Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2023, Vol. 13, No. 2 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Vaca, V. (2023) Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence, Revista
Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 13(2) 13-24.
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
La neuroeducación y la inteligencia emocional
Valeria Carolina Vaca Villavicencio
MSc. Edwards Deming Higher Institute of Corporate Technology,
Several studies have shown the importance of an emotional
intelligence that can be even more important than traditional
intelligence, so the way to develop and increase this intelligence
has become essential, and a fundamental part to optimize this is
through education or teaching similar to how we acquire
knowledge and improve our traditional intelligence.
Neuroeducation has contributed a lot on this type of topics and
involves all the knowledge that is known today about how our
brain works and how we can take advantage of this to improve
our quality of life, not only personal but also our work
environment. This article shows the importance of the
relationship between education and emotional growth necessary
to generate advantages in students who have an integrated
education. It shows how learning based on emotions improves
the results obtained in the acquisition of knowledge and social
learning, and how it creates the basis for conflict resolution,
empathy and even an integrated development in the way of
reacting and developing in adult and professional life.
Additionally, it proposes options for teachers to involve this
knowledge in the teaching environment such as the classroom.
Neuroeducation, emotional stability, self-esteem,
learning, teachers, plasticity, neuroscience.
Received 2023-01-12
Revised 2023-02-22
Published 2023-05-07
Corresponding Author
Valeria Carolina Vaca Villavicencio
Pages: 13-24
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Varios estudios que se han realizado han arrojado la importancia
de una inteligencia emocional que puede ser incluso más
importante que la inteligencia tradicional, por lo que la forma de
desarrollar y aumentar esta inteligencia se ha vuelto esencial, y
una parte fundamental para optimizar esto es mediante la
educación o la enseñanza similar a como adquirimos
conocimientos y mejoramos nuestra inteligencia tradicional. La
neuroeducación ha aportado mucho sobre este tipo de temas e
involucra todos los conocimientos que hoy en día se sabe sobre
el funcionamiento de nuestro cerebro y cómo podemos tomar
ventaja de esto para mejorar nuestra calidad de vida, no
solamente personal sino también nuestro entorno laboral. En
este artículo se muestra la importancia de la relación entre la
educación y crecimiento emocional necesario para generar
ventajas en los estudiantes que tenga una enseñanza integra. Se
muestra como un aprendizaje basado en emociones mejora los
resultados obtenidos en la adquisición de conocimientos y
aprendizaje social, y como se crean bases para resolución de
conflictos, empatía e incluso un desarrollo integro en la manera
de reaccionar y desenvolverse en la vida adulta y profesional.
Adicionalmente propone opciones para docentes de involucrar
estos conocimientos en el ambiente de enseñanza como las aulas
de clase.
Palabras clave:
Neuroeducación, estabilidad emocional,
autoestima, aprendizaje, docentes, plasticidad, neurociencia.
The study of the brain in recent years has generated too much
information that supports the various sciences that are related to it
and education is no exception.
Education takes into account the different fields involved in the
teaching process. In this case it focuses on a related aspect, emotion
and its management in learning.
As mentioned by Dr. Fuster (2022) in several interviews, the care of
the heart helps us to have a longer life and the care of the brain
provides quality of life; therefore, the care of the brain is essential and
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
nowadays the quality of information obtained from studies and
research has improved, several neuroscientists have described the
importance of studies and even more related to the way of learning
and teaching.
One of the main sciences based on this relationship is
neuroeducation, which seeks to improve teaching methods based on
the functioning of our brain.
One of the most important points within teaching are emotions,
important points of how to call the attention of students, as well as
improving the curiosity to learn new things, are the main part to
improve learning.
This article presents the importance of education based on emotions,
how teaching improves based on a more solid emotional intelligence.
From the importance of learning and acting with emotional
intelligence, as well as the relationship that neuroeducation has in the
teaching methodology and creating an active learning at different
levels of education. The more knowledge we have the more in control
we can be, everything we can learn gives us security at a general level,
a learning based on emotions becomes more meaningful, that is to
say, we learn skills that can be applied to different situations.
Within the studies that have been published, neuroscience provides
much about parts of the brain that are responsible for emotions such
as the amygdala that determines certain reactions such as not feeling
safe, for example, it is mentioned that the brain is placed in reptilian
mode, that is, it is placed in survival mode and in that state nothing
can be learned. For example, stress hormones released by emotional
experiences influence people's memory and this influence is
measured by the amygdala. (Silva, 2008).
