Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes
<p> La <strong><em>Revista Científica Interdisciplinaria Investigación y Saberes, </em></strong>es una revista arbitrada de carácter científico, especializada y multidisciplinaria, dedicada a la publicación continua publicando 3 números durante el año los meses de<strong><em> Enero , Mayo y Septiembre,</em></strong> la revista solicita que los artículos científicos sean inéditos y originales. El objetivo de la revista está orientado a la difusión de las investigaciones y caracterizado fundamentalmente por el factor de innovación. Se pretende que la Revista integre la facilidad y accesibilidad de los medios sociales y científicos, con la precisión y el rigor que requieren los resultados de las investigaciones, de manera que sea útil para la sociedad y atractiva para los receptores sin perder la fuerza de expresión ni el rigor científico. La revista <strong>no mantiene ningún coste por la recepción, evaluación o publicación de los trabajos presentados </strong>su entidad editora es la <strong><a href="">Universidad Técnica “Luis Vargas Torres" de Esmeraldas</a></strong> - Ecuador, por medio del <em>Vicerrectorado de Investigación, Innovación y Posgrado </em>quien anualmente financia el proceso editorial. </p> <p>Todo artículo sometido a la revista para su publicación será evaluado en primera instancia por el <strong>Comité Editorial</strong> en atención a la pertinencia y el cumplimiento de las normas básicas de presentacion, en segunda instancia será sometido a un proceso de arbitraje de <strong>doble par ciego</strong> los mismos que son considerados según su especiad.</p> <p>En la actualidad la revista se encuentra Indexada en:</p> <p><strong><a href="">Latindex Catálogo</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="ón+y+Saberes&btnG=">Google académico</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="ón-y-saberes">REDIB</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="ón+y+Saberes">Refseek</a></strong></p> <p><strong><a href="">Academic Resource index</a></strong></p>es-ES<p>La revista brinda acceso abierto inmediato a todo su contenido sobre el principio de que hacer que la investigación esté disponible de forma gratuita para el público para apoyar un mayor intercambio global del conocimiento.</p> <p>De esta manera, el lector/a puede acceder a todos los contenidos de la revista desde el momento de la publicación sin coste ni obligación de suscripción.</p> <p>La revista ienen licencia bajo el acuerdo de licencia internacional Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International <a href="">(CC BY-NC-SA 4.0).</a> Los/as autores/as retienen los derechos de autor y se permite a terceros copiar, distribuir y hacer uso de los trabajos siempre que cumplan con los términos y condiciones establecidos por dicha licencia</p> <ul> <li class="show">citar la autoría y la fuente original de su publicación (revista, editorial y URL de la obra).</li> <li class="show">No se usen para fines comerciales.</li> <li class="show">Si remezcla, transforma o crea a partir del material, deberá difundir sus contribuciones bajo la misma licencia que el original.</li> </ul> <p>Puede encontrar más información al respecto en <a href=""></a>.</p> <p>La Revista declina cualquier responsabilidad sobre posibles conflictos derivados de la autoría de los trabajos que se publican.</p> (Manuel Quinónez Cabeza) (Marco Cedeño - Analista)dom, 05 ene 2025 00:00:00 +0000OJS of a Strategic Endomarketing Model for Leadership and Optimization of Results in Human Talent Management
<p>Organizational evolution forces top executives to redirect strategies related to human resources, especially in the processes of innovation, design and implementation of tactics that generate differentiation from their competitors. This article aims to address the problem, which determines the context of the tacit and implicit obligations that every organization assumes towards its collaborators, under the universal parameters established in the legal and contextual framework of the Honduran financial system, the objectives to be achieved, as well as presenting a proposed model applicable in the light of modern organizational needs, as a scientific contribution that complements the best practices existing in the reference sector.</p>Alicia Jacqueline Miranda Valle
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 30 ene 2025 20:38:25 +0000Evaluation of Post-Pandemic Behavioral Problems in Two Dog Populations Using the C-BARQ Test in Two Veterinary Clinics in Samborondón, Ecuador
<p style="font-weight: 400;">The COVID-19 pandemic, declared a public health emergency by the World Health Organization (WHO) on January 30, 2020, imposed mobility and socialization restrictions in several countries, affecting the daily lives of millions of people. As a result of these restrictions, many people spent more time in their homes, leading to an exponential increase in pet adoption rates. In addition, dogs already living with their guardians experienced an increase in the frequency of interaction, such as playtime, petting and short walks. This significantly changed the daily routines of the animals and led to changes in the lifestyles of the guardians, who adapted their care practices.</p>Fabiola Lissette Jiménez Valenzuela, Melissa Joseth Carvajal Capa, Irina Trejo Cedeño, José Echeverría Alcívar, Irene Palacios Noboa
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 30 ene 2025 20:46:46 +0000Promotion of healthy lifestyles in Primary Care in Latin America. Bibliographic review
<p style="font-weight: 400;">The promotion of healthy lifestyles in Latin America is presented as a priority issue in relation to social health problems, as it occurs in the provision of primary services. This paper aims to examine the close interrelationship between the practices of health professionals, social interactions and health mediation in terms of its effectors. An analytic-synthetic documentary research approach, an analysis of 19 scientific articles produced between 2014 and 2024 and published in indexed databases such as PubMed, SciELO and ScienceDirect was conducted. The most significant findings suggest that health professionals are key players in teaching for health promotion. Specific strategies, including motivational interviewing and nurse-led initiatives, were effective in clinical practice in reducing risk factors. These gaps also highlight the operational limitations that remain from the systematic evaluation and use of technologies. Final recommendations call for improving practitioner skills, modifying strategies to the local context, and strengthening technology convergence in order to scale interventions.</p>Silvana Estefania Wilcaso Cando, Silvana Ximena López Paredes, Ninfa Giovanna Yanez Barragán
