Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2024, Vol. 14, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Carrillo, K., Delgado, C., López, K,. Vargas, L. (2024) Uveitis as an
ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the clinical implications,
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 14(1) 62-81
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A
detailed analysis of the clinical implications.
Uveítis como manifestación oftalmológica de enfermedades autoinmunes: Un análisis
detallado de las implicaciones clínicas
Kattya Grace Criollo Montalvo
Médico General. Instituto Almagro Clínica de Ojos. Hospital General Docente Calderón,,
Carla Jacqueline Delgado Soria
Médico General. Centro de Especialidades Consulmed,,
Kelly Jhomara López Vizcaíno
Licenciada en Enfermería. Consorcio médico Godoy, Salcedo,
Lizbeth Solange Vargas Cárdenas
Médico General. Hospital General José María Velasco Ibarra, Tena,
Uveitis, an ocular condition characterized by inflammation of the
middle layer of the eye, can manifest itself in association with various
systemic diseases, with autoimmune diseases being a prominent
component. Its complexity lies in its etiological diversity and the
variety of clinical manifestations, ranging from mild to severe
presentations. The aim of this research is to analyze the prevalence
and characteristics of uveitis in the context of autoimmune diseases,
and to examine the associated clinical repercussions. A
comprehensive literature review was conducted using specialized
databases, the sample comprised epidemiological studies and
systematic reviews related to AD and associated rheumatic diseases.
The results revealed a significant prevalence of uveitis in patients with
Received 2023-06-08
Revised 2023-19-23
Published 2024-01-05
Corresponding Author
Kattya Grace Criollo Montalvo
Pages: 62-81
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
AS, highlighting the importance of ophthalmologic surveillance in this
non-infectious uveitis, ocular immunology, rheumatic
diseases, ocular manifestations, autoimmune diseases.
La uveítis, una afección ocular caracterizada por la inflamación de la
capa intermedia del ojo, puede manifestarse asociada a diversas
enfermedades sistémicas, siendo las autoinmunes un componente
destacado. Su complejidad reside en su diversidad etiológica y la
variedad de manifestaciones clínicas, que van desde formas leves
hasta presentaciones severas. El objetivo de esta investigación es
analizar la prevalencia y características de la uveítis en el contexto de
enfermedades autoinmunes, y examinar las repercusiones clínicas
asociadas. Se llevó a cabo una revisión bibliográfica exhaustiva
utilizando bases de datos especializadas, la muestra comprendió
estudios epidemiológicos y revisiones sistemáticas relacionadas con
la EA y enfermedades reumáticas asociadas. Los resultados revelaron
una prevalencia significativa de uveítis en pacientes con EA,
destacando la importancia de la vigilancia oftalmológica en esta
Palabras clave
Uveítis no infecciosa, inmunología ocular,
enfermedades reumáticas, manifestaciones oculares, enfermedades
Uveitis is the most frequent ophthalmologic finding in the practice of
rheumatology and clinical immunology. This condition, often of
unknown origin, is characterized by inflammation of the uvea, which
encompasses the iris, ciliary body and choroid, fundamental
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
components of the middle eye. The anterior variety of uveitis impacts
the iris and ciliary body, while the posterior form is restricted to the
retina and choroid. Both presentations demand immediate evaluation
by an ophthalmologist, since untreated cases can lead to severe visual
problems, including blindness (Takeuchi et al., 2021).
Current literature reveals that uveitis, although commonly associated
with systemic autoimmune diseases, can also present as a primary or
idiopathic entity. This aspect underscores the need for a thorough
understanding of the autoimmune mechanisms that trigger and
perpetuate intraocular inflammation.
