Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2024, Vol. 14, No. 1 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Llangari, R., Ibarra, R., Serrano, P., Lazo, C., Zumba, E. (2024) Impact of
the Didactic Manual "Creando y Recreando" on the Development of Linguistic Intelligence in Fifth
Grade Students: An Innovative Approach in Basic Education, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria
Investigación y Saberes, 14(1) 101-124
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the
development of linguistic intelligence in fifth grade students: An
innovative approach in basic education
Impacto del Manual Didáctico “Creando y Recreando” en el desarrollo de la
inteligencia lingüística en estudiantes de Quinto Grado: Un enfoque innovador en la
Educación Básica
Rosa Pacífica Llangari Cujilema
Licenciada. Docente en Ciencias de la Educación, Unidad Educativa Simón Rodríguez,,
Ruth Carolina Ibarra Villacrés
Licenciada. Docente - Investigador de la Unidad Educativa Vicente Rocafuerte,,
Patricia del Rocío Serrano Astudillo
Licenciada. Docente en Ciencias de la Educación, Unidad Educativa Fernando Daquilema;
Carlos Fabian Lazo Viscaino
Licenciado. Docente en Ciencias de la Educación Unidad Educativa Cristina Nazareno;
Ember Geovanny Zumba Novay
Ingeniero. Docente - Investigador en Escuela Superior Politécnica de Chimborazo (ESPOCH).,
The research focused on exploring the impact of the development
and application of an innovative didactic manual entitled "Creating
and Recreating" on the development of linguistic intelligence of fifth
grade students of basic education in the Eloy Alfaro Educational Unit
of Alausi canton. The methodology was of quasi-experimental design,
with a mixed and explanatory approach. The interactions of 18
students were observed during the application of the manual to
obtain a detailed understanding of their participation and reactions.
Received 2023-07-14
Revised 2023-10-20
Published 2024-01-05
Corresponding Author
Rosa Llangari Cujilema
Pages: 101-124
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
In addition, structured surveys were designed to collect data on the
change in the 18 students' perceptions of linguistic intelligence
before and after the application of the manual. The findings
consistently indicated a positive impact on multiple dimensions of
students' language learning after the application of the didactic
manual. There was evidence of a favorable change in the students'
interest in and enjoyment of reading, as well as notable
transformations in their reading practices and preferences. Particularly
noteworthy is the positive impact on semantic interpretation skills and
reading comprehension, suggesting that the manual played an
integral role in the development of key skills. These results underscore
the effectiveness of the pedagogical approach adopted, supporting
the relevance of innovative strategies to enhance the learning process
and encourage
didactic manual, linguistic intelligence, innovative
strategies, linguistic learning
La investigación se enfocó en explorar el impacto de la elaboración y
aplicación de un manual didáctico innovador titulado "Creando y
Recreando" en el desarrollo de la inteligencia lingüística de
estudiantes de quinto grado de educación básica en la Unidad
Educativa Eloy Alfaro del cantón Alausí. La metodología fue de diseño
cuasiexperimental, con un enfoque mixto y de tipo explicativa. Se
observó las interacciones de 18 estudiantes durante la aplicación del
manual para obtener una comprensión detallada de su participación
y reacciones. Además, se diseñaron encuestas estructuradas para
recopilar datos sobre el cambio en la percepción de los 18
estudiantes hacia la inteligencia lingüística antes y después de la
aplicación del manual. Los hallazgos indicaron de manera consistente
un impacto positivo en múltiples dimensiones del aprendizaje
lingüístico de los estudiantes tras la aplicación del manual didáctico.
Se evidenció un cambio favorable en el interés y gusto por la lectura,
así como transformaciones notables en las prácticas y preferencias de
los estudiantes. Es especialmente destacable el impacto positivo en
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
la capacidad de interpretación semántica y la comprensión lectora,
sugiriendo que el manual ha desempeñado un papel integral en el
desarrollo de habilidades clave. Estos resultados subrayan la eficacia
del enfoque pedagógico adoptado, respaldando la relevancia de
estrategias innovadoras para potenciar el proceso de aprendizaje y
Palabras clave:
Manual didáctico, inteligencia lingüística, estrategias
innovadoras, aprendizaje lingüístico
In the context of education, the teaching of language skills is a
fundamental pillar for the integral development of students.
