Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2024, Vol. 14, No. 2 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Caicedo, I., Jiménez, L., León L. (2024 The impact on family and society
of the use of and adherence to pharmacological treatment in patients with chronic illnesses, Revista
Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, 14(2) 131- 145
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to
pharmacological treatment in patients with chronic illnesses
El impacto en la familia y sociedad del uso y adherencia al tratamiemto farmacológico
en pacientes con enfermedades crónicas
Iliana Alicia Caicedo Castro
Msc. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo,,
Luissana Jiménez.
Msc. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo,,
Luis Alberto León Bajaña.
Msc. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo,,
It is crucial to provide a comprehensive support system that addresses
both the medical aspects of treatment and the emotional and social
needs of everyone involved. Therefore, the study focuses on
identifying and addressing the patient's beliefs and perceptions
about medications and the underlying disease. Mixed research was
used with a survey developed in Google Forms, along with analysis of
results, to achieve a comprehensive understanding.The sample
consisted of patients with chronic diseases aged 35 to 80 years. The
results revealed that 88.3% of respondents recognized the
importance of taking their medications as prescribed, highlighting a
widespread understanding of treatment adherence. In summary, this
study has been instrumental in understanding patients' perceptions
of medications in chronic diseases.
Key words:
Diseases, Chronic Diseases, Medications, Adherence,
Received 2023-11-05
Revised 2024-03-11
Published 2024-05-01
Corresponding Author
Iliana Alicia Caicedo Castro;
Pages: 131-145
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
Es crucial proporcionar un sistema de apoyo completo que aborde
tanto los aspectos médicos del tratamiento como las necesidades
emocionales y sociales de todos los involucrados. Por ende, el estudio
se centra en identificar y atender las creencias y percepciones del
paciente sobre los medicamentos y la enfermedad subyacente. Se
utilizó una investigación mixta con una encuesta elaborada en Google
Forms, junto con análisis de resultados, para lograr una comprensión
integral. La muestra consistió en pacientes con enfermedades
crónicas de 35 a 80 años. Los resultados revelaron que el 88.3% de
los encuestados reconocieron la importancia de tomar sus
medicamentos según lo prescrito, destacando una comprensión
generalizada de la adherencia al tratamiento. En resumen, este
estudio ha sido fundamental para comprender las percepciones de
los pacientes sobre los medicamentos en enfermedades
crónicas.Principio del formulario
Palabras clave:
Enfermedades, Crónicas, Medicamentos,
Adherencia, Tratamiento
Initiating drug treatment brings with it a number of significant
challenges, especially when faced with chronic illness. In many cases,
people in this situation suffer not only from the physical burden of the
disease, but also from a considerable emotional and psychological
burden. Coming to terms with this new reality can be a long and
difficult process, requiring time and adequate support. In addition to
the patient, close social systems such as family, friends and caregivers
are also affected by this transition, underlining the importance of
addressing not only medical needs, but also emotional and social
needs during this process.
The complexity of chronic illness can create additional stress, anxiety
and worry for both the patient and their loved ones. It is therefore
crucial to provide a comprehensive support system that addresses not
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
only the medical aspects of treatment, but also the emotional and
social needs of all parties involved. This holistic approach can
contribute to improving the patient's quality of life and promote
better adherence to long-term treatment.
The issue that the study focuses on is the side effects and tolerance
that patients with chronic diseases may develop; side effects of
medicines can have a significant impact on adherence to drug
treatment in patients with chronic diseases. It is important to
recognise that although medicines are designed to treat a specific
condition, they can also cause a variety of unwanted side effects in
some patients.
Tolerance to certain medications is another important concern. Over
time, some patients may develop tolerance to the initial dose of a
medication, meaning that they will need higher doses to achieve the
same therapeutic effect. This need to increase the dose may increase
the risk of side effects and complications, which can lead to a
decrease in adherence to treatment.
