Building a Business Conceptual Framework for Control Tools
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
However, the lack of detailed knowledge about the basic functions of
tax control tools provided by tax authorities is worrying. The fact that
a large majority of respondents are not familiar at all with these
functions suggests a possible lack of information or resources
available to educate taxpayers on this topic. Finally, the regular use
of business management software with specific modules for tax
control is significant, but there is still a considerable percentage of
respondents who have never used this type of software, highlighting
the need to promote its wider adoption and use at the business level.
The study by Lucas, E. (2021) provides a detailed overview of the
challenges faced by the construction business sector in the area of
taxation. The results obtained provide a clear perspective on the main
concerns of the participants in relation to tax management. It is
evident that a significant part of the respondents, representing
36.67%, consider that one of the biggest problems in the tax area is
the difficulty in substantiating the validity of costs and expenses
associated with the execution of works. This highlights the importance
of having solid documentation and recording processes in place to
adequately support these items.
Other authors include the level of tax development of the society,
which reflects the maturity and sophistication of a country's tax
system. In addition, the tax culture of taxpayers is considered, which
influences their willingness and ability to comply with their tax
obligations on a voluntary basis. Other relevant aspects addressed
include tax evasion and avoidance rates, the flexibility of tax
regulations, staff training in tax administrations, the technological
support available, the political commitment of governments, and
society's perception of the use of its tax resources. These interrelated
variables are fundamental to understanding the complexity and
dynamics of tax control in a global context.
The study by Cevallos, G., & Torres, J. (2012), highlights the
importance of the structure of the overall tax audit programme as a
fundamental guide for carrying out tax audits. This structure should
be designed in such a way that it covers all relevant aspects that will
be subject to analysis, thus ensuring comprehensive coverage of the
key elements of the tax process.
The flexibility of the programme is notable, as it can be adjusted
according to the judgement and understanding of the audit team,