Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 12, No. 2 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Luis Vargas Torres Technical University
How to cite this article (APA
): Vargas, M., Ortiz, K., García, R., Ortiz, C. (2022) Estudio de viabilidad de
la implementación de un modelo de gestión desconcentrado y por procesos en universidades blicas
en Ecuador, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 12(2) 12-28.
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-
based management model in public universities in Ecuador
Estudio de viabilidad de la implementación de un modelo de gestión desconcentrado y por
procesos en universidades públicas en Ecuador
Mariela Priscilla Vargas Ramírez
Ing. Docente Universidad De Guayaquil, Ecuador,, ORCID: 0000-0001-5987-
Karla Maribel Ortiz Chimbo
Msc, Docente Universidad De Guayaquil, Ecuador,, ORCID: 0000-0001-6722-
Roberto Andres Garcia Viteri
Mba, Docente Universidad De Guayaquil, Ecuador,, ORCID: 0000-0002-6096-
Carlos Rigoberto Ortiz Novillo
Msc, Docente Universidad De Guayaquil, Ecuador,, ORCID: 0000-0001-9513-4957
This study aims to determine the feasibility of administratively
implementing a deconcentrated and process-based institutional
management model at the University of Guayaquil, as well as the
proposal of a management model that allows the execution of
strategic, business and support processes at the University of
Guayaquil, in order to achieve a significant institutional
transformation. For this purpose, a survey and analysis of the current
process management at the UG was carried out, which allows
proposing to the authorities the tools and mechanisms through which
the implementation of processes could be made more viable and thus
comply with the Plan of Excellence proposed by the Intervention
Commission, which will lead the institution to overcome the D
category in which it is currently located.
management, institutional, category
Received 2022-01-12
Revised 2022-03-23
Accepted 2022- 04-12
Published 2022-05-04
Corresponding Author
Mariela Priscilla Vargas
Pages: 12-28
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
El presente estudio pretende determinar la factibilidad de
implementar administrativamente un modelo de gestión institucional
desconcentrado y por procesos en la Universidad de Guayaquil, así
como el planteamiento de una propuesta de modelo de gestión que
permita la ejecución de los procesos estratégicos, de negocio y de
apoyo en la Universidad de Guayaquil, para lograr una transformación
institucional significativa. Para esto, se realizó una encuesta y análisis
de la gestión de procesos actualmente en la UG, lo que permite
proponer a las autoridades las herramientas y mecanismos mediante
las cuales se podría viabilizar de mejor forma la implementación de
procesos y cumplir así con el Plan de Excelencia propuesto por la
Comisión Interventora, que lleve a la institución a superar la categoría
D en la que se encuentra actualmente.
Palabras clave:
gestion, institucional, categoría
In October 2013, the Council of Higher Education (CES), after
receiving several complaints from students and members of the
University of Guayaquil (UG), and after forming a Commission of
Inquiry for this purpose, intervened the institution of higher education
due to the existence of administrative, academic and financial
irregularities, as well as violations to the principles of free education
and Co-Governance.
Additionally, the CES (2013) expresses in its report that "The
University of Guayaquil is going through a crisis of a systemic nature
expressed in the stagnation, disruption and dilution of institutional
policies that guarantee the governance and integration of academic,
administrative and financial functions, with its consequent impact on
the processes of generation and social management of knowledge,
professional and academic strengthening of human talent and the
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
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preservation and production of culture, which are currently in clear
violation of the constitutional principles of higher education."
Fonseca et al., (017) explains that one of the weaknesses of the
institution is the lack of efficiency and effectiveness in the use of
financial resources, which in turn allows it to obtain and provide better
physical and academic infrastructure. For the CES (2013), at the
University of Guayaquil "there is a management that goes against
transparency and is expressed in the inefficient and unsustainable use
of resources, in the inefficient and bureaucratic administrative
practices that far from planning processes have generated customary
budget under-execution that have paralyzed the strategic processes
related to the production of knowledge and the strengthening of
human talent and deteriorated the physical and academic
infrastructure of the institution, compromising the quality of its
functions and substantive processes". p. 89.
Regardless of the sanctioning actions generated by such events, this
highlights a centralized management model that does not have an
adequate management and updating of administrative, financial,
academic, research and liaison processes that are part of the daily
work of the UG, even more of the magnitude and impact on society
that it has, which due to the lack of an adequate methodology does
not allow a good performance of the strategic, business and support
processes, which helps the institution to fulfill its social responsibility.
