Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
2024, Vol. 14, No. 3 e-ISSN: 1390-8146
Published by: Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres
How to cite this article (APA):
Bastidas, M., Calle, I., (2024) Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector,
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigacion y Saberes, 14(3) 70-87
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
El burnout en el sector financiero de Guayaquil
Marcelo Javier Bastidas Jiménez
Salesian Polytechnic University
Iskra Casandra Calle Carrión
Salesian Polytechnic University
This article presents the results of a study that analyzes the prevalence
and factors associated with burnout syndrome among financial sector
employees in the city of Guayaquil. Using the Maslach Burnout
Inventory (MBI), a widely recognized tool developed by Dr. Christina
Maslach, a representative sample of workers was surveyed to assess
three dimensions of burnout: emotional exhaustion,
depersonalization, and personal fulfillment. The findings reveal that a
significant percentage of financial employees in Guayaquil experience
high levels of emotional exhaustion and depersonalization, along with
low levels of personal fulfillment, indicating a worrying prevalence of
burnout in this sector. The prevalence of burnout in this population
was 40.4%. Statistically significant relationships were found between
the presence of burnout and variables such as age group, number of
children, hours of sleep, self-rated physical health and self-rated
mental health. It is necessary that both institutions and control
agencies take measures that allow an adequate management of
burnout syndrome in the city's financial system.
Burnout, financial sector, Maslach, prevalence, factors.
Received 2024-03-12
Revised 2024-06-22
Published 2024-08-01
Corresponding Author
Marcelo Javier Bastidas Jiménez
Pages: 70-87
Distributed under
Copyright: © The Author(s)
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
El presente artículo presenta los resultados de un estudio que analiza
la prevalencia y los factores asociados al síndrome de burnout entre
empleados del sector financiero de la ciudad de Guayaquil. Utilizando
el Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI), una herramienta ampliamente
reconocida desarrollada por la Dra. Christina Maslach, se encuestó a
una muestra representativa de trabajadores para evaluar tres
dimensiones del burnout: agotamiento emocional,
despersonalización y realización personal. Los hallazgos revelan que
un porcentaje significativo de los empleados financieros en Guayaquil
experimenta altos niveles de agotamiento emocional y
despersonalización, junto con bajos niveles de realización personal,
lo que indica una prevalencia preocupante del burnout en este sector.
La prevalencia del burnout en esta población fue de 40.4%. Se
encuentran relaciones estadísticamente significativas entre la
presencia del burnout y variables como grupo etario, número de
hijos, horas de sueño, autocalificación de la salud física y
autocalificación de la salud mental. Es menester que tanto las
instituciones como los organismos de control tomen medidas que
permitan una gestión adecuada del síndrome del burnout en el
sistema financiero de la ciudad.
Palabras clave:
Burnout, sector financiero, Maslach, prevalencia,
One of the most common phrases you hear these days is "I'm totally
burnt out". It is an expression that is often used when the person is
completely tired of doing something or working, and when he or she
needs to take a break because it is difficult to continue working
(Santee et al., 2023).. Workplace stress is globally considered a risk
factor for workers' health and safety (Siegel & Nagengast, 2019)..
This burnout has an adverse effect not only from an organizational
point of view, but also on the physical and psychological aspects of
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
each individual. Several studies have shown that burnout has negative
effects on the organization, such as decreased productivity, increased
staff turnover and increased absenteeism, and presents a high
correlation with depression. (Choi et al., 2019)
In particular, over the last 35 years, the prevalence of stress-related
illnesses, such as burnout, has increased significantly, affecting a
significant portion of employees in the general workforce worldwide.
(Galletta et al., 2016)
Since Hochschild's work, the literature on emotional labor has grown
enormously in the last three decades. The term "emotional labor" is
only appropriate when emotional labor is exchanged for something,
such as a salary or other valued compensation. Wharton pointed out
that such labor is not only performed in exchange for a salary, but also
under the control of others. However, despite notable advances in
academic research on emotional labor, some important questions
remain unresolved.
