Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2024, Vol. 14, No. 3 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Pazmiño-Cujili, C., Cartagena, M., Rivera, R. (2024) Clean energy
generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador, Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria
Investigación y Saberes, 14(3) 25-44
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in
Generación de energía limpia por medio de la incineración controlada WTE en
Carlos Fernando Pazmiño-Cujili
Msc. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón Bolívar,
Mariuxi Virginia Cartagena Muñoz
Msc. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón Bolívar,
Ruth Verónica Rivera España
Msc. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón Bolívar,
The last few decades have seen a significant increase in the global
problem of solid waste management, with annual production
exceeding 2 million tons. The situation of having 2010 million tons
poses not only environmental, but also social and economic
challenges. This is because, if waste is not properly managed, it can
contaminate soil, water and air, which has a negative impact on public
health and biodiversity. In Latin America, significant challenges are
still faced in waste management, as many countries struggle to
implement efficient and sustainable systems. Despite the efforts
made by some countries to improve this situation through the
development of recycling policies and adoption.
Waste-to-Energy (WTE), Solid Waste Management,
Circular Economy, Carbon Neutral, Recycling Culture
Received 2024-03-12
Revised 2024-06-22
Published 2024-08-01
Corresponding Author
Carlos Fernando Pazmiño-Cujili.
Pages: 25-44
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
En las últimas décadas, se ha visto un aumento significativo en la
problemática global de la gestión de residuos sólidos, con una
producción anual que supera los 2 millones de toneladas. La situación
de tener 2010 millones de toneladas plantea desafíos no solo
ambientales, sino también sociales y económicos. Esto se debe a que,
si los residuos no son manejados adecuadamente, pueden
contaminar tanto el suelo como el agua y el aire, lo cual tiene un
impacto negativo en la salud pública y la biodiversidad. En América
Latina, aún se enfrentan importantes desafíos en la gestión de
residuos, ya que muchos países luchan por implementar sistemas
eficientes y sostenible. A pesar de los esfuerzos realizados por
algunos países para mejorar esta situación mediante el desarrollo de
políticas de reciclaje y la adopción.
Palabras clave:
Waste-to-Energy (WTE), Gestión de residuos sólidos,
Economía circular, Carbono neutro, Cultura de reciclaje
In recent decades, solid waste management has become an issue of
increasing concern worldwide. Every year, more than 2 million tons of
waste are produced. Improper waste management not only involves
environmental, but also social and economic challenges, as it can
result in soil, water and air pollution. This causes damage to public
health and the environment. In addition, waste that accumulates in
landfills plays an important role in the generation of methane, a much
more potent greenhouse gas compared to carbon dioxide. The need
for innovative and sustainable solutions in waste management has
been emphasized by the United Nations as an integral part of the
Sustainable Development Goals, pointing out its urgency.
By 2050, global waste generation is estimated to increase by 70%
over current levels, according to the World Bank report titled "What
a Waste 2. 0: "Waste on the 2050 horizon: A global look at solid waste
management?" (World Bank Group, 2018). The cause of this increase
is accelerated urbanization and growing populations.
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
In 2016, 2,010 million tons of waste were recorded and it is expected
that by 2,050 this figure will increase to 3,400 million tons; effective
solid waste management is of vital importance, including aspects such
as costs, revenues, tariffs, regulations, public communication,
administrative and operational models, as well as the regulation of all
actors including the informal market. In this context, plastics are
particularly problematic, since, if not properly collected and
managed, they can contaminate watercourses and ecosystems for
hundreds or thousands of years; moreover, it is estimated that, in
2016, waste treatment and disposal generated an emission of 1.6
billion tons of carbon dioxide equivalent, which represents about 5 %
of global emissions.
It is pertinent to highlight that proper waste management is essential
to build a strong circular economy, where products are designed and
optimized to be reduced in consumption, reused and recycled; in
order to take urgent measures to address this global challenge and
ensure a sustainable waste management in the future. (AERESS, 2024)
In Ecuador in 2022, the estimated weighted generation of solid waste
at the national level was 82,654.31 m³ per day, of this total, 68.13%
originated in urban areas, while 31.87% came from rural areas.
