Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 13, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Luna, Z., Rivera, M. (2023)
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write
and act”.Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 13(1) 26-45
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act"
Estrategia lúdico-pedagógica “Jugando escribo y actúo”
Zoila Clara Luna Diaz
Bachelor's Degree, Universidad del Tolima, Tolima, Colombia,
Meybel Del Carmen Rivera Martelo
Bachelor's Degree, Corporación Universitaria Regional del Caribe IAFIC ., Tolima, Colombia,
Playfulness as a strategy to improve writing in children is a trend as a
research topic at national and international level. The objective was
to strengthen the writing process in fourth grade students of the
Educational Institution Alegria de Saber of Cartagena through a
playful-pedagogical proposal. This is a qualitative research, of the
field research study type because the data were collected in the place
of the facts and its design was Pedagogical Action Research because
it sought a transformation of the teaching praxis. The results showed
that all fourth graders are at a low level of writing according to the
PROESC Battery. The categorization resulted in a selective category
that deals with a ludic-pedagogical proposal through theater as a tool
that develops creativity, spontaneity, collaborative work and improves
the writing process by increasing the level of writing, but also
emancipates fears. With the implementation of the ludic-pedagogical
proposal "Playing I write and act", the four objectives formulated for
this research were fulfilled.
Playful-pedagogical strategy, reading process, writing
level and theater.
Received 2022-09-12
Revised 2022-10-22
Accepted 2022-12-28
Published 2023-01-04
Corresponding Author
Zoila Clara Luna Diaz
Pages: 26-45
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
La lúdica como estrategia para mejorar la escritura en los niños es una
tendencia como tema de investigación a nivel Nacional e
internacional. El objetivo planteado fue fortalecer el proceso de
escritura en los estudiantes de grado cuarto de la Institución
Educativa Alegría de Saber de Cartagena a través de una propuesta
lúdico-pedagógica. Esta es una investigación cualitativa, del tipo de
estudio de investigación de campo porque los datos se recogieron
en el lugar de los hechos y su diseño Investigación Acción
pedagógica pues se buscó una transformación de la praxis docente.
Los resultados arrojados fueron que todos los niños de cuarto grado
se encuentran en el nivel bajo de escritura de acuerdo a la Batería
PROESC. La categorización dio como resultado una categoría
selectiva que trata de una propuesta lúdico-pedagógica a través del
teatro como herramienta que desarrolla la creatividad, la
espontaneidad, el trabajo colaborativo y mejora el proceso escritor
aumentando el nivel de escritura, pero también emancipa los miedos.
Con la puesta en marcha de la propuesta lúdico-pedagógica
“Jugando escribo y actúo” se dio cumplimiento a los cuatro objetivos
formulados para esta investigación.
Palabras clave:
Estrategia lúdico-pedagógica, proceso lector, nivel de
escritura y teatro
The Alegria de Saber Educational Institution is located in the city of
Cartagena, in the Nuevo Bosque neighborhood. It is a private school
that offers preschool through 5th grade in the morning and has a
population of 300 students. This school population lasted more than
a year in virtuality because of the confinement due to the Covid19
The current state of the literacy level in Colombia is worrisome,
according to the report of the Program for International Student
Assessment (PISA 2018), which evaluates 15-year-olds' knowledge
and competencies for their participation in society; according to the
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (2018),
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
students in Colombia achieved lower performance than the OECD
average in reading, mathematics and science. The reading score in
PISA 2018 decreased compared to that presented in 2015, it should
be noted that the average performance improved gradually since it
participated for the first time.
The tendency of national and international tests is to evaluate reading
comprehension and critical reading, but they do not evaluate writing.
Contrary to this position, this communicative skill is gaining great
relevance as it is becoming an "important modality for developing the
skills of reading, speaking, listening and thinking" (Condemarín,
1984). Authors such as Mattingly (1972) and Liberman and
Shankweiler (1978) justify the use of writing in the development of
reading comprehension since it benefits the "capture of the semantic
and syntactic patterns that are proper to it". For students it is
important to stimulate the development of the four (4) basic language
skills such as speaking, listening, reading and writing.
