How to cite APA:
Mora. L. Navarro, M., Higuera, Y. (2023) Incidencia de la Discriminación
Escolar en la Convivencia de los Estudiantes de la Institución Educativa Cisneros.
Repique, 5(1), 33-55
Vol. 5 No. 1
January - June 2023
e-ISSN: 2550-6676
pp 33-55
Incidence of School Discrimination in the Coexistence of the
Students of the Educational Institution
Loida M. Mora D.
Mónica P. Navarro G.
Yull X. Higuera C.
School discrimination is an issue that affects the integral
development of students, in this sense, a research will be conducted
to identify discriminatory practices that occur in the students of the
I.E. Cisneros of the municipality of Cisneros (Antioquia), through a
contextual analysis to determine their causes, their factors and
thereby design an intervention strategy to reduce cases of school
discrimination and thus improve coexistence in the institution. Action
research as a method, has had to gain space in the academic and
scientific community, a space that has been winning over the strict
scientific method and the positivist paradigm. This research is
qualitative in nature and the type of study is action research. The
qualitative approach and action research were selected because they
allow us to approach the school reality in a way that facilitates
understanding the context and describing the real processes from
the participants' perspectives; also because it is more appropriate to
have access to the world of other people's lives in a short time.
* Teacher Iberoamerican University Foundation,
* Teacher Iberoamerican University Foundation mó,
* Teacher Iberoamerican University Foundation,
Loida M. Mora, Mónica P. Navarro , Yull X. Higuera
Interviews were conducted with two focus groups (students and
teachers) from which the emerging categories are extracted.
Discrimination, social skills, social inclusion, educational
inclusion, school coexistence, participatory action research.
Incidencia de la Discriminación Escolar en la Convivencia de los
Estudiantes de la Institución Educativa
La discriminación escolar es un tema que afecta el desarrollo integral
de los estudiantes, en este sentido, se realizará una investigación
para identificar las prácticas discriminatorias que se presentan en los
estudiantes de la I.E. Cisneros del municipio de Cisneros (Antioquia),
por medio de un análisis contextual que permita determinar sus
causas, sus factores y con ello diseñar una estrategia de intervención
para disminuir los casos de discriminación escolar y así mejorar la
convivencia en la institución. La investigación acción cómo método,
ha tenido que irse ganando espacio en la comunidad académica y
científica espacio que ha venido ganándole al método científico
estricto y el paradigma positivista. Esta investigación es de carácter
cualitativo y el tipo de estudio es investigación acción. Se selecciono
el enfoque cualitativo y la investigación acción, pues nos permiten
aproximarnos a la realidad escolar, de un modo tal que facilita
comprender el contexto y describir los procesos reales desde las
perspectivas de los participantes; también porque resulta más
apropiado para tener acceso al mundo de la vida de otras personas
en breve tiempo. Se realizaron entrevistas a dos grupos focales
(estudiantes y docentes) de las cuales se extraen las categorías
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
Palabra clave:
Discriminación, habilidades sociales, inclusión social,
inclusión educativa, convivencia escolar, investigación acción
Received :
The school is a space of coexistence that is not exempt from the
phenomenon of discrimination, where a diversity of individuals that
make up the educational community coexist, who establish among
them a network of relationships that in addition to knowledge and
skills also promote norms, values, attitudes and practices, many of
which are shaped by prejudices and stereotypes that favor
discriminatory attitudes. According to Milicic, Alcalay, Berger and
Alamos, (2013). Cited by Arias, Rengifo and Lizcano (2022). From
the national level and according to studies conducted, it could be
deduced that students with weak social skills present greater
difficulty in socializing with peers and teachers, so they find it
difficult to behave and have poor academic performance.
In this sense, the dynamics of school coexistence presents several
challenges, mainly because in the context of secondary education,
adolescence, as a stage of development, is associated with
difficulties in physical, social and psychological development that
generate tensions in aspects related to self-esteem, independence,
limit management, communication, aggressiveness, sexuality,
among others (García, Pérez, & Hernández, 2013), which generates
tensions that have a significant influence on school coexistence,
with discrimination as one of the main problems.