(MAATE, 2023)On the other hand, the special category cantons
generated the largest volume of waste and solid waste, representing
46% of the national total, while the micro category cantons
contributed only 2%. The large and medium categories showed
relatively similar waste generation volumes, with 20% and 22%
respectively. (MAATE, 2023).
WTE Technology and its impact on the SDGs. Waste-to-Energy (WTE)
technology represents a novel and sustainable solution to efficiently
manage solid waste; this technology and integral process consists of
controlled incineration, which allows us to reduce the volume of waste
by up to 90% and at the same time generate electrical and thermal
energy, minimizing the amount of waste that reaches landfills and
ultimately reducing greenhouse gas emissions. (World Bank Group,
The implementation of this WTE technology tributes to several
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), such as: According to the
World Bank (2018), by addressing SDGs 7, 11, and 13, Waste-to-
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
Energy not only addresses the waste problem, but also generates
notable benefits in terms of energy sustainability and climate change
reduction (World Bank Group, 2018).
WTE in Latin America, its Paradigms and Relevance. In the region
there is still a shortage of facilities to valorize Municipal Solid Waste
(MSW). In order to move towards the implementation of the circular
economy model, it will be essential to establish different facilities to
sort, recycle, compost and treat waste through anaerobic digestion
and thermal treatment with energy recovery (WTE), as well as to
recover construction and construction wastes, and to recover the
waste from the municipal solid wastes.
"In Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC), the lack of comprehensive
plans hinders effective waste management, thus hindering progress
towards sustainable management. Unlike at the international level,
where the European Union has established concrete and binding
targets for reuse and recycling, in LAC there are no long-term national
plans." (IDB, 2023).
The problem through various factors in the region has led to a lack of
clear and measurable goals, which limits the implementation of
effective strategies and the measurement of progress; in Brazil,
however, significant progress has been made thanks to the
implementation of mandatory selective collection and the National
Solid Waste Policy. Brazil's national plan sets a target of 48.1%
recovery of municipal solid waste by the year 2040 (IDB, 2023)
In other countries such as Chile and Uruguay, although goals have
been established in strategic documents, they are not binding and
their impact is limited. Chile seeks to reduce waste generation by 25%
and achieve 65% recycling by 2040, while Uruguay aims to recover
85% of post-consumer packaging and decouple waste generation
from economic growth by 10%, both by 2032 (IDB, 2023). (IDB, 2023)
To move towards sustainable waste management in Latin America
and the Caribbean, it is crucial to implement long-term national plans
with clear and binding objectives. These plans should be aligned at
the subnational level and have the active participation of all
stakeholders. (IDB, 2023)..
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
Political Will in Ecuador on the Availability of Landfill Waste.
According to current legislation, municipal and metropolitan
decentralized autonomous governments (GADM) are responsible for
the integrated management of solid waste. MAATE, in its role as lead
agency, is responsible for issuing policies, national plans, and
technical guidelines to ensure compliance with its responsibilities by
the GADMs and other actors.
In order to design and implement waste management projects based
on historical waste, it is essential to know the daily amount generated
by each city and the characteristics of this waste. In this context, the
project "Solid waste management and inclusive circular economy
(GRECI)" of MAATE will develop in a participatory manner the
National Plan for the integrated management of non-hazardous solid
waste. This plan will be the basis for the creation of policies,
strategies, plans, programs and projects at the national level.
MAATE presents the results of the analysis of data on the generation
and characteristics of non-hazardous solid waste at different levels
(local, provincial, regional and national). These results include
information on per capita production, volume, density and physical
composition of waste, and will serve to establish the priority lines of
action in the structuring of the National Plan for the integrated
management of solid waste in Ecuador (MAATE, 2023). (MAATE,
In the Organic Law Reforming the Organic Environmental Code
(CODA) and the Organic Code of Territorial Organization, Autonomy
and Decentralization (COOTAD), published in Official Gazette No.
