Como citar APA:
Prado,S., Lajones, D. (2023) Conservación de fuentes semilleras de
especies forestales de valor comercial en el bosque Mútile. Repique, 5(2), 126-165
Vol. 5 Núm. 2
July - December 2023
e-ISSN: 2550-6676
pp 126-165
Conservation of seed sources of commercially valuable forest
species in the Mútile forest
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone*
In Ecuador there are limited efforts to establish seed sources for the
production of reproductive genetic material of native forest species
capable of generating quality production in a timely manner. The
species of the study were selected from the remaining forest of the
Mútile Tropical Botanical Garden, which due to its conservation
status has species of commercial value. Currently, the use of
reproductive material of proven genetic quality in native forest
species is limited. The availability of qualified seed sources is the
first step in genetic improvement for the production of quality
reproductive material. The objective of this work is to contribute to
the conservation of seed sources of native forest species of
commercial value that meet the phenotypic, phytosanitary and
dasometric conditions acceptable for the development of forest
genetic improvement programs. Three seed sources of
commercially valuable species were established: laurel (Cordia
alliodora), guachapelí (Pseudosamanea guachapele) and Fernán
Sánchez (Triplaris cumingiana), consisting of 114 trees on 20
hectares. Phenotypic, phytosanitary and dasometric characteristics
of the trees were evaluated. The phenotypic evaluation showed that
* Master, Universidad Técnica “Luis Vargas Torres” De Esmeraldas,,
Master, Universidad Técnica “Luis Vargas Torres” De Esmeraldas,,
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 2 – 2023
July - December
73 trees achieved a rating of Excellent Trees and 41 trees have a
rating of Good Trees. The laurel species has the highest number of
trees evaluated (42 individuals), followed by guachapelí (38 trees)
and Fernán Sánchez (34 individuals). The seed-producing source
corresponds to the genetic category of Identified Seed Source.
Conservation, seed source, plus tree, phenotype, quality
Conservación de fuentes semilleras de especies forestales de
valor comercial en el bosque Mútile
En Ecuador existen limitados esfuerzos que conlleven al
establecimiento de fuentes semilleras para la producción de
material genético reproductivo de especies forestales nativas que
sean capaces de generar una producción con calidad y en tiempo
apropiado. Las especies del estudio fueron seleccionadas en el
remanente de bosque del Jardín Botánico Tropical Mútile, que por
su estado de conservación tiene especies de valor comercial.
Actualmente, el uso de material reproductivo de calidad genética
comprobada en especies forestales nativas es limitado. Disponer
de fuentes semilleras calificadas es el primer paso de la mejora
genética para la producción de material reproductivo de calidad. El
objetivo de este trabajo es contribuir a la conservación de fuentes
semilleras de especies forestales nativas de valor comercial que
cumplan con las condiciones fenotípicas, fitosanitarias y
dasométricas aceptables para el desarrollo de programas de
mejoramiento genético forestal. Se establecieron tres fuentes
semilleras de especies de valor comercial: laurel (Cordia alliodora),
guachapelí (Pseudosamanea guachapele) y Fernán Sánchez
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
(Triplaris cumingiana) conformadas por 114 árboles en 20
hectáreas. Se evaluaron las características fenotípicas, fitosanitarias
y dasométricas de los árboles. La valoración fenotípica demostró
que 73 árboles alcanzaron una calificación de Árboles Excelentes y
41 árboles tienen una calificación de Árboles Buenos. La especie
laurel presenta la mayor cantidad de árboles evaluados (42
individuos), seguido de guachapelí (38 árboles) y Fernán Sánchez
(34 individuos). La Fuente productora de semillas corresponde a la
categoría genética de Fuente Semillera Identificada.
Palabra clave:
Conservación, fuente semillera, árbol plus, fenotipo,
semillas de calidad.
Recibido :
The research was carried out in an area of the natural forest of the
Tropical Garden of the Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres de
Esmeraldas (UTELVT). The forest is part of Cerro Mútile located on
the southern slope of the Esmeraldas River (0° 54' N, 79° 37' W).
The topography of the forest is rugged with slopes ranging from
20 to 60%.
The study area has an area of 20 hectares and an altitudinal range
from 25 masl to 125 masl, its geographic coordinates correspond
to: 653774.00 - 98990.00 for the lower area and 655645.37 -
99654.39 for the higher area. The forest by its characteristics and
species present corresponds to a semi-deciduous lowland forest
with a mixture of species of lowland evergreen forest of the Coastal
Cordillera sector of the northern subregion of the coast of Ecuador.
The natural forest of the Mútile Tropical Garden belongs to the
UTELVT and is protected by the administration; however, it is
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 5 No. 2 – 2023
July - December
sporadically subjected to invasions by outsiders who selectively cut
canopy trees of commercially valuable species, which causes
severe impacts and disturbances to the flora, fauna and the
development of its ecological functions.
Acosta-Hernández et al., (2019) states that the management of
natural resources is limited to economic, environmental, ethical
and aesthetic aspects; however, when working for conservation,
some of these aspects are left out and commercial value is
weighted as the important factor.
As Brockerhoff et al., (2017) says, native forests provide many
ecosystem services for human health and well-being, including
maintenance of atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration, water
quality and quantity, and high biodiversity. In the modern
management of tree species, and especially those that find an
industrial use, the technical implications do not consider important
aspects from an overall perspective where value is provided to
forests beyond the individuals suitable for commercialization
(Acosta-Hernández et al., 2019).
On the other hand, natural populations of forest trees are being
deteriorated at high speed, not only in size but also dysgenically
(selection of genetic variables), this forces the construction of
technologies that guarantee the increase of variation in their
descendants, not only for adaptation, but for the permanence of
this species and that this diversity of genes is used for uses such as
watershed protection, CO2 capture, soil retention, environmental
humidity and timber products (Rodríguez et al., 2021).
Currently, natural forests are under high pressure from the
expansion of the agricultural frontier, land use change to meet
urban population growth, and climate change impacts (Cué et al.,
Cerro Mútile, is part of a chain of low ridges (200 to 300 masl)
parallel to the coast and which are divided by the Esmeraldas River
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
(Parker, T.A., III, and J.L. Carr, eds. 1992), is part of the
biogeographic Chocó, a natural corridor that extends from
southern Panama, Colombia and Ecuador, has an area of 187,400
km2, is the rainiest area on the planet with 16 000 mm of
precipitation / year (Herrera and Trujillo, 2019).
The area has been subject to constant modifications due to
selective logging, which has caused the change in land use and
consequently the decrease in vegetation cover especially of those
species of the upper canopy (Parker, T.A., III, and J.L. Carr, eds.