Previous research has shown that emotional labor contributes to
negative attitudes and behaviors and poor employee health. To
highlight the components that constitute it, a comprehensive
definition and theoretical model has been conducted that is expected
to explain the negative outcomes.(Jeung et al., 2018)
The importance of burnout has been gaining the attention of people
living and working in modern society, and the Maslach Burnout
Inventory (MBI) developed by Maslach is widely used as a tool to
assess burnout...
The original MBI gradually evolved, and is now classified into 3 types,
which are Maslach Burnout Inventory-Human Services Survey (MBI-
HSS), Maslach Burnout Inventory-Educators Survey (MBI-ES), and
Maslach Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS), depending on
the worker's job.(Choi et al., 2019).
The causes that influence Burnout syndrome can be of various types,
whether situational (demographics, marital status, educational level,
work), intrapersonal (personality type, coping strategies used) and/or
interpersonal (conflicting personal relationships, poor social support).
(Mijakoski et al., 2022; Shah et al., 2021).
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
Job stress is considered a disability, an adverse emotional state, a
burden, a response to job stressors, a psychological state, and a
dependency trait. Job stress refers to incompetence to cope with the
challenge or pressure of the job due to an unfortunate mismatch
between the capacity of the workforce and the conditions and
essential elements of the job. (Salama et al., 2022)
The overload of functions can lead to anxiety, depression, headache
and various diseases, thus harming the physical and psychological
health of staff members. (Huang et al., 2022)
Economic development, political reforms and a more critical citizenry
have meant that the public now places greater demands on the
administration than in the past, subjecting civil servants to greater
work stress, especially those working at the lowest levels of the
administrative system. (Dávila et al., 2023).
In many cases, low-ranking public employees, including those
working at the city/subdistrict level, have to work overtime to meet
the expectations of superiors, colleagues and citizens, playing
multiple roles as diligent workers, professionals, service providers and
Meanwhile, the resources available to low-ranking public employees
to fulfill their responsibilities are often limited, in part due to their low
positions and their powerless status, this has created the overload of
functions faced by low-ranking public employees, as their
responsibilities often "exceed the time, resources and/or capacity
available to them.
The financial sector is one of the main growth engines of the
economy, concentrates an important labor force, therefore, it is of
interest for the region to improve its productivity. This sector is facing
the phenomenon of labor turnover, which causes concern as it
destabilizes the balance within the organization. (Jaime & Pinto, 2023;
Yu & Zhao, 2024).
Developments worldwide, both at the macroeconomic and sectoral
levels, are characterized by liberalization, the elimination of
restrictions and privatization, which are linked to the intensification of
banking globalization processes and have generated increased
competitive pressure, pushing the sector towards greater
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
concentration of institutions in global or universal banking through
mergers and acquisitions. (González et al., 2011)
It is important to note that employees' self-perceived job satisfaction
is related to the quality of work life they experience. If job satisfaction
is improved, the employees' quality of life level is increased.(do
Nascimento et al., 2023).
There is evidence to suggest that organizations that offer adequate
working conditions, as well as professional and personal development
opportunities for their employees, obtain higher profits and better
social consideration. (Zhenjing et al., 2022)
The research method used in this study is quantitative, employing a
descriptive methodology. The data collection technique was the
computer-assisted personal interview, using a structured instrument
hosted on the QuestionPro electronic survey platform. The
questionnaire consisted of two distinct sections.
The initial section of the questionnaire comprised a set of 22
questions. These questions were formulated taking as a reference the
burnout inventory elaborated by Maslach. Each question of the
Maslach burnout inventory is evaluated using a time frequency scale:
0 = Never.
1 = Few times a year.
2 = Once a month or less.
3 = A few times a month.
4 = Once a week.
5 = A few times a week.
6 = Every day.
The second section of the questionnaire addressed eight
demographic variables and five habit and health variables. The
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
demographic variables included sex, age group, marital status,
religion, number of children, educational level, work seniority and
family income. On the other hand, the habits and health variables
included hours of sleep, self-perception of mental and physical health,
tobacco use and physical activity.
The population under study comprises all individuals employed in
financial institutions in the city of Guayaquil. According to data from
the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC), this group is
estimated to have a population of approximately 3,000 people.