Language is not only an essential communicative tool, but also the
key that opens the doors to knowledge and understanding. The ability
to read, write, speak, and listen effectively not only facilitates
communication, but also enhances learning, critical thinking, and
participation in society (Mart, 2020).
The teaching of language skills spans several dimensions, from the
acquisition of basic reading and writing to the development of refined
oral expression and the ability to interpret and analyze complex texts
(Rivers, 2018). Given this, educators become architects of students'
linguistic proficiency, guiding them in discovering the subtleties of
language, fostering literary appreciation, and providing the tools
necessary to communicate effectively in a diverse and dynamic world.
The teaching of language skills plays a fundamental role in the holistic
development of students In education, linguistic intelligence,
understood as the ability to understand, use, and appreciate the
power of language, is essential for academic success and participation
in society (Erlina et al., 2019)..
On the other hand, a didactic manual is distinguished by its
pedagogical approach based on enlightened thinking, which seeks to
stimulate creativity and a deep understanding of the language
(Kakouris and Liargovas, 2021).. The fifth grade stage is crucial in the
educational process, as students consolidate previous skills and
prepare for more complex academic challenges. In this context, the
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
research delves into the fundamental question of how the
implementation of a didactic manual significantly impacts the
development of students' linguistic intelligence.
Currently, it has been observed that the learning process at the Eloy
Alfaro Basic Education School is characterized by a traditional
approach that minimizes the importance of fostering creativity among
fifth grade students. This has resulted in the lack of empowerment of
language skills and abilities, lack of didactic and technological
resources in the classroom which hinders the stimulation and
awakening of creativity in students. In the process of interlearning
between teachers and students, the efforts of the latter have been
motivated mainly by external pressures and not generated
autonomously from their individual needs. This has led to a terminal
process in which students have assimilated texts without having their
ideas processed creatively.
In pedagogical practice and classroom work, there is evidence of a
deficiency in skills such as text inference, issuing criteria, making
comments and suggestions, which results in low productivity on the
part of students. In addition to developing the fundamental skills of
listening, speaking, reading and writing, it is crucial that students learn
to produce literary texts to promote a more comprehensive and
enriching education.
In this context, the present research focuses on exploring the impact
of the development and application of an innovative didactic manual
entitled "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence of fifth grade students in the Eloy Alfaro Educational Unit
of the Alausí canton, Chimborazo province.
The research was developed in the Eloy Alfaro Educational Unit of
Alausí canton, province of Chimborazo, Guasuntos parish, La Moya
community in the period 2013-2014. It is an educational center of
Regular Education and Fiscal support of face-to-face modality,
morning session and educational level of Basic Education. It currently
has five teachers and 99 students enrolled. It was adjusted to a quasi-
experimental research design, with a mixed approach, since it
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
involves both qualitative and quantitative elements and a type of
explanatory research. It was quasi-experimental because it was
characterized by the absence of random assignment of participants to
intervention and control groups. In this case, there was a group of
students before the application of the manual and another one after,
without random assignment, but with the intention of observing the
change after the intervention. It was a mixed approach since it
involved the collection and analysis of qualitative data (evidence of
how linguistic intelligence develops) and quantitative data
(percentages of students showing changes). Finally, it was explanatory
in that it sought to identify the relationship between the application
of the Creating and Recreating through Illustrated Thinking Manual
and the development of linguistic intelligence in fifth grade students.
The study population consisted of 25 students (seven fourth graders
and 18 fifth graders); however, applying a non-probabilistic
convenience sampling, we worked only with the 18 fifth graders,
complying with the following selection criteria: (a) level of cognitive
development, (b) homogeneity in the level of linguistic competence,
(c) voluntary participation and informed consent, (d) history of
academic performance.
Students' interactions during the application of the manual were
observed to gain a detailed understanding of their participation and
reactions. In addition, structured surveys were designed to collect
quantitative data on the change in students' perceptions of linguistic
intelligence before and after the application of the manual.
