Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 12, No. 2 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Luis Vargas Torres Technical University
How to cite this article (APA
): Loja, F., Orellana, M. (2022) Comparative study of video streaming
services: OTT E IPTV, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 12(2) 70-84
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Estudio comparativo de servicios de streaming de video: OTT E IPTV
Fabian Alfredo Loja Gutama
Student, Universidad Católica de Cuenca campus San Pablo de La Troncal, La Troncal, Ecuador,, ORCID: 0000-0002-5226-9381
Marcos Giovanny Orellana Parra
Engineer, Universidad Católica de Cuenca campus San Pablo de La Troncal, La
Troncal, Ecuador, ORCID: 0000-0003-2976-316X
The purpose of this study is to compare Over-The-Top (OTT) and
Internet Protocol Television (IPTV) services, the former consists of the
transmission of audio, video and other types of content over the
Internet, while the IPTV service is the one that transmits audio and
video over IP protocols. The advantages of OTT and IPTV
technological systems, protocols for their operation, and a brief
review of the hardware required for implementation are presented.
The methodology used in the study is bibliographic documentary, the
information obtained for the constitution of the conceptual theoretical
framework was obtained from specialist. The results allow to evidence
that in Ecuador most citizens have a TV and smartphone in their
homes, more than half of the population has Internet connection
permanently, the evolution of the use of OTT and IPTV exacerbated
by the confinement due to the health emergency, are inputs that allow
us to conclude that video streaming services: OTT and IPTV constitute
an alternative for users, due to the accessibility they present of the
content to the user.
Video, Streaming, OTT, IPTV.
Received 2021-10-11
Revised 2022-01-21
Accepted 2022-03-01
Published 2022-05-04
Corresponding Author
Pages: 70-84
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
El estudio tiene como finalidad comparar los servicios Over-The-Top
(OTT) e Internet Protocol Television (IPTV), el primero consiste en la
transmisión de audio, vídeo y otro tipo de contenido por medio de
Internet, mientras que el servicio IPTV., es aquel que realiza la
transmisión de audio y video por medio de protocolos IP. Se exponen
las ventajas de los sistemas tecnológicos OTT e IPTV, protocolos para
su operación, y una revisión sucinta del hardware necesario para la
implementación. La metodología utilizada en el estudio es
bibliográfica documental, la información obtenida para la
constitución del marco teórico conceptual se obtuvo de autores
especialistas. Los resultados permiten evidenciar que en el Ecuador
la mayoría de los ciudadanos cuenta con un televisor y teléfono
inteligente en sus hogares, más de la mitad de la población tiene
conexión a Internet permanentemente, la evolución del uso de OTT
e IPTV agudizado por el confinamiento debido a la emergencia
sanitaria, son insumos que permiten concluir que los servicios de
streaming de video: OTT e IPTV constituyen una alternativa para los
usuarios, debido a la accesibilidad que presentan del contenido al
Palabras claves:
Video, Streaming, OTT, IPTV.
The purpose of the comparative study of OTT and IPTV video
streaming services is to analyze the service offered by Over The Top
[OTT] and Internet Protocol Television [IPTV], taking into account that
Internet use has become a basic service as a result of the COVID-19
The use of a streaming platform requires computational and
electronic devices such as cell phones, smart TVs, tablets, personal
computers, all with Internet connection and with a transfer rate that
guarantees maximum performance (broadband). (Piraján, 2019).
The IPTV technology has created a new form of digital television
transmission, managing to transmit a variety of interactive channels
that can be used by users. Chronologically, IPTV technology was first
used in the early 2000s in Spain - Europe. In Latin America, the first
country to use IPTV technology was Chile in 2007, followed by
Colombia, which made this transmission through a fiber optic network
in 2008, expanding to other countries in the region; in the case of
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
Ecuador appears the attempt of implementation and operation of the
service by the public company in 2014.