1992). Nevertheless, there still remain forested remnants that hold
important biodiversity that help maintain ecosystem processes
(Mena-Valenzuela, P and J. Valdiviezo-Rivera (Editors). 2019).
The felling of trees without considering the technical aspects
established in the MAATE forest harvesting standard reduces the
possibilities of maintaining vegetation in healthy conditions, these
inadequate practices lead to the skimming of forests and the loss
of biodiversity. In addition, changes in land use and climate change
affect natural ecosystems, making it necessary to implement in situ
and ex situ conservation programs for commercially valuable forest
species and plant communities.
Forest seed sources are the basis for implementing forest genetic
improvement programs. Seed sources are not available until they
have been located, identified and documented (Cornelius, 2021).
In each case, this creates a recognizable entity that can serve as a
focus for future activities and funding and facilitates good seed
collection practices.
Current seed sources are isolated trees on farms, roads and/or city
parks and avenues, which does not necessarily ensure good seed
condition. Therefore, the quality of the seedlings that are obtained
later on are not necessarily adequate, making it impossible to
develop clonal orchards in order to have guaranteed and
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Vol. 5 No. 2 – 2023
July - December
registered seed sources. This situation is also manifest in the coast
and the Amazon Region (Valladolit et al., 2017).
For their part Atkinson et al., (2018), state that when analyzing the
situation of the seed supply system for specific purposes of
restoration implementation in Mexico, Guatemala, Costa Rica,
Colombia, Peru, Chile and Argentina. They state that these
countries have at least some aspects of the seed system for specific
purposes, but there are two fundamental gaps common to all: a
low diversity of native species is available and used in restoration
projects and there is little consideration of the genetic origin and
diversity of seeds used.
A successful experience in the field of forest seed production and
certification in Latin America is the Forest Seed Bank (BSF) of the
Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center
(CATIE) in Costa Rica, reporting an experience of about 50 years of
different initiatives aimed at forest restoration and genetic
improvement. According to Mesén (2017), the "BSF is a self-
sufficient unit commercializing high quality seeds, which annually
distributes about 10 tons of seeds to about 20 countries". In
Ecuador, the private company PROFAFOR S. A., is the exclusive
distributor of seeds from CATIE.
Several studies analyze the situation of the forestry and timber
sector in Ecuador with different emphases (MAE, 2018; Mejía and
Pacheco, 2013; MAE, 2011; U. Malessa and W. Palacios, 2011;
Romero, 2010) these works explore the implications of forestry
policies on small-scale forest management by farmers. They also
analyze the challenges they experience in achieving sustainable
forest management. However, most of the studies focus on
regulatory measures and leave aside the focus on productive and
systemic linkages as important elements for the sustainable
development of forestry activities.
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
Ecuador has a standard that regulates the use of forest seeds (MAE,
2004), but its implementation by institutions and users is weak. It
also has a Procedural Manual for the Identification of seed sources
and plus trees (MAGAP 2016), instruments that establish criteria for
the establishment of seed sources and the management of forest
Seed sources can be established in natural forests or forest
plantations depending on the genetic quality of the seed required
to be produced (Cornelius, J.P. 2021a). Thus, the production of
forest seeds from selected seed sources involves a series of
activities such as planning, harvesting, processing, storage and
marketing. In this sense, natural forests not only provide monetary
values for timber, but also for products other than timber, such as
forest seeds.
The presence of commercially valuable forest species in the
remnants of Esmeraldas' natural forests is decreasing in population
density, which could lead to genetic erosion. However, there is a
remnant of natural forest in the Tropical Botanical Garden of the
UTELVT that due to its conservation status has some species of
commercial value in good condition and with interesting
population densities that can be technically qualified as seed
sources to supply seeds for afforestation and reforestation
Currently, the use of quality reproductive material for native forest
species is limited, which can have repercussions on the growth and
development of forest plantations. The availability of qualified seed
sources is the first step in genetic improvement and will support
the production of reproductive material from trees qualified as
quality seed producers.
According to the report on the State of Forest Genetic Resources
in Ecuador - RGF, there is no well-structured genetic improvement
program, but rather initiatives of private companies and
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Vol. 5 No. 2 – 2023
July - December
universities. These social actors have conducted specific research
studies, but they are far from supporting and responding to a forest
genetic improvement plan. On the other hand, the research that is
developed is not articulated with the management needs of FGR
(Grijalba et al., 2016).
In Ecuador there are limited efforts that lead to the establishment
of seed sources for the production of reproductive genetic material
of native forest species that are capable of generating quality
production in a timely manner. Work to date has been limited to
collaborative research projects of Intercooperation / COSUDE in
the Andean region, Solidaridad International in Orellana,
Amazonia, Fundación ECOPAR and the Metropolitan Municipality
of Quito in the highlands and INIAP in some specific activities on
the coast.
According to Cornelius (2021a), genetic quality is very important in
agroforestry activities because tree species show a lot of genetic
variation. Therefore, the genetic quality of two different seed
sources can be very different. To address this variation and to
choose the most appropriate seed sources or nursery stock, tree
planters should consider the following three principles:
Principle 1. All trees should be locally adapted. This is an essential
Principle 2. All seedling lots should be genetically diverse. This is
an essential requirement, except for cultivars.
Principle 3. Where possible, trees should be genetically improved.
According to Grijalva et al., (2016) describes that in Ecuador there
are two strategies for seed conservation and/or production, in situ
and ex situ conservation. In situ seed conservation and/or
production shows results of seed source selection from different
institutional actors, where the following can be identified:
EcoPar Foundation selected 20 seed sources in Andean forests in
the Sierra.
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
Asociación de Agrónomos Indígenas de Cañar 13 native species in
Cañar and Fundación Ecológica Arco Iris established 14 native
species in Loja.
The Metropolitan Municipality of Quito identified 28 seed sources.
The Fundación Española Solidaridad Internacional established 33
seed sources in Orellana.
The initiation of a forest genetic improvement program is
fundamentally based on the selection and identification of high
yielding trees. This involves the generation of information on the
site where seed can be collected in order to establish forest seed
sources, as they are the basis for implementing forest genetic
improvement programs (Cué et al., 2019).
A seed area is a delimited stand within a natural forest or
plantation, which has the best trees and the less desirable
individuals are eliminated to avoid crossing with the selected trees.
In addition, they will have more space and less competition which
will allow higher seed production per tree (SEMARNAT -
CONAFOR, 2013 cited by Solís, 2018).
