Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2022, Vol. 13, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Castellanos, L., Muñoz, M., Prieto, E. (2023) Impact of Intercultural Roots
on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence. Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y
Saberes, 13(1) 98-115
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful
Impacto de las raíces Interculturales en el Fortalecimiento de la Convivencia Pacífica
Liceth Nayibe Castellanos Buitrago
Bachelor's Degree in Child Pedagogy, Fundación universitaria Juan de Castellanos,,
Miguel Ángel Muñoz Rodríguez
Bachelor's degree in early childhood pedagogy, Fundación universitaria Juan de Castellanos,,
Edwin Iván Prieto Castillo
Bachelor's degree in early childhood pedagogy, Fundación universitaria Juan de Castellanos,,
The research project presented below was carried out at the Luis
Carlos Galán school in commune 4 of the municipality of Soacha,
Cundinamarca. With 5 eleventh grade students. The research focused
on our main objective, which is the impact of intercultural roots in the
strengthening of peaceful coexistence of students in grade 11, that is,
how the socialization of students from different cultures has been
modified by living in the same space in aspects such as violence and
other aspects that derive from it. The research focused on the
research method, participatory action, which as mentioned by
Negrete, 2009, p. 91 intends to "Stimulate positive indigenous values
and start from their own historical, social, economic, political and
cultural reality". It is from this that the way in which the techniques of
information collection will be implemented is structured according to
the objectives defined within the general project, in which the
technique is the interview and the collection Instrument is the
questionnaire, this research route was the one that allowed the results
to be obtained to understand which were the intercultural
characteristics that should be strengthened in the school for peaceful
coexistence. Therefore, the final product of the research was the
Received 2022-06-12
Revised 2022-08-22
Accepted 2022-12-23
Published 2023-01-04
Corresponding Author
Liceth Castellanos
Pages: 98-115
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
creation of a physical booklet with pedagogical, didactic and ludic
strategies that gave reason to fulfill the objective of the research
peaceful coexistence, territory, interculturality,
El proyecto de investigación que a continuación se presenta fue
realizado en la institución educativa Luis Carlos Galán, de la comuna
4, del municipio de Soacha, Cundinamarca. Con 5 estudiantes de
grado undécimo. La investigación se enfocó en nuestro objetivo
principal que radica en el impacto de las raíces Interculturales en el
Fortalecimiento de la Convivencia Pacífica de los Estudiantes del
grado 11°, es decir, como la socialización de los estudiantes de
diferentes culturas se han modificado, por habitar en un mismo
espacio en aspectos como violencia y demás aspectos que derivan
de ella. La investigación se centró en el método de investigación,
acción participativa, que como menciona Negrete., 2009, pág. 91
pretende “Estimular los valores autóctonos positivos y partir de su
propia realidad histórica, social, económica, política y cultural.” Es a
partir de ello que se estructura la forma en la que se implementarán
las técnicas de recolección de la información de acuerdo a los
objetivos definidos dentro del proyecto general, en el que la técnica
es la entrevista y el Instrumento de recolección es el cuestionario, esta
ruta de investigación fue la que permitió que se obtuvieran los
resultados para comprender cuales eran las características
interculturales que se deben fortalecer en la escuela para la
convivencia pacífica. Por ello como producto final de la investigación
fue la creación de una cartilla física con estrategias pedagógicas,
didácticas y lúdicas que dieron razón para cumplir con el objetivo del
proyecto de investigación.
Palabras clave:
convivencia pacífica, territorio, interculturalidad,
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
The educational environment is par excellence a propitious scenario
to promote individual and social development; it is in the classroom
where each individual reinforces his or her identity from the
relationships established with others and with the context. The
educational scenarios of our country are immersed in realities of
immeasurable cultural richness, however, the thematic contents leave
behind the ancestral and cultural rescue, prioritizing some themes or
subjects and the homogenization of knowledge, ignoring (to a certain
extent) the essential of promoting healthy interpersonal relationships
based on respect, tolerance and above all the value of difference.
