Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 12, No. 3 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA
): Quintana, J., Taranto, F., Moreria, M., Parrales, M. (2022) Pleurotus
ostreatus production using corn husks and legumes, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación
y Saberes, 12(3) 1-11.
Pleurotus ostreatus production using corn and legume husks
Producción del Pleurotus ostreatus utilizando cáscaras de maíz y leguminosas
Jorge Gustavo Quintana Zamora
Ph.d. Faculty of Industry and Production Sciences, Food Engineering, Universidad Técnica Estatal de
Quevedo, Los Ríos, Ecuador. Mail: ( ORCID 0000-0003-2248-3528
Fred Eduardo Taranto Moreira
Ph.d. Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo, School of Environmental Sciences, Environmental
Management Engineering. Campus "Ing. Manuel Haz Álvarez", Quevedo, Ecuador. ORCID 0000-0002-0110-3197
Mercedes Cleotapra Moreria Menéndez
Ph.d. Faculty of Industry and Production Sciences, Industrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica Estatal de
Quevedo, ORCID 0000-00032031-7673
María Aurora Parrales Gallo
Ph.d. Faculty of Industry and Production Sciences, Agroindustrial Engineering, Universidad Técnica Estatal
de Quevedo, Los Ríos, Ecuador. ORCID 0000-0003-0918-9252
Pleurotus ostreatus is an edible fungus that is produced on a wide
variety of agricultural and agroindustrial wastes, due to its great
capacity to colonize and degrade lignocellulosic substrates. The
objective of this work was to evaluate the kinetics of radial growth, to
obtain mycelium and the production of Pleurotus ostreatus in fresh
state, using for its growth tender corn cob husk, legume husk (pea,
bean and broad bean). In the first phase, mycelial growth was
determined and in the second phase, production of the fungus
Pleurotus ostreatus. For radial growth or mycelial growth, a
completely randomized experimental design was used, with five
treatments and five replicates. In the kinetics of radial growth, which
was the obtaining of mycelium, the one that showed the best behavior
in the growth of Pleurotus ostreatus was the culture medium Papa
dextrose agar plus the inclusion of pea husk (Pisum sativum) 74 mm
at 168 hours of growth, while the best harvest yield of Pleurotus
Received 2022-03-02
Revised 2022-05-11
Accepted 2022- 06-04
Published 2022-09-04
Corresponding Author
Jorge Gustavo Quintana
Pages: 1-11
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Pleurotus ostreatus production using corn and legume husks
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
ostreatus was fava bean husk (Vicia faba) 151.40 g of Pleurotus
ostreatus, per kilogram of substrate in the first harvest. With these
results, there is an alternative to use vegetable waste generated in the
central market of the canton of Quevedo, Province of Los Ríos,
Ecuador, to obtain a foodstuff and reduce the contamination that
waste generates in the environment.
Chocolate, tourism, entertainment
Pleurotus ostreatus, es un hongo comestible que se produce en una
gran variedad de residuos agrícolas y agroindustriales, debido a su
gran capacidad de colonizar y degradar sustratos lignocelulósicos. El
objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la cinética de crecimiento radial,
para la obtención de micelio y la producción de Pleurotus ostreatus
en estado fresco, utilizando para su crecimiento cáscara de mazorca
de maíz tierno, cáscara de leguminosas (arveja, frejol y haba). En la
primera fase se determinó el crecimiento micelial y en la segunda fase
producción del hongo Pleurotus ostreatus. Para el crecimiento radial
o crecimiento de micelio se utilizó un diseño experimental
completamente al azar, con cinco tratamientos y 5 repeticiones. En la
cinética de crecimiento radial, que fue la obtención de micelio el que
mejor comportamiento demostró en el crecimiento de Pleurotus
ostreatus fue el medio de cultivo Papa dextrosa agar más la inclusión
de cáscara de arveja (Pisum sativum) 74 mm a las 168 horas de
crecimiento, mientras que el mejor rendimiento de cosecha de
Pleurotus ostreatus fue la cáscara de haba (Vicia faba) 151.40 g de
Pleurotus ostreatus, por kilogramo de sustrato en la primera cosecha.
Con estos resultados se tiene una alternativa de utilizar los residuos
de hortalizas que se generan en el mercado central del cantón
Quevedo, Provincia de Los Ríos, Ecuador, en la obtención de un
alimento y disminuir la contaminación que los residuos generan en el
medio ambiente.
