Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2024, Vol. 14, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Salinas, C., Serrano, K., Pacheco J. (2024) Mobile applications for
medication management in the elderly: a systematic review, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria
Investigación y Saberes, 14(1) 13-32
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a
systematic review.
Aplicaciones móviles para el control de la medicación del adulto mayor: una revisión
Camila Elizabeth Salinas Ramírez
Estudiante de Medicina de la Universidad Católica de Cuenca, Licenciada en Ciencias de la
Comunicación Social en Comunicación Organizacional y Relaciones Públicas. Universidad Católica de
Karina de Lourdes Serrano Paredes
Ingeniera de Sistemas, Magister en Procesos Educativos Mediados por Tecnologías, Magister en
Administración de empresas con mención en Gestión de Proyectos. Estudiante del doctorado en
Tecnología Educativa. Docente de la Unidad Académica de Salud y Bienestar carrera de Medicina.
Universidad Católica de Cuenca.,
Jenny Alexandra Pacheco Sarmiento
Médica, Especialista en Cirugía General, Especialista en Gerencia y Planificación Estratégica en Salud.
Docente de la Unidad Académica de Salud y Bienestar carrera de Medicina. Universidad Católica de
The increasing use of mobile applications has profoundly influenced
various facets of human progress, including the medical area.
Electronic applications have demonstrated their ability to improve
healthcare, monitor disease progression and serve as a constant
stimulus for medication compliance in people with polypathology.
Bringing multiple advantages in monitoring medication consumption
in older adults who often suffer from cognitive disorders. To
determine the importance of the use of mobile applications as a
medication aid in the older adult. The search was conducted in
Scopus, Pubmed and Ovid, using terms such as "Technology",
"mobile applications", "medication system", "medication in older
adult", with a maximum age of 5 years. Mobile applications are
Received 2023-09-09
Revised 2023-11-17
Published 2024-01-05
Corresponding Author
Camila Elizabeth Salinas Ramirez
Pages: 14-32
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
valuable in improving medication adherence, particularly among the
older adult population, depending on the method of engagement,
whether through personal interaction, email or telephone means, and
on the regularity of dispensing and the intended therapeutic target.
Mobile applications improve medication adherence for various
chronic diseases in older adults, in direct relation to the quality and
quantity of medication and the sociodemographic characteristics of
the patient, which favors medication recall.
mobile apps, medication, elderly, biomedical technology
La creciente utilización de aplicaciones móviles ha influido
profundamente en diversas facetas del progreso humano, incluida el
área médica. Las aplicaciones electrónicas han demostrado su
capacidad para mejorar la atención sanitaria, supervisar el avance de
las enfermedades y servir de estímulo constante para el cumplimiento
de la medicación en personas con polipatología. Aportando múltiples
ventajas en la supervisión del consumo de medicamentos en adultos
mayores que a menudo padecen trastornos cognitivos. Determinar la
importancia del uso de aplicaciones móviles como ayuda de la
medicación en el adulto mayor. La búsqueda se realizó en Scopus,
Pubmed y Ovid, usando términos como “Tecnología”, “aplicaciones
móviles”, “sistema de medicación”, “medicación en adulto mayor”,
con una antigüedad máxima de 5 años. Las aplicaciones móviles son
valiosos para mejorar la adherencia a la medicación, particularmente
entre la población adulta mayor, dependiendo del método de
contratación, ya sea mediante la interacción personal, el correo
electrónico o los medios telefónicos, y de la regularidad de la
dispensación y del objetivo terapéutico previsto. Las aplicaciones
móviles mejoran la adherencia a la medicación para diversas
enfermedades crónicas en adultos mayores, en relación directa con la
calidad y cantidad de la medicación y las características
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
sociodemográficas del paciente, lo que favorece el recuerdo de la
Palabras clace:
Aplicaciones móviles, medicación, ancianos,
tecnología biomédica
In recent decades, the advancement of technology has led the
Internet, social networks and applications to become the focal point
of global communication. This phenomenon is evident in all aspects
of human life, including the field of healthcare. In light of this, the
increasing use of electronic devices is becoming more and more
evident. However, this trend is not limited to the millennial population
alone. According to The Pew Research Center's Internet & American
Life Project, a sizable percentage of older adults worldwide,
specifically over 15%, own at least one tablet or smartphone (Leslie et
al., 2016). Thus, the democratization of information through the
internet and different technological devices in all age ranges is an
increasingly visible fact.