602 on December 21, 2021, Article 30 establishes regulations for the
conservation and remediation of natural resources, as well as the
regulation and promotion of animal welfare and protection. It also
includes provisions for the management of non-hazardous solid waste
and the participation of decentralized autonomous governments in
the planning and execution of environmental works. (Ecuador, 2021)
How many kilos does each person produce per day in Ecuador? The
Ministry of Environment of Ecuador reports that the annual amount of
solid waste generated in 2022 was 5,103,087.59 tons with a
population of 17,989,912.00; this gives us a national weighted
average of 0.777 kilos per day per inhabitant; while for cities
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
considered "special" as Quito and Guayaquil, receiving this category
for its population density greater than 1,000,000,000,000.00 is 0.847
kilos per inhabitant per day. This causes an important focalized
contamination of soil, water and air, as well as a significant risk to
public health in these 2 main cities, whose particularity is due to the
increase in population income and consumption habits. (MAATE,
As we can analyze in Ecuador, waste management has been a
growing concern, especially in urban areas where waste generation is
higher; despite government efforts to promote recycling practices
and reduce the amount of waste reaching landfills, results have been
limited. Until 2024, the country has implemented several strategies,
including the promotion of the circular economy and the adoption of
clean technologies for waste treatment; however, controlled
incineration with energy recovery, also known as Waste-to-Energy
(WTE), has not yet been exploited to its full potential.
Advantages of Implementing WTE Technology in Ecuador: The use
of Waste-to-Energy (WTE) technology and the influx of foreign
investment offer numerous benefits in terms of solid waste
management and the promotion of sustainable development. WTE
technology, by converting solid waste into useful energy, has been
recognized as a fundamental tool to address global environmental
and energy challenges. Therefore, it is essential to analyze and
understand the specific advantages that this technology can provide
at the national and international level in terms of both environmental
and socioeconomic benefits. Finally, this study will focus on
highlighting the benefits of adopting WTE technology both in
Ecuador and in other countries, in order to provide a complete picture
of its potential advantages and uses.
Waste Reduction in Landfills: WTE technology can significantly reduce
the volume of waste deposited in landfills, thus reducing the pressure
on these sites and prolonging their useful life; this is especially
relevant in a country like Ecuador, where solid waste management is
a growing challenge due to urbanization and increasing consumption
levels (Legal Bulletin -) (National Assembly of Ecuador). (Ecuador,
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
Clean Energy Generation: The conversion of waste into energy allows
the production of electricity and heat from materials that would
otherwise be considered waste. This contributes to diversifying the
country's energy matrix and reducing dependence on fossil energy
sources, in line with sustainability and carbon footprint reduction
goals. (Ecuador, 2021)
Greenhouse Gas Emissions Reduction: By incinerating waste in a
controlled manner, gas emissions can be captured and treated,
minimizing the release of methane, a potent greenhouse gas
generated in traditional landfills. This can contribute significantly to
Ecuador's commitments in terms of climate change mitigation.
(Ecuador, 2021)
Economic Growth and Job Creation: The construction and operation
of WTE plants can generate both direct and indirect employment,
from construction to facility management and maintenance. In
addition, it can foster the development of a circular economy,
encouraging new forms of recycling and reuse of materials. (Ecuador,
Technology and Knowledge Transfer: Collaborating with countries
such as China and Denmark, which has experience and advanced
technology in the WTE sector, can facilitate the transfer of know-how
and best practices. This not only raises Ecuador's technological
standards, but also improves local capacities for waste management
and energy generation. (Ecuador, 2021)
Improved Quality of Life and Public Health: By reducing waste
accumulation and pollutant emissions, air quality is improved and the
risks of diseases related to poor waste management are minimized.
This is crucial for public health, especially in densely populated urban
The implementation of WTE technology in Ecuador is highly relevant,
as it not only addresses the urgent need to improve waste
management, but also offers multiple environmental, economic and
social benefits. With the support of foreign investors and the adoption
of advanced technologies, Ecuador can move towards a more
sustainable and cleaner future.
