Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2023, Vol. 13, No. 2 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Acosta, B. (2023) Barriers faced by adults in continuing their education and
how to overcome them, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 13(2) 45-
Barriers faced by adults in continuing their education and how to
overcome them
Barreras que enfrentan los adultos para continuar su educación y como superarlas
Betty Acosta Salazar
Master's Degree, Edward Deming Corporate Institute of Technology,,
Adults who wish to continue their education often face numerous
barriers, such as lack of time, lack of funding, lack of family support,
lack of access to education, and lack of confidence in their academic
abilities. To overcome these barriers, adults can consider flexible
options, such as online education and seeking scholarships or
financial aid programs. In addition, seeking support from friends and
family can provide the motivation and encouragement needed to
succeed. Perseverance and determination are also essential to
overcoming barriers and achieving educational goals.
Adult Education, Educational Barriers, Educational
Inequalities, Educational Inequities
Los adultos que desean continuar su educación a menudo se
enfrentan a numerosas barreras, como la falta de tiempo, la falta de
financiamiento, la falta de apoyo familiar, la falta de acceso a la
educación y la falta de confianza en sus habilidades académicas. Para
superar estas barreras, los adultos pueden considerar opciones
flexibles, como la educación en línea y buscar becas o programas de
ayuda financiera. Además, buscar el apoyo de amigos y familiares
puede proporcionar la motivación y el aliento necesarios para tener
éxito. La perseverancia y la determinación también son esenciales
para superar las barreras y alcanzar los objetivos educativos.
Received 202- 10-23
Revised 2022-11-12
Published 2023-02-07
Corresponding Author
Betty Acosta Salazar
Pages: 45-54
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Barriers faced by adults in continuing their education and how to overcome them
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Palabras clave:
Educación de adultos, Barreras educativas,
Desigualdades educativas
Education is a fundamental human right that should be available to
all, regardless of age, gender or geographic location. However, for
many adults, continuing their education can be a challenging task due
to various barriers that can hinder access to educational
opportunities. Some of these barriers include lack of time, lack of
funding, lack of family support, lack of access to education, and lack
of confidence in their academic abilities. Despite these challenges,
there are several effective strategies that adults can use to overcome
these barriers and achieve their educational goals. In this review
article, we will discuss the barriers adults face in continuing their
education and explore some practical solutions to overcome them.
One of the biggest challenges adults face in continuing their
education is lack of time. Many adults have family and work
responsibilities that consume most of their time, which can make it
difficult to find time to attend classes and complete academic
assignments. To overcome this barrier, adults can consider flexible
education options, such as online education or distance learning,
which allow them to work at their own pace and fit into their busy
schedules. In addition, they can set regular study schedules and track
their assignments and deadlines to ensure they are making progress
on their academic work. "Work and family demands can be a major
barrier for adults looking to continue their education. Online
education and distance learning programs can be helpful in
overcoming these barriers by allowing students flexibility in terms of
time and place of study" (Hodges, Moore, Lockee, Trust, & Bond,
In addition to using time management techniques, another way to
overcome the time barrier is to take advantage of workplace learning
opportunities. Employers can offer on-the-job training, professional
development courses and other educational options that allow
employees to continue their education while working. Not only does
this help employees acquire new skills and knowledge relevant to
their current job, but it can also help prepare them for future career
Barriers faced by adults in continuing their education and how to overcome them
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
opportunities. Organizations that encourage continuous learning can
also enjoy a more motivated and engaged workforce, which can lead
to better performance and higher employee retention.
Another common barrier adults face to continuing their education is
lack of funding. The cost of higher education can be prohibitively high
for many adults, especially those who have limited income or who
have to support a family. To overcome this barrier, adults can seek
out financial aid programs, scholarships, and student loans that can
reduce the cost of education. They can also look for job training
programs that allow them to gain skills in high-demand fields without
having to attend college. In addition, they can consider working while
in school to help finance their education.
Lack of family support can hinder adults' ability to continue their
education. Many adults may feel discouraged if their loved ones are
not supportive or do not understand the importance of their
education. To overcome this barrier, adults can communicate clearly
with their family about their educational goals and try to involve them
in the process. In addition, they can seek out adult learner support
groups and other community resources that can provide needed
motivation and encouragement.
The methodological process was based on the selection of some
adults with characteristics such as, lack of access to education may
hinder the continuity of their academic training. This may be due to
geographic location, lack of transportation or lack of access to
technology. To overcome this barrier, adults can seek online
educational options, such as distance learning college courses and
programs. They can also seek out educational opportunities in their
local community, such as evening education programs at local
One way to overcome the barrier to accessing education is through
scholarship and financial aid programs. Many organizations offer
scholarships and other financial aid programs to help adults pay for
their education. In addition, many educational institutions offer
financial aid programs and deferred payment options that allow
students to pay for tuition and other school expenses over time. It is
Barriers faced by adults in continuing their education and how to overcome them
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
important for adults to research these options and apply for any
financial aid for which they may be eligible. In addition, the
government may also offer financial aid programs for adults who wish
to continue their education, such as low-interest student loans or
grant programs for low-income adults. With these options, adults can
overcome the barrier of access to education and advance on their
path to obtaining their degree or certification.