Palabras clave:
Chocolate, turismo, entretenimiento
Pleurotus ostreatus production using corn and legume husks
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
Fungi are the fruiting structures of specialized fungal species that have
unique qualities to degrade organic substances and recycle nutrients
in the soil. These are wonderful fungi that can convert agricultural
wastes in rich in lignocellulosic materials into valuable protein-rich
biomass having all essential nutrients. (Thakur, 2020). Mushroom
production is emerging as an additional dimension in agricultural
diversity; its cultivation lies in the utilization of agricultural residues
rich in lignocellulosic materials. (Kumar et al., 2020).
The level of fungal growth development depends largely on
environmental factors, as well as the type of substrate. Almost all
agricultural wastes are available for fungal cultivation, as they contain
lignocellulosic substances. The ability of the fungus to convert a high
percentage of lignocellulosic substrates into fruiting bodies increases
profitability. (Agba et al., 2021). Agricultural wastes include mainly
cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose. The content of these chemical
components in various types of crops is different. For example, the
cellulose, lignin and hemicellulose contents of crop residues are 35-
50%, 20-30% and 15-30%, respectively. (Mo et al., 2018)
One of the main problems faced worldwide is the disposal of both the
large amount of agro-industrial waste and the residues derived from
livestock activities. According to the Food Sustainability Index: a
global study on nutrition, sustainable agriculture and food waste,
which compiles data from 67 countries around the world: each year,
the world population on average discards 37 kg of food per person.
In general, high-income countries produce a higher amount of food
waste compared to low-income countries. (Ritota & Manzi, 2019)
If these wastes are released to the environment without proper
disposal procedure that may cause environmental pollution and
harmful effects on human and animal health. Most of the agribusiness
wastes are untreated and underutilized, therefore, in maximum
reports it disposed either by burning, dumping or unplanned
dumping. These untreated wastes create different problems with
climate change by increasing a number of greenhouse gases. (Sadh
et al., 2018)
Pleurotus mushrooms are considered healthy because of their
richness in protein, fiber, vitamins and minerals. Pleurotus mushrooms
Pleurotus ostreatus production using corn and legume husks
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
are consumed as a functional food as they attract flavor and aroma,
nutritional and medicinal value. Pleurotus species (oyster mushrooms)
are commercially important edible and cultivated mushrooms
worldwide. (Raman et al., 2020). This nutritious edible mushroom
ranks second among commercially cultivated mushrooms. (Adebayo
et al., 2021). The cultivation of edible mushrooms has grown from
homemade techniques to a highly technical industry. (Guevara-Viejó
et al., 2021). Mushroom consumption worldwide is steadily increasing
as more people recognize mushrooms as a valuable source of healthy
food; it is rich in carbohydrates, protein, minerals and vitamins, but
low in calories and fat. (Sifat et al., 2020)
The objective of this work is the production and obtaining of
mycelium of Pleurotus ostreatus, having an alternative to reduce
environmental pollution generated by vegetable waste in the central
market of the canton of Quevedo, Province of Los Ríos, Ecuador.
The study was conducted at the experimental farm La María
belonging to the State Technical University of Quevedo in June 2017.
Pea (Pisum sativum); bean (Phaseolus vulgaris); fava bean (Vicia faba)
and baby corn (Zea mays) husks were used, which were collected from
the central market of Quevedo canton, Los Ríos Province, Ecuador.
The pure culture of oyster mushrooms (Pleurotus ostreatus) was
obtained from the microbiology area of the Rumiology laboratory,
belonging to the Faculty of Livestock Sciences of the State Technical
University of Quevedo.
To obtain the mycelium of the Pleurotus ostreatus fungus, PDA (Papa
Dextrose Agar) culture medium was used at a dose of 39 g per liter of
distilled and demineralized water, sterilized in autoclave at 121 C for
30 minutes at 15 psi (pounds of pressure), sterilized glass petri dishes
of 80 mm filled with 15 ml of PDA culture medium were used, where
4 mm of mycelium of the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus was taken with a
stainless steel punch, deposited in the center of the petris boxes with
culture medium for subsequent growth, the petris boxes were placed
in an incubator (Memmert Schwabach, Germany) at 30C for 10 days
until the mycelium of the fungus covers the entire diameter of the
petri dish. 400 ml glass containers disinfected with chlorinated water
were used and filled with wheat (Triticum) seed in an amount of 400
Pleurotus ostreatus production using corn and legume husks
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
g and then autoclaved at 121 C for 30 min at 15 psi (pounds of
pressure), were left to cool at room temperature and then each
container with the seed was inoculated with 40 mm of Pleurotus
fungus mycelium and left in the oven (Memmert Schwabach,
Germany) at 30 C for 10 days, until total colonization was obtained.
