Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 12, No. 3 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
Cano, J., Cabrera, E., Moncayo, O., Báez, M. (2022) Commercialization of products with territorial
identity in the Cristobal Colon Agricultural and Livestock Association, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria
Investigación y Saberes, 12(3) 73-80
Commercialization of products with territorial identity in the Cristobal
Colon Agricultural and Livestock Association
Comercialización de productos de identidad territorial en la Asociación Agropecuaria
Cristóbal Colón
Juan Calos Cano Intriago
MBA, Quevedo State Technical University,, ORCID:
Eduardo Fabricio Cabrera Toscano
MBA, Universidad Técnica de Cotopaxi,, ORCID: 0000-0001-9509-4449
Oscar Fabian Moncayo Carreño
MBA, Quevedo State Technical University,,
ORCID: 0000-0003-3189-8151
Marco Vinicio Báez Oñate, M.Sc.
MSc. Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo. Ecuador,, ORCID: 0000-0002-2787-6593
The objective of the research is to identify factors related to the
commercialization of the production of different products sold by the
Asociación Agropecuaria Cristóbal Colón. Small farmers and ranchers
enter different programs offered by MAGAP in the Province of Santo
Domingo de los Tsáchilas, including the Parish of Valle Hermoso, in
order to get help and advice for their businesses, while most have
problems when determining the costs of their products, because
there is no business model within the national market, including the
planning and evaluation of products to perform accounting processes
with more continuity, how to know what are their investment costs,
expenses and what is the profit that each business has. Through this
study of the cost of production it is possible to identify that the
different merchants should have an adequate model on how to carry
out an accounting and taxation process more frequently. A survey
was applied to 23 members of the "Cristobal Colon" Association of
the Parish of Valle Hermoso, obtaining as a result that milk occupies
Received 2022-01-09
Revised 2022-02-15
Accepted 2022-04-11
Published 2022-09-04
Corresponding Author
Juan Cano Intriago
Pages: 73-81
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Juan Carlos Cano Intriago
Commercialization of products with territorial identity in the Cristobal Colon Agricultural and Livestock Association
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
the first place as a product with territorial identity, followed by cocoa,
palm heart and coffee, which are relevant for the economy of the
Parish of Valle Hermoso.
Key words:
Costs, Production, Tax, Financial and PIT
(Product with Territorial Identity).
El objetivo de la investigación es identificar factores vinculados a la
comercialización de la producción de los diferentes productos que
expende la Asociación Agropecuaria Cristóbal Colón. Los pequeños
agricultores y ganaderos ingresan a diferentes programas que ofrece
el MAGAP de la Provincia de Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas
formando parte de este la Parroquia de Valle Hermoso, con el fin de
obtener ayuda y asesoramiento para sus negocios, en tanto la
mayoría tienen inconvenientes al momento de determinar los costos
de sus productos, debido a que no existe un modelo de comercio
dentro del mercado nacional, que incluya la planificación y evaluación
de los productos para realizar procesos contables con más
continuidad, cómo conocer cuáles son sus costos de inversión, gastos
y cuál es la utilidad que tiene cada negocio. Por medio de este
estudio del costo de producción es posible identificar, que los
diferentes comerciantes deben contar con un modelo adecuado
sobre cómo llevar un proceso contable y tributación con más
frecuencia. Se aplicó una encuesta a 23 Miembros de la Asociación
“Cristóbal Colon” de la Parroquia de Valle Hermoso obteniendo
como resultado que la leche ocupa el primer lugar como producto
con identidad territorial, de allí el cacao, el palmito y el café siendo
de relevancia para la economía de la Parroquia de Valle Hermoso.
Palabras clave:
Costos, Producción, Tributario, Financiero
y PIT (Producto con Identidad Territorial).
Commercialization of products with territorial identity in the Cristobal Colon Agricultural and Livestock Association
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
The different linkage projects are focused on the sustainable
development of various communities and vulnerable groups in order
to train leaders aware of the problems and needs of society and the
country, capable of influencing the socioeconomic development of
the country. (Ardón, 2011).