Now, a particularity of this technological development is precisely the
application it has had in the healthcare field, a situation that according
to the World Health Organization (WHO) is known as eHealth, a term
used for the practice of healthcare supported by Information and
Communication Technologies (ICT). (Sánchez Rodríguez et al., 2018).
In such a way, that this tool has shown great acceptance by different
types of users; a situation that is evidenced by the creation of more
than 400,000 health applications, the same, are available for
download in mobile application stores worldwide (van der Storm et
al., 2023).. Mobile health (mHealth) represents a modern version of e-
health, which focuses on the use of smartphones and technologies in
public health.modifying health behaviors, fosters patient skills and
accelerates the treatment of diseases, especially chronic ones
(Rodríguez Mariblanca and Cano de la Cuerda, 2021)..
That is why, the development of mobile applications can facilitate
access to health, by acting cognitively and behaviorally on the
patient's habits, providing a unique ability to empower and monitor
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
their current situation (Sánchez Rodríguez et al., 2018), promoting the
opportunity to improve patient-physician communication and above
all a role in the control of different diseases (Patel et al., 2013).
In the case of older adults, new technology platforms aimed at
improving healthcare are used after education and technological
support to make the experience simple and easy to use, but represent
a potential for medical support, which, while not replacing the
experience with a healthcare provider, represents a widely useful
clinical tool, especially for following up on medical treatments
(Pergolotti et al., 2019).. Mobile applications in older adults may have
effectiveness due to the very high percentage in the elderly
population who have multiple comorbidities that are associated with
the need for pathology control, where their treatment is daily and
long-term, so it is important to maintain good medication adherence
and strict control for disease management (Leslie et al., 2016).
In this regard, the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
estimates that the prevalence of elderly people suffering from chronic
diseases related to diabetes, hyperlipidemia and arterial hypertension
is very high, reaching percentages of up to 70% and it is believed that
it will continue to increase over the years (Nurakysh et al., 2022)..
Additionally, the WHO estimates that overall adherence to
medication intake in patients with chronic diseases is only 50%, which
means that only 5 out of 10 patients adhere correctly to treatment
(Ping et al., 2022).
In relation to the above, the chronicity in pathologies and the lack of
adherence is an aspect of care due to the fact that a treatment must
have an adherence of at least 80% to be considered effective and thus
avoid the consequences of poor adherence such as high costs of
medical care and worse clinical outcomes (Lee et al., 2022). For this
reason, patient participation is essential since the success of the
treatment will depend on their collaboration, especially in the follow-
up and taking of medication (Al-Arkee et al., 2021)..
Previous studies have investigated the usability attributes of mobile
applications, but so far, few have focused on older users, whose needs
differ from those of the younger generation who grew up with cell
phones and touchscreen technology (Nurakysh et al., 2022)..
Technological progress has recently resulted in the implementation
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
of mobile applications in healthcare to improve clinical outcomes for
patients. Studies have confirmed that one of the best options for
patients who miss medication due to forgetfulness is a medication
reminder by a short message (Ping et al., 2022).
In this context, it is important to know that medication adherence is a
complex behavior that is influenced by multiple factors that are
associated with the patient, the physician, the pharmacist, and the
specific treatment (Haramiova et al., 2017).. The development of
interventions to address medication nonadherence is important to
improve health outcomes (Al-Arkee et al., 2021).. For this reason, it is
important to investigate medication nonadherence, which can be
intentional when the decision is premeditated by the patient and
unintentional when there are physiological factors such as memory
loss, loss of senses such as vision and hearing in order to develop
tools that are adapted to the needs of patients by increasing
treatment adherence and improving a health problem in the geriatric
population (Lee et al., 2022; Ping et al., 2022)..
From the above, the need for systematic research on mobile
applications for medication management in older adults is revealed,
by identifying it as crucial, because it allows a comprehensive
evaluation of its effectiveness in improving medication adherence in
a population susceptible to complex medical treatments, enabling
the comparison of mobile applications with traditional methods, in
such a way, that the systematic literature review (SLR) contributes to
scientific knowledge by identifying areas that require further research
and development in health technology for older adults.