Regarding the management of administrative and academic
processes, (Zuluaga & Moncayo, 2014, p.88) the various publications
in the main newspapers and newscasts about the administrative and
financial problems within the University of Guayaquil, before and after
the intervention process, were notorious. On May 29, 2014, El
Universo newspaper presented a news item related to the lack of
coordination between the respective areas to carry out the selection,
hiring, assignment of schedules and payment of teaching staff, since
Dr. José Apolo, rector in charge of the higher education center,
indicated that a difficulty for the payment of teachers was the failure
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
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to send from the faculties the distribution of the workload; and that
regarding the lack of teachers in some careers, it would be solved in
the coming days. In other words, less than three months ago, and with
the beginning of a new academic year, the processes related to these
issues were not working (or did not formally exist) normally within the
For Pérez-Cabrera, (2013) the need to implement a deconcentrated
and process-based management model that allows the execution of
strategic, business and support processes that contribute to the
fulfillment of institutional objectives related to academic efficiency,
research, organization and institutional infrastructure. Therefore, the
question would be: What are the success factors that allow the change
to a deconcentrated and process-based financial administrative
management model?
The plan of excellence of the University of Guayaquil proposed by the
Intervenor Commission proposes the "design, co-construction and
establishment of systemic and innovative management models that
will act as driving forces for the development of institutional
substantive functions for their alignment with quality, transparency
and relevance in the framework of the exercise of the right to
education for all, and access to knowledge in its condition of social
public good" (Rubiano-Pinzón et al., 2017 p. 230)
For the effect, a deconcentrated management allows to decongest a
centralized administration and thus provide a more agile and efficient
service to those who demand, and as institutions grow Rodríguez &
Jarpa, (2015) analyzes and establishes that they have a greater
number of tasks and responsibilities to fulfill and deconcentration is
considered useful and necessary to better fulfill the tasks entrusted to
To this end, and in accordance with current budgetary regulations,
the deconcentrated units, which are structurally part of the same
institution, must be assigned and endowed with the respective
powers and competencies so that they can carry out their academic,
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
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administrative and financial functions with high levels of efficiency,
effectiveness and transparency.
For Ceja et al., (2015) process management will allow increasing
productivity levels in the UG, which includes efficiency and
effectiveness in the use of resources. Management is a creative work
that takes the strategic, business and support processes as a means
to fulfill the purpose of the organization, organizes them in the most
convenient way to achieve the stated objectives. In a good process
management, Palma, (2017) understanding as process the
competences of the organization, allows important cost reductions,
decrease in customer service times, as well as in the elaboration and
completion of procedures, improvements in service, decreases
improvisations and errors in the execution of activities and tasks,
among other benefits of utmost importance.
Cárdenas-García et al., (2014) Therefore, it is necessary to identify the
success factors that allow the adoption of a deconcentrated
management, as well as cooperation in the formulation of a process
management methodology that contributes to an efficient, effective
and transparent management in the use of human, financial, physical
and technological resources of the University of Guayaquil.
One of the existing techniques to install the different phases and
practices of process management is called Integral Change Model
(MIC), which allows incorporating any type of project in the
organization because it allows defining a transversal way of working
and integrates all the participants that interact and impact the life of
the institution. According to (Larrán-Jorge & Andrades-Peña, 2015 p.
98) based on the MIC, it is possible to make a diagnosis of process
management within the organization and detect its failure factors, as
well as propose opportunities for improvement in each category of
the MIC. To carry out this diagnosis it is necessary to know at what
level of maturity in terms of process management the Institution is, by
determining practices grouped in levels from less to more complex,
so that the reality of each area can be reflected in a better way.
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
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The MIC establishes the five general guidelines: strategy, people,
processes, structure and technology, and the important thing is to
maintain harmony among these five elements. It also incorporates the
actions to be taken to incorporate the processes within the Institution,
which will allow the systems to be more organized and in better
conditions to face the complexity of the environment.
Among the benefits of incorporating process management in an
organization, the following can be obtained:
Place the customer as the focus and meaning of what we do.
