Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 13, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Baez, F. (2023) Strengthening the sales channel for frozen foods
companies. Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 13(1) 82-89
Strengthening the sales channel for frozen foods companies
Fortalecimiento del canal de ventas para empresas de congelados
Frank Erick Baez Moreno
Master, Corporación Unificada Nacional CUN , Chia Bogotá- Colombia,,
We want to develop a project to open physical stores or minimarkets
in order to improve and increase sales of the company JEKA
DISTRIBUCIONES SAS contributing to the consumption of low cost
and easy to prepare frozen food, this contributes to improve times,
money and public services in the preparation of food for students of
the university La Salle, Javeriana and Santo Tomas this project is
taking as a reference the international model of "QUEM" of Martin
Grosbard that with this model already has more than 12 stores
nationwide with sales close to 12 million Argentine pesos in 2019,
stores in which a variety of close to 200 products are offered serving
3 meals a day, with pre-cooked frozen food ready to prepare at an
affordable cost and easy to prepare, which facilitates the time
implemented in the preparation of the products and the cost of
additional products and utilities in the preparation directly decreasing
the cost of living of people in Argentina. This business model is
already implemented in several countries and has been a very
profitable and viable business, so we will implement a project in
Colombia with this model we want to implement it in our country.
Food, Frozen, Students, Bogota, Universities, Food,
Healthy, Students, Bogotá, Food
Received 2022-06-22
Revised 2022-08-12
Accepted 2022-12-01
Published 2023-01-04
Corresponding Author
Frank Baez Moreno
Pages: 82-89
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Strengthening the sales channel for frozen foods companies
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
Se quiere desarrollar un proyecto de abrir tiendas físicas o
minimarkets con el fin de mejorar y aumentar las ventas de la
empresa JEKA DISTRIBUCIONES SAS aportando a el consumo de
alimentos congelados de bajo costo y fáciles de preparar, esto
contribuye a mejorar tiempos, dinero y servicios públicos en la
preparación de alimentos para los estudiantes de la universidad La
Salle, Javeriana y Santo Tomas este proyecto está tomando como
referencia el modelo internacional de “QUEM” de Martin Grosbard
que con este modelo ya tiene más de 12 tiendas a nivel nacional con
ventas cercanas a los 12 millones de pesos argentinos en 2019,
tiendas en las que se ofrecen variedad de cerca de 200 productos
que atienden 3 comidas al día, con alimentos pre cocidos congelados
listos para preparar a un costo asequible y fácil de preparar, lo cual
facilita el tiempo implementado en la preparación de los productos y
el costo de productos adicionales y de servicios públicos en la
preparación disminuyendo directamente el costo de vida de las
personas en Argentina. Este modelo de negocio ya está
implementado varios países y ha sido un negocio muy rentable y
viable, por lo vamos a implementar un proyecto en Colombia con este
modelo queremos implementarlo en nuestro país.
Palabras clave:
Alimentos, Congelados, Estudiantes, Bogotá,
Universidades, Comida, Saludable
The main problem we want to solve through this research is to
contribute to the reduction of the cost of daily food
consumption of students, improve sales of the company JEKA
DISTRIBUCIONES SAS and generate awareness for the
consumption of frozen food for this we must know in detail the
costs, methods and food preferences of students of the
universities La Salle, Javeriana and Santo Tomas, in order to
have access to as much information as possible which allows us
to make decisions and to propose an alternative that improves
the quality, This is due to the current lack of time to prepare
Strengthening the sales channel for frozen foods companies
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
food at home, the cost of food at the market and the high
increase of public services that involves cooking every day for
hours, which increases the current cost of living of students
generating bad eating habits and sometimes failing to consume
any of the 3 meals which leads to a serious health problem. It is
also about educating the consumer and changing the thinking
about frozen foods and demonstrating that they do not have
external preservatives and that they are healthy.