Data collected through structured surveys were tabulated to quantify
student responses before and after the application of the manual.
Statistical tools were used to summarize the information (frequencies
and percentages). Subsequently, a content analysis was conducted to
examine in detail the students' comments and extract specific themes
related to the development of linguistic intelligence. Finally,
qualitative and quantitative findings were integrated to obtain a more
complete and enriching picture of the impact of the manual on the
development of linguistic intelligence.
The subjects involved in this study were the fifth grade students of
EGB of the Eloy Alfaro Educational Unit of the Alausí canton, for which
consent was requested from the legal representatives or parents.
Teachers were informed of the purpose of the study through a talk,
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
requesting their authorization and acceptance. They were verbally
informed of the most relevant aspects of the research and it was made
clear that the participant could withdraw at any time from the research
process while maintaining confidentiality.
Table 1 shows the results of the survey applied to students before and
after the application of the manual.
Table 1.
Results of surveys applied to students
Before application
After application
Semantic interpretations
Do you like
fun reading?
When you recite a poem,
do you mime according to
the lyrics?
you like
the children's
When you read the title of
the reading, do you know
what it is about?
Do you understand the
reading at the first time?
After from
ago a
When is
unfamiliar unknown
words analyze
to give the meaning?
When you read, do you
Do you express
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
pinions easily?
After reading, analyze the
Do you summarize after
Do you make a comparison
the words with the meaning
you find in the dictionary?
Can you give your opinion
after reading?
Strategies from
htened thinking
When phrases or
Does text with graphics
help you understand the
By familiarizing
strings you can create
similar ones?
Do the riddles
Exercises on Sony graphics
Do you classify by word
Do you form words when
you hear a sound?
It is evident that, prior to the implementation of the didactic manual
"Creating and recreating" with the purpose of promoting linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students of the Eloy Alfaro Basic Education
School, 72% of them, that is, the majority, showed an occasional
interest in reading pleasant texts. Subsequent to the application of
the manual, a significant change was observed: 67% of the students
showed a taste for reading, and 28% did so frequently."
Among the children surveyed, it was noted that 61%, i.e., the majority,
did not use to incorporate mimicry during recitation. However, after
the implementation of the didactic manual, a significant change was
observed, as 67% of the children performed this practice frequently
during their recitations. Also, initially, 56% of the children expressed
a preference for children's stories, but after the implementation of the
didactic manual, this preference increased considerably, reaching
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
On the other hand, among all the children surveyed, 56% of the
students showed difficulty before participating in various exercises of
semantic interpretations. However, after the implementation of the
didactic manual, 67% of them showed a clearer understanding when
reading the title of a reading. Initially, 78% of the children faced
difficulties in understanding the reading on the first attempt, but after
the implementation of the didactic manual, 56% of the students
managed to understand it at the first instance.
Prior to the implementation of the didactic manual, 50% of the
students stated that they made comments after a reading only rarely.
However, after the implementation of the manual, 56% of them have
adopted this practice more frequently. In addition, before
participating in various exercises of semantic interpretations, 50% of
the students barely analyzed unknown words to assign a meaning to
them, while after the implementation of the didactic manual, 78% of
them perform this analysis on a constant basis.
It is evident that, prior to the implementation of the didactic manual,
61% of the students comprehended the reading only rarely while
advancing. However, after the implementation of the manual, 67% of
them showed improvement in comprehending the content while
reading and similarly, prior to the implementation of the didactic
manual, 67% of the students rarely managed to express their ideas
with ease. After the implementation of the manual, 67% improved in
this skill, and 28% do it frequently.