The shredded agricultural residues were weighed in an amount of 1
kilogram in plastic bags, then washed in running water and
subsequent pasteurization at 100C for 45 minutes, the residues were
allowed to cool to room temperature 25C, and seeded 100 g of
wheat with Pleurotus ostreatus fungus mycelium per 1000 grams of
pea, bean, broad bean and baby corn husks.
The shells inoculated with Pleurotus fungi were placed inside
incubation chambers covered entirely with black plastic for 21 days,
obtaining a total colonization of the shells, circular holes were made
in the bags containing the shells with mycelium, Artificial light was
provided to induce the fructification of the mushrooms, which with the
help of a knife sterilized with 98% alcohol proceeded to cut the
mushrooms to later weigh the production and carry out the physical
and chemical analysis immediately.
We weighed 100 g of pea husk; 100 g of bean husk; 100 g of bean
husk and 100 g of baby corn husk; for the four culture media. The 100
g of each of the samples (pea, bean, bean and baby corn husks),
chopped and washed, were placed in each aluminum container, and
then 1 L of distilled water was added for each sample.
It was taken to the fire and it was left to boil for 30 minutes, it was
covered to avoid excessive losses by evaporation. It was filtered with
the help of gauze and cotton to avoid the passage of any impurity, it
was placed in flasks containing 20 g of agar and 20 g of dextrose, then
these solutions of the different peels were dissolved with the help of
magnetic agitators and heaters. To prepare the PDA (potato,
dextrose, agar), 200 g of potato (Solanum tuberosum) (peeled in
squares) were used, these pieces of potato were boiled to obtain a
solution which was transferred to a flask containing 20 g of agar and
20 g of dextrose, then dissolved with the use of magnetic stirrers and
The five prepared solutions were heated to uniformly dilute the agar
and dextrose by boiling for 30 minutes. They were autoclaved at 121
°C and 15 psi for 30 minutes. A total of five culture media were
obtained: PDA (potato dextrose agar); PDACA (potato dextrose agar
Pleurotus ostreatus production using corn and legume husks
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
+ pea peel); PDACF (potato dextrose agar + bean peel); PDACH
(potato dextrose agar + bean peel); PDACMT (potato dextrose agar
+ baby corn peel), in the biosafety cabinet 15 mL of each medium was
deposited in the petri dishes and allowed to solidify.
The mushrooms were harvested with the help of a knife disinfected
with 96% alcohol and the mushrooms were cut and weighed on a
Sartorius digital scale.
A 4 mm diameter of PDA invaded by the mycelium of the fungus
Pleurotus ostreatus under study was cut with a punch and sown in the
center of an 80 mm petri dish, which contained 15 mL of culture
medium and was incubated in a Memmert Schwabach incubator,
Germany at 29 °C. With the help of a calibrator, measurements were
taken every 24 hours of the growth diameter of the mycelium of the
Pleurotus ostreatus strain. Two measurements were taken in different
directions from the second to the seventh day of incubation, which
was the total invasion of the petri dish.
In the first phase, mycelial growth was determined and in the second
phase, production of the fungus Pleurotus ostreatus. For radial growth
or mycelial growth, a completely randomized experimental design
was used, with five treatments and five replicates. For the harvest yield
of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom, a completely randomized design
was used with four treatments and five replicates, and Tukey's
multiple range test was used (p<0.05), and the data were analyzed in
the SAS version 9 program.
Table 1 shows the results of radial growth of Pleurotus ostreatus
mycelium in various culture media, it can be seen that there are
statistical differences between treatments, with better growth in
PDACA, compared to the PDA control treatment and the other
culture media prepared with corn and legume husks. These results
may be due to the chemical composition of the pea husk in its low
hygroscopic moisture content (3.44%) and also to the neutral
detergent fiber content (58.25%). Agricultural, agro-industrial and
urban residues of vegetable origin have a high content of cellulose, a
glucose polymer, which is the main component of the cell wall of
plants. (Díaz Muñoz et al., 2019). Pleurotus ostreatus is a saprophyte,
Pleurotus ostreatus production using corn and legume husks
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
with high flexibility to grow by bioconversion in a wide range of
lignocellulosic materials. (Fayssal et al., 2021).
