Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
learning through technology or devices to facilitate communication
instead of face-to-face classroom learning.
In 1981, the Ministry of Education of Ecuador offered a course called
Instructional Systems Technology for the in-service teacher training
program in order to improve the educational system by focusing on
the teaching and learning process. Since then, many researchers have
conducted studies on the implementation of 21st century
technologies such as Virtual Reality, Gamification and Mobile Assisted
Language Learning (MALL) applications to develop and improve
students' English language learning.
In addition, online games have influenced the lifestyles of children,
teenagers and even adults around the world. Researchers believe that
the application of gamification in education would not only motivate
students, but also increase their focus on learning and their higher-
level thinking skills.
According to many researchers regarding the use of mobile
applications in language learning, this approach could also be
defined as constructive learning. For example, study results show that
the use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in the
classroom benefits students by motivating their attitude towards
learning and enhancing their learning experience.
The concept of Virtual Reality dates back to the mid-1960s, allowing
the user to perceive the virtual world as if it were real and to act
realistically in it. Hundreds of researchers have explored the effects
and applications of this technology over the past 20 years. According
to Singhal, Bagga, Goyal, and Saxena (2012), Virtual Reality
technology has attracted public attention because it allows users to
interact with real and virtual objects, providing experiential learning
and increasing user attention and motivation at the same time.
There is evidence showing that Virtual Reality application has been
adapted in various educational sectors, such as early childhood
education and elementary schools, to teach English language in other
countries. It was shown that exposure to Virtual Reality applications
helped to improve students' motivation and their more positive
attitudes towards English language learning.