Consequently, despite the increasing adoption of mobile applications
in healthcare, few studies have investigated how they work and are
useful for older adults, whose needs and challenges differ from those
of younger generations. Hence, the aim of the manuscript aims to
determine the importance of the use of mobile applications as
medication aids in the older adult.
For the following research, the systematic review type was used,
which was carried out using the PRISMA statement model. The
systematic literature search was performed in high impact scientific
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
sources, such as: Pubmed, Ovid and Scopus, The MeSH/DeCS terms
used for the search were: "technology", "medication system",
"medication in older adult".
Only original articles, published in English and Spanish between 2018
and 2022 and open access, will be included in the research.
All documents that are not relevant to the subject matter will be
excluded, and the research must have been conducted in the older
adult age group. This review was guided by the following research
question: Is there a benefit with the use of mobile applications for the
control of medication in the elderly?
Figure 1 shows the systematic search process. The initial search
resulted in 890 manuscripts (PubMed=532, SCOPUS=284, OVID=74),
after eliminating duplicate articles and applying the inclusion and
exclusion criteria, 120 manuscripts were obtained. Finally, 15
documents were selected to be analyzed in the study.
Figure 1.
Flow chart of the search under the prism methodology.
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
Over the past few decades, the accelerated development and
advancement of technology has brought about very marked changes
in virtually every aspect of human endeavor with major implications
for health (Abernethy et al., 2022).. Thanks to the rise of information
and communication technologies (ICT) applied to health, it is possible
to open new windows of opportunity for population health coverage
and their respective monitoring of the different pathologies and their
evolution and management (Sánchez Rodríguez et al., 2018).
In relation, in the field of medicine, pharmacotherapy remains one of
the main strategies in the intervention of medicine; however, there
are still large gaps that fail to be solved, for example, one of the
biggest problems in taking medication is to do it routinely (Tabi et al.,
2019). Thus, adherence to prescribed pharmacotherapeutic regimens
is crucial to maintain the clinical efficacy of prescriptions, especially in
chronic diseases (Ping et al., 2022). (Ping et al., 2022).
Reason why, the increase in the number of chronic diseases results in
the growth of financial expenditures in the health care system
worldwide (Leslie et al., 2016). Non-communicable diseases are the
cause of 41,000,000 deaths in a year, which is equivalent to 70% of all
deaths in the world (Ping et al., 2022).
Thus, chronic diseases in older adult patients are one of the main
Public Health challenges in the world (Gong et al., 2020). Among
many of the pathologies that entail higher daily medication use in
older adults is arterial hypertension, which has been described as one
of the reasons for the development of cardiovascular diseases that
have ended in high mortality, implying that these diseases should be
more meticulously assessed and that they need more measures to be
effectively controlled (Gong et al., 2020; Nurakysh et al., 2022)..
Despite the above, the rate of compliance with preventive medication
in chronic cardiovascular diseases is found to be 55% and 9% of
cardiovascular disease complication events, a situation attributed to
poor medication compliance (Al-Arkee et al., 2021).. In relation, the
effective control of chronic diseases is closely linked to the patient's
adherence to treatment; thus, good adherence to medications
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
contributes to improve health outcomes, reduce hospitalization and
medication costs, and reduce the cost of treatment (Ping et al., 2022).
(Ping et al., 2022).
Normally, adherence to treatment should have a compliance of more
than 80% for it to work effectively, despite this, in chronic diseases
this value can be as low as 50% (Ping et al., 2022). (Ping et al., 2022).
In addition, there are different factors that cause pharmacological
adherence to be affected, for example, polypharmacy (Tan et al.,
2022). In addition, inadequate adherence to treatment among adults
is also attributed to a higher prevalence of comorbidities and
cognitive impairment in the patient who is unable to remember
medication dosage taking (Ping et al., 2022).
Now, as mentioned, polypharmacy is considered one of the most
important reasons that create the need to seek an adequate control
of drug administration, where a correct use of drugs is essential and
where it is required to follow up and improve adherence to treatment
(Tan et al., 2022).
In response to this issue, in recent years, emerging technological
innovations have transformed the health care landscape by providing
new opportunities for chronic disease management of the elderly (Tan
et al., 2022). However, it should be considered that, in the current
context, medication adherence in older adults is still considered
relatively poor (Ping et al., 2022). From this perspective, cell phones
are useful tools for their control, however, their effectiveness is still
under investigation (Gong et al., 2020). (Gong et al., 2020).
