Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 12, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Luis Vargas Torres Technical University
How to cite this article (APA
): Mackay, C., Mackay, R., Poveda, G. (2022) Social
Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil, Revista Científica
Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 12(1) 123-141
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Responsabilidad Social en pequeñas y medianas empresas de Guayaquil
Clarkent Rubén Mackay Castro
Ph.D, University of Guayaquil, Ecuador, Guayaquil,, ORCID: 0000-0002-2657-
Rubén Mackay Véliz
MBA, Instituto Tecnológico Bolivariano, Ecuador, Guayaquil,, ORCID: 0000-0001-
Guido Poveda Burgos
MBA, University of Guayaquil, Ecuador, Guayaquil,, ORCID: 0000-0002-2158-
Competition among companies, due to their eagerness to
corner the market, generates fluctuations that are perceived in
the global economy and social development, this research work
focuses its objective on analyzing social responsibility in small
and medium-sized companies in the city of Guayaquil,
methodologically a mixed approach was used that involves the
different stakeholders, being the economic results a strategy of
the company, demonstrating consistency in the behavior of
social responsibility. It is concluded that the responsibility
generated from small and medium enterprises in Ecuador seeks
to generate an impact that modifies social conditions from the
territory where they are located, in addition to the set of
provisions that exist in the country to manage this type of
corporate social responsibility.
Received 2021-05-02
Revised 2021-09-11
Accepted 2021-10- 21
Published 2022-01-04
Corresponding Author
Clarkent Rubén Mackay
Pages: 123-141
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
social responsibility, business, social development,
La competencia entre las empresas, por su afán de acaparar el
mercado, genera fluctuaciones que se perciben en la economía
mundial y el desarrollo social, el presente trabajo de
investigación centra su objetivo en analizar la responsabilidad
social en las pequeñas y medianas empresas de la ciudad de
Guayaquil, metodológicamente se empleó un enfoque mixto
que involucra a los diferentes stakeholders, siendo los
resultados económicos una estrategia de la empresa,
demostrando consistencia en el comportamiento de la
responsabilidad social. Se concluye que la responsabilidad
generada desde las pequeñas y medianas empresas en Ecuador
buscan generar un impacto que modifique las condiciones
sociales desde el territorio donde se encuentran ubicadas,
además del conjunto de disposiciones que existe en el país para
gestión esta tipología de responsabilidad social empresarial.
Palabras clave:
Responsabilidad social, empresas, desarrollo social,
The continuous fluctuations in the world economy, which are reflected
in increased competition among companies to capture a significant
market share, force them to seek mechanisms that can guarantee it.
Today, the role of interest groups related to companies exerts strong
pressure, they are influential and demand from them a commitment
to existing social and environmental problems.
This greater demand and commitment to society, which practically
translates into a reciprocal relationship, finds in Corporate Social
Responsibility (CSR) a form of retribution. Although even in Ecuador,
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
socially responsible practices have not reached the level of
importance required and practiced in other latitudes. It is even
confused with philanthropic actions.
CSR goes beyond that. It is a continuous relationship with society at
all levels. It is a process that involves all stakeholders and should be
part of the strategic planning of the companies that develop it.
Those that do not do so will be charged by society itself, surely with
dire consequences for their survival. Solano (2016) states that
"business sustainability is directly related to a good management of
the environment, which is reaffirmed by the fact that capital markets
in the world reward or punish, as appropriate, the management of the
environment in which the company develops".
Today's companies demand a high development of competencies in
the process of production and marketing of their services, which
entails even greater commitment and responsibility to society, the
environment, culture, education, which are demands from customers
who are looking for companies that have these responsibilities and
help make favorable decisions and the post development of the
Likewise, companies, faced with the challenge of these demands,
seek to generate benefits that transcend in the organization as a
whole and in the stakeholders, since the fundamental objective of
companies is to generate the greatest profit in all dimensions,
stimulating the internal and external growth of the organization.
The objective of the research was to analyze social responsibility in
small and medium-sized companies in the city of Guayaquil.
The methodology applied was a mixed approach of exploratory and
descriptive types with an inductive method, taking as a sample 761
premises in the city of Guayaquil, using observation and survey as
collection methods.
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Social responsibility is an area of study of utmost importance, not only
because it is a business trend of the 21st century for the
implementation of sustainable economies that ensure long-term
sustainability, but also because its content is so extensive that new
processes, mechanisms and different ideologies that can be applied
in this discipline are appearing all the time. Perez, (2016).
