Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2024, Vol. 14, No. 2 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Rangel, E., Viteri, A., Bourne, E. (2024) Humanization of the brand and its impact
on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo University Technology, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria
Investigación y Saberes, 14(2) 1-16
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision.
Case: Espíritu Santo University Technology
Humanización de la marca y su impacto en la decisión de compra. Caso: Tecnológico
Universitario Espíritu Santo
Ernesto Wladimir Rangel Luzuriaga
M.Sc. Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo,,
Alexis Estephany Viteri Lozano
M.Sc. Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo,,
Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi
M.Sc. Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo,,
In the digital era, the humanisation of brands emerges as a vital
component to establish emotional connections with their audiences.
This research is a result of the research project Methodology for
measuring positioning through multivariate analysis for the
development of brand value: a business approach. It studies and
explores various strategies implemented by TES (Tecnológico
Universitario Espíritu Santo) to infuse humanity into its brand identity.
It demonstrates how the incorporation of elements of social activities
and the determined use of social media content has contributed
significantly to the positive perception of the TES brand towards
Brand humanisation, emotional marketing, emotional
connection, consumer perception, higher education.
Received 2024-02-12
Revised 2024-03-22
Published 2024-05-01
Corresponding Author
Ernesto Rangel Luzuriaga
Pages: 1-16
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
En la era digital, la humanización de marcas emerge como un
componente vital para establecer conexiones emocionales con sus
audiencias. La presente investigación responde a un resultado del
proyecto de investigación Metodología para medir el
posicionamiento por medio del análisis multivariado, para el
desarrollo del valor de marca: un enfoque empresarial. La misma
estudia y explora diversas estrategias implementadas por el TES
(Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo) para infundir humanidad en
su identidad de marca. Se demuestran cómo la incorporación de
elementos actividades sociales y el determinado uso de los
contenidos de las redes sociales ha contribuido significativamente a
la percepción positiva de la marca TES hacia los estudiantes.
Palabras clave:
Humanización de marca, marketing emocional,
conexión emocional, percepción del consumidor, educación superior.
The humanisation of the brand is a business strategy whose work
elements are based on empathy and ethics, relating the
socioemotional characteristics of the business (Álvarez, Cristián, &
Páez, 2022). These types of strategies have rejuvenated the
communicational dynamism between brands and their audience,
without leaving aside part of the main objectives proposed by
traditional marketing, such as "the sale of products or services"
(Mendoza Calderon, 2019).
Nowadays, universities and other institutions dedicated to academic
training use brand management strategies to attract, retain and build
customer loyalty; in this case, students whose parents or guardians
pay for their courses (Casanoves & Küster, 2017). Reputation
management is one of the most significant elements in the
construction of messages and content for social networks and
traditional media in marketing. For this, it is important, from the vision
of (Casanoves & Küster, 2017) to build the image of a brand;
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
identifying chronological data of the environment that lived, the
customer profile of the 90s, which was immersed in competitiveness
and excessive offers of products and services; and the current
customer, as an urban user with a high mobility and changes in trends
due to the immediacy with which their environment of greater visual
consumption of brands is presented, which is the internet.
It is inevitable that within Marketing 5.0 the brand is not evident in
social networks (Kotler, Kartajaya, & Setiawan, 2021). That is why
authors such as (Gallegos & Gavilanes, 2022) taking as a reference the
studies of Cancelo & Almasa (2013), Gonzalo, Laaser & Toloza (2015)
and Salas et. al, (2022) identify some of the characteristics that are
sustained in the proper management of the brand on social platforms:
Figure 1
Benefits of social networks for Higher Education Institutions
Note. The graph represents the benefits of social networks for Higher
Education Institutions, from Gallegos & Gavilanes (2022) citing the
works of: Social networks in Spanish and Mexican universities, by
Cancelo & Almasa (2013); The use of social networks by universities
at the institutional level. A comparative study by Gonzalo, Laaser and
Toloza (2015); Main effects of advertising on social networks at the
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
affective-cognitive level in millennials, by Salas, Martínez, López and
Jiménez (2022).
In addition to building and maintaining a habitat of interaction in the
social media environment as part of Marketing 4.0, (Villalobos, 2020)
points out that the consumer should not only be analysed by the
purchase management in the present, but also by the emotional
management generated by that product or service: before, during
and after the purchase. Brands currently stand out for having their own
expression, but at the same time connected to the innovations that
are generated in the range of their products and services. The
construction of the brand's expressive identity becomes a mirror of
the emotional elements of the company's prospective and loyal
customers (Trujillo & Palacio, 2022).
In the case of universities in Ecuador, the focus of customer attraction
and loyalty or retention is centred on elements such as: The
generation of content on social platforms and institutional website,
the analysis of prices and competitiveness in the prestige of the
academy in relation to the competition; and finally, the treatment of
the student before, during and after their training (Gallegos &
Gavilanes, 2022).
Authors such as (Trujillo & Palacio, 2022) connect brand humanisation
strategies with Experiential Marketing, citing (Schmitt, 2002),
highlighting the five types of experiences called Strategic Experience
Modules, which provide labels to identify some of the strategies
implemented: "1. Sensory experience/feeling, 2. Affective
experience/feeling, 3.
