Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2023, Vol. 13, No. 2 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Guerrero, M., Bajaña, O., Aguirre, J., Jurado, R. (2023) Didactic proposal
for determining the density of a liquid, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 13(2)
Didactic proposal for determining the density of a liquid
Propuesta didáctica para determinar la densidad de un líquido
Marcos Francisco Guerrero Zambrano
Magister En Enseñanza De La Fisica, Universidad Estatal de Milagro,
Oscar Alonso Bajaña Calle
Magister En Educación Mención Enseñanza De La Matemática, Unidad Educativa Dr Miguel Encalada
Juan Patricio Aguirre Mateus
Magister En Enseñanza De La Fisica, Universidad Estatal de Milagro,
Rodrigo Salomón Jurado Echeverría
Magister En Educacion Mención En Enseñanza De La Matematica, State University of Milagro,
This article proposes an alternative didactic methodology to
determine the density of a liquid using the relationship between the
mass of a body and its submerged height. An experiment is
performed by placing a floating wooden cube in a transparent fish
tank with water. Copper coins of equal mass are added to increase
the total mass of the body, and the submerged height is measured
with a tape measure. Although no direct proportionality was found
between mass and submerged height according to the theoretical
model, a linear relationship was observed, influenced mainly by the
absorption of water in the wooden cube.
Mass, submerged height, density, alternative
methodology, theoretical model.
Received 2022-07-23
Revised 2022-10-12
Published 2023-02-23
Corresponding Author
Marcos Francisco Guerrero
Pages: 55-65
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Didactic proposal to determine the density of a liquid.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Este artículo propone una metodología didáctica alternativa para
determinar la densidad de un líquido utilizando la relación entre la
masa de un cuerpo y su altura sumergida. Se realiza un experimento
colocando un cubo de madera flotante en una pecera transparente
con agua. Se agregan monedas de cobre de igual masa para
aumentar la masa total del cuerpo, y se mide la altura sumergida con
una cinta métrica. Aunque no se encontró una proporcionalidad
directa entre la masa y la altura sumergida según el modelo teórico,
se observó una relación lineal, influenciada principalmente por la
absorción de agua en el cubo de madera.
Palabras clave:
Masa, altura sumergida, densidad, metodología
alternativa, modelo teórico.
Research into the factors that influence the relationship between the
mass of a body and its submerged height has made significant
advances in recent years. The interest in understanding the forces
acting on water and how we can harness them to float without
difficulty has driven numerous studies in this area.
Questions about why bodies sink and how much they sink have
aroused the curiosity of scientists and have prompted extensive
research. The main objective of these studies is to reveal the different
factors that influence the buoyancy of bodies, including density,
buoyancy, submerged volume, mass, submerged height and others.
These variables have a relationship in several sectors or areas of
application, for example: at the University of Costa Rica and the
National Metrology Center of Mexico (CENAM), an investigation was
carried out to determine the incidence of these variables in the
measurement of the density of liquids using the hydrostatic weighing
method. In this study, it was possible to obtain the density of a
standard solid without the need to know its volume. This
methodology represents an important advance in the accurate
determination of density (Hernández Sánchez, 2014) (Centeno et al.,
2004). In addition, at the National Institute of Metrology Research of
the Republic of Cuba (INIMET), during the calibration process of
density meters, solutions with different density values are prepared.
These solutions are essential to verify the accuracy of the measuring
instruments used in the determination of density (Valdivia-Medina et
Didactic proposal to determine the density of a liquid.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
al., 2001). (Valdivia-Medina et al., 2010).. Another study conducted at
the National University of Colombia, performed density
measurements of water and homeopathic medicines using a Vibrating
Tube Density Meter. This approach has allowed obtaining accurate
and reliable results in the determination of the density of various
substances. (Pineda Garcia, 2010). In the field of agronomy, a study
was carried out in the Scientific Journal UDO Agrícola where three
methods were compared to determine bulk density and solidity in
soils. The methods evaluated included the use of hydrometers, the
Uhland method with free fall and the Uhland method with forced fall.
