.60 14 240.47 1.97 0.0615
repetitions1159 .29 2 579.64 4.75 0.0167
Error 3416.10 28 122.00
Total 7941.99 44
The Tukey test showed a single range of significance and the
materials that presented the lowest height were: S-891 (50.05
cm), S-867 (54.60 cm) and M-10795 (54.73). The greatest
heights were obtained with M-10017 (74.27 cm), IJ-112-97
(75.07 cm) and M-10489 (81.13 cm). These results have lower
values than other reports in other locations, which can be
attributed to the differences in soil quality, which explains why
statistical differences are observed between replicates as noted
by Guamán (2010) (Table 8).
Tukey's test for plant height, adaptation and yield of Glycine max L.,
in the Quinindé canton.
Treatments Averages n
S - 891 50.07 3A
S - 867 54.60 3A
M-10795 54.73 3A
S - 864 58.40 3A
M-10032 59.80 3A
M-10485 65.33 3A
INIAP 308 68.40 3A
S - 731 69.60 3A
M-10781 70.40 3A
M-10734 71.00 3A
INIAP 307 71.13 3A
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
S - 772 73.00 3A
M-10017 74.27 3A
IJ - 112 - 97 75.07 3A
M-10489 81.13 3A
Different letters indicate significant differences (p<=0.05).
Load height (cm)
The ANAVA for loading height indicates that there is a
significant difference between treatments and between
replications. The coefficient of variation was 12.87 (Table 9).
Table 9.
Loading height, in the adaptation and yield of Glycine max
L., in the Quinindé canton.
F.V. SC gl CM F p-value
treatments 0. 611.54 14 43.68 5.22 0001
repetitions 92.47 2 46.23 5.52 0.0095
Error 8 234.33 28 .37
Total 938.34 44
Tukey's test shows seven ranges of significance. In the first is M-
10781 (15.67 cm); in the second range S-867 (17.53 cm) and S-
891 (18.67 cm); in the third range M-10485 (19.13 cm), in the
fourth range M-10795 (20.27 cm), S-772 (20.67 cm), M-10017
(21.33 cm), S-731 (22.53 cm), S-864 (24.07 cm); in the next rank
are INIAP 308 (24.80 cm), IJ-112-97 (26.07 cm) and INIAP 307
(26.13 cm), then M-10734 (26.47 cm), in the last rank is M-10489
(28.40 cm). As can be seen, the INIAP 307 and INIAP 308 cores
and the IJ-112-97 material have a loading height of around 25
cm, which is appropriate according to Guamán (2010), only
being surpassed by M-10734 and M-10489 (Table 10).
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Tukey's test for loading height, adaptation and yield of Glycine max
L. in Quinindé canton.
Treatments Averages n
M-10781 15.67 3A
S - 867 17.53 3A B
S - 891 18.67 3A B
M-10485 19.13 3A B C
M-10795 20.27 3A B C D
S - 772 20.67 3A B C D
M-10017 21.33 3A B C D
S - 731 22.53 3A B C D
S - 864 24.07 3A B C D
M-10032 24.40 3A B C D
INIAP 308 24.80 3 B C D
IJ - 112 - 97 26.07 3 B C D
INIAP 307 26.13 3 B C D
M-10734 27.47 3 C D
M-10489 28.40 3 D
Different letters indicate significant differences (p<=0.05).
Number of pods per plant
The ANAVA for the number of pods per plant was not significant
for treatments or replicates. The coefficient of variation is 31.58
(Table 11).
Table 11.
ANAVA for the number of pods per plant, in the adaptation
and yield of Glycine max L., in Quinindé canton.
F.V. SC gl CM F F p-value
treatments 833.83 14 59.56 0.80 0.6625
repetitions 256.81128 2 .41 0 1.72 .1968
Error 74 2085.85 28 .49
Total 3176.49 44
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Tukey's test at 95% showed only one range of significance. The
lowest number of pods per plant occurred in the treatments: S-
891 (21 pods), M-10734 (22 pods), M-10017 (25 pods), S-772,
M-10032 and S-867 (25 pods); IJ-112-97 and M-10795 (26
pods); M-10485 and S-731 (27 pods); S-864 (28 pods); INIAP
307 (29 pods); M-10781 and M-10489 (34 pods) and; the highest
number of pods per plant was obtained in INIAP 308 (37 pods).