The aim of the study is to identify and address patient beliefs and
perceptions about medications and the underlying disease, as they
play a fundamental role in the effective management of chronic
diseases. From a scientific perspective, it has been shown that
patients' beliefs and perceptions can significantly influence their
adherence to drug treatment. Studies have revealed that erroneous
beliefs about medicines, such as fears about side effects or lack of
confidence in their efficacy, can hinder adherence and compromise
health outcomes (Abalo, J. 2016). Therefore, understanding patients'
beliefs and perceptions provides valuable information to personalise
the therapeutic approach and design specific interventions that
address their concerns and promote better adherence to treatment.
In addition, identifying and addressing patient beliefs and
perceptions can contribute to a stronger and more collaborative
patient/physician relationship. By acknowledging the patient's
concerns and questions about their illness and treatment, health
professionals can establish more effective and empathic
communication, which in turn strengthens the patient's trust in their
health care team. (Joven, Z., & Guáqueta, S. 2019). This trusting
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
relationship facilitates collaborative shared decision-making and
increases the likelihood that the patient will follow the treatment as
prescribed. Ultimately, addressing patient beliefs and perceptions not
only improves treatment adherence, but also promotes optimal health
outcomes and greater satisfaction with the care received.
The study is highly relevant to the healthcare field for several key
reasons. First, understanding patient beliefs and perceptions allows
healthcare professionals to personalise treatment more effectively.
Each patient has a unique view of their disease and prescribed
medicines, influenced by a variety of factors such as their education,
previous experiences and cultural beliefs. By addressing these
individualised beliefs, physicians can tailor treatment to address the
patient's specific concerns, increasing the likelihood of successful
adherence and better long-term health outcomes.
In addition, identifying and addressing patient beliefs and
perceptions fosters a stronger and more collaborative patient-
physician relationship. Open and empathetic communication
between the patient and the medical team is essential to establishing
a mutually trusting relationship. By showing interest in the patient's
concerns and providing clear and understandable information, health
professionals can strengthen this relationship, which in turn improves
patient satisfaction and promotes greater cooperation in the
management of their disease.
Conducting a study on the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic diseases is justified by the need to
address a significant and complex public health problem. Chronic
diseases represent a considerable burden on healthcare systems and
can have a significant impact on patients' quality of life. Adherence to
drug treatment is a critical factor in the effective management of these
diseases, and understanding the factors that influence adherence is
crucial to improving health outcomes and reducing the burden of
chronic diseases. By conducting a study in this area, effective
interventions can be identified to improve adherence to treatment,
which benefits both individual patients and public health in general
by reducing morbidity and mortality associated with chronic diseases.
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
According to (Mendoza, R., 2021), non-adherence has immediate
repercussions that encompass clinical, economic and social aspects,
manifesting itself at two levels: first, directly in the patient and their
family environment, and second, at the level of health systems.
Regarding the impact on the patient, the most obvious consequences
are of a clinical nature. The severity of these consequences will vary
depending on whether or not treatment is initiated when the disease
is detected. Even if treatment is not initiated, it is the clinical
conditions of the disease in its natural state that will manifest
themselves in the patient's health. These conditions, in the long term
and depending on the type of disease, can cause irreversible and
even fatal effects due to progressive deterioration. pp. 902-903
According to the author, non-adherence to medical treatment not
only has immediate clinical implications, but also has significant
economic and social impacts. At the individual level, non-adherence
can result in a deterioration of the patient's health and the
development of chronic medical conditions or serious complications.
This not only affects the individual directly, but can also have an
emotional and economic impact on their family. It is therefore crucial
to address non-adherence in a comprehensive manner to mitigate its
negative consequences at both the individual and systemic level.
In terms of the factors that affect non-adherence to drug treatment in
older adults with chronic diseases, living in loneliness, not knowing
the disease and being unfamiliar with the name of the medicines were
identified as relevant
(Padilla & Morales, 2020). The factors that influence non-adherence to
pharmacological treatment in older adults with chronic diseases are
of utmost importance for the design of effective health interventions.