To obtain the sample size, a pilot sample of 50 people was
considered, in which an estimate of the adjusted population
proportion of 0.70 was obtained. The sample was calculated
considering a confidence level of 95% and a maximum admissible
error of 5%.
𝑛 =
𝑁 1
+ 𝑍
𝑛 =
3000 1
𝑛 292
The Maslach burnout inventory comprises three dimensions:
emotional exhaustion, depersonalization and self-fulfillment. Table 1
shows the three dimensions together with the questions
corresponding to each one.
Table 1.
Maslach Burnout Inventory questions related to each
Questions involved
Emotional fatigue
Source: (Maslach et al., 1997)
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
Each of the three dimensions of burnout is assessed using a rating
scale that includes low, medium and high scores. The intervals
corresponding to each dimension are detailed in Table 2.
Table 2.
Assessment intervals for each of the dimensions of the
Maslach burnout inventory.
Source: (Soares et al., 2023)
The results of the application of the battery of questions of the
Maslach burnout inventory are shown in Table 3. High percentages
are evident in questions 2 (I feel tired after the workday), 3 (When I
get up in the morning and face another workday I feel fatigued), 11 (I
think that this job is hardening me emotionally), 14 (I feel that I am too
long in my job). These questions belong to the dimensions of
emotional exhaustion and depersonalization.
Table 3.
Responses to the Maslach burnout inventory questions.
Cansancio emocional ≤ 18 19 - 26 ≥ 27
Despersonalización ≤ 5 6 -9 ≥ 10
Realización personal ≥ 40 34 - 39 ≤ 33
Pocas veces
al año
Una vez al
mes o
Unas pocas
veces al
Una vez a la
Unas pocas
veces a la
Todos los
Cuando me levanto por l a mañana y me enfrento a otra
jornada de trabajo me siento fatigado.
Siento que trabajar todo el día con pers onas s upone un gran
esfuerzo y me cansa.
Siento que mi trabajo me está desga s tando/Me si ento
quemado por mi trabaj o.
Me si ento aca bado en mi trabajo, a l l ímite de mis
posi bi lidades.
Creo que estoy tratando a algunas personas como s i fueran
objetos impersonales.
Pienso que este trabajo me está endureciendo
emoc iona lmente.
No me preocup a rea l mente l o que l es ocurra a a lguna s de l as
personas a las que debo atender profesiona l mente.
Creo que las personas a l as que atiendo me culpa n de
algunos de sus problemas.
Tengo faci l i dad para comprender como s e sienten las
personas a las que tengo que atender
Creo que trato con mucha eficacia los probl emas de las
personas que atiendo
Creo que con mi tra ba jo estoy influyendo posi tiva mente en la
vida de otras persona s.
Siento que puedo crear con faci l i dad un clima agradabl e en
mi tr aba jo
Me si ento motivado después de trabajar en c ontacto con las
personas que atiendo.
En mi tra baj o trato l os probl ema s emoci ona l es c on mucha
Cansancio emocional
Realización personal
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
A summary of the frequencies of the demographic variables is
presented in Table 4. Fifty-seven point sixty-seven percent of the
respondents were female. The predominant age group was 25 to 34
years of age (51.40%), followed by those under 25 years of age
(31.90%). Regarding marital status, 70.50% were single, 22.90% were
married and the rest were divorced, unmarried and widowed. The
predominant religion was Catholic with 58.10%, followed by
evangelical with 21.40%; 13.30% said they had no religion and there
were 1.40% atheists. Regarding educational level, 21.90% had
secondary education, 70.60% had higher education and 7.60% had a
master's degree. Regarding the number or children, 71.4% indicated
having no children, 28.1% had between one and three children.
Finally, with respect to income, 24.8% reported earning $500 or less,
55.7% between $501 and $1500 and the rest more than $1500.
Table 4.
