How to cite APA:
Aguilera, S., Moreno, A. (2023) Digital Platform in the events sector ,
Ecuador: factors limiting its development. Repique, 5(1), 22-32
Vol. 5 No. 1
January - June 2023
e-ISSN: 2550-6676
pp 22-32
Digital platform for the events sector
Sindy I. Aguilera Bautista
Adriana P. Moreno Suarez*
The purpose of this research project is to identify the possible
shortcomings of the events sector in the municipalities of Chia and
Cajicá, in order to optimize the use of technological tools that we can
currently find, which contribute significantly to the development of
the same and in turn implement a collaborative economy where both
customers and suppliers work for the common good; Likewise, the
analysis of the problem will be carried out under the measurement
of the variables used as the survey, observation and readings that
provide knowledge and data of interest that will help us identify
possible solutions for the implementation of modern options, with
the results of the data obtained we will proceed to the creation and
design of a digital platform specialized in the realization of events,
where customers can supply all their needs and whims for the
realization of the same, identifying the added value of the proposal
from the comfort of your home, office or from where you can count
on the internet service.
Financing, microenterprises, entrepreneurship.
* Research Professor at the Corporación Unificada de Educación Superior (CUN).,
* Research Professor at the Corporación Unificada de Educación Superior (CUN).
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
Plataforma digital sector de eventos
El proyecto de investigación que se realiza tiene como finalidad
identificar las posibles falencias que tiene el sector de la realización
de eventos en los municipios de chía y Cajicá, para así optimizar el
uso de las herramientas tecnológicas que podemos encontrar
actualmente, que contribuyan significativamente en el desarrollo del
mismo y a su vez implementar una economía colaborativa donde
tanto clientes como proveedores trabajen en un bien común;
asimismo el análisis del problema se realizará bajo la medición de las
variables utilizadas como la encuesta, la observación y lecturas que
aporten conocimiento y datos de interés que nos ayudarán a
identificar las posibles soluciones para la implementación de
opciones modernas, con los resultados del dato obtenido se
procederá a la creación y diseño de una plataforma digital
especializada en la realización de eventos, donde los clientes
puedan suplir todas sus necesidades y caprichos para la realización
del mismo, identificando el valor agregado de la propuesta desde la
comodidad de su casa, oficina o desde donde pueda contar con el
servicio de internet.
Palabra clave:
Financiamiento, microempresas, emprendimiento.
Received :
This research arose from the need that currently presents the events
sector in terms of the use of Tics, a traditional market covers few
spaces, the implementation of new trends significantly helps the
sector and brings a decrease in unnecessary expenses such as
Sindy I. Aguilera Bautista, Adriana P. Moreno Suarez
transportation in travel and appointments that prolong the
processes. Digital platforms are a tool that presented a high
increase in the time we had to face due to the pandemic that the
world lived by the Covid 19; the use of these options generates an
advance in the processes and procedures that are at the forefront
of a world that is constantly changing.
Our research began with the study of the events sector where we
wanted to inquire about relevant data that could provide us with
knowledge and possible shortcomings presented in this; a market
that represents a high consumption due to various celebrations
already customary in our territory, such as: baptisms, birthdays, first
communions, mother's day, day of love and friendship, marriages,
degrees, among others.
The research problem was to analyze the aspects that contemplates
the implementation of a type of innovation for a particular sector,
based on the optimization of technological resources with which we
have today, this analysis will help the events sector in the
municipalities of Chía and Cajicá to design a market strategy with
easy disclosure, easy access, simple to use; by creating a platform
that integrates a collaborative economy where both users and
suppliers develop better profits and a positive development for the
organization, on the other hand, the concern arises to be at the
forefront in the development of technological means and the
different existing and very safe forms of payment.
In the scientific journal FUNDES we found an article on Revolution
4.0 Technologies Applied to Police Strategic Management
Revolution 4.0, written by Amaya Wilmer, Sena Miguel and Cabezas
Jorge, reflects that the use of new technologies provides significant
knowledge for the progress of the population in terms of saving
time and the implementation of Social Cybernetics, which begins
by appropriating new systematic models of care in the police
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
system; in our research is of utmost importance the contributions
described above because the use of technological tools today
simplifies actions that previously required much time and had to be
done in person, new technologies attract more customers in an easy
and fast way.
