Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 13, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Medrano, E., Torres, R. (2022) Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to
strengthen learning to read, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 13(1) 57-81
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
La lúdica: estrategia pedagógica para fortalecer el aprendizaje de la lectura
Erika Medrano Ortega
Bachelor's Degree, Corporación Universitaria Rafael Núñez, Bachelor's Degree in Child Pedagogy,
Bogotá, Colombia,
Rubiela Torres Bravo
Bachelor's Degree Universidad de Pamplona, Bogotá, Colombia,,
Playfulness represents a kind academic process in the teaching
practice because the characteristics of learning allow it to be
conceived as a pedagogical strategy that promotes meaningful
learning. The general objective of this research was to strengthen the
learning of reading in the third grade of the Santa Ana Educational
Institution through play as a pedagogical strategy. The approach is
qualitative, of an interpretative type and with an action research
design. The population is formed by two teachers and the proposal is
implemented in third grade students. The techniques used were the
interview, participant observation, diagnostic test and survey; the
instruments were represented in the field diary, questionnaire and
interview guide. Among the results obtained are the fulfillment of the
three objectives, as well as the design and implementation of the
proposal which left significant learning in the students. It was
concluded that it is substantial to develop playfulness as a learning
strategy that allows a style of apprehension of knowledge, to promote
autonomy, since it facilitates the assimilation of new knowledge, ideas
based on their own meanings and the construction of their own
harmonious learning environment, in which the student is
Received 2022-10-12
Revised 2022-11-22
Accepted 2022- 12-04
Published 2023-01-04
Corresponding Author
Erika Medrano Ortega
Pages: 57-81
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
Playfulness; pedagogical strategy; learning to read.
La lúdica representa un proceso académico bondadoso en la práctica
docente pues las características del aprendizaje permiten que sea
concebida como una estrategia pedagógica que promueve el
aprendizaje significativo. Esta investigación tuvo como objetivo
general fortalecer el aprendizaje de la lectura en el grado tercero de
la Institución Educativa Santa Ana mediante la lúdica como estrategia
pedagógica. El enfoque es cualitativo, de tipo de es de tipo
interpretativa y con diseño de investigación acción. La población está
conformada por dos docentes y la propuesta es implementada en los
estudiantes de tercer grado. Las técnicas utilizadas fueron la
entrevista, la observación participante, prueba diagnóstica y
encuesta; los instrumentos estaban representados en diario de
campo, cuestionario y guía de entrevistas. Entre los resultados
obtenidos están el cumplimiento de los tres objetivos, así como el
diseño e implementación de la propuesta la cual dejó aprendizaje
significativo en los estudiantes. Se concluyó que es sustancial
desarrollar la lúdica como estrategia de aprendizaje que permita un
estilo de aprehensión del conocimiento, para promover la autonomía,
pues facilita asimilar nuevos conocimientos, ideas basadas en
significados propios y la construcción de un ambiente de aprendizaje
propio, armonioso, en el cual el estudiante sea autónomo.
Palabras clave:
Lúdica; estrategia pedagógica; aprendizaje de la
Reading is intentionally encouraged through teaching, developing a
long process in terms of the time required by the child to acquire
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
reading competence. In this sense, in the school scenario it is a priority
for the teacher to promote and encourage the development of
reading skills of students in the early stages of the process, to focus
their interest in cognitive development and to transcend in the
didactic task from a perspective that allows the approach of the
teaching process of reading with innovative and creative
methodologies that encourage the child in learning to read from the
motivation that drives the actions in the classroom.
In this context, play represents a kind academic process in teaching
practice, since the characteristics of learning allow it to be conceived
as a pedagogical strategy that promotes meaningful learning through
innovation and creativity. It offers students the possibility of
optimizing knowledge acquisition processes, recreates contexts and
provides security to the learner. Through play, attitudinal components
in learning can be framed, thus providing the motivation to generate
autonomous learning, which has a meaning according to the context
to transmit concepts and develop skills.
In this sense, this research addresses play as a pedagogical strategy
to strengthen the learning of reading, given the difficulties that some
students have in acquiring reading skills. For which, it is necessary that
the teacher uses innovative strategies, and adapts them to the
learning project that he manages, to make this process more effective
and dynamic, and to achieve the development of competencies in the
Based on the above approach, playfulness is presented as a
fundamental pillar in learning, this implies the link with previous
knowledge, for the construction of a new one based on the meaning
for the learner and the environment in which the teaching action is
developed. Therefore, it is proposed as a space for the construction
of knowledge, since the application of this pedagogical strategy in
the classroom encourages students' motivation towards knowledge,
since through the relationship between the subject and the object, it
allows the acquisition of concepts in the classroom where they interact
in their learning rhythm.