OTT services consist of the transmission of audio, video and other
types of content over the Internet, while IPTV is the transmission of
audio and video over IP protocols. In this regard, the United Nations
(2019) reports that these technologies can be used to transmit audio,
video and content at a relatively low cost and without the need to
purchase special services from a particular company, without affecting
the security and reliability of the data received by the user.
Due to these characteristics, many companies that provide Internet
service have implemented OTT and IPTV services in order to exploit
the current Internet networks and thus use the same infrastructure for
data transmission. In other words, no additional facilities are required
to offer this service, and operators can manage many of the internal
parameters in order to guarantee the quality of the service.
Through the OTT and IPTV technological system, the user can access
a large amount of information, both audio and video, with options to
choose the programming of his preference. These services also offer
advantages in terms of advertising, since companies can offer their
goods and products selectively.
According to a report presented by the World Bank. (2019), since
2017 nearly 50% of the population has access to the Internet. It also
states that this figure will continue to increase. In addition, it highlights
that internet access is becoming more and more common since, this
tool has become indispensable to perform some daily activities, either
at work, education, as a means of communication, leisure or others.
In Ecuador, this technological system has had a very significant
increase, due to the fact that a large part of the population, as a result
of the COVID-19 confinement, has access to the Internet, a service
provided by both private and state companies, which offer this service
at an affordable cost, thus replacing traditional television, which in
many cases does not have a good signal and its channels are not
available throughout the national territory.
The purpose of the comparative study of OTT and IPTV video
streaming services is to analyze the service offered by Over The Top
[OTT] and Internet Protocol Television [IPTV], taking into account that
Internet use has become a basic service as a result of the COVID-19
The use of a streaming platform requires computational and
electronic devices such as cell phones, smart TVs, tablets, personal
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
computers, all with Internet connection and with a transfer rate that
guarantees maximum performance (broadband). (Piraján, 2019).
In fact it is important to mention that IPTV technology has created a
new form of digital television transmission, managing to transmit a
variety of interactive channels that can be used by users.
Chronologically, IPTV technology was first used in the early 2000s in
Spain - Europe. In Latin America, the first country to use IPTV
technology was Chile in 2007, followed by Colombia, which made this
transmission through a fiber optic network in 2008, expanding to
other countries in the region; in the case of Ecuador appears the
attempt of implementation and operation of the service by the public
company in 2014.
OTT services consist of the transmission of audio, video and other
types of content over the Internet, while IPTV is the transmission of
audio and video over IP protocols. In this regard, the United Nations
(2019) reports that these technologies can be used to transmit audio,
video and content at a relatively low cost and without the need to
purchase special services from a particular company, without affecting
the security and reliability of the data received by the user.
Due to these characteristics, many companies that provide Internet
service have implemented OTT and IPTV services in order to exploit
the current Internet networks and thus use the same infrastructure for
data transmission. In other words, no additional facilities are required
to offer this service, and operators can manage many of the internal
parameters in order to guarantee the quality of the service.
Through the OTT and IPTV technological system, the user can access
a large amount of information, both audio and video, with options to
choose the programming of his preference. These services also offer
advantages in terms of advertising, since companies can offer their
goods and products selectively.
According to a report presented by the World Bank. (2019), since
2017 nearly 50% of the population has access to the Internet. It also
states that this figure will continue to increase. In addition, it highlights
that internet access is becoming more and more common since, this
tool has become indispensable to perform some daily activities, either
at work, education, as a means of communication, leisure or others.
In Ecuador, this technological system has had a very significant
increase, due to the fact that a large part of the population, as a result
of the COVID-19 confinement, has access to the Internet, a service
provided by both private and state companies, which offer this service
at an affordable cost, thus replacing traditional television, which in
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
many cases does not have a good signal and its channels are not
available throughout the national territory.
The study focuses on making known how Communication and
Information Technologies (ICT) have grown in recent years by offering
tools for users to access streaming platforms that have a wide variety
of online audios and videos, which can be watched immediately and
continuously without the need to download (Levy, 2019)
Taking into account that OTT and IPTV services currently facilitate the
fusion of voice (telephony), data (internet service) and video
(television) flows in a single network. For this reason, these services
have grown by offering quality services at affordable prices compared
to traditional paid operators.
