Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2023, Vol. 13, No. 3 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Cabezas, M., Díaz, M., Ortigoza, A. (2023) Musical Expression as a
Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria
Investigación y Saberes, 13(3) 25-43
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in
Preschool Boys and Girls
La Expresión Musical como Estrategia Didáctica para Fortalecer la Oralidad en Niños y
Niñas de Preescolar
Marleny Cabezas Cedeño
Msc, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana, Colombia.,
Miguel Andrés Díaz Corena
Msc, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana, Colombia,
Andrés Esteban Ortigoza Marín
Msc, Corporación Universitaria Iberoamericana, Colombia,
The present study sought to assess the effectiveness of a music-based
teaching strategy for strengthening orality in preschool children at the
Guamalito, Bajo Plumero site. A quasi-experimental design was used
with a treatment group and a control group, and several activities
were implemented to strengthen orality through music. A quasi-
experimental design including a control group and a treatment group
was used. The groups were selected from the preschool student
population of the Guamalito, Bajo Plumero branch of the Arenoso
Rural Educational Institution. The sample consisted of 20 preschool
students. The main instruments used were an observation form and
an evaluation grid for each activity. The results obtained showed a
significant improvement in the orality of the students in the treatment
group compared to the control group. Strengths and weaknesses in
the implementation of the didactic strategy were identified, and
adjustments and improvements were made for future
implementations. It is concluded that the music-based didactic
strategy is effective for strengthening orality in preschool children,
Received 2023-02-12
Revised 2023-05-29
Published 2023-09-07
Corresponding Author
Marleny Cabezas Cedeño Pages:
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
and its implementation in other educational contexts is
recommended. It is necessary to continue researching and improving
didactic strategies for strengthening orality in early childhood.
Empowerment, Preschool, Music, Communication Skills
and Assessment.
En el presente estudio se buscó valorar la efectividad de una
estrategia didáctica basada en la música para el fortalecimiento de la
oralidad en niños y niñas de preescolar en la sede Guamalito, Bajo
Plumero. Se utilizó un diseño cuasiexperimental con un grupo de
tratamiento y un grupo de control, y se implementaron diversas
actividades para fortalecer la oralidad a través de la música. Se utilizó
un diseño cuasiexperimental que incluía un grupo de control y un
grupo de tratamiento. Los grupos fueron seleccionados de la
población estudiantil de preescolar de la sede Guamalito, Bajo
Plumero, de la Institución Educativa Rural Arenoso. La muestra estuvo
compuesta por 20 estudiantes de preescolar. Los principales
instrumentos utilizados fueron una ficha de observación y una rejilla
de evaluación para cada actividad. Los resultados obtenidos
evidenciaron una mejora significativa en la oralidad de los estudiantes
del grupo de tratamiento en comparación con el grupo de control. Se
identificaron fortalezas y debilidades en la implementación de la
estrategia didáctica, y se realizaron ajustes y mejoras para futuras
implementaciones. Se concluye que la estrategia didáctica basada en
la música es efectiva para el fortalecimiento de la oralidad en niños y
niñas de preescolar, y se recomienda su implementación en otros
contextos educativos. Es necesario continuar investigando y
mejorando las estrategias didácticas para el fortalecimiento de la
oralidad en la primera infancia.
Palabras clave:
Fortalecimiento, Preescolar, Música, Habilidades
Comunicativas y Evaluación.
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
The acquisition of language, an indispensable vehicle of thought,
transcends mere semantics by being inextricably linked to cultures,
beliefs, meanings and human beings (Vygotsky, 1978). This crucial
human capacity begins to develop early in life, with the home being
its first setting, and marks the beginning of social interaction (Bruner,
1983). Children, for their part, are prepared to build their knowledge
of the real world, guided by the need to communicate thoughts,
feelings, desires, questions and answers in a variety of contexts (Jaime
& Rodríguez, 2014).
In Colombia, it has been observed that one of the main obstacles in
school problem solving lies in the relationship between university
level transitions and the use of oral language (MEN, 2016). This reality
highlights the need to incorporate critical and introspective
approaches in education. Along these lines, it is essential that
preschool teachers design and implement new teaching
methodologies that foster literacy spaces, promote family
participation, stimulate imagination and help in the construction of
discourse (Freire, 2005).