Demographic variables
Variable Categoría Porcentaje
Mascul ino 42,40%
Femenino 57,60%
< 25 31,90%
25 - 34 51,40%
35 - 44 12,90%
45 - 54 3,80%
55 + 0,00%
Casad@ 22,90%
Solter@ 70,50%
Divorciad@ 2,40%
Viud@ 0,50%
Unid@ 3,80%
Católica 58,10%
Evanlica 21,40%
Otra religión 5,70%
No tiene religión 13,30%
Ateo 1,40%
Educación secundaria 21,90%
Tecnología 12,90%
Formación técnica superior
Licenciatura/Ingeniería 44,80%
Maestría 7,60%
Doctorado 0,00%
Ninguno 71,40%
1 16,70%
2 8,10%
3 3,30%
s de 3 0,50%
$500 o menos 24,80%
$501 a $1000 39,00%
$1001 a $1500 16,70%
$1501 a $2000 10,00%
$2001 a $3000 5,20%
s de $3000 4,30%
Ingreso familiar
Grupo etario
Estado civil
Nivel educativo
Número de
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
Table 5 shows the percentages of the variables of habits and health.
The 69.5% stated that they sleep 6 hours or less; regarding mental
health, 43.30% rated it positively; regarding physical health, 39.10%
rated it positively. Seventy-nine percent indicated that they do not
smoke. Finally, with regard to sports activity, 44.80% stated that they
did not do any, 32.40% indicated that they did between 30 and 69
minutes a week.
Table 5.
Habits and health variables
Figure 1 shows the three dimensions of burnout. The emotional
exhaustion dimension presents a low level in 31.9% of the cases, a
medium level in 20.5% of the cases and 47.6% of the cases have a
high level. In the depersonalization dimension, 32.4% have a low
level, 23.8% have a medium level and 43.8% have a high level. Finally,
in the dimension of personal fulfillment, 50% have a low level, 21.9%
have a medium level and 33.54% have a high level.
The frequency distribution of obtaining high scores in one or more
dimensions of burnout syndrome. Thirty percent of the participants
Variable Categoría Porcentaje
4 o menos 4,30%
Entre 5 y 6 65,20%
Entre 7 y 9 30,00%
s de 9 0,50%
Muy mala 8,10%
Mal a 7,10%
NI buena, ni mala 41,40%
Buena 33,80%
Muy buena 9,50%
Muy mala 8,10%
Mal a 13,30%
NI buena, ni mala 39,50%
Buena 30,50%
Muy buena 8,60%
Si 21,00%
No 79,00%
Ninguna 44,80%
Entre 30 y 69 32,40%
Entre 70 y 149 9,50%
Entre 150 y 300 7,60%
s de 300 5,70%
Horas de sueño
por día (horas)
(minutos por
salud sica
salud mental
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
did not show elevated scores in any of the dimensions (no burnout),
while 29.50% showed elevated scores in one dimension (mild
burnout). Likewise, 31.40% obtained high scores in two dimensions
(moderate burnout), and 9% registered high scores in all three
dimensions (severe burnout).
The presence of burnout syndrome can be evidenced by at least one
high score in any of the dimensions. However, the prevalence of the
syndrome has been considered when there are at least two high
scores in any of the dimensions of the Maslach inventory. Therefore,
it is concluded that the population studied has a prevalence of 40.4%.
Table 6 presents the percentages of burnout according to various
demographic variables, together with an indication of the significance
of the relationships between the pairs of variables.
Table 6.
Level of burnout and association with demographic variables
(p < 0.05).