In the educational context, discrimination has been known to
intrude, from racial segregation for several decades with exclusive
schools for whites and blacks, as well as with the different forms of
Loida M. Mora, Mónica P. Navarro , Yull X. Higuera
restriction in access to education for women, people with
disabilities and other population groups.
The phenomenon of discrimination is also linked to pedagogical
policies and practices that prioritize other aspects of training,
leaving aside the holistic construction of the human being, as
expressed by Cruz, Zapata, Ruiz and Morales (2021) "...occurs due
to the decontextualization of contents to which their educational
curricula are linked, since it leaves aside an integrality between a
globalized world, which requires the learning of a foreign language
and ICT".
In a much more specific context, in the Cisneros educational
institution, through the review of cases of school aggression among
peers, disciplinary processes and school guidance, observation of
the usual dynamics at break times, among other sources, different
manifestations of discrimination that permeate the harmonious
coexistence among the different members of the educational
community are perceived; Machismo as a model of upbringing
associated with toxic masculinities where violence and the
imposition of the strongest prevail, as well as homophobic, racist
and xenophobic attitudes externalized through jokes and insults,
are some of them.
As a contribution to the solution of this problem, this project aims
to carry out a process of identification of the types of discrimination,
the causes and factors that generate discrimination practices in the
Cisneros Educational Institution of the Municipality of Cisneros,
based on the above, to design tools to mitigate the cases of
discrimination that occur in the institution.
All this seeks to translate into the implementation of an intervention
strategy to reduce cases of school discrimination and thus improve
coexistence in the institution and that can be used as a reference to
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
other similar contexts in which realities such as the one described
are present. Recalling that the implementation of these strategies
is a team work formed by various members of the educational
community and led by the rector.
or director, with the definition of responsibilities, as well as the
organization of tasks and the establishment of times and deadlines
for carrying them out (MEN, 2008, p. 32). Cited by Sánchez (2022).
Designing educational proposals through perspective studies
allows educational entities seen as engines of social transformation
to respond to the needs of a changing world having the possibility
to diversify and choose the most relevant and appropriate format
according to the trends around the world of learning, interacting
with this information and making the processes more accessible
and usable, constantly interacting with the world and not only with
the local context provides the possibility to deepen concepts and
claims of the world around us. Guaqueta (2021).
This research is qualitative in nature and the type of study is action
research. The qualitative approach and action research were
selected because they allow approaching the school reality in a way
that facilitates understanding the context and describing the real
processes from the participants' perspectives; also because it is
more appropriate to have access to the world of other people's lives
in a short time.
In order to define qualitative research, the contributions of different
authors are presented below:
Ruiz (2012) defines it as the "set of interpretative practices, used by
social researchers, where the use of words, descriptions and stories
Loida M. Mora, Mónica P. Navarro , Yull X. Higuera
is privileged, becoming a first level resource for approaching a
reality". Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014) indicate that "it
focuses on understanding phenomena, exploring them from the
perspective of the participants in a natural environment and in
relation to their context" (p. 358).
The design of a qualitative research is characterized by being
flexible, interactive, dialectical and reflexive. A qualitative scientific
work: takes care of the ways of approaching reality; is capable of
distinguishing these ways of approaching and explaining them;
obtains information and exposes it in a systematized, clear,
coherent and argued way, then we speak of a work of greater
complexity and that possesses, due to its features, scientific
character (Guerrero and Guerrero, 2014, p. 48).
It can be concluded, that qualitative research is oriented to the in-
depth study of social realities, "it is interested in accessing
experiences, interactions and documents in their natural context
and in a way that leaves room for the particularities of those
experiences, interactions and documents and of the materials in
which they are studied" (Gibbs, 2012, p. 14).
The term action research comes from the author Kurt Lewis and was
first used in 1944. It described a form of research that could
combine the experimental approach of social science with social
action programs that responded to the major social problems of the
day. Through action research, Lewis argued that theoretical
advances and social change could be achieved simultaneously.