For Condemarín (1984): "the process of writing forces the student to
read for defined purposes in contexts that are meaningful to him.
Students read and reread their own writing to ensure its clarity; they
read to acquire more information about the topic they are writing
about; to "borrow" aspects of style and form; to find words or
expressions that better define their thinking; to grasp an author's
scheme, to control the correct use of language conventions or, finally,
they read their own writing for others to listen to" (p. 5).
Examining the importance of strengthening the writing skills of their
students, the authors of this research observed the textual production
of fourth grade students at the Institución Alegría de Saber in the city
of Cartagena and found that this group of students have a high rate
of difficulties in their writing process, such as hypo segmentation,
omission or change of syllables, letters, erroneous use of spelling
(b/v/s/s/z/h) and lack of motivation to produce texts, these being an
impediment to optimal academic performance. It should be noted
that writing is one of the fundamental tools for the teaching-learning
The shortcomings detected arise from the difficulties presented in the
different levels of writing since they are not consolidated and
managed according to the level of schooling in which the students
are, in addition to the little support from some parents in the constant
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
attendance of children and the lack of knowledge in pedagogical
tools necessary to guide their children in their academic process.
This problem arose due to the preventive isolation caused by Covid-
19, since the classroom was moved from face-to-face to virtuality,
where parents or caregivers took the role of the teacher and were the
ones who guided the students, where the most affected were the
students, This situation led the researchers to reflect on their teaching
task and to propose a ludic-pedagogical strategy that would provide
the motivation they need for pleasant learning that would allow them
to achieve the skills and abilities necessary for teaching writing and
textual production.
To this end, the problem was systematized with the following
questions: In what way will the ludic-pedagogical strategies allow the
strengthening of the writing process in fourth grade students of the
Educational Institution Alegria de Saber of Cartagena? What is the
best instrument to determine the writing level of fourth grade
students? Which ludic-pedagogical strategy would be implemented
that would awaken the interest of the students and motivate them to
improve their writing process? What would be the best instrument to
evaluate the impact of the ludic-pedagogical strategy on the writing
process of fourth grade students?
The general objective was to strengthen the writing process in fourth
grade students through a playful-pedagogical proposal. As specific
objectives, the following were formulated: a) To determine the writing
level of fourth grade students of the educational institution Alegría de
Saber; b) To design a playful-pedagogical proposal that awakens
interest and motivates fourth grade students; c) To implement the
playful-pedagogical proposal that allows the approach of the writing
process in fourth grade students; and d) To evaluate the impact of the
implementation of the playful-pedagogical proposal in fourth grade
students, in the writing process.
According to the Political Constitution of Colombia (1991), Article 44
establishes that education is a fundamental right for children, as well
as reading and writing. The search for educational quality is an issue
that is not exclusive to the Colombian state, but to all educational
actors. Educators, from their own praxis, must be involved in the
search to improve the educational processes. The Ministry of National
Education (MEN) is carrying out programs and projects that provide
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
very important tools for the improvement of education; one of these
projects is the National Plan for Reading, Writing and Orality (PNLEO)
"Reading is my story" created in 2011 to contribute to the quality of
reading and writing.
Playfulness as a strategy to improve writing in children is a trend as a
research topic that is reflected in research such as that of Valverde
(2018), who described how didactic methodologies are related to
literacy development in children in the third year of general basic
education. And found that during the teaching-learning process, the
teacher applies didactic methods (syllabic, alphabetic and phonetic)
infrequently, causing shortcomings in the processes for the
development of comprehensive literacy, it was also possible to
determine that the design of a didactic guide, with methodological
strategies for the development of literacy, guides teachers as a tool
that facilitates the teaching-learning process.
Likewise, Suarnavar and Saldaña (2018) in their work demonstrated
that there is influence of creative writing as a didactic strategy in the
production of texts and significantly influences the production of texts
of students, this achievement was given through the application of
the module based on creativity; Likewise, it significantly influences the
expository textual structure of the students since it allows them to
construct the text as they imagine it, allowing the theoretical
motivation for their creations in texts of different typology and thirdly,
it significantly influences the discursive strategy of the students,
preventing the ideas from escaping.
