Como citar APA: Bourne. C., Maino, A. (2024) Communicative competence of the
journalism club at the Espíritu Santo study center in the city of Guayaquil. Repique, 6(2),
Vol. 6 Núm. 2
Julio - Diciembre 2024
e-ISSN: 2550-6676
pp 1-20
Communicative competence of the journalism club at the
Espíritu Santo study center in the city of Guayaquil
Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi
Aldo Maino Isaias
The development of communication skills is crucial in the life of each
individual, in the school environment, the objective of this study is to
provide the theoretical foundations necessary to raise the standard
of audiovisual content, in order to generate a more significant
impact. in messages and information products. The sample
consisted of the students who make up the club, a series of files and
documents that helped establish the theoretical base. The study was
based on a mixed research method with a non-experimental
comparative descriptive descriptive approach, which incorporated
techniques such as documentary review and bibliographic research.
It provided results that support the project of the journalism club of
the Espíritu Santo study center in the city of Guayaquil. In conclusion,
the study highlights the importance of promoting communication
skills through extracurricular activities.
Key words:
Competence, Communicative, Journalism, Skills.
* Msc. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo,
*PhD. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo,, 0000-0002-8759-6462
Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi, Aldo Maino Isaias
Competencia comunicativa del club de periodismo del centro
de estudios Espíritu Santo de la ciudad de Guayaquil
El desarrollo de las habilidades comunicativas es crucial en la vida de
todo individuo, en el ámbito escolar, el objetivo de este estudio es
proporcionar las bases teóricas necesarias para elevar el nivel de los
contenidos audiovisuales, con el fin de generar un impacto más
significativo en los mensajes y productos informativos. La muestra
estuvo constituida por los alumnos que integran el club, una serie de
archivos y documentos que ayudaron a establecer las bases teóricas.
El estudio se basó en un método de investigación mixto con enfoque
descriptivo comparativo no experimental, incorporando técnicas
como la revisión documental y la investigación bibliográfica. los
resultados permiten sustentar el proyecto del club de periodismo del
centro de estudios Espíritu Santo de la ciudad de Guayaquil. En
conclusión, el estudio subraya la importancia de fomentar las
habilidades comunicativas a través de actividades extracurriculares.
Palabra clave:
Competencia, Comunicativa, Periodismo,
Received : 12-03-2024
Approved: 20-05-2024
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
The skills, intellectual and motor abilities and all those that favor the
correct functioning of the human being arise throughout life, there
are competencies that will develop as each individual grows,
undoubtedly, communication skills are one of the first to develop,
since we are social beings and we are in constant communication.
In the school environment, communicative competencies have a
greater impact, competencies such as linguistic, sociolinguistic,
pragmatic and psycholinguistic, with their respective structures and
functions, are exposed to students with the purpose of mastering,
understanding and applying them to the world; extracurricular
activities such as the journalism club, allow to enhance these
Extracurricular activities such as the journalism club are presented
as ideal spaces to enhance these communicative competencies.
Working in this type of environment not only allows students to
apply their linguistic, sociolinguistic, pragmatic and psycholinguistic
skills in a practical way, but also gives them the opportunity to
develop them in a deeper and more meaningful way.
Pragmatic competencies enable students to understand the use of
language in specific situations, as well as to interpret
communicative intentions and the effects that words and actions
can have in social interaction. Mastery of these competencies
enables them to function in diverse communicative contexts, both
formal and informal, and to make effective use of language for
different communicative purposes.
Psycholinguistic competencies have a significant impact on
language development, as they involve cognitive aspects that
influence language acquisition, comprehension and production.
Understanding how the brain processes linguistic information, as
well as the factors that influence communication, allows students to
Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi, Aldo Maino Isaias
more consciously and thoughtfully approach the use of language in
their daily lives.
