Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 12, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Luis Vargas Torres Technical University
How to cite this article (APA
): Zavaleta, F., Hinojosa, C., Cueva, E., Morante, M. (2022) Economic Impact
of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru, Revista Científica
Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 12(1) 95-122
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City
of Chachapoyas, Peru
Impacto Económico Del Covid 19 En Las Agencias De Viajes Y Turismo De La Ciudad
De Chachapoyas Perú
Franklin Omar Zavaleta Chávez Arroyo
Master's degree. National University Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza,
ORCID: 0000-0001-9670-7761
Carlos Alberto Hinojosa Salazar
PhD. National University Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza,, ORCID: 0000-
Edinson Cueva Vega
MsC. National University Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza,, ORICD: 0000-
Manuel Antonio Morante Dávila
Master's degree. National University Toribio Rodriguez de Mendoza,,
ORCID: 0000-0003-3098-9019
The objective of the study is to analyze the economic impact of Covid-19
on travel and tourism agencies in the city of Chachapoyas in Peru during
the year 2021. The methodology is developed under a quantitative
approach, gathering information through interviews and surveys applied to
31 travel and tourism agencies in the city of Chachapoyas. In the results, it
has been determined that the sanitary measures given by the government
because of the Covid-19 pandemic, causing a serious negative economic
impact on travel and tourism agencies, resulting in 29% of the total number
of tourist agencies closing temporarily, 19.4% of companies are operating
part-time, which means that almost half of the travel and tourism agencies
have decided to reinvent themselves in other commercial areas, due to the
low demand of domestic and foreign tourists who visit us. It is concluded
that the impacts of the pandemic on these sectors require adjustments in
the decision making process.
Received 2021-04-02
Revised 2021-07-11
Accepted 2021-11- 21
Published 2022-01-04
Corresponding Author
Franklin Omar Zavaleta Chávez
Pages: 95-122
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Economic impact, Covid-19, travel agencies and tourism.
El objetivo de estudio es analizar el impacto económico del Covid-19, en
las agencias de viaje y turismo de la ciudad de Chachapoyas en Perú
durante el año 2021. La metodología se desarrolla bajo un enfoque
cuantitativo, recopila información, a través de entrevistas y encuestas
aplicadas a 31 agencias de viaje y turismo de la ciudad de Chachapoyas.
En los resultados, se ha determinado que las medidas sanitarias dadas por
el gobierno a causa de la pandemia del Covid-19, ocasionando un grave
impacto económico negativo en las agencias de viaje y turismo, teniendo
como consecuencia que el 29% del total de las agencias turísticas cierren
temporalmente, el 19.4%, de empresas viene funcionando a tiempo
parcial, lo que implica que casi la mitad de las agencias de viaje y turismo
han decidido, reinventarse en otros rubros comerciales, en razón de la baja
demanda de turistas nacionales y extranjeros que nos visitan. Se concluye
que los impactos de la pandemia sobre estos sectores obligan a generar
ajustes en el proceso de toma de decisiones.
Palabras clave:
Impacto económico, Covid-19, agencias de viaje y
Covid-19, first reported by the World Health Organization, did
not imagine that a few months later, this disease would result in
the closing of borders and the confinement of the population.
According to the World Health Organization (2020), the first
report was identified in December 2019, in the city of Wuhan,
capital of Hubei province, in the People's Republic of China, in
that period were identified people showing signs of an unknown
pneumonia, most of these affected people were linked to
workers in the wholesale seafood market in the city of Wuhan,
during this period the existence of the virus was still unknown,
the cases occur between December 12 and 29 according to the
health authorities of Wuhan.
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
According to the World Health Organization (2020), On the first
day of January 2020, China's health authorities closed the
wholesale seafood market where they suspected the source of
the virus, then on January 5, 2020, the Municipal Health
Commission announced that a retrospective investigation into
the outbreak of the virus was launched after it was discovered
that wild animals sold in the market may be the source of the
According to CNN English (2020), on January 7, 2020, Chinese
authorities confirmed that the virus had been identified as a new
coronavirus initially named 2019-nCoV by the WHO. Also, on
January 11, 2020, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission
announced the first death that was caused by the coronavirus,
on January 13, 2020 the Thai authorities announced a case of
coronavirus infection, a Chinese citizen who had arrived from
Wuhan, and in this way the Covid 19- was spreading around the
world, subsequently it was declared a pandemic due to the
worldwide spread and an unexpected increase of Covid-19
cases, which has generated radical negative impacts on the
global economy.