A proposal arises then oriented to highlight the role of the
educational environment as a privileged space that allows to make
interculturality visible, specifically, it is about an articulation of areas
in which the artistic and cultural samples of the different family and
territorial environments of the students are prioritized, extending it at
the same time to the recognition of the minority cultures of our
country. In this sense we can emphasize that the current research
project, revolves around identifying and strengthening the
coexistence processes in a municipal educational institution,
establishing the relationships that students present with their roots
and how these relationships become a generator of spaces where the
differences and multicultural richness of our country are taken into
account or not, consequently this work is based on making a look at
these intercultural roots that allow the peaceful coexistence of
eleventh grade students of the IE Luis Carlos Galán de Soacha
In this document we will find different sections that will give account
of the process carried out in the development of the research project,
in such sections we will find the title of the project which outlines in a
broad way the subject to be studied, then a contextualization is
presented by way of characterization of the educational institution in
which we will implement the research proposal taking into account its
socio-economic and educational dynamics, later on, the problem
statement is shown, which situates us concretely in the research
problem, together with its objectives (general and specific), followed
by the justification and the theoretical framework where the reasons
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
why it is important to address the educational problems from the
academic, socio-cultural and pedagogical point of view are shown
and supported, and finally the conclusions are presented, where the
results obtained during the different stages of the research project
will be presented.
In the following chapters, the reader will find the entire
methodological component, with the various techniques, processes
and mechanisms used to chart the research course; finally, the results,
conclusions and discussions that could be reached as a result of the
entire research process are presented.
We hope that this text will be of great pleasure to the possible readers
and above all that it will be a representative exercise in the
alternatives that are presented for interaction in the classroom and
the way in which the critical perspective of interculturality allows not
only to cement the dynamics of peaceful coexistence, but also to be
an invaluable source of cultural richness and a very significant
framework for the construction of subjects and communities.
The method implemented was qualitative research, as it was
considered the most appropriate for the project since in terms of the
author Hernández Sampieri (2014) "qualitative studies can develop
questions and hypotheses before, during or after the collection and
analysis of data. Often, these activities serve, first, to discover what
the most important research questions are." (p. 7)
Therefore, taking into account that students can change during the
research process, analysis of results and conclusions, it is defined that
this qualitative research model is the most relevant, because, due to
the variability in the subjects of study, this tool offers the possibility of
modifying both the questions and the strategies for the culmination
of our objective.
The data collection technique used was the interview and the
collection instrument implemented was the questionnaire.
It is important to note that this research is situated in the paradigm of
Participatory Action Research understood as one that starts from a
specific question or problem of a population or local group and seeks
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
to conduct not an extractive type of research but constructive of new
knowledge (...) sharing the production of knowledge and the
interpretation of the results of the process" (Zapata, 2016, p. 11); the
project is framed in a qualitative approach oriented to the processes
of intercultural recognition and patterns of behavior and coexistence
within the classroom. 11); the project is framed in a qualitative
approach oriented to the processes of intercultural recognition and
patterns of behavior and coexistence within the classroom; for the
development of the same, it will begin with a diagnosis that allows
identifying the family pluriculturality immersed within the
environment, from this an initial approach to the processes of
coexistence, self-concept and interpersonal relationships within the
classroom environment is made. This will be followed by an approach
to the ancestral cultural values of the students' family environments,
to later carry out a broader exploration of manifestations of
territoriality, coexistence and collaborative work in order to bring
students closer to the value of multiculturalism in which we are
immersed. With this recognition of the different multicultural roots of
the students, an intervention exercise will be carried out through
action research aimed at strengthening the processes of peaceful
coexistence within the classroom and the positive valuation of
differences. Finally, a study and/or analysis will be carried out to
account for the progress or variations in the interpersonal processes
and in the characteristics of coexistence within the classroom
environment as a result of the recognition of interculturality and the
valuation of differences.
The first step to reach an optimal analysis of the results is focused on
the approach of the research question, which revolves around; How
to strengthen the coexistence processes in the classroom of the 11th
grade of the IE Luis Carlos Galán, through the knowledge of the
intercultural roots of the students towards the valuation of the
difference and the multicultural richness of our country?We first
review the context of the students (population under study) which
allows us to see that it is the real conditions of the territory and of the
subjects, which should be responsible for guiding the development
of the research, since, being guided by the methodology of PRA we
recognize that, as stated by Fals Borda (2008) the scientific spirit can
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
flourish in the most modest and primitive circumstances, that an
important work is not necessarily costly or complicated, nor should it
be a monopoly of class or academia.