The formulation of the problems surrounding the presentation of
audiovisual content has become crucial in the educational field. A
significant lack has been detected in the way these contents are
presented, which has led to a disconnection between the message
and the student community. The lack of an academic and
participatory line of communication has exacerbated this situation,
hindering student engagement and interest in audiovisual
Given this scenario, it is imperative to develop a communication
strategy that addresses these deficiencies. This strategy should
focus on improving the quality of audiovisual content, seeking not
only to transmit information, but also to generate a significant
impact on the receiver. It is necessary to improve information
products, not only in terms of content, but also in their presentation
and format, so that they are more attractive and relevant to the
student audience.
Ultimately, the implementation of an effective communication
strategy will not only benefit the quality of the audiovisual content,
but will also strengthen the connection between the messages and
the student community. This will not only enhance the learning
experience, but also encourage greater student participation and
interaction, thus contributing to a more dynamic and enriching
educational environment.
The objective of this study is to provide the theoretical foundations
necessary to raise the standard of audiovisual content, in order to
generate a more significant impact on messages and information
products. This involves the creation of audiovisual content that
addresses issues of social, cultural and academic relevance, using
production equipment for radio and television. It also seeks to
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
encourage the adoption of critical and reflective attitudes among
the members of the Espiritu Santo study center in the city of
Guayaquil, promoting responsible and useful information
In the context of the Centro de Estudios Espiritu Santo in the city of
Guayaquil, the need has been identified to provide the theoretical
basis for improving the quality of audiovisual content. This objective
is justified by the crucial importance of audiovisual media in the
effective transmission of information and knowledge in today's
society. The quality of these contents not only influences the
comprehension and retention of information by students, but also
the impact and relevance of the messages to be communicated.
The creation of audiovisual content of social, cultural and academic
interest with the implementation of production equipment for radio
and television responds to how to address this identified need. This
strategy involves not only the acquisition of theoretical knowledge,
but also its practical application through the production of
audiovisual materials that are relevant and attractive to the student
community. In this way, it seeks to enrich the teaching-learning
process and strengthen the students' commitment to their
academic training and their social environment.
The development of critical and reflective attitudes on the handling
of useful and responsible information among the members of the
educational center responds to the purpose of this objective.
Beyond the mere transmission of knowledge, we seek to cultivate
in students the ability to critically analyze the information they
consume and produce, thus promoting an informed and conscious
participation in society. This will contribute to the formation of
responsible citizens committed to the social and cultural
development of their environment.
Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi, Aldo Maino Isaias
The importance of knowing the contrast of students who are in
constant development of communicative competencies with
students who do not maintain that same frequency, will allow to
enhance the educational strategies implemented to strengthen
specific areas within the applied teaching.
According to Esquivel, W., & Azahuanche, M. (2021),
communicative competence is currently (...) seen as a compendium
of knowledge, abilities, skills or aptitudes that participate in the
production of coexistence and interpersonal and intergroup
relations, since human coexistence requires the mediation of
effective communication. P. 435.
Further to what was mentioned by the author, the premise that
human beings are social beings with communicative needs for their
survival, supports the importance of the development of such
competencies, enhancing this type of skills allows for an
evolutionary change that has been evidenced over time. Moreover,
in a diverse and multicultural world, communicative competence
becomes even more relevant, as it enables successful interaction
between people with different perspectives, values and cultural
backgrounds. Effective communication promotes mutual
understanding, respect for diversity and the building of bridges that
unite individuals from different backgrounds.
Rincón L., & Ramírez J. (2021) mention in their research work
entitled "Design Principles to Generate Learning Activities Based
on Interactive Digital Games to Foster Communicative
Competence" that students will continue to present problems in
humanities due to the application of uninteresting activities; they
will not be able to communicate assertively and will continue to
present poor results in national and international tests.
This fragment is raised as a consequence of the lack of initiative in
the use of interactive digital resources that inhibit the development
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
of their skills based on learning, and is focused on the
communicative competencies that, when not worked on, have
repercussions on the students' academic results. Communicative
competence is essential in contemporary society, as it not only
influences the quality of our daily interactions, but also contributes
to the construction of a more harmonious, inclusive and cooperative
social environment.