In the same sense, Lasso (2017) shows the learning process of writing
as a reflexive, creative and autonomous act in children who start basic
education. She managed to mobilize the writing levels: syllabic,
presyllabic and alphabetic through the design and implementation of
a didactic sequence that leads students to generate texts from their
own creativity and initiative. It was concluded that through the
implementation of the didactic sequence as a methodology, the
teacher was provided with an organized and sequential curricular
planning, and the students experienced an approach to written
language in a playful and creative way, but also through creative
writing, the desire for the production of autonomous texts was
awakened, since it helped them to express their needs, thoughts,
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
ideas, feelings and to reflect on their way of writing in order to
advance in the development of their writing process.
According to Calle (2017), the school and the school library are
favorable spaces for the formation of readers and writers, with the
support of families; he concluded that writing centers in Colombia are
a recent strategy, which has been thought with the purpose of
strengthening academic writing processes in students.
Likewise, Bolívar, Herrera and Viáfara (2018). investigated on the
strengthening of writing through traditional games; according to the
authors, the strengthening of writing is a process that will be
visualized in the long term, however, with what was implemented the
seed was left in the students and in the group's advisor regarding
having another look towards writing, considering it as a possibility to
record experiences, traditions and legacies from different moments
that let the authors' own voice be seen.
According to Márquez (2019) when proposing a didactic strategy that
stimulates reading and writing in second grade students through the
artistic mural as a didactic resource, it was necessary to make a
previous study of how were the characteristics of the population under
study, showing as a result that although the students showed interest
in learning to read and write, many times they asked to modify the
learning space to avoid monotony, This contributes to make the
process of reading and writing attractive and creative. This research
proposal also showed aspects such as collaborative learning and
interdisciplinarity, the ability to analyze, learn to formulate questions
and provide solutions, and acquire skills in merging theory with
For their part, Sarmiento and Zuleta (2019), infer that through the
implementation of the didactic proposal focused on the production
of unpublished texts, good results were achieved in students in
cohesion and coherence when producing written texts, but it is
essential to continue working with this type of strategies in the writing
processes in continuous, timely and constant ways to other types of
texts until the student population gets used to them and makes them
part of their cognitive domain since the teaching of writing as a
process requires time and effort.
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
In addition to this, hundreds of undergraduate and graduate
researches in higher education investigate pedagogical strategies for
reading comprehension and a smaller percentage does so in terms of
reading and writing; it is also necessary to investigate textual
production and writing as such. This project is a pedagogical proposal
that seeks to strengthen writing skills through the use of playful
strategies that lead students to perceive the activities in a pleasant
way where they feel motivated, can satisfy their curiosity in the
different areas of knowledge, develop skills in writing and producing
texts, improve their handwriting and strokes, promoting a creative
and meaningful learning in strengthening their writing process.
The implementation of this project benefits students, parents,
teachers and the community in general, since it is a contribution for
the whole institution, allowing a better educational quality with the
implementation of ludic-pedagogical strategies to achieve an
improvement in the writing process of students in fourth grade of
elementary school. This project is genuine, since it is based on the
problems detected in the institution, it is feasible and viable given
that all the human, legal, technical, logistical and physical resources
are available to guarantee the expected results. This research work
can become a valuable tool because it seeks to strengthen the
students' writing process, the improvement and strengthening of the
educational warmth.
Writing is one of the oldest known means of communication and was
born from the need of human beings to communicate and express
their thoughts, feelings, ideas, knowledge, experiences and
experiences, becoming an essential and indispensable tool for the
teaching-learning process. Since its appearance in Sumer until today
it has a great relevance for humanity. It is of great importance to
reinforce the writing in the digital time since the new generations have
the tendency to misuse writing when sending messages to each other
in different social networks and digital platforms.
