Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 12, No. 3 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
Muñoz, S., Miranda, D., Torres, Y., Reyes, M. (2022) Characteristics of the commercialization of the
Cavendish banana crop in the canton of Las Naves, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y
Saberes, 12(3) 84-
Characteristics of the commercialization of the Cavendish banana crop in
the canton of Las Naves
Características de la comercialización del cultivo de banano variedad Cavendish, en el
cantón Las Naves
Sandra Muñoz Macías
Dr. Universidad Tecnica Estatal de Quevedo,,
ORCID: 0000-0002-5348-4817
Diana Cadena Miranda
Dr. Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo,,
ORCID: 0000-0001-5708-9737
Yenny Torres Navarrete
Dr. Universidad Tecnica Estatal de Quevedo,,
ORCID: 0000-0003-3056-8708
Magaly Reyes Cevallos
Dr. Universidad Técnica Estatal de Quevedo,
ORCID: 0000-0002-5347-1522
Agricultural production is a necessary activity for the survival of
mankind, bananas are one of the products consumed
worldwide, and Ecuador is an important producer and
marketer of this fruit. Within the exportable supply of the
country, bananas represent an important item. This research
analyzes the commercialization processes of the Cavendish
banana variety in the canton of Las Naves, for which five
banana producers of this canton were investigated. The
methodology used was descriptive and analytical, applying
interviews and surveys to these producers, as well as reviewing
secondary information to know the global and specific context
of the problem of study. The most important results obtained
were: that the producers-traders, who have important
volumes, have the possibility of committing their product to
the large transnational companies such as Chiquita
International Limited, Del Monte, etc., the large producers
have integrated the entire marketing process, since they are
also wholesalers, so they have warehouses that allow them to
Received 2022-01-06
Revised 2022-02-11
Accepted 2022-04-17
Published 2022-09-04
Corresponding Author
Juan Cano Intriago
Pages: 84-92
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Characteristics of the commercialization of the Cavendish banana crop in the canton of Las Naves
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
sell large volumes produced or fruit from other companies that
have been subject to a process of intermediation, in the case
of small producers, In the case of small producers, their small
volumes do not allow them to sell directly to the central supply
center, not even via commission agents, so their sales are
made through the local collector, who in turn will sell to the
commission agent of the central supply center, who in turn will
sell to the wholesaler.
Banana; Distribution; Trade
La producción agropecuaria es una actividad necesaria para la
supervivencia de la humanidad, el banano es uno de los
productos consumidos a nivel mundial, y Ecuador es un
importante productor y comercializador de dicha fruta. Dentro
de la oferta exportable del país el banano representa un
importante rubro. La presente investigación analiza los
procesos de comercialización del banano variedad Cavendish
en el cantón las Naves, para lo cual se investigó a cinco,
productores de banano de dicho cantón. La metodología
utilizada fue descriptiva y analítica, aplicando entrevistas y
encuestas a dichos productores, así como también revisando
información secundaria para conocer el contexto global y
específico de la problemática de estudio. Los resultados
obtenidos más importantes fueron: que los productores-
comerciantes, que cuentan con volúmenes importantes,
tienen la posibilidad de comprometer su producto, a las
grandes empresas transnacionales como son Chiquita
International Limited, Del Monte, etc., los grandes
productores tienen integrado, todo el proceso de
comercialización, ya que, a su vez, son comerciantes
mayoristas, por lo que cuentan con bodegas que les permite
vender grandes volúmenes producidos o bien fruta de otras
empresas que han estado sujeta a un proceso de
intermediación, en el caso de los pequeños productores, sus
escasos volúmenes producidos, no les permiten vender de
manera directa a la central, ni siquiera vía comisionista, por lo
que sus comercializaciones la hacen a través del acopiador
Characteristics of the commercialization of the Cavendish banana crop in the canton of Las Naves
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
local, el cual a su vez lo venderá al comisionista de la central
de abasto y este al comerciante mayorista.
Palabras clave:
Banano; Distribución; Comercio
This research work is relevant, considering that the
commercialization of Cavendish bananas has an important
preeminence in terms of national production and export
volumes. The objective is to present the characteristics of
banana marketing of the Cavendish variety in the canton of Las
Naves, in the province of Los Ríos.