According to Chávez and Trias (2016), the essential purpose of
action research is to analyze the information about the events that
occur around, so that the members that are part of the group can
examine the planned activities, and thus reflect on these, in order
to find solutions to the problems and establish transformations that
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
contribute to the common welfare. In other words, people are the
main agent, an active and intellectual part of the knowledge
production process, searching for their reality in order to transform
it. This collaborative work requires that the community under study
participates in the decisions of the research process, being able to
review different aspects of the project as many times as necessary
as it progresses.
Therefore, action research is a methodology that, rather than
focusing on generating knowledge about a reality, opens up
questions, constitutes a reflective, systematic, controlled and
critical approach, which is developed in a cyclical manner, and has
an expressly practical purpose. In such a way that it not only allows
the expansion of knowledge, but also provides concrete answers to
the problem situations posed by the research participants, who in
turn are co-researchers who actively participate in each stage of the
research process.
The methodology oriented by Hernández, R., Fernández, C. and
Baptista, P. (2014) will be taken into account, the object of study
and research design, of non-experimental - transectional -
descriptive type, which aims to investigate the incidence of the
modalities or levels of one or more variables in a population. The
procedure consists of locating a group of people or other living
beings, objects, situations, contexts, phenomena, communities,
etc., in one or several variables and providing their description" (p
Non-experimental design-Transectional-Descriptive. That is to say,
it will describe how they have occurred in the context without any
type of manipulation since they are facts that already exist,
specifying their specific features and characteristics to be analyzed
Loida M. Mora, Mónica P. Navarro , Yull X. Higuera
According to information from the National Information System of
Basic and High School Education (SINEB), there are 1280 students
at the Cisneros Educational Institution, distributed in 3 urban sites
at the elementary and middle school levels, with a teaching staff of
67 educators at the levels described above. Each student has a
registered guardian who may be his or her father, mother or a
relative of legal age, who in some way influences and supports his
or her academic development; in some particular cases, older
students may be their own guardians.
It should be noted that most of these students and their families
depend heavily on the agricultural sector, being directly or
indirectly related to agricultural production and on the informal
economy, with low income and unsatisfied basic needs, in addition
to those social determinants (educational, social, economic and
cultural) that influence the context in which they live and their
Taken from Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2014) who point
out that the sample can be constituted as a group of people,
events, occurrences or communities from which data will be
collected, without them necessarily representing the universe or
population to be studied. Since the purpose of the research is not
generalization, the type of sampling is non-probabilistic by
convenience, "In non-probabilistic samples, the choice of the
elements does not depend on probability, but on causes related to
the characteristics of the research or the researcher's purposes
(Johnson, 2014, Hernández-Sampieri et al., 2014 and Battaglia,
2008b) and by convenience, it allows selecting those accessible
cases that accept to be included. This, based on the convenient
accessibility and proximity of the subjects for the researcher
(Tamara and Manterola, 2017).
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
In the case of the students, a sample of 15 male and female
students has been randomly selected, consisting of 5 elementary
school students, 5 high school students and 5 middle school
students, ranging from 10 to 18 years old, considering that within
this age range they can handle the virtual instruments that will be
used for the collection of information. Regarding teachers, it is
important to consider their role within the processes of construction
of imaginaries within the school, since they are referents of authority
and knowledge in most of the cases, their presence as participants
in this research process is more than justifiable; therefore, out of the
total of 67 teachers, a sample of 5 teachers between elementary
and middle school has been chosen.
Finally, as already explained, the role of parents, guardians and
caregivers is based on their role as influencers in the students'
thinking structures from home, the sample size in this case remains
the same as the number of students considering the application of
the data collection instruments to one guardian per student.
Type of interview: In-depth interview, this technique will serve
within the process, since it will induce a qualitative analysis, not
segmented or structured, on the contrary, flexible. "It consists of an
informal conversation between the researcher and the informant.