According to Rehfeldt et al., 2002 cited by Ipinza 2018 forest tree
species and populations have evolved to adapt to the environment
in which they grow. This evolution occurred at both the species and
population level. Generally, populations of widely distributed
forest tree species become genetically differentiated in order to
adapt to the climate, soil conditions and disturbance factors (fire,
pests and diseases) that prevail where they grow (Alfaro et al.,
2014). Genetic differentiation means that populations of the same
species may differ from each other in one or more traits or
characters that allow them to survive, grow, compete and
reproduce in a given environment. Examples of such adaptive traits
are survival, growth rate, resistance to frost damage or drought
stress, and timing of seed formation and dispersal (distance and
time) (Ipinza, 2018).
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Vol. 5 No. 2 – 2023
July - December
Populations must be large (at least several hundred mature trees
capable of reproduction) to maintain their inherent adaptive
potential and ideally, to facilitate adaptive responses to
environmental stimuli or stresses, gene flow to other populations
should not be inhibited. Most tree species are characterized by
both high diversity and high fecundity; over the lifetime of a single
tree, millions of seeds can be produced, and a single surviving
offspring is sufficient to replace each parent tree and maintain the
population (Cornelius, 2021b).
Forest genetic resources are the heritable material conserved in
and among trees and other woody plant species with actual or
potential economic, environmental, scientific or social value; they
determine the adaptive potential of trees and influence the long-
term value of planting efforts to mitigate the effects of climate
change. Consequently, forest genetic resources are essential
elements on which the effectiveness of adaptation and mitigation
responses depend (Loo, 2016).
According to Loo (2016), genetic diversity comprises the heritable
differences of individuals that are part of the same species, and the
concept of forest genetic resources alludes to tree genetic diversity
that is of actual or potential importance to humans. According to
Marín (2017), genetic diversity provides the indispensable basis for
the evolution of forest tree species.
Nature thus has an enormous potential for selection. However, for
this directional selection to be successful, a second condition is that
changes in climate conditions are directional and uniform. It is
much more unlikely that trees can adapt to survive extreme events
than that they will gradually accommodate their behavior to
directional changes (Loo, 2016).
The accelerated consumption of natural resources, the change in
land use added to climatic variations with greater intensity in recent
years causes strong pressure on the populations of forest species
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
of high ecological and commercial value at the local level, as is the
case of species such as: laurel, guachapelí, Fernán Sánchez,
dormilón, esmeraldeña mahogany, moral, among others.
Dynamic conservation (in situ) seeks that the existing genetic
variation in the conserved material not only guarantees its current
adaptability, but also the continuous evolution of the species,
maintaining a wide genetic diversity and adaptive potential,
through the natural selective pressure of the environment and
sexual reproduction. In this way, new genotypes appear by
recombination and mating, without phenotypic selection of the
parent trees. This strategy requires effective protection against
genetic introgression from outside, as well as against fire or other
threats to the conserved population (Joseau M.J., et al. 2021).
Modern forestry tends to the establishment of forest plantations
with high percentages of seedlings, which form homogeneous
populations with acceptable yields in growth and development,
but its limitations are presented at the time of having quality
reproductive material for the production of quality seedlings
(Cornelius, 2021b).
Joseau M.J., et al. (2021) argue that genetic improvement
programs for forest species widely used in global forestry, such as
in the Pinus and Eucalyptus genera, are more easily carried out
thanks to the accumulation of knowledge achieved through several
decades of research. However, in poorly domesticated native
species, a smooth development of breeding programs is difficult.
In such circumstances, any reforestation program must have a
forest genetic resources management program, hence the need to
establish seed sources of native forest species for the provision of
seeds of known origin and quality that can become seed-producing
areas in the future.
In this sense, a forest seed source corresponds to a set of trees of
the same species or of different species with acceptable
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Vol. 5 No. 2 – 2023
July - December
phenotypic, phytosanitary and dasometric characteristics, which is
technically managed for the production of seeds in quantity and
quality in a timely manner (Cué., et al, 2019).
As pointed out by Ipinza et al., 2011 cited by Joseau M.J., et al
(2021) the high value in native species is not only reduced to timber
quality, but extends to non-timber forest products and ecosystem
and environmental services. Many of them also have a high
adaptive potential, including the possibility of adapting to future
climatic changes.
Although the species selected in our study (laurel, guachapelí and
Fernán Sánchez) correspond to less diverse families within the
Mútile forest (Parker and J.L. Carr, eds. 1992 and Mena-Valenzuela,
P and J. Valdiviezo-Rivera, 2019), they possess an interesting
number of individuals of codominant and dominant trees with
appreciable sizes, in addition, they are pioneer species of the
secondary forest and have rapid growth, hence the need for the
conservation of genetic resources in situ.
It is a tree that has minimum desirable characteristics for seed
production, these individuals are selected in the natural forest or
as trees outside the forest or within a forest plantation, the
important thing is to define the criteria they should have under the
purpose of the plantation (Cornelius, 2021a).
Trees in a natural forest have a high degree of adaptation to the
local environment, which they transmit to their seeds through
genetic inheritance mechanisms (Gutiérrez, 2019). Seeds, for their
part, disperse at relatively limited distances in relation to their
progenitors, which allows them to find a similar environment in
which to germinate and develop.
From the point of view of forest genetic resource conservation, the
main objective is to ensure the survival, adaptation and continued
evolution of a species in a continuously changing environment
(Ipinza, 2018).
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
Differences between populations of the same species occupying
different regions can be attributed, in part, to phenotypic
modification processes in response to different local climatic and
edaphic conditions, a phenomenon known as phenotypic plasticity.
However, there are important differences that have a genetic basis
and have been subject to selection over multiple generations.
These genetic differences are the basis on which the delimitation
of the areas of origin of forest species is established (Gutiérrez,
The traits of any living organism are determined by its genetics and
the environmental circumstances in which it lives. By genotype (or
genetic composition) is meant the set of genes that an individual
has. However, the environment in which an organism lives can also
influence how its traits are displayed and thus its phenotype. This
interaction between genotype and environment is very important
for breeding programs so that a program will have to consider the
environment in which individuals are intended to grow (Gonzalez,
In our study the establishment of seed trees with acceptable
phenotypic, dasometric and phytosanitary characteristics is for the
production of seeds for the establishment of plantations that have
the purpose of producing commercially valuable timber.
According to Cornelius (2021a), the seed is the starting material for
the production of seedlings, and it is essential that it has a good
response under planting conditions and that it produces a vigorous
seedling to achieve maximum yield in the plantation.
According to Gutiérrez (2019), provenance zones are designed to
facilitate the trade of forest reproductive material by identifying the
area where the fruits or seeds were collected. They are of great
importance due to their impact on relevant aspects of a plantation,
such as its adaptability and the reduction of risks of genetic
contamination of pre-existing native stands. For this reason, it is
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Vol. 5 No. 2 – 2023
July - December
highly convenient to have a division of origin zones to guide and
regulate the movement of seeds of native forest species, an aspect
that will be particularly relevant to support initiatives for the
restoration of degraded forests.