The preschool stage is critical for children, since in this period they
begin to assume roles outside the family and enter a new stage of life
(Piaget, 1964, p.34). Therefore, it is crucial to generate a school
environment in which students can interact in a formal, critical and
reflective manner, turning the school into a place that forms
competent verbal participants in various communicative situations
(Bourdieu, 1991).
In the Arenoso Rural Educational Institution, located in the Guamalito,
Bajo Plumero, in the municipality of San Vicente del Caguán, Caquetá,
it has been identified that preschool children present difficulties in the
use of language. This limitation seems to be the result of the lack of
strategies and methods that effectively address the development of
In response to this challenge, the present research seeks to
strengthen the development of orality in preschool children through
musical expression. This general objective is broken down into
specific goals such as identifying the children's level of communicative
competence, designing and applying a didactic strategy based on
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
music, and evaluating the activities implemented to strengthen the
students' orality.
We are confident that this study can contribute significantly to
improving the communication and verbal expression of preschool
students, thus fostering their formative and personal development.
Finally, it is important to highlight that this work contains chapters that
provide a broader context about its importance, relevance and
pertinence in the Colombian educational sector.
We hope that these findings and efforts will serve to inspire and guide
future initiatives in the ongoing quest to improve education and, in
particular, language acquisition in preschool children.
Language is the essence of the communicative act, enabling the
development of creative abilities, through which desires, needs,
curiosities and thoughts can be communicated, allowing the
expression, affirmation and formation of character.
According to Vygotsky (1962), "language is the medium through
which thought is acquired and reality is constructed, being the
communicative act the main tool of learning and cognitive
development" (Cited by Berrocal & Aravena, 2021, p.7310). Along
with the above quote, it is key to mention that communication is
fundamental in the teaching-learning process, since it establishes a
connection between the teacher and the student, and allows the
construction of a social voice.
At the same time, Herrera & et al (2019), consider the school a positive
environment, because it allows children to develop strategies to build
their own voice and is safe to use formally in different social spaces.
These positions allow us to think of the classroom, as an adequate
space to foster orality.
However, it is also possible to consider certain aspects of the school
environment that may present challenges to achieving this goal. For
example, at times, the educational system tends to be inflexible in
terms of its teaching methods, which could limit opportunities for
students to explore and develop their voice in authentic and
meaningful ways (Gómez & Gómez, 2021).
In short, using music as a tool to develop oral expression in preschool
children is an interactive way to help each student learn to
communicate his or her thoughts, overcome shyness, and actively
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
participate in his or her own learning process. This approach not only
reinforces positive attitudes, but also provides children with a well-
rounded education that encompasses intellectual and emotional
aspects. "Music not only represents a stimulating and facilitating
source for learning, but also enhances countless qualities and abilities
in the little ones, enriching their educational experience" (Alegria &
et al, 2021, p.45).
Therefore, the implementation and evaluation of the results obtained
in this study can guide educators in the adoption of pedagogical
approaches aimed at promoting the development of communication
skills in children of the institution. "This would facilitate interaction
among the participants in this process and improve their academic
performance" (Romero & et al, 2021, p.34). Jointly, it would ensure
the formation of participative, critical, goal-oriented and dynamic
students, both in diverse learning contexts and in everyday life.
Ultimately, when preschool students are able to incorporate musical
expression as an integral element of their daily lives, we would be
responding to the needs of the surveyed population and the
educational community of the institution that participated in its
Because of this, the objective is to address fundamental aspects of
the skill to strengthen communication. Musical expression enables
students to improve their communication in various school and family
settings to some extent, thus contributing to their integral
development and the fostering of effective interpersonal
This research seeks to answer the question: How to strengthen the
low level of orality through musical expression as a didactic strategy
in preschool children of Guamalito, Bajo Plumero of the Arenoso Rural
Educational Institution of the Municipality of San Vicente del Caguán
To achieve this, the general objective is to strengthen the
development of orality through musical expression in these students,
while the specific objectives focus on identifying the level of the
communicative dimension of the children in question, designing a
didactic strategy based on music to reinforce this dimension and
orality, and evaluating the activities implemented in the process of
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
strengthening orality in preschool students at the Guamalito, Bajo
Plumero site.
