Proposal of a Strategic Endomarketing Model for Leadership and Optimization of
Results in Human Talent Management
Propuesta de Modelo estratégico de Endomarketing
para el Liderazgo y Optimización de Resultados en la Gestión del Talento Humano
Alicia Jacqueline Miranda Valle
Licenciada en Psicología, master en psicología
industrial y organizacional, estudiante de doctorado en dirección empresarial,
Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Honduras (UNAH),
evolution forces top executives to redirect strategies related to human
resources, especially in the processes of innovation, design and implementation
of tactics that generate differentiation from their competitors. This article
aims to address the problem, which determines the context of the tacit and
implicit obligations that every organization assumes towards its collaborators,
under the universal parameters established in the legal and contextual
framework of the Honduran financial system, the objectives to be achieved, as
well as presenting a proposed model applicable in the light of modern
organizational needs, as a scientific contribution that complements the best
practices existing in the reference sector.
Keywords: Human Talent Management, Leadership, Optimization of
results, Endomarketing.
evolución organizacional obliga a los altos ejecutivos a redireccionar las
estrategias relacionadas al recurso humano, especialmente en los procesos de
innovación, diseño e implementación de tácticas que generen diferenciación
frente a sus competidores. Este artículo tiene por objetivo abordar la
problemática, misma que determina el contexto de las obligaciones tacitas e
implícitas que toda organización asume para con los colaboradores, bajo los
parámetros universales establecidos en el marco legal y contextual del sistema
financiero hondureño, los objetivos a alcanzar, además de presenta una
propuesta de modelo aplicable a la luz de las necesidades organizacionales
modernas, como aporte científico que complemente las mejores prácticas
existentes en el sector referencial.
Palabras clave: Gestión
del Talento humano, Liderazgo, Optimización de resultados, Endomarketing.
Without human capital there are no
organizations, a motto that companies assume with optimism to enhance results,
however moving from theory to practice is a challenge in terms of understanding
their own coexisting needs in environments where organizational objectives
prevail over those of their people, expanding strategic thinking goes beyond
the visible, it involves redefining, reinventing and redesigning methods,
emphasizing that human beings are unique and irreplaceable, even with access to
the most advanced technology, they can never replace people, due to their
natural intelligence, problem-solving abilities and the ability to solve
problems, reinventing and redesigning methods, emphasizing that the human being
is unique and irreplaceable even with access to the most advanced technology,
can never replace the person, due to his natural intelligence, problem-solving
capabilities, with desires, interests, motivations, needs, problems and
emotions that, if managers know how to channel, they will get where they want
to go (Miranda, 2016).
By establishing logical guidelines, and paying attention to the concept of
knowledge economy that indicates that economic growth is not given by the
processes of mass production of equipment, but this is generated through the
production of ideas, that is, through intellectual or creative capital (Faggian
& McCann, 2009), calls to focus the strategy based on results as the fruit
of the interaction between people, and become more relevant when this is
associated with leadership management as the strongest link in this link.
The concept of Knowledge Economy establishes that economic growth does not
occur through the processes of mass production of equipment, but is generated
through the production of ideas, that is, through knowledge management,
innovation and creativity (Faggian & McCann, 2009), a statement that
focuses the strategy based on results as the fruit of the interaction between
collaborators, and becomes more relevant when it is associated with leadership
management as the strongest link in this link. In the opinion of Day et al.
(2004), the competencies that characterize a leader are a set of attributes
(skills, behaviors) that are evidenced in the actions he/she performs in front
of the team, for example, charisma, integrity, proactivity, among others.
In consideration of the previous arguments, the Endomarketing proposal
identifies leadership as a key factor that ensures that the results, in
contrast to the institutional vision, mission and objectives. Capa et al.
(2018), argue that the need for the presence of leadership with high efficiency
capabilities, had never been expressed as strongly as in our times, therefore,
it constitutes the impulse that promotes the sustainability and profitability
of the organization.
In the organizational dynamics, human talent is grouped by specialized segments
and the mechanisms for loyalty promote high levels of commitment towards the
fulfillment of achievements, as highlighted by Gil & Ospina (2018), i.e. if
the company seeks to remain competitive in today's globalized world, it is
advisable that one of its strategic actions and initiatives is to use
Endomarketing so that employees accept challenges motivated by the recognition
of the value of their work by their leaders, who are obliged to establish
clear, measurable and achievable objectives, satisfy the needs of their
collaborators, create healthy and favorable work and interpersonal environments
for creativity, innovation and personal and professional development.
