Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2023, Vol. 13, No. 2 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Huerta, S., Cortez, A., Changoluisa, L., Santos, J. (2023) The use of natural
resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre Canton - Guayas Province, Revista
Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 13(2) 84-
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs
living in Salitre Canton - Guayas Province
El aprovechamiento de los recursos naturales desde la mirada de los emprendedores
que habitan en el Cantón Salitre- Provincia del Guayas
Shirley Huerta Cruz
Msc. in Business Administration/Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas/ Universidad de Guayaquil/;
Angi Cortez Cruz
Msc. in Economics/ Faculty of Economics/University of Guayaquil/;
Lorena Changoluisa Gaibor
Msc. Higher Education Council/ Email;
Julia Santos Tomalá
Msc. Faculty of Administrative Sciences/University of Guayaquil/;
This article aims to expose the natural, cultural and patrimonial
resources that Canton Salitre enjoys; and, from the scenario of these
resources, actions framed in its culture and heritage are proposed,
adding environmental strategies; that, the native entrepreneurs of the
canton must take advantage of to attract real and potential own, local,
regional and even national tourists through a plan of action and by
the conditions tourism is potentiated. Entrepreneurs today have the
task of integrating the natural, cultural and heritage resources of the
place with the austere economic resources available to this group of
entrepreneurs, to make their businesses attractive and seductive to
tourists. For this purpose, a quantitative methodology was applied,
applying a quantitative study on a real data of 50 entrepreneurs with
more permanence in the canton, including a field observation, as well
as a focus group, where they identified and valued the natural wealth,
in addition to a survey in Google Forms directed to random visitors in
field visit. The results that were achieved were of great interest since
Received 2022-08-19
Revised 2022-11-09
Published 2023-04-07
Corresponding Author
Shirley Huerta Cruz
Pages: 84-102
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
the natural inventory, customs and heritage of Cantón Salitre were
recognized and enhanced, supported by the current government.
From this study, an action plan is proposed in the short term, from
which criteria and characteristics associated with the social and
economic progress of the canton are derived.
exploitation, natural resources, entrepreneur, action plan,
Este artículo tiene por objetivo exponer los recursos naturales,
culturales y patrimoniales que goza el Cantón Salitre; y, a partir del
escenario de dichos recursos, se plantea acciones enmarcadas en su
cultura y patrimonio, agregando estrategias ambientales; que, los
emprendedores autóctonos del cantón deben aprovechar para atraer
a reales y potenciales turistas propios, locales, regionales e incluso
nacionales a través de un plan de acción y por las condiciones se
potencializa el turismo. Los emprendedores hoy en día tienen por
tarea integrar los recursos naturales, culturales y patrimoniales
autóctonos del lugar con los austeros recursos económicos que
dispone este grupo de emprendedores, para hacer de sus negocios
atractivos y seductores a los turistas. Para ello se apli una
metodología de tipo cuantitativa, aplicando un estudio de corte
cuantitativo sobre una data real de 50 emprendedores con mayor
permanencia en el cantón, incluyendo una observación de campo, así
como un focus group, donde identificaron y valoraron las riquezas
naturales, adicional realizó una encuesta en Google Forms dirigida
para los visitantes aleatorios en visita de campo. Los resultados que
se alcanzaron fueron de gran interés puesto que se reconoce y
potencializa el inventario natural, sus costumbres y el patrimonio del
Cantón Salitre, apoyados por el gobierno de turno. De este estudio,
se propone un plan de acción propuesto en el corto plazo y del cual
se deriven criterios y características asociados al progreso social y
económico del Cantón.
Palabras clave:
aprovechamiento, recursos naturales, emprendedor,
plan de acción, turistas.
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
While it is true that the aftermath of the pandemic allowed the
development of strategic survival skills and capabilities in different
parts of the country, which all productive sectors of goods and
services identified; and, Ecuador, being characterized as a biodiverse
country due to its tangible natural resources(AEI, 2014)Ecuador is
characterized as a biodiverse country due to its tangible natural
resources, heritage and cultural resources of each corner of the
country, and its customs, traditions and gastronomy, which are of
interest to tourism (National Secretariat of Planning and
Development, 2014). (National Secretariat of Planning and
Development, 2021) that through its mechanisms, promoters,
entrepreneurs will boost the economic dynamics of the region.(Russo,
For this purpose, different studies that have been conducted in the
canton will be taken into account, focusing on tourist sites and places,
climate, landscapes and land occupation by farms and estates of
significant value that have been identified from the financial strategies
(Cruz, 2021).(Cruz, 2021)The plan of action, taking into account
environmental parameters, will allow the greatest benefit to the
canton to be sought through an action plan.