Lack of confidence in academic skills can be a major barrier for adults
seeking to continue their education. Many adults may feel that they
have been out of school for too long or that they are not smart enough
to succeed in an academic environment. To overcome this barrier,
adults can seek out tutoring and mentoring programs that can provide
the help and support needed to improve their confidence and
academic skills. In addition, they can make a conscious effort to set
realistic goals and celebrate achievements along the way.
Another way to overcome this lack of confidence in their academic
skills is through practice and feedback. Adults can consider taking
study skills courses or tutoring programs to help them develop
effective study techniques and increase their confidence in their
academic skills. In addition, seeking support and feedback from
friends, family, and educational professionals can help adults
overcome their fears and gain confidence in their ability to succeed
It is important to build on this diminished confidence by selecting
courses and educational programs that match the adult's skills and
previous experiences. Adults may feel more confident and motivated
to learn when they can select educational programs that align with
their interests and abilities. In addition, adults may consider starting
with shorter, less intensive courses before advancing to longer, more
challenging educational programs. By starting with more manageable
courses, adults can gradually build their confidence and academic
skills as they move toward more ambitious educational goals.
For some adults, age can be a barrier to continuing their education.
They may feel that they are too old to return to school or that their
age prevents them from learning effectively. To overcome this barrier,
Barriers faced by adults in continuing their education and how to overcome them
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
adults can seek out education programs specifically for older learners,
such as senior education programs or continuing education programs
at local universities. They can also look for nontraditional learning
opportunities, such as workshops and seminars, that can provide
valuable education without the need to enroll in a degree program.
"Older adults often have concerns about their ability to learn and
retain new information. Educators can help overcome these barriers
by creating a comfortable, pressure-free learning environment, using
learner-centered teaching techniques, and personalizing learning to
meet individual needs" (Mezirow, 2000).
Age is a common barrier adults face when considering continuing
education. Some adults may feel that they are too old to return to
school or that their ability to learn has declined with age. However,
research has shown that learning and cognitive ability can continue to
improve throughout life. One way to overcome this barrier is to
change perspective and understand that education has no age limits.
Adults can find inspiration from others who have returned to school
at older ages and have achieved academic and professional success.
Another way to overcome the age barrier is through educational
programs that are designed specifically for older adults. Many
educational institutions offer courses and educational programs that
are tailored to the needs and preferences of older adults. These
programs may include part-time learning options, flexible schedules,
and teaching formats that are more suited to the learning style of
older adults. In addition, older adults can leverage the experience and
wisdom they have gained throughout their lives to enrich their
educational experience and enhance their ability to relate to other
learners. "Older adults may also face emotional barriers, such as
anxiety and lack of motivation. Educators can help overcome these
barriers by setting realistic learning goals, creating a supportive
environment, and using motivational techniques, such as positive
feedback and rewarding achievement" (Merriam & Bierema, 2014).
Finally, adults may consider continuing education as a way to stay
mentally and socially active as they age. Lifelong learning can help
prevent cognitive decline and improve the mental and physical health
of older adults. By recognizing the importance of lifelong learning,
older adults can overcome the age barrier and find the motivation to
continue learning and growing in their personal and professional lives.
Barriers faced by adults in continuing their education and how to overcome them
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Correspondence education is a distance learning method that has
been around for a long time. It involves sending educational
materials, such as textbooks, workbooks and other learning resources,
by mail or email, so that students can study on their own time and at
their own pace. Correspondence education has been a popular form
of education for adults seeking to improve their skills and knowledge
while balancing work and family responsibilities.
One of the main benefits of correspondence education is the
flexibility it offers. Students can learn on their own schedule and pace,
allowing them to tailor their education to their existing responsibilities
and commitments. In addition, correspondence education can be
more economical than traditional education, as students can avoid the
transportation and lodging expenses associated with attending an
educational institution in person.
However, there are also some disadvantages associated with
correspondence education. One of the biggest challenges is the lack
of face-to-face interaction with professors and other students.
Students may feel isolated and lonely when studying at home, and
may have difficulty asking questions and receiving real-time feedback.
In addition, correspondence education requires a great deal of
discipline and motivation on the part of the student, as there is no set
schedule or structure imposed to guide learning.
In conclusion, the barriers adults face in continuing their education are
significant and diverse, and may include lack of time, funding, family
support, access to education, and confidence in their academic
abilities. However, there are a number of strategies and solutions to
overcome these barriers, including flexible education options,
financial aid programs, and seeking support from friends and family.
In addition, perseverance, determination and personal motivation are
essential to overcome these barriers and achieve educational goals.
Education has no age limit and all adults should have the opportunity
to continue their learning and personal development. By addressing
these barriers and taking steps to overcome them, adults can improve
their skills and knowledge, which can lead to greater personal
Barriers faced by adults in continuing their education and how to overcome them
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
satisfaction, better career opportunities and an overall better quality
of life.
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