It also highlights the importance of biomarkers in the early
identification of uveitis associated with autoimmune diseases. The
detection of specific autoantibodies and inflammatory cytokines
could not only facilitate more accurate diagnosis, but also open new
avenues for the development of targeted therapies (Sen & Ramanan,
Although the pathogenesis of uveitis is not yet fully understood, an
imbalance has been observed between effector T cells (Th1 and
Th17), which have effector and pathogenic functions, and regulatory
T cells (Treg), which play a crucial role in immunomodulation and
tolerance. In addition, proinflammatory cytokines play an essential
role in the pathophysiological mechanisms of uveitis. Elevated levels
of interleukin-6 (IL-6), IL-17, IL-23 and tumor necrosis factor alpha
(TNF α) have been identified in the blood and other ocular fluids of
patients with uveitis of various etiologies (Egwuagu et al., 2021)
Immunoprivilegiation is a feature present at certain sites in the body,
such as the brain, reproductive organs and the eye, and refers to a set
of complex molecular processes designed to regulate inflammation
and prevent potential damage to specialized tissues. The eye, in
particular, exhibits a unique immune system that incorporates
regulators and inhibitors of the immune response, thus playing a
crucial role in modulating the response to the presence of antigens.
This immune privilege is constitutively manifested in structures such
as the cornea, retina and anterior chamber of the eye (Mölzer et al.,
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
The immune system uses four classic mechanisms to prevent
autoimmunity: clonal selection, active suppression, immune privilege
and clonal inactivation. Due to the uniqueness of the eye, these
mechanisms operate in a particular way. (De Revisión & Muravchik,
2023).During eye ontogeny, the eye becomes a sequestered organ.
Before the thymus is fully developed, some ocular antigens may never
reach the thymus. As a result, lymphocytes carrying antigen receptors
capable of recognizing these antigens are not eliminated (Bertrand et
al., 2019).
T lymphocytes that are specific for ocular antigens reach the
bloodstream with a frequency of one to five precursors per million
cells. Despite the presence of these autoreactive cells in the blood,
most people do not develop uveitis. This apparent protection is
attributed to the fact that the eye is considered an immunoprivileged
Inflammatory eye diseases have been recognized since ancient times,
although only in recent times has progress been made in defining
more precisely the mechanisms underlying this phenomenon. In the
middle of the last century, the belief was held that most cases of
uveitis were caused by infectious agents, such as those linked to
diseases like syphilis and tuberculosis (Joltikov & Lobo-Chan,
2021).However, the significant contribution of endogenous
immunomodulatory mechanisms in these disorders, which, together
with genetic and environmental factors, form an essential triad, has
now been clearly evidenced. Research in animal models has
highlighted the crucial role of T cells in many of these disorders. The
development of T-cell lines has allowed a better understanding of
cellular interactions during ocular inflammatory episodes. The
presence of uveitogenic antigens in the eye also raises the significant
possibility of the occurrence of autoimmune processes (Joltikov &
Lobo-Chan, 2021).
The problem with this relationship lies in the growing evidence of an
intricate connection between uveitis and various autoimmune
diseases, such as rheumatoid arthritis, ankylosing spondylitis,
Behçet's syndrome, among others. Uveitis can manifest as a primary
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
entity or secondary to these systemic disorders, complicating the
diagnosis and clinical approach.
In this context, the problem formulation focuses on the need for
accurate and early identification of the relationship between uveitis
and autoimmune disorders. The lack of uniform criteria for the
evaluation and management of uveitis in the context of autoimmune
diseases highlights the urgency of addressing these gaps in medical
The objectives of this article comprise a comprehensive review of the
current scientific literature to understand the bidirectional relationship
between uveitis and autoimmune diseases. In addition, we seek to
identify risk factors and clinical patterns that may improve the clinical
management of patients with these conditions.
This research is based on the need to integrate knowledge from
ophthalmology and rheumatology, recognizing the interdisciplinarity
required to comprehensively address uveitis in the context of
autoimmune diseases. This theoretical perspective will provide a solid
framework to critically analyze the existing scientific literature and
draw meaningful conclusions to guide clinical practice and future
This study is part of a literature review and critical analysis of the
scientific literature. The methodology adopted is based on the
compilation, review and synthesis of previous studies related to
uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases.
This approach allows us to consolidate and comprehensively evaluate
the existing evidence in the medical literature, providing a holistic
view of the clinical implications of uveitis in the autoimmune context.