According to (Mahadevan & Shanmugasundaram, 2018), reported
similar values, in the Comparative effect of different culture media on
mycelial growth performance of Pleurotus sapidus mycelial growth,
7.72 cm, on Yeast Malt Agar medium, at 8 days of radial growth
kinetics. Likewise (Hoa & Wang, 2015)published higher radial growths
of 9.00 cm in Pleurotus ostreatus, at 8 days of growth, in different
culture media, these results may be due to the use of pure fungal
culture media. (Phadke Monika et al., 2020)In the case of Pleurotus
ostreatus, lower mycelial growths were obtained between 36.11 mm
to 45.28 mm at 8 days of inoculation, in different culture media. While,
(Bankole & Salami, 2017)reported growths of 8.50 cm on Papa
dextrose agar and 5% sucrose corncob agar media, at 5 days of
inoculation. (Maftoun et al., 2017)In addition, they used additives in
PDA medium to increase the growth of Pleurotus mycelium, obtaining
10 cm of mycelium in a culture medium composed of PDA + yeast
extract + malt extract + sodium nitrate, 12 days after inoculation.
Radial growth of Pleurotus ostreatus mycelium inoculated in
different culture media prepared with corn husk and legumes.
1.00 c
3.80 a
2.60 b
2.00 b
2.00 c
7.80 a
4.60 b
4.20 b
3.40 d
11.00 a
6.80 b
7.60 bc
6.00 c
13.20 a
8.60 c
11.60 a
10.80 c
21.40 a
11.00 c
15.00 b
34.00 b
47.00 a
43.00 ab
34.00 b
58.00 B
74.00 A
59.00 B
47.00 C
PDA = potato dextrose agar
PDACA = potato dextrose agar + pea husk (Pisum sativum)
PDACF = potato dextrose agar + bean husk (Phaseolus vulgaris)
PDACH = potato dextrose agar + bean husk (Vicia faba)
PDACMT = potato dextrose agar + baby corn husk (Zea mays)
1/ Means with equal letters do not differ statistically, according
to Tukey (p<0.05).
Pleurotus ostreatus production using corn and legume husks
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
Table 2, shows the yield of Pleurotus ostreatus fungus, harvested on
corn and legume husks, with statistical differences among the
treatments, presenting a better yield of fresh hogos the fava bean
husk with 151.40 grams per kilogram of fava bean husk. These results
are similar to those reported by (Roblero Mejía et al., 2021)The results
are similar to those reported by the study of Pleurotus ostreatus, with
yields of 152.80 grams of Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms in a mixture
of pangola grass, coffee pulp and corn stover. (Pokhrel et al., 2013)In
the same study, the authors of the study, who obtained lower yields
in pea residues 137.51 grams and in corn stalks, obtained similar
yields of 158.96 grams in the first harvest of Pleurotus ostreatus
mushrooms. In addition (Chukwurah et al., 2012) reported higher
yields of Pleurotus ostreatus mushrooms in a substrate composed of
corn straw, sawdust, lime and water, obtaining a production of 220
grams in the first harvest and 270.50 grams in the sixth harvest of
Pleurotus. However, they harvested lower yields of (Fufa et al.,
2021)However, they harvested lower yields of 144.18 grams of
Pleurotus on corn cob residues. Also (Nasir et al., 2021) obtained, the
lowest yield was recorded for the first flush (95 g), second flush (88 g),
third flush (80 g) and total yield (263 g) in the case of Treatment-T5
(100 % corn cob residues).
Table 2.
Yield of Pleurotus ostreatus mushroom, harvested on corn
husks and legumes.
72.00 B
80.00 B
151.40 A
72.00 B
1/ Means with equal letters do not differ statistically, according
to Tukey (p<0.05).
Yield of fresh mushrooms per 1000 g of soft corn husks and
legumes, in a single harvest.
In the production of Pleurotus ostreatus, bean husk showed the best
performance in edible mushroom harvest, while in the production of
mycelium, the medium Papa Dextrose Agar plus the inclusion of pea
husk had the best performance in radial growth kinetics,
Pleurotus ostreatus production using corn and legume husks
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
demonstrating that these legume residues can be used in the
production of Pleurotus ostreatus.
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