Reading, then, stands out as one of the basic components of human
life, in general, it is part of the set of skills that allow complexifying the
performance of the human being in life and, doing it well, ensures the
procedural context in all fields of knowledge, having as main axis the
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
valuation of the stimulus that comes from the outside for the
formation of an adequate educational context. In this sense, the
teacher seeks to bring knowledge in an effective way, with didactic
strategies that guide the formation of the student in order to achieve
significant learning.
In that order of ideas, the teaching of reading is an essential part of
learning, since it allows the student to appropriate the world from his
or her own perception. Ehri (2003, as cited in the United States
Agency for International Development USAID, 2018) points out that
learning to read is a complex process for both educational actors, the
student and the teacher, and achieving it is the result of an intentional
process that begins in the early stages of childhood. In this regard,
USAID (2018) states that in different evaluations conducted in several
countries, a high percentage of children were found to have
difficulties in reading and writing as appropriate for the school grade
they are in, it highlights that "students who have difficulty reading in
the first three school years have difficulty catching up" (p.9).
In Colombia, despite the fact that basic primary education according
to Alvarez and Topete (2000, as cited in Montes, 2017), "is oriented
hakea the satisfaction of basic learning needs, the establishment of
the necessary bases for learning to learn, the formation of attitudes
and habits necessary for lifelong learning" (p.71), there are factors
that negatively impact the educational process, among them points
out Zubiría (2018), the way of teaching under traditional learning
methodologies, when contemporary challenges and ways of learning
of students have changed a lot.
On the other hand, the delay that reading presents in school
environments is correlated, among others, by factors associated with
pedagogical practices, being considered a mandatory activity,
imposing its practice, time, place and subject matter to develop that
often do not attract the attention or interest of children, USAID (2018)
adds "the difficulty of obtaining teaching materials either by high
cost, late distribution or scarcity" (p.24).
This problem has become evident in several scenarios, among them
in the results of the SABER tests developed by the Colombian
Institute for the Promotion of Higher Education (ICFES) that measure
the competencies of students in basic primary education, specifically
in the areas of language and mathematics. Delgado (2014) highlights
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
that in the area of language for the year 2009, about 40% of students
were found with a level of knowledge considered minimum and 20%
In the period 2012 to 2015, notes the Colombian Institute for the
Promotion of Higher Education (2018, as cited in Sanabria et al.,
2020), the results for third grade in relation to reading, the average
number of students in the insufficient category was 21%, 30% in
moderate, 30% satisfactory and 18% in advanced, showing that more
than half of the participating students have difficulties in reading. For
the year 2018, in the PISA tests in the subject of reading in primary
education Colombia significantly deteriorated, achieving in the results
412 points, a lower performance than the average among the
countries of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and
Development (OECD).
Referring to the context of study, in the Santa Ana Educational
Institution, the learning of reading presents difficulties, particularly the
third grade students, who have deficiencies in decoding information,
problems of retention and subsequent comprehension of the
meaning of words and phrases, and have not yet acquired the habit
of reading. On the other hand, teachers express the concern of using
other ways of teaching, leaving the traditional methodology through
strategies that encourage the student's interest in reading, because
the methodology they have been using is behaviorist and has not
achieved favorable results in the progress of reading in students.
It is evident that if this problem continues in the institution for learning
to read, third grade students will have problems related to the
construction of meanings, their representation, in becoming aware
that letters represent significant sounds, that they can articulate words
and understand what they mean, with the purpose of appropriating
the process of learning to read.
In this scenario, the teacher has a fundamental role, whose role should
be that of a builder of an educational work oriented towards a
practice, capable of mobilizing the student in terms of knowing how
to be, do and learn, therefore, it is necessary that the teacher in the
classroom implements motivating and encouraging learning
strategies of the child's attitude towards the positive plane of the
didactic activity. In this regard, Mejía (2021) states that it is necessary
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
a process where the teacher encourages students to build learning,
so that learning becomes an individual and progressive process.
To this end, it is necessary to implement methodologies to encourage
children to read with strategies that awaken their interest in learning
to read in order to build a significant and progressive progress in the
reading process of third graders.
Based on the previous approaches, it is worth mentioning the
importance of using innovative methodologies, including play as a
way of access for the acquisition and appropriation of the necessary
skills to promote reading skills in children. In the case of this research,
we intend to strengthen the learning of reading through play as a
pedagogical strategy, taking into consideration the reality present in
the third grade children of the Santa Ana Educational Institution,
where teachers, although they follow the guidelines of constructivism,
even the children have difficulties in reading due to problems of
motivation, attention and interest.