The auditing organization Ernst & Young (2020), mentioned that
the economic instability caused by the pandemic, began with
the needs of the 15 health systems, closures of companies,
educational centers, stores and reducing the productivity of a
country or region, the Covid -19 affects most productive sectors
in the world such as: textile industry, due to the closure of
factories, in Suzhou (city in China), where the largest percentage
of bridal dresses sold worldwide are made, the technology
industry, the export of smartphones had a significant economic
fall followed by tourism.
According to the World Tourism Organization Word Tourism
Organization (2020), Covid-19 generated many negative
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
consequences such as: the number of international tourists was
reduced in the first semester of 2020, generating losses in
international tourism revenues. The aviation industry has also
been affected, due to travel restrictions and reduced demand
for flights and airport closures. With respect to the
pharmaceutical industry, the effects suffered by this industry
have been mainly the redistribution of resources in order to
increase the production capacity of key drugs for the treatment
of Covid-19, and the search for new treatments and vaccines.
The hydrocarbon market has also been affected by this
pandemic, and has gone through the worst crisis in history, due
to the low demand caused by the confinement, people did not
drive, there were no flights, there was no way to increase its
demand; in the industrial and manufacturing sector, the closing
of factories in Italy has also suffered the consequences of this
sanitary crisis, severely affecting the production of European
The Single Digital Platform of the State (2020), mentioned that
in 2020 the virus has spread rapidly and increased the
uncertainty of several important economic sectors worldwide,
causing the largest global recession in history. The first case
reported in Peru was announced by the President of the
Republic, Martin Vizcarra, on March 6, 2020. On March 15,
2020, the Peruvian government decreed a state of emergency
and mandatory social isolation at the national level, measures
that were recurrently extended on several occasions. These
measures were not enough to stop the contagion, which quickly
spread to several regions of our country after the first case,
resulting in thousands of deaths, even more with the arrival of
the second wave of Covid-19, which also had serious
consequences on the Peruvian economy.
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
According to the Single Digital Platform of the State (2020), the
pandemic is causing a serious catastrophic impact on the
economy of Peru, with a future that is still unknown, this disease
is configured as the worst pandemic that has been experienced
in recent years, due to the bankruptcy of trade flows worldwide,
in the case of Peru this has affected because one way to stop
the spread of this virus has been through social isolation,
resulting in the cutting of economic circuits, also falling
significantly the gross domestic product.
According to the University of Lima (2020), when the pandemic
began, it was estimated that 60% of the economic activity had
been suspended, and only 40% of the economic engines were
working, which resulted in unemployment and a substantial
decrease in household income, as well as a major problem for
informal workers, who represent 70% of the labor force.
The Peruvian government during the year 2020 has allocated
significant resources to mitigate the health and financial effects
of the pandemic, but the results have not been so favorable for
Peruvian families, the country has collapsed hospitals and a very
large shortage of oxygen respirators, which in turn serve to
increase the capacity of ICU (Intensive Care Unit) beds.
The economic impact of the pandemic had consequences and
social impact due to the rapid spread of Covid 19, the World
Health Organization (WHO) publicly declared a global
pandemic, causing shortages of basic necessities, generating
shortages of medicines and personal protection, finally
producing a rise in prices in these, expanding this behavior
throughout Peru, also the prolongation of social isolation
caused many people decided to return to their home city, due
to lack of work; In the education sector, after the first case of
Covid-19 became known, the Ministry of Education decided to
postpone the start of classes in all public and private schools,
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
the same measures were taken for public and private
universities, and measures were taken to implement distance
education, creating the program Aprendo en casa (I learn at
home), through virtual classes for public schools.
According to the Peruvian Institute of Economics (2020), in the
transportation sector, when the state decreed a national state
of emergency to deal with COVID-19, it caused the closure of
the country's borders, where it was indicated that the measures
are given for international and interprovincial passenger
services, The measures were also issued to prevent the spread
of COVID-19 in urban transportation in the city of Lima,
extending this measure to other regions of the country, and in
economic terms the sectors most affected by the quarantine
are: mining, tourism, commerce and fishing, preventing the
export of anchoveta and the processing of fishmeal, the latter
being for the country a major world producer with sales of about
900 thousand metric tons.
Similarly, the Peruvian Institute of Economics (2020), indicates
that the tourism sector is one of the most affected by the
pandemic, receiving annually 4.5 million tourists and
representing 3% of GDP, has come to record losses that directly
affect restaurants, lodging, travel agencies and tourism, among
The Amazon region, especially the Chachapoyas support center
where tourists arrive and from here they travel to the different
tourist resources, tourism is one of the main economic activities,
since it provides livelihoods for thousands of people and the
pandemic has caused an economic impact that has affected
tourism service providers.
Tourism generates employment, as borders are closed and air
travel is drastically reduced, in the first half of 2020 domestic
and international tourist arrivals decreased drastically and
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
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therefore tourism service providers do not have tourists to
provide their services.