Currently there is an unprecedented technological development,
because the Internet user interacts with the issuer and becomes the
protagonist, it is who chooses the contents in the various streaming
platforms. The Internet user can watch movies, series and videos
online at his free choice; being these digital contents the most
consumed by them.
The growing use of IP technologies has allowed the streaming
platform to be the most widely used in online and interactive
television, since it allows the user to have a personalized
consumption. That is, this platform allows continuous transmission
through OTT, audio and video over the Internet without the need to
involve traditional operators for broadcasting. However, to connect
they need a device or application that allows them to decode images
and sound.
Similarly, the Over The Top (OTT) system is used to transmit audio
and video over the Internet. This system is characterized by being a
method that depends on the Internet so that they can deliver their
service. The (OTT) system, Over The Top is used by large companies
such as Netflix, You Tube, Skyoe, Airbnb and WhatsApp, which offer
their services in all countries of the world. (Andrade, 2019).
Within this system there are some additional services through which
they can operate as is the case of:
This type of service allows that, thanks to the
subscription, advertising can be personalized and the user can
select the type of advertising he/she wishes to receive.
In this case the advertising services are included in the
contents where the free service is offered.
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
This type of service guarantees access to the platform,
where some content must be purchased.
As can be seen, the OTT service offers users a great number of
options that adapt to the user's needs, which is why these services
have achieved great popularity, due to the service options and low
In OTT service data transmissions are mainly IP and HTTP. By using
one of these protocols to transmit audio and video over an Internet
This protocol refers to the transfer of content by means of content
through the use of the web, in which they adapt to the medium of
transmission of content. This can be achieved by means of a data flow,
and allows the sharing of several devices that adapt to the screen
resolution. This protocol also improves the security conditions in the
services. (Cumbicus, 2016).
Within this protocol there is also the integration with Video Content
Authority System (VCAS), which allows to improve the capacity to
support the subscriptions of pay TV services, based on many
commercial activities. By using this protocol, the description keys will
be managed and distributed only to those who should receive it.
IPTV technology allows the transmission and reception of image and
voice broadcasting (telephony), data (internet service) and video
(television), in a single network. That is to say that through IPTV, the
user can have at his service a wide variety of channels where he can
make use of movies, text, graphics, data, and video and audio content
on demand over a private broadband IP network. (Benavides &
Uguña, 2017)..
IPTV offers a number of digital television channels, music, pay-per-
view programming, video on demand, electronic program guide,
personalized video recording, interactive advertising, information
services, games, email, e-learning, karaoke, among other services. In
order for the user to make use of them, it is necessary to acquire a
receiver and connect it to the TV set or computer. In addition, a
monthly subscription must be paid; it should be added that for each
special program the user must pay an extra fee. (Guamán, 2017).
The IPTV system is characterized by being interactive, because it has
several services in the same medium, allows surfing the Internet and
accessing interactive games. In addition, the IPTV system, contains a
series of computer technologies, and allows the distribution and
digitization of any media that is connected to broadband Internet.
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
Through this system, the user has a wide variety of programs available
for use. (Borja & Peña, 2014).
The protocols used for video transmission are as follows:
By means of this protocol IPTV technology is able to send to a single
IP, all destinations that demand the service, however it is necessary
not to confuse it with the broadcast services. For its operation, the
application subscribes to a group and the host sends a report
message < Menbership_report>, containing the address of the group
to which it now belongs.
Chart 1
. IGMP Broadcasting
Based on Goñi (2020)
Chart 2.
Protocol for sending information
Based on Goñi (2020)
Servidor de video
Router Router
100 copias
33 copias
34 copias
Servidor de video
Router Router
1 copia
1 copia
1 copia
Router adds group Forwards stream
I want
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
The routers periodically send queries (Menbership_query: general) to
the group, in which each computer responds with a report to the
group to which it belongs, which must include the group address.