Such is the case of medication reminder applications, which, despite
their effectiveness, still have a somewhat limited use but provide users
with multiple benefits (Ping et al., 2022). Thus, at present, the mobile
health digital market or mHealth offers a variety of mobile
applications in the health field, for example, applications to support
the administration of medications, monitor blood pressure, schedule
medical appointments, among others; being considered a public
health tool supported by mobile devices (Paiva et al., 2020).
In the case of polypharmacy, a mobile application provides users with
multiple functions such as, for example, having all the medications
that the patient uses stored with images of these so that the frequency
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
and correct doses of the medications can be shown, resulting in a
simpler and more accessible control mechanism for the person taking
the medication. (Tan et al., 2022).
Thus, different statistical studies indicate that in terms of health in
older adults the most popular software are those that are oriented to
direct patients in the timely application of medications, help to record
vital parameters such as blood pressure and glucose levels, or
educate about possible lifestyle modifications (Skrzypecki et al.,
Similarly, certain apps allow users to understand pharmacological
effects, and monitor outcomes; hence, the use of an app is a reliable
method for medication management before the patient's condition
may become critical (Tabi et al., 2019).
In the case of the elderly, the most optimal target in the can be
altered by medication noncompliance (Zhang et al., 2020).. Thus,
through the use of mobile health technologies, especially mobile
applications, medication adherence and, in general, improved clinical
outcomes can be enhanced (Al-Arkee et al., 2021). (Al-Arkee et al.,
2021).. However, despite the practicality of the use of mobile
applications for the general population, when it comes to elderly
users, some factors must be considered, such as accessibility (Paiva et
al., 2020).
Thus, according to statistics, the most downloaded health
applications for geriatric care are Medscape, MIMS, and Epocrates;
apps that have multiple options in terms of disease management,
medical dictionaries, and pharmacological reminders (Berauk et al.,
Another benefit is the possibility of scheduling remote reminders,
which have been shown to be effective in improving medication
adherence (Tan et al., 2022). The use of the smartphone application
according to studies resulted in being a small improvement in self-
reported medication adherence, covering patients who have
presented non-adherence (Morawski et al., 2018)..
The above mentioned so far leads to the reflection that technological
innovations provide a viable solution to perform multicomponent
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
interventions alleviating the burden on hospital resources (Tan et al.,
2022). Where the use of e-health and mobile health technology as
primary prevention in older adults is evidenced in studies where the
scope of the use of these tools for disease prevention has been
demonstrated (Kampmeijer et al., 2016).. In this way, it is how digital
interventions such as smartphone apps become over time an agile
way to support medicine and patients, even more so with medication
adherence and chronic disease management (Márquez Contreras et
al., 2019)..
However, it is necessary to mention that, despite their multiple
functions, benefits and accessibility, the use of mobile applications for
medication management in the elderly is still low, since figures
indicate usage percentages of 2.6%, a situation that could be related
to multiple factors such as age, ethnicity, participation in computer
courses, comorbidities, medication adherence, and polypharmacy
per se (Zhang et al., 2020).
In relation to the aforementioned, one should consider characteristics
of the geriatric public that cause rejection of mobile health
applications, for example, cognitive barriers such as the need for
more time to learn, lack of motivation, physical capacity - poor visual
acuity, and perception; categories that justify the lack of adoption of
mHealth in older adults despite the benefits that these applications
can provide (Paiva et al., 2020).
Finally, one aspect that should be carefully considered is the fact that
healthcare apps that are used to monitor, guide, diagnose, or treat
patients should be considered medical devices and, therefore,
comply with medical device regulations that allow for the assessment
of their efficacy and veracity, not to mention that if apps that collect
and/or process medical data must comply with data privacy
regulations (Al-Arkee et al., 2021).. From this view, healthcare
personnel should review apps themselves before issuing
recommendations to patients (Skrzypecki et al., 2019).. Additionally,
it should be considered that, the large number of mobile health
(mHealth) apps available in commercial app stores makes it difficult
for lay users and healthcare professionals to choose the right one for
their individual needs, even more so the geriatric population (Berauk
et al., 2018)..
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
Technology adoption as a strategy to improve medication adherence
in older adults.