Given the nature of literature review research, the "sample" of this
study comprises a wide range of scientific articles, systematic reviews
and meta-analyses published in specialized databases. Studies
addressing the relationship between uveitis and autoimmune
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
diseases were included, with a particular emphasis on research
exploring clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects, published
within the last 7 years.
The search strategy is carried out comprehensively in databases such
as PubMed, Scopus, Google Scholar and Web of Science, as well as
university repositories, using a combination of keywords and specific
search terms. MeSH (Medical Subject Headings) terms are used in
PubMed to optimize search precision.
In addition, Boolean operators such as AND, OR, and NOT are
applied to refine the search and ensure the inclusion of relevant
studies. Synonyms and related terms are also considered to
encompass the diversity of the literature. The combination of these
elements ensures a comprehensive and accurate search.
Inclusion and exclusion criteria are established, considering the
relevance and quality of the selected studies. These criteria ensure
that the information collected is relevant to the subject of the study,
contributing to the soundness and validity of the review.
Thematic Relevance: Studies should specifically address the
relationship between uveitis and autoimmune diseases. Papers
exploring clinical, diagnostic and therapeutic aspects of this
association will be included.
Publication Period: Studies published in the last 7 years (2016-2023)
will be considered to ensure the inclusion of recent research and to
reflect the current state of knowledge in the field.
Type of Study: Systematic reviews, meta-analyses, observational
studies (cohort, case-control), clinical trials and experimental studies
that provide relevant information on uveitis and its connection with
autoimmune diseases will be included.
Language: Studies written in English and Spanish will be accepted to
ensure geographic and linguistic diversity.
Exclusion Criteria:
Thematic Irrelevance: Studies that do not specifically address the
relationship between uveitis and autoimmune diseases will be
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
excluded, as well as those that do not provide clinically relevant
Publication Period: Studies published within the last 7 years are
excluded to ensure the inclusion of recent and relevant research.
Type of Study: Non-original papers, such as editorials, letters to the
editor and conference abstracts, as well as those with insufficient or
low quality methodologies will be excluded.
Language: Studies in languages other than English and Spanish are
excluded, as the team's ability to evaluate and synthesize information
in those languages may be limited.
Full Text Access: Access to the full text of the study will be required
for a complete review of the information. Studies without access to
full text or with limited information will not be considered.
In this study, the systematic review methodology was used to
rigorously approach the analysis of the scientific literature related to
the specific topic. Following the guidelines and principles established
for this methodology, a transparent and reproducible process is
guaranteed. To efficiently manage the information collected,
bibliographic management tools were used, among which the
specialized software Mendeley stands out. This tool facilitates the
organization and management of bibliographic references, enabling
the creation of digital libraries and the automatic generation of
citations and bibliographies.
The selection of studies was carried out in a transparent and replicable
manner, applying predefined inclusion and exclusion criteria to
ensure the relevance and quality of the selected studies.
The methodological quality of the studies was assessed using specific
tools adapted to the nature of each type of research, such as AMSTAR
for systematic reviews and NOS for observational studies.
Finally, the narrative synthesis integrates and summarizes the key
findings of the selected studies in a descriptive manner. Patterns,
discrepancies and trends in the results were identified, providing a
comprehensive and coherent overview of the available evidence. This
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
approach highlights clinical implications and provides guidance for
possible future research directions.
Uveitis may present as primary or secondary to various conditions,
especially its association with systemic autoimmune rheumatic
diseases (SARD). Within the secondary forms, two main types are
distinguished: "anterior" uveitis, also known as iridocyclitis or iritis,
which affects the iris and ciliary body; and "posterior" uveitis, called
chorioretinitis, which usually involves the retina and choroid
(Rosenbaum et al., 2019).
The prevalence of uveitis varies according to regions and detection
methods, being estimated at around 1/4500 in the general
population, being more frequent in the range of 20 to 60 years of age
with equal representation in both sexes (García-Aparicio et al., 2021).
In the context of ARDS, uveitis can manifest as an acute episode
affecting one eye, evolving in some cases into a chronic inflammatory
process. It is crucial to perform a rigorous study for an accurate
diagnosis and classification, to initiate treatment immediately and to
evaluate possible complications.