On the other hand, it
should be noted that in the value chain in the management of human talent
through leadership and the leading role of Endomarketing,
according to Campbell & Smith (2010), represent the lines of action that is
managed through various systems, policies, procedures, in order to provide the
organization and its collaborators spaces of labor welfare, that is, reward
them, evaluate them, develop their skills and encourage their mobility between
functions and structural growth.
Other aspects associated with the
implementation of employee care mechanisms, authors such as De Franco &
Vergara (2022), De Estrada (2022), Liendo & Ariza
(2020), have integrated in their studies, administrative theories, performance
evaluation models and organizational culture as a strategy for change
management in various segments, especially in the industrial sector.
Globally, from the strategic vision of corporate social responsibility (CSR),
organizations promulgate values associated with people, promoting the concept
of Sustainable Human Development (SHD), promoted by the United Nations (UN), in
order to convert human development, empowerment of skills, increase
opportunities and ensure the freedoms to have a full life, ultimately this new
culture allows to elucidate a world through a new socio-economic model (Ochoa,
Geographically in Europe, authors such as
Alonso & Garcia (2014), Gonzalez et al, (2009), in the Spanish labor
market, have focused on the human talent environment, investigating the
strategic alignment in the dimensions; people and key positions of the
organization, focusing on the valuation of best labor practices.
Large and medium modern
companies in Latin America use human resource management tools and practices
similar to those observed in other more developed countries, in Latin America
human talent management is considered to be an administrative support (Conrado
et al., 2021). In this sense, the scarce application of strategic models
restricts the vision of transforming human talent management into a value
segment aligned to business models oriented to results-based management.
Consequently in the American continent, the labor market extends to
transnational companies, assuming the same vision, mission and institutional
objectives, In South America specifically Colombia, authors such as Vera &
Blanco (2019), Pardo & Porras (2011), Borrero (2019), Chaparro & Urra
(2014), in an advanced process have synchronized theories and models of results
management, competencies and human management already existing and binding to
the current reality in organizations, developing hybrid models in order to
improve processes that result in optimal performance.
Likewise, in Peru, Mori & Bardales (2020) and Castro (2021), focus their
scientific expertise on offering companies structural contributions through
models that favor the implementation, development and evolution of skills,
aptitudes and knowledge that allow solving the research problem. In Ecuador,
Floril & Villegas (2021), try to establish a connection between human
talent management, job satisfaction and improving the working conditions of
their collaborators in the banking sector, being one of the few studies applied
in this sector.
In Central America, the term Endomarketing, has not yet become popular, because
it is a term linked to marketing, however there are countless plans, programs
and models that have been designed and implemented according to the needs that
are emerging within the companies and that show either partially or totally
elements related to the welfare of employees, These range from the
incorporation of initiatives aimed at the protection and promotion of physical
and emotional health to the generation of intangible benefits such as time off,
hybrid work, additional salaries outside the law, training and development and
recognition of achievements.
In this regard, Picota & Pinzón (2014), in Panama, conducted a study
entitled Endomarketing: Effective strategic decision to link and leverage the
most important resources, i.e. the human being, according to the results of
this research, Endomarketing strategies that are applied in Panama depend on
each company, its size, number of employees, budgets, among other important
aspects, but above all, The most used strategies are online training programs,
nutritional programs, remote work, student scholarships, self-improvement
activities, among others associated with seniority bonuses, transportation,
business bonuses, etc.
On the other hand, in El Salvador, Díaz et
al. (2021), present a proposal
for psycholaboral and psychotherapeutic intervention, which responds to the
needs of the work environment and psychological needs, such as anxiety and
depression, in the police sector of the country. It includes dimensions such
as: 1. Psychological demands. 2. Active work and the possibility of
professional development on the job. 3. Social support and the quality of
leadership. 4. Work compensation and recognition for effort. 5. 5. Work-life
balance. The aforementioned dimensions constitute well-being at work.
Therefore, the intervention program responds to the organizational needs, where
different professional development days are integrated, referring to time
management and distribution, development of cognitive skills, emotional
control, work autonomy, work sense and integration, roles and functions of
workers, leadership, interpersonal relationships, social skills, teamwork and
communication. The psychological intervention consists of group, recreational
and participatory sessions.