Jeka Distribuciones S.A.S. is a company that has been in the
market for 3 years, whose main objective is to distribute frozen
food wholesale to the HORECA sector, the company within its
experience has included daily food products such as
empanadas, cakes, arepas, soups, pizzas, almojábanas among
others. The company within its expansion has been dedicated
to the B2B sector where there is an opportunity for growth in
sales with a new line dedicated to the B2C market with the main
idea of contributing to reduce food costs as they have a line of
pre-cooked frozen food ready to prepare in minutes, which
gives us an advantage in front of offering the company a brand
recognition and remembrance and students products at an
affordable value, easy to prepare and with the quality records
requested by INVIMA which gives them a guarantee and that
are high quality products, products to be frozen have more
validity and duration which ensures that the student can store
the product for several weeks in your freezer, this will reduce
daily shopping trips, costs of preparing meals and saving time
which is what they have less, this project offers the advantage
to the company to have an additional sales channel which drives
the brand and increases sales of the company. We also want to
educate consumers to promote the use of frozen foods in their
daily lives, since we have a great market opportunity based on
the fact that 64.5% of households buy frozen products and per
capita consumption of the category amounts to 1.8 kilos per
year, according to an analysis conducted by Kantar Worldpanel.
It is still an underdeveloped market in our country compared to
other countries in Europe and the United States, largely due to
Strengthening the sales channel for frozen foods companies
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
the prices and costs associated with these products; although
the development achieved by the Día % chain shows us that
consumers are predisposed and value the benefits that these
products offer, said Juan Manuel Primbas, Managing Director
Southern Cone of Kantar Worldpanel. In his research he
indicates that 1.8 kg of frozen products are consumed per year,
leaving a large percentage of improvement and market
Research will be conducted with students through surveys to discover
needs, preferences and costs of food currently consumed, also to
determine how familiar is the frozen food market in the area of the
university students of La Salle, Santo Tomas and Javeriana. After this,
as the company JEKA DISTRIBUCIONES SAS has the trajectory in
quality, positioning and price of its portfolio, we search for
commercial premises strategically located where we can serve the
target audience. Already with the information of the costs of the
employee, rent, raw materials, services and investment we can draw
a budget and know the break-even point of the project, the number
of units to be sold and know if the project is viable. Once this
information has been compiled for September 18, 2022 and the
research, the project is presented to the company for analysis and
decision making.
The survey conducted was as follows:
Do you think frozen food is healthy?
Yes 65% Yes
No 35% No 35% No 35% No 35% No 35% No 35% No 35%
No 35%
Do you buy frozen food at home?
Yes 46% Yes
No 54% No
Strengthening the sales channel for frozen foods companies
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
Do you know how to cook?
Yes 87% Yes
No 13% No
What words do you think of when frozen food is mentioned to you?
Easy 50% Easy 50% Easy 50% Easy 50% Easy
Fast 50%.
How many times a week do you eat out?
2 40%
4 40%
5 20%
The theoretical framework of this work is based on a traditional
marketing plan and the CANVAS Model. It follows a theoretical line
of a traditional marketing plan that follows the following structure;
Analysis, strategy, tactics and CRM. Alexander Osterwalder's
structure and the canvas business model were also used.
Clarence Frank Birdseye II is considered the founder of the modern
frozen food industry. He came up with the solution in 1915 while
doing field work in the Arctic.
Globally, the frozen food market is consolidated, especially in Europe
and the United States. These are the main consumers in the world:
In Latin America, the average annual consumption does not
exceed 4 kilos per person.
In Spain, it is 19 kilos. It ranks third among purchase options.
In the United States, consumption is around 27 kilos.
In Germany and England, about 45 kilos of frozen foods are
consumed per year.
The main advantage of frozen food over fresh food is the speed with
which it can be prepared. It only takes a few minutes to take the box
out of the refrigerator, put it in the oven or microwave and get dinner
on the table.
This is the case when it comes to already cooked dishes. But
something similar happens when frozen vegetables are prepared.
