Level of uncertainty of caregivers towards the patient hospitalized pediatric
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
during a
In a study carried out by Gudelia Nájera Gutiérrez in 2010, which
analysed the level of uncertainty in parents of children with cancer,
the sample consisted of 30 parents of children with cancer, the
biological personal factors were taken into account, the age that
stood out was between 30 and 40 years with an average of 38 years,
63% corresponded to the female sex in terms of the socio-cultural
personal factors, the marital status of the participating parents was
84% with a partner, The socio-economic level with more relevance
was the middle level with 70%, taking into account the formal
education 58% had primary education and finally if they had a family
member with cancer 34% said no, these data described is consistent
with those presented in this research since 54.5% of respondents were
in an age between 25 to 44 years, 50. In terms of level of education,
82.7% were of higher education. Regarding the economic situation,
70% have a medium-low economic level.
According to Nájera and collaborators in the relationship with the
study variables of both hypotheses Pearson correlations were used, in
the age variable there is no relationship for the existence or not of
uncertainty with a p= .023, with respect to sex the female refers high
uncertainty p= .010, with respect to the years of formal education a
negative correlation of p= -. 025, which means that the more
schooling the less uncertainty, with respect to socioeconomic level, it
was observed that there is no difference in the socioeconomic level
for uncertainty to exist with a p= .523, with respect to the variable
social support, it was observed that the more social support the less
uncertainty with a p= .008 (Najera et al., 2011).
In the relationship between the variables presented in this research
carried out in the paediatric service of the General Hospital IESS in
Riobamba, Ecuador, it is evident that the variable patient age is not
related to a high level of uncertainty with a p = 0.706, with respect to
the sex of the respondent it is not related to a high level of uncertainty
with a p = 0.588, 588, since regardless of sex the level of uncertainty
is high, with regard to the relationship to the paediatric patient,