These methods provided valuable information on the density and
solidity of soils, which is essential for crop analysis and planning.
(Hossne García & Cedeño Campos, 2012)..
These advances in research have contributed significantly to our
understanding of the factors that influence the relationship between
the mass of a body and its submerged height. More accurate
measurement methods and tools have been developed, allowing us
to obtain reliable results in determining the density of liquids and
other materials.
Regarding didactic proposals to determine the density of different
bodies, the author Fuertes (2016), describes some methods such as:
hydrostatic, geometric and margin of indeterminacy, however, there
is limited research regarding didactic proposals for determining the
density of a liquid, this is because, currently many teachers use other
types of resources for teaching science such as videos and
simulations, and not promoting face-to-face experimentation.
Nowadays, experimentation in the learning process is important for
the student. (Fuentes, 2016).
Due to the importance of the aforementioned research, emphasis
should be placed in the educational context and especially in science
teaching, where these variables sometimes teachers focus more on
the definition than on the structuring and deepening of a concept that
demonstrates the relationship between the physical phenomenon
and the variable. The latter is evident with the density variable, which
is one of the most misunderstood concepts despite the fact that it is
addressed from the early stages of the study of the physical sciences
(Martínez-Borreguero et al., 2018)..
In the teaching of physical sciences, the problem of how to transmit
knowledge to students has always arisen, for which methodologies
must be structured to allow the student to develop skills from
Didactic proposal to determine the density of a liquid.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
In conclusion, a remarkable process has been observed in many
investigations on how to determine the density of a fluid or a solid
using different methods, one more complex than others, however, for
this research the didactic methodological process is promoted for
student learning through experimentation, for this it is proposed to
determine the density of a liquid based on the relationship the mass
of the submerged body in terms of submerged looseness.
Archimedes of Syracuse mentioned "Every body immersed in a fluid
experiences an upward force called thrust, equal to the weight of the
fluid displaced by the body" (Falco, Franceschelli, & Marco, 2001).
We apply this principle when we place an object in water; the body
sinks if its weight is greater than the weight of the displaced fluid,
while the object floats when its weight is less than or equal to the
weight of the displaced fluid (Falco, Franceschelli, & Marco, 2001).
Considering the experimental didactic proposal, two forces act on the
object, the thrust force and the gravitational force. !
% and the
gravitational force !
% both measured in Newtons, which in this
situation have equal magnitude and opposite direction, as shown in
Figure 1.
Vector description of the forces acting on the object.
Prepared by the author.
Since the submerged object is in equilibrium, therefore, the sum of
forces measured in Newton will be zero, as shown in equation 1. !
measured in Newton will be zero, as shown in equation 1.
(Equation 1)
Considering the positive upward reference system we have equation
Didactic proposal to determine the density of a liquid.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
(Equation 2)
Where, the thrust is equal to the product of the density of the fluid
measured in grams per cubic centimeter, the acceleration of
measured in meters per square second and the volume
occupied by the object in the fluid measured in cubic centimeters.
measured in cubic centimeters. In the case of weight it is equal to the
product of the mass of the object measured in grams and the
acceleration of gravity measured in meters per second squared.
measured in grams and the acceleration of gravity. Therefore,
replacing the above in equation 2, we have equation 3, as shown
(Equation 3)
Since the object to be considered is a cubic block of wood, the
volume occupied by the object in the fluid is equal to the product of
the area of the base
measured in centimeters squared and the
submerged height
measured in centimeters. Therefore, replacing
the above in equation 3, we have equation 4, as shown below:
(Equation 4)
Now clearing the submerged height and simplifying the acceleration
of gravity from equation 4 gives equation 5, as shown below:
(Equation 5)
After having cleared the formula, it is observed that the submerged
height is directly proportional to the mass of the object, therefore, if
one of them increases in magnitude, the other also increases in the
same proportion; which allows to obtain a theoretical model that can
be verified with the experimental model obtained in practice. If we
compare it with the equation of direct proportion we notice that in
the vertical axis goes the submerged height, in the horizontal axis
goes the mass of the body and the slope of the graph would be the
inverse of the product of the density by the area. Then, our didactic
experimental proposal consists of increasing the mass of the object
by placing from one to seven identical coins and then observing the
submerged height of the object.
