Strengthening the sales channel for frozen foods companies
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
world is going through in the economic gap, The need is increasing
to save not only on raw materials, but also on services such as gas,
water and electricity, which are a priority when preparing a meal.
Many of the students stated that they eat well only when they are in
their mothers' homes, but when the question was asked to the
mothers, they also have the same problem, little time available and
few resources when buying some, to the point of considerably
reducing the portion of proteins or meals per day in order to reduce
costs of the family basket and to be able to reach the time and
resources available. This gives us to understand that more part of the
population has a similar need and opens the opportunity to a new
market option with a larger and more varied customer niche, we also
found that the problem of lack of time and resources is present in the
middle strata, however in the higher strata, although the economic
factor is not the biggest drawback, time is, Therefore, many people
want to have a practical, easy and delicious way to have their meals,
which leaves us as a conclusion that more part of the population, more
variety of ages and more variety of socioeconomic strata would be
interested in our proposal, which opens a new possibility of expansion
and vision of the project.
As a second objective, we evaluated the possibility of establishing a
more viable distribution channel to meet the preference and reduce
food costs. We found that the distribution channel in the Chapinero
sector is not viable due to rental costs, which average $3,000.00 plus
As a third objective we have the presentation of an innovation project
in a point of sale of frozen foods that meets the preferences and
reduce food costs of students of the universities La Salle, Javeriana
and Santo Tomas, which according to the research conducted despite
having target customers, possibilities of increasing sales, brand
positioning, we found that the project is not feasible in the sector of
Chapinero, and according to our market research in leases in the
sectors with the highest influx of people concentrated in the sectors
of Chapinero and Chapinero, According to our research, despite
having target customers, possibilities of increasing sales, brand
positioning, we found that the project is not viable in the Chapinero
sector, and according to our market study on leases in the sectors with
the greatest influx of people concentrated in homes, we found that
the project is viable in the Modelia sector.