To date, there have been no significant or encouraging
advances for the reactivation of the economy, because
corruption in our country also caused the problematic situation
we are currently experiencing, the responsibility of public
officials was to mitigate the virus, they found in the pandemic
an opportunity for enrichment, the response of the state have
not been the most successful, at present, there is a minimum
percentage of vaccines, and the recovery will depend largely on
the management capacity of our rulers.
Therefore, our research aims to answer the following question:
What is the economic impact of COVID 19 on travel and tourism
agencies in the city of Chachapoyas, 2021? For the
development of the research, it was considered relevant the
contributions taken from researches with variables similar to the
study, so they served as background of the research that
provide necessary data and give consistency to the study, at the
international and national level, research was conducted at the
regional and local level and having not found similar research.
According to Pulido and Cabello (2020), in their research
entitled "Analysis of the economic impact of the coronavirus on
the tourism sector in Colombia". Carried out at the Faculty of
Economic and Administrative Sciences, Specialization in
Financial Administration, of the Catholic University of Colombia.
The general objective of the research was to analyze the actions
taken by the government, as a result of the sanitary and
economic emergency situation of the country, to mitigate the
increase of cases caused by the Covid19, and in what
magnitude this has affected the tourism sector, another of the
objectives is to provide alternatives for the reactivation of the
tourism sector. The research reached the following conclusions:
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Sanitary emergencies given by the state have been present
since previous years, caused by other types of contagious
diseases, which have caused great impact on the world
economy, affecting almost all economic sectors, one of them is
tourism. In Colombia, the tourism sector has represented one of
the most important sectors of the national economy, generating
considerable jobs. As a result of the arrival of Covid-19, sanitary,
economic and social measures were taken to prevent the spread
of Covid-19. Based on the decisions taken by the government,
it generated the closure of all means of transportation, which
had repercussions on the low demand of the tourist sector,
causing unemployment and poverty, because this sector was
not prepared to face a situation of great magnitude.
According to Castillo and Loja (2020), in their research entitled
"impact on tourism development in the family economy of
Jambeli Island". Carried out in the Faculty of Social Sciences, of
the Professional Career of Social Work, of the Technical
University of Machala. The general objective of the research was
to investigate the occurrence of tourism development in the
family economy, related to elements of risk of contagion of the
Covid-19 pandemic of the inhabitants of Jambeli Island. The
research used the survey technique, by means of the respective
instrument such as the questionnaire, with this, information was
obtained and data was collected. The survey was applied to
families and people who offer or undertake a business, with the
purpose of knowing their criteria about the problem in the
context of the COVID-19 pandemic and with them to identify
the level of affectation to their economy. The research reached
the following conclusions: tourism is the area most affected by
the pandemic caused by Covid-19, causing many families who
depended on tourism to generate income to seek employment
opportunities in other areas and often in other countries, since
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
the labor sector was also seriously affected, as several tourism
companies went bankrupt and others closed temporarily.
Currently, Jambeli Island has resumed its tourism activities,
implementing a biosecurity plan to prevent the spread of Covid-
19. Tourism is a fundamental source of income for families on
Jambeli Island.
According to Umaña (2020), in his research entitled "Affectación
empresarial costarricense desde la llegada de la COVID-19
aplicado a la zona de Pérez Zeledón durante en II y III trimestre
del año 2020". Carried out at the Faculty of Economics and
Administrative Sciences, Department of Marketing and Market
Research, of the Doctorate Program in Economics and Business
Sciences, of the University of Granada. The general objective of
the research was to determine to what extent Covid-19 affected
the country, and what measures have been taken by the Costa
Rican government. The research was determined by the
investigation of data or the search for solutions. With scientific
rigor, research is a series of procedures that are carried out in
order to reach new knowledge about a fact that, once found,
can help us to create conclusions and solutions to the situations
caused by them. The research concluded that the solution for
the tourism sector comes from the application of two principles:
the geopolitical one, regarding the geographical situation of the
country and, on the other hand, the value of the tourism sector
since it should be considered as a fundamental mechanism of
the country's economy.