In the same Salvadoran territory, Avendaño & Estupinián (2011),
developed a proposal for an Occupational Hygiene and Safety Program in the
Ahuachapán Municipal Mayor's Office with the fundamental objective of
preserving the life and physical integrity of employees, in addition to
guaranteeing a safe, healthy and risk-free place.
Andrade et al. (2014), for their part, promote an Incentive Plan to reduce
work-related stress in the workers of the company Diana food products, in the
city of San Miguel, El Salvador, said plan contains financial and non-financial
incentives, as well as social benefits that will contribute to the reduction of
the problem. Within each incentive category, strategies have been defined with
their respective actions, which include the preparation of an industrial
hygiene and safety guide, a safety guide, an assisted termination program and a
first aid guide, as well as other actions such as training, a workplace
environment plan that allows the employer to manage stress in the workplace,
and other benefits that will help reduce stress.
In Costa Rica, Vilalobos (2004) formulated a monetary
incentive plan for multinational companies (SYKES and SUPRATEL), which links
compensation to performance, productivity and quality, reduces its costs,
improves the level of participation and identification of performance,
increases teamwork and reduces problems such as: inefficient communication
between superiors and subordinates, motivation, salaries, financial incentives,
and respect for the differences of thought of each employee, all formulated in
the clearest and most objective way for its success.
The dimensions of this plan are divided into: 1. Daily recognition. 2.
Quarterly recognition. 3. Yearly acknowledgments. 4. Attendance in the studies.
5. Referral Bonus. Information Campaign of the new plan.
Similarly, in Costa Rica, León et al. (2016),
developed a Retention Plan for Conelectricas RL
personnel, with the objective of retaining valuable personnel, implementing
actions that promote motivation and job satisfaction,
in order to maintain the competitive advantage in the long term, this plan
includes six variables of great relevance to the organization: Opportunity,
Incentives, Impact, Community, Communication and Employability.
In Guatemala, Torres (2023) designed an
occupational health and safety plan for the reduction of occupational incidents
in Simer lithography, with the objective of providing
the organization with guidelines to consider prior to the execution of the
work, to control and mitigate hazardous exposures, which threaten the worker,
to ensure implementation, the plan was formalized through 7 phases, 1.
Along the same lines, Chavac (2023) developed a
safety plan for DHL-Guatemala to prevent accidents at work and occupational
diseases with the aim of reducing negative impacts in the short, medium and
long term on the lives of employees. Through prevention and socialization
programs implemented by the company, operational workers have become more aware
of the conditions that can cause occupational accidents. Nevertheless, the risk
is still latent.
Likewise, Rivas (2005), allows us to visualize the panorama in terms of benefit
plans within the Call Centers in the financial sector, for which he conducted a
study with the general objective of determining the correlation of labor
incentives with high levels of staff performance for it were taken into account
three call centers, the results suggest that employees enjoy the following
financial and emotional support programs: 1. 3. Job stability, career
development, training and employee recognition.
Meanwhile in Honduras, Vásquez &
Velásquez (2017), articulated a corporate Endomarketing
Plan for the company, LOTO, solidifying it through an organizational
communication plan, the dimensions contemplated are: health and image of the
corporate brand, reputation campaigns, lotus values campaign, business trust
workshops, Lotus Flower Program, Lotus Philosophy Program and internal
motivation campaign.
Likewise, Sánchez & Guevara (2023),
propose the implementation of a continuous improvement plan to improve the
organizational climate for the staff of Students Helping Honduras, with the
objective of meeting the goals and acceptable levels of job satisfaction of the
collaborator, for which they design a model that includes 7 categories of
Strategic Category: Determine clear,
measurable and achievable objectives.
Skills Category: Establish a participative and collaborative leadership role,
as well as a motivating and rewarding work environment.
Personnel Category: whose actions are directed to the staff must be trained and
Style category: Establish a positive and
productive work environment.
Systems category: Improve the systems of feedback to the collaborators of each
change, evaluate the effectiveness of the changes and make adjustments
Values category: Establish an organizational
culture that promotes collaboration, innovation and commitment to the mission.
Structure category: Establish a clear hierarchy and define roles and
responsibilities of each team member. Garcia & Garcia (2013), focus their
attention on understanding the impact of the Endomarketing
technique , such as incentive programs on commitment and internal communication
on commitment and job satisfaction promoted by the company CEINSA, the
conclusions were determined that to continue strengthening loyalty and
improving commitment indexes, a more robust and structured Endomarketing
plan is required, thereby laying the theoretical foundations for the
development and continuity of corporate welfare indicators. On the other hand,
the authors Moreno (2018), in a general organizational overview and Rivas
(2016), in the financial sector, present plans in the management of Human
Talent as a tool that allows them to clarify the functions of the position
versus the competencies of the collaborators with the objective of generating
proposals aimed at improving work performance, both studies pave the way for
more structured intervention proposals in the professional development plan.