As Cornelius (2021a) states, good quality seeds meet the following
requirements: they are healthy and in good condition so that they
produce the necessary quantity of seedlings and are of good
genetic quality. It is better than the seed used for seedling
production from an area with a climate similar to that of your future
climate. Climate change specialists usually forecast a range of
possible climate conditions, so it will often be best to obtain seed
from a variety of sources.
To know if a batch of seed or seedlings has acceptable levels of
diversity, you need to know the seed source and how the collection
was made. When the seeds collected come from only a few trees,
the collection may lack diversity. In general, seed collections should
include seeds from about 30 parent trees.
The study subscribes to the Naturalistic paradigm. The approach
used was qualitative. Methodologically it is an interpretative,
naturalistic approach to the object of study. This means measuring
and understanding the visual characteristics of the forest trees that
were selected for the study under methodological procedures. In
this research work, the techniques of observation and
measurement of the trees of the species under study in the field
were applied in order to develop a deep and reflexive analysis of
the results.
Forms and matrices were used for the collection of field data in the
natural forest, we proceeded to collect measurable and
quantifiable information on the phenotypic, dasmetic and
phytosanitary parameters of the candidate trees of the three forest
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
species that make up the seed source in the forest of the Mútile
Tropical Botanical Garden.
After running the matrix in the field and analyzing the information,
the results of the parameters and characteristics evaluated for each
of the native trees of the established seed source were defined.
Likewise, a bibliographic review of the subject was carried out to
compare the results. For the definition of the genetic category of
the seed source, interviews were conducted with professors
specialized in the subject.
The methods used were: bibliographic review, scientific,
exploration and descriptive, and the main techniques used were
the instruments that describe the parameters for the evaluation of
the phenotypic and phytosanitary characteristics of the trees and
the qualitative qualitative qualification table of the trees.
The work was developed in the Mutile forest of the Tropical Garden
of the Universidad Técnica Luis Vargas Torres de Esmeraldas -
UTELVT, San Mateo parish, Esmeraldas canton, which has an area
of 867 ha. According to the Ecosystem Classification System of
Continental Ecuador (MAE 2013) these forest remnants present
altitudinal and floristic characteristics of a seasonal lowland
evergreen forest ecosystem of the Equatorial Chocó and are
located between 20 and 300 meters above sea level.
In the Jardín Tropical forest, an area of 20 hectares was selected
where the three commercially valuable species of interest (laurel,
guachapelí and Fernán Sánchez) are found. The area is located in
an altitudinal range of 25 to 125 meters above sea level.
Phase 1. A diagnosis was made of the commercially valuable forest
species present in the Mútile forest.
The areas to be studied are those that within the forest of the
Tropical Garden of the UTELVT are dominated by the three forest
species of commercial interest (Laurel, Guachapelí and Fernán
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July - December
Sánchez) and associated with other forest species. The work
consists of two fundamental aspects:
The literature review on the tree forest species of interest and
associated species present in the study area in the Tropical garden.
A description of the forest species of the adult stand and of
economic value and also of the fauna associated with these species
and which are the seed dispersers.
Field trips were conducted to identify the area of interest to
diagnose the characteristic floristic composition, as well as the
surrounding area and rapid phenotypic description of the trees and
their accompanying vegetation, soil type, slope and topography
where the species grow. During the walks it was possible to
identify, count and diagnose the laurel, Fernán Sánchez and
guachapelí trees, which are the species of interest in the study.
Observations of the phenological periods of the species were also
made. All this information was accompanied by photographic
records of the moment when the areas were diagnosed.
Finally, the information resulting from the diagnosis based on the
field visits was processed and analyzed. The most representative
tree families and species of the forest were considered. The canopy
trees that are present in the area and that possibly have a
commercial value due to the uses of these species are described.
The trees that have commercial value and share the same habitat
as the three species of interest in our work are described. The
reason for listing and describing the companion species is so that
in the future they can become new seed sources.
Phase 2. Consists of the evaluation of the trees of the species in
relation to their phenotypic, phytosanitary and dasometric
For the collection of field information on dasometric, phenotypic,
phytosanitary parameters, altitude and geographic coordinates, a
Field Data Record form was used (Annex 1) contained in the
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
Manual of methodological procedures for the identification of seed
sources and plus trees of MAGAP (2016).
Laurel, Fernán Sánchez and guachapelí trees that were diagnosed
within the boundaries of the identified lot were selected.
The natural forest of the Mútile Tropical Botanical Garden is
located within the Mútile Hill, located on the southern slope of the
Esmeraldas River (0° 54' N, 79° 37' W), those forest remnants
present altitudinal and floristic characteristics of a seasonal lowland
evergreen forest ecosystem of the Equatorial Chocó (Mena-
Valenzuela, P and J. Valdiviezo-Rivera, 2019). Although the area is
protected by the UTELVT it is subject to encroachment and illegal
timber extraction causing the loss of natural vegetation for the
implementation of agricultural crops.
The forest has a rugged topography, with slopes that fluctuate
between 20% and 60%. There are shallow, shallow depressions
that retain most of the water during the rainy season, which causes
noticeable changes in the vegetation. The soil in the sector is rich
in nutrients with 960 ppm of potassium (K), 15.8 ppm of
phosphorus (P) and 6770 ppm of nitrogen (N), without acidity and
with a pH of 7.1-7.2 (Parker, T.A., III, and J.L. Carr, eds. 1992).
The total richness of Cerros Mútile and Zapallo is represented by
52 families, 112 genera and 182 species. The best represented
families, in the case of the Mútile forest, are Moraceae (16%) is the
family with the highest species richness, followed by Fabaceae
(14%) and Rubiaceae, Sapindaceae and Sapotaceae with 6% each,
Annonaceae and Meliaceae with 5%, Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae,
Malvaceae and Myrtaceae.
The most representative species for their abundance correspond
to: Sorocea arcocarpa, Faramea occidentalis, Talisia setigera,
Trichilia martiana, Guarea glabra, Pseudolmedia rigida,
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Vol. 5 No. 2 – 2023
July - December
Eschweilera caudiculata and Grias multinervia (Mena-Valenzuela, P
and J. Valdiviezo-Rivera, 2019).
In the area where the seed source is established, the topography
of the terrain is not very rugged (slopes between 20% - 40%), the
natural drainage is moderate in the lower parts, in these places the
water withdraws slowly from the surface also due to the presence
of organic matter produced by tree litter. There are also naturally
fallen trees that are decomposing and contributing organic matter
to the soil.