For the above mentioned, the review of the problems related to the
learning of reading becomes a fundamental aspect to have a vision of
the situation that is intended to be transformed by implementing the
proposal proposed in this research. This allows us to formulate the
following research question: How to strengthen reading in third grade
children of the Santa Ana Educational Institution through play?
In this context, the general objective of this research is to strengthen
the learning of reading in the third grade of the Santa Ana Educational
Institution through play as a pedagogical strategy. And the specific
objectives formulated are the following: to design a pedagogical
proposal based on playfulness, to implement the pedagogical
proposal based on playfulness for the improvement of reading
comprehension in third grade children, to evaluate the effect of the
implementation of the proposal based on playfulness for the
improvement of reading comprehension in third grade children.
From the above, it is highlighted that the educational scenario is
facing the challenge of strengthening learning processes, including
reading, as a fundamental aspect for students to develop favorably at
every stage of their lives, assuming and putting into practice the new
methodologies that provide innovative strategies in contexts that are
familiar to children.
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
In this sense, the promotion of initiatives to achieve quality in
education is supported by pedagogical strategies because they
contribute to the development of a collaborative and autonomous
learning process, since each student has its own cognitive structure
for learning, in turn, allows the teacher to use creativity as a motivating
and interesting element for the student. In this case, they are linked
to the learning of reading, therefore, the theoretical argumentation of
this aspect and the incidences it has to achieve meaningful learning is
presented, having as a context of support the playfulness, a
fundamental part to generate knowledge and at the same time
entertainment for the learner in the teaching and learning process.
Playfulness as a strategy represents the opportunity to develop
integral learning through the execution of guiding actions that
strengthen the educational process and the cognitive apprehension
of students. In this sense, its incorporation to strengthen the learning
of reading gives teachers the possibility to argue their actions based
on innovative activities where creativity, participation and
entrepreneurship play a fundamental role at the time of carrying out
the planning.
On the other hand, play activities are configured as strategic tools that
stimulate meaningful and self-constructive learning in the different
contexts where they can be put into practice, creating and shaping
pleasant environments that facilitate the development of skills and
competencies in the area of knowledge required by the student, in
this case to learn to read. When children put into practice the game
in the educational scenario, they are learning, experimenting and
exploring from the experiential.
Thus, building pedagogical strategies based on play represents the
design of a set of tools, activities and resources to be used by the
teacher to facilitate the learning process of reading, based on the
close interaction between the teacher and the student.
The researcher Barrera (2021), undertook the task of investigating
how the pedagogical strategy improves reading comprehension. As
a conclusion, the author states that there was evidence of a low
appreciation of playful activities to facilitate the teaching and learning
processes through creative, striking and innovative activities that
awaken the interest of students. On the other hand
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
Likewise, the work of Figueroa and Farias (2018), entitled ludic
methods in the learning of elementary sub-level reading is exposed.
Guide of ludic activities, developed in the Ecuadorian context in
Guayaquil. Its purpose was to present the ludic method as an
innovative tool to achieve results with respect to the shortcomings
detected in the learning level of reading. The study was carried out in
the facilities of the Escuela de Educación Básica Fiscal José de la
Cuadra y Vargas, the studied population of the elementary sub-level
of the Escuela de Educación Básica Fiscal José de la Cuadra y Vargas
is formed by the director, the fourth grade teacher, a total of 32
students and 32 parents.
The methodology applied was mixed, bibliographic, with field design.
Among the conclusions is that the ludic methods openly contribute to
the improvement of the teaching-learning process in the area of
Language and Literature, arising or the need to implement a Guide
of Ludic Activities that contributes to the development of the learning
of reading in the students.
The work of Ramos, Llorente and Hernández (2017) entitled La Lúdica
como Estrategia Pedagógica para Motivar la Enseñanza de la Lectura
y la Escritura en los Estudiantes del Grado de Primaria de la
Institución Educativa Eugenio Sánchez Cárdenas del Municipio de
Lorica Departamento de Córdoba, in Spain stands out. Its objective
was to propose play as a pedagogical strategy to motivate the
teaching of reading and writing allowing the strengthening of
competencies in the area of Spanish language.
A qualitative type of research was used, based on participatory action
research, through direct observation and interviews with 28 students
who made up the population of this research, it was found that the
implementation of playfulness strengthened the processes of
teaching reading and writing. Because the students developed study
habits with a different methodology and also with the implementation
of the research work it was possible to improve the academic
At the national level, the study by Melo (2020), entitled Analysis of
teachers' and students' conception of the game as a didactic resource
for learning: experience in primary education, aimed at identifying
and reflecting on the conception that teachers and students have
regarding the game as a didactic resource in the teaching and
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
learning processes. It is based on the results of a survey used in the
framework of a qualitative research work on the development of
communication skills in a school in the city of Bogota. Emerging
categories of analysis were designed for the study. The results led to
the conclusion that both teachers and students value the use of
games as an activity to promote learning, but they are not used due
to the perception they have of them.