According to Lesli et al, in the relevant results of their research
interprets that strategies to improve medication adherence will vary
according to the mode of medication entry, this means that it varies
according to the person, mail, phone, etc., as well as the frequency of
administration and the target audience of the treatment, these trials
conducted on mobile applications describe the positive effectiveness
of these interventions as reminder methods in selected populations
such as the elderly population (Leslie et al., 2016).
Tan et al, in their trial with 16 older adults with the use of technology
as a frailty prevention tool had a significant improvement, overall, this
means that there is a good acceptance of technology in the medical
resources of older adults (Kampmeijer et al., 2016)..
Ying Jong in the results on her research on the use of apps as
medication reminders was a by 2.6% where the factors most
associated to differentiate their use were age, ethnicity, educational
level, health literacy, comorbidities, medication adherence, and
polypharmacy (Zhang et al., 2020).
Saule et al, in their research concluded that adherence to treatment
in patients with arterial hypertension increased with the use of mobile
applications on the patients' cell phones, thus demonstrating a
positive effect on their use. (Nurakysh et al., 2022)..
Shahd et al. in their research included 16 different articles from the
last 6 years old, where in a total of 12 reported medication adherence
as the primary outcome, being that medication adherence rates
showed statistically significant improvements (Al-Arkee et al., 2021)..
Manuscript synthesis
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
Table 1 describes the articles that were selected for the study, in order
to present their metadata and main results.
Table 1.
Articles analyzed
Year and author
Main results
Journal of
Care &
A multichannel
intervention for
influences patient
and prescriber
Scott, et al. 2016
To evaluate the
impact of a quasi-
intervention on
adherence and
health plan quality
measures for 2 MA-
PD plans.
During the first year of the
intervention, the response rate of
the prescribers was 53.7%.
Positive influence of the
intervention on adherence to HTA
and CHOL was shown. The odds
of achieving adherence (PDC
80%) were higher in the
intervention group compared with
the control for HTA.
and apps: a
systematic review of
mobile apps.
Sanchez et al.
To carry out a
systematic review of
the published
information on
applications aimed
at the field of
in order to classify
them and describe
their main
There are numerous applications
with potential for use in the field
of neurorehabilitation, so it is
important that developers and
designers understand the needs
of people with neurological
disorders so that their products
are valid and effective in light of
those needs.
Mobile applications
in gastrointestinal
surgery: a
systematic review.
L van der Storm
et al. 2023
To provide an
overview of
surgical applications
and evaluate their
prospects for the
delivery of surgical
Thirty-eight articles describing
twenty-nine applications were
included. The applications were
classified into seven categories:
follow-up, weight loss,
postoperative recovery,
education, communication,
prognosis, and clinical decision
Evaluation of the
effectiveness of
mobile application
on adherence in
patients with arterial
Nurakysh et al.
The aim of the study
was to evaluate the
effect of the use of a
mobile application
on adherence to
treatment in
patients with
In the T1 period in both the GC
and GI groups, moderate
adherence to treatment was
recorded with equal indices. After
12 months on the adherence scale
in patients who used the mobile
application "My Therapy" (IG),
despite a slight decrease in
scores, the results were relatively
Research in
Clinical and
Prevalence and
correlates of 'use
and intention to
use' medication
reminder app
among older adults.
Ping et al. 2022
To examine the
prevalence and
and health
correlates of
reminder app use
and intention to use
among older adults
in Singapore.
The prevalence of use and
intention to use the medication
reminder application was low, at
2.6%. Age, ethnicity, educational
level, previous participation in IT
or computer-related courses,
comorbidity, health literacy,
medication adherence, and
polypharmacy were correlated
with app use and intention to use
in multivariable analyses.
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
Journal of
Mobile applications
to improve
adherence in
disease: systematic
review and meta-
Al Arkee et al.
To evaluate the
effects of mobile
applications on
adherence and
outcomes in
patients with CVD.
Medication adherence was shown
as the primary outcome.
Medication adherence rates
showed statistically significant
improvements. In addition, they
reported improvement in systolic
blood pressure, diastolic blood
pressure, total cholesterol, and
low-density lipoprotein
cholesterol levels in the
intervention group. In the 7 trials
that evaluated the usability of the
application, all were acceptable.
Journal of
Academy of
The promise of
digital health: then,
now and the future
Abernethy et al.
Highlight the
possibilities and
challenges for
advancing reliable
digital technology
for the benefit of all
people at every
stage of their lives.