From a marketing point of view, marketing includes the
planning and control of goods and services that favor the
proper development of the product, to ensure that the product
is in the right place, at the right time, at the right price and in
the required quantities to guarantee profitable sales over time.
The exact origin of the banana plant is not entirely clear.
Anthropologist Spiden wrote, "it is likely that the banana is
native to the tropical humid regions of Southeast Asia "(The
Agro, 2017).
Fernández (2013), considers that the edible banana originated
through a series of mutations and genetic changes from wild
species of small fruits, with numerous seeds and inedible.
Soto (2011) indicates that wild bananas have probably been
used by man since the beginning of his existence.
El Agro (2017), states that the fruit known as "banana" or
"banana", a word that is African and was supposedly invented
by the Portuguese. It was they who, looking for the route to
China, more than 500 years ago, landed on the coast of
Guinea, and upon seeing the natives cultivating the fruit, were
impressed with its delicious flavor and dedicated themselves
to spreading its goodness throughout the territories under
their dominion.
Characteristics of the commercialization of the Cavendish banana crop in the canton of Las Naves
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
Fernández (2013), states that, according to statistics, Ecuador
began exporting bananas in 1910, with the export of 71,617
bunches of more than 100 pounds.
Ecuador is currently the world's leading exporter of bananas
and the second largest producer of this fruit in the world. Since
the 1950s, banana activity has become an important source of
foreign exchange (BCE, 2020), (Naranjo, 2017) also indicates
that the contribution of bananas to the Gross Domestic
Product (GDP) is of great benefit to the country's foreign
exchange earnings.
Markets for Ecuadorian bananas are diversified as follows:
Main markets; United States 21 % and European Union 34 %.
Marginal markets; Eastern Europe 28 %, Middle East 7 %,
Orient 2 %, Southern Cone 5 %, North Africa 2 %, and Oceania
1 % (AEBE, 2016).
From the 1950s to the new millennium, the banana industry
continues to be a driving force for socioeconomic growth
through the generation of foreign exchange, employment and
the multiplier effect through which more than two million
Ecuadorians benefit from the production and marketing of the
fruit, equivalent to 12% of the national population. Díaz (2016).
Over the last 10 years, banana exports have generated an
average of US$1 billion per year in foreign exchange for the
Ecuadorian economy (ECB, 2020).
However, it is important to recognize that, in Ecuador, there is
a high concentration of banana production based on certain
geographical locations. By 2012, of the 180 thousand hectares
existing, 85% was concentrated in three provinces: Los Ríos
(30.55 %), El Guayas (27.78%) and El Oro (26.67 %). Cañar and
Cotopaxi together owned 6.65%, while the remaining 8.35%
were located in provinces with lower production (SICA, 2010).
Characteristics of the commercialization of the Cavendish banana crop in the canton of Las Naves
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
In order to achieve the objectives proposed in this study, descriptive-
analytical research was used. The study began with the collection of
bibliographic information from brochures, magazines, texts and
books to understand the general context of banana production and
marketing in Ecuador and in the province of Los Ríos. Observation,
interviews and surveys were used as research instruments. The study
sample consisted of 5 banana producers in the canton of Las Naves,
to whom research instruments such as interviews and surveys were
The following are the results of the research carried out with the
producers of the canton of Las Naves:
In the case of marketing for the domestic market, it is possible to
distinguish three channels, which are identified as the most common
in the region and whose difference lies in the type of producer.
The large producers have integrated the entire marketing process,
since they are also wholesalers and therefore have warehouses that
allow them to sell their large volumes produced or fruit from other
companies that have been subject to an intermediation process. This
is the most representative channel, since it is estimated that close to
80% of the region's volumes destined for the domestic market are
sold through this mechanism.
In the case of medium-sized producers, since they do not have the
possibility of having warehouses, they sell their product through
commission agents to wholesalers who compete with large producers
in the central supply center. In this case, it may be through two
Delivering the product to a previously established warehouse.
Entering the auction market.
Characteristics of the commercialization of the Cavendish banana crop in the canton of Las Naves
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
In both cases, the price is established and negotiated with the product
already placed in the plant, and the cost of transportation and
packaging is paid by them.
3) In the case of small producers, the small volumes produced do not
allow them to sell directly to the central, not even via commission
agents, so their sales are made through the local collector, who in turn
will sell to the commission agent of the central supply center, who will
sell to the wholesaler.