There is no need to clean or cut them and cooking them takes very
Strengthening the sales channel for frozen foods companies
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
little time. They are also quicker and less frequent to buy, cheaper
and can be stored at home for months.
For these reasons, among others, more and more frozen foods are
being purchased in Spain. According to 2018 figures, sales increased
by 3.5% over the previous year.
The good thing about frozen food is that it saves time. And not only
when cooking, you also avoid having to clean and cut vegetables, for
example. Also when shopping, because it is much easier to take the
packages from the freezer and you don't have to go shopping so
often as they can be stored for days, even weeks or months.
You also don't use as many dishes and therefore less mess in the
kitchen. Lastly, frozen food is more usable; it is easier to calculate
portions and food is not wasted. There is also no risk of buying some
food that was planned to be cooked but ends up in the garbage
The bad thing about frozen foods is that the use of preservatives and
other additives to make fruits and vegetables more intense in color
and to prevent the development of bacteria denatures water-soluble
vitamins such as C and B vitamins. On the other hand, the presence
of these additives such as salt, sugar and fats causes the food to lose
nutritional value.
In reference to the first objective, we established the need of students
to consume healthy food at low cost, there is also a considerable lack
of time to prepare meals at home due to the long student days and
jobs that do not leave much free time, we found a great lack of
knowledge about frozen food, its benefits and its quality, taste,
tradition and preparation. Many of the respondents assimilate frozen
food with non-fresh products, with unpleasant taste and with myths
that the product brings chemicals, however there is also evidence of
a tendency to want to try different things and an opportunity for
improvement to educate the public with quality food, It is found that
not only students have this need many more people in the community
as mothers, fathers and grandparents express a help in their homes
when preparing daily food, they want more practicality and above all
at a fair cost, this due to the global situation and the crisis that the
Strengthening the sales channel for frozen foods companies
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
world is going through in the economic gap, The need is increasing
to save not only on raw materials, but also on services such as gas,
water and electricity, which are a priority when preparing a meal.
Many of the students stated that they eat well only when they are in
their mothers' homes, but when the question was asked to the
mothers, they also have the same problem, little time available and
few resources when buying some, to the point of considerably
reducing the portion of proteins or meals per day in order to reduce
costs of the family basket and to be able to reach the time and
resources available. This gives us to understand that more part of the
population has a similar need and opens the opportunity to a new
market option with a larger and more varied customer niche, we also
found that the problem of lack of time and resources is present in the
middle strata, however in the higher strata, although the economic
factor is not the biggest drawback, time is, Therefore, many people
want to have a practical, easy and delicious way to have their meals,
which leaves us as a conclusion that more part of the population, more
variety of ages and more variety of socioeconomic strata would be
interested in our proposal, which opens a new possibility of expansion
and vision of the project.
As a second objective, we evaluated the possibility of establishing a
more viable distribution channel to meet the preference and reduce
food costs. We found that the distribution channel in the Chapinero
sector is not viable due to rental costs, which average $3,000.00 plus
As a third objective we have the presentation of an innovation project
in a point of sale of frozen foods that meets the preferences and
reduce food costs of students of the universities La Salle, Javeriana
and Santo Tomas, which according to the research conducted despite
having target customers, possibilities of increasing sales, brand
positioning, we found that the project is not feasible in the sector of
Chapinero, and according to our market research in leases in the
sectors with the highest influx of people concentrated in the sectors
of Chapinero and Chapinero, According to our research, despite
having target customers, possibilities of increasing sales, brand
positioning, we found that the project is not viable in the Chapinero
sector, and according to our market study on leases in the sectors with
the greatest influx of people concentrated in homes, we found that
the project is viable in the Modelia sector.
Strengthening the sales channel for frozen foods companies
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
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Mascheroni, Rodolfo Horacio, Co-director: Salvadori, Viviana
Date of presentation: 2000, Institution of Development: Centro
de Investigación y Desarrollo en Criotecnología de
Alimentos, Degree obtained: Master in Engineering,
Awarding Institution: Universidad Nacional de La Plata