As can be observed, materials M-10781 and M-10489, obtained
similar values to the INIAP 307 and INIAP 308 controls, reported
by Guamán (2010). However, a significant reduction in this
parameter was observed for material IJ-112-97, which could be
due to soil problems at the experimental site. (Table 12)
Table 12.
Tukey's test for the number of pods per plant, in the
adaptation and yield of Glycine max L., in Quinindé canton.
Treatments Averages n
S - 891 20.87 3A
M-10734 22.87 3A
M-10017 24.53 3A
S - 772 24.67 3A
M-10032 25.27 3A
S - 867 25.33 3A
IJ - 112 - 97 25.60 3A
M-10795 25.73 3A
M-10485 26.67 3A
S - 731 26.73 3A
S - 864 27.93 3A
INIAP 307 28.73 3A
M-10781 33.53 3A
M-10489 34.20 3A
INIAP 308 37.27 3A
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Different letters indicate significant differences (p<=0.05).
Number of seeds per plant
The ANAVA for the number of seeds per plant indicates that
there are no significant differences among the treatments
studied. The coefficient of variation is 35.17 (Table 13).
Table 13.
ANAVA for the number of seeds per plant, in the adaptation
and yield of Glycine max L., in Quinindé canton.
F.V. SC gl CM F F p-value
treatments 0.3898.89 14 278.49 0.62 8234
repetitions1220.54 2 610.27 1.37 0.2718
Error 12517.4828 447.05
Total 17636.9144
Tukey's test shows a single range of significance: S-891 (47
seeds), M-10032 (48 seeds), M-10734 (49 seeds), S-772 (52
seeds), M-10017 (56 seeds), S-731 (57 seeds), M-10795 (58
seeds), S-867 and S-864 (59 seeds); M-10485 (62 seeds); IJ-
112-97 (63 seeds); INIAP 307 (65 seeds); M-10781 (69 seeds);
INIAP 308 and M-10489 (78 seeds). As can be seen, M-10781
and M-10489 show a good potential for this zone (Table 14).
Table 14.
Tukey's test for the number of seeds per plant, in the
adaptation and yield of Glycine max L., in Quinindé canton.
Treatments Averages n
S - 891 47.47 3A
M-10032 48.20 3A
M-10734 48.53 3A
S - 772 52.27 3A
M-10017 55.93 3A
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
S - 731 57.33 3A
M-10795 57.73 3A
S - 867 58.80 3A
S - 864 59.40 3A
M-10485 62.47 3A
IJ - 112 - 97 62.87 3A
INIAP 307 65.47 3A
M-10781 69.20 3A
INIAP 308 78.00 3A
M-10489 78.13 3A
Different letters indicate significant differences (p<=0.05).
Weight of 100 seeds
The ANAVA for the weight of 100 seeds indicates that there
are significant differences among the treatments studied. The
coefficient of variation is 10.75 (Table 15).
Table 15.
ANAVA for the weight of 100 seeds, in the adaptation and
yield of Glycine max L., in Quinindé canton.
F.V. SC gl CM F F p-value
treatments 66.31 14 4.74 2.68 0.0127
repetitions 8 .58 0 2 4.29 2.43 .1064
Error 49.42 28 1.77
Total 124.3144
Tukey's test shows three ranges of significance: in the first one
is M-10734 (10.33); in the second one S-891 and M-10795
(11.00 seeds), M-10734 (49 seeds), S-772 (52 seeds), M-10017
(56 seeds), S-731 (57 seeds), M-10795 (58 seeds), S-867 and S-
864 (59 seeds); M-10485 (62 seeds); IJ-112-97 (63 seeds);
INIAP 307 (65 seeds); M-10781 (69 seeds); INIAP 308 and M-
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
10489 (78 seeds). The results of the controls, agree with the
reports of Cortez (2010), Guamán (2014) and Santillán (2010)
(Table 16).
