Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2024, Vol. 14, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Maridueña, M., Fernández, M. (2024) Mobile-assisted
language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the COVID-
19 pandemic, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 14(1) 33-45
Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual
Reality techniques during the COVID-19 pandemic
El aprendizaje de idioma asistido por dispositivos móviles mediante técnicas de
Gamificación y Realidad virtual durante la pandemia del COVID-19
Milton Rafael Maridueña Arroyave
Universidad de Guayaquil, Instituto Tecnológico Superior “Espíritu Santo,,
Martha María Fernández Rodríguez
PhD. Instituto Tecnológico Superior “Espíritu Santo”,,
During the global pandemic in Guayaquil, Ecuador, and the
accelerated transition to online education, teachers questioned the
integration of educational technology in the training of technology
scholars and its impact on the learning process. The main objectives
of this study were to understand the contextual perception of the
scholars on the use of technologies such as Mobile Device Assisted
Language Learning, Gamification and Virtual Reality in teaching
English to higher technology students during the COVID-19
pandemic in Guayaquil. In addition, we sought to identify which of
these technologies teachers preferred to use to teach English. This
study followed a quantitative approach and used an adapted online
questionnaire. The results of the reliability test showed high
consistency with a value of 0.866 according to Cronbach's Alpha
mobile apps, medication, elderly, biomedical technology
Received 2023-09-09
Revised 2023-11-17
Published 2024-01-05
Corresponding Author
Milton Maridueña Arroyave
Pages: 33-45
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
En medio de la pandemia mundial en Guayaquil, Ecuador, y la
transición acelerada hacia la educación en línea, los profesores se
cuestionaron sobre la integración de la tecnología educativa en la
formación de becarios de tecnología y su impacto en el proceso de
aprendizaje. Los objetivos principales de este estudio eran
comprender la percepción contextual de los becarios sobre el uso de
tecnologías como el Aprendizaje de Idiomas Asistido por Dispositivos
Móviles, la Gamificación y la Realidad Virtual en la enseñanza del
inglés a estudiantes de tecnología superior durante la pandemia de
COVID-19 en Guayaquil. Además, se buscaba identificar cuál de estas
tecnologías preferían los profesores para enseñar inglés. Este estudio
siguió un enfoque cuantitativo y utilizó un cuestionario en línea
adaptado. Los resultados de la prueba de fiabilidad mostraron una
alta consistencia con un valor de 0.866 según la estadística Alfa de
Palabras clave:
Aplicaciones móviles, medicación, ancianos,
tecnología biomédica
Coronavirus, also known as Covid-19, has been identified as a deadly
infectious disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome, as
well as some types of the common cold. Due to its rapid spread and
the numerous deaths it has caused, a worldwide pandemic
emergency has been declared. As a result of this outbreak, the first
Movement Control Order (MCO) was issued, which involved an
Ecuadorian-wide containment.
This has had an impact on the education sector, as throughout the
pandemic crisis, schools had to close temporarily. As a result, the
Ecuadorian Ministry of Education opted for online education or e-
Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
learning through technology or devices to facilitate communication
instead of face-to-face classroom learning.
In 1981, the Ministry of Education of Ecuador offered a course called
Instructional Systems Technology for the in-service teacher training
program in order to improve the educational system by focusing on
the teaching and learning process. Since then, many researchers have
conducted studies on the implementation of 21st century
technologies such as Virtual Reality, Gamification and Mobile Assisted
Language Learning (MALL) applications to develop and improve
students' English language learning.
In addition, online games have influenced the lifestyles of children,
teenagers and even adults around the world. Researchers believe that
the application of gamification in education would not only motivate
students, but also increase their focus on learning and their higher-
level thinking skills.
According to many researchers regarding the use of mobile
applications in language learning, this approach could also be
defined as constructive learning. For example, study results show that
the use of Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) in the
classroom benefits students by motivating their attitude towards
learning and enhancing their learning experience.
The concept of Virtual Reality dates back to the mid-1960s, allowing
the user to perceive the virtual world as if it were real and to act
realistically in it. Hundreds of researchers have explored the effects
and applications of this technology over the past 20 years. According
to Singhal, Bagga, Goyal, and Saxena (2012), Virtual Reality
technology has attracted public attention because it allows users to
interact with real and virtual objects, providing experiential learning
and increasing user attention and motivation at the same time.
There is evidence showing that Virtual Reality application has been
adapted in various educational sectors, such as early childhood
education and elementary schools, to teach English language in other
countries. It was shown that exposure to Virtual Reality applications
helped to improve students' motivation and their more positive
attitudes towards English language learning.
Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
However, when teaching with technology, there are advantages and
disadvantages. Although it improves students' motivation to learn,
teachers must also consider that students may be distracted by the
content and not grasp the main ideas of the context. In addition,
despite the advancement of technology, there are still students who
do not own high-tech devices.