Hence, Cantón Salitre, Guayas Province has been the subject of
research. (Carvache-Franco et al., 2018) is a canton with friendly
people, natural attractions of fresh water (Herrera, Danner; Mosquera,
2021)The canton's hard-working people, business owners,
entrepreneurs and small merchants take advantage of these resources
as much as possible in their economic scarcity (Herrera, Danner;
Mosquera, 2021).(Herrera, Danner; Mosquera, 2021)The local people
offer their culture, customs and traditional dates and propose to
tourists a day of leisure and distraction; enjoy the gastronomy of
Salitre, slogging this corner as "Salitre, spa for a day".
This allows the Canton's economy, in first place is agriculture,
livestock and trade; the latter group exploited by entrepreneurs.
(Herrera, Danner; Mosquera, 2021) who continually assess their
strengths and weaknesses (Herrera, Danner; Mosquera, 2021). (Cruz,
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
2021)The latter group takes advantage of entrepreneurs (Herrera,
Danner; Mosquera, 2021) who continuously value their strengths and
weaknesses (Cruz, 2021), their cognitive, operational, motivational
and social capacity to sustain their businesses by taking advantage of
natural attractions, their culture, customs and traditions, which
combined with the concepts of innovation (Herruzo et al., 2021).
(Herruzo et al., 2019) and creativity. Hence, their perspective on
conservation and sustainability(Arias-Vargas et al., 2022)its respect for
the environment and the benefit to third parties, including its own or
neighboring local communities (Russo, 2002). (Russo, 2002).
Since the research conducted by (Carvache-Franco et al., 2018) it was
evidenced that the gastronomy offered by Salitre is varied with a
touch and taste of the countryside, since most of them are elaborated
from the raw material provided by mother earth, concluding that
satisfaction with respect to gastronomy is high, "the variety of dishes"
and "the speed with which they served you" are the most valued
attributes in relation to satisfaction, optimal aspects to enhance the
gastronomy of Salitre as a tourist attraction.
General information raised by youtuber show that the canton Salitre,
celebrates its traditions and cultural attractions among which are
imposed the month of the montubia identity is the framework of the
celebration of cantonization of Salitre; which, on November 27, 1959
ceased to be known as the parish of Las Ramas, to begin its cantonal
political life, the Rodeos Montubios, Horseback Riding, Equestrian
Competitions and Cockfights, which are held every year or on
holidays such as the Day of the Race, on February 15, which
celebrates the parish and on August 2, the Feast of the Angels. This
Canton, offers spacious natural wetlands, in which there is a flora and
fauna, unique in the province of Guayas; noting that some research
explains that there are species that are in danger of extinction.
With the above, it is necessary to ask how to maximize the strategies
that add to the tourist development of Canton Salitre without
infringing on the natural resources; and, from this question, the
present research aims to identify the natural, cultural and patrimonial
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
resources that value the adequate use of Canton Salitre, this from a
direct observation and the application of a qualitative type of
In the last two centuries, man has taken advantage of the existing
natural resources, whether they are renewable, such as forestry or
fishing, or non-renewable, such as oil or coal extraction. Likewise, the
tangible and non-tangible use of existing resources (flora and fauna,
use of rivers and natural spaces), converting all this into a source of
life and development for the community that inhabits the different
natural spaces that Ecuador has at its disposal.(Diego & Carrera, n.d.)..
The depletion of natural resources is evident because this model does
not take into account the limitation of the resources present in nature,
which has led to the emergence of new approaches focused on the
insertion of the sustainability variable in the theories of development;
and it is in recent years that the concept of sustainable human
development appears, based, like that of sustainable development,
on the confluence and mutual dependence of the economic, social
and environmental variables. However, unlike the latter, the new
theory gives a primordial role to the social factor, whose core is the
person and the satisfaction of his or her needs(Mora & Martínez,
From the interest of the proponents of environmental conservation,
the sustainability of its flora and fauna and the economic and social
sustainability and preservation of a sustainable economy in the homes
of the planet, it is imperative for Ecuador to be aware of the costs and
economic benefits associated with environmental added value.