It is at this point where we can appreciate that the results yielded by
the information collection techniques and the analysis of the same,
allow us to appreciate that the coexistence processes in educational
environments require par excellence an appropriation of the students'
skills as citizens, since "school coexistence allows the integral
development of children and young people both in their personal
development and in their process of integration into social life, which
implies responsible participation in civic life" (Arón, 2017, p. 14). In
the case of the cultural conditions of the territory of the students of
grade 11 of the IE Luis Carlos Galán, some dynamics are appreciated
that point to cultural differences as dynamizers in constant
transformations, which in turn are responsible for promoting some
negative behaviors of the recognition of differences based on
stereotypes and therefore are not consolidated with the most optimal
forms for the resolution of eventual conflicts.
It is from these findings that we can identify that based on the
expressions of the population under study, one of the ways that best
fits the context, to strengthen the processes of coexistence in the
classroom of grade 11 of the IE Luis Carlos Galán, should be focused
on recognition and positive valuation of the intercultural roots of
students, reflection that leads to the design of the booklet that will be
the product of this research and that will be focused on three main
categories: Territory, coexistence and pacification (conflict resolution)
and interculturality; all of this advocating for a critical interculturalism
that respects diversity, promotes exchange and strengthens values
such as understanding, tolerance and reciprocity, within a
responsibility shared by three fundamental actors: society, family and
school, a process that in turn is immersed in dynamic environments
and realities that make visible the need for the educational pillar
enshrined by UNESCO "learning to live together". (Delors, 1994).
From the exhaustive and critical analysis of the data collection
techniques, we give an order and sequence to the fulfillment of the
objectives of this research project having as main horizon the general
objective: To design proposals of coexistence among students of the
11th grade of the IE Luis Carlos Galán with the use of pedagogical
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
strategies that allow the strengthening of peaceful coexistence in the
classroom through the knowledge of their intercultural roots.
To begin with, it is necessary to emphasize that the direct involvement
of the target population in the research process is the most enriching
source of information, since it allows the research group to investigate
and interpret more closely the problems that concern that group. The
synthesizing process and the subsequent analysis of the information
collection instruments allow us to see that according to the
interviewees, it would be effective to incorporate didactic tools in the
group that aim at improving coexistence and the positive valuation of
differences, and it is there where we can see the applicability of the
general objective that guides the present research project: "To
design proposals for coexistence among 11th grade students of the
IE Luis Carlos Galán with the use of pedagogical strategies that allow
the strengthening of peaceful coexistence in the classroom through
the knowledge of their intercultural roots".
To achieve this goal, we start with the specific objectives and analyze
the way in which each of them has been approached:
Objective 1
Identify aspects related to peaceful coexistence from the knowledge
of their intercultural roots: In this sense, it was possible to perceive
through the analysis of the interviews that students recognize the way
in which environments vary according to the presence of one or
several cultures in the same territory, this is how variations in common
activities such as language, family traditions, tastes in variations such
as gastronomy, music, etc., come to light.
Objective 3
Validate the perception of collaborative pedagogical strategies in the
process of peaceful resolution of tensions related to the processes of
appropriation or identification with the territory they inhabit . The
voices of the students referred to the territory allow us to see that it is
the family and social groupings that are responsible for creating
bonds of tolerance or negative valuations of the difference; it can be
analyzed that from the aggregation of individuals with similar
characteristics arise some negative dynamics such as stereotypes and
discrimination, as well as segregation or sectorization that are in turn
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
the product of the creation of groups with similar cultural
Objective 4
To evaluate the scenarios of peaceful coexistence and positive
attitudes in the interpersonal development of students through the
valuation of differences: The voices of the students population under
study, allow differentiating the way in which interpersonal
relationships are established from practices such as segregation and
discrimination and the way in which this is modified and varies in a
positive way by giving more validity to the voices of the other, and by
recognizing that the formation of the individual is enriched when
other cultures are considered as a source learning and d elements in
common that can contribute to positive community and school
processes from the positive valuation of differences.