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
Report to NASA. In October 2023, the Instituto Superior Tecnológico
Simón Bolívar was invited to the student event "Present your
challenge", whose central theme was the generation of clean energy
through the controlled incineration of garbage, known as Waste to
Energy (WTE), in Ecuador and Latin America. This project earned the
Institute the award for Best Local Impact Project. (ISTSB_TMI, 2023)
Project Description. The research project was developed through an
exhaustive bibliographic search on waste management at a global
level, with a particular focus on Ecuador and Latin America. The
research highlighted the importance of the impact of solid waste on
the environment, including air, soil and water pollution, and
concluded with the proposal of WTE technology as a viable solution
to mitigate these problems, thus presenting the following key
Waste Impact: Waste accumulation is a critical problem that seriously
affects the environment and public health. The research highlighted
that, without proper management, waste can lead to significant
contamination of air, soil and water, affecting biodiversity and
ecosystems. (Ecuador, 2021)
WTE technology: Controlled incineration of solid waste for energy
generation is presented as an effective alternative to reduce waste
volume and generate clean energy. This technology not only helps to
manage waste more efficiently, but also contributes to the reduction
of greenhouse gas emissions and the generation of electricity from
non-fossil fuel sources. (Ecuador, 2021)
Application in Ecuador and Latin America: The adoption of WTE
technologies in Ecuador and Latin America can be particularly
beneficial due to the growing waste management challenges in the
region. The implementation of these technologies can significantly
improve waste management and environmental sustainability, as well
as generate employment and foster local economic development.
(ISTSB_TMI, 2023)
The Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón Bolívar project not only
addresses a critical waste management problem, but also offers an
innovative and sustainable solution. By integrating WTE technology
into waste management strategies, Ecuador and Latin America can
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
move towards a cleaner and more sustainable future, reducing
pollution and harnessing waste as a valuable energy source.
The research underscores the need to continuously and systematically
address waste issues in order to protect the environment and improve
the quality of life of the inhabitants.
The research was conducted using two main methodological
approaches: descriptive research and field research.
Field research. According to the research conducted by Jiménez and
Suárez (2021), it focuses on obtaining precise information about the
object or phenomenon of study in a specific context, without making
changes or altering existing conditions. Through this approach, it is
possible to obtain a detailed and accurate perspective of reality,
based on direct observations and data collection in situ.
Descriptive Research. On the other hand, descriptive research focuses
on describing the fundamental characteristics of homogeneous sets
of phenomena. According to Guevara, Verdesoto and Castro (2020),
this type of research uses systematic criteria to establish the structure
or behavior of the phenomena studied, providing systematic
information that is comparable with other sources. This approach is
useful for delineating the characteristics of a segment of people and
describing the most important attributes of the group to be studied,
as well as estimating the percentage of units that represent certain
behaviors in a specific population.
Justification of Methods. These methods were selected to achieve the
research objectives, which encompassed both identifying the
characteristics of a specific segment of the population and describing
the most relevant attributes of the group. The union of the two
approaches allowed us to obtain a complete and thorough view of
the research problem, guaranteeing the validity and comparability of
the data collected.
The use of descriptive and field research allowed not only to collect
accurate data on the current situation of waste generation and waste
management in Ecuador and Latin America, but also to provide a solid
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
basis for comparisons with similar studies in other regions. These
methodological approaches are essential to develop effective
strategies for the implementation of Waste-to-Energy (WTE)
technologies in the local context.
Research conducted by the Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón
Bolívar on the generation of clean energy through controlled waste
incineration (Waste-to-Energy, WTE) in Ecuador and Latin America
produced several important results.
Classification of cantons in Ecuador. In order to effectively evaluate
the management of solid waste by the Municipal Decentralized
Autonomous Governments (GADM) in their respective areas, the
GRECI Project has created a document called "Methodology for
selecting cantons in Ecuador and compiling information on waste and
residues; in this report, a proposal for the classification of cantons is
presented, which arises from the analysis of different factors linked to
demographic, institutional, technical, legal, social and economic
aspects. The purpose of this proposal is to classify the cantons that
have similarities in their characteristics, showing the results in Table
N°1 and Figure N°2.
Solid Waste Generation In Ecuador: The report of the Ministry of
Environment, Water and Ecological Transition of Ecuador (2023)
indicates a remarkable growth in solid waste generation at the
national level during the last decades; Ecuador's environmental
management faces a significant challenge due to this upward trend.
