Digital teaching competencies in the return to face-to-face teaching
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
entry and use of these digital tools, adapted to the requirements and
protocols established and fulfilled their role in a different scenario to
the one they had worked in, as many of the teachers with an extensive
experience in the classroom modality, saw themselves as actors in a
new scenario, such as Zoom and Teams, two of the applications with
which they were familiarized because they worked with them for two
years in continuous activities.
These concepts lead us to reflect on the redesign of teacher training
careers, because teachers today surf the Internet, search for
information, download files, videos, games and multimedia material
as a normal activity, enter a virtual platform, schedule their classes,
tasks, exams, upload didactic material, organize online meetings, with
an amazing normality, and these new scenarios must be assimilated
and used by the new generations of teachers.
In this sense, we consider pertinent the proposal made by García
Aretio, 2020, of some authors who propose to place the face-to-face
modality as an extension of virtual education, since the use of
technologies in this traditional modality guarantees the pedagogical
It is also necessary to recover some concepts expressed in the
2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development of the UN, which points
out the importance of the dissemination and adoption of information
and communication technologies, such as the global interconnection
they provide to accelerate human progress, constructs that show that
beyond information and communication as fundamental elements of
society, these require the development of technology for the
planetary integration of social groups, is the reality that has been
experienced in the educational systems in the 2020-2022 biennium.
The same agenda argues that digital transformation implies a high
degree of investment in network infrastructure and connectivity in the
countries. The pandemic implied an extraordinary increase in the
number of devices connected at home simultaneously, using data and
videoconferencing platforms and a strong increase in work in the
cloud, which has led to an exponential increase in data traffic and has
created a bottleneck in wifi routers operating on unlicensed spectrum,
arguments that tend to value the effort deployed by universities to
give continuity to the training processes, therefore it is important that