Specific areas such as the prefrontal cortex and the nucleus of the
amygdala are related to emotions, emotional memory, influence on
tension and emotion perception, social behavior and emotional
regulation as well. (Fernandez, Dufey, & Mourgues, 2007).. The total
emotional maturity occurs in the frontal lobe this specific part of the
brain that is estimated to be at 25 years of age which is when it finishes
forming, here are formed the executive functions of the brain as short-
term memory, impulse control, as well as the ability to concentrate
and the amygdala stimulates executive functions, therefore when
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
teaching if we stimulate these parts of the brain we create a
meaningful teaching to achieve a motivation of something I like and
so I can pass it in the long term. (How to teach with neuroscience,
In this article a descriptive and inductive method has been used to
collect information on the variables presented, i.e. based on the
different concepts and cases that have been written.
In the research it is possible to review the new concepts generated
from research on the brain and the sciences that have been generated
a few years ago, such as neuroeducation, or neurosciences. Most of
the concepts explained are related to emotional intelligence and the
importance of involving it in day-to-day education to generate
meaningful learning at all levels.
Emotional intelligence is linked to personal growth that must be
instilled from an early age and neuroeducation bases part of this
knowledge from the triune brain to the different teaching methods,
and how teachers can use this information and tools for different
teaching methodologies.
One of the specialties that neuroscience has shown is the relationship
with education, Dr. Francisco Mora in neuroscience mentions that
only humanity can transmit humanity, so teachers are essential in our
lives, and neuroeducation bases its training in understanding the
different areas of the brain that help meaningful learning, how to
stimulate or prevent emotions such as fear and stress within the
classroom and create positive environments for teaching, so the
teacher becomes a fundamental part of this relationship. In
neuroeducation we can see several sciences that are related to
contribute to the improvement of education with projects that have
been demonstrated and linked to the learning process.
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Figure 1.
Neuroeducation and related sciences
The sciences of psychology, pedagogy and neurosciences generate
the studies on neuroeducation showing how from the different fields
we achieve an improvement in the concept of education especially in
the teaching methodology and the basic concepts to optimize that
these knowledge or concepts last and can be applied in different
future situations. Some of the main points that neuroeducation
mentions are feedback, early learning and multidisciplinary learning
For example when talking about learning from error, the relationship
with positive feedback is mentioned, which within the classroom
should have a priority, how do you learn if you do not make mistakes
or if you do not really analyze if you made a mistake, why you made a
mistake and adjust your thinking, attention or memory which are more
important than giving a correct answer at the end. (Tokuhama-
Espinosa, 2011)
Estudios del cerebro y
sus funciones
Estudios de los procesos
de enseñanza
Estudios de los procesos
mentales sobre
conducta y congnición
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
That there is an interaction between the students and the teacher
creating an environment of answers and questions focused on the
topics to be discussed, emphasizing that there is curiosity and the
desire to know about it, varying learning styles on the subject,
different activities and resources or materials, paying special attention
to the approach of repetition and practice, shows a significant
advance in the application of this knowledge in the future.
Several strategies can be linked in classrooms to achieve this objective
such as:
Practicing active listening
Encouraging participation rather than perfection
Seeking to relieve general stress
Some of the activities that can be done in the classroom are to tell
jokes, stimulate curiosity, let them ask questions and participate in
speeches or debates. An important point is to let positive mistakes
exist, that is, constructive learning that can be learned from failures or
mistakes in order to improve.
Early childhood education
Who we are in adulthood is usually what we learned in our childhood
and even more so in the first years of life. What we live from 3 to 6
years old is fundamental to how we will be as adults because since we
are small the first words we hear will be part of the synaptogenesis
which are the neuronal connections in our development that occurs
mostly in the first years of life, so the synapses that are developed at
this stage are permanent, that is, they will be the precedent of future
connections, generating many of the behaviors that are involved in
the development of the environment.