The results revealed a significant impact after the application of the
didactic manual in the development of reading skills and
comprehension among students. It is highlighted that 67% of the
students have improved in the analysis of texts during reading,
evidencing a greater capacity for comprehension. In addition, an
increase in the practice of summarizing after reading was observed,
going from 28% to 56%, indicating greater skill in the synthesis of
The improvement in the ability to compare words with their dictionary
meaning is also highlighted, with 67% of the students always doing
so after the application of the manual, in contrast to 89% who only
rarely did so before. The expression of opinions after reading has also
experienced an increase, with 50% of the students indicating that they
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
can always give their opinion, compared to 31% before the
Regarding the relationship with the riddles, it stands out that 78% of
the students after the application of the manual consider the riddles
to be motivating and distracting. In addition, the majority of the
students, 78%, affirmed that they formed words after the application
of the didactic manual, indicating a strengthening in the ability to
manipulate language in a creative way.
Proposed Manual
The manual activities were intended to help students develop the
habit of reading and interpreting a text, to give their opinion and
provide solutions to facts and events that happen in their natural and
social environment. The manual was useful for the teachers of this
Institution to put into practice in order to develop in the students
abilities and skills in reading and writing that will serve them well in
their student and professional life.
The following steps were followed for the development of the
activities. For example, before starting with the story "Princess
Luciana" we proceeded to:
Comment on the narrative.
Draw the highlights of the princess.
Paint the actions they like.
Cut the graph to form a jigsaw puzzle.
Pass each child to put the puzzle together.
Paste on A4 format
Prepare a summary.
After the activity, the evaluation consisted of enclosing the synthesis
of the story in an oval. For this purpose, different images were shown,
each with a brief description (Table 2).
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
Table 2
. Evaluation of the activity carried out
The princess lived happily with
her little birds and her friend the
They were great friends since he
gave him the medicine to cure
himself and so he attended the
She was the most beautiful in the
palace and cared for the elderly.
She married the prince and they
were very happy.
It is essential to make it known that the "Creating and recreating"
manual contributed to the development of linguistic intelligence by
using each strategy with moderation. This Manual helped to work in
an autonomous way, giving the student the opportunity to be the
constructor of his knowledge, and also allowed him to increase other
similar activities as he developed them, and in this way, the
assimilation of learning became something fun.
The results obtained in this study reveal a significant change in the
interest and taste for reading of fifth grade students after the
implementation of the didactic manual "Creando y recreando"
(Creating and recreating). This finding aligns with previous research
that highlights the positive influence of innovative pedagogical
strategies in promoting interest in reading among basic education
students (Kasper et al., 2018). Research suggests that the introduction
of creative approaches to reading instruction can generate a lasting
impact on students' attitudes toward texts (Wu and Chen, 2018).
Consistent with these findings, the decrease in the percentage of
students with occasional interest (72% before the intervention to 67%
after) and the increase in those expressing frequent liking for reading
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
(from 0% to 28%) indicate that the implementation of the "Creating
and Recreating" manual has positively influenced students' reading
Importantly, these results highlight the importance of considering
didactic approaches that not only promote the development of
language skills, but also foster positive change in students' attitudes
and behaviors toward reading. This finding supports the idea of Roz-
Faraco et al. (2022)(2022), who indicate that the creative component
of the didactic manual has contributed to cultivating an environment
conducive to awakening interest and taste for reading among fifth
grade students, corroborating the need for pedagogical strategies
that go beyond the mere transmission of knowledge (Killen and
O'Toole, 2023)..
The results of this research also revealed significant changes in the
practices and preferences of fifth graders after the implementation of
the didactic manual. These findings find support in previous studies
exploring the impact of didactic interventions on students' artistic
expression and literary taste (Pulimeno et al., 2020)..
In terms of the incorporation of mime during recitation, the
observation of a change from 61% to 67% in the frequency of this
practice suggests that the didactic manual has positively influenced
the children's willingness to use expressive resources during their
recitations. Research, such as that conducted by Nezami et al. (2017),
Angelianawati (2019), and Bessadet (2022) have indicated that the use
of theatrical techniques, such as mime and drama, can enhance oral
expression and comprehension of literary texts. In this sense, the
current results support the effectiveness of pedagogical strategies
that integrate ludic elements to enrich students' communicative skills.
In relation to the preference for children's stories, the increase from
56% to 83% after the intervention of the didactic manual suggests
that the implementation of creative strategies has generated a
positive impact on children's literary taste. Previous studies, such as
that of Trihastutie (2023)have highlighted the importance of children's
literature in the cognitive and emotional development of children.
