Interdisciplinary Scientific Journal Research and Knowledge
2022, Vol. 12, No. 3 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
Muñoz, S., Cadena, D., Torres, Y., Pinto, R. (2022) Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for
cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos province, Revista Científica
Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 12(3) 56-72
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the
La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos province
Grado de aceptación de una propuesta de asociatividad para los agricultores
cacaoteros del sector La Cadena, cantón Valencia, provincia de Los Ríos
Sandra Muñoz Macías
Dr. Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo,, ORCID:
Diana Cadena Miranda
Dr. Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo,, ORCID:
Yenny Torres Navarrete
Dr. Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo,, ORCID:
Rafael Pinto Cotto
Dr. Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo,, ORCID:
The purpose of this research is to determine the level of acceptance
among cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector of the Valencia canton,
province of Los Ríos, of a proposal for associativity. For this purpose,
surveys were conducted to 25 cocoa farmers in the study area, aimed
at identifying the main reasons that farmers have to associate,
quantify the degree of acceptance of the associativity proposal,
determine associativity strategies for the improvement of the
production chain of the sector La Cadena, canton Valencia, province
of Los Rios. The main results showed that in the area there is a great
willingness to associate, so that 88.00% indicated that they would
associate, rating the associativity plan as important (36.00%) and very
important (52.00%), considering that it is of greater importance to
acquire associative credits. Farmers preferably aim to improve
marketing, access to new production technologies and markets with
better prices. The objectives that farmers seek to associate are new
markets for the sale of cocoa, elimination of intermediaries and post-
Received 2022-03-24
Revised 2022-05-12
Accepted 2022- 05-23
Published 2022-09-04
Corresponding Author
Sandra Muñoz Macías
Pages: 56-72
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
harvest management of the bean. The associative strategies that
farmers are inclined to use are to attend different production fairs in
which they participate with their product in search of potential
Key words:
Associativity, Competitiveness, Associative Strategies.
La presente investigación tiene como fin determinar el nivel de
aceptación entre los productores cacaoteros del sector La Cadena,
del cantón Valencia provincia de Los Ríos, a una propuesta de
asociatividad. Para tal efecto se realizaron encuestas a 25 agricultores
cacaoteros de la zona de estudio, orientadas a identificar las
principales razones que tienen los agricultores para asociarse,
cuantificar el grado de aceptación de la propuesta de asociatividad,
determinar estrategias de asociatividad para el mejoramiento de la
cadena productiva del sector La Cadena, cantón Valencia, provincia
de Los Ríos. Como principales resultados se pudo apreciar que en la
zona existe una amplia disposición para asociarse de tal manera que
un 88,00% indicó que, si se asociaría, calificando como importante
(36,00%) y muy importante (52,00%) el plan de asociatividad en
cuestión, considerando que es de mayor importancia adquirir créditos
asociativos. Los agricultores apuntan preferentemente al
mejoramiento de la comercialización, acceso a nuevas tecnologías de
producción y mercados con mejores precios. Los objetivos que
buscan los agricultores para asociarse son nuevos mercados para la
venta de cacao, eliminar intermediarios y manejo de postcosecha del
grano. Las estrategias de asociatividad por las que los agricultores se
inclinan son asistir a diferentes ferias productivas en las cuales
participen con su producto buscando mercados potenciales.
Palabras clave:
Asociatividad, Competitividad, Estrategias
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
Cocoa production is an economic activity that is becoming
increasingly important in both rural and urban sectors of Ecuador. It is
a source of income for farm owners and a source of jobs for people
who do not have a farm, but are engaged in agricultural work and
other jobs associated with this type of crop.
Ecuador is an outstanding country recognized worldwide for the
quality of its cocoa, which is used as raw material for the production
of different derivatives used in the food and cosmetics industry and
other sectors that transform the almonds from these plants into
consumer products.
In the sector of La Cadena, belonging to the canton of Valencia in the
province of Los Ríos, there are several farmers dedicated to the
exploitation of cocoa cultivation for commercial purposes, the same
who see this crop as the livelihood for them and their family, and
although some have other income from additional work, It should be
noted that many times the yields and other expected results of the
crop are not significantly good, since they do not receive technical
assistance, managing their crops as they have traditionally done
individually and in some cases sharing production techniques with
their acquaintances.