Chart 3.
Protocol for sending information
Based on Goñi (2020)
If any of the hosts sends a report, another host in the same multicast
group no longer sends a message of its own, which saves resources.
Chart 4.
Protocol for sending information
Based on Goñi (2020)
In other words, if messages from active groups are not received within
the multicast group, the router deletes this group. In addition, to
improve response time and group management, hosts can send
Leave_group messages to communicate that the routers have left the
It is necessary to mention that this protocol does not offer any
mechanism for routing datagrams, so it is not necessary to use routing
algorithms or protocols.
Still interested?
(general query) group
Yes, me!
<> group
1 sec (re-trasmit timer)
I don’t want anymore
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
The RTSP protocol is mainly used for the establishment and control of
a streaming session, in which it acts as a session remote control,
allowing some commands such as play, pause, rewind. This protocol
is used in conjunction with SDP (Session Description Protocol), which
is responsible for providing the necessary information for the session,
such as data streams, content, duration and bandwidth.
The main features of this protocol include:
Transport layer independence (TCP or UDP)
The server needs to maintain its connection
Supports unicast or multicast
It has a great capacity to adapt to available services
Another type of data transmission protocol is the RPT, which mainly
uses UDP protocols to reduce the video-streaming load and thus
receive the information. However, this protocol does not offer any
guarantee of quality or data delay.
Therefore, it can be concluded that the RTSP protocol is in charge of
guaranteeing the establishment and control of the video-streaming
connection, while the RTP protocol is mainly used to transport the
contents in real time.
Chart 5.
RTSP protocol
Based on Goñi (2020)
In fact, the RTP protocol, used for the transport and packaging of
multimedia data, is encapsulated over UDP, and above all it is used
to monitor the quality of service.
Web server
•• ••••
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
The comparative study of video streaming services: OTT and IPTV is
documentary bibliographic since the information was obtained from
specialist authors such as Marín (2021), Guznay (2019), Guamán
(2019), and Orozco (2016). It was also based on descriptive research,
which allowed comparing and describing OTT and IPTV video
streaming services.
In this sense, Guevara, Verdesoto, and Castro (2020)argue that
descriptive research allows to clearly describe each of the
components of reality and clearly explain how it influences the subject
under study, as in the case of the comparative study of video
streaming services: OTT and IPTV.
Hernández and Mendoza (2019)express that descriptive research
allows the researcher to use concepts and variables in order to know
the causes and consequences that originate the problem under study.
Similarly, descriptive research allows the researcher to know the direct
opinion on the subject of study.
The results of the comparative study of video streaming services: OTT
and IPTV, are performed based on the research presented in the state
of the art by expert authors on the subject.
These results show that, at present, the majority of people in Ecuador
own a smartphone, and more than half of the population has a
permanent internet connection, something similar happens with
smart TV, in which the majority of the population owns one in their
homes. According to these results Suing, Gallardo and Ortiz (2019)
mention that the growing use of social media has led to an increase
in online television, so these media have advanced to adapt to the
growing need of viewers.
From the results presented by Guzñay (2019), during 2017, OTT
usage in our country were 3% of the population, while IPTV usage
were 1.8% . During 2018, OTT service rose to 6% and IPTV rose to
4.0%. During 2019, statistics showed that 11.0% of the population
had access to OTT services, while 5% had access to IPTV. By 2020,
15.0% of the population has access to OTT services, while 10.0% of
the population has access to IPTV service, these data can be seen in
the following graph.
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
The results demonstrate the continuous growth of services that allow
citizens to enjoy these services, as mentioned by Guzñay (2019)who
analyzes the impact that the telecommunications sector is currently
facing, and due to the emergence of OTT and IPTV services, many
platforms can offer messaging services, image and audio
transmission. These services also come hand in hand with new
technological trends which facilitate this process.
However, it is important to emphasize that the expansion of
broadband Internet connections makes it easier for these services to
be of increasingly better quality, allowing families to access these
services, generating an expansion in the demands of customers, who
are increasingly seeking these services in the domestic market.
