Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 13, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Luna, Z., Rivera, M. (2023) New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries
for a new lifestyle. Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 13(1) 46-56
New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle
Nuevas tendencias agricolas en el uso de arandanos par un nuevo estilo de vida
Juan David Diaz Romero
Master's Degree, Corporación Unificada Nacional CUN, Chia-Bogotá, Tenjo, Colombia,,
Fernando Augusto Poveda Aguja Ed.
Post-doctorate in curriculum, discourse and researcher training, PhD. Educational in Technology
education, Doctoral student in Administration, Universidad de la Salle, Corporación Unificada Nacional
CUN, Chia-Bogotá- Colombia.,
"New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle."
The purpose of the research is to develop a comparative
socioeconomic study of blueberry cultivation in the municipality of
Tenjo Cundinamarca, through a productive model according to the
determinants focused for the development of blueberry cultivation in
the municipality of Tenjo where it is intended to create new processes
manual in each of the areas required by the project, such as in the
planting area, the cultivation area, the area of (MIPE) integrated
management of pests and diseases, in the area of (MIRFE) integrated
management of irrigation and fertilizer, In the area of production and
in everything involved in the process of marketing the final product
and thus reach the community of the village of Carrasquilla and
generate a better economic development for more than thirty
families, since generating a viable and sustainable blueberry project
will improve the economic development of the farmers in the region,
with this project is intended to make known to all people the benefits
of a viable and sustainable business, well structured and which is
intended to make the best profit starting in the municipality of Tenjo
Cundinamarca in the village of carrasquilla but with a purpose to take
it to a growth where it can be generated in many of the regions of
Received 2022-09-22
Revised 2022-10-12
Accepted 2022-12-01
Published 2023-01-04
Corresponding Author
Juan Diaz Romero
Pages: 46-56
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
Colombia, and thus to contribute to a better lifestyle for all those
people who make part of the project.
agricultural, socio-economic, Mirfe, Mipe, cultivation,
blueberries, commercialization
“Nuevas tendencias agrícolas en el uso de arándanos para un nuevo
estilo de vida”. El propósito de la investigación es desarrollar un
estudio socioeconómico comparativo del cultivo de arándanos en el
municipio de Tenjo Cundinamarca, por medio de un modelo
productivo acorde con los determinantes focalizados para el
desarrollo del cultivo de arándanos en el municipio de Tenjo donde
se pretende crear manual de procesos nuevos en cada una de las
áreas que requiere el proyecto, como lo es en el área de siembra, el
área de cultivo, el área de (MIPE) manejo integrado de plagas y
enfermedades, en el área de (MIRFE) manejo integrado de riego y
fertilizante, en el área de producción y en todo lo que conlleva el
proceso de comercialización del producto final y de esta manera
llegar a la comunidad de la vereda de carrasquilla y generar un mejor
desarrollo económico a más de treinta familias ya que al generar un
proyecto de arándanos viable y sostenible se podrá mejorar el
desarrollo económico de los campesinos de la región, con este
proyecto se pretende dar a conocer a todas las personas los
beneficios de un negocio viable y sostenible, bien estructurado y del
cual se pretende sacar el mejor provecho empezando en el municipio
de Tenjo Cundinamarca en la vereda de carrasquilla pero con un
propósito de llevarlo a un crecimiento donde pueda ser generado en
muchas de las regiones de Colombia, y de esta manera poder
contribuir con un mejor estilo de vida para todas aquellas personas
que hacer parte del proyecto.
Palabras clave:
agrícola, socioeconómico, Mirfe, Mipe, cultivo,
arándanos, comercialización
New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
While it is true that the agricultural sector in Colombia has presented
many problems due to the imminent increases in inputs and the high
cost of the same at the time of importing them since they arrive at
dollar prices and this currency has a very high value compared to the
Colombian currency, This is why farmers have stopped producing
their land to the point that they have realized that it is not profitable
to plant and sell their products in the interior of the country, a strategy
to combat this problem is through an alternative that in recent years
has had an exponential growth in the U.S. market, When making an
analysis of the characteristics that must be taken into account for the
production of this fruit we find that Colombia is one of the countries
that has many advantages over other countries at the time of
producing it because Colombia has all the climatic conditions to carry
out the production of this fruit, in addition in Colombia you can get
continuous production since not having climatic seasons does not
affect anything to plants and can be harvested throughout the year.
According to Martínez Pardo, C. L., & Bautista Espinosa, A. M. (2021).
