Effect of calcium acetylide on fruit ripening in two banana cultivars
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
This would indicate that treatments T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7 and T8,
regardless of variety, calcium acetylide doses and exposure time,
matured in less time, saving between 9 to 10 days compared to the
controls. This shows a reduction in time of up to 66% in the case of
the dominico variety and approximately 55% in the case of the
barraganete variety, through the use of calcium acetylide (10 and 30
g/kg) on the green fruit.
Dry matter content (g). In the dry matter content, significant
differences were found in factor B (dose), highlighting natural ripening
with 0.78%, while in factor C (exposure time), 48 hours stood out over
72 hours with 0.79%; as for factor A (plantain cultivars), there were no
significant differences (≤0.05). According to the analysis of variance,
the interaction of factors A (plantain cultivars) x B (dose) x C (exposure
time), showed highly significant differences (p≤0.05), with a
coefficient of variability of 9.59%, the best treatment being T11
(control 3) with a value of 0.66%, this due to the fact that the lower
the dry matter content, the greater the degree of ripening of the fruit.
This was followed by T1, T3, T5 and T7 (treatments that were exposed
to calcium acetylide for a range of 48 hours), with values less than 1
in dry matter. While T2, T4, T6 and T8 (treatments exposed to calcium
acetylide for 72 hours), showed values greater than 1 in dry matter,
this would indicate that the period of exposure of banana varieties to
calcium acetylide would cause different effects on dry matter content.
Moisture (%). According to the analysis of variance of the moisture
variable, it was found that there were highly significant differences in
factor B (dose), highlighting the doses of 10 and 30 g/kg of calcium
acetylide on natural ripening, while in factor C (exposure time) the
highest value was 63.97 at 72 hours; the opposite occurred in factor
A (varieties) where no differences were recorded. As for the
interaction between factors A (banana cultivars), B (dose) and C
(exposure time), the treatments that obtained the highest moisture
content were T8 and T2 with 67.74 and 67.22% respectively, followed
by the other treatments (T1, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7) exposed to calcium
acetylide (regardless of dose, time and variety) with values greater
than 60%. On the other hand, the control treatments obtained lower
percentages, with T9 (control 1) being the treatment with the lowest
percentage of the trial with 56.31%.