Living alone can negatively impact on an individual's ability to adhere
to treatment due to a lack of social support and supervision. Lack of
knowledge about the disease also plays a crucial role, as it limits the
patient's understanding of the importance of following the prescribed
treatment. Addressing these factors in a comprehensive manner is
therefore critical to improve adherence to treatment and ultimately
optimise health outcomes in the chronically ill older adult population.
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
Among the patient-associated elements, the relevance of internal
motivators was recognised, in addition to the expectations that
patients have regarding treatment outcomes, desiring noticeable and
rapid improvements. Regarding factors linked to the health system or
the medical team, users expressed having received adequate
information on the dosage of medicines, as well as the ease of access
to medical appointments. (Trujillo, J. et al., 2016).
The importance of patient- and health system-related factors in
adherence to treatment is critical to ensure effective outcomes.
Motivational aspects and patient expectations play a crucial role in
their commitment to treatment, as they influence their perception of
the efficacy and expected benefits of medicines. On the other hand,
adequate information provided by the healthcare system, especially
in relation to the dosage of medicines, is essential to ensure that
patients understand how to take their medicines correctly.
The terms "adherence" and "compliance" have been used
interchangeably to describe the implementation of health and
therapeutic recommendations. However, the use of "adherence"
suggests passive or active action, which may place the responsibility
solely on one of the parties involved, either the patient or the
physician/health care provider. In contrast, the term 'therapeutic
adherence' encompasses a broader range of behaviours, considering
the degree to which the patient's actions coincide with the
recommendations agreed between the health professional and the
patient. (Ortega, J. et al. 2018)
Therapeutic adherence, which includes monitoring of medication
intake, adherence to diets or implementation of lifestyle changes by
the patient, can be compromised by the simultaneous use of multiple
medications. One way to assess the extent to which patients follow
the indications associated with prescribed treatments is through the
measurement of medication adherence. It has been observed that
chronic diseases are particularly affected by low adherence, with
estimates suggesting that approximately half of the chronically ill
population does not follow the medication regimen as prescribed
(Moreno A, et al. 2018).
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
The author notes that the complexity of following a therapeutic
regimen, which includes taking medications, adhering to specific diets
and making lifestyle changes, can be exacerbated by the need to
manage multiple medications simultaneously. This situation poses an
additional challenge for patients, which may result in reduced
adherence to treatment.
Measuring medication adherence thus becomes a crucial tool to
assess how patients follow the instructions prescribed by their
doctors. The severity of this problem is particularly highlighted in the
case of chronic diseases, where approximately half of the patients do
not follow their treatment properly, underlining the importance of
addressing adherence as a central aspect in the management of these
health conditions.
To investigate the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic diseases, a research process
combining quantitative and qualitative methods was established
(Binda, N. & Balbastre, F. 2013). First, a survey was designed using
Google Forms as a data collection instrument. This survey included
specific questions related to medication use, adherence to treatment,
as well as patients' beliefs and perceptions about their disease and
treatment (Pillajo, A. 2019). The survey was administered to a sample
of patients with chronic diseases, aged between 35 and 80 years, with
the aim of obtaining a diverse representation of experiences and
Once the data was collected through the Google Forms survey, a
results analysis technique was used to examine and understand
emerging patterns. This analysis involved tabulating data, calculating
descriptive statistics and interpreting results (López, J. & Herrero, J.
2006). Specifically, the Likert scale was used to measure patients'
responses and understand their degree of agreement or
disagreement regarding certain statements related to the topic of
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
According to Matas, A. (2018), Likert scales are psychometric
measurement tools in which participants express their degree of
agreement or disagreement with a statement, question or utterance,
using a graduated and unidimensional scale.
According to the author, the use of Likert scales in research has
proven to be an invaluable technique for measuring attitudes,
opinions and perceptions in a quantitative and structured way. By
allowing respondents to express their degree of agreement or
disagreement with specific statements, these scales provide data that
are easy to analyse and compare.