Associativity as a model of business development, represents multiple
benefits for small and medium-sized enterprises, since it allows them
to increase profits, and in the case of farmers to associate, allows them
to have access to credit, technical advice, group training in terms of
aspects not only agronomic but also administrative, because it is
widely recognized and proven that to ensure the sustainability of
agricultural production systems, an efficient use of resources must be
made, which is achieved through good management, also
highlighting the ability of the leaders or in this case of entrepreneurial
farmers in the leadership capacity to promote such associativity, as
well as the ability to make long-term decisions.
There are many factors that influence the proposal of associativity to
farmers who for years have produced without this type of strategy, so
prior to the design of a proposal for associativity, the reception that
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
this may have and the willingness of farmers to join, and at the same
time evaluate their main requirements and problems in terms of
production, marketing and profitability, to thus consider as key points
for the creation of agribusiness development plans that seek the
improvement of production systems in the study area, in order to
achieve a social agreement between the subjects of study.
We will now review some important concepts related to the problem
to be addressed:
The association is part of a historical record of the early period, where
man as a human being had the need to associate in different ways, to
seek the benefit of their goals and achieve livelihoods; then it was
food and social life; thus has developed associativity, creating
different social models that allow the activity to be operational and
organizational functioning of groups that come together to find
common purposes (Sánchez, Blanco, & Esquivel, 2016)..
As stated by (Fernández, Narváez, & Senior, 2017).associativity is a
mechanism of cooperation between producers, whether natural
persons or entities ranging from microenterprises to small and
medium-sized enterprises, in which each productive unit takes part, in
such a way that they maintain both their legal independence and
managerial autonomy, deciding to participate voluntarily through a
joint effort with other participants, aiming to achieve the common
objective determined by the association.
An associative strategy is considered as a mechanism of organized
joint relationship and action, with a certain degree of permanence,
between different actors - companies, individuals or organizations -
interested in voluntarily joining their efforts to achieve common
objectives and obtain benefits that they could not achieve
individually. (Guale, 2015).
Productivity is a concept of multidimensional nature which is
influenced by certain characteristics and behaviors of the individual,
such influence involves psychological and psychosocial processes
complex to quantify that constitute human factors (Cequea & Núñez,
2017). It can be defined as "the way of using production factors in the
generation of goods and services for society", it seeks to improve the
efficiency and effectiveness with which resources are used.
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
Productivity is a strategic objective of companies, because without it,
products or services do not reach the necessary levels of
competitiveness in the globalized world. (Medina, 2014).
Productivity is a measure of how efficiently labor and capital are used
to produce economic value; high productivity implies that a lot of
economic value can be produced with little labor or capital, while an
increase in productivity implies that more can be produced with the
same amount. In economic terms, productivity is any growth in output
that is not explained by increases in labor, capital, or any other
intermediate input used to produce (Galindo & Ríos, 2015)..
Economic development can be defined as the capacity to produce
and obtain wealth, furthermore this can be both at the level of
personal development and also applied to countries or regions.
Whether in one or the other case, development is linked to livelihood
and economic expansion in such a way as to ensure well-being,
maintain prosperity and satisfy the personal or social needs of people.
It arises with the advent of the capitalist mode of production, which
implies an increase in the rates of profit that allow the process of
capital accumulation. These leaps of quantitative accumulation are
caused by several factors that can be combined as the reduction of
costs, incorporation of more productive techniques or machines,
overexploitation of the labor forces. (, 2018).
Local economic development can be defined as a process of growth
and structural change that, through the utilization of the existing
development potential of the territory, leads to an increase in the well-
being of the population of a locality or region. When the local
community is capable of leading the process of structural change, we
are dealing with a process of endogenous local development. The
starting hypothesis is that localities and territories have a set of
resources (economic, human, institutional and cultural) and
unexploited economies of scale that constitute their development
potential. Each locality or territory is characterized, for example, by a
certain productive structure, a labor market, an entrepreneurial and
technological capacity, an endowment of natural resources and
infrastructure, a social and political system, and a tradition and
culture, upon which the processes of local economic development are
articulated. At a specific historical moment and on its own initiative, a
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
city, county or region can undertake new projects that will allow it to
start or continue on the path of competitive development. The
necessary condition for an increase in local welfare is the existence of
a productive system capable of generating economies of scale
through the use of available resources and the introduction of
innovation. (Vázquez, 2000).