The research proposal is based on the action-research approach,
which allows addressing practical problems in specific contexts in a
participatory and collaborative manner. Various techniques and
instruments will be used to collect relevant information, such as direct
observation, semi-structured interviews, questionnaires, document
analysis, audiovisual recording and field diaries. These methods will
provide data on the impact of musical expression on the development
of orality in preschool children. The information collected will be
analyzed systematically and rigorously, combining qualitative and
quantitative approaches, in order to obtain valid and reliable
conclusions on the topic. This methodological approach guarantees
the quality and robustness of the results obtained in the research.
In order to analyze the educational processes carried out in the
transition grade of the Arenoso Rural Educational Institution,
Guamalito Bajo Plumero, an initial diagnosis was made through direct
observation. It was identified that the methodology used by the
teachers was traditional and not very attractive for the children. The
environment is a determining element in any educational context, and
even more so in the case of preschool children. The environment
observed was not the most appropriate, since, due to its new school
methodology, the children had to sit in front of the teacher, which
increased fatigue and distraction with their classmates.
20% of the individuals use discourse, while 50% do not manage
discourse and 30% manage discourse by retaking the text. These
results suggest that the majority of individuals (80%) present
difficulties in the development of orality, as they do not handle speech
effectively or require retaking the text to do so.
From this analysis it was deduced that there were some difficulties in
the development of orality due to the little participation and use of
discourse in the situations presented. However, the reasons or the
determining factor in this educational need were unknown.
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
For this reason, it is necessary to formulate a more precise instrument,
where it is possible to evaluate the characteristics of linguistic
competence, in order to identify in which aspect the students had
more difficulties.
The instrument designed to identify the children's needs was the grid
to identify the development of oral expression in children in the
transition grade.
It was elaborated with the purpose of identifying in which aspect of
linguistics the educational need was present, due to the fact that
factors such as lack of attention, possible oral-phonic problems,
auditory perception and discrimination, and use of language are
Attention is a determining factor for good performance in any
discipline and/or art, the results show that in descriptor A, 20%, a little
more than half of the students, indicate that this percentage does
maintain eye contact, in descriptor B, the highest percentage is 30%,
indicating that this figure sometimes attends when spoken to, in
descriptor C, 50% is located, indicating that only this percentage of
the population has the ability to anticipate.
At a sociocultural level, the verbal stimulation received by the child in
his natural environment is fundamental, this will depend on the
affective relationship and the quality of verbal interactions. It can be
said that, in general, children do not present difficulties in this aspect,
since they do not present any type of malformation in the phonatory
At the same time, it can be evidenced that the number of children
who must raise their voices to understand the messages are very few,
all can locate sounds or noises of different kinds, some have difficulty
repeating words and phrases, although the development of language
continues until the age of ten or twelve, it seems that the most
important aspects have been acquired or should be acquired in the
child by 4 or 5 years of age; there are few studies, although there are
indications that many aspects of grammar are not consolidated until
A little more than half (50%) of the infants' language is clear, but there
remains a question about 40% of the children whose language is
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
sometimes clear, when they repeat a phrase or syllable again 10% of
the children manage to communicate with clear language.
The use of oral language in education from early education is a priority
in the formation of students because it allows the increase of speech
being an important part of the cognitive process, in which expressing
oneself orally becomes a necessity for children, thus allowing the
construction of coherent ideas and the ability to listen.
This aspect shows difficulties that begin with the ability to maintain a
dialogue for a certain time, 34% do, 46% sometimes and 20% do not;
the same situation occurs and in the same percentages when telling
facts, experiences and events; when answering questions 67% do it
and 33% sometimes and when using language to ask for help, give
an opinion or ask questions 10% do it.
The analysis of the results of the evaluation of the use of language
allowed us to identify the difficulties that the children had in initiating
and maintaining a conversation, in commenting on something they
knew, they showed shyness and little participation, difficulties in
managing turns of speech, and in anticipating the possible feelings
and/or actions of the characters.