Determine the relationship between the submerged height and the
mass of the object including coins by means of a two-dimensional
graph to calculate the density of water from its slope.
Didactic proposal to determine the density of a liquid.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Table 1.
Experimental variables.
Mass of
the object
height of the
Water density
Me the coins.
Temperature of
the agasas of
each d
and the
Friction with
absorption in
the object.
How does the submerged height of the object affect when the mass
of the object is varied with coins?
In this didactic experimental proposal, the submerged height is
expected to be directly proportional to the mass of the object
including the coins, i.e., if the mass of the object using the coins
increases, the height at which the object sinks into the fluid will
increase proportionally with the same amount.
§ A block-shaped wooden object, measuring (12, 10 ± 0.01) cm long,
(8, 10 ± 0.01) cm wide and (3.50 ± 0.01) cm high with a mass of
(137.00± 0.01) g
§ A transparent fish tank measuring (23.00 ± 0.01) cm long, (1.40 ± 0.01)
cm wide and (3.50 ± 0.01) cm high.
§ Measuring tape (17.00 ± 0.01) cm
§ copper coins, each with a mass of (15,00 ±0,01) g
§ A balance of precision ±0.01g
§ 3.75 liters of water for the fish tank.
Figure 2.
Measurement of the mass of the wood block including
coins. Prepared by the author.
Didactic proposal to determine the density of a liquid.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Figure 3.
Fish tank with the wooden block including the coins with
the tape measure attached to take the data. Prepared by the author.
Initially with the wooden block, first we measure the length and width
of its base to obtain its area in square centimeters, second we
measure the mass in grams by means of a balance and finally we cut
the tape measure and stick it on the wooden block, in such a way that
the 0 of the tape measure is at the lower edge as shown in figure 3.
Now place 3.75 liters of water inside the transparent fish tank, and
submerge the wooden block to obtain the submerged height
measured in centimeters. Then a coin is placed on the block and its
combined mass is measured again in grams, and finally the new
submerged height is measured. Then another coin is added to the
block of wood and the new mass is measured again to measure the
submerged height, and the process is repeated until the seven coins
are completed. For each mass value, 4 submerged heights will be
measured from the tape measure attached to the block.
The raw data obtained in the experiment are shown below.
Table 2.
Raw data of block mass including coin and their submerged
Mass of the block
including coin m/g
± Δm = 0, 01 g
Submerged height of the block
± Δh = ±0,01cm
137, 00
1, 38
1, 40
1, 42
1, 45
Didactic proposal to determine the density of a liquid.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
152, 00
1, 60
1, 61
1, 61
1, 65
167, 00
1, 81
1, 73
1, 77
1, 69
182, 00
1, 85
1, 87
1, 86
1, 89
197, 00
1, 99
2, 02
1, 97
2, 01
212, 00
2, 11
2, 18
2, 14
2, 16
227, 00
2, 34
2, 30
2, 30
2, 31
242, 00
2, 45
2, 48
2, 39
2, 42
When performing the analysis of the submerged height
measurements, it can be observed that there are groups of data for
the same mass that have low accuracy and other groups of data for
the same mass that have high accuracy, which is why it was decided
to select from each group of masses, the 3 most accurate submerged
heights. In the case of the first group of submerged heights data, we
will obtain the mean and the uncertainty, as shown in equations 6 and
7 as follows:
(Equation 6)
(Equation 7)
This process will be repeated with each of the groups of submerged
heights found in the data table. The table of processed values is
shown below:
Table 3.
Processed data of block mass including coins and average
submerged height, with their respective uncertainties.