Within the first years of life, connections can be created that will form
precedents in values, skills and habits valuable for life, so being
accompanied from birth by what is often called the caregiver is
If you want to have brain strengths in adulthood the form of
integration at an early age is a priority, the recently created Serve and
Return project mentioned above explains the importance of these
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Serve and Return shows that the interaction between caregiver and
child builds strong brains, it is mentioned in the project that the
quality of the relationship between caregiver and child has an impact
on emotional regulation and stress sensitization, positive relationships
help children learn to control their emotions. Recent research shows
that the relationship mentioned alters the expression of genes that
are responsible for regulating emotions and coping with stress
through an epigenetic change, so early age experiences can produce
biological changes in brains and bodies and that these changes are
long-lasting in behavior. (,
Emotional intelligence
As mentioned above, emotion is a fundamental part of learning, most
of the time you only learn what you really love, and if you place
emotions in the teaching method you will generate that interest in
learning. The management of emotions is part of emotional
intelligence, that is, the ability of the mind to guide our actions and
Emotional intelligence is defined as "the ability to accurately
perceive, appraise, and express emotion; the ability to access and/or
generate feelings when facilitating thoughts; the ability to understand
emotion and emotional awareness; and the ability to regulate
emotions to promote emotional and intellectual growth". is referred
to as a "thinker with a heart that perceives, understands and manages
social relationships" (Salovey, 1990). (Salovey, 1990)
Emotions have different levels of intensity and it is necessary to
identify them, to create from childhood this stimulus to learn to
manage them and that they last to adulthood, and both reactions to
problems, different good or bad situations and social encounters will
be much easier to carry or to place them in favor. It can be said that
at different levels of emotions a better assimilation is achieved for
example you are quite angry or just a little, what level has the emotion
helps to know how to manage it.
Dr. Valentín Fuster, a cardiologist and pioneer in the prevention and
solidification of good habits, mentions that from the age of 3 years
old, the best eating and emotional habits can be regulated and it is
precisely at this age that they can be self-regulated, i.e. identify
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
emotions and manage to act on them. After the age of 6 years old,
these options are not impossible, but he mentions that a greater
commitment to change is needed.
At an early age it is important to start developing emotional
intelligence, some key points to develop in children the recognition
of emotions and emotional intelligence according to several
psychologists are:
Figure 2.
Keys to teaching emotional intelligence
Something significant that should be taken into account from an early
age is that it is necessary to respect individuality, not to buy and give
limits and rules, so that not only in the area of education, knowledge
can be cemented, but also to create values for the future.
When individuality is respected we generate an increase in self-
esteem since childhood, which in adolescence already begins to be a
determinant for the success or failure of the actions performed,
among several of the studies that have been reviewed there is one
determinant on adolescents is that low self-esteem causes problems
such as anxiety, insecurity, fear of the future, a poor view of their body
image and obviously poor academic performance. (Vernieri, 2006).
Colocar un nombre a las
emociones para facilitar el
reconocimiento desde un inicio.
Aprender a regular la autoestima,
tener una buena autoestima evita
los problemas de
Tolerar la frustración el educar a
manejar el tiempo de espera
para lograr prepararse a
enfrentarse a estas situaciones en
el futuro.
Enseñar herramientas que sirvan
para el futuro, para solventar
Legitimar las emociones, enseñar
a regular o gestionar las
emociones empezar a pensar en
un autocontrol y saber cómo
llegar hacerlo
Aprender a entrar en calma,
actualmente es sumamente
necesario, incluso en adultos.
Ser optimista pero realista a la
vez, es decir enfocarse en la
solución es mucho mejor que
enfocarse en el problema,
debemos ser más altruistas y
Aprender a ser empáticos, somos
seres sociales y necesitamos
entender a los demás, no juzgar
a nadie. Esto logra que sean más
tolerantes y prevenir la agresión.
Comunicación asertiva, es
necesario empoderar a los niños
en este tipo de comunicación,
expresarse sin problemas.
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
At adulthood one of the priorities is to generate a personal maturity,
if emotional intelligence is developed as cognitive intelligence can
achieve a comprehensive development, at Stanford University in
California United States Professor Sapolsky (2008) has established that
the IQ that is studied mostly only represents 20% of the total
academic result and 80% depends on other factors such as:
Recognizing emotions and knowing how to manage them
Recognizing Emotional Intelligence
Use the existing potential, look for your talent
Having resilient empathy
Create positive social bonds.
For Dr. Valentín Fuster (2013) personal maturity can also be shown in
the 4T rule he mentions:
Time for reflection: At least 15 minutes to think about the objectives,
goals and actions you want to take.
Talent: It is necessary to invest and focus on the talent you have.
Conveying positivity - Communicating with actions and language.
Tutoring: That is, transmitting and educating.
Dr. Fuster also says that how you reflect to the world your self-esteem
and motivation can be summed up in the 4As:
Positive attitude - do not focus on the negative but on the positive
things, see the solutions.
Accept who you are: Know that you do not have the same conditions
or talents as others, learn that you are unique and accept and love
yourself as you are.