This purpose is intended from the Accounting and Auditing
Engineering career of the Distance Learning Unit of the State
Technical University of Quevedo in order to achieve better prepared
professionals, in this case on accounting processes, being an
important topic the study of production costs of the PIT (Territorial
Identity Products) with financial and tax advice in the Cristobal Colón
Agricultural Association.
Agriculture and Livestock play a crucial role in Ecuador's economy,
being identified as the production, processing, marketing and
distribution of crops and livestock products, thus being in this way the
backbone of our economic system. (Magap, 2017).
A product with territorial identity is one that contributes to
conservation, comes from agrobiodiversity and biodiversity, is
considered as a contribution to the welfare of communities and
through innovation and associativity generates a significant economic
alternative (Ranaboldo, 2014). It is associated with the need to
achieve efficient production processes (Arias and Rodríguez, 2018)
and contribute to local development by improving the productivity,
quality and health of the products offered to the population (Ortiz,
Macías and Sosa, 2018).
A definition of products with territorial identity will include all those
goods, services, information and images that are specific to a territory.
Examples of goods could be: a type of cheese, a type of service, a
group of musicians, an image, a symbol that identifies the territory
(Arévalo, 2004).
Despite this, the parish of Valle Hermoso is not considered one of the
parishes with the highest number of production in the province of
Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, however, its production and
commercialization is unknown by most producers, consumers and
suppliers in the surrounding area; this has led us to consider the need
Commercialization of products with territorial identity in the Cristobal Colon Agricultural and Livestock Association
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
to promote this parish as a marketing attribute, thus producing
various agricultural and livestock products.
In the parish there are several production and marketing products that
visitors who come to this place frequently taste: milk, coffee, cocoa
and palm heart, so the need arises to identify and determine the
production costs of the PIT, which allows to know the reality of the
environment and seek strategies to improve the quality of life of the
inhabitants, as well as to disseminate the product with greater
production and marketing in the area.
Thus, the general objective is to determine the cost of production of
the PIT (Product with Territorial Identity) with financial and tax advice
in the Agricultural Association "Cristóbal Colon" in the parish of Valle
Hermoso in the Province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, and
specific objectives:
Conduct a survey of the members of the Association to
improve the territorial identity of the products of Valle
Hermoso Parish.
Determine the production cost of the Valle Hermoso Parish
territorial identity product.
Estimate the profitability of the territorial identity product of
Valle Hermoso Parish.
The research project was carried out at the "Cristóbal Colon"
Agricultural Association in the parish of Valle Hermoso in the province
of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas, whose location is shown in Figure
Commercialization of products with territorial identity in the Cristobal Colon Agricultural and Livestock Association
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
Figure 1:
Representation of the location of the parish of Valle
Hermoso: Northwest Central Ecuador.
Source: Own elaboration.
According to the results of the 2010 INEC Population and Housing
Census, the population of Valle Hermoso Parish is 10,000 inhabitants.
The first inhabitants of the region arrived in 1960, mostly from the
provinces of Loja and Manabí, which were affected by a drought in
the country. At the beginning, entering the area full of mountains and
virgin forests was an impossible task. The crossing of the Blanco River
was done by raft, then by canoe and later by tarabita, these were the
first transportation systems. The transfer of livestock was still an
obstacle until the canoe was installed by pulley, thus livestock was
born in the area and began a productive process that allowed the
growth of the place.
For the development of this study, methodological tools were used in
accordance with the selected research model, which in this case were
exploratory and documentary field research.
The exploration was carried out through visits to the sector for the
application of the surveys to find the territorial identity product (PIT),
which allowed obtaining related objects or data, which imply some
fact, to have a preliminary analysis of the situation and to guide the
Commercialization of products with territorial identity in the Cristobal Colon Agricultural and Livestock Association
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
The analytical-dialectical and inductive method was used to arrive at
the result, which is to find the product of territorial identity (PIT) and
thus be able to extract the product and its production cost.
The observation method was used to see in the sector the product
most welcomed by farmers in the sector and to be able to determine
the product of territorial identity.
Primary and secondary research sources were used.
The primaries were applied at the time of visiting the Parish of Valle
Hermoso, in order to gather all the necessary information regarding
the research topic, provided by the members of the Association
through observation, direct dialogue and the survey.