Table 16.
Tukey's test for the weight of 100 seeds, in the adaptation
and yield of Glycine max L., in Quinindé canton.
Treatments Averages n
M-10734 10.33 3A
S - 891 11.00 3A B
M-10795 11.00 3A B
S - 867 11.33 3A B
M-10485 11.67 3A B
S - 772 11.67 3A B
M-10032 11.67 3A B
M-10781 12.67 3A B
M-10489 12.67 3A B
IJ - 112 - 97 12.67 3A B
S - 864 13.00 3A B
S - 731 13.00 3A B
INIAP 307 14.00 3A B
INIAP 308 14.00 3A B
M-10017 14.67 3 B
Different letters indicate significant differences (p<=0.05).
Yield (kg ha
The ANAVA for yield (kg ha
) indicates that there are significant
differences among the treatments studied (Table 17). (Table 17)
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Table 17.
ANAVA for yield (kg ha
) for the weight of 100 seeds, in the
adaptation and yield of Glycine max L., in Quinindé canton.
F.V. SC gl CM F p-value
treatments 28831293.41 14 2059378.10 6.01 0.0001
repetitions 5242884.52 0 2 2621442.26 7.64 .0022
Error 9602004.86 28 342928.74
Total 43676182.7944
Tukey's test for yield (kg ha
), shows three ranges of
significance: in the first is S-772 (1511.10), S-891 (1562.97), M-
10485 (1847.40), M-10032 (2293.33), M-10795 (2405.90), M-
10734 (2484.43), INIAP 307 (2666.63), S-731 (2742.20), S-864
(2825.17), M-10489 (2897.77), M-10781 (2905.20), S-867
(3057.77), IJ-112-97 (3118.53); in the second rank is located M-
10017 (3248.90); and, the highest yield was obtained with the
INIAP 308 control (4974.80). coinciding with that reported by
Guamán (2010); although it differs with Santillán (2010).(Table
Table 18.
Tukey's test for yield (kg ha
), in the adaptation and yield of
Glycine max L., in Quinindé canton.
Treatments Averages n
S - 772 1511.10 3A
S - 891 1562.97 3A
M-10485 1847.40 3A
M-10032 2293.33 3A
M-10795 2405.90 3A
M-10734 2484.43 3A
INIAP 307 2666.63 3A
S - 731 2742.20 3A
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
S - 864 2825.17 3A
M-10489 2897.77 3A
M-10781 2905.20 3A
S - 867 3057.77 3A
IJ - 112 - 97 3118.53 3A
M-10017 3248.90 3A B
INIAP 308 4974.80 3 B
Different letters indicate significant differences (p<=0.05).
Economic analysis
The economic analysis indicates that the highest profits are
obtained with the materials INIAP 308 ($ 2334.89), followed by
M-10017 ($ 1299.33), IJ-112-97 ($1221.11) and S-867
($1184.67). Therefore, the materials M-10017 and S-867,
indicate the convenience from the economic point of view for
the soybean producer. However, evaluations are necessary,
considering that edaphic and climatic factors may limit these
values Guamán (2010) and Holguín (2013). (Table 19).
Table 19.
Economic analysis of the adaptation and yield of Glycine
max L. in Quinindé Canton.
S - 867
S - 864
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
S - 772
S - 731
S - 891
The materials evaluated in the research showed a good
response when their agronomic performance was compared
with the three controls recommended by INIAP. However,
differences were observed in several agronomic parameters
such as days to flowering, days to maturity and harvest, plant
and load height, number of branches and pods, 100-grain
weight and yield. It is necessary to mention that M-10017, M-
10734, M-10489, S-864 and S731 stood out for their earliness,
plant height and load, yield and grain weight, and could be
considered as promising in the agroecological environment of
Quinindé canton, Esmeraldas province; although the yield of
Adaptation and yield of Glycine Max L., in the agroecological conditions of the Quinindé canton in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
the INIAP-308 variety, considered as a control in this study, since
it is already released for commercialization, stands out clearly,
even with the different soil conditions in terms of texture and
nutrient availability, which could affect the behavior of some
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