(Russo, 2002)Although these are expressed in items that may be
different from the traditional accounting of the
business/establishment (Lopez, 1993), it is imperative to keep in mind
and know the costs as economic benefits associated with the
environmental added value (Russo, 2002). (López, 1993)..
Bibliography and studies mention that they have been presented to
the environmental problems of development, including aspects of a
new ecological culture and ethnobiological studies that gather the
wealth of traditional knowledge on the multiple use of natural
resources (Leff & Carabias, 1993).(Leff & Carabias, 1993).It concludes
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
that the support and viability of an alternative environmental
paradigm, where the cultural dimension of the use and transformation
of ecosystems plays a fundamental role. It also addresses processes
and aspects on how cultural identities and values are described in the
practices of resource use; and it is from the logic of the market that
the cultural dimension of the use and transformation of ecosystems
plays a fundamental role. (Rivera-Rodriguez, 2022) and the
contribution of capital and labor as productive factors (Loor Bravo et
al., 2022). (Loor Bravo et al., 2021) and a productive process based
on the articulation of three levels of productivity: ecological,
technological and cultural (Carvache-Franco et al., 2021). (Carvache-
Franco et al., 2018)..
Hence the importance of investigating: a) the relationship between
natural resources and the culture of a village; b) the relationship
between natural resources and community tourism; and c) the
relationship between natural resources and community
The research developed by (Mancera-Valencia, 2020) summarizes that
Guillermo Bonfl Batalla's Theory of Cultural Control for the mixed and
intercultural evaluation of gastronomic heritage: immaterial, material
and biocultural, concludes that the notion of traditional cuisine has
sociocultural, nutritional and cognitive importance, regardless of
whether or not it is identified as "Haute Cuisine" gastronomy and that
in recent times Ecuador is recognized for a gastronomy with
sociocultural and epistemological content and which provides an
outlet for its protagonist needs.
On the other hand, the potential of the natural and cultural resources
of the province of Manabí - Ecuador, as a factor of local tourism
development, mainly on tourism and local development; addressing
the analysis of the determination of the potential of natural and
cultural resources as a condition for tourism planning; tourism is
explained as a factor of development and planning as an instrument
of its management. The results show the close relationship between
the natural and cultural resources of the province and its local tourism
development, where it is determined that there is a need to redefine
development policies and programs and redesign the supply of
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
tourism products and services in order to improve the image, quality,
competitiveness and sustainable management of Manabí as a
destination (Shirley et al., 2020). (Shirley et al., 2020). This study shows
the potential, but despite this, tourism in the province is in a basic
state, not exploiting all the natural qualities it possesses, as well as its
cultural diversity and gastronomy; among the negative aspects or
weaknesses of Manabí's tourist destinations are: the lack of basic
services, street food businesses and insecurity.
Relationship between natural resources and community-based
tourism development
Many researches conclude that tourism is one of the main economic
sectors at the international level, and that is why it is necessary to
develop new forms of tourism that are practiced in a sustainable way;
and that aim to improve the socioeconomic development of local
communities by taking advantage of the cultural, patrimonial and
natural potential, as well as to improve the conservation of natural,
cultural and heritage resources. (Mancera-Valencia, 2020). Analyze
community-based tourism as a tool for the sustainable development
of underdeveloped destinations; and that is why, within the pillars of
sustainable development, priority is given to socioeconomic
development and conservation and protection of the environment.
These pillars can be applied to tourism, and as such, new typologies
and forms of tourism appear that can be developed in a sustainable
way; being the case of community tourism (Orgaz, 2013)
In Ecuador, tourism (Loor Bravo et al., 2021) represents an important
pillar for development; and hence the participation of the
governments in office have proposed to reactivate it by promoting
national tourism; and hence community tourism, to recover its
position after the pandemic. The results highlight the importance of:
Enhance conscious tourism related to sustainable human
development, recognize the relationship between health and safe
destination; develop community tourism, finally rethinking the way of
conceiving and doing tourism should be analyzed in its relationship
with the structural problems of the country; it should be sustainable
in all its dimensions and inclusive, so that it constitutes a factor of
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
national development.(National Secretariat of Planning and
Development, 2021)..