CSR can be understood as a set of behaviors that transcend the purely
individualistic and immediatist actions, the latter seeking to satisfy in
the short term a need or desire that brings only a selfish benefit.
Therefore, the core of CSR is determined by the ability to create new
facts that promote with impetus a better quality of life to create a
great social environment, this quality being understood as the
improvement of dignity and respect for human beings, as well as the
constant struggle to defend their fundamental values such as
freedom, solidarity and the environment that surrounds them.
There is no doubt that nowadays many companies have adapted their
processes with the necessary conditions to compete according to the
demands posed by the market, they have also generated changes
that can be related to the internationalization of economies, which
aim day after day a solid growth of the sector to which the
organization belongs as well as of it in particular; likewise, they seek
the development of a business environment permeated in great part
-if not in its entirety- by technology as an efficient and effective
instrument for the development of the corporate purpose, the main
purpose of the organization.
Although in the business environment there are many differences
between organizations, it is clear that all companies have a common
purpose, which was born with them and has been maintained over
the centuries; this is aimed at generating wealth for those who are
part of them or have a direct or indirect relationship with them; For
this reason, an organization that has not been created, structured and
empowered to achieve success does not exist and can hardly be
conceived; proof of this is the constant search to generate in each
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
process the necessary tools to compete without fear with the other
entities that fiercely intervene in the market.
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is an issue that has become
particularly important in recent decades. This importance has been
reflected in an international context by the proliferation of regulations
and indexes whose main objective is to establish patterns in which
companies disclose information on practices related to CSR.
(Valenzuela, Jara & Villegas, 2015, p. 330).
Antelo & Robaina (2015) argue that "corporate social responsibility is
the ongoing commitment to contribute to sustainable economic
development, improving the quality of life of employees and their
families, as well as that of the local community and society in general"
(p.59). A socially responsible company is one whose managers and
owners are aware of the effect that the organization's operations can
have both inside and outside the company. To this, Henríquez &
Orestes (2015), add that "CSR does not intend that the members of
an organization act ethically, but that the company promotes this
value and makes it part of its organizational culture." (p.18)
In this line it should be noted, that CSR is not only focused on
generating added value or obtaining better financial results, but
additionally engages in its atmosphere internal stakeholders such as
employees and shareholders, and external stakeholders such as
customers, suppliers and distributors, considers that economic
performance allows a company to grow, the management of its
processes and its transparency allow it sustainability, i.e. existence
over time (Henríquez & Oreste, (2015).
CSR practices and the academic development of everything related
to social responsibility and sustainable development have become
increasingly important. Henríquez & Oreste (2015) point to a notable
increase in the recognition of CSR practices in society in general.
Terms such as ISO standards, green footprint, sustainability report,
among others, are increasingly used by companies worldwide. In the
mid-20th century, Cutlip & Center (as cited in Preciado, 2015) put
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
forward proposals based on studies on CSR, stating that the
environment constitutes the social suprasystem of all organizations,
which must adapt to it in order to be able to endure over time, while
pointing out the importance of dialoguing with the different publics
to reach an understanding that can be maintained in the long term.
Social responsibility is very important for companies to succeed in
business in the long term, as responsibility in recent years has taken a
turn in business, the same entrepreneurs are the ones who express
that the ethics of business has evolved by getting involved in the
balance sheets of social concerns of people. The term social is an
important to achieve a better understanding of CSR as it goes beyond
Another important aspect of CSR is the preservation of the
environment, in order to improve the use of natural resources, trying
to implement renovation, reuse and recycling, and also to reduce
Materials and methods
The research design will have a mixed approach, as it involves the
combination of both qualitative and quantitative methods. The
qualitative approach used data collection without numerical
measurement to discover or refine research questions in the process
of interpretation; and, the quantitative approach used data collection
based on numerical measurement and statistical analysis, to establish
patterns of behavior and test theories (Hernández, 2015, p. 86).
During the research process, the qualitative approach was aimed at
describing the theoretical and normative references on corporate
social responsibility and current SME companies in the city of
Guayaquil, while the quantitative approach implemented the use of
methods and techniques to quantify the opinions obtained from the
application of the survey to SME entrepreneurs in the city of
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Exploratory. It will allow to know with clarity the opportunities and
strengths of the Pymes entrepreneurs in the city of Guayaquil.