The results obtained in this research support the notion that creativity-
focused teaching strategies can significantly influence students'
literary preferences.
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
On the other hand, the results of the present study revealed
significant transformations in the semantic interpretation and reading
comprehension skills of fifth grade students after the application of
the didactic manual. These findings resonate with previous research
addressing didactic strategies to overcome difficulties in semantic
interpretation and text comprehension (Janík et al., 2019). (Durán,
2019) (Pinchao, 2020).
The increase from 56% to 67% in the ability to understand the
meaning of a text through semantic interpretation exercises reflects
the effectiveness of the activities implemented in the didactic manual.
Research, such as that conducted by [Reference of a similar study],
has pointed out the importance of specifically addressing semantic
skills to improve reading comprehension (Ochoa et al., 2019). (Lyster
et al., 2021).. The current results support the notion that strategies
that target semantic interpretation can be valuable tools for
strengthening reading proficiency.
As for the improvement in comprehension at the first instance, the
reduction from 78% to 56% in the proportion of students facing
difficulties in understanding reading at the first instance suggests that
the didactic manual has contributed significantly to overcoming this
obstacle. Research such as that of Pressley (1994) (Bogaerds-
Hazenberg et al., 2021) (Hurtado and Barahona, 2021) have
highlighted that focusing on reading strategies, such as anticipating
meaning through titles, can positively impact initial comprehension of
texts. The results obtained here support the efficacy of these
strategies in improving students' ability to comprehend a text from
the first reading.
On the other hand, other results of the present study highlight
substantial changes in the practices of fifth grade students after the
implementation of the didactic manual 'Creando y recreando'. These
findings can be related to previous research that has examined the
influence of didactic strategies in fostering students' engagement and
semantic analysis after reading (Licorish et al., 2018) (Rojas and
Noguera, 2021) (Valladares et al., 2023)..
The transition from 50% to 56% in the proportion of students who
now make comments after reading reflects a positive change in active
participation and expression of ideas. Studies, such as that of
Gabrielsen et al. (2019), have highlighted the importance of
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
encouraging reflection and dialogue after reading to consolidate
comprehension and interpretation of texts. In this sense, the current
results support the notion of. Carless and Boud (2018) y Frey et al.
(2019) where they indicate that pedagogical strategies that promote
the expression of opinions and comments can significantly contribute
to the development of critical skills in students.
In relation to the analysis of unknown words, the increase from 50%
to 78% in the proportion of students who perform this analysis
consistently after the application of the didactic manual underlines the
effectiveness of the proposed activities. Experts have highlighted the
importance of teaching specific strategies to approach unknown
words and to build vocabulary autonomously (Allen, 2023). The results
obtained in the present study support the idea of Mauliza et al.
(2019)that the implementation of semantic interpretation exercises
can be an effective tool to improve vocabulary comprehension and
analysis skills.
Significant improvements in fifth grade students' reading
comprehension and expression of ideas are highlighted after the
implementation of the instructional manual. These findings align with
previous research addressing strategies to strengthen comprehension
while reading and the ability to express ideas effectively (Oczkus,
2018) (Venegas et al., 2021) (Hastomo and Zulianti, 2022)..
On the other hand, the transition from 61% to 67% in the proportion
of students who now comprehend the reading as they progress
suggests that the activities proposed in the didactic manual have had
a positive impact on the ability to monitor and comprehend the
content during reading. Research such as Muhid et al. (2020) have
highlighted the importance of specific strategies, such as anticipation
and self-assessment, to improve reading comprehension. The current
results support the effectiveness of these strategies in the context of
textbook implementation.
In relation to the improvement in the expression of ideas, the change
from 67% to 67%, with 28% expressing themselves frequently after
the application of the manual, indicates that the didactic activities
have had a positive impact on the students' ability to communicate
their ideas. Research, such as the work done by Namaziandost et al.
(2019)have highlighted the importance of fostering oral and written
expression to consolidate the learning process. The results obtained
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
support the notion that the teaching manual has contributed to
improving students' communicative competence.