According to Cruz Micán E.O. (2021), comparing the
decentralization of Colombian education with phenomena in other
Latin American countries is based on detecting the characteristics
that coincide with the countries of the region and seeking a context
on relevant aspects of the education system, which is not at all
equitable or fair to the entire population and presents significant
flaws in its processes and procedures, with an inadequate allocation
of resources without considering the different variables that affect
this sector, an aspect that reduces the level of improvement of each
According to Robayo Méndez, J. E., Poveda Aguja, F. A., &
Cabezas Quintero, J. L. (2021). (2021) insecurity is identified in
several cities and countries such as the United States, France,
Germany or the United Kingdom, including Colombia where
anyone can pull a firearm, causing nerves among people and chaos
the police have had the need to provide a better way to counteract
the threat to which they are exposed and thus ensure the tranquility
of the community, and where they have been forced to have greater
security for all generating security and including shooters to ensure
public safety.
According to Correa Reyes, C. A., & Tavera Ardila, J. M. (2021).
allows us to have clarity of the state of the roads of Tolima where
its main characteristic is its narrow tertiary roads, due to poverty,
rurality, geographic isolation and density, although by these roads
is presented the flow and income of the productivity of the field of
this area and where you can determine the critical roads that we
Sindy I. Aguilera Bautista, Adriana P. Moreno Suarez
find in this sector, where there are roads not suitable for transport,
allowing more difficult access to food and other things of trade.
According to Loaiza Loaiza Y., & Pino Perdomo M.F. (2021|) allows
us to know which are the factors that influence the psychological
mistreatment of the female gender between the ages of 19 to 35
years, in the Association of Indigenous Councils of Tolima ACIT,
where emotional, cultural, affective aspects are detected that
aggravate the mistreatment not only physical but psychological and
thus determine possible awareness campaigns that achieve a
change of thinking and lead to the acceptance of the social
dimensions that they need to live in harmony and provide an
example for future generations.
According to Catro (2020), digital platforms provide an approach to
the reality of the service or product a little more real to which they
will access, also catalogs the platforms as an intermediation system,
in this case we will talk about the Uber application who has
revolutionized in the field of transportation, and its main function is
to provide a service where the user feels more comfortable when
traveling, here you have knowledge of who the driver is, data of the
vehicle where it is mobilized, how much the transportation will cost,
in how much estimated time they arrive at the starting point of
collection among other more explicit functions, for our research this
is one of the platforms that allows us to get even closer to the digital
platform that we want to present for the creation of social events.
Iñiguez (2021) indicates that the digital platform is called
collaborative work, it is very similar to the previous one but in this
case we are talking about Airbnb, a platform dedicated to offering
accommodation, where spaces are rented to stay for days, where it
is much more comfortable both in the economic sector and in the
use of spaces, this digital application has had a boom in the tourism
sector but also more demand from users who require the service,
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
More and more they have to offer comfort and guarantees, this has
allowed an economic development since it satisfies the need of the
user, it can be rented for short periods according to the need, what
we want to achieve with our innovative project is to offer a service
that accompanies and gives solution to the requirement of the user,
guaranteeing its comfort and facility in the event that requires. As
indicated by Andrade Katherine, Bellido Geraldine, Charapaqui
Jackeline, Rodriguez Ruben (2019), in Peru, make proposal for the
creation of an APP, where you can have options to interact in the
creation of social events, they determine that this type of activities
allow people can communicate, and that users can visualize the
different options offered in the realization of events, where they will
offer a variety of products required for the creation of social events,
They also propose a way in which businesses can use the APP as an
advertising medium to offer all the items that are on the market, for
our business idea allows us to have a clearer idea to make it feasible
and thus be able to implement it in the municipalities of Cajicá and
Chía in the department of Cundinamarca, taking this innovative
idea as an opportunity and solution for the creation of social events.
A mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology is applied, from
an exploratory approach, its population has to do with the existing
platforms in Cundinamarca and Colombia for the development of
spaces, where the sample of platforms that have to do with the
events sector is studied, instruments such as: surveys to analyze the
feasibility of the business and the proposal, field observation in
existing businesses in the municipalities of Cajicá and Chía to detect
possible problems of the sector; where different variables are
analyzed as time required for the organization of the same,
customer needs in terms of aspects required by the market and the
Sindy I. Aguilera Bautista, Adriana P. Moreno Suarez
use of technological tools, as well as readings for strengthening
research in the platform model to implement. The results obtained
led us to the need to create a digital platform where you can
integrate users and the best suppliers in the sector to get all the
same place with higher quality standards in the service; the digital
platform called Star Golden Event "you be the star" will take all the
current technological resources for the development of the
application and the most used forms of payment currently, where
we will perform a personalized work to have the best suppliers in
the market.