Speaking a common language
Know what we do and how we do it
Applying process costing formulas
Improving by simply describing a process
Achieving quality assurance
Apply process optimization methods
Benchmark our processes against the best practices in the
Redesigning a process to obtain much higher yields
Strengthening knowledge management
Innovate at different levels of depth: process, activity and task.
Supporting control through real time indicators
For François, (2014) there are concepts used in process management
that should be clarified, and that everyone in the organization should
be fully aware of.
Process: Competence of the organization that adds value to the
customer through the work of people in a team, in an organized
sequence of activities, interactions, structure and resources that
transcends the areas. Processes give life to the organization.
It is necessary for every organization to have a concrete, known and
approved method to identify, model, formalize, design, control and
improve the processes in the organization, as a means to achieve the
productivity needed by the institution. Productivity includes efficiency
to optimize the use of resources (doing more with less) and
effectiveness to achieve objectives towards the outside of the
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
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organization, i.e. meeting customer needs to add value and satisfy
the constraints of others. (Sánchez et al., 2012, p. 245).
Phase one allows Process Management (PM) to be integrated into
the organization, first to learn about it, then to relate it to other
important management concepts and finally to incorporate it into
the organization.
The objective of phase two is the visual modeling of the
processes, where three models represent all the repetitive work
of the organization: process map, information flow chart (IF) and
task list.
Phase three aims to align process priorities with the
organization's strategy, which also includes the definition of
indicators and risk management.
In phase four, the necessary change in processes is designed,
implemented and formalized, culminating in the new way of
doing things taking root within the institution.
The goal of phase five is to achieve operational excellence and
the important thing has happened: the process change is well
established. What follows are the actions to be taken during the
lifetime of the new process design, reflected in your practices.
One of the existing techniques to install the different phases and
practices of process management in an organization is called the
Integrated Change Model (ICM), which allows the incorporation of
any type of project in the organization because it allows defining a
transversal way of working and integrates all the participants that
interact and have an impact on the life of the institution. The MIC
consists of five elements: strategy, people, processes, structure and
technology, which must be developed in parallel and harmoniously,
since it is a totality, transcends the areas and is transversal to the entire
Based on the MIC, a diagnosis of process management within the
organization can be made and its failure factors can be detected, as
well as opportunities for improvement in each category of the MIC
can be proposed. Through a survey of thirty University employees
(authorities, analysts of the administrative and financial areas of the
Central Administration and of the Academic Units), it is intended to
point out, using the MIC, what is missing in the opinion of the
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interviewees within the institution to achieve a deconcentrated
management model and by processes at the University of Guayaquil.
Level 1 is expressed as: "nothing or almost nothing achieved,
erroneous and incipient use of process management concepts".
Among the characteristics immersed in this level we have:
Nonexistent or incipient process map.
Models and procedures elaborated with particular methods.
Lone fighters who advocate process management and achieve
The processes are not evident and have serious errors in the
interaction between areas.
People are "task" oriented without knowing or committing to the
end result of the process.
It is applied "this is the way it has always been done", instead of
designing or improving processes.
Level 2 is expressed as "Some plans and minor achievements, the
basics". Indeed, formalities and products begin to be seen, the most
important thing is that they begin to believe in process management
and some structure is created. At this level it can be observed:
There is a basic process map for the entire organization.
There is a formal and known method for developing procedures.
Members of the organization understand the models because
they are model-oriented and have had at least basic training.
The task lists are visible to the respective roles and have been
prepared with their full participation.
The obvious improvement of the processes has been achieved,
at least to make it logical.
Level 3 is expressed as "Something systematically achieved". At this
level, the processes of the processes emerge strongly and a formal
structure is already in place. At this level it can be observed:
The organization's strategy refers to incorporating process
management into its operations.
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
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Management and members of the organization are trained in
Roles and functions are defined in the process area.
The technology to model the processes is known and applied by
the users.
There is a formal and known method to improve and redesign
The process map and visual process models are updated
Level 4 is expressed as "Well implemented with details missing". It
refers to the incorporation of the process management model, from
the role of process owners to risk and change management. In this
level it can be observed:
We work with high productivity in the elaboration of process
management products: procedures, improvements, redesigns and
Members of the organization apply the process vision and are
committed to the outcome of the process.
There is a formal process management structure that is
consolidated and quantitatively demonstrates its relevance.