The study area has an area of 20 hectares (5.7 trees / ha) where the
three species of commercial value were identified (laurel,
guachapelí and Fernán Sánchez), covers an altitudinal range of 25
masl to 125 masl corresponding to a semi-deciduous lowland
forest with a mixture of species of lowland evergreen forest of the
Coastal Cordillera sector of the northern sub-region of the coast of
Ecuador. Geographic coordinates for altitudes above 25 masl
correspond to: 653774.00 - 98990.00 and for 250 masl to:
655645.37 - 99654.39).
Likewise, in the area selected as a seed source there are associated
tree species that are part of the middle and upper canopy (trees
with heights greater than 15 m and diameters greater than 20 cm);
these tree species have commercial value and diversity of uses for
the construction and furniture industry, in addition, some also have
rapid growth (rubber, laurel, Fernán Sánchez, guachapelí, ebony,
The species correspond to: laurel (Cordia alliodora, Boraginaceae),
Fernán Sánchez or muchina (Triplaris cumingiana, Polygonaceae),
guachapelí (Pseudosamanea guachapele, Mimosaceae),
sandalwood (Myroxylon balsamum), ebony (Zizyphus thyrsiflora,
Rhamnaceae), fig tree (Ficus máxima, Moraceae), beldaco
(Pseudobombax milleii, Bombacaceae), moral (Clarisiaracemosa,
Moraceae), merequende (Brosimum guianense), pialde (Guarea
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
guidonia, Meliaceae), caucho (Castilla elástica, Moraceae),
guayacán (Minquartia guianensis, Olacaceae), tachuelo
(Zanthoxylum spp. , Rutaceae), sabaleta (Clarisia biflora,
Moraceae), jigua (Ocotea cernua, Lauraceae), clove (Cestrum sp.,
Solanaceae), mahogany (Platymiscium sp. Leguminosae), mambla
(Erythrina poeppigiana, Leguminosae), tillo (Brosimum alicastrum,
Moraceae), dormilón (Cojoba arborea, Fabaceae), ceibo (Ceiba
pentandra, Bombacaceae), nacedera (Cornutia microcalycina,
Verbenaceae), mate (Crescentia cujete). There are also several
species of Ficus (Moraceae) and Inga (Leguminosae) in the area. In
this area of the forest where the species of interest in this study are
located, there is a prevalence of lianas, especially of the
Bignoniaceae family.
In that same area are also found the most common species and the
smallest trees (less than 10 m high) such as: Swartzia haughtii
(Leguminosae), Sorocea sarcocarpa (Moraceae), and Trichilia
pallida (Meliaceae). The most common shrubs (up to 5 m tall)
include Psychotria horizontalis (Rubiaceae); Annona sp.
(Annonaceae); Acalypha sp., Cleidion sp. (Euphorbiaceae); Piper
laevigatum (Piperaceae); Picramnia latifolia (Simaroubaceae);
Eugenia galalonensis (Myrtaceae); and a robust Dieffenbachia
Three native tree species of the upper canopy (laurel, guachapelí
and Fernán Sánchez) were selected for this work because the
individuals share the same area (20 ha and 5.7 trees / ha), are adult
trees and generate seeds. The trees have acceptable diameters
and heights and correspond to the adult stand, they are scattered
in the forest area, as a sample of the natural regeneration process
or ecological succession after a disturbance.
The three selected species are of ecological importance, as they
are used in agroforestry and silvopastoral systems, in
ornamentation (guachapelí and Fernán Sánchez), and of
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July - December
commercial value due to the diversity of uses, they are used by the
industry for construction, elaboration of fine furniture in fine woods.
In forest harvesting, the species are cut as trees outside of the
forest, but they are found as isolated individuals and their densities
and sizes are decreasing.
According to the logging regulations, the minimum cutting
diameter (MCD) for laurel is 40 cm, guachapelí 40 cm and Fernán
Sánchez 30 cm. However, in this study of conservation of seed
sources for laurel diameters at breast height (DBH) were found
between 32 cm and 57 cm and total heights between 14 m and 35
m; for guachapelí the DBH found were 29 cm and 71 cm with total
heights between 14 m and 28 m and for Fernán Sánchez diameters
between 65 cm and 139 cm and total heights between 18 m and
26 m were found.
Phenotypic, phytosanitary and dasometric evaluation of the trees
of commercially valuable forest species in the Mútile forest.
A total of 114 candidate trees were identified and selected for
phenotypic, phytosanitary and dasometric evaluation for the three
commercially valuable forest species (laurel, guachapelí and Fernán
Sánchez) in 20 hectares of area. Forty-two laurel, 38 guachapelí and
34 Fernán Sánchez trees were evaluated (Table 1).
Table 1.
Trees identified for phenotypic and sanitary evaluation in
Bosque Mútile.
Fernán Sánchez o
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
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Elaboración: Autor 2022
The three species share the same habitat in the natural forest
remnant, therefore, they present altitudinal and floristic
characteristics of a seasonal lowland evergreen forest ecosystem of
the Equatorial Chocó.
According to the tree classification table, it was determined that of
the total (114 individuals) of trees evaluated, 73 reached the rating
of Excellent Trees, which correspond to Class 1, and 41 trees
reached a rating of Good Trees and are in Class 2 (Table 2 and 3).
In this sense, for the laurel species, the phenotypic, phytosanitary
and dasometric parameters of a total of 42 trees of the adult stand
were identified and evaluated.
According to the score calculated for the phenotypic and
phytosanitary evaluation, 25 trees (60%) were rated as Excellent
Trees and obtained values between 27 and 31 points, which
corresponds to Class 1.
On the other hand, 17 trees (40%) achieved a rating of Good trees,
which is between the ranges of 19 to 26 points, corresponding to
Class 2 (Table 2). In this evaluation, 2 trees were found dead and
standing but were not considered for the study due to their
Table 2.
Rating of trees evaluated according to phenotypic and
phytosanitary evaluation.
Calificación de los árboles
Total de
(27-31 puntos)
(19-26 puntos)
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Vol. 5 No. 2 – 2023
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Sánchez o
Elaboración: Autor 2022
The trees evaluated and qualified in the two categories found in
the study have the following characteristics: in relation to the shape
of the trunk and the bifurcation, 32 trees are found in the upper
canopy and are dominant or co-dominant trees, straight and
without branch bifurcations, however 10 trees had bifurcations in
the upper third. The predominant crown shape characteristic of
the trees is irregular circular for 25 trees (60%), 15 have circular
crowns (35%) and 2 trees have half-circular crowns.
The Mútile forest covers an area of 899.64 hectares and the natural
vegetation cover is the largest with 641.16 hectares of forest area
(71.27%). The recovery area is located next to the Tropical Garden
and has an area of 33.06 hectares and represents 3.67%.