Based on the above, the reality reflected and
according to the diagnosis, the growing interest in human talent management has
been enhanced, due to the value they add to the organizational strategy,
however, despite the efforts of leaders and top management to improve the
working conditions of their employees, there is still a lack of comprehensive
actions to improve the working conditions of their employees, Therefore, it is
fundamental and necessary to carry out this study as a scientific contribution
that generates chain benefits for organizations, people and the country.
Therefore, in this article, a strategic model is proposed, which is a novel and
integral value proposal in the Honduran financial sector.
The methodology applied was a systematic
review of previous studies related to Endomarketing
plans, programs or models applied in the management of human talent talent, carried out from 2014 to 2024, considering a
universal, regional and local context.
Based on the previous arguments, the Endomarketing proposal identifies leadership as a key
factor that potentiates the results aligned with the institutional vision,
mission and objectives. Capa et
al. (2018), argue that the need
for the presence of effective leadership has never been expressed as strongly
as it is today, therefore, it represents the key piece that drives the
sustainability and profitability of the organization. The Industrial era has
been left behind to give way to the human-centered era. Organizations in their strategic
transformation process assume important challenges from the perspective of
human talent management, in line with Cappelli's (2000) thinking, which defines
it as the ability to manage, attract, develop and retain the most valuable
collaborators in organizations. Therefore, people are conceived as a key
element for organizational success thanks to their particular characteristics
(Chiavenato, 2009).
In the same line, Orellana
& Portalanza (2014), affirm that leadership
intervenes on the well-being of companies and affects the health and well-being
of people, following this line of ideas the importance of all the variables of
study included in this article is evidenced because, the management of human
talent is closely related to the Endomarketing
strategy, which, according to Villena (2021) is a catalytic action within the
field of human resources that allows senior management, to promote the loyalty
of its internal customers in the middle and lower levels, as mentioned by Chavéz (2018), companies in the XXI century must project
themselves to the public and their competitors as ¨intelligent organizations¨. In
short, without human capital there are no organizations, even with access to
the most sophisticated technology, it can never replace human action, because
they are beings endowed with natural intelligence, problem-solving
capabilities, with desires, motivations, needs, problems and feelings that, if
the leader manages to channel, can reach where they propose. (Miranda, 2016).
The purpose of this Strategic Endomarketing Model for Leadership and Optimization of
Results in Human Talent Management is to serve as a key tool to align
organizational objectives with the needs and expectations of employees,
promoting healthy work environments and wellbeing.
The model represented by 48 tactical actions
has been carefully designed under 4 strategic dimensions: 1. Emotional identity
with the organizational culture, 2. Communication and support culture, 3,
These strategies have a scope that covers the entire work life cycle of
employees, from talent attraction, recruitment and onboarding, training and
development, compensation, to retention, obtaining higher levels of
satisfaction and commitment.
Planning the impact of the Endomarketing Strategic
The implementation and monitoring of the Endomarketing
strategic model means a change in the way of conceiving human talent
management, creating a revolution and change in organizational performance,
transforming the way companies manage and value their people.
This organizational strategy advocates
improving overall employee satisfaction and commitment, as well as promoting a
strong organizational culture by strengthening the ties between organizational
values, mission and vision and those who strive to achieve them, creating
healthy environments that include not only employees but also their family
environment and professional expectations, creating a synergy in conjunction
with business objectives.
By showing a genuine interest in employees,
companies will begin to experience greater commitment and a sense of
responsibility, which will result in a significant reduction in staff turnover
rates, increased productivity and better practices in the execution of work.
As it is a model specially designed to mobilize managerial actions, leadership
is strengthened, which in turn facilitates communication, making it more
effective and a collaborative environment in synergy between leader,
collaborator and organizational strategy, resulting in greater innovation and
agility to adapt to market changes.
Ultimately, this strategic Endomarketing model
positions the company as a leader through a robust employer brand, where the
employees are the witnesses of the organizational efforts to attract, develop
and retain the best talent, which translates into sustainable growth and a
competitive advantage in the market.