In this sense, Sarango (2021)mentions that in Ecuador 55% of people
use OTT services, while the IPTV service is used by 79.0%. It should
be added that users use these services for entertainment. For
education 23% of users use IPTV and 8% use OTT. For work, 8% of
users use IPTV and 1% use OTT. Other uses 15% use IPTV and 14%
use OTT services.
These results show that most users use streaming TV services for their
entertainment, mostly for movies and series services. In addition, this
author points out that the importance of OTT services has a greater
geographic scope since their contents are through Internet networks,
thus gaining users in remote areas where private networks do not
reach; and if we add to this the growth of smart devices connected to
broadband, a threat to telecommunications operators that provide
IPTV services arises.
In conducting a comparative study of video streaming services: OTT
and IPTV, Marín (2021)points out the advantages, challenges and
opportunities of streaming. This author reports the growth of
streaming consumption in recent years and especially during the
Covid-19 pandemic in 2020. In addition, he mentions that streaming
consumption in several countries is directed towards the cell phone
(mobile), which is the tool that allows connecting to the Internet and
is used by 9 out of 10 Internet users. This platform is used to watch
short and on-demand videos, TV series and movies online.
Similarly Guznay (2019)mentions that IPTV and OTT-TV users are
looking for quality services at a good price, which has allowed them
to opt for the OTT-TV service, because they can count on an excellent
service at a low price, so most users have made the decision to
eliminate IPTV services.
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
In this sense, these authors point out that this service is used by many
users to access various contents that are available on the Internet,
since they can diversify the content to which they have access at a low
cost. In this regard Guamán (2019)analyzes the importance of digital
television by IPTV technologies through the copper network with
ADSL technology. According to this author mentions the New
Information Technologies (ICT), have become one of the most
important means for human development, as they have generated
important changes both at cultural and intellectual level. He even
mentions that technologies have changed people's lifestyles.
While for Orozco (2016) OTT multiscreen video services, allow the
user to access the moment he/she wants to the online television
service to watch movies, series, sports, concerts or others, only
requires any terminal device that is connected to the Internet, through
a computer, smartphone, tablet or smart TV.
These authors agree that these services offer several advantages for
users to have television on demand, such as movies and television
programs that can be used without the need to be downloaded, i.e.
they can be used in real time.
A variety of channels, programs and videos are available to the
The user is the one who decides what type of advertising he/she
wants to receive.
IPTV allows the user to receive and send important e-mails,
according to the user's preference.
The user has access to information, search engines, e-mail, etc.
Excellent image quality (Ikutza, 2016).
Likewise, these authors refer to the fact that these services have some
differences. Among the main ones we have:
The transmission of services is provided through the use of open
internet, where there is no intermediary between the content and the
The IPTV service uses a dedicated network with an infrastructure that
is managed by the service operator.
Comparative study of video streaming services: OTT AND IPTV
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 2
During the development of the comparative study of video streaming
services: OTT and IPTV is positive, proof of this is the growing
demand for this service, since it has protocols to transmit audios and
videos in real time. One of the great advantages of the streaming
platform is the affordable price and the wide catalog of content, the
absence of advertising and the convenience of using this platform
from the comfort of home.
In fact, the continuous advancement of technology and streaming
platforms have allowed to offer services such as OTT and IPTIV,
making users have greater access to new digital channels and social
networks which has contributed to users have a preference for using
the OTT system, because this service is cheaper and offer more
programming, for this reason users doubled. Streaming is a platform
that allows the continuous transmission and broadcasting of audio
and video in real time through the Internet Protocol (IP). To obtain this
service, a television channel broadcasts live streaming through its
website, the user must connect from his computer, phone, smart TV
or Tablet.
As future work, it is recommended to promote the benefits of the
streaming platform, so that more people use this platform in their
daily activities, since it is not only possible to watch movies and
videos, but it can also be used in security cameras and surveillance
services for minors.
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