As a result of the research it is evident that there is an opportunity
to implement the platform according to the results of the survey,
these results are favorable and allow us to continue with the
innovation for this economic sector, the readings made of the Oslo
and Piter Druker manual, allow us to have a broader perspective to
implement, as they give us guidelines and strategies to conclude
with the research and thus the prototype of the platform to develop
is presented, the name of the platform and the slogan are
identified, the colors to consider as a digital company are raised.
In a changing market as we present around the world the creation
of our platform Star Golden Event (be the star of your event), will
be an excellent possibility to find everything you need in one place
and from the comfort of your home or office; in Colombia there are
already platforms that meet different needs, but none with all the
necessary requirements for the sector that raises this research, we
find platforms like,, Tienda that offer
commercial products and a variety of options to meet the needs of
its customers in all aspects. The competition of consumer
companies in the last 3 years are the digital platforms that day by
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
day are strongly positioned in the market, being an excellent option
for the findings of our research and the final product of innovation.
According to surveys currently conducted where we could detect
that 75% of the people surveyed would like the creation of the
specialized platform in the events sector and more than 65% have
a computer or technological tool with internet service, these results
are extremely important because they contribute highly in the
sector and provide quality in the service provided, in order to
achieve a great recognition and excellent performance for their
customers; this activity is widely used in our country because for
different factors are performed.
constant events. As support for the readings made in the research
we can find in the ECLAC report Data and Facts on digital
transformation, 67% of the population in Latin America and the
Caribbean is an Internet user, this indicates that the use of this tool
represents a significant growth, data of great relevance for the
development of our innovative idea regarding the implementation
of a digital platform for the creation of events and helps us to have
a point in favor regarding the use of the Internet.
Sindy I. Aguilera Bautista, Adriana P. Moreno Suarez
Figure 1.
Latin America and the Caribbean, Internet penetration
and users, 2010 - 2019
According to the exponential growth posed by the use of ICT in
marketing allows different sectors such as tourism, hospitality and
logistics realization of events, give new opportunities for growth
and development for the different regions and the country; this
leads the sector to implement technological tools easy to use,
through which you can save time and money.
This research generates a positive impact within the population
under study such as the inhabitants of the municipalities of Cajicá
and Chía of the department of Cundinamarca of legal age
interested in holding an event, since it seeks to generate a digital
platform that integrates suppliers of the sector chosen under the
best quality standards, where its recognition in the market is
certified and always seeks excellence, perfection and innovation in
the commitments made, as well as implementing means of
payment easily accessible and above all reliable and safe; our
customers will find all the necessary aspects for the realization of an
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
event in the same place. In our country the platform market
represents 0.2 percent of the country's GDP (Gross Domestic
Product), indicating that the use of these technological resources
increased radically as indicated by the newspaper El Portafolio
according to a report by Fedesarrollo, becoming an option widely
used by different people to maintain constant contact with the
outside world.
According to the favorable results of the research, a prototype of a
digital platform specialized in the events sector is designed for the
municipalities of Cajicá and Chía Cundinamarca, it was evidenced
that the scope of digital platforms for the sector under study are
very scarce and do not provide what is necessary, this allows us to
achieve exponential growth with the innovative idea to efficiently
implement the use of ICTs.
Within the municipalities under study we were able to satisfactorily
determine that the factors that influence the use of the digital
platform are not an obstacle for its implementation, currently the
uses of technological tools are booming due to the different
changes in today's world where everything is done efficiently and
Amaya Ávila, W. E., Serna, M. Ángel, & Cabezas Quintero, J. L. (2021).
Revolution 4.0 technologies applied to Revolution 4.0 strategic
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Sindy I. Aguilera Bautista, Adriana P. Moreno Suarez
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decentralization in Colombian educational reforms that coincide
with certain characteristics of other Latin American reforms. ID
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Robayo Méndez, J. E., Poveda Aguja, F. A., & Cabezas Quintero, J. L.
(2021). Police education as a mechanism of effectiveness in
active shooter training as a guarantee of citizen assurance in a
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Loaiza Loaiza, Y., & Pino Perdomo, M. F. (2021). Patterns of gender
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