Most cases of uveitis are sporadic and of unknown etiology, but may
be associated with ARDS or syndromes affecting various ocular
structures. Non-infectious or autoimmune causes, such as HLA-B27-
related uveitis, have specific clinical features, such as male
predominance, unilateral acute onset and recurrences. The
inflammatory process is supported by Th17 cells and proinflammatory
cytokines, contributing to the unbalanced ocular immune response,
which can lead to ocular tissue damage and perpetuate the
inflammatory process (Fanlo et al., 2021).
Immune disorders affecting the eye are commonly divided into two
main categories: antibody-mediated diseases and cell-mediated
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
diseases. Autoimmunity, as a rule, develops when the
aforementioned safeguarding mechanisms fail (Kemeny-Beke &
Szodoray, 2020).
In the context of uveitis, both in experimental models and in humans,
the breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier marks the onset of the
autoimmune process and, in some cases, serves as a triggering factor.
Thymic presentation of ocular antigens has been shown to be crucial
in the development of uveitis, as evidenced by experiments with rats
susceptible to experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (Sabat, 2020).
(Zhong et al., 2023), in theirstudies states that activation of T
lymphocytes in response to eye-specific antigens, such as arrestin (S-
Ag), in the thymus can induce an autoimmune response in the eye.
Furthermore, in animal models of autoimmune uveitis, it has been
observed that uveitogenic T lymphocytes can migrate to the
periphery after reactivation against retinal antigens, which is also
reflected in patients with middle and posterior uveitis.
After activation of T lymphocytes that recognize uveitogenic
epitopes, migration into the eye is initiated, triggering a series of
events that lead to destruction of the photoreceptor layer and visual
loss. Although any activated T lymphocyte can penetrate the retina,
only cells that recognize the pathogenic epitopes continue into the
retina, breaking the blood-retinal barrier by secreting cytokines
(Bertrand et al., 2019).
In experimental autoimmune uveitis, mast cell degranulation has been
observed in the choroid, suggesting lgE-independent, possibly
complement-mediated activation. In multiple forms of uveitis,
inflammatory cells such as macrophages, neutrophils, antigen-
presenting cells, and T lymphocytes play a crucial role, and their
presence characterizes the hallmark of uveitis (Huguet Rodriguez et
al., 2022).
Uveitis is classified according to the primary anatomic site of
inflammation, distinguishing between anterior, intermediate and
posterior uveitis. Panuveitis, on the other hand, involves inflammation
of all three components of the uvea. In an epidemiological study
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
conducted in Northern California, a prevalence of uveitis was
estimated at 115/100,000 persons, with an incidence ranging from
47.1 to 52.4/100,000 person-years. On the other hand, prevalence
estimates of NIU (Noninfectious Uveitis) based on administrative
claims from 14 million privately insured persons in the United States
were 121/100,000 persons (Joltikov & Lobo-Chan, 2021).
Anterior uveitis stands out as the most common form of uveitis,
accounting for 81% of all cases of UIN, with a prevalence of
98/100,000 adults, according to a retrospective analysis of claims in
the U.S. Intermediate, posterior infections and non-infectious
panuveitis accounted for 0.9% (prevalence, 1/100,000), 8.6%
(prevalence, 10/100,000) and 9.6% (prevalence, 12/100,000),
respectively. These data highlight the significant prevalence of
anterior uveitis compared to other forms in the adult population
(Sabat, 2020).
Anterior uveitis
Anterior uveitis, which accounts for approximately three-quarters of
all uveitis cases, has an incidence of 8 per 100,000 population.
Although more manageable, these uveitis can lead to serious
complications, such as glaucoma and macular edema, ultimately
leading to blindness. Among the most common causes of anterior
uveitis are spondyloarthropathies, which are classified as
histocompatibility antigen HLA-B27-related uveitis. This antigen not
only predisposes to anterior uveitis, but is also associated with various
spondyloarthropathies, such as ankylosing spondylitis, Reiter's
syndrome, psoriatic arthritis, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD)
(Sabat, 2020).