According to Mena-Valenzuela, P and J. Valdiviezo-Rivera (2019),
the best represented families in relation to their abundance in the
Mútile forest, are Moraceae (16%) is the family with the highest
species richness, followed by Fabaceae (14%) and Rubiaceae,
Sapindaceae and Sapotaceae with 6% each, Annonaceae and
Meliaceae with 5%, Euphorbiaceae, Lauraceae, Malvaceae and
Myrtaceae and Bignoniaceae. However, the legume family is the
least diverse in relation to this type of cloud forest (Parker, T.A., III,
and J.L. Carr, eds. 1992.).
On the other hand, the most representative species according to
their abundance are: Sorocea arcocarpa, Faramea occidentalis,
Talisia setigera, Trichilia martiana, Guarea glabra, Pseudolmedia
rigida, Eschweilera caudiculata.
Other species that have commercial value in the market and that
are associated with the species of our study and that possibly have
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
lower population density in that sector of the natural forest are:
sandalwood (Myroxylon balsamum), ebony (Zizyphus thyrsiflora,
Rhamnaceae), fig (Ficus máxima, Moraceae), beldaco
(Pseudobombax milleii, Bombacaceae), moral (Clarisiaracemosa,
Moraceae), merequende (Brosimum guianense), rubber (Castilla
elastica, Moraceae), guaiac (Minquartia guianensis, Olacaceae),
sabaleta (Clarisia biflora, Moraceae), jigua (Ocotea cernua,
Lauraceae), mahogany (Platymiscium sp. Leguminosae), mambla
(Erythrina poeppigiana, Leguminosae), tillo (Brosimum alicastrum,
Moraceae), dormilón (Cojoba arborea, Fabaceae), among others.
According to Aguirre (2012), in the case of the species in this study:
Cordia alliodora, Triplaris cumingiana, and Pseudosamanea
guachapele are species that are present in dry forests and have a
greater distribution area, since they can grow and develop in
primary and successional forest from 0 m to 1500 m above sea
level. However, they are not the most representative species of the
Mutile forest. On the other hand, the three species of commercial
value in this study grow at altitudes from 0 to 125 m above sea
level, which corresponds to a semi-deciduous lowland forest with a
mixture of lowland evergreen forest species from the Coastal
Cordillera sector of the northern subregion of the Ecuadorian
As noted by Mena-Valenzuela, P and J. Valdiviezo-Rivera (2019),
the species laurel, Fernán Sánchez and guachapelí are not among
those of greatest abundance, in our study we were able to learn
that in an area of 20 ha there are about 5.7 trees per hectare for
DBH greater than 30 cm and with commercial heights greater than
15 m.
According to MAGAP (2016), laurel, Fernán Sánchez and
guachapelí are species that are part of the 19 forest and
agroforestry species encouraged for reforestation due to their
demand as raw material for supplying the timber industry, for the
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Vol. 5 No. 2 – 2023
July - December
production of fine furniture and other household products. These
species established in commercial forestry plantations, agroforestry
plantations, and in strips contribute to the reduction of the natural
forest and incorporate new lands with forestry vocation to the
productive sector.
An interesting aspect of the presence of forest species of
commercial value in this forest is the guachapelí tree, which is also
found in this forest with interesting sizes (DBH from 0.30 m to 0.7
m and total heights of 28 m) and was encouraged by MAGAP as a
species for commercial purposes in strips. According to Parker,
T.A., III, and J.L. Carr, eds. (1992), the area where the study species
are found is an area that several decades ago was influenced by
changes in land use and selective exploitation of trees; however,
this situation has changed and there is less disturbance of the
forest, especially in the lower parts due to the activities of the
Tropical Garden of the University.
In the present study it was determined that in the recovery area
adjacent to the Tropical Garden (20 ha of surface for this study)
there are more than a hundred canopy trees with DBH greater than
30 cm with good sizes, healthy and developing of the three species
(laurel, Fernán Sánchez and guachapelí); that there are also other
species that have commercial value but possibly have low
population densities. In this case, the state of development,
growth, phytosanitary and population densities of laurel, Fernán
Sánchez and gachapelí found in the upper canopy trees and with
DBH greater than 30 cm shows that they can be an important
source for seed supply, since trees with these sizes and population
densities in small areas are not present in areas of secondary forest
and outside the forest because they have been harvested. Hence
the need for conservation of these forest genetic resources for
commercially valuable species.
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
Phenotypic, phytosanitary and dasometric evaluation of trees of
commercially valuable forest species in the Mútile forest.
The three species were identified and selected for phenotypic
valuation due to the commercial value they represent for their
demand as timber for the construction industry and furniture
making, mainly for laurel and Fernán Sánchez. However, for
guachapelí its commercial value is presented as a tree to produce
wood for posts, fences, constructions and cabinetmaking on a
smaller scale.
Before starting the process of phenotypic, phytosanitary and
dasometric evaluation of the candidate trees, it was necessary to
know that the species of interest in the study were present in the
forest area of the Tropical Garden of the university and that they
are young and physiologically mature trees, that the area is not
subject to tree exploitation and is easily accessible. According to
Mena-Valenzuela, P and J. Valdiviezo-Rivera (2019) the area where
the candidate trees to be evaluated are located is located in an
area called Recovery Zone of 33.6 hectares. After a series of visits
to the forest and conversations with the person in charge of the
university's Tropical Garden, it was determined that the area with
the greatest presence of trees is located in this sector.
Although it is true that there are several methods for the selection
and establishment of seed trees with a variety of criteria (tree
comparison method for coetaneous stands, regression or baseline
selection method for disetaneous stands, individual valuation
method for disetaneous or heterogeneous forests). The method
used in our work was the individual valuation that valued 10
parameters and 30 characteristics presented in the Manual of
procedure for the identification of seed sources and plus trees
(MAGAP, 2016). According to the characteristics of the natural
forest that presents environmental variation and trees with different
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July - December
ages, the heritability in this type of populations is low from the
point of view of Cornelius, J.P. 2021.
As noted by Grijalba et al, (2016) in their report of the State of
Forest Genetic Resources for Ecuador that several institutions and
organizations have established seed sources in Andean and
Amazonian forests using different methods and criteria for
valuation, although this was important for the selection of seed
trees, there was still a need for a manual with unified criteria for the
phenotypic valuation of trees in natural forests that would allow a
more technical valuation and integrate phenotypic and genotypic
aspects for the founder population as pointed out in the Manual
for the identification, selection and evaluation of seed sources of
MAGAP (2016).
In the study, a total of 114 trees of the three species (laurel, Fernán
Sánchez and guachapelí) were evaluated in two in two types of tree
grades evaluated. It was determined that 73 trees correspond to
Class 1 rated as Excellent Trees and 41 trees achieved a rating of
Good Trees and are in Class 2.
