Alternative Material for the plastic injection molding of the Kia Rio's ventilation grille
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
The versatility of polymers in their exceptional chemical, thermal,
optical, and mechanical qualities are linked to their chemical
composition and internal structure, which has allowed the creation of
specialty polymers, (Rivero 2018). In the automotive field many are
the polymers used for the development of its components or auto
parts and the selection of the same goes according to the application
or purpose to be fulfilled, we have the case of internal auto parts such
as vents that can be manufactured from polymers as mentioned in
(Majewski & Zawadzki 2013), Acrylonitrile-Butadiene-Styrene (ABS)
and ALPHA (ABS-Polycarbonate), for its good properties in terms of
rigidity, toughness, dimensional stability, resistance to chemicals and
good quality of surfaces, (Bhuvanesh Kumar & Sathiya 2021).
Additive Manufacturing (AM) is the significantly progressing field in
terms of methods, materials, and performance of fabricated parts.
Periodical evaluation on the understanding of AM processes and its
evolution is needed since the field is growing rapidly. To address this
requirement, this paper presents a detailed review of the Additive
Manufacturing (AM) methods, materials used, and challenges
associated with them. A critical review of the state of art materials in
the categories such as metals and alloys, polymers, ceramics, and
biomaterials are presented along with their applications, benefits, and
the problems associated with the formation of microstructures,
mechanical properties, and controlling process parameters. The
perspectives and the status of different materials on the fabrication of
thin-walled structures using AM techniques have also been discussed.
Additionally, the main challenges with AM techniques such as
inaccuracy, surface quality, reinforcement distribution, and other
common problems identified from the literature are presented. On
the whole, this paper provides a comprehensive outlook on AM
techniques, challenges, and future research directions, (Bhuvanesh
Kumar & Sathiya 2021).
Seeing these characteristics in properties that polymers have, the
automotive industry has looked for a new type of composite material,
(Rajak et al. 2019). This, combines matrix (plastic), reinforcing material
(fibers or particles) and additives), which forms a new material with
properties superior to the original ones, these materials are known as
composite materials (Chen et al. 2009; Mansor et al. 2013; Mansor et
al. 2014; Mansor et al. 2019; Ramesh 2019; Seldon y Abilash 2020).