Design of a didactic strategy based on music to strengthen the
communicative dimension and orality in preschoolers .
During the research process, an analysis of the answers provided by
the experts was carried out in relation to the second objective of the
research, which was developed in this chat.
In the analysis, the opinions and experiences shared by the experts
were taken into account in order to obtain a more complete
understanding of the strengthening of orality in preschool children
through musical expression.
The experts highlighted the importance of using appropriate
pedagogical approaches that encourage children's active
participation and promote the development of their oral
communication skills. Approaches such as project-based learning,
play and sensory exploration were mentioned as effective in
strengthening orality in the context of musical expression.
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
Regarding the resources and materials used, the importance of using
percussion musical instruments was emphasized, as well as bodily
sound resources such as clapping and voices, to enrich the musical
experience and promote the oral expression of the children.
In planning the music sessions, the experts emphasized the
importance of creating a playful and motivating environment, where
children feel comfortable to actively participate and develop their oral
communication skills. The importance of incorporating elements such
as songs, role-playing and dramatization activities to encourage oral
expression was mentioned.
Regarding the evaluation of children's progress, the importance of
using clear and specific criteria to assess the development of orality
through musical expression activities was highlighted. The experts
mentioned the importance of assessing children's pronunciation,
intonation, fluency and oral comprehension as key indicators of the
development of orality.
In order to evaluate the children's level of orality, different evaluation
instruments were mentioned, such as rubrics, checklists and
recordings of the musical activities. These instruments allow an
objective evaluation of the children's performance in terms of
pronunciation, intonation and oral expression in general.
Regarding feedback, the importance of providing constructive and
specific feedback that helps children improve their oral expression
during music activities was highlighted. The experts highlighted the
importance of highlighting positive aspects and providing
suggestions for improvement so that children feel motivated to
continue developing their oral communication skills.
Regarding the instrument The instrument designed to evaluate the
level of orality in preschool children in the context of musical
expression is an evaluation grid. This grid consists of different
evaluation criteria, such as correct identification of vowels, clear and
correct pronunciation of words, adequate comprehension of the
message of the song, among others.
The evaluation grid is used during the musical expression activities to
measure children's progress in the development of their orality. The
evaluation criteria established in the grid allow for an objective and
clear evaluation of the students' performance.
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
Each evaluation criterion is associated with a performance level,
represented by a color and an emoticon. For example, the color green
and the emoticon
represent excellent performance, while the
color red and the emoticon
represent poor performance.
The evaluation grid is used continuously and systematically to assess
children's performance throughout the teaching-learning process. It
allows identifying strengths and areas for improvement in the
development of orality and provides specific feedback for each
criterion evaluated.
To evaluate the activities implemented to strengthen the oral skills of
preschool children at Guamalito, Bajo Plumero.
The evaluations carried out in the third objective of the research
focused on assessing the impact of the didactic strategy based on
music in strengthening the orality of preschool children at the
Guamalito, Bajo Plumero site. Through the implementation of the
strategy and the collection of data, assessments were made that
allowed obtaining relevant conclusions.
First, it was observed that rhythm and musical tone recognition
activities were carried out with varying frequency, from several days a
week to occasionally. This suggests that this practice has been
successfully incorporated into the curriculum, although the frequency
may need to be increased to maximize the benefits in strengthening
For this reason, the musical instruments and sound resources used
during the musical expression activities, it was found that percussion
instruments were the most used, followed by bodily sound resources
such as clapping and voices. This indicates that children have been
provided with diverse options to explore and experiment with
different sounds and rhythms.
In relation to emotional expression through music, it was identified
that the musical activities allowed the children to a great extent to
express their emotions. This highlights the importance of music as a
powerful tool to channel and communicate emotions in a safe and
creative way.
Regarding the children's ability to communicate their emotions
through music, it was observed that most of them were moderately
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
expressive, followed by those who were very expressive. This
indicates that the didactic strategy has contributed to fostering
emotional expression in the children, although more work can be
done to promote greater expressiveness.
