Application of artificial intelligence techniques in the administrative management of higher
education institutions: an analysis of their effectiveness in process optimization and strategic
decision making.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
highlighting the economic benefits of implementing AI in various
organizational contexts (Brown & Wilson, 2021).
On the other hand, a moderate positive correlation was found
between staff satisfaction and AI adoption. This implies that staff
satisfaction may influence the willingness to adopt AI in administrative
management. These results highlight the importance of considering
the human factor in AI implementation processes and point to the
need to promote an organizational culture favorable to change and
innovation (Arroyo & Bustelo, 2020).
The findings of this study support the effectiveness of the application
of AI techniques in the administrative management of higher
education institutions. AI has proven to be a valuable tool for process
optimization, strategic decision making, improving the quality of
administrative services, productivity, and cost reduction. In addition,
staff satisfaction plays an important role in the successful adoption of
AI in administrative management. These results have significant
implications for higher education institutions, as they offer an
innovative approach to improve efficiency and effectiveness in
administrative management.
It is important to keep in mind that this study has limitations and
opens opportunities for future research. The sample used was limited
to one selected institution of higher education, which could limit the
generalizability of the results. In addition, it focused on a quantitative
perspective, so it is recommended to explore qualitative and
complementary approaches to obtain a deeper understanding of the
experience and perception of the actors involved.
In conclusion, this study highlights the importance of AI in the
administrative management of higher education institutions. The
effective implementation of AI techniques can lead to significant
improvements in process optimization, strategic decision making,
quality of administrative services, productivity, and cost reduction. It
is critical that higher education institutions consider these findings
when developing strategies and policies aimed at improving
administrative management and promoting the adoption of AI in an
ethical and effective manner.