Virtual Reality could be considered a unique method for teaching
English to students, but it could also pose problems. For example, it
could be expensive for some students who cannot afford it. In
addition, understanding the technology, such as digital innovations,
could be a problem for both teachers and students. Lack of learning
content was the main argument among teachers, as Virtual Reality was
designed mainly for entertainment purposes. It is considered a
challenge for teachers to acquire technical skills when incorporating
this into pedagogical planning. Therefore, cognitive overload when
using Virtual Reality applications can be considered a challenge for an
effective learning environment.
According to Becta (2004), the inaccessibility of ICT resources was
due not only to the unavailability of hardware and software or other
ICT materials, but also to several factors, such as poor organization of
resources, poor quality hardware, or inadequate software. Teachers
also need to provide multiple instructions for many different devices,
as each student may possess different types of ICT resources.
A proposed sample was used for this study and the target population
consisted of a total of 63 participants. The distribution of this
questionnaire was done through social networking platforms.
Participants were provided with a set of questionnaires through an
online Google Forms link and all responses were collected
The questionnaire was designed based on a five-point Likert scale
ranging from 1 - Strongly Disagree, 2 - Disagree, 3 - Neutral, 4 - Agree
Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
and 5 - Strongly Agree. In total, the questionnaire consisted of 5
sections with a total of 21 questions. The first section of the
questionnaire included personal information of the participants, such
as age, gender and knowledge of the three technologies. The second,
third, and fourth sections were based on the grantees' perceptions of
each of the technologies that would be used to teach English
language during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. While the last
section focused on their preference on which of these technologies
(Mobile Device Assisted Language Learning, Gamification, and Virtual
Reality) they would choose to teach high school students.
The questionnaire was pilot tested with the first 20 responses from a
total of 63 grantees. The pilot test data were analyzed using SPSS to
assess the validity and reliability of each item. Each item was
calculated using Cronbach's Alpha coefficient in SPSS 23. For the
items tested, a value of 0.866 was obtained, as shown in Table 1,
leading to the conclusion that 86% internal consistency was obtained
overall for the 19 items.
Table 1.
Reliability Statistics
Source: Authors' own elaboration
The results indicated that the pilot test value exceeded 70%.
Therefore, it was considered absolutely justified that the items had a
high reliability for further collection and analysis. Consequently, the
data were considered reliable for analysis.
These findings cover the survey participants' responses to each
question and their justifications at the end. The question on gender
was not asked or included in the first part of the questionnaire
because there were more female than male participants. Therefore,
no gender-related questions were included in the questionnaire.
Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
This section also shows the descriptive statistics of the frequency of
each item presented categorically. The first part presents the
quantitative analysis of the data that will answer the first research
question, (i) What is the perception of the scholars of technology
careers about the strategies of Mobile Device Assisted Language
Learning, Gamification and Virtual Reality, for English learners, during
the COVID-19 pandemic in three University Higher Technological
Institutes of the city of Guayaquil, Ecuador?
The second part presents the percentages that answer the second
research question Which ICTs (Mobile Assisted Language Learning,
Gamification and Virtual Reality) are the most preferred by scholars to
improve English language learning in students in technology careers?
Table 2.
Age groups
Note: Table 2 presents the total division of participants according to
their age groups. The table shows that most of the participants were
22 years of age.
Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
Table 3.
Teachers' knowledge and experience regarding the three
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) Tools.
Note: Table 3 shows the statistical frequencies associated with
participants' responses to each question. With a total of 63 responses
collected overall, the majority of respondents had experience using
both technologies (Gamification and Mobile Device Assisted
Language Learning) for language learning during the pandemic
outbreak in Ecuador, and acknowledged the existence of Virtual
Reality (VR).
Research Question 1: What is the perception of the scholarship
holders of the University Higher Technological Institutes on the
application of the Technologies that support Language Learning
Assisted by Mobile Devices, Gamification and Virtual Reality) in the
learning of the English language during the COVID-19 pandemic in
Guayaquil, Ecuador?
In the second part of this questionnaire, respondents were asked to
answer each question using a 5-point Likert scale, where 1 equals
"Strongly Disagree", 2 equals "Disagree", 3 equals "Neutral", 4
equals "Agree" and 5 equals "Strongly Agree".
Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
Table 4
. Total Frequencies per Question
Note: Table 4 showed significant agreement. With a total of 63
respondents, most of the participants showed a positive attitude
towards the application of these three information and
communication technologies (ICT) (Gamification, Mobile Assisted
Language Learning and Virtual Reality) to teach the target language
to students through a virtual classroom in Higher Technological
University Institutes in Guayaquil, Ecuador.