Cooperation and political support from the United States for
Colombia's entry into the OECD began, which is a strategic objective
for the Colombian government and has been key to carrying out
important economic reforms in the country, including support for
Colombia's exports to the United States with a product that is the
blueberry, which is highly sought after in that country due to its high
benefits and its characteristics, In this way and with many other
projects the United States seeks to help the economic development
of Colombia, and taken to our project is of a very high importance
because in this way our product is on the list of products that will be
exported and more requested by that country increasing the chances
of success.
According to Trigozo Alvarado, T. L. (2021). The blueberry is known
as the super fruit due to its excellent properties and all the
characteristics it contains, which is why the blueberry has a great
approval in many of the different markets in the world, and this is
because the global trend is moving towards a healthier diet, This
New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
generates a great opportunity in the international business world and
allows access to markets where the purchasing power of customers is
higher, as is the case of Singapore, one of the strongest economies in
the world.
According to Álvarez, A. (2018). Around the world the blueberry or
blueberry has positioned itself as one of the most desired fruits due
to its characteristic high nutritional powers, which are rich in vitamins,
antioxidants and low in calories and this is why it is one of the most
marketed fruits in the last two decades, this is where lies an
importance of maintaining a constant agricultural production in the
use of time, the United States and Canada as powers in the
development have reached approximately a producing area of
440000 hectares leaving in evidence that its consumption has shown
a considerable increase around the world.
According to Ghezzi, Stein, E. H., & Invest, (2021). Blueberries in Peru.
The Peruvian blueberry boom is an undoubted success story. The
country went from exporting virtually nothing in 2014 to exporting
USD1 billion, and being the world's largest exporter of blueberries,
just 5 years later. This phenomenon occurred thanks to exceptional
conditions for blueberry production (high productivity, extremely
short growing periods, large tracts of available land), a highly
professional private sector and a set of good public policies (well-
functioning SENASA, the TCs, irrigation projects, the agrarian
promotion law, etc.).
From the point of view of Farfán Casallas, H. I. (2016). The constant
changes that the country has suffered reveal a problem where the
main affected are the farmers at local and national level, so the main
producers are wondering what alternatives they can consider to
reduce the environmental impact and that can be profitable to
improve the peasant economy, and be able to compete in the local
and international market, the blueberry market offers competitive
advantages for Colombia at a productive and commercial level
against its competitors given the various conditions that favor its
application and subsequent product supply in the world. Therefore, it
is important to generate an identity and information regarding the
application and development of this crop, mainly by classifying the
areas that, due to their characteristics, are suitable for the application
of fruit trees.
New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
According to Triana Campos, M. I., & López Beltrán, C. A. (2018).
Through the mayor's office of Tenjo Cundinamarca a project was
designed to develop business plans according to the needs of the
population where several community projects were rescued, the
strengthening of the project consisted in the presentation of a training
program with topics of general acceptance or need among the
participants and through weekly workshops and counseling in the
administrative and accounting area and thus had the basis for the
development of each business plan, within the framework of the
project, fifteen entrepreneurs were accompanied and their projects
were started by providing weekly consulting services with
professionals in the administrative and accounting areas so that the
people involved in the project could move from empirical practices to
established processes.
As Caballero Carvajal, J. D. J. (2015) stated. The United States is the
main producer and consumer of blueberries worldwide, which is why
it is one of the fruits with the highest demand, for its part in South
America were introduced at the time of the 80s and since then it has
been cultivated in countries like Chile, Argentina, Colombia and
Uruguay where Chile is the main producer in South America and
second worldwide maintaining its largest counter season in the
northern hemisphere countries (United States and Canada) where it
exports the largest amount of fruit, The permanent demand at world
level and the good prices have made that in many countries of South
America the interest of establishing crops has been awakened, for the
case of Colombia have begun to create these blueberry crops due to
the plants with low requirement of cold and that can be adapted to
the climatic conditions of the Colombian tropics.
According to Mesa Torres, P. A. (2015). The Bogotá savanna is
defined as one of the areas with high probabilities of success for the
development of blueberry plantations due to its agroecological
conditions, although the introduction of the project is relatively
recent, the objective of the project is to characterize some of the
aspects related to the phenology, growth and production of
According to Villegas Lozada, (2022). The blueberry (Vaccinium
corymbosum L.) fruit market has experienced an increase in demand
in the last 10 years, placing it worldwide as the fourth fruit of economic
New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
importance, because they are considered natural products with many
benefits for human health. Since there is no information on blueberry
production in the country, this study evaluated the effect of the type
of substrate on the vegetative growth of the Biloxi variety blueberry
crop in the Montalvo parish of the Ambato canton, province of
Tungurahua. Three types of substrate were used: rice husk (T1),
Pindstrup (T2), coconut fiber plus perlite (T3) and the following
variables were measured weekly: number of shoots, number of leaves,
shoot diameter (mm), plant height (cm), crown, vigor, number of
internodes, length of internodes and stem diameter.