On the other hand, Perdomo and Rojas (2019), conducted the
research entitled La ludificación como herramienta pedagógica:
algunas reflexiones desde la psicología, developed in Bogotá,
Colombia. Its main objective was to determine the relationship
between the dimensions of psychological functioning and
gamification as a novel pedagogical strategy. Under a documentary
approach methodology, a conceptual review was carried out related
to the proposed topic.
The research found that there is a close relationship between
psychology and the gamification strategy, since gamification is based
on multiple processes that guide the ways in which individuals
develop knowledge, such as motivation, emotion and associative
learning, playing a key role, since they are linked to the search for and
fulfillment of goals and achievements, a fundamental aspect of this
form of teaching, which places gamification as a fundamental
reference in pedagogical innovation in the different areas of
Similarly, Marulanda and Regino (2017) developed the research
entitled playfulness as a pedagogical strategy to strengthen the
school environment relationship and healthy coexistence in fifth grade
students of the I.E.D Isaac Newton in Barranquilla, Colombia. Its main
objective is to implement play as a strategy to improve the school
environment relationship and healthy coexistence in fifth grade
students of the IED Isaac Newton, to achieve this end a methodology
was used within a qualitative paradigm with a socio-critical approach
and descriptive research, a population comprising 65 children of
which and the sample was 35 students of the fifth grade in the
afternoon was handled.
As instruments or techniques for data collection we used observation,
field diary, interviews and questionnaires with open questions where
the child can express him/herself widely, filming with informed
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
consent in different activities, recreational activities, dramatizations,
expert assessment and cooperative games. The results obtained show
that the playfulness contributes effectively to strengthening the
relationship between school environment and healthy coexistence
and was reflected in the new behavior of the students, and their
interest in achieving coexistence.
Changes in teaching and learning processes have given way to
constructivist actions to respond to the raison d'être of learning, as
acquisition of answers, knowledge and as construction of meanings.
In that order of ideas, Barrera (2010) points out that knowledge is a
construction that manifests itself in reality "that can be a reflection of
facts, but of a mental nature, on which processes are organized and
from which both knowledge and the reality to be known are
constructed". (p.99)
Under this premise, a coherent relationship is established with the
main objective of this research, given that the playful method is an
essential part of human reality, and in turn, pedagogical strategies for
the achievement of meaningful learning arise from the experience and
knowledge of the teacher, in which a set of criteria that give shape
and meaning to the daily experience in the educational context are
In this regard, Díaz (2002) argues that constructivism has as its premise
that the cognitive, social and even affective aspects of the individual
are the product of his own construction that is generated day by day
as a result of the interaction with the surrounding environment.
Consequently, according to the constructivist position, knowledge is
not a faithful copy of reality, but a construction of the human being.
The instruments with which the person carries out this construction
are fundamentally the schemes he already possesses, that is to say,
what he has already built in his relationship with the environment.
In this sense, knowledge arises from the constructive activity carried
out by an individual to assimilate and master a content, and is
developed in a given socio-educational context. Hence the
importance of promoting educational processes that promote
personal growth, as referred to by Carretero (1989, as cited in Díaz,
2002), that lead to transformation and promote both socialization and
individualization, allowing students to build a personal identity within
the framework of a given social and cultural context.
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
In this context, the construction of knowledge is linked to pedagogical
activities that must be previously designed, planned and executed
according to the intentionality of learning, of certain knowledge or
cultural forms in their natural context and are recreated in the form of
school content, for which Serrano and Pons (2011) state that the
meaning and sense of what is learned must be guaranteed, based on
three fundamental aspects such as: the constructive activity as a
mediating element between the student's cognitive structure and the
previously established knowledge; the sense and construction of
meanings made by the students must be in accordance and
compatible with their meaning and represent the contents as contents
as previously established knowledge: constructive activity as a
mediating element between the student's cognitive structure and the
previously established knowledge; the sense and construction of
meanings made by students must be in accordance and compatible
with their meaning and represent the contents as cultural knowledge
already elaborated; the teacher's role is to ensure the proper link
between the student's constructive mental capacity and the meaning,
social and cultural sense represented by the school contents.
According to Jiménez (2002), playfulness responds to different
dimensions of man as a social being, including personal and social
relationships by interacting with others in a pleasant way and giving a
sense of humor to their daily lives. Likewise, Zúñiga (1998, as cited in
Echeverri and Gómez, 2009) points out that playfulness is part of daily
human existence, being necessary for every moment of life, since it is
a fundamental part of human harmonious development, and becomes
an attitude, a predisposition of being in front of life or a way of being
in life.