Local economic development is a process of growth and structural
change in the economy of a city, county or region, in which at least
three dimensions can be identified: an economic one, characterized
by a production system that enables local entrepreneurs to efficiently
use productive factors, generate economies of scale and increase
productivity to levels that allow for improved competitiveness in
markets; a socio-cultural one, in which the system of economic and
social relations, local institutions and values serve as the basis for the
development process; and a political and administrative one, in which
local initiatives create a local environment favorable to production
and drive development (Böcker, 2005).
Social development focuses on the need to "put people first" in
development processes. In the view of those affected themselves,
poverty is not only about low income, but is also related to
vulnerability, exclusion and isolation, institutions that do not assume
their responsibilities, lack of power and aggravated exposure to
violence. Social development promotes inclusion, cohesion,
resilience, citizen security and accountability as the operational
principles that define socially sustainable development. (Schrader,
The concept of Social Development refers to the development of
both the human capital and the social capital of a society. It implies
and consists of an evolution or positive change in the relationships
between individuals, groups and institutions of a society, being Social
Welfare the project for the future. Basically, Social Development
should be understood as a process of improvement of the quality of
life of a society. A community will be considered to have a high quality
of life when its inhabitants, within a framework of peace, freedom,
justice, democracy, tolerance, equity, equality and solidarity, have
ample and recurrent possibilities of satisfying their needs and also of
being able to deploy their potentialities and knowledge with a view
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
to achieving a future improvement in their lives, in terms of personal
fulfillment and in terms of the fulfillment of society as a whole. (ABC
Definition, 2007).
The essential aspect of rural development in advanced societies, as
discussed here, is that it is integrated development. This implies the
coordination of planned change in such a way that all the needs of
rural areas are considered and taken into account in the light of
available resources and prevailing ideology. This notion of rural
development depends on understanding the relationship between
the parts of the system. It is particularly affected by knowledge of the
effects of change, especially those introduced from outside, on or
between the parts (Fuguitt et al., 2007).
Rural development is a localized process of social change and
sustainable economic growth, which aims at the permanent progress
of the community and of each individual integrated in it. Local rural
development is understood as the endogenous process that is
generated in the territory in a global and intersectoral way, and that
requires the active participation of the population itself in a process
supported by the subsidiary action of the administrations and other
external agents (Boletí, 2014)..
According to Guale (2015), the associative model in general, without
leaving aside the autonomy of the participating companies, enables
the resolution of common problems, bringing as advantages the
Increased production and productivity.
Increased bargaining power.
Improved access to product or process technologies and
Risk and cost sharing.
Cost reduction.
Improved quality and design.
Improved value chain management (greater control).
Improve the management of technical knowledge under a
productive and commercial training system.
Among the advantages of associativity, Quimí (2012), argues that the
associative model in general, without leaving aside the autonomy of
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
the participating companies, makes it possible to solve common
problems such as:
Improved market positioning.
Access to larger markets.
Human resources training.
Increased productivity.
Access to specialized material and human resources.
Development of economies of scale.
Availability of information.
Raising financial resources.
Optimization of quality standards.
New product development.
Competitive advantages.
Improved negotiation possibilities with customers and suppliers.
The following methods were used for the research: inductive,
deductive and analytical.
The inductive method was the basic tool for the elaboration of the
questions that made up the survey of cocoa farmers in the study area.
The deductive method was used to determine the degree of
acceptance of the proposal and the associativity strategies, and the
results obtained were used to identify specific key points for the
fulfillment of the proposed objectives.
The analytical method was the basis for the analysis of the data
obtained through the execution of the farmer surveys.
Sources of data collection
Primary sources
The primary sources from which information was obtained are the
data obtained through the application of surveys to farmers, that is,
information from direct observation.