There are certain communicative levels stipulated by Aquino, R.
(2021); where its purpose is to highlight the importance of a
journalism club to enhance communicative competence, the levels
range from the understanding of dialogue, writing for oral
language, to the level of coherence and cohesion; where it seeks to
improve speaking and writing skills in order to be used in
journalistic writing and in turn to be able to be communicated
verbally to an audience.
The journalism club provides an environment conducive to the
development and refinement of these communication skills. The
first communicative level focuses on the ability to understand and
process verbal exchange, which is fundamental for any
communication professional. In writing for oral language it involves
the ability to express ideas clearly and effectively, preparing
participants to communicate both in writing and verbally; while, the
more advanced level involves the ability to structure and organize
discourse in a coherent and persuasive manner, essential skills for
quality journalistic writing.
Among the "Repercussion of school journalism in the teaching
process" cited by Mogollón, E. (2021). He mentions that these
techniques helped the participants to improve their communicative
abilities and skills. The students who did not belong to the school
journalism group evidenced a lack of oral expression and
Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi, Aldo Maino Isaias
communication skills, as well as a lack of knowledge about
journalistic topics.
Part of the author's theoretical support allows showing a contrast of
skills between students with experience in the application of
narrative methods, orality and even writing journalistic articles, as
opposed to those students who have not had such experience.
The excerpt quoted by Gutiérrez, Y., et al. (2021) mentions that
communicative competence is not only about structuring a
grammatically correct communication, but also about knowing how
to use it according to rules or social conditions, (...) it is explained
as "knowing when to talk, when not to talk, and what to talk about,
with whom, when, where, in what form" (p. 22), which makes
communicative competence an integral and helpful competence in
the school environment.
The communicative competencies in the journalism club of the
Espiritu Santo study center in the city of Guayaquil, was based on a
mixed research approach that combined qualitative and
quantitative methods, with a non-experimental comparative
descriptive design. This approach made it possible to address the
complexity of the phenomenon studied from different perspectives,
providing a more complete and deeper understanding (Romero,
M., et al. 2023). By adopting a comparative descriptive approach,
the researchers were able to analyze the characteristics and
communicative skills of the journalism club members in relation to
other similar groups or contexts, without intervening directly in their
dynamics (Tenorio, S., et al. 2022).
The non-experimental approach of the study allowed us to observe
and analyze the communicative competence of journalism club
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
members in their natural environment, without manipulating
variables or intervening in their development. This provided an
authentic and contextualized perspective of the participants'
communication skills, as well as factors that could influence their
performance (Ganga, F., et al. 2022). By adopting this approach,
the researchers were able to identify patterns, trends, and areas of
improvement in the journalism club members' communicative
competence, which contributed to a deeper understanding of the
phenomenon studied.
The sample used in the study on communicative competence in the
journalism club of the Espiritu Santo study center in the city of
Guayaquil consisted of the students who make up the club, a series
of files and documents that helped to establish a theoretical basis.
This selection was made with the objective of covering a wide range
of communicative experiences among the participants, in order to
obtain a representative and heterogeneous sample that would
reflect the diversity of communicative skills and styles present in the
student population, allowing a recognition of these communicative
competencies. This variety in the sample allowed for a more
exhaustive exploration of the characteristics and tendencies in the
communicative competence of the students participating in the
journalism club of the Espiritu Santo study center in the city of
Part of the instruments used for the present study were the
documentary information sheets, which allowed an organization
and understanding of the data collected; these in turn play a crucial
role in the process of study and data analysis, these stand out as
effective tools for the organization and understanding of the
information collected (Faneite, S. 2023). In the context of the
present study, the use of documentary information sheets provided
a solid structure for collecting, classifying and analyzing the data
obtained, thus facilitating the elaboration of substantiated
Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi, Aldo Maino Isaias
conclusions and the generation of significant knowledge in the
research area.