According to De la Barra, Bocanegra and Mayo (2020), in their
research entitled "Economic effects on inbound tourism,
hydrocarbon exploitation and the mining industry due to Covid-
19 in Peru". The general objective of the research was to analyze
the economic effects of Covid-19 on tourism and other sectors
of the national economy. The research was carried out under a
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
descriptive scope, the purpose was to gather necessary and
precise information to establish a work of analysis on the main
variables of qualitative character. On the other hand, it
establishes a character of correlational scope with respect to the
main events and measures established and consequent effects
for the mentioned sectors. The research reached the following
conclusions: each of the economic sectors plays an important
role in the development of the country. However, with the arrival
of Covid-19, social confinement measures were taken, causing
the industrial, hydrocarbon and tourism sectors to have an
abysmal halt in their operations, urging solutions to be provided
by the Peruvian state. The government has implemented
programs for companies and subsidies for the most vulnerable
people, giving them new opportunities to reinvent themselves
According to Meza (2020), in his research entitled "Apavid y
Turismo Seguro Post Pandemia del Covid-19". Conducted at
the Faculty of Communication, Communication career,
University of Lima. The general objective of the research was to
propose a comprehensive communication campaign for APAVIT
that could be implemented after the COVID-19 pandemic. The
research reached the following conclusions: Covid-19 has
generated concern and rejection of the measures taken by the
government, when the health crisis comes to an end, the
reactivation of tourism has to be associated with people who
are not vulnerable, people whose priority is to know different
places, people where the health crisis has not affected their
economy, and provide appropriate measures and confidence,
to successfully revive tourism.
According to Ramos (2020), in his research entitled "Design of
campaign on safety in receptive tourism for social networks to
contribute to increase the flow of foreign receptive tourists aged
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
50 to 60 years in the context covid-19". Carried out in the
Faculty of Humanities, of the professional career of Art and
Business Design, of the San Ignacio de Loyola University. The
general objective of the research was to investigate the
prognosis of the reduction in the flow of tourists between 50
and 60 years old by 2021 due to the high number of infections
and deaths caused by COVID-19 in Peru. The research was
based on a work and the methods used were: Surveys and
interviews. The research reached the following conclusions: the
proposed project can be successful and viable since it
contributes social and economic factors, where work must be
done to regain the confidence of tourists, this means a
challenge that would be successful if there is a comprehensive
plan with the correct sanitary measures.
According to Cruz and Peréz (2021), in their research entitled
"Current diagnosis of the strategic collaboration of stakeholders
in the Peruvian tourism sector (chain hotels, guild, media,
Government of Peru and Government of Chile) aimed at Chilean
tourists during the COVID-19 pandemic: push and pull
motivations, and crisis management". Carried out at the School
of Management and Senior Management, to obtain the
professional degree of Bachelor in Management, Pontificia
Universidad Católica del Perú. The general objective of the
research was to diagnose the current state of strategic
collaboration among stakeholders of the Peruvian tourism
sector consulted and aimed at Chilean tourists during the
COVID-19 pandemic. This research is descriptive and
correlational in scope. On the one hand, the descriptive scope
seeks to specify the characteristics and profiles of the group to
be investigated. It has been considered pertinent to use the
mixed approach for the present research; that is, the collection
and analysis of quantitative and qualitative data. The research
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
reached the following conclusions: tourism and the hotel
industry are interrelated, being in crisis due to the measures
adopted by the government that prevent tourism. On the other
hand, there is evidence of a bad image of many tourist centers,
related to hygiene, cleanliness, safety and infrastructure, tourists
stated that these are factors that should be improved.
According to Ríos and Rodríguez (2020), in their research
entitled "La pandemia de la covid-19 y su afección en la
situación económica financiera del Hotel Bracamonte, distrito
de Huanchaco 2020". Carried out at the Faculty of Business
Sciences, Professional School of Administration, Universidad
Cesar Vallejo. The general objective of the research was to
determine the degree to which covid-19 affects the Hotel's
finances. The present research thesis is of applied type, because
its main purpose is to solve a problem in a short period of time
and the research design is non-experimental. The research
reached the following conclusions: it was established that the
pandemic produced by Covid-19, had as a consequence the
dismissal of personnel in the Hotel Bracamonte, affecting also
the decrease of clients within the Hotel. The pandemic also
caused a loss in the year 2020.
According to Soriano (2020), in his research entitled "Musical
events to contribute to the tourist offer of the historical center
of Lima, proposal of the post-pandemic musical circuit 2020".
Carried out at the Faculty of Communication Sciences, Tourism
and Psychology, of the professional school of Tourism and Hotel
Management, of the San Martin de Porres University. The
general objective of the research was to propose how musical
events contribute to the tourist offer of the Historic Center of
Lima in the post-pandemic situation. The research was based on
a qualitative research study and the phenomenological design
was used. It is worth mentioning that qualitative research seeks
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
to deepen the understanding of a phenomenon under study,
and not to generalize "the phenomenological design aims to
describe and understand the phenomena from the point of view
of each individual from the collectively constructed perspective.
