Sindy I. Aguilera Bautista, Adriana P. Moreno Suarez
find in this sector, where there are roads not suitable for transport,
allowing more difficult access to food and other things of trade.
According to Loaiza Loaiza Y., & Pino Perdomo M.F. (2021|) allows
us to know which are the factors that influence the psychological
mistreatment of the female gender between the ages of 19 to 35
years, in the Association of Indigenous Councils of Tolima ACIT,
where emotional, cultural, affective aspects are detected that
aggravate the mistreatment not only physical but psychological and
thus determine possible awareness campaigns that achieve a
change of thinking and lead to the acceptance of the social
dimensions that they need to live in harmony and provide an
example for future generations.
According to Catro (2020), digital platforms provide an approach to
the reality of the service or product a little more real to which they
will access, also catalogs the platforms as an intermediation system,
in this case we will talk about the Uber application who has
revolutionized in the field of transportation, and its main function is
to provide a service where the user feels more comfortable when
traveling, here you have knowledge of who the driver is, data of the
vehicle where it is mobilized, how much the transportation will cost,
in how much estimated time they arrive at the starting point of
collection among other more explicit functions, for our research this
is one of the platforms that allows us to get even closer to the digital
platform that we want to present for the creation of social events.
Iñiguez (2021) indicates that the digital platform is called
collaborative work, it is very similar to the previous one but in this
case we are talking about Airbnb, a platform dedicated to offering
accommodation, where spaces are rented to stay for days, where it
is much more comfortable both in the economic sector and in the
use of spaces, this digital application has had a boom in the tourism
sector but also more demand from users who require the service,