One of the great contributions to the strengthening of writing is that
of Ferreiro (2006), with the writing systems in the development of the
child, exposed in the curricular guidelines of Spanish language, where
he states that the child during his writing process goes through four
levels: concrete, when the child does not yet understand how writing
works; presyllabic, in which the child has already learned to reproduce
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
some letters but does not know their meaning; syllabic, at this stage,
the child does not yet know the full sound of each letter but is capable
of dividing syllables; and finally, alphabetic, in which the child
identifies the sound of each letter and combines them to form words.
The writing levels proposed by Ferreiro (2006) constitute a very
important contribution to this research, since by means of this theory
it would be possible to observe the difficulties in the writing process
of students between the ages of seven (7) and ten (10) who are in the
second to fourth grade of elementary school, and that for two years
due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the only means by which they could
continue with the school learning process was telematics. According
to Ferreiro's (2006) writing levels, these are the essential tools to
retake and develop certain pedagogic ludic activities with syllabic,
alphabetic and phonetic levels, where exercises such as the creation
of scripts, cartoons, word searches, games, among others, are
applied, where children can put into practice writing and achieve an
early solution to the problem that is being presented in the students
and manage to develop a basic maturity in their motor skills and in
their writing process.
Another contribution that substantially nourishes this research is from
Vygotsky (1979), who affirms that a high level of meditation is
necessary for a small development of writing. While it is true, writing
lacks expression, musicality, and intonation. "Language that is
imagined and requires symbolization of the sound image in written
signs must be more difficult for the child than spoken language". It is
the imprecise form of language that opposes its acquisition (Vygotsky,
1979. p. 137).
Writing presents a semiotic measurement system in the development
of the human being, during this process it activates and enables
functions such as perception, attention, memory and thinking, writing
creates the epistemic, planning, regulatory and communicative
functions of language, which requires symbols, it is more complex
than spoken language. Complementing the topic with the
strengthening of writing; Castronovo and Mancovsky (2010), infer that
teachers should participate in the strengthening of their students'
writing skills. They argue that "reading and writing are competencies
that students need to deploy for the achievement of their academic
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
learning and it is the teacher's own task to help them achieve it" (p.
819) (Giraldo, 2015).
In the strengthening of writing, teachers have in their hands a great
responsibility and it is to investigate and be in search of strategies that
awaken that creative, dynamic and innovative spirit that allows them
to strengthen their writing process. Responding to the demands and
needs demanded by society, in the search for a comprehensive
education, given the transversality of writing in all educational
processes. Other contributions to take into account in the
strengthening of children's writing are that in the act of writing "weak
points to be reinforced, strong points to be exploited" are
discovered. The work you do and the knowledge you gain from it will
give more strength to your writing, will make your sentences more
precise, your reasoning will be more powerful, and will improve their
structure" (Miró, 2011, p. 11). It has been proven that writing ability is
"an epistemological instrument of learning. Writing is learning and we
can use writing to better understand any subject" (Cassany, 1993, p.
32) (Giraldo, 2015).
Writing has great relevance in the progress of humanity; in addition
to contributing to communication, it also serves to record the facts
that have been lived; it strengthens not only critical thinking, but also
the ability to solve problems. Hernández, Castañeda, Gómez and
Domínguez (2003) state that: "the school should be the space where
the student puts into practice the exercise of writing, and what better
way to do it than telling about his or her experiences, within the daily
life of the classroom? If there is a need to develop writing skills, it is
the educational environment that is called upon to provide this space,
and this should be done in a deliberate and systematic manner, and
not as isolated activities within the classroom" (p. 4).
All of the above is summarized in a single place called school, in which
the teacher plays an important role in teaching-learning, energized by
valuable aspects that must have in front of the challenges faced day
after day, a committed and creative attitude towards what is taught in
any domain of knowledge, by very remarkable aspects where students
find the feeling, the enjoyment, the enjoyment of that space to
develop all those skills and abilities in the process of writing.