No significant differences were observed in the incidence of severe
burnout between men and women. However, a higher percentage of
Variable Categoría Sin Burnout Burnout leve/moderado Burnout grave Valor p
Masculino 33,70% 55,10% 11,20%
Femenino 27,30% 61,00% 9,00%
< 25 19,40% 65,70% 14,90%
25 - 34 32,40% 61,10% 6,50%
35 - 44 44,40% 55,60% -
45 - 54 37,50% 37,50% 25,00%
55 + 30,00% 61,00% 9,00%
Casad@ 45,80% 47,90% 6,30%
Solter@ 24,30% 65,50% 10,10%
Otros 35,70% 57,14% 7,14%
Católica 31,10% 59,80% 9,00%
Evanlica 26,70% 62,20% 11,10%
Otras 30,23% 62,79% 6,98%
Educación secundaria 34,80% 52,20% 13,00%
Educación superior 27,70% 63,51% 8,78%
Maestría/Doctorado 37,50% 62,50% -
Ninguno 25,30% 64,70% 10,00%
1 28,60% 68,60% 2,90%
2 47,10% 35,30% 17,60%
3 o más 87,50% 12,50% -
$500 o menos 17,30% 73,10% 9,60%
$501 a $1000 25,60% 64,60% 9,80%
$1001 a $1500 40,00% 48,60% 11,40%
$1501 a $2000 38,10% 57,10% 4,80%
$2001 a $3000 54,50% 36,40% 9,10%
s de $3000 55,60% 44,40% -
Número de hijos
Grupo etario
Estado civil
Nivel educativo
Ingreso familiar
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
severe burnout is found in the 45-54 age group. In addition, single
people show higher levels of severe burnout. With respect to religion,
there is a higher prevalence of severe burnout among evangelicals.
Likewise, a higher incidence of severe cases is observed among those
with secondary education as the highest educational level, as well as
among those with two children. Finally, a greater propensity to severe
burnout was found among those with family incomes between $1001
and $1500.
Of the demographic variables analyzed in the context of this study,
age group and number of children showed a statistically significant
association with burnout syndrome.
Table 7 presents the percentages of burnout as a function of habit
and health variables.
Table 7.
Level of burnout according to and association with habit and
health variables (p < 0.05).
An increase in the percentage of cases of severe burnout is observed
in individuals who sleep fewer hours. Similarly, a higher level of
burnout is noted in smokers and in those who engage in physical
activity between 70 and 149 minutes per week. Likewise, severe levels
of burnout are recorded in people who rate their physical health as
poor and their mental health as poor or very poor.
Variable Categorías Sin Burnout Burnout leve/moderado Burnout grave Valor p
4 o menos 11,10% 66,70% 22,20%
Entre 5 y 6 29,90% 61,30% 8,80%
Entre 7 y 9 33,3 60,30% 6,30%
Muy mala - 82,40% 17,60%
Mala 6,70% 80,00% 13,30%
NI buena, ni mala 18,40% 69,00% 12,60%
Buena 45,10% 52,10% 2,80%
Muy buena 70,00% 25,00% 5,00%
Muy mala - 94,10% 5,90%
Mala 14,30% 67,90% 17,90%
NI buena, ni mala 26,50% 65,10% 8,40%
Buena 39,10% 51,60% 9,40%
Muy buena 66,70% 33,30% -
Si 29,50% 52,30% 18,20%
No 30,10% 63,30% 6,60%
Ninguna 30,90% 61,70% 7,40%
Entre 30 y 69 29,40% 60,30% 10,30%
Entre 70 y 149 30,00% 50,00% 20,00%
Entre 150 y 300 37,50% 62,50% -
s de 300 16,70% 75,00% 8,30%
(minutos por
salud mental
salud física
Horas de sueño
por día (horas)
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
A statistically significant association was established between burnout
and the following variables: hours of sleep (p=0.034), self-rated
mental health (p=0.000) and self-rated physical health (p=0.000).
The most recent research conducted on the subject of burnout shows
that this syndrome is on a growing trend. (Kanios & Bocheńska-
Brandt, 2021).. The presence of work-related stress in service-related
companies or institutions is becoming more and more frequent
(Tehrani et al., 2021)constituting a threat to professionals who are in
service positions or in direct contact with other people (Budayová et
al., 2023; Ratcliff, 2024)..
The present study conducted among employees of financial
institutions in the city of Guayaquil revealed the absence of burnout
in 30% of the collaborators, and 60.90% of the individuals were
identified with burnout levels between mild and moderate (high
scores in one or two of the dimensions evaluated). Sixty-nine percent
of the respondents presented high values in at least one of the three
dimensions of burnout and 9% of the employees were found to have
a severe level of burnout. The prevalence of burnout syndrome in this
population is 40.4%.