Beginning with basic research that formulates and evaluates theories
that allow to explain the social responsibility that exists in each SME
in the city of Guayaquil.
Descriptive. It will help to perceive all the characteristics of the
functions that are developed in the social, economic, political and
cultural environment, referring to the social responsibility of SMEs in
the city of Guayaquil, in order to deepen the objective knowledge of
the problem subject of the research and describe it as it occurs in
reality, in a given time and space, involving people, facts, processes
and their relationships.
It will allow the researcher to select the notion of the real facts to
follow an order and obtain truthful and timely information, about the
social situation that limits social responsibility and the way it
influences the application of SMEs entrepreneurs in the city of
The population to be considered for the collection of primary
information is determined to be the owners or managers of SMEs in
the northern sector of the city of Guayaquil. Therefore according to
data from the National Institute of Statistics and Census (2017), it is
identified that in the city of Guayaquil there are about 4145
companies engaged in commercial and service activities of the same
40% represent the northern sector danto a total of 1658 premises.
Having this amount is considered the realization of the finite formula
which is detailed as follows
For the calculation of the sample size, the formula for the infinite
population will be used.
𝒏 =
𝑵 𝟏
+ 𝒁
Z = Confidence level 97% (2.25)
p = Probability of success 50% (0.5)
q = Probability of failure 50% (0.5)
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
e = Margin of error 3% (0.03)
N= Population
𝒏 =
$%&#$%& #$'&(#)
$%&#$%& #
𝒏 =
𝒏 = 𝟕𝟔𝟏, 𝟏𝟒
When calculating the finite sample, the surveys will be carried out in
761 stores located in different points of the northern sector of the city
of Guayaquil.
The data collection methods employed, in the first place, will be direct
observation, through analysis and descriptive study carried out by the
researcher, using his own skills to identify the relevant facts as
presented in the data obtained from official agencies that provide
information. On the other hand, surveys will be used as a descriptive
research instrument to obtain information from a selected sample,
through the application of a questionnaire with closed questions
(Hernández, 2014, p. 96).
Research has shown that when a company adopts a socially
responsible attitude, CSR ceases to be an "added expense" that
reduces the efficiency and effectiveness of organizations and
therefore their economic results, and becomes a strategy that vitalizes
and boosts the organization's growth.
Based on the theoretical development OSPINA & SOTELO, (2013), it
is important to expose the different benefits that are perceived by the
Stakeholders when they interact directly or indirectly with an
organization that is socially responsible. The following table is
detailed below:
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Table 1.
Benefits perceived by Stakeholders
They are treated with respect and honesty.
They receive decent working conditions.
Development of their work skills and abilities.
Continuous motivation for the performance of
their work.
Efficiently meet economic and material
They receive with security and as a
fundamental right the means to subsidize
food, health, education and clothing.
Learning and growth of personnel in different
areas: human, intellectual, sports, cultural.
Development of culture and access to
Occupational safety.
Decent and fair wages.
Equitable opportunities and possibilities for
labor and human growth.
Balance between work and family life of each
Economic incentives that optimize the quality
of life of workers and their families.
Job stability.
Zero discrimination on the basis of sex, race,
or religious beliefs.
Increase in the profits they receive as
remuneration for their investment.
Growing companies with a good name in the
Workers with a sense of belonging.
High competitiveness in the market.
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Customer growth.
Care and respect for the environment.
Conservation and continuous improvement of
Carrying out programs or processes that
legalize their environmental actions.
Use of technological tools that optimize
processes in the organization to generate
clean production.
Development of processes that generate
environmental sustainability.
Products and services with the highest quality.
Fair price.
An adequate treatment and with all the
necessary guarantees.
Assurance that the companies they buy from
are legitimate companies, with a positive
image and good recognition in the market.
Reliability at the time of purchase in relation to
the contribution of the selling company to
society and the environment.
Recognition of customer loyalty.
I deal with respect and honesty.
Sale of raw materials at a fair price.
Timely remuneration in relation to the agreed
Adequate and equitable contracting
or control
They receive timely and fair payment of their
Compliance with traffic regulations, labor
regulations, environmental regulations, in
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Satisfactory fulfillment of obligations by the
Improvement in the quality of life of society in
Respect for fundamental rights.