For Marinkovich and Poblete (2000), writing is a complex mental
activity composed of a process that uses cognitive and metacognitive
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
strategies for its elaboration. It must awaken in the student not only
an interest, but also a curiosity and have meaning. "Only then will it
develop not as a skill that is executed with the hands but as a truly
new and complex form of language" (p. 123). For the authors, it is an
activity that has two components. The first of these are the actions
which constitute "the process subordinated to the representation that
it has of the result to be achieved, that is, the process subordinated
to a conscious end" (Baquero, 1996). The second are the operations
which, according to Cassany (1999), are "cognitive, linguistic, and
sociocultural operations that make the writing production process
possible" (Cassany, 1999).
Playful strategies as teaching-learning tools help students to develop
their creativity. According to Cañizales (2008), "they are teaching
methods of interactive and dialogic character, stimulated for the
ingenious and pedagogically consistent use of methods, exercises
and didactic games specifically established to form significant
learning both in terms of knowledge and in skills or social
competences" (p. 7). On the other hand, for Díaz and Hernández
(2002), "they are instruments with the help of which learning and
problem-solving activities are enhanced".
Learning strategies are seen by Pressley et al. (1985) as a set of
instructions that help to achieve certain ends in the learning process.
For Selmes (1988) "they are procedures that are applied in an
intentional and deliberate way to a task and that are not reduced to
automated routines". According to Sánchez (2011), these strategies
allow students with greater or lesser degrees of intelligence to
overcome their difficulties. The teacher plays an important role
because he/she is in charge of stimulating them to develop their own
strategies and improve their academic performance.
For Sánchez (2007), theater in children's life has great didactic value
because it has always had an educational social function. This author
also argues that dramatization occurs in a personal, collective or social
way, as well as an interpersonal interaction with ludic-pedagogical
purposes. He also infers that there is an intermediate stage between
play and theater and that is drama, both of which contribute to the
integral formation of the individual. Motos (1996) elaborated a graph
of how theater contributes to the child's development, starting from
naturalness to something more technical on the one hand and from
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
play to the artistic on the other, placing symbolic play in first place,
then dramatic play, then role-playing and finally theater. In this same
line, for Tejerina (1994) there are three dramatic stages in this infantile
evolution: in the first, symbolic play, in the second, dramatic play or
dramatization, and in the third, theater.
Theater is an artistic resource where experiences are represented in
which infants are part of various personifications whose
representation techniques become games that favor personification,
elements such as body expression, gestures, voice, relaxation, among
others, are enriching experiences for the child. Domínguez (2010,
p.53) defined children's theater as "an artistic, corporal and verbal
representation that encompasses those written plays directed and
acted with children".
This study is a field research since data will be collected directly from
the studied reality where the events occur and these data are neither
controlled nor manipulated (Palella and Martins, 2010, p. 88). It also
studies the social phenomena where they occur. In this type of inquiry
the researcher does not manipulate the variables for greater validity
of the information. Due to the nature of the instruments that will be
used to collect the information, it is qualitative in approach since the
data collected are not quantifiable, but qualitative, such as participant
observation, semi-structured interviews, qualitative survey, among
others (Hernández Sampieri, 2014).
The design for this work according to Kemmis and Mctaggart (1992)
is Action Research (AR) which is a form of inquiry that produces a
reflection initiated by collaborators in social contexts with the purpose
of exercising justice seeking a change in their social or educational
praxis. By using reflection in their work, teachers turn their classes into
a laboratory to make didactic innovations; this AI applied to the
improvement of pedagogical practice constitutes Pedagogical Action
Research (Pedagogical AI). In the same sense, for Kemmis and
Mctaggart (1992) Action Research "aims to improve education
through change, and to learn from the consequences of change". This
is the change pursued by innovating a playful strategy through theater
for fourth grade students to improve their textual production.
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
The population under study is composed of the students of the
Instituto Alegría de Saber, who are three hundred (300) students
enrolled in the different levels from preschool to fifth grade. The
sample is represented by 18 fourth grade students aged nine (9) and
ten (10) years old. Within this population we find children from
different strata, where 10% of the students pay pension and 90%
belong to the district's scholarship plan. Due to the economic
situation of their parents, some of them are employees of nearby
companies and others make a living from commerce and other
activities. The educational institution has eight teachers with degrees
in different areas of knowledge, three of them work in preschool and
five in elementary school (1st-5th grade); these teachers rotate by area
and are in charge of group management.
