Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
Productivity is a strategic objective of companies, because without it,
products or services do not reach the necessary levels of
competitiveness in the globalized world. (Medina, 2014).
Productivity is a measure of how efficiently labor and capital are used
to produce economic value; high productivity implies that a lot of
economic value can be produced with little labor or capital, while an
increase in productivity implies that more can be produced with the
same amount. In economic terms, productivity is any growth in output
that is not explained by increases in labor, capital, or any other
intermediate input used to produce (Galindo & Ríos, 2015)..
Economic development can be defined as the capacity to produce
and obtain wealth, furthermore this can be both at the level of
personal development and also applied to countries or regions.
Whether in one or the other case, development is linked to livelihood
and economic expansion in such a way as to ensure well-being,
maintain prosperity and satisfy the personal or social needs of people.
It arises with the advent of the capitalist mode of production, which
implies an increase in the rates of profit that allow the process of
capital accumulation. These leaps of quantitative accumulation are
caused by several factors that can be combined as the reduction of
costs, incorporation of more productive techniques or machines,
overexploitation of the labor forces. (Concepto.de, 2018).
Local economic development can be defined as a process of growth
and structural change that, through the utilization of the existing
development potential of the territory, leads to an increase in the well-
being of the population of a locality or region. When the local
community is capable of leading the process of structural change, we
are dealing with a process of endogenous local development. The
starting hypothesis is that localities and territories have a set of
resources (economic, human, institutional and cultural) and
unexploited economies of scale that constitute their development
potential. Each locality or territory is characterized, for example, by a
certain productive structure, a labor market, an entrepreneurial and
technological capacity, an endowment of natural resources and
infrastructure, a social and political system, and a tradition and
culture, upon which the processes of local economic development are
articulated. At a specific historical moment and on its own initiative, a