HLA-B27 haplotype-linked uveitis is a unique entity characterized by
its anterior, acute, relapsing and unilateral nature in each episode.
Although less chronic than other forms of anterior uveitis, they are
usually more severe due to high inflammatory activity during flares.
These uveitis more frequently affect males and individuals of slightly
younger age compared to patients with HLA-B27-negative uveitis.
The presence of the HLA-B27 haplotype is significant, as it suggests
possible pathogenic mechanisms, such as the interaction of gram-
negative bacteria with HLA class I antigens in triggering anterior
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
uveitis. However, it is important to note that antibiotic treatment has
not been shown to improve or reduce the recurrence of these
inflammatory episodes (Fuseau et al., 2023).
Patients with anterior uveitis, either with or without associated
sacroiliitis, have been observed to have non-symptomatic intestinal
inflammatory infiltrates.
Intermediate uveitis
The main focus of inflammation is located in the vitreous humor.
Clinical symptoms include blurred vision, the presence of floaters and
sensitivity to light. Representative origins include malignant
neoplasms, sarcoidosis and multiple sclerosis. Pars planitis, which is
the idiopathic form of intermediate uveitis, is characterized by the
presence of "snow banks" (white exudates over the pars plana and
ora serrata) and "snowballs" (aggregates of inflammatory cells in the
vitreous) (Rosenbaum et al., 2019).
Posterior uveitis
the primary sites of inflammation are the retina and/or choroid,
presenting with focal, multifocal or diffuse manifestations of
choroiditis. Clinical symptoms include floaters, and pain and redness
are generally not experienced. Representative associated diseases
include autoimmune disorders, Behçet's disease, and sarcoidosis
(Rosenbaum et al., 2019).
The anterior chamber, vitreous humor, and retina and/or choroid are
affected. Clinical symptoms include floaters, pain, redness, and light
sensitivity. Representative associated diseases include autoimmune
disorders, sarcoidosis, Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome, and
Behçet's disease (Rosenbaum et al., 2019).
Relationship with the microbiome
In the pathophysiology of chronic or recurrent inflammation, the
microbiome may serve as a source of antigens and antigen-specific T
cells. The intestinal microbiota, the most prevalent in humans with
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
approximately 10^4 microorganisms, is mainly composed of
Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes, followed by Actinobacteria and
Proteobacteria, and to a lesser extent by Fusobacteria and
Verrucomicrobia (Mölzer et al., 2020).This microbiome is established
at birth by maternal transmission and undergoes constant changes to
achieve a homeostatic balance with the host immune system,
influenced by factors such as diet, chronic stress, circadian rhythm,
exposure to drugs, toxins, colonization by other external
microorganisms and various diseases (Kalogeropoulos et al., 2022).
The intestinal microbiota plays a key role in a variety of physiological
functions, including regulation of the immune system by modulating
innate and adaptive responses. Dysbiosis, an alteration in the
composition of the microbiota, can affect the immune system and
induce disease (Colmán et al., 2022).Experimental studies have
evidenced a relationship between dysbiosis and immune-mediated
diseases, and it has been observed that certain bacterial strains can
promote Th17 differentiation in the intestine, being associated with
immune-mediated diseases such as non-infectious uveitis. On the
other hand, some bacterial species favor Treg cell differentiation,
contributing to immune system homeostasis. Dysbiosis has been
linked to the pathogenesis of uveitis through several mechanisms,
including antigenic mimicry, destruction of the intestinal barrier due
to increased permeability of the intestine, loss of immune
homeostasis at the intestinal level, and reduced synthesis of anti-
inflammatory metabolites (Colmán et al., 2022).
Diseases Associated with Uveitis
Ankylosing spondylitis: genetically associated with HLA-B27 in a high
percentage of patients, it presents a 30% incidence of anterior uveitis,
being more frequent in men. Arthritis is the main manifestation, and
response to treatment with topical steroids is common (Guajardo,
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis: this disease, the most commonly
associated with uveitis, presents with diverse symptoms, including
anterior uveitis, keratitis and secondary cataracts. The pauciarticular
form is the most prevalent, affecting more girls than boys.
