Process management as a baseline for occupational safety
Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes , / 2024/ , Vol. 14, No. 3
The Twelfth Transitory Provision of DE-255 states: The labor
governing body, within five (5) months from the publication of this
Regulation in the Official Gazette, shall issue the technical regulations
on occupational safety and health. Until its issuance, the provisions
contained in articles 21 to 184, with the exception of articles 64, 65
and 67 of the Worker's Safety and Health Regulations, published in
Official Gazette No. 565 of November 17, 1986, last amendment
February 21, 2003, shall remain in force and shall be of mandatory
compliance in workplaces and/or work centers. (Occupational Safety
and Health Regulations, 2024).
The labor governing body is currently responsible for: To monitor
compliance with the legal regulations in force, related to Safety and
Health of Workers. and for which it maintains at the disposal of public
and private companies, the computer platform: Unique Work System
(SUT), in which everything that has been executed of the safety
management system of the company or workstation must be
registered and declared, taking into account that there must be
evidence of the management carried out.
On the other hand, social security is the responsibility of the State,
which will regulate, regulate and control the activities related to this
competence. For which the Art. 370 of the Constitution of the
Republic of Ecuador, (2008) states: The Ecuadorian Institute of Social
Security (IESS), an autonomous entity regulated by law, will be
responsible for the provision of mandatory universal insurance
contingencies to its affiliates.
E l (IESS, Seguro General de Riesgo del Trabajo, 2024)through the
Seguro General de Riesgos del Trabajo (SGRT) is published annually
through its web page: https://www.iess.gob.ec/es/web/guest/visor-
riesgos With this information it is possible to face the real problem
with the participation of those involved (public governing bodies,
employers and workers), allowing foreseeing new dangers and risks,
as well as identifying other economic sectors that become dangerous
due to different factors. This allows the development of preventive
measures, as well as the formulation of preventive policies and
programs at the national level that contribute to the reduction of
occupational hazards. The statistics provided below are the product