It is imperative to implement effective strategies in order to diminish
this negative effect and progress towards a more sustainable waste
management. Taking into account the above ideas, it was determined
that the weighted average density at the national level is 180.85
kg/m3. These data are also used to estimate the amount of solid
waste generated, and the results are presented in Table N°2 (MAATE,
The weighted generation of solid waste in Ecuador in 2022 was
82,654.31 m3/day; this figure is distributed in 68.13% of the volume
generated in urban areas and 31.87% in rural areas. Below is an
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
estimate of its composition according to the proposed categorization
of cantons, see Figure N°2.
Waste-to-Energy (WTE) or waste-to-energy technology is presented
as a viable and highly beneficial solution for solid waste management
in Ecuador and Latin America. The results of the research show that
its implementation offers significant advantages from several
Environmental Impact: Reduction of soil, water and air pollution: The
energetic valorization of waste avoids its disposal in landfills,
minimizing the leaching of pollutants and the proliferation of disease
Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions: By taking advantage of the
energy value of waste, dependence on fossil fuels is reduced,
contributing to climate change mitigation.
Technical and Economic Feasibility: It is crucial to highlight that the
successful introduction of waste-to-energy (WTE) technology requires
careful planning, appropriate technology selection, effective
emissions management and active community participation.
Experience from other countries shows that WTE technology can be
a viable, efficient and highly effective tool to manage solid waste and
eradicate it responsibly, contributing to environmental protection,
clean energy production and economic development. The
implementation of appropriate technology such as WTE are available
and have been successfully tested in several countries such as:
Denmark: Amager Bakke / Copenhill, A pioneer in WTE technology,
Denmark has one of the highest waste recycling and recovery rates in
the world, with more than 90% of its waste diverted from landfills.
WTE technology plays a crucial role in this success, with plants
generating around 30% of the country's electricity. (Babcock &
Wilcox, 2021)
Sweden: SYSAV (Sysav South Scania Waste), another leader in WTE,
Sweden has succeeded in reducing the amount of waste going to
landfill to less than 1%. WTE technology generates approximately
20% of the country's heat energy and contributes to the production
of electricity. (SYSAV, 2024)
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
Germany: With a waste recycling and recovery rate of over 65%,
Germany has also successfully implemented WTE technology. WTE
plants generate about 10% of the country's electricity and contribute
to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. (ResearchGate, 2024)
United States: Although the recycling and waste recovery rate in the
United States is lower than in some European countries, WTE
technology has gained ground in recent years. There are more than
80 WTE plants in operation in the country, generating electricity and
reducing the amount of waste going to landfills. (Gran View Research,
Canada: It has also successfully implemented WTE technology, with
more than 30 plants in operation across the country. WTE plants
generate electricity and heat, contributing to the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions and the country's energy security. (Mordor
Intelligence, 2024)
Japan: With a recycling rate of over 80%, it has also successfully
implemented WTE technology. WTE plants generate electricity and
contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. (Wtert
Japan, 2024)
Taiwan: With a waste recycling and recovery rate of over 50%, it has
also successfully implemented WTE technology. WTE plants generate
electricity and contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions. Kaohsiung, Taiwan's second largest city, has faced
significant environmental challenges in recent decades, especially in
waste management due to the large amount of urban and industrial
waste generated daily. In this context, waste-to-energy (WTE) systems
present themselves as a beneficial solution.
These systems not only help generate electricity, reducing
dependence on imported fossil fuels and greenhouse gas emissions,
but also help address environmental problems. A recent study
assessed the current status of municipal solid waste (MSW) and WTE
plants in Kaohsiung using official data. The operating efficiencies of
the four WTE plants in Kaohsiung during the period from 2003 to
2018 were analyzed, revealing an efficiency pattern similar to a
"bathtub curve," with values ranging from 0.287 to 0.568 kW-h/kg. In
addition, the operational efficiency progress of WTE's Gangshan
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
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plant modernization project was examined, which showed a
significant increase from 0.506 kW-h/kg in 2016 to 0.587 kW-h/kg in
2018. Finally, recommendations were provided on technological
measures and regulatory incentives to improve the operational
efficiency of existing WTE plants (MDPI, 2019)
China: Everbright International Limited is one of the leading
companies generating clean energy through controlled waste
incineration in China; this company has been noted for its ability to
transform municipal solid waste into usable energy; with projects in
several Chinese cities, Everbright International is committed to
developing sustainable solutions and reducing reliance on landfill
sites. (Everbright Environment, 2024)
Dynagreen Environmental Protection Group Co., Ltd. specializes in
generating energy from solid waste through advanced Waste-to-
Energy (WTE) technologies; the company operates numerous plants
in China that process thousands of tons of waste daily, converting it
into electricity and heat; Dynagreen focuses on energy efficiency and
minimizing environmental impact.