The selection of trees with acceptable phenotypes is for the
conservation of forest genetic resources of commercially valuable
species and for the production of seeds with wide genetic diversity.
Cornelius (2021) mentions that the use of seeds with low genetic
diversity can cause problems due to inbreeding depression, for this
reason, he suggests that seed collection should be done from at
least 20 individual trees. As a result of the study, the phenotypically
acceptable qualified trees correspond to 42 individuals of laurel,
34 individuals of Fernán Sánchez and 38 of guachapelí.
All qualified trees have a DBH equal to or greater than 30 cm, in
order to be physiologically mature and capable of producing viable
For this study, the distance between the selected seed trees was
20 m, regardless of the species; however, the founding seed
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
population could be expanded in the future to favor the
development of superior material.
Although the phenotypic, phytosanitary and dasometric aspects
are included in the results, it should be noted that the three species
show a good state of health, likewise, the laurel trees show
homogeneous sizes in DBH, but diverse in total heights, it should
be noted that the site where the trees are located is a recovery area
or secondary forest in development and competition with
associated species.
It is important to note that the weighted values for DBH are 0.99
(DBH = 57 cm), for commercial height 1 (Hc = 28 m) and for total
height 1 (Ht = 35 m), one of the reasons for these sizes is explained
by the condition in which these trees grow and the state of health
of the natural forest. Trees of these sizes are no longer found in
areas outside the forest and in protected forests their sizes are
smaller in relation to population densities.
In the case of Fernán Sánchez, which is a dioecious species with a
Dioecia sexual system (it has male and female flowers in different
trees), there are 34 individuals with very interesting DBH and
heterogeneous heights, due to the condition of the sexual system
of the species, it is necessary to know the percentage of male and
female trees within the selected source.
The values of the phenotypic characteristics are 17 individuals for
Excellent Qualification and 17 trees for Good Qualification, the
differences between these two categories, mainly lies in the sizes
of the diameters, heights and the bifurcation in the upper third of
the tree.
Initially we had pointed out that this species is part of the recovery
zone, which is a secondary forest with some clearings and
moderate slopes. Possibly the reason for the homogeneity in DBH
and total tree heights in this species is that the trees are growing
and developing in the open field since it is a pioneer species of the
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July - December
secondary forest and there is also less disturbance in the recovery
For the characteristics evaluated for the guachapeli trees, the study
was able to show that 38 canopy trees were evaluated; 31 are
qualified as Excellent Trees and 7 individuals as Good Trees, on
the other hand, the weighted values for DBH correspond to 0.7
which shows certain homogeneity in the diameters found which are
less than 45 cm, only few individuals reached values of 60 to 70 cm
in diameter. However, under this same analysis heterogeneous
weighted values were found that are less than 0.6 for both total
heights and commercial heights.
This is the only one of the three species that showed much
variability in the measurements of total heights, commercial
heights and diameters, this is possibly due to the fact that the trees
are in competition with other species and that it was probably the
species selectively harvested several years ago. However, under
this analysis most of the trees achieved a rating of excellent trees.
It should be noted that this species is deciduous and grows in areas
outside the forest, as isolated individuals and with limited
According to MAGAP (2016) and Aguirre (2012) guachapelí, in
addition to producing wood of high strength and quality, is a tree
that provides a lot of high quality forage for livestock, fixes nitrogen
and is drought resistant. Guachapelí has a high potential as a
quality raw material for the timber industry, as long as the area
planted with trees is increased. Therefore, it is important to
encourage the establishment of trees with quality seeds from
conserved seed sources.
In the case of phenotypic, phytosanitary and dasometric
assessment for native trees of commercial value, using a
methodology with unified criteria it has been difficult to establish
comparisons with other studies (Valladolid et al., 2017, Moreno et
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
al., 2018), because some studies are conducted for trees in
plantations with coeval ages and with fewer phenotypic parameters
and characteristics to evaluate.
Characterized seed-producing sources of commercially valuable
species for conservation.
In order to improve the protocols for forest propagation of
commercially valuable species of laurel, Fernán Sánchez and
guachapelí and to promote the conservation of genetic resources,
three seed sources were established in the Tropical Garden of the
Mútile forest.
Forest seed sources are the basis for implementing forest genetic
improvement programs. As stated by Cornelius (2021a), seed
sources are not available until they have been located, identified
and documented. Gutiérrez (2019) refers that it is widely accepted
that in any reforestation work it is of great importance to know the
origin or provenance of the material to be established.
Different forms of characterization of the trees can contribute to the
efficiency of harvesting and in the quality of the seed, for our study
the sources were characterized from the evaluation of phenotypic,
phytosanitary and dasometric parameters under parameters and
characteristics with weighted values that allowed defining a
classification of the trees that make up the seed source.
Cordia alliodora (laurel), Triplaris cumingiana (Fernán Sánchez) and
Pseudosamanea guachapele (guachapelí) are species of
commercial value for the country, with a diversity of uses and widely
used especially in the construction industry and fine furniture
production. However, there are no records of published works on
conservation and genetic improvement; what is found are works on
the selection of seed sources of forest species in the Andean region
and the Amazon developed by different institutional actors, but as
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July - December
specific actions and not from the management for seed production
(Grijalva et al., 2016).
The seed source defined in the genetic category Identified Source
for the three species of the study consists of 114 trees. The results
of the evaluation of phenotypic, phytosanitary and dasometric
characteristics state that 73 trees achieved a rating of Excellent
Trees (Class 1) and 41 trees obtained a rating of Good Trees (Class
The greatest contribution of Class 1 trees corresponds to
guachapelí (31 individuals) and laurel (25 individuals), while Fernán
Sánchez contributed 17 individuals. For Class 2, laurel contributed
17 individuals, Fernán Sánchez 17 trees and guachapelí 7
The analysis of the results of the phenotypic and phytosanitary
evaluation showed that most of the trees evaluated are in Class 1
and Class 2; which reveals that they are dominant and co-dominant
trees, straight with little sinuosity in the stem and that they present
bifurcations in the upper 1/3, they are healthy and vigorous trees
for those in Class 1. Likewise, Class 2 trees are dominant or co-
dominant with slight sinuosity in the stem, with slightly inclined,
thick and medium thick branches, they can present bifurcations in
the middle third, this aspect can be characteristic for Fernán
Sánchez. In this work there were no Class 3 trees (unacceptable
Once the number of trees qualified in the different classes has been
determined, we proceeded to define that the seed source should
be formed by the 114 individuals of Class 1 and Class 2. Under
these considerations, it is proposed that the collection of forest
seeds be made from the trees that make up Class 1 and Class 2 for
the three commercially valuable forest species.
Once the number of phenotypically acceptable trees was defined,
the type of seed source that corresponds to the evaluated lot was
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
determined in order to declare it as a seed-producing area.