In the educational scenario, playfulness favors the consolidation of
knowledge, acquisition of knowledge, as well as, according to
Fernández et al. (2018), it generates a harmonious learning
environment between students and teachers, where spontaneous
situations that generate satisfaction are presented, "the playful
capacity is developed by articulating global psychological structures
such as cognitive, affective and emotional" (p.54). In this way, the
activity performed allows the student to acquire skills and
competencies for learning, as well as, to improve social and personal
relationships, as referred by Perdomo and Rojas (2018) involves
"motivation, emotion and associative learning" (p.164).
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
In this sense, Perdomo and Rojas (2019) state that the main objective
of playfulness "is to motivate people to assume desired behaviors or
perform actions that they would not usually do", thus encouraging the
fact of performing an action for the pleasure of doing it and achieving
a goal. Thus, the author emphasizes that in this context it is evident
that some constructs underlie play, whose understanding
encompasses, in addition to pedagogy, psychology, directly linked to
motivation, emotion and associative learning.
From this perspective, the authors point out the influence that
playfulness has in consideration of these links. Thus, learning
motivated by means of play provides stimuli and provokes a response
in those who receive it, this motivation is present when: the game
facilitates the feedback of previous knowledge, the student will feel
the joy of knowing what is being put into practice; if there are rewards.
From, associative learning, motivation will be even greater if the
contents are of interest to the student. And with respect to emotion,
motivation will be activated if the playful activity minimizes the
negative emotions of the students who play, decreasing fear and
anger and increasing positive emotions, such as joy, sharing with
friends, among others.
In the teaching and learning process, the teacher, in addition to
transmitting knowledge, needs to interact with the student, in order
to achieve active participation, motivate and interest him/her in the
educational act in which he/she is immersed, for this the teacher has
a variety of tools that allow him/her to translate knowledge into
meaningful learning in his/her students, among them, according to
Sánchez, et al. (2019), are the pedagogical strategies, whose design
should be oriented to a specific purpose taking into account the
needs and characteristics of the group.
In this sense, López (2016) expresses that pedagogical strategies are
"procedures or resources that consciously and in a planned manner
used by the teacher to promote the desired learning" (p. 113),
therefore, they are the ways of acting of the teacher to generate
learning in the student, where the planned actions will depend on the
learning objectives and the psychological characteristics of the
In that order of ideas, the teacher in the action of the teaching process
dynamizes the pedagogical strategies that will enable substantial
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
progress at different levels of education and therefore, in each
student, from the perspective of what is to be achieved through the
objectives planned to develop classroom academic activities, being
fundamental that the teacher must have a solid theoretical training
that leads him to recreate creative and innovative processes to attract
the attention and interest of the student. In this regard, Moreno (2016)
states that pedagogical strategies are made up of methods,
techniques, procedures and resources organized according to the
needs of the group to make learning more effective. According to this
premise, pedagogical strategies tend to favor the production of
knowledge, so the teacher needs to promote their application, but
based on the existing reality.
Likewise, González (2008), conceives didactic strategies as a
constructive, practical activity created by the teacher together with
the student to put into practice all those skills and knowledge that
both can contribute, but for this it is necessary that the teacher defines
the moment in which they will be used to obtain the best results in
learning and thus the information remains in the student's long-term
memory. In addition, such strategies will support the teacher in
activating the students' previous knowledge and even help to
generate it if there is none.
Thus, a strategy requires steps to lead the student towards the
established goal, being a process through which the action or set of
actions to follow is organized, being necessary to propose a set of
techniques or methods to procure learning based on collaborative
and shared improvement between teachers and students. It is about
forming attitudes, skills, processes, to generate self-learning and
student autonomy, consequently, it presupposes broad visions to
make relevant decisions adapted to the real context where the
educational process is developed.
Therefore, according to Zepeda (2016), a strategy conducive to
achieving the planned change involves the following conceptual
components: theoretical considerations, as a harmonious and
coherent conceptual support with the stated objectives; impact,
generated with the action developed; sequence of action in the
process, referred to the procedural content of the strategy to achieve
the established end; adaptation to the context, vertex of attention in
the content of actions developed in a specific place, with particular
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
characteristics and effectiveness in the results, with the monitoring of
the actions developed, conducive to the achievement of the end.