Shanghai Environmental Group Co., Ltd. is another leader in the WTE
industry in China; with a strong presence in the domestic market, the
company has implemented controlled incineration technologies to
generate clean energy; its projects are designed to maximize energy
recovery and minimize pollutant emissions, supporting the country's
environmental goals (Shanghai Electric, 2013)
China Everbright Greentech Limited, a subsidiary of China Everbright
Group, focuses on renewable energy and environmental protection
projects; the company has developed multiple WTE facilities that help
manage municipal solid waste sustainably; Everbright Greentech
promotes the circular economy and energy efficiency, contributing to
the development of cleaner and healthier cities (China Everbright
Greentech Limited, 2024)
China leads the way in Waste-to-Energy (WTE) technology,
Clean energy generation through the controlled incineration of solid
waste, known as Waste-to-Energy (WTE), has gained popularity in
China due to its ability to simultaneously address waste management
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
issues and energy demand. Companies such as China Everbright
International Limited and Dynagreen Environmental Protection Group
Co., Ltd. have led the way in implementing advanced WTE
technologies; these companies not only reduce the amount of waste
going to landfills, but also generate electricity and heat from waste
that would otherwise be discarded.
China Everbright International Limited, for example, operates
numerous WTE plants throughout the country, demonstrating the
viability and efficiency of this technology. The company focuses on
maximizing energy recovery from municipal solid waste and
minimizing pollutant gas emissions; with a strong commitment to
sustainability, Everbright International has set high standards for the
WTE industry in China and has contributed significantly to the
reduction of the country's carbon footprint (Everbright Environment,
On the other hand, Dynagreen Environmental Protection Group Co.,
Ltd. has been noted for its focus on energy efficiency and
environmental protection. Its WTE plants use advanced incineration
technologies to convert waste into clean energy; this conversion not
only helps reduce the amount of waste in landfills, but also provides
a renewable energy source; Dynagreen operates under strict
environmental standards, ensuring that its processes are sustainable
and beneficial to the environment.
Shanghai Environmental Group Co., Ltd. has also been a key player
in China's WTE industry, implementing projects that support national
sustainable development goals. The company is engaged in the
efficient management of municipal solid waste through controlled
incineration and energy recovery; its facilities are designed to operate
with high efficiency and low emissions, contributing to improved air
quality and reduced pollution (Shanghai Electric, 2013).
In addition, China Everbright Greentech Limited has expanded its
operations in the WTE sector, focusing on the integration of advanced
technological solutions for waste management and energy
generation; the company promotes circular economy practices, where
waste is viewed as valuable resources that can be reused and
converted into energy; this perspective not only helps to better
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
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manage waste, but also encourages a more sustainable and efficient
use of available resources (Everbright Environment, 2024).
Brazil: It has the largest WTE plant in Latin America, located in the city
of Manaus. The plant processes around 600 tons of waste per day,
generating electricity and reducing the amount of waste going to
landfills. The overview of waste-to-energy (WtE) technology in Brazil,
from initial barriers to current and future projects, points out that,
twenty years ago.
Brazil faced difficulties in implementing these technologies due to
lack of funds, coherent policies, and technical know-how, among
other factors; however, a gradual change is observed, with some
successful projects in operation, such as biogas plants in São Paulo
and Bahia. In addition, mention is made of Brazil's incursion into waste
co-processing in the cement industry since 1992. Despite these
advances, there are still challenges to be faced, such as public
opposition and the need for greater sectoral articulation. However,
with recent regulatory changes and the promotion of energy recovery
as a priority, further expansion of WtE technology in Brazil is expected
in the coming years.