The effects of tourism in the communities are qualitative rather than
quantitative; since it favors the conservation of natural and cultural
resources, human and community development, strengthening
empowerment, self-esteem, cohesion, social capitals of the
community (Rodas, 2015). The success factors for community tourism
are strong social capitals in a community, justice, equity and
participation. Basically, a community must achieve conflict
management, cohesion, pursuit of the common good with defined
roles, empowerment, harmonious relationship with key social actors
and strong leadership (Society et al., 2019). Finally, the study (Vargas,
C. Yánez, S. Hernández, H. Méndez, J. Valdiviezo, W. Tafur, 2018)
evidences the positive contributions of community-based tourism in
Ecuador, such as the generation of jobs, positioning in non-traditional
markets, rational use of natural resources, fundamental bases of
ecological tourism and social - community responsibility based on
community organization, identification of available resources for
tourism; as well as some weaknesses are evidenced in terms of the
availability of basic infrastructure, promotion and deficient labor
organization in the public sector(Vinasco Guzmán, 2017)..
Relationship between natural resources and the participation of the
community entrepreneur
The importance of the adequate use of tools for decision making that
allow generating indicators that transmit scientific and technical
information, as well as transforming it into action; this is essential to
evaluate and predict trends in the situation of a region or locality
regarding economic and social issues, as well as to assess the
fulfillment of the goals and objectives set in government policies.
(National Secretariat of Planning and Development, 2021).. In the
attempt to develop the appropriate number of indicators without an
overwhelming amount of details that can generate confusion in the
priorities, they are based on the "information pyramid", which shows
the need to have a very extensive set of primary data from which it is
recommended to optimize the set of indicators, which can be defined
based on these data and, by aggregation, a reduced number of
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
indexes can be obtained (Carvache-Franco et al., 2021).(Carvache-
Franco et al., 2018)..
Community-based tourism should pay attention to the importance of
allocating part of the profit towards reinvestment, whether in fixed
assets of the community, in training or in any tangible or intangible
element that has deteriorated and is necessary to guarantee tourist
satisfaction. (Ledesma Gruezo et al., 2018).. Hence, the entrepreneur
is recognized as a person who is able to determine business
opportunities, while solving a problem that affects other people to
the social entrepreneur and from the existing literature in the different
bibliographic sources the characteristics of social entrepreneurs who
take advantage of what they have around them are identified(Orellana
et al., 2016)..
A large part of community tourism centers in Ecuador do not have a
management model; subsequently, they do not have the knowledge
of tools, business strategies and an ideology of key partners, since
they do not have strategic alliances that allow them to reach the
desired market segment; and it is the entrepreneur who has made an
agreement with tourism businesses or educational centers for the
commercialization of their services or products (Ledesma Gruezo et
al., 2018).. Among the main shortcomings detected, lies the lack of
knowledge of the market segment that the communities hope to
reach, losing the opportunity to specialize in satisfying the needs of a
national and international market niche; however, there are
community establishments that perform little or no action necessary
to reach influence the desired consumers and generate higher income
(Nicacio, 2017).
The main problem of social entrepreneurs (García-Hernàndez, 2016)
in a general way is the possible failure, identifying three triggers that
influence their stability and/or growth as such: a) the inability to pay
debts or obligations at the agreed moments (Dixit et al., 2018)b) the
legal declaration of suspension of payments or bankruptcy, or a
financial situation that is a precursor of future failure (Ledesma Gruezo
et al., 2018). (Ledesma Gruezo et al., 2018).; and, finally c) the
possibility of failure implies a condition of temporality of this
economic development group, with the initial periods being those of
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
greatest risk. Finally, we aspire to achieve objectives that characterize
this study, which are born from diagnosing the state of the resources
and natural attractions of Cantón Salitre, Guayas Province through a
SWOT (Herrera, Danner; Mosquera, 2021)The study is based on a
SWOT analysis (Herrera, Danner; Mosquera, 2021), followed by the
identification of the characteristics and perspective of the
entrepreneurs that develop any economic activity in the Canton and,
finally, the relationship between the use of natural resources and the
development of the entrepreneurs that live in the Canton of Salitre,
Guayas Province.