The research reached the following conclusions, it was
determined that musical cultural activities have been present in
places near Plaza San Martin and Plaza Mayor in Lima, where
there were musical concerts of different musical genres, this
event causes the interest of visitors from various parts of Peru
and the world, as for the creation of, could cause a benefit for
both tourism and musical events. According to the data
obtained through the analysis of interviews, the spaces where
concerts were held before the pandemic are very important and
well-known places, and at the same time, these spaces have
been recognized as places of tourist movement; the musical
circuit could be of great help to further diversify the tourism
Materials and methods
The study will be made up of 31 travel and tourism agencies in the
city of Chachapoyas, according to the directory of the Regional
Directorate of Foreign Trade and Tourism of Amazonas 2020. The
sample is made up of 100%, which is equivalent to 31 travel and
tourism agencies in the city of Chachapoyas.
The sampling is a non-probabilistic sample by convenience, so the
sample will be established by 31 travel and tourism agencies, which
are located in the city of Chachapoyas.
The following project and research will be designed under the
methodological approach of the quantitative approach, since it is
intended to explain the economic impact of Covid-19 on travel and
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
tourism agencies in the city of Chachapoyas, which is generally
focused and quantified in data collection.
According to Hernández; Fernández and Baptista (2014), he mentions
that quantitative and qualitative and mixed approaches form possible
choices to address research problems and are valuable. They are the
best ways designed by mankind to inquire and forge knowledge.
Research is a set of systematic, critical and empirical methods applied
to the study of a problem, the quantitative approach is one that uses
data collection to test hypotheses based on numerical measurement
and statistical analysis, in order to establish patterns of behavior and
test theories.
The data collection techniques are the interview and the survey. The
development of the research was based on the travel and tourism
agencies of the city of Chachapoyas-2021, which began with the
direct interview of the current reality and the situation before the
pandemic, dialogue with workers, administrators, managers, who are
in charge of the travel and tourism agencies who revealed the financial
situation they are currently experiencing as a result of the Covid-19
Recognizing the little support from local, regional and national
governments, they recognize that they are looking for strategies so
that their companies do not close, and continue to fight every day to
maintain their image and their brand in the market. In the same way,
the theories were reviewed that allowed to propose the research, to
then carry out the design and development of the same, considering
the theoretical foundations that will serve as a basis for the realization
of the research, which has an impact on the reality found.
Likewise, the survey was applied, which is a data collection technique
designed as a study instrument consisting of a set of questions
directed to the sample represented by the travel and tourism
agencies of the city of Chachapoyas, which was carried out through
the interaction of the interviewee and the interviewer in order to
resolve doubts and misinterpretations of the questionnaire, thus
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
obtaining reliable, accurate and truthful results. Data analysis,
statistically the study will be analyzed through the analysis of
information in two phases.
First phase: simple descriptive analysis, the survey was the instrument
used for this research, validated by a professional who has extensive
experience in the subject, applied to the population and sample,
which will be represented in statistical tables and figures. The
reliability of the instrument, in the same way the reliability of the study
instrument, in this case the questionnaire, was carried out by means
of the statistical software SPSS, which gave a high degree of reliability
in all its dimensions.
Second phase: Inferential descriptive statistics, the statistical data will
be collected and submitted to the SPSS program (Statistical Package
for Social Sciences version), analyzing the statistical data and the level
of significance.
Considering the questionnaire as an application instrument and
reliable source of information, aimed at determining the economic
impact of travel and tourism agencies in the city of Chachapoyas-
2021, the results of which respond to the objectives set out in the
To identify general data on travel and tourism agencies in
It was found that of the 31 people surveyed, the travel and tourism
agencies are mostly made up of male staff, which at the same time
have a higher degree of university education, 93.7% of companies
have active ruc and been, 100% of travel agencies and tourism, have
a municipal license and registration in the Dircetur and Gercetur,
93.5% of travel agencies and tourism belong to a micro and small
business, and 54.8% belong to retail travel agencies, followed by tour
operators and wholesale travel agencies. It was also identified that the
most important secondary activities of the companies are
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
transportation, restaurant and lodging services, and finally, the tools
most used by travel and tourism agencies to promote their economic
activity are social networks and the website.
SO2. Identify the current situation and expectations of the agencies
It was verified that of the 31 people surveyed the results show that
51.6%, of travel and tourism agencies are working full time, another
percentage of 29%, of travel and tourism agencies have closed due
to the pandemic and others are working part time, With regard to the
variation of sales 32.3% of, expressed that their sales have dropped
considerably by up to 100%, in other cases 80 and 90% comparing
2020 sales with 2019 sales, the same scenario was observed to the
first quarter of 2020, where 45.5%, indicated that their sales dropped,
while other companies are without commercial activity since the
beginning of the pandemic.
SO3. To identify the employability situation in travel and tourism
agencies, before and during the Covid-19 pandemic.