According to the Forest Seed Standard for Ecuador (MAE, 2004)
and the Manual for the identification of seed sources and trees plus
MAGAP (2016), 5 genetic categories of seed sources were
established: Proven Seed Orchard - HSC, Unproven Seed Orchard
- HSNC, Seed Stands - RS, Selected Seed Source - FSS and
Identified Seed Source - FSI.
For the genetic categorization of the seed source or seed stand it
is required to comply with some characteristics: area of the stand
or seed producing area, number of trees per hectare that make up
the seed stand, number of trees suggested for seed collection and
the area of isolation of the stand or seed source depending on the
genetic category.
In our study the seed source is formed by a total of 114 trees of the
three forest species: 42 trees for laurel, 38 trees for guachapelí and
34 trees for Fernán Sánchez, the area occupied by the seed source
for the three species is 20 hectares, the number of trees
recommended for seed collection in Class 1 and Class 2 is greater
than 30 individuals.
With the information obtained, it was determined that the
corresponding genetic category for the seed producing area is the
Identified seed source, since this type of seed source has as criteria
that the stand has less than 50 trees per hectare with desirable
phenotypic characteristics, the area is less than 1 hectare and
suggests the collection of seeds from at least 20 trees in the stand,
these stands do not present isolation because they are considered
a temporary seed source in the absence of other seed sources.
The size of the source can vary in relation to the characteristics of
the seeds, it is necessary to maximize the number of seed trees in
a managed forest. In the case of dioecious species, such as Fernán
Sánchez, it is important to leave the same number of male and
female trees to avoid a genetic bottleneck and as a result reduce
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the extent of genetic variation in the species (Cornelius, J.P.
As stated by Brockerhoff et al., (2017), the diversity of forest
structure and composition must be maintained at regional and
landscape scales as a spatial insurance to provide habitats for a
large assemblage of specialized forest species. The first efforts to
try to conserve forest genetic resources in fragmented natural
forests with a significant number of commercially valuable species
stem from this type of work that seeks to establish seed sources
with phenotypically acceptable trees to ensure the conservation of
genetic variation. It is important to note that this type of forest, of
which very few remain in a healthy form in the province of
Esmeraldas, provides habitat for other taxa (legumes, lianas and
lianas) and other key ecosystem services (animal pollination) for the
functioning of the forest ecosystem, for this reason, it is important
to deepen studies with basic metrics (abundance, species
composition, phenotypic and dasometric assessment, among
others) in order to have data to implement actions to reduce the
loss of species.
The identification, selection and evaluation of forest seed sources
is essential for the development and sustainability of afforestation
and reforestation programs implemented at the regional or
national level, which will help to obtain quality seeds or
propagation material.
Forest species present a great variability of characters related to
adaptation to different ecological conditions. This variability can
have a marked effect on growth, health, development and
production. Hence the need to conserve seed sources or seed-
producing areas with phenotypic and genetic characteristics similar
to the site where the plantation will be established.
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
Three seed sources of forest species were characterized: laurel
(Cordia alliodora, Boraginaceae), Fernán Sánchez or muchina
(Triplaris cumingiana, Polygonaceae), guachapelí (Pseudosamanea
guachapele, Mimosaceae) with 114 trees and 20 ha of surface, the
trees are located between the altitudinal ranges of 25 to 125 masl
of the native forest Mútile, and their parameters and characteristics
were evaluated as positive using the MAG (2016) methodology that
has unified criteria for the establishment and conservation of seed
sources in natural forests.
It is determined that the 3 seed sources have phenotypically
acceptable trees because in the qualitative qualification they
reached ratings of Excellent Trees (Class 1) and Good Trees
(Class2). Of the total number of trees evaluated, 73 were rated
Excellent and 41 Good trees. For laurel, 25 trees were rated
Excellent and 17 Good Trees; for guachapelí 31 individuals are
Excellent and 7 are Good and for Fernán Sánchez 17 are Excellent
Trees and 17 are Good Trees.
The three forest species that make up the seed source of interest
occupy the same habitat and their population densities as canopy
trees are low (5.7 trees / ha for the 3 species), since they are natural
forest species. However, these trees have appreciable sizes and
development and are located in an area of easy accessibility and
undulating to flat topography that facilitates the conservation and
management of the seed source.
According to the categories of seed sources established in the
Procedure Manual for the identification of seed sources and plus
trees (MAGAP, 2016 and MAE, 2004), it is established that the seed
sources are qualified in the Genetic Category of Identified Seed
Source - FSI, due to the low density of canopy trees (it is not a forest
plantation) and has more than 20 individuals with phenotypic,
health and dasometric characteristics acceptable to be considered
as seed trees.
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July - December
In relation to the quantitative parameters and the number of seed
trees registered in one hectare, they do not comply with what is
suggested in genetic conservation studies such as from Cornelius
2021a, which suggests that for genetic variability to exist, the seed
source must contain at least 50 mother trees, However, the
established seed source reaches more than 30 seed trees in each
species, which represents an apt number for seed collection as
pointed out by MAGAP (2016) and Cornelius (2021b).
According to the qualitative parameters of the seed trees
evaluated, it is determined that for the three species there are trees
that achieved ratings of Excellent Trees and Good Trees, which
suggests that seeds can be collected from both classes, taking into
consideration what is suggested by Cornelius (2021b), MAGAP
(2016) and MAE (2004).
Based on the dasometric parameters found for the three species:
laurel (Cordia alliodora), Fernán Sánchez or muchina (Triplaris
cumingiana), guachapelí (Pseudosamanea guachapele), it can be
noted that guachapelí trees show weighted values higher than 0.7
for DBH and 1 for total and commercial heights, for laurel it reached
0.99 for DBH and 1 for heights and for Fernán Sánchez it reached
weighted values of 1 for DBH and 1 for total and commercial
heights, which indicates that the trees are dominant and co-
dominant and have good development in both heights and
diameters. These dasometric characteristics associated with the
phenotypic and phytosanitary characteristics of the population,
define it as a suitable seed source for seed collection in the
absence of other seed sources.
The species Triplaris cumingiana is a dioecious species that for our
study the seed source consists of 34 phenotypically acceptable
trees, however, we do not know the number of female and male
trees in this source. In the case of dioecious species, it is necessary
Segundo Lenin Prado Rodríguez
Digmar Alfredo Lajones Bone
to select in the natural forest the same number of seed trees and
male trees to ensure an acceptable amplitude in genetic variation.
The Mutile forest contains important species of commercial value
that need to be qualified as seed sources for the supply of seeds
for reforestation programs of commercial species. It is important
that these studies continue and expand in order to document
phenotypic and genetic variability in more depth, and thus better
support the management of forest genetic resources.
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