It is then highlighted that pedagogical strategies are determined by
the use given by the teacher in his or her reflection and actions,
through the demonstration of mastery, professional and didactic
experience, to achieve meaningful learning. Therefore, they involve
multiple elements such as the age of the students, specific
knowledge, attitudes, skills, classroom organization, methodology,
physical plant; in addition to communication, organization, approach,
feedback, supervision, among others. Therefore, they include
objectives, contents, methods, form, means and evaluation that
depend on the pedagogical practice of the teacher, on his or her
particular way of interpreting the school reality and on the ways of
knowing the context.
The research approach is qualitative, following the approach of Teppa
(2012) who expresses that its purpose is "to describe and interpret
exactly the social and cultural life of those who participate in the
research" (p.23), it is of an interpretative type, under the design of
action research, according to Basagoite and Bru (2002) its main
purpose is the dynamics of knowing to transform the investigated
reality. The population under study were two teachers of the third
grade of the IE Santa Ana, and two groups of students, children
between 8 and 10 years of age, for a total of 60, being 35 girls and
25 boys. The technique used was the interview, the instruments used
were a diagnostic test, the observation guide and the guide to
implement the proposal, validated satisfactorily by the teacher, the
parent and the student. To evaluate the reliability of the research, the
triangulation of sources was carried out and the categorization
technique was used for the analysis of the information.
Two categories were established a priori as types of strategies and
playful method, which are presented below and from the responses
of the teachers interviewed, the subcategories corresponding to each
one emerged, in order to subsequently proceed to the reflection on
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
the information collected. The link between the findings of the
interviews, the bibliographical information and the epistemic position
of the researchers is also shown, with the purpose of achieving the
objective set in this research referred to strengthening the learning of
reading through play as a pedagogical strategy.
Table 1.
Category type of strategy
Subcategory: Educational games
Teacher 1: Among the strategies I use is playing in the classroom, in an orderly
manner and assigning the role that corresponds to each student, with clear
and precise instructions so that the children can perform in the best way. Class
planning should include the information corresponding to the way it is going
to be developed, in order to achieve meaningful learning. Therefore, it should
include all the elements of an academic activity. I believe that the important
thing is to establish the strategy, objective, methodology and activity to be
carried out according to the learning needs of the children. The activities
should be simple, according to the competencies required by the students in
the grade where they are. The educational games I use are developed based
on reading accompanied by stories and tales.
Teacher 2: When I am in class, I find that the best way to connect with the
children is through play, because it allows them to interact, to relate to each
other and also to have healthy competition. For me it is the best way to teach
the class, of course, but each game must have a planning and an objective to
pursue, so that it can be truly effective as a pedagogical strategy. It is very
important to design educational material to strengthen reading and writing,
so that children learn through play, the instructional competencies inherent to
the grade they are studying. The game for learning is an appropriate strategy
to achieve the identification of the child with his peers and with the school.
Subcategory: Group dynamics
Teacher 1: The most important thing is to get students to integrate in order to
facilitate learning, and cooperation is a strategy that motivates them to learn.
Of course, it must be planned as an effective class, through which the
objective, methodology and evaluation are established. I think that the
pedagogical strategy should be established by the teacher according to the
behavior and profile of the classroom, since the important thing is to achieve
significant learning. The activities should be simple, well planned, because the
children are young and not all of them have a good command of reading and
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writing. She motivated them to read by doing group dynamics, such as shared
reading, directed reading and reading aloud.
Teacher 2: I have always considered that children should learn in a fun way,
because that is the way they can have a meaningful learning. Therefore, I
consider that working through dynamics, all in teams, is a strategy that should
be used in the classroom as a facilitator of the child's learning process. I use
dynamics with the children in groups, I believe that working together helps to
strengthen learning, the children feel the support among them and with the
teacher, learning together as friends and classmates. We read stories with the
help of everyone, forming rounds and interpreting the characters of the story.
Reflection of the researchers: The pedagogical act is the result of a set of
strategies that allow the assimilation of specific contents. In the case of this
research, strengthening the learning of reading, so important for the
apprehension of other areas of knowledge. For this reason, the teacher must
be innovative in the activity of teaching, so that he/she can achieve significant
learning in the school process and can be cognitively and socioemotionally
useful in the student's daily life, that is, learning for life. Educational games
represent a type of learning strategy that allow the acquisition of significant
knowledge. In addition, they promote the development of skills and abilities,
according to the instructional objectives proposed by the teacher. Normally,
games based on stories, fables and cartoons are used to enhance students'
imagination. It is also important to highlight the usefulness of group dynamics,
since through this strategy it is possible to learn and strengthen reading
through a joint process among all students in the classroom, allowing the
assignment of roles and functions in which each member is responsible for an
aspect of the didactic activity to be carried out.
The category types of strategies was worked through the
subcategories educational games and group dynamics, which
emerge as pedagogical strategies that guide the teacher to achieve
the objectives related to the learning of reading and to make it a
motivating and interesting process for the children.
