Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
In the case of the students, a sample of 15 male and female
students has been randomly selected, consisting of 5 elementary
school students, 5 high school students and 5 middle school
students, ranging from 10 to 18 years old, considering that within
this age range they can handle the virtual instruments that will be
used for the collection of information. Regarding teachers, it is
important to consider their role within the processes of construction
of imaginaries within the school, since they are referents of authority
and knowledge in most of the cases, their presence as participants
in this research process is more than justifiable; therefore, out of the
total of 67 teachers, a sample of 5 teachers between elementary
and middle school has been chosen.
Finally, as already explained, the role of parents, guardians and
caregivers is based on their role as influencers in the students'
thinking structures from home, the sample size in this case remains
the same as the number of students considering the application of
the data collection instruments to one guardian per student.
Type of interview: In-depth interview, this technique will serve
within the process, since it will induce a qualitative analysis, not
segmented or structured, on the contrary, flexible. "It consists of an
informal conversation between the researcher and the informant.
Even though there should be a guide of questions or topics to be
discussed, the dialogue is not restricted and often the course of the
interview depends on the informant's answers. In order to carry out
an investigation with this type of technique, it is necessary to make
a careful selection of the people to be interviewed, focusing on key
informants who may be formal or informal representatives of social
groups and whose opinions reflect to a certain extent the thinking
of the group to which they belong. This type of interview is
generally carried out with a small sample, since the time required
to carry it out makes a survey of the population in general