Following the collection and tabulation of the data derived from the
study, an exhaustive desk search was carried out in order to establish
meaningful connections between the findings obtained. This
document search not only provided a broader contextualisation of the
results obtained in the current study, but also allowed for the
identification of trends, discrepancies and possible areas of
convergence between the conclusions reached in the present work.
The results obtained show that a large majority of respondents, 88.3%
agree or strongly agree with the importance of taking their medicines
as prescribed. Only 11.8% disagreed or felt neutral about it. This
suggests a widespread understanding of the importance of
adherence to drug treatment among participants.
Regarding the perception of whether respondents have sufficient
information about their disease and the purpose of their treatment, it
is observed that almost half, 47.1% exactly agree, while 29.4% feel
neutral about it. This indicates that there is a considerable group of
participants who could benefit from more education about their
condition and treatment.
In relation to concerns about possible side effects of medications,
94.1% of respondents expressed concerns about this. This finding
highlights the importance of addressing and mitigating patients'
concerns about side effects to improve adherence to treatment. In
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
terms of fear of taking medication due to information received, it is
observed that approximately half of the respondents, exactly 64.7%
agree or strongly agree that they feel fearful for this reason. This
suggests the need to address and clarify misinformation or
misinterpreted information about medicines to reduce patient
In relation to concerns about treatment efficacy, 88.2% expressed
agreement. This highlights the importance of effective
communication between patients and healthcare professionals to
address these concerns and optimise treatment. Regarding concerns
about whether they should continue taking their medication, 58.8%
agreed. This underlines the importance of providing ongoing
education and support to improve adherence to treatment.
On the desire to receive more information about their treatment and
how they can benefit, the majority of respondents, 88.2% agree or
strongly agree. This highlights the importance of improving
communication between patients and healthcare professionals to
meet these information needs.
In terms of feeling comfortable sharing concerns and questions about
treatment with health professionals, 82.4% of respondents agree or
strongly agree. This highlights the importance of establishing a
relationship of trust and openness in communication between
patients and healthcare providers. The integration of the results of the
current study with the relevant academic literature contributed to
enriching the overall understanding of the topic and deepening its
critical analysis, offering a more complete and informed perspective
on the implications and practical applications of the results obtained.
In the study by Chamorro, A. (2024), it was found that most of the
participants were between 67 and 70 years old, were female,
identified themselves as mestizo, were married, had primary
education, were financially dependent on family support and most
suffered from hypertension. Aspects that influenced adherence to
treatment included economic factors, health system and team-related
factors, and therapy-related factors, with the majority reporting that
they never found it difficult to adhere to their treatment without
interruption. In addition, patient-related factors showed that all
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
agreed on the usefulness of the treatment and took responsibility for
their own health care.
In his research findings on adherence to pharmacological and non-
pharmacological treatment in patients with chronic non-
communicable diseases at the Faculty of Dentistry of the University of
Cartagena, González, Y. (2014), highlighted that men accounted for
53.7% of respondents, outnumbering women. Most of the
participants belonged to the older adult group, with 43.7% of the
sample, and the vast majority resided in socioeconomic strata 1 and
2, with incomes not exceeding two minimum wages. In terms of family
medical history, hypertension was the most commonly reported
disease, followed by diabetes. In addition, the most prevalent disease
among respondents was hypertension.
In his thesis entitled "Adherence to pharmacological and non-
pharmacological treatment in patients with cardiovascular risk factors
in the Hospital Divino Niño de Buga Valle", Fontal, P. (2014), reports
on the level of adherence to pharmacological and non-
pharmacological treatment among research participants. It was
observed that 76% of patients are in a favourable situation for
adherence, while 14% are at risk of non-adherence to treatment, and
9% show no adherence at all.
The search not only provided a broader contextualisation of the
results of the current study, but also allowed to identify trends,
discrepancies and possible areas of convergence between the
conclusions reached in this work. The integration of the study results
with the relevant academic literature enriched the overall
understanding of the topic and deepened its critical analysis, offering
a more comprehensive and informed perspective on the implications
and practical applications of the results obtained to be developed in
the subsequent discussion.