Objective 5
Systematize the results of the outrage to students in order to
consolidate the implementation of the pedagogical proposal that
promotes peaceful coexistence in the classroom overcoming
scenarios of problem situations and conflict within the school
environment : The interpretation and analysis of the results of the
surveys, also allow us to appreciate that the design of the objectives
is appropriate according to the findings, since the students consider
that it is this type of pedagogical and didactic activities of intercultural
training that promote harmonious coexistence environments, within
healthy limits of tolerance, positive valuation of difference and
learning from the cultural roots of other individuals within the same
Objective 6
To design a pedagogical proposal that favors collaborative work,
strengthening the processes in which students recognize the diversity
and multicularity of both the educational and social environment as a
source of training and/or individual and group enrichment; in this
sense we can see in the light of the opinions collected in the synthesis
of the interviews, that students consider as vital, training processes
regarding the political valuation of differences and dynamics that lead
to a peaceful coexistence within the terms of multiculturalism, cultural
exchange and above all respect for the other. It is essential to
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
recognize that Participatory Action Research IAP in education has
marked a significant milestone in the processes of educational and
social intervention in school and community environments, because
as is well known, it is a methodology that seeks the promotion of
critical readings of societies and transformations thereof from the
construction of knowledge and self-analysis, in this methodology
"many coherent efforts come together, to build forms of knowledge
of reality, appropriate to advance intellectual decolonization and
contribute to the structural change of society." (Leal, 2009, p. 28). It
is in this sense, in which it is necessary to recognize the research
scaffolding that has preceded the present research; as well as the way
in which the different elements of these antecedents and those of the
present research can be contrasted.
On the one hand we find the way in which coexistence in the
classroom has been constantly considered as a research topic in the
sector to be addressed (Soacha), this element, which for the present
research composes one of the primary categories of analysis, has had
some previous studies that aim to generate analysis projects
regarding the harmonious interactions of students within the
classroom, such is the case of some of Master's Thesis in the faculties
of education such as those entitled: "Perception of 11th grade
students on the implementation of the peace chair at the Liceo Mayor
de Soacha" and "Social representations of violence at school, of fifth
grade girls and boys of the Institución Educativa Las Villas, Sede Sol
Naciente, of the municipality of Soacha, Cundinamarca" developed
by the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada and the Universidad
Pedagógica Nacional, respectively; As it had been expressed, in the
initial chapters, such investigations have as a common axis the
promotion of "the importance of educating students in the peaceful
resolution of conflicts, respect for human rights, tolerance, peaceful
coexistence, and advancing in the development of citizenship
competencies" (Ramos, 2019).
Based on the analysis of the results and the answers provided by the
population under study, we can highlight that the role of social
representations and the way in which they directly influence the
dynamics of coexistence and the habits that lead to violence are
considered vital in the different lines of research, It is there where it
becomes important to generate actions that link social
representations and experiences of violence within family
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
environments, as well as the way in which these prototypes are
echoed in educational environments, often triggering coexistence
scenarios with little acceptance of difference; and there is no doubt
that the educational environment has a leading role in the possible
modifications of the dynamics of coexistence, since, as stated by
Chaves (2015), the educational system is par excellence a socializing
entity and therefore acquires a leading role in the processes of
transformation of behaviors, and it is to this point that is aimed
through the design of the primer for students; As they themselves
stated in their voices in the interviews, it is the ludic and didactic tools
that can have a positive influence to promote peaceful coexistence
and learn to generate positive relationships around intercultural
The development of this research was framed within some
objectives that supported the path of the same, before it we can
find the essential to delve and give a participatory and
protagonist voice to the population under study; in this sense
we evidenced firsthand, the way in which students perceive the
milestones that exist within their school, social, family and
cultural environments regarding coexistence and the impact
that multiculturalism has on the daily dynamics of each one of
In this sense, it was essential to first identify those aspects
related to coexistence within the students and the way in which
the recognition of cultural roots is part of the generation of
stereotypes when there is no positive valuation of difference.
In this same sense, we find the vitality for a research to deepen
from the design and effective application of data collection
techniques that go hand in hand with the characteristics of the
population under study, so that the collection techniques aim to
strengthen the overall processes of the research and can lead
to positive results that in turn have an impact on the welfare of
the community; In this case, the interviews that were developed
allowed to deepen about the perceptions of collaborative work
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
and the way in which students recognize diversity and
multiculturalism as a factor that enables coexistence, but which
in turn requires a pedagogical guide and didactic strategies
aimed at individual and group enrichment through the
recognition of the cultural richness that exists in the variety of
roots within the same educational group.
It is important to emphasize that the development of research
through the participatory action research methodology makes it
possible to recognize the vitality of the opinion and voices of
the population under study, since it is they who are in charge of
directing the way in which the categories of analysis emerge to
consolidate critical research processes and a final research
product aimed at improving the conditions and behaviors of the
group under investigation: and one of the fundamental parts
within a research project in the methodology of participatory
action research consists in the conscious and rigorous
structuring and instruments that allow synthesizing the
collection of information from the population under study, in our
case the systematization consisted in the transcription of the
interviews and the analytical contrast between the voices of the
interviewees and the theory that consolidates the theoretical
framework, this process allows a more rigorous consolidation of
the research process and an optimal organization of the stages
of the process that point to the fulfillment of the objectives
stipulated from the beginning of the research.