Chile: Has implemented WTE technology in several cities, including
Santiago, the country's capital. WTE plants generate electricity and
contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. (ENC
Energy, 2020)
In the research conducted, it was found that several countries are
implementing the generation of clean energy through the controlled
incineration of solid waste, known as Waste-to-Energy (WTE), which
represents a significant opportunity for Ecuador. This technology
converts solid waste into electricity and heat, reducing the amount of
waste going to landfills and mitigating environmental pollution. It also
contributes to the diversification of the country's energy matrix, taking
advantage of waste as a valuable resource for generating renewable
Implementing WTE technology in Ecuador can help reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, such as methane, from traditional landfills.
By converting waste to energy, the release of these harmful gases into
the environment is reduced, supporting the country's climate change
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
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commitments. In addition, controlled incineration includes advanced
systems to capture and treat emissions, minimizing environmental
The infrastructure required for the WTE plants would generate
employment and economic development opportunities in Ecuador;
the construction and operation of these facilities require skilled labor
and can foster training and professional development in the waste
management sector for the entire academic community of the
Instituto Superior Tecnológico Simón Bolívar. In addition, the sale of
the energy generated provides an additional source of income, which
can be reinvested in sustainability and community development
A comprehensive waste management approach that includes WTE
technology would complement current recycling and composting
efforts in Ecuador. This technology integrates efficiently into a waste
management system where reduction, reuse and recycling are
priorities. Thus, non-recyclable waste can be used to generate
energy, ensuring maximum resource utilization and minimizing waste
sent to landfills.
For the implementation of WTE technology to be effective, it is crucial
to promote community participation and environmental education.
Informing and educating the population about the benefits and
operation of WTE plants can increase social acceptance and support
for these projects. In addition, active community participation in waste
management ensures a more collaborative and sustainable approach,
aligned with Ecuador's environmental and economic development
Chinese companies are at the forefront of clean energy generation
through controlled waste incineration; their leadership and
commitment to sustainability have demonstrated that WTE
technology is a viable and effective solution to contemporary
environmental challenges; with the right support and implementation,
Ecuador and other Latin American countries can greatly benefit from
signing long-term relationship agreements implementing this
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
technology, thus promoting a cleaner and more sustainable future for
their regions.
The implementation of Waste-to-Energy (WTE) technology in Ecuador
represents a transformative opportunity to address solid waste
management, clean energy generation and sustainable development.
The research, development and innovation teaching of the Instituto
Superior Simón Bolívar, and with the backing of the award-winning
project at the NASA event in Samborondón in October 2023, leaves
the challenge to the authorities of Ecuador and Latin America to take
up this challenge. The adoption of WTE is not only feasible, but
essential for the future of Ecuador and Latin America.
This project will contribute significantly to the achievement of several
Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), including Climate Action
(SDG 13), Affordable and Clean Energy (SDG 7), and Decent Work
and Economic Growth (SDG 8). By reducing reliance on landfills and
minimizing greenhouse gas emissions, Ecuador can position itself as
a leader in the fight against climate change; generating clean energy
from waste is a pragmatic and sustainable solution that needs to be
seriously considered.
The implementation of WTE plants will create numerous employment
opportunities, fostering professional development in areas of high
technological and environmental demand; this innovative approach
will not only provide renewable energy, but will also stimulate local
and national economic growth; authorities should see this as an
investment in the future, one that will strengthen the economy and
improve the quality of life for all citizens.
In addition, this project opens doors to address other environmental
challenges, such as the cleanup of rivers, seas and Ecuador's
Galapagos Islands; by incorporating advanced technologies and
promoting community participation, it will create a lasting and
positive impact on our natural environment: now is the time to act
decisively and responsibly to protect our natural heritage and ensure
a sustainable future for generations to come.
This article makes a call to the authorities of Ecuador and Latin
America: accept this challenge and lead the change towards a more
sustainable waste management and clean energy generation; the
Clean energy generation through controlled incineration WTE in Ecuador
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
implementation of WTE is an opportunity to innovate, grow and
preserve our environment. Collaborative and participatory work
makes a significant difference and sets a precedent for a cleaner,
healthier and more prosperous future.
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