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 30 ene 2025 20:54:49 +0000The impact of quality management on primary health care in Latin America
<p style="font-weight: 400;">The aim of this research was to analyze the impact of quality management in primary health care (PHC) in Latin America, focusing on the instruments used, as well as the possible relationship between quality and satisfaction. Aspects related to the organizational improvements implemented were also studied. The analysis of the documentary review showed that evaluation instruments are fundamental for quality in PHC, but require adaptations to reflect the realities. In addition, it is evident that quality management, when focused on improving empathy, accessibility and continuity of care, is closely linked to patient satisfaction. Organizational improvements, such as implementing process management and adopting technologies, have proven to be effective in optimizing service quality and increasing user satisfaction. It is concluded that the strengthening of community participation and the development of health personnel are essential to ensure efficient PHC.</p>Tania Elizabeth Arguello Quintana, Clara Patricia Guerra Naranjo, Ninfa Geovanna Yánez Barragán, Ana Verónica Pazmiño Verdezoto
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 30 ene 2025 21:05:19 +0000Sociocultural and psychological determinants of vaccine resistance in adults aged 19 to 64 years
<p style="font-weight: 400;">The article analyzes the sociocultural and psychological determinants of vaccine resistance in adults aged 19 to 64 years, through a literature review, with a qualitative-descriptive approach. Important aspects that influence reluctance to immunization in adults of this age range were identified. Among the sociocultural determinants, religion, education, beliefs and cultural traditions were noted; on the other hand, among the psychological factors, fear, misinformation and the perception of the risk of the side effects of vaccines were identified with great predominance. The findings showed that, despite the scientific information supporting the effectiveness and safety of vaccines provided by governments, agencies and health institutions , there are barriers to acceptance, motivated by lack of confidence in the safety of vaccines and fear, especially among young adults, of side effects, who even underestimate the risks of diseases. The review also showed that the influence of family, social groups and friends has a high impact on the decision of adults towards immunization. The literature analysis and interpretation highlighted the importance of addressing and understanding the sociocultural and psychological determinants of the adult population aged 19 to 64 years and understanding that the acceptance of immunization varies according to the age range, where adults older than 40 years showed greater awareness; and those younger than this age present greater doubts and fears.</p>Verónica Moncerratte Soria Salinas, Clara Patricia Guerra Naranjo, Jessica Maricela Segura Peñaloza
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 30 ene 2025 21:16:57 +0000Expert systems for the planning and management of personnel training in public institutions in the city of Esmeraldas
<p style="font-weight: 400;">This study focuses on developing a theoretical-practical framework for the implementation of an expert system for the planning and management of personnel training in public institutions in the city of Esmeraldas. The main objective is to analyze and systematize existing information on expert systems to optimize human talent management. The methodology used was based on an exhaustive documentary review, evaluating the current literature on training needs, knowledge representation techniques and the inclusion of explanation modules in expert systems. The results indicate that expert systems can significantly improve the efficiency of training planning, ensuring that staff competencies are aligned with organizational objectives. Notable findings of the study include the need for a pre-functional manual system, the integration of advanced knowledge representation techniques, and the validation of prototypes using qualitative methods. This approach not only optimizes training resources, but also increases staff performance and satisfaction, contributing to the socioeconomic development of Esmeraldas.</p>Fanny Graciela Egas Moreno, Gustavo Darío Robles Quiñónez, Lorena Aida Benites Valverde, Luz Marina Cifuentes Quiñónez, Carlos Alberto Campaña Bone
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 30 ene 2025 00:00:00 +0000Comparative Analysis of Subgrade Stabilization of a Road in Tungurahua Province - Ecuador
<p style="font-weight: 400;">This study analyzes the stabilization of the subgrade of the road between the communities of Teligote and Masabachos in Tungurahua, Ecuador, using lime and sodium chloride. The results show that lime increases the CBR by 150% and significantly reduces plasticity, while sodium chloride improves soil cohesion and strength, with a 120% increase in CBR. Both stabilizers are viable and effective, but lime excels in strength and durability. The pavement design based on these improvements ensures adequate infrastructure for the projected traffic. This study contributes to sustainable road development, enhancing connectivity and living conditions in rural communities, and offers a replicable model for similar projects in developing countries.</p>María Fernanda Pico Núñez, Juan Carlos Pico Núñez, Andrés Santiago Almeida Mayorga
##submission.copyrightStatement##, 30 ene 2025 21:55:01 +0000