Reconciling rights: Prenatal adoption and legislation in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
vulnerability due to the regulatory vacuum caused by the lack of a
clear legal framework. "Prenatal adoption is an issue that raises
important legal and social questions, especially in countries such as
Ecuador where legislation does not yet specifically address this
practice" (Cando, 2021, p. 10).
In Ecuador, the Childhood and Adolescence Code explicitly prohibits
the adoption of children before birth. According to Article 163,
numeral 1, of the Childhood and Adolescence Code, the adoption of
an unborn child is illegal. This provision shows a big difference
between local regulations and adoption practices in other countries,
where prenatal adoption is regulated and allowed under certain
circumstances. The current situation generates a debate on whether
it is necessary to review or reform Ecuadorian legislation to adapt it
to international human rights standards and ensure effective
protection of all parties involved (Tenecora Peralta & Clavijo Banda,
2022, p. 1).
The purpose of legal adoption is for children who cannot be raised by
their biological parents to obtain a safe and stable environment.
However, prenatal adoption involves decisions about an unborn child,
which introduces a number of additional problems. This process raises
important ethical issues, such as the need to ensure that the expectant
mother gives her consent in a free and informed manner, without
pressure. The rights of the unborn fetus must also be considered
(Hernandez, 2022, p. 12).
In our country, prenatal adoption could offer a viable solution for
many pregnant women and adoptive families, provided it is
implemented with adequate safeguards. However, the current
legislative prohibition prevents this option from being considered,
leaving unexplored a potential avenue to guarantee the welfare of
unborn children and expectant mothers (Baelo Álvarez, 2023, p. 8). It
is essential that the legal framework be aligned with international
human rights principles, which promote the protection and well-being
of both the unborn child and the gestating mother (Flores, 2011, p.
Under this perspective, the main objective of this research is to
critically analyze the prohibition of prenatal adoption in Ecuador,
identifying legal barriers and proposing possible legislative reforms