Another of the characteristics highlighted by (Ramirez, 2017) related
to the user's connection with the brand, lies in provoking credibility
and trust in the customer for the company. To this end, the same
author proposes the following:
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
Figure 2
. Strategies for the Humanisation of the Business Brand.
Note. Own elaboration.
Likewise, (Ramos, 2021) through his research on the importance of
Social Media Marketing in private educational institutions, takes as a
starting point his results to highlight the elements that he focuses on
as a company dedicated to academic training:
"...Private Educational Institutions applied social media marketing
through the social networks of Facebook and WhatsApp with use of
65.38% and 96.20% respectively, quality management with respect to
the management of strategies leadership (69.23%), costs (84.62%)
and discount (84.61%), in teacher evaluation and administrative staff
84.62% and 80.77% respectively..." (p.7).
On the other hand, brand equity as a company dedicated to higher
educational training must evaluate its development taking into
account 5 axes that determine the learning process of the same; such
as: "...1) birth of the brand, 2) creation of recognition and associations,
3) creation of perceptions of quality and value, 4) emergence of brand
loyalty and 5) launch of brand extensions..." (Casanoves & Küster,
2017, p. 100, citing Gordon, Calantone and Di Benedetto, 1993).
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
In Ecuador, at the beginning of 2023, the Municipality of Guayaquil,
through the Public Enterprise of Social Action and Education with the
Secretariat of Higher Education, Science, Technology and Innovation,
signed agreements with several universities and private university
technology centres in the city to grant Scholarships for Academic
Excellence to citizens who have not completed their third level studies
(Empresa Pública de Acción Social y Educación, n.d.). This kind of
encouragement by the autonomous government widened the
accessibility of higher education. Among the list of higher education
institutions subscribed to this agreement are: Tecnológico
Universitario Espíritu Santo, Universidad ECOTEC, Instituto
Tecnológico Bolivariano, among others.
In the case of the Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo, the
Academic Excellence Scholarship programme has brought together a
community of approximately 2000 students in careers such as
administration (Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo, n.d.). Taking
into account that the cost is not an element to generate competition
in attracting clients, due to the fact that its nature is the scholarship of
100% of the cost of the degree, it is important to point out that the
management of the brand is therefore concentrated on the prestige
of the institution.
To establish the message of a higher education institution's prestige
in the audience's retention, it is essential to connect with Marketing
5.0 (Kotler, Kartajaya, & Setiawan, 2021). The construction and
replication of the message on social media becomes the most
important element of work, followed by user retention through
management and quality of service.
Thus, the interest of this research focuses on identifying the elements
involved in the purchase decision by the student who is interested in
the Academic Excellence Scholarship programme offered by the
Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo. Taking into account that this
purchase decision is related to the image of the Tecnológico
Universitario Espíritu Santo as an educational business brand, in the
offer of its online academic training modality.
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
The research has a quantitative methodology with descriptive and
causal conclusive designs. The aim of the study was to determine the
factors that influenced the students of the Academic Excellence
Scholarship Programme in the purchase decision process, specifically
when choosing Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo (TES) as a
Higher Education Institution to carry out their third level studies. The
aim was to identify how the positioning and recognition of the brand,
as well as its presence in social networks, among other factors,
influenced their choice. In this sense, an exploratory factor analysis
was proposed to identify the different dimensions of purchase choice.
The study population, as of November 2023, is made up of the 1,100
students in the Academic Excellence Scholarship Programme who are
enrolled in the 19 degree programmes offered by TES. The sample
included 312 students and was selected by random sampling with a
finite population of 1,100 students, 95% confidence level,
probabilities of success and failure of 0.5 in each case and a sampling
error of 4.7%. The survey was carried out using the Google Forms
platform and its delivery was channelled through the academic
A self-administered questionnaire (Malhotra, 2016) was applied with
4 closed-ended questions that included demographic variables such
as gender, age, city of origin and the degree course each student is
studying; as well as 29 items that sought to evaluate, on a Likert scale
of 5 categories, the factors that influence their purchase decision.
Once the information on the variables had been collected through the
Google Forms report, it was migrated to the SPSS statistical package
for the respective analysis. The data processing made it possible to
identify 4 different types of student purchasing behaviour depending
on the variables that influenced their choice.
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
The information collected was tabulated in the SPSS statistical
package where the descriptive statistics of the demographic variables
were obtained and the exploratory factor analysis was carried out to
identify purchasing behaviours.
The students of the TES Academic Excellence Scholarship Programme
show interesting demographic characteristics when it comes to
knowing their profile more closely. Thus, it was established that
67.95% are female and 32.05% are male. Their ages range from 18 to
53 years old and their distribution by ranges is shown in Figure 3.
Figure 3.
Age range of the students of the TES Academic Excellence
Scholarship Programme.
Note. Own elaboration.