With regard to labor, another aspect that has been most affected by
Covid-19, the travel and tourism agencies in the city of Chachapoyas
have two types of personnel: permanent, which refers to those who
perform administrative work, and temporary workers, who are those
who perform field work. Before the pandemic, the travel and tourism
agencies had a maximum of 10 permanent workers and a minimum of
1.It is also important to mention that 93.5% of travel and tourism
agencies are micro and small enterprises (MSEs), which means that
MSEs should not have more than 10 workers. And as temporary
workers, they have worked with a maximum of 10 people and a
minimum of 2.
At present, these figures have decreased considerably to the point of
having a maximum of 04 permanent workers, and as for temporary
workers, they have remained at a maximum of 10.
Now, with regard to the method of payment before Covid, only 3.2%
of the companies have had a maximum of 07 workers on the payroll,
and a considerable percentage have been receiving their
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
remuneration through a receipt for fees, currently only 3.2% have a
maximum of 04 workers on the payroll, maintaining the high
percentage of workers who receive their remuneration through a
receipt for fees. On the other hand, 58.1% of people working in travel
and tourism agencies have been developing their activities in a face-
to-face manner, as well as performing mixed work. and that there is a
decrease in the reduction of personnel salaries with a percentage
figure of 38.7%, and another group representing 38.7% of
entrepreneurs have decided to maintain their workers' salaries.
Identify the indebtedness and payment capacity of travel and tourism
agencies in Chachapoyas produced by COVID-19.
This specific objective refers to credits granted by the state such as
Reactive Peru, where 77.4% indicated that they have not been able
to access these credits, either for reasons of not meeting the
requirements, or other reasons, however 22.However, 22.6% did
manage to access credits through the Reactive Peru program. With
regard to the Fae Mype credits, 100% of people have not been able
to obtain these benefits, in the same way as with the Fae Tourism
program where 100% also mentioned that they did not obtain credits
through these programs, for reasons of having received Reactive
Peru, or because they do not meet the requirements or other reasons.
SO5. Identify measures, actions, scenarios and aspects of travel and
tourism agencies in Chachapoyas to overcome the crisis produced by
It was found that the measures and actions that travel and tourism
agencies have used or have been using, 32.On the other hand, 71%
of businessmen indicated that the most probable scenario for their
companies is to continue with the business, while 29% do not know
what is coming for this sector. One of the positive aspects that they
consider to reactivate tourism is vaccination with 71%, as well as the
improvement of infrastructure; 58.1% also consider that quarantines
are negative aspects that will most affect the reactivation of tourism.
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
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Put forward recommendations to overcome the crisis produced by
The businessmen belonging to the travel and tourism agencies
indicated that it would be convenient and necessary to avoid the
restrictions, allowing a higher percentage of capacity for the tourist
centers, logically with the corresponding and necessary measures,
and hopes that the next government will speed up the vaccination
issue, and provide solutions for economic reactivation, supporting this
time the smaller companies that to date have not been among the
priorities of the state and that the credit programs have been of more
benefit to large companies.
In the results of the research work it was possible to know and identify
the magnitude of the economic impact that Covid-19, and
consequently the pandemic, has had on the travel and tourism
agencies in the city of Chachapoyas, therefore, it has been
determined that the sanitary measures taken by the government
because of the pandemic caused by Covid-19, has caused a serious
negative economic impact on travel and tourism agencies, resulting
in 29% of all tourist agencies temporarily closing their businesses,
19% of businesses are operating part-time, which means that almost
half of the travel and tourism agencies have decided to reinvent
themselves in other business areas, due to the low demand for
domestic and foreign tourists that has received.This means that
almost half of the travel and tourism agencies have decided to
reinvent themselves in other commercial areas due to the low demand
of national and foreign tourists that the city of Chachapoyas has
Likewise, De la Barra & Bocanegra y Mayo (2020), who indicates that
the economic sectors play an important role in the development of
the country, however, with the arrival of Covid-19, measures of social
confinement have been taken, causing several sectors such as
tourism, to have an abysmal halt in their operations, where many
companies have been forced to reinvent themselves economically in
other areas. I come to agree with the conclusions given by the author
mentioned above.
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
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This has also had an impact on the level of sales. As of March 2020,
when the government decreed a national sanitary emergency, the
decrease in sales began, and compared to 2019, at least 32.3% of the
travel and tourism agencies had no income, while the rest of the travel
and tourism agencies had only a minimum percentage margin of sales
in that year.
By the end of 2020, it was believed that the disease caused by Covid-
19 was already under control, so the government would have
indicated the opening of several economic sectors, including tourism,
without imagining that, in the first quarter of 2021, the second wave
of Covid-19 would begin, which again brought many limitations for
this sector, and that sales in the first quarter have remained in little or
no encouraging figures.