Rheumatoid factor is generally negative, and treatment may include
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
topical steroids, systemic steroids, azathioprine and cyclosporin
(Huguet Rodriguez et al., 2022).
Inflammatory Bowel Disease: Anterior uveitis is the most common
manifestation in this disease, with a frequency of 60% in HLA-B27
positive individuals. In Crohn's disease, uveitis may be bilateral,
chronic and associated with retinal vasculitis.
Psoriasis Approximately 7% of patients with psoriasis develop
arthritis, and 7% of these patients develop uveitis (Mudie et al., 2022)
Sarcoidosis: affects up to 20% of patients initially ocular, presenting
uveitis in 7% of cases. It can be anterior, posterior or intermediate,
the latter being less frequent (Davis, 2020).
Behcet's disease: mainly affects the posterior segment of the eye, and
recurrent iridocyclitis is the most significant ocular manifestation. It is
more common in females, with a high probability of bilateral
presentation (Contreras Abarca et al., 2020).
Multiple sclerosis: demyelination of the optic nerve leads to optic
neuritis, and uveitis occurs in a range of 2.4 to 27%, manifesting as
peripheral uveitis (Guajardo, 2019).
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada syndrome: this bilateral and diffuse panuveitis
with retinal detachment is more common in Asians. It presents with
blurred vision and multifocal manifestations in the choroid, followed
by a chronic phase characterized by choroidal depigmentation. It is
the second leading cause of uveitis in Saudi Arabia and accounts for
9.2% in Japan (Lam et al., 2020).
The intrinsic connection between rheumatic diseases and ocular
complications is an important and complex facet that requires a
comprehensive understanding.
In a study conducted by (Guajardo, 2019)highlights that patients
suffering from Ankylosing Spondylitis (AS) experience uveitis in
approximately 25% of cases throughout their disease. In a significant
number of cases, uveitis may manifest as the first symptom of the
disease, and in many other cases, it helps to identify a barely
symptomatic low back pain.
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
In 80% of cases, both eyes are affected, although they rarely become
inflamed simultaneously. For this reason, it is classified as a unilateral
uveitis in each episode, although flare-ups may affect both eyes at
different times. This type of uveitis is predominantly anterior, i.e., an
iritis or iridocyclitis, and its course is acute, presenting symptoms such
as pain, red eye, photophobia and decreased vision. (Guajardo, 2019)
(Fanlo et al., 2021) states that the use of the slit lamp (biomicroscopy)
facilitates the observation of aqueous humor turbidity caused by
excess proteins and cells. These cells may also adhere to the posterior
aspect of the cornea, resulting in retrokeratotic precipitates. Uveitis
tends to be recurrent, with some patients experiencing monthly flare-
It is characteristic for those who have had multiple flare-ups to
perceive the approach of a recurrence up to 24 hours earlier, even
when the slit lamp examination is apparently normal. Decreased
vision during the attack is primarily due to a clouding of the aqueous
humor and occasionally to secondary macular edema. In addition, the
iris tends to adhere to the lens (posterior synechiae) and to the corneal
periphery (anterior synechiae) as a result of the inflammatory process
(Kemeny-Beke & Szodoray, 2020)..
On the other hand, (Sabat, 2020) in his research, details that (AD)
affects males more frequently, with an incidence of approximately 2.5
to 3 times more than in females. Women generally experience a
milder form of the disease, with more peripheral joint involvement.
(Fuseau et al., 2023)in their research on Reiter's syndrome (RS),
characterizes the triad of arthritis, urethritis and conjunctivitis. It affects
mainly males, and joint manifestations may include tenosynovitis,
plantar fasciitis, sacroiliitis and inflammatory oligoarthritis. Uveitis
occurs in 3-12% of cases and is similar to that seen in patients with
(Bertrand et al., 2019)according to an observational study involving
7641 patients, 55.8% manifested ocular symptoms, with anterior and
posterior uveitis standing out as the most frequent, affecting 41% and
46%, respectively. Retinal vasculitis, cataracts and conjunctivitis
affected 33%, 24% and 6% of patients, respectively.