To obtain information from secondary sources, we resorted to the
Internet and library services.
The survey was conducted taking into account as main elements: sex
and age of the respondents, as preliminary information.
which product is the most produced in the sector of "San Agustín".
which of the mentioned products are identified in the sector, time of
existence of the product in the area and the level at which the product
is marketed: national, territorial, international level.
To calculate the sample, 23 members of the "Cristóbal Colon"
Agricultural Association of the Parish of Valle Hermoso in the Province
of Santo Domingo de los Tsachilas were taken into consideration.
z = Confidence level 95% (1.96)
q = Possibility of occurrence 50% (0.5)
p = Possibility of not occurrence 50% (0.5) N = Population (23)
e = Sample error 5% (0.05)
Thus, the sample size with which we worked was 23 people.
The most used materials were: computers, spherographic, calculators,
memory flash, books and internet.
Commercialization of products with territorial identity in the Cristobal Colon Agricultural and Livestock Association
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
The tabulation and analysis of the results for the identification of the
product with territorial identity (P.I.T.) based on the surveys
conducted among the members of the agricultural association
"Cristóbal Colón" allowed us to determine the characteristics of the
selected sample, which can be summarized as follows:
In the "Cristóbal Colon" Agricultural Association, of the total sample
of 23 members, 14 were men and 9 were women.
In the "Cristóbal Colon" Agricultural Association, of the total sample
applied for the survey of 23 members, 35%, equivalent to 8 people
are over 45 years old, 26% of the total number of members are
between 35 and 45 years old, 5 people, equivalent to 22%, are
between 25 and 35 years old and finally 4 people, equivalent to 17%,
are between 18 and 25 years old.
Once these elements have been determined, the results of the
following questions are tabulated and interpreted:
The results of question 3 on the most obtained product are shown in
Figure 2.
Figure 2.
Graphical representation of production percentages.
Source: Own elaboration
Commercialization of products with territorial identity in the Cristobal Colon Agricultural and Livestock Association
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
In this way it is determined that in the Agricultural Association
"Cristobal Colon", of the total sample applied for the survey of 23
partners, the analysis and interpretation of this question calls the
products of higher production; milk is in first place with 74%, second
place with 13% cocoa, with 9% in third place coffee and with 4%
occupies the fourth place palm heart. This analysis allows us to
determine that in the "Cristóbal Colon" Agricultural Association, of
the total sample applied for the survey of 23 members, those
surveyed when answering the question about the products
mentioned above believe that they are identified in the sector in 74%
responded that it is milk, while 26% the other products of the areas.
Thus, in the "Cristóbal Colon" Agricultural Association, of the total
sample of 23 members, analyzing question 5, which indicates the
product that is identified in the area, 100% of the people responded
that it is milk, 65% responded that it has existed in the area for more
than 20 years, 13% that the product has been in the area for 15 years,
9% for 5 to 10 years and 4% for 20 years.
On this basis it is interpreted that in the Agricultural Association
"Cristobal Colon" of the total sample applied for the survey of 23
partners, 78% of the product is marketed locally, while 18% is
marketed nationally and 4% internationally.
The Cost of Milk Production was analyzed based on direct costs:
Direct Raw Material and Labor. Likewise, the net profitability of sales
is evaluated, which indicates that the profitability indexes of sales
show the profitability of the association; it is estimated based on the
formula used that the profitability on sales in the projected period in
the sale of milk produced is 0.56%.
The survey conducted among the members of the "Cristóbal Colon"
Agricultural Association had a positive impact on the determination
of the Territorial Identity Product, which consists of milk, which
occupies the first place, followed by cocoa, palm heart and coffee,
which is marketed internationally. In the research carried out, it was
Commercialization of products with territorial identity in the Cristobal Colon Agricultural and Livestock Association
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
possible to determine the unit cost per liter of milk, which is $0.42
cents, ready for distribution, which is suggested to maintain and not
increase, thus being more competitive in the market in the Parish of
Valle Hermoso in the Province of Santo Domingo de los Tsáchilas.
Spreading the consumption of milk in the parish will generate income
for those who sell it.
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