Impact of Intercultural Roots on the Strengthening of Peaceful Coexistence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 1
recognize that Participatory Action Research IAP in education has
marked a significant milestone in the processes of educational and
social intervention in school and community environments, because
as is well known, it is a methodology that seeks the promotion of
critical readings of societies and transformations thereof from the
construction of knowledge and self-analysis, in this methodology
"many coherent efforts come together, to build forms of knowledge
of reality, appropriate to advance intellectual decolonization and
contribute to the structural change of society." (Leal, 2009, p. 28). It
is in this sense, in which it is necessary to recognize the research
scaffolding that has preceded the present research; as well as the way
in which the different elements of these antecedents and those of the
present research can be contrasted.
On the one hand we find the way in which coexistence in the
classroom has been constantly considered as a research topic in the
sector to be addressed (Soacha), this element, which for the present
research composes one of the primary categories of analysis, has had
some previous studies that aim to generate analysis projects
regarding the harmonious interactions of students within the
classroom, such is the case of some of Master's Thesis in the faculties
of education such as those entitled: "Perception of 11th grade
students on the implementation of the peace chair at the Liceo Mayor
de Soacha" and "Social representations of violence at school, of fifth
grade girls and boys of the Institución Educativa Las Villas, Sede Sol
Naciente, of the municipality of Soacha, Cundinamarca" developed
by the Universidad Militar Nueva Granada and the Universidad
Pedagógica Nacional, respectively; As it had been expressed, in the
initial chapters, such investigations have as a common axis the
promotion of "the importance of educating students in the peaceful
resolution of conflicts, respect for human rights, tolerance, peaceful
coexistence, and advancing in the development of citizenship
competencies" (Ramos, 2019).
Based on the analysis of the results and the answers provided by the
population under study, we can highlight that the role of social
representations and the way in which they directly influence the
dynamics of coexistence and the habits that lead to violence are
considered vital in the different lines of research, It is there where it
becomes important to generate actions that link social
representations and experiences of violence within family