It should be noted that what was stated by the teachers interviewed
shows the importance of implementing strategies related to play in
order to develop a motivating process for the child to become
involved in the reading process in a harmonious way and with interest,
since reading is a fundamental process for the individual, as it is part
of the set of skills to interact with the world around him/her. For this
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
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reason, in the classroom, the teacher must design and plan a suitable
educational material for the child to acquire and strengthen this skill
to gradually turn it into a competence that he/she will strengthen and
apply throughout his/her life.
Accordingly, López (2016) states that strategies are "procedures or
resources that the teacher consciously and in a planned manner uses
to promote the desired learning" (p. 113); they are the ways in which
the teacher acts to generate learning in the student. The planned
actions will depend on the learning objectives and the psychological
characteristics of the students.
Thus, strategies are determined by the use given by the teacher in his
pedagogical reflection, through the demonstration of mastery,
professional and didactic experience, to achieve meaningful learning.
Therefore, they involve multiple elements such as the age of the
students, specific knowledge, attitudes, skills, classroom organization
and methodology.
On the other hand, it is noted that the use of repetitive and
unmotivating strategies by the teacher has a negative impact on the
learning process, since it lowers the level of motivation and in turn
produces rejection of the subject under study by the students. This
situation is observed when using basic and not very innovative
activities in the teaching of reading, which causes the need to use
learning methods consistent with the context and the needs of each
student, so that in a harmonious and interactive way the creation of a
collaborative learning environment is propitiated, in an efficient,
pleasant and enjoyable way.
Table 2.
Category playful method
Category: Playful method
Subcategory: Teamwork and creativity
Teacher 1: Team activities allow for a satisfactory, dynamic and fun integration
between groups of students, generating significant learning during the process.
I think it is important to work as a team and be creative so that the student
learns in a fun way, so defining the strategy according to the objective to be
achieved is fundamental. The teacher's intention should be to lead children to
use their imagination, to get involved with reading. In my role as a teacher I try
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
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to use creativity all the time, the children are enthusiastic to participate in
learning, and to work collaboratively, the children feel confident to obtain
results from a work done by everyone.
Teacher 2: When I am in class, I connect with the children through play, because
it allows them to interact, to relate to each other and also to have healthy
competition. When teamwork and cooperation among them is promoted, it
gives positive results. Applying creative strategies to work together provides
positive results in learning. For me it is the best way to teach the class, of course,
but each strategy must have a planning and an objective to pursue, so that it
can be truly effective in the learning process, it must be clearly defined so that
all children participate actively, are interested in getting involved and being
part of the team. Implement playfulness as a pedagogical process that offers
satisfaction, team learning, creativity and autonomous learning.
Subcategory: Autonomous learning
Teacher 1: I believe that students should be encouraged to develop
autonomous learning, always with the help of the teacher, to be the guide of
the process, for this the child should be motivated to participate in the process,
although sometimes children do not show interest in learning to read.
Therefore, the strategies to be used must be clear and well defined, if a well-
structured educational material is elaborated, the student can be autonomous
in his learning process, and by using playfulness, a pedagogical process can be
developed that offers satisfaction, team learning, creativity and autonomous
Teacher 2: Children should be actively involved in the process of learning to
read, be interested and participate in all the moments of the class, in such a
way that autonomy is achieved at the moment of learning. The teacher should
be the guide of learning, so that the child, through a collective and dynamic
process, with the intervention of all, in a harmonious way, can be the
protagonist of his own learning.
Reflection of the researchers: In order to achieve meaningful learning, the
teacher must use innovative and creative strategies in the teaching activity, so
as to develop a collective and dynamic process where students participate
collectively and as a team, with activities that allow more freedom and
encourage students' attention, as well as an adequate autonomous
environment for interaction and achieve better results in the construction of
knowledge, generating a shared responsibility in relation to their own and their
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
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classmates' learning. In this context, playfulness should be incorporated in the
activities planned to achieve the instructional objectives, as a means for the
child to feel motivated to learn. We work under the principle of coordinated
action between students and teachers, to promote formative and fraternal
competitiveness. Teamwork is the essence of the action, where all team
members are important and transcendent in light of the established objectives.
In this context, the educational game is a learning strategy conceived
as a space to develop creativity in the student through recreation.
Through this playful process, learning takes place in a fun way,
managing pedagogical knowledge as an essential activity of the daily
walk within the school. We start from the premise that a game
adapted to the age and competencies of the student represents a
significant learning model for him/her, as Labrador and Morote (2008)
refer "the teacher needs to select the type of game, according to the
objectives and the importance of the teacher in the participation and
direction of the game" (p.54), as well as it must be in accordance with
the educational level where it will be implemented.