For marketing in the international market, basically two channels were
distinguished and, curiously, they are also distinguished by the type
of producer:
1) The producer-trader, who has important volumes, has the
possibility of committing his product to the large transnational
companies such as Chiquita International Limited, Del Monte, etc.
For which you can use two modalities:
The product is delivered from the packing plant to the transnationals'
refrigerated transport to Guatemalan shores, from where it will be
shipped in temperature- and humidity-controlled containers to
terminal markets in the United States.
Or, the producer places the banana on the border line. In both cases
the price is established for every six months.
2) In the case of medium-sized producers, who also have the
possibility of selling in the international market, they do so through
transnational companies, with the difference that they cannot commit
their product, due to the lower volumes they handle, so the purchase
made by these companies is according to their needs, so they can
stop buying when they wish or pay a lower price.
What is important to highlight is that, in the case of international
marketing, transnational companies play a fundamental role, since it
is the most common way in which our product and that of many other
countries have entered the international market, as Chiquita
International, Dolé and Del Monte alone market a little more than 70%
of the world's bananas.
Characteristics of the commercialization of the Cavendish banana crop in the canton of Las Naves
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
Figure 1.
Banana Marketing Channels.
Diaz (2016), cites that since the decade of the 50s of the last century,
the banana activity continues to remain as a driving source of
socioeconomic growth, through the generation of foreign exchange,
employment and through the multiplier effect by which more than two
million Ecuadorians receive the benefit of the production and
marketing of the fruit, equivalent to 12% of the national population,
coinciding with what indicates (BCE, 2020), stating that during the last
10 years, banana exports have generated to the Ecuadorian economy
an average of 1.1 billion dollars per year in foreign exchange.
(Naranjo, 2017) indicates that the contribution of bananas to the
Gross Domestic Product (GDP), turns out to be the one with the best
results, as also outlined by SICA, 2010), when it indicates that, in
Ecuador, there is a high concentration of banana production. By 2012,
of the 180 thousand hectares existing, 85% was concentrated in three
provinces: Los Ríos (30.55 %), El Guayas (27.78%) and El Oro (26.67
%). Cañar and Cotopaxi together owned 6.65%, while the remaining
8.35% were located in provinces with lower production.
Large producers have greater and better opportunities, given that
their infrastructure and logistical structure allows them to adopt more
Characteristics of the commercialization of the Cavendish banana crop in the canton of Las Naves
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
competitive practices, especially by virtue of large production and
marketing volumes.
The medium-sized producers, not having the possibility of having
warehouses, sell their product through commission agents to
wholesalers who compete with the large producers in the central
supply center.
Small producers, due to their low production and marketing volumes,
have greater difficulties, which does not allow them to sell directly to
the central, not even via commission agents, so their sales are made
through the local stockpiler, who in turn will sell to the commission
agent of the central supply center and the latter to the wholesaler.
AEBE (Association of Banana Exporters of Ecuador) 2016.
Yearbook: the Ecuadorian banana industry. Accessed,
19/01/2011.mavailable at http//www.
Álvarez, F. (1981). El periodista Andrés Bello. La Casa de Bello.
ECB (Central Bank of Ecuador) 2020. Evolution of the Trade
DÍAZ, F. 2002. Banana exports react. El bananero. Vol. 21:28-
FERNÁNDEZ, A. 2013. Banana in Ecuador: Cultivation, pests
and diseases. Ecuador, Editorial C & C. p 303.
SOTO, M. 2011. Bananas, cultivation and marketing. San José -
Costa Rica. Imprenta Lil. p 631-638
NARANJO, O . 2002. Vision macro of the
banana sector . Superintendencia de Bancos y
Seguros. Consulted 18/04/05. Available at http://.www.
superintendencia, org. ec, p 6.
Characteristics of the commercialization of the Cavendish banana crop in the canton of Las Naves
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3
THE AGRO 2017. Origin of bananas in Ecuador and the world.
El Agro. Vol. 49: 54,55.
Zambrano, O. (1981). Venezuelan educators. Caracas-
Venezuela: Editorial Don Bosco.
Characteristics of the commercialization of the Cavendish banana crop in the canton of Las Naves
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2022/ , Vol. 12, No. 3