It strongly points to a positive impact on the development of reading
skills and comprehension of fifth grade students after the application
of the didactic manual "Creando y recreando" (Creating and
recreating). These findings are linked to research that has explored
didactic strategies to improve students' analytical and synthesizing
skills during reading (Núñez-Lira et al., 2020). (Barzola et al., 2020)..
The 67% increase in the proportion of students who have improved
in text analysis during reading indicates that the activities proposed
in the manual have contributed significantly to strengthening
comprehension skills. Research such as (Elleman and Oslund, 2019)
(Soto et al., 2019) (Smith et al., 2021) have highlighted the importance
of specific approaches, such as key idea identification and inference,
to improve comprehension during reading. In this sense, the current
results support the efficacy of these strategies to optimize textual
analysis skills.
In relation to the practice of summarizing after reading, the increase
from 28% to 56% in the proportion of students who now adopt this
practice suggests a significant development in the ability to
synthesize. Studies, such as. (Yang et al., 2019) (Marcillo-Manzaba and
Portilla-Faicán, 2022), have pointed out the importance of
summarizing as a tool to consolidate learning and promote
information retention. The results obtained in this study support the
idea that the implementation of the didactic manual has enhanced
students' skills in summarizing information.
On the other hand, the improvement in the students' ability to
compare words with their meaning in the dictionary after the
application of the didactic manual is significantly highlighted. This
finding connects with previous research that has explored specific
strategies to strengthen vocabulary and encourage the use of the
dictionary as an autonomous tool (Alam & Uzzaman, 2018)..
The transition from 89% to 67% in the proportion of students who
now compare words with their dictionary meaning suggests a positive
change in students' autonomy and proficiency in the use of linguistic
resources. Research, such as. (F. Teng, 2018), have emphasized the
importance of teaching specific strategies for approaching unknown
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
words and building vocabulary autonomously. In this sense, the
current results support the effectiveness of activities focused on the
development of lexicographic skills and dictionary consultation.
In relation to expressing opinions after reading, the increase from 31%
to 50% in the proportion of students who now indicate that they can
always give their opinion highlights an improvement in students'
ability to articulate and share their ideas. Studies, such as Bean and
Melzer (2021)have highlighted the importance of encouraging the
expression of opinions as an essential component of critical thinking
and active participation. The results obtained in this study support the
idea that the application of the didactic manual has positively
influenced students' ability to express their opinions more
The results of this study underline the positive influence of the
application of the didactic manual on students' perception of riddles
and their ability to form words, thus evidencing the impact on
motivation and creative ability in the use of language. These findings
find support in previous research exploring the relationship between
didactic strategies and the perception of playful and creative activities
(Manzano-León et al., 2021)..
The fact that 78% of students found the riddles to be motivating and
distracting after the application of the manual highlights the
effectiveness of this pedagogical approach in generating a positive
and stimulating environment. Research, such as [Reference of a similar
study], has suggested that playful activities can increase students'
motivation and engagement in learning (Alioon and Delialioğlu,
2019).. In this regard, the current results support the idea of. Makri et
al. (2021), that incorporating creative elements, such as riddles, can
be an effective strategy to foster motivation in the educational
In relation to the ability to form words, the fact that 78% of the
students claimed to form words after the application of the manual
indicates a strengthening of linguistic creativity. Studies, such as
Reyes-Chua and Lidawan (2019), have highlighted the importance of
activities that encourage the creative manipulation of language to
improve students' linguistic and cognitive skills. The results obtained
support the notion that pedagogical strategies that promote linguistic
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
creativity, such as word formation, can contribute to the
comprehensive development of language skills (Liu et al., 2018).
Finally, the positive impact of the manual on the development of
students' linguistic intelligence is highlighted, emphasizing the
importance of its strategic design to foster autonomy and the active
construction of knowledge. These findings are aligned with previous
research exploring the role of didactic manuals in the promotion of
language skills and the empowerment of the student as an active
agent in his or her own learning process (Engeness, 2021).