Likewise, Méndez and Fernández (2011) argue that the game is
gaining importance as an educational medium, as it becomes a
didactic resource. Therefore, any game that is used to achieve
meaningful learning in students must be inclusive, formative,
innovative, participatory and creative, in such a way that it can inspire
and motivate. Based on the above, the teacher considers the
importance of vindicating the importance of play as a resource for
learning, especially in the use of educational games, highlighting the
need for it to be a suitable means to motivate students to strengthen
their reading skills.
Likewise, it is essential to establish the importance of group dynamics
as a strategy to motivate the participation of children in the
acquisition of reading through a process that develops harmoniously,
actively and together among children, as referred by Barroso, et al.
(2013) "are didactic activities where the participation of learners is
implicit and are intended to facilitate the teaching process and cause
significant learning in the participants"(p.29), becoming a novel
strategy to reinforce learning, in this particular case, reading in third
graders. This process allows the assignment of roles and functions in
Playfulness: a pedagogical strategy to strengthen learning to read
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which each member is responsible for an aspect of the didactic activity
to be carried out. Therefore, teamwork, solidarity, respect, and
discipline are the foundations of this process.
Play is part of human life; every day human beings face situations that
reflect play, entertainment and comfort. Based on this fact, it can be
linked as a pedagogical method that currently has been recognized
by social researchers due to the benefits it brings to the teaching
process. It is important to point out that play has an interactive
dynamic in the learning process, since it represents a stimulus and a
directionality towards creativity and teamwork, because when the
child plays, he/she is also learning, both rules and instructional
content. According to Ramírez et al. (2011), playfulness stimulates
cognitive, affective, verbal, psychomotor and social relationships, the
socializing mediation of knowledge and creativity.
This is why learning strategies based on play are a potential tool for
meaningful learning, since they facilitate a pleasant, attractive and
creative environment. Specifically, in the field of reading, the design
and application of educational material based on playfulness, which
allows the acquisition of skills and competencies for reading, through
a friendly, understandable and easily accessible design, is
transcendental. This process suggests metacognition as an approach
prone to the understanding of reality in an entertaining, creative,
innovative and fun space, which has a satisfactory impact on the
motivation of children to strengthen reading comprehension.
On the other hand, developing the conceptual approach of play to
strengthen reading in students, it can be affirmed that it is an active
methodology that adds novelty to the teaching and learning process,
particularly in the learning of reading and in the acquisition of the skills
to carry it out. By linking the game with the learning process,
dynamics, mechanisms and rules are generated, which are adapted
to the content and the instructional objectives to be achieved,
creating an interactive, collaborative and competitive learning
environment that seeks to motivate and engage the student through
a system of stimuli and rewards, which will result in promoting their
interest in learning to read to know and interact with the narrative of
the plot that develops in the game.
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In this regard, Castro (2020) points out that by implementing
playfulness in the classroom, students achieve a higher performance
in reading comprehension because when they want to reach the first
places in the competition (game) they are attentive to the text they
read and the interpretation they make, which influences the
development of the reading habit. In agreement, Ortiz (2015) point
out that using playfulness in the classroom creates commitment on
the part of the teacher, as well as the student, favors the
implementation of new ideas that motivate him to participate in the
learning process, which has an impact on the improvement of his
reading performance. Martí and García (2021) coincide with this,
stating that playfulness is a resource that improves reading
comprehension, since it promotes attention to reading for its
adequate interpretation in order to solve the riddles posed in the
Playfulness as a pedagogical strategy made it possible to encourage
meaningful and autonomous learning in the learner in a simple, clear
and didactic way, with the student as the main actor in the learning
scenario. In this way, the activities were designed to generate
autonomous and collaborative learning, through the linking of
playfulness and the use of stories, with the purpose of stimulating the
child's interest in acquiring the habit of reading and thus,
strengthening reading, in turn, the commitment to be an active part
of the teaching and learning process that was carried out with the
implementation of the proposal.
The implementation of the pedagogical proposal was carried out with
dynamic and simple activities, which allowed, at first, to reinforce the
children's previous knowledge and later to achieve the new ones,
such as strengthening the reading habit.
It was found that the effects produced with the application of play as
a pedagogical strategy to strengthen reading were significant. Each
proposed activity was evaluated according to the expected
achievement, allowing a procedural evaluation of the scope of its
implementation, as highly positive, since it was fully accepted by third
grade teachers and students, obtaining favorable results for the
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children's reading skills. Likewise, it was possible to develop
autonomous learning, which resulted in the strengthening of reading
skills, reading comprehension, making inferences, recognizing words
and sounds that favored fluent reading.
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