Identify structural, technical, and
political preconditions for long-
term progress; identify critical
priorities for cooperation and
collaboration among
policymakers, practitioners, and
industry leaders to drive the
development and application of
best-in-class digital health tools.
mHealth and
Mobile applications
for medication
review and analysis.
Tabi et al. 2019
Provide an overview
of available mobile
apps, focusing on
those that help
patients understand
and take their
A total of 328 apps were
categorized (175 Android and 153
iOS). Most apps were developed
by the software industry (73 %,
11/15), a minority of them were
co-developed by healthcare
professionals (15 %, 3/20) or
academia (2.1 %; 7/328). The
most prevalent specialty was
diabetes (23 applications). The
most frequent functions were
reminder, symptom tracking and
the ability to share data with a
family member or physician.
Mobile health apps
for the treatment of
hypertension: a
controlled trial.
Gong et al. 2020
The purpose was to
evaluate the impact
of m-Health
applications on
blood pressure
control and
At the end of the study,
participants in the 2 groups had
lower systolic blood pressure and
diastolic blood pressure than at
baseline, and the intervention
group demonstrated a
significantly greater reduction in
systolic blood pressure and
diastolic blood pressure than the
control group (P<0.05). In
addition, the percentage of
participants with controlled blood
pressure was higher in the
intervention group (P<0.05).
Medication adherence in the
intervention group was much
higher than in the control group
Frontiers in
Effectiveness and
usability of a frailty
assessment and
intervention system
in pre-frail older
adults living in
communities: a pilot
Tan et al. 2022
To explore the
efficacy of SAIF in
improving frailty
status, physical
performance and
strength, and its
usefulness in pre-
fragile older adults.
There was a significant
improvement in FFP score (-0.5, p
< 0.05, effect size, r = 0.43), but
not in CFS (-1.0, p = 0.10, r =
0.29). Five (31.3%) improved in
their frailty status for both FFP
and CFS. Three themes were
identified: "Difficulty in module
navigation" (barriers to SAIF
interaction); "User engagement
by gamification" (facilitators
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
encouraging participation); and
"Perceived physical health
benefits" (subjective
improvements in physical well-
being), which were corroborated
by SUS (68/100) and interest-
enjoyment (3.9/5.0) scores.
Mobile applications
for healthcare of the
elderly: a systematic
Paiva et al. 2020
Identify the state of
the art in the
literature related to
the development of
mobile applications
for elderly health
care, considering
the point of view of
health and software
A total of 2533 articles were
found and, after applying our
eligibility criteria, we obtained
149. We observed aspects related
to the type of digital health
initiative, using the classification
proposed by the World Health
Organization (WHO), the profile of
older persons prioritized by the
application, the spatio-temporal
distribution of the studies, the
type of empirical validation and
the research contribution of each
Clinical and
mobile applications
in ophthalmology
Skrzypecki et al.
To analyze the
market for patient-
oriented mobile
applications in
Fifty-six applications were found
that met the established criteria.
The total number of downloads
was estimated at 1.5 million, while
the weighted average score for all
applications was 4.21/5. The
number of applications by
subspecialty did not correlate with
the prevalence of a particular eye
Innovation &
Mobile health apps
for elderly care:
review and
Laput et al. 2018
Evaluate the
contents and
features of mHealth
applications for
elderly care.
Twenty-five mHealth apps were
evaluated. Medscape and
Skyscape Medical Library are the
most comprehensive mHealth
apps for general drug information,
physician referrals, clinical scoring,
and medical calculator. The
Alzheimer's Disease Pocketcard
and Confusion: Delirium &
Dementia: A Bedside Guide apps
are recommended for clinical
assessment, diagnosis,
medication information, and
treatment of geriatric patients
with Alzheimer's disease, delirium,
and dementia.
Association of a
smartphone app
with medication
adherence and
blood pressure
control: randomized
clinical trial
Morawski et al.
To determine
whether the
smartphone app
adherence and
blood pressure
Participants had a mean age of
52.0 years and a mean body mass
index, calculated as weight in
kilograms divided by height in
meters squared, of 35.5; 247
(60%) were female and 103 (25%)
were black. After 12 weeks, mean
(SD) MMAS score improved by
0.4 (1.5) among intervention
participants and remained
unchanged among controls
(between-group difference: 0.4;
95 % CI, 0.1 to 0.7; P = 0.01).