The fact that the Manual has contributed to the development of
linguistic intelligence through the measured use of strategies
suggests the effectiveness of its balanced approach tailored to the
needs of learners. Experts have emphasized the importance of a
variety of teaching strategies to address the different dimensions of
linguistic intelligence (Killen and O'Toole, 2023).. The current results
support the idea that pedagogically sensitive textbooks can be
valuable tools for optimizing language learning.
The facilitation of autonomous work and the opportunity for students
to be builders of their own knowledge are key elements that emerge
from the results. Studies, such as (L. S. Teng and Zhang, 2020)have
highlighted the importance of empowering students to take an active
role in their learning process. The results obtained in this study
support the notion that the Creating and Recreating Manual has
provided an enabling framework for the development of student
autonomy, allowing them to increase similar activities in a progressive
To conclude, it would be interesting to explore how innovative
strategies and the use of virtual environments could complement
each other in the overall educational process (Novay and Chacin,
2022).. That is, to reflect on how the integration of digital tools in
teaching could further amplify the positive impact observed on
students' linguistic learning, allowing greater personalization, access
to digital resources and promotion of digital literacy. In addition,
(Novay and Méndez-Ortega, 2023) highlights the importance of
innovation in education. The successful application of the didactic
manual suggests that innovative pedagogical strategies can have a
positive impact on learning. Similarly, the development of digital
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
competencies for teachers represents a necessary form of innovation
in the current educational context.
The findings of this study consistently indicate a positive and
significant impact on multiple dimensions of linguistic learning of fifth
grade students after the application of the didactic manual 'Creando
y recreando' (Creating and recreating). There is clear evidence of a
favorable change in the interest and enjoyment of reading, as well as
notable transformations in the students' practices and preferences.
Particularly noteworthy is the positive impact on semantic
interpretation skills and reading comprehension, suggesting that the
manual has played an integral role in the development of key skills.
These results underscore the effectiveness of the pedagogical
approach adopted, supporting the relevance of innovative strategies
to enhance the learning process and foster students' enduring interest
in reading and text comprehension.
The results obtained in this study reveal a series of substantial changes
in the practices and skills of fifth grade students after the
implementation of the didactic manual 'Creando y recreando'
(Creating and recreating). Significant improvements are noted in both
reading comprehension and the expression of ideas, evidencing a
positive impact on the comprehensive development of language
skills. Particularly notable is the improvement in the ability to compare
words with their dictionary meaning after the application of the
manual, indicating the effectiveness of the didactic strategies
employed. These results support the relevance and positive impact of
the pedagogical approach adopted, underscoring the importance of
innovative strategies to strengthen students' language skills and
improve their performance in key areas of reading and
In conclusion, the results of this study highlight the positive influence
of the application of the didactic manual "Creando y recreando" on
multiple key aspects of the students' linguistic development. It is
evident that the manual has had a significant impact on students'
perception of riddles and their ability to form words, which translates
into a palpable improvement in motivation and creativity in language
use. In addition, the positive impact on the development of students'
Impact of the Didactic Manual "Creating and Recreating" on the development of linguistic
intelligence in fifth grade students: An innovative approach in basic education.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 1
linguistic intelligence is underscored, highlighting the importance of
the strategic design of the manual in fostering autonomy and active
knowledge construction. These findings support the effectiveness of
the pedagogical approach adopted, consolidating the idea that
innovative strategies can trigger significant changes in the way
students interact and engage with language, thus enriching their
educational process.
To maximize the benefits observed in the motivation, creativity and
autonomy of students in the use of language, it is recommended that
the strategies and activities of the manual be continuously and
systematically incorporated into the fifth grade curriculum, ensuring
that it remains an integral resource in language teaching. Offer
training programs for teachers to familiarize them with the strategies
and methodologies proposed by the manual. This will ensure
consistent and effective implementation in the classroom. Adapt the
content of the manual to the particularities and specific needs of the
students and the educational environment, considering continuous
feedback from teachers and students to make adjustments that
maximize the effectiveness of the manual.
By adopting these recommendations, we seek not only to consolidate
the positive results observed, but also to promote a sustainable
change in the way language is taught and learned, thus contributing
to the integral development of students.
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