Even though there should be a guide of questions or topics to be
discussed, the dialogue is not restricted and often the course of the
interview depends on the informant's answers. In order to carry out
an investigation with this type of technique, it is necessary to make
a careful selection of the people to be interviewed, focusing on key
informants who may be formal or informal representatives of social
groups and whose opinions reflect to a certain extent the thinking
of the group to which they belong. This type of interview is
generally carried out with a small sample, since the time required
to carry it out makes a survey of the population in general
Loida M. Mora, Mónica P. Navarro , Yull X. Higuera
impossible, in addition to the fact that due to the amount of
information and the limited capacity to codify it, its systematization
in large volumes is almost impossible". (De la Peña, Ricardo and
Toledo Guardia, Rosario, 1997, p 100 - 101).
The interview is included, like the survey, within the group of
techniques known as conversational. The qualitative interview can
be defined as a conversation:
-Performed on subjects selected on the basis of a research
-In a considerable number
-that it has a cognitive purpose
-Guided by the interviewer
With a flexible and non-standardized questioning scheme
(Corbetta, 2007, p 344).
In the questionnaire made by the researcher, the questions asked
were semi-structured, open-ended, informative, flexible, without
restrictive dialogue, spontaneous according to the development of
the interviewee's answers.
The variables to be taken into account are based around the
o -School Discrimination
o -Social Inclusion
o -School Coexistence
o -Educational Inclusion
In the case of the students, a sample of 5 male and female students
randomly selected from grades 10 and 11 has been selected,
considering that among these grades and because of their age,
they can handle the virtual instruments that may be used in some
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
cases for the collection of information. Regarding teachers, it is
important to consider their role within the processes of construction
of imaginaries within the school, since they are referents of authority
and knowledge in most of the cases, their presence as participants
in this research process is more than justifiable; therefore, from the
total of 67 teachers, a sample of 5 teachers working in grades 10
and 11 has been chosen.
Taken from Hernández, Fernández and Baptista (2010) who point
out that the sample can be constituted as a group of people,
events, occurrences or communities from which data will be
collected, without them necessarily representing the universe or
population to be studied. Since the purpose of the research is not
generalization, the type of sample is non-probabilistic by
convenience, "In non-probabilistic samples, the choice of the
elements does not depend on probability, but on causes related to
the characteristics of the research or the researcher's purposes
(Johnson, 2014, Hernández-Sampieri et al., 2013 and Battaglia,
2008b) and by convenience, it allows selecting those accessible
cases that accept to be included. This, based on the convenient
accessibility and proximity of the subjects for the researcher
(Tamara Otzen & Carlos Manterola 2017).
Semi-structured interview:
The interview is included, like the survey, within the group of
techniques known as conversational. The qualitative interview can
be defined as a conversation:
-Performed on subjects selected on the basis of a research
Loida M. Mora, Mónica P. Navarro , Yull X. Higuera
-In a considerable number
-That it has a cognitive purpose
-Guided by the interviewer
With a flexible and non-standardized questioning scheme
(Corbetta, 2007, p 344).
"The research interview is therefore a conversation between two
people, an interviewer and an informant, directed and recorded by
the interviewer with the purpose of favoring the production of a
conversational discourse, continuous and with a certain line of
argument - not fragmented, segmented, pre-coded and closed by
a previous questionnaire - of the interviewee on a topic defined
within the framework of an investigation.
The interview is thus a conversational narrative, created jointly by
the interviewer and the interviewee, which contains an interrelated
set of structures that define it as an object of study (Grele, 1990:
112)" (Delgado and Gutiérrez, 1999, p 228). According to Corbetta
(2007), interviews can be classified according to their degree of
standardization, that is, the degree of freedom or restriction
granted to the two actors, the interviewer and the interviewee.
Delgado and Gutiérrez (1999) consider four fields in which the in-
depth interview can be used: 1. Reconstruction of past actions
(biographical approaches). 2. Study of personalized social
representations (norms, stereotypes). 3. Study of interaction
between personal psychological constitutions and specific social
behaviors (aggressiveness, violence, deviant behaviors). 4.
Prospecting of semantic fields, vocabulary and archetypical
discourses of groups and collectives.
We focus the analysis of the results obtained after applying the
selected instrument (interview). The data have been transcribed
because, as Gibbs says, "it is a simple form of recording that is
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
possible to handle using administrative techniques" (2013). As a
method of analysis, a synthesis of the answers offered by the
interviewees has been made in search of emerging categories that
were then crossed with the literature investigated in the analysis
phase of the research, resulting in some cases in the search for new
literature, which broadens our theoretical framework and enriches
the research. Finally, we define the categories from the
interviewees' point of view in order to have an approach to the
reality of the study.