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
Information was extracted from secondary sources, i.e. from books,
brochures, newsletters, magazines, publications and online
We worked with all the cocoa farmers in the La Cadena area, who
constituted the universe of 25 people, the population on which this
research is based, and to whom the surveys were directed in their
entirety. In the surveys, questions were formulated based on the
objectives of the research and the expected results. Closed questions
were posed with simple and compound options to facilitate obtaining
answers and speed up the survey execution process.
The data were collected on forms, which were then entered into Excel
for tabulation and preparation of statistical graphs to facilitate their
Table 1.
Affinity of farmers in the La Cadena sector of the
Valencia canton to join the association.
Number of
When asked about the acceptance of forming an association, 88.00%
agreed to form an association with other farmers, while the remaining
12% disagreed with the idea.
Table 2.
Criteria of farmers in the La Cadena sector on the
importance of an associativity plan.
Number of
Not very
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
Very important
Fifty-two percent of the farmers surveyed considered an associativity
plan to be very important for the socio-productive development of
the La Cadena sector, 36% indicated that such a plan was important,
while the remaining 12% rated the cocoa farmers' associativity plan
as not very important.
Table 3.
Main reasons why they would be associated .
Number of
Access to group
and/or associative
between partners
to improve
Access to new
Search for new
markets with better
The 20% of the farmers surveyed expressed that they would associate
mainly to seek new markets with better prices, while the remaining
80% are evenly divided, stating that their main reasons for associating
are access to technical assistance, group and/or associative credits,
collaboration between partners to improve production, improved
marketing and access to new production technologies, with a
percentage of 16% oriented towards each alternative.
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
Table 4.
Consideration of the contribution of associativity to the
access of technical assistance to farmers in the La Cadena sector of
the canton of Valencia
Number of
Prepared by:
Surveys of cocoa farmers in the La Cadena area.
Of the farmers surveyed, 64% believe that the associativity does
contribute to technical assistance on the farms, while the remaining
36% do not consider that this activity contributes to the development
of cocoa farming.
Table 5.
Consideration of the contribution of associativity to the
improvement of cocoa marketing in the La Cadena sector of the
canton Valencia
Number of
Prepared by:
Surveys of cocoa farmers in the La Cadena area.
64% of the cocoa farmers surveyed considered that associativity does
contribute to the improvement of cocoa marketing in the La Cadena
sector of the canton of Valencia, and the remaining 36% indicated
that associativity does not contribute significantly to the improvement
of cocoa marketing in the sector.
Table 6.
Influence that farmers consider that intermediaries have
on the marketing and selling prices of a hundredweight of cocoa.
Number of
They help a quick sale of
the grain
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
They pay a very low price
They pay an excellent
They qualify according to
their convenience
Prepared by:
Surveys of cocoa farmers in the La Cadena area.
Of the total farmers surveyed, 36% considered that middlemen help
in a quick sale of cocoa beans, another 36.00% that they rate them
according to their convenience, and the remaining 28.00% expressed
that they pay them a very low price for their cocoa.
Table 7.
Main objectives to be pursued by the associativity in
the La Cadena sector in the canton of Valencia .
Number of
Seeking new markets for
cocoa sales
Facilitating access to credit
Facilitating the acquisition of
seedlings for farms
Mutual assistance between
partners in farm
Promote projects to
implement irrigation systems
Elimination of intermediaries
Post-harvest handling
Adding value to the product
Prepared by:
Surveys of cocoa farmers in the La Cadena area.
Sixteen percent of the farmers indicated that the association should
seek new markets for the sale of cocoa, another 16% that it should
promote projects to implement irrigation systems, 12% said that
access to credit should be facilitated, 12% said that cocoa should be
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
given added value, 12% said that intermediaries should be
eliminated, 12% that partners should help each other in farm
management, another 12% that post-harvest management should be
improved, and the remaining 8.00% said that the acquisition of
seedlings for the farms should be facilitated.
Table 8.
Promotion strategies for the improvement of the
agroeconomic development of the La Cadena sector in the canton of
Number of
Attendance at
production fairs
Search for potential
Publicity in radio and
print media for the sale
of the association's
Offering high quality
cocoa beans
Prepared by: Authors
Source: Surveys of cocoa farmers in the La Cadena area.