Protection of natural resources.
Development of a just and dignified life, with
Source: OSPINA & SOTELO, (2013).
According to the author, the benefits that each stakeholder receives
for each company that has or maintains a corporate social
responsibility "CSR", receive benefits in sales, contributions to the
state, improving the quality of their products more efficient and with
favorable quality standards, not polluting the environment,
community support, improving the situation of each employee and
The criteria developed in the social responsibility of the businessmen
of the city of Guayaquil was taken into consideration in the research
supported by theoretical foundations, likewise the importance of the
stakeholders as a system was considered due to the fact that each of
the stages that integrate it interrelate with each other to benefit any
type of organization.
However, the collection of this type of information (CSR) becomes a
bit complex, since companies consider it in some cases confidential
or in others, since the law does not require the presentation of it, they
are not interested in reflecting it, and currently it is of utmost
importance that companies not only seek to be productive, but linked
to the proper development of the social purpose, be inclusive with
the different individuals or groups that may be tied to the
The commitment to be socially responsible transforms the outlook of
organizations, making them aware of the high degree of responsibility
they have towards their employees, the environment and society.
Their interests will no longer be aligned only by the continuous search
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
to create purely monetary wealth, it becomes evident that wealth is
built in conjunction with the satisfaction and sustainable welfare of the
company, society and the environment, which is why RES practices
must be reflected whether they are mandatory or not, so that the
company can demonstrate that its organizational objectives are not
far from the interests of the different stakeholders with whom it
Every SME in the city of Guayaquil has the same social responsibility
in terms of commitment to the state regarding culture, environment,
education and the development of the country.
There is consistency between the reviewed bibliography and the
results obtained during the field work, where the data tabulated for
the proper argumentation show that social responsibility plays a
preponderant role for small and medium-sized companies in the city
of Guayaquil.
Likewise, the financial part within the business results planned or
idealized by the companies in question, ends up being a fundamental
part of their operating strategy.
The operating strategy becomes the center of the organization as a
critical success factor, and is subject to constant monitoring by the
shareholders' meeting, which would make it appear that the
economic result is prioritized and not only the one that involves
society in general, especially its stakeholders.
All this is linked to the common thread of the concern of
contemporary companies that are worried about their sustainability
over time, where they prefer to reduce part of their profits through
the development of social responsibility programs, but that their
customers and the market in general see with good eyes, and this
causes the usual fluctuations of the economy at the local, regional and
global level.
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
CSR cannot simply be a marginal, complementary and opportunistic
action by a company to achieve profits and create an image of
acceptance in the eyes of society. On the contrary, CSR must be
recognized as a new paradigm that demands strategic management
that generates competitive advantage and that must be exploited for
the permanence of a company in a changing market.
Another essential aspect is that CSR is not an isolated and individual
practice; it is and must be a commitment of everyone, including the
entire hierarchical structure of a company. The members of the
company must consider it to be part of their day-to-day activities,
which is why it is essential to manage it in a way that requires properly
designed strategies, with a strong leadership and well-monitored
control mechanisms.
CSR is of great importance for companies to achieve sustainable
development, allowing them to meet the needs of their stakeholders
and achieve a social, economic and environmental balance.
Conducting this type of research becomes interesting and important,
since the results allow companies and society to detect their
weaknesses and strengths in this area, so that they can be improved,
corrected or innovated. It is therefore essential that companies clearly
identify the stakeholders with which they interact, so that they can
identify the impact of their normal day-to-day activities on
stakeholders and also clearly define the responsible policies to be
implemented, so that they can promote or contribute to the
achievement or obtaining of benefits (economic, social and
environmental) for each of the stakeholders; this as a clear and precise
way of ensuring mutual growth between society and the company.
However, the collection of this type of information (CSR) becomes a
bit complex, since companies consider it in some cases confidential
or in others, since the law does not require the presentation of it, they
are not interested in reflecting it, and currently it is of utmost
importance that companies not only seek to be productive, but linked
to the proper development of the social purpose, be inclusive with
Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
the different individuals or groups that may be tied to the
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Social Responsibility in small and medium-sized companies in Guayaquil
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , /2022 / , Vol. 12, No. 1
Solano, D. (2016). Corporate Social Responsibility: What is done and
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Valenzuela, L., Jara, M., & Villegas, F. (2015). Social Responsibility
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