According to Latorre (2003) Action Research "is configured in four
moments or phases: planning, action, observation and reflection. The
moment of observation, the collection and analysis of data in a
systematic and rigorous manner, is what gives it the status of
In this research, the Writing Processes Evaluation Battery (PROESC)
(Cuetos, Ramos & Ruano, 2002), the interview, participant observation
and the qualitative survey were chosen as data collection techniques.
For this research, a data collection instrument will be used for each of
the stated objectives. For the first objective, which seeks to evaluate
the students' writing level, six (6) tests were used, which include the
command of spelling rules, accentuation and phoneme-grapheme
conversion, the use of capital letters and punctuation marks,
knowledge of arbitrary spelling, and the planning of narrative and
expository texts. For the second objective, which has to do with the
design of the proposal, interviews were conducted through
questionnaires in which semi-structured questions were consigned
(Rodríguez, Gil and García, 1999). For the third objective, which deals
with the implementation, the field diary was used. For the fourth
objective, an interview was used. The instrument will be composed of
a questionnaire of open-ended questions that will seek to explore
meanings (Fink, 2003, p. 61).
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Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
In accordance with the first specific objective projected for this
research, which sought to determine the writing level of the students
in the sample, the PROESC battery was used as a technique and six
(6) tests were applied as a data collection instrument. The PROLEC
Battery was elaborated to evaluate the domains of phoneme-
grapheme conversion rules, knowledge of arbitrary spelling, mastery
of orthographic rules, mastery of punctuation rules, use of capital
letters, use of punctuation marks, ability to plan a narrative text, and
ability to plan an expository text.
After applying the battery in the eighteen (18) students of the sample,
in the first test that consisted of the dictation of twenty-five (25)
syllables that try to reflect the main syllabic structures such as CV, VC,
CVC, CCV, CCVC, CVVC, and CCVVC; for this test all the students
were evaluated in low level. In the second test which consisted of
dictation of twenty-five (25) words each in two lists A and B. List A
dictated words of arbitrary spelling and list B dictated words that
follow the spelling rules (Chacón, 1997) such as "m before p and b";
"r after n, l and s"; "h" in words beginning with "hue"; words
beginning with "bus and bur"; "y" at the end of words when it does
not carry the accent; "b" in verbs ending with "bir"; "v" in all
infinitives ending with "ervar"; in verbs ending with "aba"; "j" in
words ending with "aje"; "ll" in words ending with illo; "v" in
adjectives ending with "ava"; and "b in words ending with "bilidad".
The tests follow the same pattern of behavior resulting in the low
The third test consisted of pseudoword dictation, consisting of
twenty-five (25) invented words, the last fifteen (15) of which are
subject to orthographic rules. In this test the same behavior continues,
the low level predominated. The fourth test consisted of dictation of
sentences in which the children were dictated eight (8) sentences, two
of them interrogative and one exclamatory in which proper nouns and
accented words appear. For the fifth test, the children were asked to
write a story or tale, whichever they preferred. For the sixth and last
test, they were asked to write an essay about a known animal. In each
of the previous tests, the level was low.
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For the second objective, which was to design a ludic-pedagogical
proposal that awakens interest and motivates fourth grade students,
an interview with students, parents and teachers was used as a
technique to collect information in order to build a ludic-pedagogical
proposal through theater. The population formed by children, parents
and teachers, agreed that theater motivates and helps to overcome
fears, it also contributes to a better oral expression and the novelty is
that theater improves the writing process. In the voices of the
interviewees, the genre that is best known is comedy since they relate
it to the videos of social networks such as Tik Tok. They also agreed
that electronic equipment such as television, computers and smart
phones among others could be of great help for the strategy; a
teacher expressed that puppets would be a good innovation tool for
the strategy; some participants showed their interest in the
combination of theater with music in musicals and opera to improve
oral expression; others agreed that drama could be well received,
especially because they relate it to videos and short films that are
observed in social networks or the famous Korean "doramas".