There are process owners who effectively fulfill the role of process
There is a formal and known method for continuous improvement
and process improvement.
The procedures incorporate all the elements related to the
Level 5 is expressed as "Process management applied with excellence
and continuous improvement". This level shows the commitment of
people, broad vision of the organization's management reflected
especially in the strategic direction process and much more. In this
level it can be observed:
Strategic process management formally exists.
The main process indicators are derived from the global business
indicators defined in the strategy.
All stakeholders are involved and there is a sense of mission to
meet customers' needs.
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
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The organization's management is committed to process
management and includes in its budget the necessary investment
for change.
Technologies are available for process improvement, process
redesign and document management.
Process management products (maps, models, indicators, etc.)
are vital inputs for the organization's strategic plan.
The organization's strategy is formulated in terms of processes.
The participants take into account the purpose of the process,
the reason for its existence and the need for the effort to obtain
great results.
In spite of the institution's negative maturity level, it is important to
mention that if process management is applied correctly and under a
clear methodological proposal, greater results would be obtained at
the beginning of the Process Management, it should be noted that
the contribution of value in the organization when advancing a
maturity level is not even. It is greater at the beginning and then
decreases. In other words, achieving the first stage in the organization
where practically nothing has been done in process management
means taking advantage of opportunities for great advances with
relatively little effort. This effect is called decreasing contribution,
where each marginal increase in productivity is more expensive to
achieve, where the contribution remains constant and in each stage
the investment increases.
It shows that with each advance in a maturity level, the percentage of
contribution drops by half: 50% is achieved in the first stage, up to
75% is achieved in the second, 87.5% in the third and 93.8% in the
fourth. Therefore, in spite of the figure and the negative evaluation
for the University of Guayaquil, the positive aspect is that being at
such a low maturity level, the impact of achieving the first tranche is
notably high.
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
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Table 1.
Competencies of an organization's personnel
Work with a strategic and systemic vision.
Working as a team
Develop the process vision
Managing change
Create an environment for participation.
Being an educator and facilitator
Knowledge about processes, methods, improvement,
redesign, projects and social responsibility.
Public speaking and communication in general.
Working as a team
Make decisions in the frameworks that the company
Know a variety of continuous improvement
Master communication techniques to express ideas.
Develop a proactive attitude to generate and
propose initiatives that are aligned with people
Gestión de Procesos (Valorando la práctica): Bravo, 2013.
Prepared by:
Ing. Priscilla Vargas
By having a staff with the competencies described above, a
participatory environment is achieved, where decisions arise from
agreements. The structure is process-oriented, everyone thinks and
there are commitments.
The next component is the structure. The process area can emerge
from operations or administration areas, as well as from management
support functions such as quality management, planning, systems and
organization departments, among others. It could also emerge from
the audit area, initially as a practical formula for having procedures
and ensuring compliance.
In large companies, process management units could be formed in
functional areas, which can coordinate with each other, although
centralization is still required. The recommendation is that it should
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
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depend on a development management - oriented to change - where
other areas related to management support are also located.
Among the functions of the process management area we can
consider among the most important ones:
1. Centralize, update and make available the organization's
process map.
2. Centralize, update, order, formalize and make available the
visual modeling of processes: flowcharts and their task lists.
3. Centralize, update and make available the organization's
standard procedures.
4. Assist management in identifying process owners.
5. Coordinate with all areas of the organization to develop
competencies and raise awareness among employees.
6. Facilitate process redesign and improvement.
7. Ensure that the agreed methods are followed.
8. Coordinate with process owners to define indicators.
Finally, technology refers to software tools to support process
management. It is necessary to clarify that having the best technology
will not help to achieve the incorporation of process management if
an analysis of the problems and solutions existing in the organization
has not been carried out beforehand, since technology does not make
up for the lack of personal competencies or the lack of strategy,
methods or structure in an organization.
To this end, eight actions are proposed to be implemented in order
to incorporate, through the integral method of change, process
management within the institution. Action one involves setting up a
project team to lead the change process by defining roles and
functions and building an action plan. It requires the active
participation of a top management referent with leadership, decision-
making capacity and time. Systematic, planned meetings to evaluate
the execution of the project. Ad-hoc participation of leaders and/or
heads of each area or department. Agile communication within the
Action two is to raise awareness among users by carrying out activities
to disseminate the transformation and changes to be implemented,
focusing on the benefits of the change. Formal instances that exist for
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
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this purpose should be used (team meetings, publicity material,
among others).