The analysis of the findings of the interviews conducted with the
11th grade students of the educational institution allows us to
show the way in which interculturality crosses each of the axes
and categories that structure our research project. We can
evidence the way in which peaceful coexistence is strongly
marked by traits of violence and some characteristics of the
culture and language that define the territory in which students
live and develop their academic activities, in the same way it
was possible to evidence the way in which cultural exchanges
are responsible for permeating the language and daily
behaviors of both students and their family environments, The
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
students are constantly concerned about generating
educational and didactic tools that aim at improving the
processes of coexistence and the recognition and respect of the
other, enriched in turn by the learning that can be given to the
customs, traditions, language and artistic manifestations of
other cultures.
One of the analyses we intend to reach is to take for granted
that the students of the educational institution have a basic
knowledge about peaceful coexistence within their school, but
this basic knowledge has not generated significant critical
processes to be implemented in the daily coexistence within the
institution, on the other hand, the educational policies that
prioritize knowledge in areas or exact sciences have reduced the
spaces to generate in the students processes of tolerance and
respect for the other, To a great extent, it can be thought that
the study plans have been given the task of not granting "many"
spaces where students are made aware of the current school
and social situation, the spaces that invite students to be critical,
respectful and tolerant in front of diverse situations, to go
beyond what is given to them in terms of healthy coexistence
and respect for individualities, have been limited.
Therefore, the development and subsequent implementation of
a booklet that deals with the different problems of coexistence
experienced by students in educational communities is
necessary, because as evidenced throughout the development
of this project the existence of many variables involved in
peaceful coexistence in an educational institution; which were
grouped into 3 major concepts, as shown in the analysis of the
validation instruments, these concepts are: 1.The territory in the
school, since it is important to establish whether or not the
students appropriate the territory where they carry out their
daily school activities and how it becomes a generator of spaces
where they are or are not violated. Interculturality in the school,
which is a fundamental axis to analyze the peaceful coexistence
in the school, since the recognition and respect for the different
cultures of our country and neighboring countries, depends
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
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largely on the good and healthy coexistence not only in
educational institutions but also in a peaceful society. Conflict
resolution at school, because it is undeniable that in an
educational institution there are no conflicts, which are inherent
to any social group, it is important that the student is fully aware
that we can find conflicts at any time and that we must face them
but with a different disposition to use force, such conflicts
should be assumed in a reasonable, tolerant and peaceful
manner, seeking help if necessary from external and neutral
sources that allow the student to solve the conflict in the best
possible way.
This booklet highlights the importance of recognizing ourselves
as unfinished multicultural subjects in a given space, which we
share with other people who retain these characteristics and
who are different. It also highlights the importance of knowing
and recognizing in others an immeasurable richness in terms of
their culture and way of thinking, always having as a
fundamental axis the tolerance towards the unknown and the
In this way we intend to generate one more proposal to improve
peaceful coexistence in educational institutions, an innovative
proposal that attracts the attention of students and allows them
to generate a new culture, a culture of acceptance of others, of
acceptance of the different and above all a lifestyle based on
respect and tolerance that can germinate in educational
institutions and in a society that undeniably needs it.
According to the above, it is important to point out the need to
develop different research fronts to intervene in the various
problems currently present in educational institutions, because
not only problems about healthy coexistence converge, there
are also problems such as respect and tolerance for gender
ideology, gender equity, the rescue of our country's culture, the
recognition of indigenous people, indigenous cultural
restitution, drug addiction problems, depression, among many
others, which not only affect the healthy coexistence in an
Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
institution, but also the respect and tolerance of the indigenous
culture, among many others, the rescue for the culture of our
country, the recognition for the native people, the indigenous
cultural restitution, problems of drug addiction, depression,
among many others, that not only affect the healthy coexistence
in an educational institution but also affect a large student
population that urgently asks for elements that allow to
intervene in all these situations.
Therefore, it is important to implement different research
projects, aimed at generating striking educational proposals
that involve not only teachers and students, but also their
families, this will allow implementing the different proposals in
a more accurate way and will surely generate a closer
knowledge to the reality of the socio-cultural context of the
students and thus a change in the ways in which students are
assuming so many problems in school.
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