Tactical and operational matrix
To establish the precise guidelines for the
implementation of this strategic Endomarketing model
requires will, time and financial investment, the tactical and operational
elements in the execution of the actions contemplated in this model are
detailed below.
Table 1: Tactical and Operational Matrix: Endomarketing Strategic Model - Honduran Financial Sector.
Matriz Táctica y
operativa |
Dimensiones |
Propuestas |
Objetivo Estratégico |
1. Promover acciones tácticas para la promoción
de ambientes de trabajo saludables para los colaboradores. |
Áreas Clave de Enfoque |
1. Reclutamiento y Selección: Mediante marca empleadora atraer a candidatos
alineados con una cultura de apoyo y valor arraigados centrados en el
bienestar de los colaboradores. |
Tácticas de Comunicación Interna |
Difundir las estrategias a través de los canales
oficial que garanticen la recepción del mensaje a todos los involucrados. |
Roles y Responsabilidades |
1. Alta dirección: Promueve a través del desembolso financiero y
mensaje inspiradores con énfasis en el interés por su gente. |
Indicadores de Rendimiento |
1. Satisfacción laboral: Encuestas
de clima organizacional. |
Recursos y Herramientas |
1. Recursos Financieros: Presupuesto asignado, materiales y tecnológicos
establecidos para cada acción táctica y periodos de tiempo. |
Plan de Evaluación. |
Se recomienda realizar adecuación y mejoras en el
Modelo estratégico al final de cada año operativa, inmediatamente después de
obtener los indicadores de resultados. |
Fuente: Elaboración propia (2024)
In summary, this model establishes a sequence
of 4 execution cycles, in each cycle the 4 dimensions of Endomarketing are
determined; Emotional Identity with the Organizational Culture (ICCO),
Communication and Culture of Support (CCA), Recognition of Achievement (RL) and
Equity and Opportunities (EO) and 3 tactical activities for each of them,
represented in the diagram with numbers after the code of each dimension, see
the example in illustration 13. Each tactical activity should be recorded in
the focus matrix, which will allow the visualization of the progress or
stagnation of the dimensions, to follow the logical sequence of the model the
complete block should be moved to the left according to the corresponding
cycle, it should be considered that the diagram shows that for the model to be
successful an analysis of results should be performed at the end of the second
cycle, which will allow timely adjustments and allow focusing efforts on those
tactics that have not been executed, at the end of cycle 4 the analysis of
progress should be repeated for a rethinking of the strategy.
The model establishes a 4x4x3 structure, 4 sub-dimensions, 4 cycles of analysis
and 3 tactical strategies per quarter, 2 phases of data analysis are proposed,
established for the second and fourth cycle, in the event that in the second
cycle the criteria of cycle 1 and cycle 2 are not met, the strategy should be
rethought so that before the end of the last cycle all the tactical strategies
have been fulfilled.
The adoption of this model to the organizational strategy will contribute
substantially to increase job satisfaction and thus strengthen the reputational
brand in order to attract, retain and enhance organizational success indicators
in the Honduran financial sector.
When analyzing the challenges and
opportunities in the financial sector, it is evident the need to generate value
propositions, specifically in everything related to the dynamic labor framework
in which human beings are immersed.
The Endomarketing
Strategic Model for Leadership and the optimization of results in Human Talent
Management was designed under a vision of strengthening the organizational
culture focused on employees, as key elements that drive sustainable results
and growth of companies.
This comprehensive approach ensures that, at
each stage of human talent management, employees feel respected and valued,
which reinforces their commitment, motivation and loyalty, turning them into
brand ambassadors, thus contributing to the overall success of the company,
consolidating a positive corporate reputation and favoring competitive
advantage by attracting capable and efficient candidates, aligned to a culture
of support, esteem and interest in their professional growth and development.
This model is inspired by dynamic and
participative actions, where employees and managers are the key element in the
construction of respectful, accessible, equitable, and functional work spaces,
generating a direct impact on the general labor welfare and quality of life in
the short, medium and long term. The
implementation of this strategic model guarantees the future success of the
sector by aligning the organizational strategy with the needs and expectations
of the employees.
It is recommended that senior management
include in their annual strategic plans, financial, technical and human
resources co-responsible for the implementation and monitoring of Endomarketing strategies proposed here.
It is recommended to those in charge of the
Human Talent Management area to immediately deploy the Endomarketing
strategy, including piloting, schedule, and relevant monitoring, in order to
make the necessary adjustments that will bring them closer to achieve the goal
of becoming a recognized employer brand.
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