Similarly, Pulido & Cabello (2020) report that following the arrival of
Covid-19, sanitary, economic and social measures were taken to
prevent the spread of Covid-19. Based on the decisions taken by the
government, this led to the closure of all means of transportation,
which had an impact on the low demand in the tourism sector and
therefore also affected the level of sales.
On the other hand, with regard to labor, another aspect that has been
most affected by Covid-19, the travel and tourism agencies in the city
of Chachapoyas have two types of personnel: permanent, which refers
to those people who perform administrative work, and temporary
workers, who are those who perform field work; before the pandemic,
the travel and tourism agencies had a maximum of 10 permanent
workers and a minimum of 1.It is also important to mention that 93.5%
of travel and tourism agencies are micro and small enterprises (MSEs),
which means that MSEs should not have more than 10 workers. And
as temporary workers, they have worked with a maximum of 10
people and a minimum of 2.
At present, these figures have decreased considerably to the point of
having a maximum of 04 permanent workers, and as for temporary
workers, they have remained at a maximum of 10.
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
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Now, with respect to the payment method before Covid, only 3.2%
of the companies had a maximum of 07 workers on the payroll, and a
considerable percentage have been receiving their remuneration by
means of a receipt for fees, currently only 3.2% have a maximum of
04 workers on the payroll, maintaining the high percentage of workers
who receive their remuneration by means of a receipt for fees.
Ríos and Rodríguez (2020) also mention in their research that the
pandemic produced by Covid-19 resulted in the dismissal of
Pulido and Cabello (2020) also agree that Covid-19 has had an impact
on the low demand in the tourism sector, causing unemployment and
poverty, since the sector was not prepared to face a situation of such
In this sense, we agree with the author regarding the reduction of
personnel in travel and tourism agencies, which has resulted in
unemployment. On the subject of employability there is much to say,
starting by making a constructive criticism to the companies of the
tourist sector, since in the data it has reflected that the majority of the
workers are not in payroll, let us remember that the temporary workers
are those that make field work, that make the hardest and sacrificed
work, for being those who move for diverse routes of the amazon, it
is here where it is supposed that these workers should count on a
support of the companies for which they work, And that support
would be being on the payroll, as it would provide multiple benefits,
and the most important would be health insurance, which is the most
essential in times of pandemic, taking into account that more than
50% of the companies perform face-to-face work, and because the
nature of the work itself requires it, and that this work is being done
mostly by temporary or field workers and especially taking into
account that at least 38.7% of travel and tourism agencies have
reduced the remuneration of their workers. While it is true that mypes
are not obliged to have workers on the payroll, having them would
bring benefits, such as formalization, greater productivity on the part
of their workers because they feel motivated and safe to do their work,
access to lines of credit from credit institutions.
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
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At this point, we do not agree with any author regarding the mode of
payment of workers, but as a result of having a job without labor
benefits, we agree with the author Ríos Lezama and Rodriguez
Santander (2020), in the aspect that the pandemic produced by
Covid-19, resulted in the dismissal of personnel, mostly of the
personnel who were under service contracts.
Now, in relation to the economic issue, which is another of the
consequences brought about by Covid-19, before the pandemic the
companies in the tourism sector were economically solvent. Currently,
in order to facilitate the companies' access to working capital for the
payment of their short term obligations with workers, suppliers, in
order to ensure the continuity of the payment chain, the State
provided access to various credits, one of them is the Reactiva Peru.
In the city of Chachapoyas, it has not been a solution to the problem
of small entrepreneurs belonging to the tourism sector, because at
least 77.4% of people have not been able to access this credit, these
credits were administered by nine private banks that concentrate the
funds of reactiva Peru, having a higher percentage in the banks of:
BCP, BBVA, INTERBANK AND SCOTIABANK, and where the majority
of MYPES have not been able to access this credit.
The small businesses in the tourism sector in the city of Chachapoyas
were not very attractive economically and were not on their list of
priorities, many of these companies met the requirements, and at the
same time many of these agencies informed them that they did not
qualify for the program created by the state, without any explanation,
this is what the vast majority of companies referred to in the interview
they had with them, The small and micro enterprises have been the
least favored and therefore 29% of the travel and tourism agencies
have decided to temporarily close their business and others have
resorted to personal loans to meet their obligations, the same has
happened with the Fae Mype and Fae Tourism credits, unlike those
who were able to access the credit of reactiva Peru, they could no
longer access more credits created by the government.
