Estimation of CO2 emissions in 1 600 cc cabs under efficient driving parameters in the city of
Cuenca, using the IVE model
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2023/ , Vol. 13, No. 3
Maintaining a uniform speed, when the vehicle is accelerated and has
sudden braking, energy is lost at the time of restarting the car, the
transformation of energy by propulsion results in higher fuel
consumption and increased pollutant emissions. (Larrazábal, 2004)
The sample of the cab fleet to be used for the data collection was
determined. For this purpose, models were established that comply
with the established displacement and have the capacity to support
the necessary instrumentation for the data collection. The number of
cabs expected to be used is 18 vehicles (9 of 1400 cc and 9 of 1600
cc) that circulated 24 hours a day.
Vehicle fleet instrumentation
The IVE model basically uses GPS parameters. For this purpose, each
cab was installed with a cell phone with the torque pro application
and the ELM 327, since in this way the information from the cell phone
can be stored for later processing. The advantage of having the ELM
is that apart from the latitude, longitude and altitude data, it also
provides information on fuel consumption, which is used to evaluate
autonomy and savings.
Definition of variables that will feed the IVE model requires
environmental parameters such as humidity and temperature, as well
as some variables such as fuel type and composition, all these
variables will be obtained from current regulations and local
government information. The IVE model also included information on
fleet technology and the type of maintenance of the fleet, for which
information was collected from each of the vehicles involved.
To develop the road tests with the instrumentation implemented in
each cab, the information will be collected during a period of two
consecutive months in order to obtain as much information as
possible. The logistics of storing the information for its later
processing was in charge of the teacher on a weekly basis.
In order to carry out the driving tests efficiently, a training workshop
was held. The drivers carried out this mode of driving in three days,
so that in the second month of data collection the same process
would be developed in order to collect the information from the first
month; however, the second month is characterized under the
parameters of efficient driving.