Evaluation of the effect of biofertilizer application on primary production in pennisetum grasses
(purple king grass and iniap 811), at 3 harvesting ages.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
The average ash content found in the present investigation is 15.16
at 45 days and 16.07% at 60 days, being HIGHER than that reported
by Guerrero (2012) in a study with purple King Grass carried out in the
Ponce Enriquez canton, Azuay province, where average values of
13.81 and 12.56 % were found for ages 45 and 60, respectively.
For the height of King Grass Purple, T3 at the age of 60 days reached
the greatest height of 243.27 cm and for INIAP 811, T2 at the same
age reached a height of 193.13 cm. This result shows that the higher
the dose of fertilizer applied and the higher the age of the grass, the
greater the plant height. Regarding the leaf-stem ratio, the best
results were obtained at 30 days of age in King Grass Morado, with
T3 of 3.10:1 and for INIAP 811, its T3 with 2.05:1, probably due to the
fact that the greater the height of the plants, the formation of
structural fiber is favored, decreasing the length of the leaf and
increasing the length of the stem, the opposite case with young
When evaluating the biomass production variable, we noticed that
King Grass Morado obtained a higher production of green matter at
T2 with 47.40 kg/m2. Similarly for INIAP 811, with its T3 with 24.70
kg/m2, both at 60 days of age; this leads us to the conclusion that the
recommended application of the biofertilizer is beneficial for
increasing the number and width of leaves in the grass. Under the
conditions in which this work was carried out, and based on the results
obtained, it can be concluded that, in nutritional quality, T2R1 of
Lujano (King Grass Morado), obtained a good relationship between
the percentage of PB of 16.88% and FC 30.9%, at 30 days, the best
relationship between their harvest ages. For Rodriguez (INIAP 811),
the best percentage ratio was obtained with T3R1 with 16.31% PB
and 29.90% FC, same age (30 days). Obtaining good nutritional
content and quantity of biomass, thus being a good alternative for
use in the feeding of ruminants in different farms in the region.