Research Question 2: Which of the Information and Communication
Technologies (ICT) (Mobile Assisted Language Learning, Gamification
and Virtual Reality) would be the most preferred by scholarship
students of technology careers in Guayaquil, Ecuador; to improve
English language learning?
This section presents the results in terms of statistical frequency and
percentage for the second closed research question.
The results suggested that the scholars believed in the importance of
gamification to be adapted in the English language learning process
among the scholars' students in technology majors during the COVID-
Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
19 pandemic in Guayaquil, as it could create a fun and enjoyable
environment for students to learn. "The fact that young students
prefer to use computer games to acquire new information should be
expected." - Prensky (2001)
Therefore, the ditectives of these institutes agreed that future
teachers should be trained in game-based learning methodology in
advance to prepare for the virtual classroom and to be able to interact
with students.
In addition, they rated all items positively, as they understood that
Mobile Assisted Language Learning (MALL) had a high potential to
contribute to effective second language acquisition for high school
students. As a recent development in mobile technology, "It was
becoming a practical trend in technology-enhanced language
learning, where teacher and student can learn and teach digitally
anywhere and anytime." - Şad & Göktaş (2013)
Language learning is beneficial if managed systematically through
mobile applications when teaching the language.
"Virtual Reality can not only change the way students learn, but also
expose them to a simulated version of reality that can be manipulated
to meet students' learning needs." - Yahaya (2007)
The data suggest that teachers viewed Virtual Reality (VR) technology
as a fun and challenging way to engage students in the language
learning process through a virtual classroom. As enjoyable and
productive as it is, it could also present a more life-like learning
environment for students. In this way, it fosters a sense of participation
among students.
Comparison of findings with previous studies
A number of recent studies have indicated that the use of gamification
in second language learning has brought significant benefits not only
in terms of improving learners' language learning process, but also in
terms of motivation.
"Gamification can give more exposure to learning to students during
as it adds fun to educational learning" (S1).
Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
The findings of this study are consistent with one of the related
literature reviews, Nataliia V. Iaremenko (2017), which stated that:
"The application of gaming elements in education makes it more
relaxed, fun and comfortable for students to learn."
This can be accepted to meet the needs of the new generation, where
the key to a successful integration of technology in language teaching
would be the efficient use of digital tools to enhance student
engagement in a task-appropriate manner.
An additional novel finding was that mobile learning applications have
been increasingly used by teachers to interact with students in
language learning since the beginning of the Technology career
curriculum. Several pieces of evidence have suggested that Mobile
Assisted Language Learning (MALL) provides students with potential
benefits in second language learning, creating a more effective
learning-teaching process through the virtual classroom environment.
In line with a previous study by Ornprapat Suwantarathip and Wiwat
Orawiwatnakul (2015), cell phones can create an enjoyable learning
environment and have a positive effect on learning.
"Students do better in a positive learning environment during this
pandemic outbreak period when they can connect virtually with their
peers. Mobile learning can help improve social integration among
students with different learning needs and styles" (S2).
The results of Virtual Reality (VR) in the data findings agreed with
previous studies by researchers that the application of virtual reality in
language learning had immense potential through immersive and
exploratory learning for learners. In addition to helping learners grasp
the main idea of the learning topics, it also enabled them to process
new knowledge.
"VR visualizations can be experienced in any language" (S3).
For his part, Liang-Yi Chung (2012) stated that:
"The unique virtual environment of this application provides real
active learning and interaction that allows students to actively
participate in the virtual world."
Mobile-assisted language learning using Gamification and Virtual Reality techniques during the
COVID-19 pandemic
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
The real purpose of this study was to determine which of the
Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) (Mobile Assisted
Language Learning, Gamification and Virtual Reality) would be the
most preferred by teachers to teach and improve a target language
to students of technological careers in Guayaquil, Ecuador. Given the
consequences of the pandemic, this greatly affected educational
systems, especially teachers. Disadvantaged students would face
difficulties in accessing educational resources outside of schools
(UNESCO, 2020). This led teachers to adapt their daily work by
planning and conducting lessons virtually.
Yet, learning from the comfort of their homes provides students with
a sense of purpose during the COVID-19 pandemic outbreak. It
creates a positive environment, experience, and opportunity to
establish the target language. Therefore, teachers will need support
and training to integrate technology into English language instruction
for technology career students. With the successful integration of
these ICT tools, students will have the opportunity and opportunity to
effectively and meaningfully improve their language.
In addition, this work provides new ideas and a better understanding
of how these ICT (Mobile Assisted Language Learning, Gamification
and Virtual Reality) should be used to improve students' language
learning skills, especially in developing their creativity and increasing
their engagement in the study of the target language. In summary,
the results showed positive attitudes of teachers in increasing
students' motivation to effectively learn English language during the
COVID-19 pandemic in Guayaquil.
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Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
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