Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act”
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
learning and it is the teacher's own task to help them achieve it" (p.
819) (Giraldo, 2015).
In the strengthening of writing, teachers have in their hands a great
responsibility and it is to investigate and be in search of strategies that
awaken that creative, dynamic and innovative spirit that allows them
to strengthen their writing process. Responding to the demands and
needs demanded by society, in the search for a comprehensive
education, given the transversality of writing in all educational
processes. Other contributions to take into account in the
strengthening of children's writing are that in the act of writing "weak
points to be reinforced, strong points to be exploited" are
discovered. The work you do and the knowledge you gain from it will
give more strength to your writing, will make your sentences more
precise, your reasoning will be more powerful, and will improve their
structure" (Miró, 2011, p. 11). It has been proven that writing ability is
"an epistemological instrument of learning. Writing is learning and we
can use writing to better understand any subject" (Cassany, 1993, p.
32) (Giraldo, 2015).
Writing has great relevance in the progress of humanity; in addition
to contributing to communication, it also serves to record the facts
that have been lived; it strengthens not only critical thinking, but also
the ability to solve problems. Hernández, Castañeda, Gómez and
Domínguez (2003) state that: "the school should be the space where
the student puts into practice the exercise of writing, and what better
way to do it than telling about his or her experiences, within the daily
life of the classroom? If there is a need to develop writing skills, it is
the educational environment that is called upon to provide this space,
and this should be done in a deliberate and systematic manner, and
not as isolated activities within the classroom" (p. 4).
All of the above is summarized in a single place called school, in which
the teacher plays an important role in teaching-learning, energized by
valuable aspects that must have in front of the challenges faced day
after day, a committed and creative attitude towards what is taught in
any domain of knowledge, by very remarkable aspects where students
find the feeling, the enjoyment, the enjoyment of that space to
develop all those skills and abilities in the process of writing.
For Marinkovich and Poblete (2000), writing is a complex mental
activity composed of a process that uses cognitive and metacognitive