Mass m/g
±m=± 0.01 g
Average height
Uncertainty of
average height
Next, we proceed to construct the block mass graph including the
coins as a function of their submerged height. The uncertainties of
the measurements will be included in the graph, the line of best fit,
the line of maximum and minimum slope to determine the
uncertainty of the slope, as shown in Figure 4:
Didactic proposal to determine the density of a liquid.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Figure 4.
Plot of the mass curve of the block including coins and
average submerged height, with its uncertainties, the line of best fit,
the line of maximum and minimum slope.
From the graph it can be observed that the uncertainties of the
vertical axis are too small with respect to the scale used, which is why
they are not visualized in the graph. When plotting the line of best fit
it can be observed that there is a linear behavior between both
variables, since the line does not pass through the origin, this may be
an indication of some type of systematic error. Additionally, the line
of best fit passes through most of the experimental points, however,
there are indications of random errors. As already mentioned in the
theoretical framework, the slope (p) in Figure 4 is the inverse of the
product of the submerged cross-sectional area of the wood block with
the density of the water, therefore, equation 8 is obtained:
(Equation 8)
From the graph we obtain the value of the slope, in this case:
From equation 8, we clear the density and we obtain equation 9:
(Equation 9)
Now the value of slope and submerged area are replaced in equation
9 to obtain the density value:
With the help of the line of maximum and minimum slope, the
uncertainty is obtained.
in this case the value is:
Now propagating errors from equation 9 we obtain equation 10:
(Equation 10)
Didactic proposal to determine the density of a liquid.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
By subtracting the uncertainty of the density from equation 10,
equation 11 is obtained:
F (Equation 10)
Then replacing values in equation 10 we obtain:
Therefore, the density of water with its uncertainty is
According to the initial hypothesis and the results obtained in the
graph, it can be concluded that the hypothesis was not fulfilled, since
it was demonstrated that the relationship between the mass of the
wood block including the coins and its height submerged in the water
has a linear behavior and not a direct proportion. A possible reason
why experimentally a direct proportionality between both variables
was not obtained is that there is a small variation in the mass of the
wood block due to the absorption of water. In our case, the wood
block, having retained water, increased its mass causing the
submerged height to be affected. Based on graph 1, it can be seen
that the correlation coefficient (R2) is 0.9988, which means that there
is a strong linear relationship between the mass of the block and its
submerged height.
The value obtained for the density of water using the didactic
methodological proposal was (1.050±0.021), a value very
close to that found in the Workshop in Hydrometer Calibration, where
the density of water, under normal conditions is (0.998±0.010)
3. It can also be observed that its accuracy is low, since the percentage
of error was 5.210 %, additionally the range of values obtained
experimentally presents a range quite close to the range of the
theoretical value, therefore, it means that the value obtained
experimentally has a low accuracy. The variation of the mass of the
body by absorption of water appeared as a random error that caused
disformity in the measurements and a low precision at the beginning
of the experiment.
The influence of readability errors in the measurements due to the
refraction of light on the face of the tank is also observed, thus
Didactic proposal to determine the density of a liquid.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
showing a deviation in the measurements as a systematic error of the
Centeno, L. M., Burgos, L. del C., & Becerra, L. O. (2004).
Fuentes, J. F. (2016). Determination of densities: A simple practice for
initiation in experimental methodology. Journal of Physics
Education, 8(2), Article 2.
Hernández Sánchez, H. S. (2014). Design and implementation of a
procedure for certification of liquids as density standards
through the use of the hydrostatic weighing method, using a
standard solid of known mass and volume [University of Costa
Hossne García, A. J., & Cedeño Campos, H. J. (2012). Comparison of
three methods to determine bulk density and soundness in
three savanna sandy loam soils. 12.
Martínez-Borreguero, G., Naranjo-Correa, F. L., Cañada Cañada, F.,
González Gómez, D., & Sánchez Martín, J. (2018). The influence
of teaching methodologies in the assimilation of density
concept in primary teacher trainees. Heliyon, 4(11), e00963.
Valdivia-Medina, R. Y., Pedro-Valdés, S., & Laurel-Gómez, M. (2010).
Didactic proposal to determine the density of a liquid.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2