The preparation of documentary information sheets involves not
only the collection of data, but also their logical and coherent
organization. By categorizing the information gathered in specific
files, researchers can establish connections between different
sources, identify patterns and trends, and develop a global and
detailed vision of the topic under study. In addition, this
methodology facilitates the identification of gaps or inconsistencies
in the information, which in turn allows the delineation of areas for
further research or necessary adjustments in the focus of the study.
The use of research techniques such as documentary review and
bibliographic research played a fundamental role in data collection
and contextualization of the study (Blanco, G., & Mesa, B. 2022).
The documentary review made it possible to examine reports,
theses, scientific papers and materials related to communicative
competence and operation in the journalism club of the Espiritu
Santo study center in the city of Guayaquil, both in higher and basic
education providing a solid basis for understanding the context and
background of the research topic. On the other hand, the
bibliographic research allowed exploring the relevant academic
literature on communication and journalism, as well as theories and
models that were applied not only in the country but also
The combination of these approaches and techniques allowed us
to obtain a comprehensive view of the participants' communicative
competence, as well as to identify areas of strength and
opportunities for improvement. The findings of the study contribute
to knowledge in the field of communication and journalism, and
may be useful for informing educational and professional practices
and policies.
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
The return to "communication" by print journalism implies a
significant duality that encompasses two extremes. On the one
hand, there is the approach that, at times, is presented in an
ingenious and creative manner, while at others it becomes
instrumental, resorting to traditional forms of public
communication. González, J., & García, K. (2023), indicate that this
can also manifest itself in the imitation of television formats, as if it
were admitted that the success of the latter lies solely in its
audiovisual nature, ignoring the fact that it capitalized on pre-
existing forms of public communication.
In terms of categorization, these two forms of approach to print
journalism have been commonly labeled as entertainment
journalism and "research, analysis and data" journalism,
respectively. Both represent a move beyond the conventional or
canonical news model. While entertainment journalism may offer a
more accessible and enjoyable way of approaching information,
investigative, analytical and data journalism seeks to offer a deeper
and more rigorous analysis of issues, providing a more complete
and thoughtful understanding of events.
The results provided by Díaz, D. (2022), highlight the importance of
participating in communicative extracurricular activities for the
development of fundamental skills in students. It is noted that those
who participate in debates, book clubs or drama groups have the
opportunity to cultivate effective communication skills, verbal
expression and self-confidence. These competencies enable them
to interact more effectively with their peers, teachers and
environment in general. In addition, by participating in these
activities, students are able to improve their ability to express ideas
clearly and persuasively, which is beneficial both academically and
in their future professional lives.
Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi, Aldo Maino Isaias
Conversely, students who do not participate in these extracurricular
communication activities run the risk of missing out on the
opportunity to develop these essential skills. Lack of practice in oral
expression, active listening and argumentation could affect their
ability to communicate effectively in academic, work and personal
situations. This highlights the importance of encouraging
participation in activities that promote the development of
communication skills, not only for students' academic and
professional success, but also for their personal growth and their
ability to contribute meaningfully to society.
In the specific context of the Espiritu Santo study center in the city
of Guayaquil, these findings underscore the relevance of
implementing initiatives that foster the development of
communication skills among its members. By creating audiovisual
content that addresses issues of social, cultural and academic
importance, and by using radio and television production
equipment, students are offered a platform to practice and improve
these skills in a practical and meaningful way. In addition, by
promoting critical and reflective attitudes towards information
management, they are empowered to be responsible and effective
consumers and creators of content in the contemporary world.
In the findings of Tejudo, R., et al. (2023), the evolution of
audiovisual content production has been remarkable as new
technologies have gained prominence in the global arena. This
change has been reflected in a significant transformation in the way
this content is presented, driven largely by the emergence of
transmedia storytelling and media convergence (Baroni, R., et al.
2023). In this context, the culture of content consumption has
undergone an appreciable change, apparently shifting from a
passive and unidirectional dynamic, where the producer dictated
the content to the consumer, to a culture of participatory
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
This approach not only recognizes the importance of adapting to
new technological and narrative trends, but also underscores the
need to actively involve the audience in the content consumption
process. For the journalism club of the Espiritu Santo study center
in the city of Guayaquil, this evolution in the production of
audiovisual content represents an opportunity to raise the standard
of their productions and, consequently, generate a more significant
impact on the messages and information products they offer.