To analyze the results obtained from the interviewed population,
we start from the emerging categories detected in the previous
exercise of synthesis, a documentary review is made from the
literature of each of these emerging categories to finally perform a
cross analysis and identify the findings of the research. This
deductive procedure allows us to go from macro categories and
general concepts to define more specific features that contribute to
the research process. The findings for each macro category
analyzed are shown below. A particular situation is explained by
deduction from a general assertion about the circumstances. Gibbs
In this phase of the research it is found that several emerging
categories are repeated in different macro categories, this can be
interpreted as coherence, since the feeling of the population is
directed in the same direction, the advantage of qualitative
research is that when two strategies yield very similar results, this
corroborates the findings; but when, on the contrary, these results
are not, triangulation offers an opportunity to develop a broader
perspective regarding the interpretation of the phenomenon in
question, because it points out its complexity and this, in turn,
enriches the study and provides the opportunity for new
approaches to be made. Urbano (2016).
Loida M. Mora, Mónica P. Navarro , Yull X. Higuera
The findings of the analysis will allow the design of recreational
strategies to mitigate the cases of discrimination that occur in the
educational institution, which in turn will facilitate the design of a
didactic resource to improve the problem of school discrimination
and its impact on school coexistence.
Categories of analysis for primer design
After analyzing the results, it is possible to detect some vital
categories to be included in the design of the educational resource
(primer) that will have an impact on the community and achieve a
process of social transformation.
Discrimination in the institution
Understanding the concept of discrimination, we seek to answer the
following questions: What is discrimination? How can we detect
cases of discrimination in the classroom? What attitude can we
adopt in the face of these situations? What route can we activate to
correctly deal with them?
The effects of discrimination
Seeks to raise awareness about the consequences of discrimination
in the school environment, such as depression, isolation,
introversion, anxiety that can lead to psychological problems or in
more extreme cases to personal abuse and suicidal behavior.
Discrimination not only affects the victim, but also generates a
social change in all members of the community that encourages the
continuity of the discriminatory phenomenon through
Those responsible for promoting inclusion
This category seeks to specify the role of each of the members of
society in the task of reducing discrimination and improving
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 1 - 2023
January - June
coexistence, since the responsibility of generating inclusion falls on
everyone, victims, perpetrators and spectators, we all have a role to
play in the search for an inclusive society that accepts and promotes
diversity as a social wealth.
Strategies to reduce discrimination
The objective of this category is to present a series of activities
proposed by the members of the community themselves that will
lead to achieving the general objective of the research, to reduce
discrimination and improve coexistence; these spaces for
participation should be adequately described to facilitate their
Qualitative research in the participatory action research model
allows us to observe the phenomenon under investigation from the
point of view of the protagonists, and although objectivity is
sacrificed for the human component, we gain impact and
transformation in society by understanding the problem from the
School discrimination not only affects the victims, but also causes
deterioration in the community in general to the extent that
exclusion and rejection of differences are normalized, diversity is
made invisible and empathy is lost.
The relevance of research such as this is clear, as expressed by
Sandoval and Vásquez (2021). "most students have difficulties in
the development of social skills. Therefore, it is important to
implement programs in educational institutions that facilitate the
formation of social skills and the solution of coexistence problems
to improve the quality of life of the members of the educational
Loida M. Mora, Mónica P. Navarro , Yull X. Higuera
community". The responsibility to stop the discriminatory
phenomenon is not exclusive to those who reject or exclude, but it
is a commitment of all parties involved in the conflict, society in
general as a guarantor of the dialogue process and a visibilizing
agent, and the victims to avoid falling into a circle of discrimination.
The analysis of the results produces the emergence of new
categories to be studied, framed within the macro categories
initially proposed in a process that, although it seems to go from
the general to the particular, actually adds more content as it is
carried out, which is in line with the inductive profile of qualitative
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