Analysis of the results revealed that a large majority of respondents
agree or strongly agree with the importance of taking their
medication as prescribed, suggesting a widespread understanding of
the importance of adherence to medication treatment among
participants. However, it was also noted that almost half of the
respondents agree that they have sufficient information about their
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
disease and the purpose of their treatment, indicating that there is a
sizeable group that could benefit from further education about their
condition and treatment.
The majority of respondents agree or strongly agree that they would
like to receive more information about their treatment and how they
can benefit, highlighting the importance of improving communication
between patients and healthcare professionals to meet these
informational needs. Also, a large percentage of respondents agree
or strongly agree that they feel comfortable sharing concerns and
questions about treatment with healthcare professionals, highlighting
the importance of establishing trust and openness in communication
between patients and healthcare providers.
The study by Chamorro, A. (2024), provides a detailed overview of the
factors influencing adherence to treatment in patients with
hypertension, highlighting the importance of considering economic,
health system-related, and patient attitude and responsibility. These
findings highlight the complexity of treatment adherence and
underline the need to address multiple variables to promote better
disease management and more positive health outcomes.
The results obtained by González, Y. (2014), shed light on the
challenges faced by patients with chronic non-communicable
diseases in terms of treatment adherence. The fact that the majority
of participants are older adults and belong to lower socioeconomic
strata suggests that they may face additional barriers, such as
economic constraints and limited access to health care resources. In
addition, the prevalence of diseases such as high blood pressure
among family medical history and hypertension among respondents
highlights the importance of addressing these diseases effectively to
improve public health and the quality of life of the population.
The study by Fontal, P. (2014), provides a clear assessment of the level
of adherence to pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatment
in patients with cardiovascular risk factors in the Hospital Divino Niño
de Buga Valle. The results reveal that most patients are in a favourable
situation for adherence, suggesting adequate compliance with the
prescribed treatment. However, it is of concern to identify that a
significant percentage of patients are at risk of non-adherence to
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
treatment, highlighting the need to implement interventions to
improve adherence and prevent possible cardiovascular
complications. These findings underscore the importance of
addressing factors influencing adherence to treatment to ensure the
effectiveness of medical interventions and improve health outcomes
for patients with cardiovascular risk factors.
Possible directions for future studies include further research on
effective strategies to address patients' concerns about medication
side effects and anxiety associated with taking medication. In
addition, it would be relevant to examine how disease- and treatment-
specific education may influence patients' perception of treatment
efficacy and readiness. These lines of research can make a significant
contribution to improving the medical care and quality of life of
patients with chronic diseases.
The results of this study provide a detailed and meaningful insight into
patients' beliefs and perceptions regarding medicines and the
underlying disease in the context of chronic disease management. A
widespread understanding of the importance of adherence to
medication treatment is highlighted, evidenced by the high
percentage of participants who expressed agreement or complete
agreement with this premise. However, areas for improvement were
also identified, such as the need to provide more education about the
disease and the purpose of treatment, as well as to address concerns
and fears related to medication side effects.
These results also highlight the importance of establishing effective
communication between patients and healthcare professionals to
address concerns and questions about treatment. Although the
majority of participants expressed a willingness to receive more
information about their treatment and felt comfortable sharing their
concerns with health professionals, there is still a significant
percentage who report having concerns about treatment efficacy and
doubts about their continuity of treatment. It is important to highlight
the need for interventions focused on improving communication and
education to optimise adherence to treatment.
The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
In conclusion, this study has contributed significantly to the
understanding of patients' beliefs and perceptions about medicines
and the underlying disease in the context of chronic diseases. While
areas for improvement have been identified, overall, the study has
largely met its objective of identifying and addressing these beliefs
and perceptions. The findings provide a solid basis for future research
and clinical practice, with the aim of improving the quality of care and
health outcomes for patients with chronic diseases.
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The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
treatment in patients with chronic illnesses.
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
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The impact on family and society of the use of and adherence to pharmacological
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Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 2
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