The project will be a quantitative project of non-experimental design
with a non-pyrobalistic design approach, where it relates a review of
specific data for the economic development of the region about the
cultivation of blueberries, the sample will be in the municipality of
Tenjo Cundinamarca specifically the analysis component of the
economic development of Tenjo, we will have phases of instruments
and a literature review for the comparative analysis, econometric
review, variables will be identified for the search process of its state
of the art relating the econometric aspects for the reading and its
respective description. To develop a little better the idea of the
research about the project "new agricultural trends in the use of
blueberries for a better lifestyle", we have developed some analysis
with several research works under the following determinants:
competitiveness and Michael Porter's theory, innovation under the
Oslo and Frascati manuals, and strategic direction under Peter
Drucker's theory.
One of the sources of income that contribute to the country's
economy is the export of food products, however, in our country
Colombia these types of practices are not so well implemented is why
from the project we want to publicize the benefits that will have the
implementation of new practices in the use of blueberries, according
to Diéguez Cuellar, M. Á. M., Jara Rojas, R. A., & Cofré Bravo, G. D.
C. (2019). in analyzing the export of blueberries, we find two countries
that have been working on it, these countries are Chile and Peru,
notwithstanding the work that these countries have developed, the
increase in demand for this product is evident in the export market,
New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
however the supply of these countries has not been able to meet the
demand for the product due to the rapid growth of global demand,
which has caused an excellent opportunity for those countries that
meet the necessary conditions to be producers of blueberries, when
making an analysis of the production of blueberries and comparing
the characteristics that this demands we can realize that in our country
Colombia and in the municipality of Tenjo Cundinamarca we fulfill all
the characteristics to be able to develop the project, as for example
the height to be able to sow this plant is between 2000 and 2600
meters above sea level, and the municipality of Tenjo fulfills these
conditions among others, due to the high demand of the product new
competitors have appeared that grant a greater dynamism in the
market, forcing the industry to improve the productive and
commercial efficiency.
According to Pacheco Huaman, M. D. (2017). In his work he sought to
describe that both the blueberry agro-exporting companies employ
strategies for a product that is growing, in which he tries to determine
the market development, product development, and related
diversification are part of the strategic activities of companies for the
export of blueberries, in the case of Colombia has an advantage and
is that it has signed the FTA with the United States since May 15, 2012,
in Colombia began to plant blueberries since about 2008 and where
exponential growth is evident in recent years, One of the advantages
that Colombia has is that thanks to its climatic conditions the
production of blueberries can be done throughout the year and when
comparing this determinant with other countries is a key point for the
export of the product because at times when other countries can not
export blueberries because their climatic conditions do not allow it,
there is an opportunity for Colombia to supply the international
market demand for this product.
For the production model to be generated in the municipality of
Tenjo, and thinking about Porter's five forces, a manual was designed
to start training farmers in the following aspects;
The power of negotiation with customers: this is intended to make the
farmer understand that customers are the ultimate goal of the
company since they are the final consumers of our products, to raise
awareness of the farmers will create manuals that will be shared with
each of them.
New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
Negotiating power with suppliers: at this point we must let the farmers
know how important it is to have a good relationship with suppliers,
since the viability of the business and the profit we can obtain from it
depend on this.
Threats of new competitors: for our project it is very important to
make farmers understand that being a business that is having an
exponential growth, it can become a threat because new competitors
will want to enter with new products, which is why it is important to
provide advice to farmers to diversify and be at the forefront of our
products in terms of quality, marketing and other aspects that may
threaten our products.
The project will be carried out taking into account the GAP (good
agricultural practices), the GMP (good manufacturing practices) and it
is intended to generate an agreement to have the support of the ICA
(Colombian Agricultural Institute), it is of great importance to train
farmers from the beginning with all these practices because in the
medium term when the export process begins all these practices will
give us a plus to our product making the processes easier, The project
is divided into several stages starting with the planting of the product
of the plants, the production and management that must be taken in
each step as they grow and harvest the fruit, and ends with the
marketing process.