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
Regarding Behçet's syndrome (Contreras Abarca et al., 2020)states
that it is characterized by non-granulomatous intraocular inflammation
and retinal vasculitis of intermittent course, presenting as recurrent
self-limited exacerbations, which generate a potentially irreversible
cumulative damage. In his study, he has observed that ocular damage
tends to be more pronounced in men than in women, arising on
average between 2 and 3 years after the onset of symptomatology.
Initially, it manifests unilaterally and progresses to bilateral
involvement, both symmetrically and asymmetrically. It has been
shown that up to 8.6% of patients debut with ocular symptoms as their
first manifestation. Uveitis stands out as one of the most frequently
reported conditions, underscoring the importance of performing a
thorough differential diagnosis during evaluation. This uveitis can
involve both the anterior and posterior segments, or even both
simultaneously (panuveitis). (Contreras Abarca et al., 2020).
Psoriatic arthropathy affects about 30% of patients with psoriatic
arthritis, according to. (Hysa et al., 2021)and up to 30% of these
experience ocular involvement. Conjunctivitis occurs in 20% of cases,
while unilateral relapsing acute anterior relapsing uveitis manifests in
7-10%. Ocular involvement is more frequent in male patients with
psoriasis of the scalp or ciliary areas, and in those with arthritis,
especially sacroiliitis and spondylitis. (Barbini et al., 2023).
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD), which includes Ulcerative Colitis
(UC) and Crohn's Disease (CD), is a chronic disorder of unknown
etiology, (Kalogeropoulos et al., 2022b)reports that the incidence of
these diseases is 10.4 and 5.6 per 100,000 inhabitants/year,
respectively. Genetic factors and external triggers are believed to be
involved in their development, and clinical manifestations can affect
any part of the gastrointestinal tract. Ocular manifestations in IBD
vary, and the incidence ranges from 3.5 to 11.8%. Episcleritis and
scleritis are most common, but there may also be corneal
involvement, uveitis and other complications. As for Rheumatoid
Arthritis (RA). (Giancane et al., 2016), evidence that, between 20-35%
of patients may develop ocular manifestations, such as uveitis,
keratoconjunctivitis sicca, episcleritis, scleritis and corneal
involvement. Corneal involvement can present in different forms, such
as corneal ulcers and peripheral corneal thinning. Treatment focuses
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
on the use of artificial tears and, in severe cases, immunosuppressants
may be required.
For his part, (Rosenbaum et al., 2019), affirms thatin Juvenile
Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA), which corresponds to an inflammatory
connective tissue disease in children, approximately 20% of cases are
associated with chronic uveitis. Although most ocular flares occur
during the first year of JIA, even after several years of joint inactivity,
episodes of uveitis may occur.
Ocular inflammation represents a common clinical manifestation in
several systemic autoimmune diseases, playing a crucial role. Within
this group of pathologies, different clinical entities associated with
specific patterns of uveitis and other ocular manifestations have been
identified. Discriminating patterns have been established linking
particular forms of uveitis, including relapsing unilateral acute anterior
uveitis, with specific systemic diseases, including those of a
rheumatologic nature.
Relapsing unilateral acute anterior uveitis stands out as the most
common presentation in spondyloarthropathies, and can sometimes
act as the initial symptom of a previously undiagnosed underlying
spondyloarthropathy. The identification of uveitis as a possible initial
symptom in some cases of AS such as Behçet's Syndrome,
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD) and Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA),
among others, underscores the need for close collaboration between
rheumatologists and ophthalmologists, this multidisciplinary
approach allows early identification, accurate diagnosis and effective
management of autoimmune diseases and their ocular
manifestations, thus improving the quality of life and prognosis of
those affected. A thorough understanding of these clinical patterns
contributes to more personalized care and the implementation of
specific therapeutic strategies, promoting a comprehensive approach
to the care of patients with these complex medical conditions.
Uveitis as an ophthalmologic manifestation of autoimmune diseases: A detailed analysis of the
clinical implications.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
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