For the third objective, which is the implementation of the ludic-
pedagogical proposal "Playing, I write and act", there was a lot of
acceptance and motivation among the participants, so much so that
they decided to make an improvised play among all of them before
carrying out the activities prior to the staging; however, there was a
factor that limited the research and that was the time factor. Some
children were motivated, concentrated and attentive when writing.
This time they were putting into practice the known spelling rules.
Their concentration in the activities was excellent, that is to say, there
was so much motivation that their concentration said everything
about their interest in carrying out the activity, it can be added that
the creativity in the imagination of the scripts was formidable. The
evaluation, which was the fourth objective, was unanimously favorable
to the proposal, since all the participants concluded that the
implementation of the proposal was excellent.
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
Table 1.
Coding of categories - data reduction
Protocol/ Descriptive Unit/
I consider that the strategies are
very important in the writing
process of children because
through it we can advance in their
academic performance, for
example, as dictations, sheets with
drawings, drawings alluding to the
consonant by which we are going
to teach the child in their writing
and teach them to read.
SC1. The writing
Yes, yes ma'am because it helped
me to improve my learning. The
most important or meaningful thing
for me was having to share the
experience of sharing with my
peers and performing with each of
Yes, because it made me improve
my writing
Yes, it was a lot of fun and
Yes, as it helps them develop their
skills and improve their writing.
SC2. Collaborative
From the strategy I liked the
creativity that they were and the
spontaneity they had to create the
character and the memory they
used and the ability that they were
enabled to create those characters.
The theater we talk about is a
teaching tool for the development
and creativity of our children also
interpretation and above all
manage a lot of memory and
SC3. Creativity and
SC4. Theater as a tool
for the development
of creativity.
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
speech and their creativity as I
mentioned before.
Yes, I would use this strategy
because it is a very broad strategy
where I can develop several
activities and I can get to know the
children better and they can
interact with me and I can get to
know them better and interpret
their needs.
So that he learns about what he has
done and loses his fear, because
the more he is in the theater, the
more he loses his fear.
SC.5. Theater as an
emancipator of fear
Table 2.
Categorization results
Core Theme/Axial
SC2. Collaborative
SC3. Creativity and
SC4. Theater as a
tool for the
development of
SC.5. Theater as a
means to
emancipate from
Writing level
SC1. The writing
The categorization resulted in two thematic units; the first was the
"ludic-pedagogical proposal" with its respective correlated
categories such as collaborative work; creativity and spontaneity;
Playful-pedagogical strategy "Playing I write and act
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
theater as a tool for the development of creativity and theater as a
means to emancipate fear; likewise the other thematic unit was the
writing level which gave as a subcategory the writing process. All this
categorization resulted in a selective category that deals with a ludic-
pedagogical proposal through theater as a tool that develops
creativity, spontaneity, collaborative work and improves the writing
process by increasing the level of writing, but also emancipates fears.
Authors such as Valverde (2018) affirm that teachers by not putting
into practice the writing process as such causes failures in the
processes for the development of comprehensive reading and
writing, which agrees with the results of this research, since the level
of writing depends on whether a good writing process has been
carried out. Suarnavar and Saldaña (2018) believe that creative writing
influences the textual production of children, coinciding with this
research which resulted in creativity and spontaneity appearing as a
consequence of the implementation of the ludic-pedagogical
In this same line Lasso (2017) managed to mobilize the writing levels:
syllabic, presyllabic and alphabetic through the design and
implementation of a didactic sequence that led students to generate
texts from their own creativity and initiative just like the authors of this
research who upon diagnosing the low levels of writing were given
the task of mobilizing them through the writing of theater scripts.
For their part, Estrada, Herrera and Perea (2018) say that the
strengthening of writing is a process that will be visualized in the long
term, but with the implementation of the playful strategy the seed was
left, this position is in line with the thinking of the authors of this
research since it is a long-term process to improve the writing level in
students, which is why it is necessary that the strategy "Jugando
escribo y actúo" should remain as a classroom project in all grades of
the Institución Educativa Alegría De Saber.
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