Authenticity: Knowing that you must be the same all the time,
maintaining a homogeneity in your life, actions and thoughts.
Altruism - it has been proven that people are happier when they give
something than when they receive it.
Emotional intelligence is linked to learning, teachers have to be a
fundamental part to improve not only cognitive intelligence but to
work and develop emotional intelligence in students, so teaching with
motivation and emotions generates a great change Francisco Mora
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
mentions "The fundamental contribution of Neuroscience lies in
making all teachers see that the gateway to knowledge is emotion.
And that it is with emotion as it awakens curiosity from which follows
the automatic opening of the windows of attention, which sets in
motion the neural mechanisms of learning and memory" (Mora, 2015)
The teacher to be able to teach his knowledge has to know how to do
it and how to reach all students, there are several studies of
methodologies and strategies that can be used, but it cannot be said
that they are good or bad strategies, the only thing that can be seen
is if that strategy is adapted to the situation of the group of students
or even to each student, something very important is to mention that
the teacher to teach knowledge and emotions has to know both
concepts as it is taught with emotion or how to teach to manage
emotions if the teacher does not know how to manage his emotions.
It must be taken into account that the strategies will vary for each
group of students or even for the topic to be taught, teachers must
be ready to be able to modify the strategy, look for evaluation options
and even for the development of the class. Strategies ultimately have
a lot to do with the emotional intelligence, the level of motivation and
the attitudes of the teacher and the group of students. The following
example can be an application option to identify the best strategies:
Figure 3
Learning strategies review process
Teachers are the basis to start creating a good emotional
development and learning strategies are essential to start teaching
with emotion, for this it is necessary to have an excellent observation
Observar y detectar
Estrategias por
Estrategias actuales
Revisar las
Realizar las
estrategias en clase
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
of the group if you pay attention to the different options that exist of
methodologies and strategies can implement the correct one.
The advances that have been made in the areas of neuroscience have
contributed a great deal to education, creating methodologies,
experiences and contributions to improve the way we teach and learn.
From an early age all we do is learn from the environment, and apply
what we see and hear in our daily lives. Educational institutions at all
levels have been gradually adapting this new information in their
teaching processes, improving today the way of learning and
teaching, it should be noted that it is still difficult to create some
changes within institutions and teachers because they are rooted
methods that have been practiced for many years and change a habit
is sometimes very difficult, but if the benefits of these changes are
made known to the community in general, whether students, parents,
authorities and society, it will be much easier to implement them, And
today it is essential that they benefit from all this new knowledge that
has been provided since they have created a much broader scheme
of the educational process and the different knowledge of the brain
from children, adolescents and adults showing their particularities at
each stage and how we can take advantage of each one to improve
this process since we can train and educate the brain to create solid
foundations in the use of emotions improving intelligence and the way
of response in the development of operations throughout life.
The development of emotional intelligence in the first years of life is
essential for its management in adulthood, creating a growth mindset,
respecting their individuality as well as developing self-esteem day by
day will generate strengths to later solve problems or conflicts of any
kind. Improving the way of teaching based on promoting emotional
development means teaching emotions experientially and not
cognitively to generate an impact on the personality and the way of
relating, creating this change by placing emotion in learning develops
social skills in the student, reduces antisocial behaviors, reduces
future addictions, increases positive self-esteem and self-image,
Neuroeducation and emotional intelligence
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
improves academic success as well as physical and mental health.
With all this background, implementing emotions in the teaching
process provides many benefits and improves the ability to learn,
neuroeducation has created a solid foundation to improve education
and create meaningful learning.
How to teach with neuroscience (2022). Madrid: Edisiones Roble,
Fernandez, A. M., Dufey, M., & Mourgues, C. (2007). Emotion
expression and recognition: a meeting point. Revista Chilena
de Neuropsicología, 8-20.
Fuster, V. (2013). El círculo de la motivación. Grupo Planeta. (2023).
Mora, F. (March 08, 2015). Emotion is the energy that moves the
world. (c. l. Let's change the world, Interviewer).
Salovey, P. & (1990). Emotional intelligence. Imagination, cognition
and personality.
Silva, J. R. (2008). Functional neuroanatomy of emotions. E. Labos,
A. Slachevsky, P. Fuentes, F. Manes. Treatise on
neuropsychology and clinical neuropsychiatry.
Tokuhama-Espinosa, T. (2011). The brain, emotions and decision
Vernieri, M. J. (2006). Adolescence and self-esteem. Bonum.