The methodology used in this research was exploratory-deductive
with a quantitative approach applied to small traders, entrepreneurs
and service providers in family businesses located in Canton Salitre
and its nearby parishes, for this purpose a survey was applied with
closed, dichotomous and objective questions, with a random
population of 342 people who contribute to the productive apparatus
of the Canton, which was conducted during the months of March,
April and May 2023 in person and in physical form. In this survey,
priority was given to the participation of entrepreneurs with training
in the area, so an additional 5% of surveys were included in the
sample. For this purpose, the sampling formula that explains the
statistics was applied:
N: Population universe 342
VC: Constant value 1
EA: Admissible error 0.05
(% AE)¨2% of AE squared0 .0025
TM=N / 1+ (EA)2xN
TM= 342/ 1+ (0.0025)*342
TM= 184 entrepreneurs/small traders/business owners.
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
To determine the direct relationship of natural resources with
entrepreneurship, tourism and culture/traditions/heritage existing in
the canton, a sample observation was made of tourists and visitors
who, during the weekends of March, April and May 2023, visited the
different places in the canton, including the beaches and haciendas
where the contribution and satisfaction of tourism itself make the
canton attractive. In order to provide a theoretical basis for this
research, different bibliographic sources were used, collected from
various magazines and digital libraries, as well as publications related
to the topic. From both sources of information, we will determine the
questions that will contribute to the definition of the indicators with
environmental contribution, which will be added to future research of
the FCI 006-2020 project called "Design of a socioeconomic
development model with environmental contribution to the tourism
sector in the Salitre Canton - Guayas Province".
The results of the sample collected from the 184 entrepreneurs, small
business owners, pointed to the following results in the foreground.
Table 1.
General information on the group of entrepreneurs/business
owners surveyed.
From this first analysis it can be detected that entrepreneurs, small
business owners and others related to tourism are found among
young people between 18 and 38 years old, this is due to many
factors that in observation and open interviews were attributed to lack
Agricultura Comercio Turismo Total
2% 5% 2% 9%
44% 39% 39% 122%
20% 22% 42% 84%
10% 9% 13% 32%
24% 25% 4% 53%
100% 100% 100% 300%
71% 59% 2% 132%
11% 17% 21% 49%
5% 11% 32% 48%
9% 9% 17% 35%
1% 1% 13% 15%
3% 3% 13% 19%
0% 0% 2% 2%
0% 0% 0% 0%
100% 100% 100% 300%
Fuente: Elaboración propia de recopilación de fuente primaria
Nivel de
Pre bachillerato
Porcentaje de participación por sector productivo
Menos de 18 años
Entre 18 y 28 años
Entre 28 y 38 años
Entre 38 y 48 años
Mas de 48 años
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
of formal employment, decrease migration of young people to large
cities, continuity with family tradition or custom, among other factors
related to family or family economic resources. This was contrasted
with the level of education of the research group, of which the results
were that 32% responded to a technical level of education,
considering that in the Canton there is a middle level educational
center that produces technical high school graduates.
With respect to the analysis criteria in this research: a) Natural
resources and culture/customs/heritage; b) Natural resources and
community tourism use; and c) Natural resources and the participation
of the community entrepreneur, the results obtained by criteria allow
identifying the question(s) that will contribute to the action plan that
this group of entrepreneurs should address where natural resources
are effectively considered as a reference to their business line of
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Table 2.
Information related to criteria by group related to natural
resources NR
From the criteria identified and supported by published articles, the
questions that are above 30% were defined, considering them
necessary to include them in the action plan, according to the
information for each criterion:
Dispone de alternativas de negocios ante el fracaso de su actual
actividad economica.
Porcentaje de participación por se ctor productivo
Comercializa su negocio por medios fisicos
Da a conocer los productos/ servicios que ofrece su negocio a traves
de medios digitales
Conoce el segmento de mercado al cual se dirigen
Existe apoyo gubernamental a traves de politicas publicas positivas al
Dispone de alternativas financieras para hacerle frente al negocio
Dispone de ayuda legal/financiera/ social para hacerle frente a
problemas exogenos.
Al aprovechar lso RN fomenta el turismo ecológico
Al aprovechar los RN se hacen en funcion de la resposabilidad social
Los RN son prioridad para disminuir la disponibilidad de
infraestructura básica
naturales y
n del
El turismo comunitario debe prestar atención a la importancia de
destinar parte de la utilidad hacia la reinversión
El emprendedor aprovecha de las capacitaciones o cualquier elemento
tangible o intangible en pro de su negocio.