Action three requires an internal communication plan that delivers
systematic information through various channels to all employees
about the project objectives, the action plan, the expected benefits
and progress in implementation. The participation of formal and
informal leaders in this "conversational" process is required in order
to involve everyone in the process of organizational transformation
(always in small groups).
For action four, innovative user groups should be selected. The
"Technology Adoption Cycle" is a phenomenon that accompanies all
implementations of computerized systems.
Action five provides for a Campaign to facilitate change. Actions to
reinforce the new behaviors and make the project visible in the
organization: Recognition actions, considering local incentive systems
that make it possible to demonstrate the commitment of the
organization's managers to the project. Small "gifts" (mousepads,
pens, diplomas, etc.) that help promote the project and can be given
in the context of individual or collective recognition.
Action six requires the active participation of all members of the
organization in the construction of the change proposal. Involve and
engage formal and informal leaders (this makes it easier to organize
resistance and thus achieve greater adherence). - The benefits should
be sold and the users should be prepared for the change by
departments (avoiding large groups).
Action seven allows for the training of field facilitators. It consists of
having a group of people who can support the process of change in
the organization. This group should ideally wear clothes that promote
the project and allow for very simple identification (T-shirts, badges,
credentials, etc.). The objective is to promote confidence in the
Finally, action eight is the development of an external communication
plan. This consists of having graphic or audiovisual material available
to inform about the changes. It helps employees to be more relaxed
about the change of practices, knowing that customers are informed.
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It allows customers to understand that the objective of the process is
to improve and also those customers who are more enthusiastic about
the changes will exert pressure, having a positive impact.
It is possible for the University of Guayaquil to meet the success
factors required through the MIC to incorporate process
The benefits generated by incorporating process management
related to improving budget execution will allow for the availability
and execution of greater resources for institutional development.
The University of Guayaquil is in category D, under the supervision of
an Intervention Commission to correct certain administrative,
academic and financial irregularities, as well as violations to the
principles of free education and Co-Government. Through a Plan of
Excellence, an instrument of university planning and management,
several lines of action are proposed to correct these irregularities and
achieve academic and administrative strengthening.
The financial administrative management model of the University of
Guayaquil is centralized, and the last revision and publication of the
financial administrative processes dates back to 1986. This model
does not allow for increased efficiency and effectiveness (reduction of
time and cost) in the execution of the activities and tasks that are
performed daily in the institution, which result in the ineffective use of
financial resources to provide better physical and technological
infrastructure to the community.
Process management at the University of Guayaquil, based on the
survey and analysis conducted, is at a level of Awareness that is
interpreted in that the existence of processes is almost nonexistent or
are not developed in the different areas. All this is generated due to
the lack of a process map, lack of a manual of description, valuation
and classification of positions, lack of an updated inventory of
Feasibility study of the implementation of a deconcentrated and process-based management model in public universities in
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academic, administrative and financial processes, among other
documents of vital importance for the management of the institution.
The Plan of Excellence presented by the Auditing Commission states
the need to implement a deconcentrated and process management
model that allows the execution of strategic, business and support
processes. However, to date, the survey of the institution's processes
initiated by the Administrative Vice Rector's Office has been paralyzed
despite having taken steps to carry out a consultancy for the survey.
The University of Guayaquil, in order to incorporate process
management, must develop and maintain harmony among the five
elements of the Integral Model of Change (strategy, people,
processes, structure and technology) and thus achieve a significant
institutional transformation process, which will allow it to increase
productivity levels, optimize user service, complete procedures in
optimum time, reduce improvisations and errors in the execution of
activities and tasks, thus demonstrating efficiency, effectiveness,
transparency in the use of resources and compliance with its social
All inputs generated from process management (process map, flow
charts, procedures, instructions, and other internal regulations) will
allow all personnel to align and contribute to the fulfillment of the
objectives set by the Institution, generating continuous improvement
and compliance with the minimum quality parameters determined in
the four criteria on which the CEAACES model of university evaluation
and accreditation is based, so that the University of Guayaquil
exceeds the D categorization in which it is currently placed.
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