96.8% of students are from the city of Guayaquil. In terms of preferred
careers, 13.1% studied Quality and Productivity, 11.9% Sales, and the
same percentage of 9.9% studied Marketing and Commercial
Management and Accounting and Taxation. Table 2 shows this
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
Table 1.
Careers preferred by the students of the Academic
Excellence Scholarship of the Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu
Note. Own elaboration.
For Malhotra (2016) factor analysis is a technique used to reduce and
synthesise data. Relationships between sets of many linked variables
are examined and presented in a few factors. For example, the image
of a brand can be measured and respondents are asked to evaluate
several items on a Likert scale. These ratings are then analysed to
determine the factors on which that image is based.
For this research, the factor analysis allowed us to determine which
attributes or factors influenced students to choose TES as a study
centre. It also made it possible to identify four types of consumption
behaviour based on these attributes.
When the factor analysis was carried out in the SPSS statistical
package, it was observed that the KMO statistic, which is the measure
of sample adequacy, yielded a value of 0.956, which, being very close
to unity, indicates an excellent adequacy of the study data to a factor
analysis model. Barlett's test of sphericity, with its p-value of 0.000,
shows that the null hypothesis that the initial variables are not
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
correlated in the population is not significant. These two statistics,
shown in table 2, verify that the factor analysis is adequate for the
proposed model of purchasing behaviour.
Table 2.
KMO statistic and Barlett's test of sphericity.
Note. Own elaboration.
To determine how many factors should be included in the model,
those whose eigenvalues are greater than 1.0 were chosen, in this
particular case there are 4. Confirming this decision, the explained
variance of these 4 factors is greater than 60% (Pérez, 2004). It can
therefore be stated that it has been possible to identify 4 types of
purchasing behaviour. Table 4 shows this analysis:
Table 3.
Methods for identifying the number of factors
Note. Own elaboration.
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
If the factors that influenced the purchase decision are analysed, 4
types of consumer behaviour types were identified: those who attach
importance to educational aspects in general; those who attach
importance to brand positioning, reputation and aspiration; those
who attach importance to innovation and educational programmes;
and, those who attach importance to brand valuation and reputation
in social networks.
The first type of behaviour, students who attach importance to
educational aspects in general, is mainly influenced by the following
factors: experience and professionalism of professors; job
opportunities for graduates; available infrastructure and resources;
participation in exchange programmes; student support services;
participation in social projects; quality of student life; availability of
bibliographic resources; collaboration with companies; and, flexibility
to customise the curriculum.
For the second type of behaviour, students who attach importance to
the positioning, reputation and aspiration of the TES brand, the
following factors influence: reputation and image; recognition for
offering high quality academic programmes; ease of choice because
of the perceived value of the brand; the security of choice conveyed
by the brand; the image and values conveyed by the brand and
representing what they aspire to be in the future; the reputation for
academic excellence; and, variety of academic programmes.
The third type of purchasing behaviour, students who attach
importance to innovation and educational programmes, is influenced
by the following factors: the offer of academic programmes that
match their interests and goals; the use of modern and efficient
technological platforms and their incorporation into the learning
process; the offer of innovative and up-to-date degree programmes;
the offer of resources and programmes for personal and professional
development; and agreements and direct connection with the
business world.
Finally, for the fourth type of consumption behaviour, students who
attach importance to the valuation and reputation of the brand in
social networks, the following factors are important: the opinion of
friends and family; the opinions and recommendations of influencers
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
and other experts in social networks; the active presence of the TES
in social networks; and, the information, comments, experiences and
interactions in social networks with other people.
Table 4 shows the rotated component matrix with the 4 types of
purchase behaviour, as well as the factors or attributes that influenced
each case. Figure 4 shows the spatial location of the 4 types of
shopping behaviour.
Table 4.
Matrix of rotated components with the types of purchasing
Note. Own elaboration.
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
Figure 4.
Spatial location of the 4 types of buying behaviour
Note. Own elaboration.
In this study, it was corroborated that the positioning of the TES brand
(Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo) on social networks was a
determining factor for students when choosing the educational
institution to access the scholarship. Álvarez, et. al (2002) emphasises
the importance of marketing strategies used by higher education
institutions to increase the attraction of potential students.
On the other hand, Casanoves & Küster (2017) highlight that the
prestige of universities lies mainly in the proper management of
content on social networks, which help to build the image of a brand.
TES (Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo), according to the
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchasing decision. Case: Espíritu Santo
University Technology
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
results of the survey conducted in this study, has been able to reach
students with clear and precise messages through its social networks,
which influenced the decision of applicants to determine which
institution they would like to join.
However, it was the participation in social activities and the impact of
the community work carried out by TES, which is also communicated
on social networks, that helped to identify students as an institution
with a humanistic character, which at the same time encouraged
applicants to be part of an academic, social and entrepreneurial
The present research provides an opportunity to learn about the
impact of social outreach activities on students when choosing a
higher education institution. However, it has only been possible to
demonstrate this in the case of TES; it would be interesting to know
the situation of other higher education institutions and be able to
make a comparison of student perception and analyse the variables
of choice in relation to the brand that each institution reflects.
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University Technology
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