Identifica las potencialidades de sus colaboradores generando
Aplica herramientas y estrategias empresariales
La ideologia de negocio que sostiene es compartida por el/los
colaboradores de su negocio
No contar con medidas preventivas a la inseguridad de los RN por
parte de los visitantes
naturales y
iento del
Se aprovecha los recursos naturales para realizar sus actividades
Se protegen los RN con acciones en pro del sector
Se prioriza el bienestar de la familia y la protección al medio ambiente
Considera que el turismo conciente aporta a su actividad económica
Repensar en la forma de concebir y hacerle frente a los problemas
estructurales pais.
Los factores de éxito logran el manejo de conflictos en su actividad
Al aprovechar los RN incentiva a generar nuevos puestos de trabajo
natural y
Reelaborar politicas y programas de desarrollo en pro de:
Rediseñar la oferta de productos y servicios de utilizacion de RN
Rediseñar la oferta de productos a fin de mejorar la imagen del
Rediseñar la calidad de los productos/servicios de los emprendedores
Rediseñar la competitividad
Fortalecer la gestion sostenible del Cantón
Fortalecer la diversidad cultural y gastromica
Recibir apoyo gubernamental (falta de servicios básicos)
Mejorar lascondiciones de los negocios de comidas ambulantes
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Taken from: (Cruz, 2021) adapted to the case (Zambrano Cerdeño et
al., 2021)
From the use of natural resources, including the culture, customs and
natural heritage of the Canton, the following results were obtained:
Source: Own elaboration
Hence, redesigning the quality of the products/services provided by
the various entrepreneurs, business owners and followers of
traditional and family businesses, this induces them to reanalyze and
revalue the products/services offered to tourists and visitors.
From the relationship of natural resources and community tourism the
results show:
Ejecutar y
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30% 35%
Rediseñar la calidad de los
Rediseñar la competitividad
Fortalecer la gestion sostenible del Cantón
Fortalecer la diversidad cultural y…
Mejorar lascondiciones de los negocios
The use of NR and its relationship with the
culture/customs and heritage of Cantón Salitre.
Tourism Trade Agriculture
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Source: Own elaboration.
In this criterion, the commerce sector emphasizes the use of natural
resources, followed by tourism, and where the prioritization of the
family and the protection of the environment is analyzed for the
Finally, from the relationship between natural resources and the
participation of the community entrepreneur, it was evident in the
graph that the commerce sector together with the tourism sector are
the ones that compete in the evaluated criteria, with the results shown
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
Se aprovecha los recursos naturales para
realizar sus actividades
Se prioriza el bienestar de la familia y la
protección al medio ambiente
Repensar en la forma de concebir y
hacerle frente a los problemas
estructurales pais.
Los factores de éxito logran el manejo de
conflictos en su actividad econòmica
Al aprovechar los RN incentiva a generar
nuevos puestos de trabajo
Los RN son prioridad para disminuir la
disponibilidad de infraestructura básica
The use of NR with community-based tourism
Tourism Trade Agriculture
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
Source: Own elaboration.
According to the criteria proposed, indicators such as measuring: a)
self-confidence to undertake with ease, b) optimism towards the
continuity of the business, c) the mechanism to adapt to changes, d)
to conserve natural resources, and e) to measure the use of
community tourism, f) to define the welfare of their community, g) to
quantify the welfare of their families, h) to give back to others what
nature has given them, which are recommended to be assessed and
measured in future research and publications.
Likewise, it is recommended to evaluate the contribution of natural
resources from the general observation and the interest of national
and international organizations considering the SDGs of the 2030
agenda and the measures considered necessary for their sustainable
and sustainable use, although it is the social dimension of the
entrepreneur that has the greatest impact on this type of business.
0% 5% 10% 15% 20% 25%
El emprendedor aprovecha de las
capacitaciones o cualquier elemento
tangible o intangible en pro de su
La ideologia de negocio que sostiene
es compartida por el/los
colaboradores de su negocio
Conoce el segmento de mercado al
cual se dirigen
Leveraging NR and the participation of the
community entrepreneur
Tourism Trade Agriculture
The use of natural resources from the point of view of the entrepreneurs living in Salitre
Canton - Guayas Province
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 2
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have the will to defend their skills, which is realized in the strong
correlation between the probability model used in the study of social
entrepreneurship and the qualities identified in this study,
strengthening an effective management model for other related
parties that will support the seedlings of new ventures.
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