Forty-four percent of the cocoa farmers in the study area said that the
promotion strategy that they believe should be implemented is to
offer high quality beans, 28% said that they should promote the
search for potential markets, 20% said they would like to attend
production fairs, and the remaining 8% said they would prefer to
publicize the sale of cocoa in the association's radio and written
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
The results of this research show that in the La Cadena area there is a
predominance of small production units, most of which do not exceed
3 hectares in size (56.00%), 48.00% of which are associated with
plantain, which is consistent with Grob (2015), who mentions that in
Ecuador there is a wide predominance of small production units that
are commonly managed as family farms or orchards to meet the
household expenses of the farmers, largely associated with plantain.
In addition, the need for technical assistance plans is evident since
84% of farmers do not receive this type of advice for the management
of their crops, and 72% do have access to credit, but they do not have
a technician to contribute their knowledge to the correct
management of the funds disbursed. This is in agreement with
Miranda (2015), who indicates that production systems require both
capital and a correct administration of resources.
In the zone, there is a great willingness to associate, so that 88.00%
indicated that they would associate, rating as important (36.00%) and
very important (52%) the associativity plan in question. In addition,
according to the farmers themselves, they consider that it is more
important to acquire associative credits. These results give relevance
to Quimí (2012), who mentions that associativity has among its
advantages the attraction of financial resources, which according to
Arango & Martínez (2007), promote capital investment in order to
achieve greater business development with mutual benefit for the
The farmers surveyed hold the idea that an associativity plan can
contribute significantly to the development of the sector, as they
consider that it can improve access to technical advice and marketing
of cocoa (64.00%), the latter being important because they consider
that intermediaries may help to sell the beans quickly, but at the same
time they qualify at their convenience so they pay a very low price,
which is consistent with Magnazo & Orchansky (2007), who argue that
associativity seeks the common good of all partners, taking care to
solve their main problems, both existing and potential, and that it can
improve the access to technical advice and the marketing of cocoa
(64.00%). Orchansky (2007) who argue that associativity seeks the
common good of all partners, taking care of solving their main
problems both existing and potential, also regarding intermediaries,
Grob (2015) mentions that they are one of the main problems for
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
agro-commercial development, since in most cases they buy the
production in a faster way but the price they pay is usually well below
the reference price.
Among the main reasons that farmers in the sector have for accessing
the associativity plan is that they prefer to improve marketing, access
to new production technologies and seek markets with better prices,
which, according to Guale (2013), can be achieved through
associativity, since its advantages include access to technologies,
greater bargaining power and improved management of the value
The objectives that farmers believe an association in the study area
should pursue are to seek new markets for the sale of cocoa, eliminate
intermediaries and improve the post-harvest handling of the beans,
since not all sell cocoa in the same state, most of them being sold
dried (44%) and dried (36%). Based on the above, it is possible that
this is achieved thanks to different associativity strategies, among
which it is possible to attend different production fairs in which both
the association and the product offered are made known, and also
offer quality beans in order to seek potential markets, for which
farmers have considered that the cocoa sold by the association should
be disseminated in radio and written media, thus achieving greater
competitiveness, taking into account that according to Fernandez &
Narvaez (2011), within the cocoa sector, the association is able to
improve its competitiveness. Narváez (2011), among the recognized
strategies that contribute to local development, business associativity
occupies an important place, being a mechanism by which different
organizations join efforts, wills, initiatives and resources, seeking to
achieve common objectives, in order to be more competitive in the
global market, preserving their legal independence and managerial
In the zone, there is a wide willingness to associate in such a way that
88.00% indicated that they would associate, rating as important (36%)
and very important (52%) the associativity plan in question,
considering that it is of greater importance to acquire associative
Degree of acceptance of an associativity proposal for cocoa farmers in the La Cadena sector, Valencia canton, Los Ríos
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
credits. Farmers preferably aim to improve marketing, access to new
production technologies and markets with better prices. The
objectives sought by the farmers for association are new markets for
the sale of cocoa, elimination of intermediaries and post-harvest
management of the bean.
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