The measures and restrictions that have been announced by the
government on several occasions are considered as not successful for
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
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those who run small and micro businesses, because despite being a
sector that is not very favored by the state, they have decided to
remain in the market, seeking various alternatives, complementing
their main economic activity with other secondary activities. And
looking for different ways to promote their business mainly through
their website and social networks. Making a comparison with the
research conducted by Cruz & Peréz (2021), where it concludes that
tourism and the hotel industry are interrelated, being in crisis due to
the measures adopted by the government that prevent tourism.
Based on this, it is suggested to carry out research that achieves or
helps to reduce the impact on these sectors.
Travel agencies and tourism companies have been using several
measures, one of them is the perfect suspension of work. In addition,
71% of the people indicated that, despite the pandemic, they plan to
continue with their business, and that the most important thing to
reactivate tourism will be the vaccination of the population, 58.1%
mentioned that what has been affecting tourism the most are the
quarantines. Comparing with the author Cruz Gonzales & Peréz
Chacón (2021), where in a similar way refers that tourism is in crisis
due to the measures adopted by the government that prevent
tourism. And because of the inefficiency of the government in not
managing vaccines for the population in a timely manner.
It was found that of the 31 people surveyed, the travel and tourism
agencies are mostly made up of male staff, which at the same time
have a higher degree of university education, 93.7% of companies
have active ruc and been, 100% of travel agencies and tourism, have
a municipal license and registration in the dircetur and gercetur,
93.5% of travel agencies and tourism belong to a micro and small
business, and 54.8% belong to retail travel agencies, followed by tour
operators and wholesale travel agencies. It was also identified that the
most important secondary activities of the companies are
transportation, restaurant and lodging services, and finally, the tools
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
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most used by travel and tourism agencies to promote their economic
activity are social networks and the website.
It was verified that of the 31 people surveyed, the results show that
51.6% of travel and tourism agencies are working full time, another
percentage of 29% of travel and tourism agencies have closed due to
the pandemic and others are working part time. Regarding the
variation of sales 32.3% of, expressed that their sales have dropped
considerably by up to 100%, in other cases 80 and 90% comparing
sales in 2020 with sales in 2019, the same scenario was observed in
the first quarter of 2020, where 45.5%, indicated that their sales
decreased, while other companies are without commercial activity
since the beginning of the pandemic.
It was found that travel and tourism agencies had a maximum of up
to 10 permanent workers as temporary workers, and that at the same
time only 3.2% of entrepreneurs had more workers on payroll, before
the beginning of the pandemic, at present these figures have
decreased and the companies are working with up to 04 workers
permanently, and with regard to temporary staff has maintained the
figure up to 85 with a maximum of 10 workers, likewise the
percentage of 3.The percentage of 3.2% of entrepreneurs continues
to maintain the highest number of personnel on the payroll, in
contrast to the number of personnel who receive their remuneration
by means of a receipt for fees, which has been maintained and
presents the highest percentage figure, as travel and tourism
agencies have more people working by means of a receipt for fees
than by payroll. On the other hand, 58.1% of people working in travel
and tourism agencies have been developing their activities in person,
as well as performing mixed work. and that there is a decrease in the
reduction of salaries of 38.7%, and 38.7% of employers have decided
to maintain the salary of their workers.
Mention is made of the credits granted by the state such as Reactive
Peru, where 77.4% indicated that they have not been able to access
these credits, either for reasons that do not meet the requirements,
or other reasons, however 22.However, 22.6% did manage to access
credits through the Reactive Peru program. With regard to Fae Mype
Economic Impact of Covid 19 on Travel and Tourism Agencies in the City of Chachapoyas, Peru
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credits, 100% of people have not been able to obtain these benefits,
as with the Fae Tourism program, where 100% also mentioned that
they did not obtain credits through these programs, for reasons of
having received Reactive Peru, or because they did not meet the
requirements or other reasons.
It was found that the measures that travel and tourism agencies have
used or have been using, 32.3%, indicated that they used the perfect
suspension of work, closure of offices and reduction of salaries, on the
other hand 71% of entrepreneurs indicated that the most likely
scenario for their companies is to continue with the business, while
29% do not know what is coming for this sector, one of the positive
aspects they consider to reactivate tourism is the vaccination with
71%, as well as the improvement of infrastructure, 58.1% also
consider that quarantines are the negative aspects that will most
affect the reactivation of tourism.
The businessmen belonging to the travel and tourism agencies
indicated that it would be convenient and necessary to avoid the
restrictions, allowing a higher percentage of capacity for the tourist
centers, logically with the corresponding and necessary measures,
and hopes that the next government will speed up the vaccination
issue, and provide solutions for economic reactivation, supporting this
time the smaller companies that to date have not been among the
priorities of the state and that the credit programs have been of more
benefit to large companies.
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