Comparing the described findings with those of other researchers, it
can be stated that in (Singh et al., 2023) showed severe stress among
7.9% of bank officers, and moderate stress was found in 77.3% of the
study population. (Amigo et al., 2014) evidence of severe burnout in
18.94% of the population studied. (Kumar & Sundaram, 2014)
concludes that their population presents high and very high levels of
stress in 75.5%. (Aguwa et al., 2014) presents a prevalence of burnout
in bank personnel of 37.8%. (Kumar et al., 2013) concludes that in the
population of bank employees in South Karnataka there is a
prevalence of burnout of 59.5%.
A statistically significant association was found between burnout and
the demographic variables age group and number of children. These
results can be compared with (Ng & Feldman, 2010) which concludes
that older workers face fewer problems with burnout; (Amigo et al.,
2014) finds a significant association between gender and two of the
burnout dimensions, likewise. (Allam, 2013) highlights higher values
of burnout in men than in women; (Li et al., 2015) find relationships
between some age groups and the self-fulfillment dimension. On the
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
other hand (Aguwa et al., 2014) finds a significant relationship
between burnout and the level of education, the same study points
out not having found a significant association with the variables sex
and marital status. The research by (Dai et al., 2006)highlights a
significant relationship between the level of education and two of the
dimensions of burnout. Few studies conducted in financial institutions
have considered the variable number of children, but there is
evidence of a relationship between this variable and burnout
syndrome in other sectors. (Hoffman et al., 2023; Safiye et al., 2023;
Villarreal-Fernandez, 2023)..
Statistically significant relationships have been found between
burnout and the variables: self-rated mental health, self-rated physical
health and hours of sleep. In this regard, there are coincidences with
studies such as the one carried out by (Singh et al., 2023) which shows
a correlation between burnout and physical fatigue; (Giorgi et al.,
2017) highlights that several articles examine the fact that stress at
work could trigger negative cases in mental and physical health, which
would include depression, anxiety, and harmful behaviors; on the
other hand (Dias & Angélico, 2018) mentions significant relationships
between burnout and variables related to sleep, mental disorders and
physical symptoms.
The state of burnout among employees of financial institutions in the
city of Guayaquil should be of concern to managers and owners of
the institutions, as well as to control agencies.
The findings related to the association with certain demographic
variables are considered very important, since recruitment processes
could be aimed at people with a lower propensity to suffer from this
syndrome. Likewise, the relationship between burnout and self-rated
physical and mental health is considered important, because in this
way institutions can adopt policies and strategies aimed at the
prevention and adequate management of burnout.
Combating burnout not only benefits employees, but also
strengthens institutions by improving job satisfaction, reducing staff
turnover and increasing customer loyalty through more attentive and
Burnout in Guayaquil's financial sector
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
efficient service. Ultimately, the sustainability of the banking sector in
Guayaquil will depend on its ability to recognize and address this
challenge with seriousness and commitment.
Aguwa, E. N., Nduka, I., & Arinze-Onyia, S. U. (2014). Assessment of
burnout among health workers and bankers in Aba south local
government area, Abia state, South East Nigeria. Nigerian
Journal of Clinical Practice, 17(3), 296-302.
Allam, N. S. S. A.-K. Z. (2013). A comparative study of job burnout,
job involvement, locus of control and job satisfaction among
banking employees of Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. Life Science
Journal, 10(4), 2135-2144.
Amigo, I., Asensio, E., Menéndez, I., Redondo, S., & Ledesma, J. A.
(2014). Customer service as a predictor of burnout syndrome at
work in the banking sector. Psicothema, 26(2), 222-226.
Budayová, Z., Cintulová, L. L., & Mrosková, L. (2023). Analysis of Risk
of Burn Out at Workers in the Field ff Social Services and Health
Care. Journal of Education Culture and Society, 14(1), 365-380.
Choi, Y. G., Choi, B. J., Park, T. H., Uhm, J. Y., Lee, D. B., Chang, S.
S., & Kim, S. Y. (2019). A study on the characteristics of Maslach
Burnout Inventory-General Survey (MBI-GS) of workers in one
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