According to Ballesteros Roncancio, J. A., Sandoval Chaves, C. A., &
Cueca Garzón, M. H. (2019). The project has an establishment time of
five years in which the first two years the planting and growth process
will be carried out and from the third year onwards, when the harvest
begins, a point of equilibrium is established where the farmers begin
to see the profitability of the project, In the planting process it is
planned to start with 1000 plants of the variety (biloxi) since this
variety is the one that best adapts to the climatic conditions of the
municipality of Tenjo, for this process a manual has been established
which will be delivered to the farmers so that they follow the process
to the letter, the planting is intended to be done in ecological
materials generating an awareness of the environment, A coconut
substrate mixed with rice husks and worm humus will be used, since
these components provide many benefits that contribute to a healthy
growth of the plants, avoiding future diseases. For the land, the area
will be enclosed with anti-bird netting to prevent animals from
New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
affecting the process of fruit growth, disinfection fumigations will be
done with a product called defender + liquid soap (natural products),
this in order to avoid possible diseases in plants, manuals are created
to know in which weeks of planting should be done transplanting
plants to larger pots so that their growth is even and does not affect
the root of each one of them, In these same manuals information will
be given on how pruning should be done so that the plants have a
uniform growth and the foliage and fruit are not affected. For the
irrigation area a system will be generated by means of drip hoses
controlled with submersible pumps that will be in fertilization tanks
where the mixture is prepared with the weekly irrigation program that
will be specified for the weeks of life that the plants have, This
irrigation and fertilization program will be delivered by an agronomist.
For the harvesting process, another manual will be generated with all
the instructions on how to harvest the fruit, For the commercialization
process, the farmers will be trained months before the crop is to start
producing so that they can start negotiating with clients, A marketing
campaign will be carried out to publicize the work of the farmers from
the very beginning in order to attract more clients.
By creating a viable or sustainable blueberry plantation business we
can improve the economic development of the municipality of Tenjo,
since the blueberry business is one of the businesses called to be
more successful in the future due to all the benefits, characteristics
and properties contained in the fruit, Because of this it is one of the
fruits that has had more approval in the different markets of the world
since the tendency of the people is in the future to achieve a healthy
diet and the blueberry contains many characteristics that contribute
to this, therefore it is a business that has characteristics of a high
demand both nationally and globally. The objective of the blueberry
project is to design a production and marketing model for blueberries
in the municipality of Tenjo, recognizing the farmers of the
municipality for implementing this type of business by helping them
with training and implementing manuals on the tasks to be performed
according to the types of varieties planted by each one of them,
generating marketing strategies through manuals either at the
New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
national level or at the export level to markets where the demand for
the product is greater.
For the realization of this project we took into account instruments
such as interviews with farmers in the village of Carrasquilla in the
municipality of Tenjo, where many of the farmers were excited and
received in a very pleasant way the realization of this project, giving
contributions and making known their support for it.
During the course of the project, several activities were developed,
such as obtaining information to clarify doubts about the project, new
agricultural strategies were created for the farmers in order to
optimize processes and generate better results, process manuals
were created for each of the activities required and training was given
to each of the people who are part of the process, a marketing
process was created to ensure that the project has the expected
results and that the farmers achieve the successful results that were
proposed from the beginning of the project.
Bustillo Álvarez, A. (2018). Blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum)
cultivation and its projection in Colombia.
Ghezzi, P., Stein, E. H., & Invest, B. I. D. (2021). Blueberries in
Farfán Casallas, H. I. (2016). Possibilities of blueberry (Vaccinium
mirtillus) crop production under Good Agricultural
Practices (GAP) on a farm in the municipality of Villapinzón,
Triana Campos, M. I., & López Beltrán, C. A. (2018). Program for
strengthening business units Tenjo-Cundinamarca.
Trigozo Alvarado, T. L. (2021). Blueberry export plan to the
Singapore market.
Caballero Carvajal, J. D. J. (2015). Growth and vegetative
development of two blueberry cultivars (Biloxi and
Sharpblue) in the Sabana of Bogotá.
New agricultural trends in the use of blueberries for a new lifestyle
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
Villegas Lozada, L. A. (2022). Evaluation of three substrates for
the development of blueberry (Vaccinium corymbosum L.),
Biloxi variety in Montalvo parish (Bachelor's thesis).
Mesa Torres, P. A. (2015). Some aspects of phenology, growth
and production of two cultivars of blueberry (Vaccinium
corymbosum L. x V. darowii) planted in Guasca
(Cundinamarca, Colombia).
Diéguez Cuellar, M. Á. M., Jara Rojas, R. A., & Cofré Bravo, G.
D. C. (2019). Competitive strategies of the blueberry
industry: comparative analysis between Chile and Peru
(Doctoral dissertation, Universidad de Talca (Chile). School
of Agronomy).
Martínez Pardo, C. L., & Bautista Espinosa, A. M. (2021).
Business plan for the export of organic mortiño or agraz
(vaccinium meridionale swartz) of the Ericaceae family to
the market of the United States of America, by the
company Tisoco SAS of the municipality of Envigado,