Mean systolic blood pressure (SD)
at baseline was 151.4 (9.0) mm Hg
and 151.3 (9.4) mm Hg, among
intervention and control
participants, respectively. After 12
weeks, mean systolic blood
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
pressure (SD) decreased 10.6
(16.0) mm Hg among intervention
participants and 10.1 (15.4) mm
Hg among controls (between-
group difference: -0.5; 95 % CI, -
3.7 to 2.7; P = 0.78.
BMC Health
The use of e-health
and m-health tools
in health promotion
and primary
prevention among
older adults: a
systematic review of
the literature.
Kampmeijer, R. et
al. 2016.
To provide a
systematic review of
the evidence on the
extent of the use of
e-health and m-
health tools in
health promotion
and primary
prevention among
older adults.
The initial search yielded 656
publications. After applying the
inclusion and exclusion criteria, 45
publications were selected for
review. In the reviewed
publications, several types of e-
health/m-health tools were
described, namely applications,
websites, devices, video
consultations and webinars. The
majority of the publications (60%)
reported studies in the U.S. In
37% of the publications the study
population was older adults in
general, while the remaining
publications studied a specific
group of older adults (e.g.,
women or overweight individuals).
The publications indicated several
facilitators and barriers. The most
commonly mentioned facilitator
was the support for the use of e-
health/health tools that older
adults received.
Taylor &
and Opinion
specific smartphone
app for improving
adherence in
hypertension: a
cluster randomized
Contreras E. 2019
To evaluate the
effectiveness of the
intervention on
adherence in mild to
moderate arterial
hypertension (AHT),
through an
application installed
on a cell phone, as
well as the degree
of control achieved
by the patient with
this tool.
A total of 148
patients completed
the study. The mean
age was 57.5 ± 9.9.
Overall adherence
was 77.02%. Daily
adherence was
93.15% and 86.3% in
the IG, and 70.66%
and 62.66% in the CG
after 6 and 12
months, respectively.
The percentage of
uncontrolled patients
was 28.3% (CI =
Hypertension control
at 12 months was
17.8% and 38.6% for
IG and CG,
Source: Authors
Patel et al. in their research targeting 50 older adults evaluated the
acceptance and use of mobile apps as a medication reminder for
established hypertension where their population was 96% African
American, with acquired diabetes in 50% and high BMI 40%, in
addition to including in their study people with low health literacy,
and low quality of life (Patel et al., 2013).
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
Zuzana et al, in research notes that short text messages are one of the
best tools for short disease management, having a more adequate
approach to treatment and treatment adherence (Nurakysh et al.,
Ping et al, this study is the first to give a representative prevalence
estimate of 2.6% of the use of medication reminder app devices in
the elderly, in which respondents accepted the use of apps, but did
not know how to use them, in addition to having predisposing factors
such as age, where those older in age were less likely to use the apps
(Ping et al., 2022).
Saule et al, conducted the first study on the evaluation of the
adherence of patients in hypertension treatment using a mobile
application, for the reason that good adherence to treatment gives a
significantly higher probability in achieving better blood pressure
control, thus helping to lower costs and lower use of health care
resources (Márquez Contreras et al., 2019).
It also talks about the situation of the COVID-19 pandemic with the
social distancing regime that was maintained that made the health
care system transform worldwide, so the use of digital artifacts among
people who need constant controls is an advantage as it is associated
with low costs for the patient, time savings and in that time to a
reduction of the risk of infection (Haramiova et al., 2017).
This study found that improvements in adherence to medications
taken for the various chronic pathologies that afflict older adults are
directly related to the quality and quantity of the medication, and the
sociodemographic characteristics of the patient, which can cause a
common compliance barrier, so the use of mobile applications that
are used for medication reminders, both dosage and schedule is one
of the tools that medicine has used of technology.
However, the prevalence of the use of medication reminder apps and
the intention to use them is very low, meaning that there are other
factors that influence the use of these apps, the main ones being the
lack of knowledge of cell phone use or the use of medical apps.
Mobile applications for medication management in the elderly: a systematic review
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
Concluding that the use of technology as an aid to medicine is very
important, since it allows us to perform different activities that will
help the health of the patient in question, given that most patients
who forget their medication are older adults, it is a population that
should be trained more for the correct use of the application
notifications, which will make the patient take their medication at the
right time and have a good adherence to the treatment of their
chronic disease.
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