Regarding the improvement in pronunciation, it was found that there
was a notable improvement in the children's pronunciation after
participating in the musical activities. This demonstrates the positive
impact of the strategy in strengthening orality and highlights the
effectiveness of music as a tool to improve pronunciation.
However, in terms of vocabulary expansion, it was found that the
musical activities moderately expanded the children's vocabulary.
Although an expansion was achieved, it is important to continue
focusing on incorporating activities that promote greater vocabulary
In the same vein, the promotion of cooperation and teamwork, it was
observed that the musical activities promoted cooperation and
teamwork among the children to a great extent. This highlights the
value of music as a means of fostering social skills and promoting a
collaborative environment.
Finally, changes in the way children interact with each other,
significant changes were observed after participating in the musical
activities. This indicates that the strategy has contributed to
strengthening the children's social interaction skills, creating an
environment in which communication and collaboration are fostered.
This research has addressed the problem of strengthening orality in
preschool children through a didactic strategy based on music.
Through the action-research approach and the active participation of
the students, significant results have been obtained that show the
positive impact of the strategy in the development of communication
In relation to the findings, it has been observed that musical activities
have contributed to improve children's pronunciation, verbal fluency,
emotional expression and teamwork. These results are consistent with
previous studies by authors such as Kemmis and McTaggart (1988)
and Reason and Bradbury (2001), who highlight the importance of
action research in improving teaching practice.
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
The didactic strategy implemented has allowed children to become
actively involved in musical expression, developing communicative
skills in a playful and creative way. The use of musical instruments,
corporal sound resources and the incorporation of thematic songs
have proven to be effective in expanding vocabulary and oral
Likewise, a positive change has been observed in the way children
interact and collaborate with each other, which highlights the
importance of music as a tool to promote social skills and strengthen
peer interaction. These results coincide with Carr and Kemmis's (1988)
approaches on the improvement of teaching practice through
participatory action research.
In response to the problems studied, the implementation of a didactic
strategy based on music is proposed as an effective tool to strengthen
orality in preschool children. The results obtained support this
proposal and suggest that music can be used in a meaningful way in
the educational environment to foster the development of
communicative skills and promote a dynamic and participatory
learning environment.
In conclusion, this study has shown that the implementation of a
didactic strategy based on music can have a positive impact on the
strengthening of orality in preschool children. The findings obtained
support the importance of incorporating music into the educational
curriculum and suggest that music can be an effective tool to promote
the development of communicative skills. However, future research is
needed to continue exploring and improving this strategy, adapting
it to different contexts and evaluating its long-term impact.
In order to strengthen the oral skills of preschool children at the
Guamalito, Bajo Plumero school, a didactic strategy based on music
was implemented. Through this strategy, we sought to improve
pronunciation, fluency and creativity in oral communication of
Throughout the development of the project, the objectives were
achieved. First, an innovative didactic strategy was designed to
encourage active participation and interest of the students. Secondly,
Musical Expression as a Didactic Strategy to Strengthen Orality in Preschool Boys and Girls
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
playful and dynamic activities were carried out to improve
pronunciation, fluency and creativity in oral communication. And
finally, the results obtained in each of the activities were evaluated,
allowing to adjust and improve the didactic strategy for greater
Regarding the contributions to the group's lines of research, this
project has demonstrated the effectiveness of music as a pedagogical
tool for strengthening orality in preschool children. In this way, a new
line of research on music as a didactic resource in the field of
preschool education is opened.
For those who want to implement this didactic strategy in other
contexts, it is recommended to keep in mind some key aspects. First,
it is important to adapt the strategy to the specific needs and
characteristics of each group of students. In addition, the support and
collaboration of parents and teachers should be sought in order to
achieve greater effectiveness in the implementation of the strategy.
Finally, a rigorous evaluation of the results obtained should be carried
out in order to make adjustments and improvements in the didactic
strategy according to the specific needs and objectives.
In conclusion, the implementation of the didactic strategy based on
music has proven to be an effective tool for strengthening orality in
preschool children. Through this strategy, creativity, active
participation and interest of students in oral communication have
been fostered. In addition, a new line of research has been opened in
the field of preschool education, on the use of music as a didactic
resource for the strengthening of communication skills.
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