The study conducted by González, J., & García, K. (2023), indicates
that this instrumentalization can go to the extreme of imitating
television formats, erroneously suggesting that the success of the
latter lies exclusively in its audiovisual nature. This perception
ignores the fact that television capitalizes on pre-existing forms of
public communication and is not based solely on its visual format.
This argument highlights the importance of recognizing and valuing
the diversity of media and communicative approaches, as well as of
avoiding the uncritical adoption of television models in print
journalism. Instead of blindly imitating formats and strategies, it is
essential that print journalism maintains its identity and explores
new forms of communication that take advantage of its own nature
and potential.
Authors such as Díaz, D. (2022), highlight the importance of
participating in communicative extracurricular activities for the
integral development of students. It is argued that participation in
debates, book clubs or theater groups provides an invaluable
opportunity to cultivate fundamental communication skills, verbal
expression and self-confidence. These competencies not only
enable them to interact more effectively with their peers, teachers
and environment in general, but also have a significant impact on
their academic performance and preparation for the world of work.
Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi, Aldo Maino Isaias
Research suggests that participating in these extracurricular
activities not only improves students' ability to express their ideas
clearly and persuasively, but also helps them develop active
listening, critical thinking and problem-solving skills. These skills are
essential in any academic or professional context, as they enable
students to communicate effectively, collaborate in teams and
adapt to diverse situations and environments.
In addition, it is argued that participation in communicative
extracurricular activities can have long-term benefits for students by
providing them with a solid foundation for developing leadership,
empathy and time management skills. These skills are increasingly
valued by employers in today's job market, which further highlights
the importance of these activities in the comprehensive training of
Technological evolution has brought with it a change in the culture
of content consumption, moving from a passive and unidirectional
dynamic, where the producer dictated content to the consumer, to
a culture of participatory consumption. This means that consumers
now have a more active role in the creation and distribution of
content, thanks to digital platforms and social networks that allow a
more direct interaction between producers and audience.
This change in consumer culture has important implications for the
production of audiovisual content, as producers must adapt to the
new expectations and demands of a more participatory and
demanding audience. This may involve the creation of more
interactive content, the incorporation of transmedia storytelling
elements that engage the audience on multiple platforms, and
greater attention to the quality and relevance of content to maintain
audience interest and engagement.
The results of Tejudo, R., et al. (2023) and Baroni, R., et al. (2023)
underline the importance of understanding and taking advantage
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
of the evolution of the content consumption culture in the
production of audiovisual content. This not only implies adapting
to new technologies and narrative trends, but also understanding
and meeting the needs and expectations of an increasingly
participative and demanding audience.
Within the framework of the Journalism Club of the Centro de
Estudios Espíritu Santo in the city of Guayaquil, the need arises to
examine in detail the communicative competence of its members.
What is the level of communicative skills possessed by the club
members and how is this reflected in the quality of their journalistic
productions? What internal and external factors could be
influencing the development of these skills? In order to answer
these questions, we propose studies that include the evaluation of
participants' communication skills, as well as qualitative analyses
that explore the perceptions and experiences of club members in
relation to their communication training.
In conclusion, we can affirm that the evolutionary dynamics of print
journalism reflects the constant need to adapt to technological and
socio-cultural changes. This process of change, adopting strategies
that mimic the television format, focused on the audiovisual, it is
crucial to recognize that the success of the latter lies not only in its
visual nature, but in its ability to capitalize on pre-existing forms of
public communication. Thus, a challenge arises for journalism: to
maintain a balance between creative innovation and respect for the
fundamental bases of public communication, always seeking
authenticity and relevance in the delivery of content.
On the other hand, the findings on the importance of
communicative extracurricular activities reveal a crucial aspect in
the integral formation of students. Beyond the specific
Carlos Ermel Bourne Gastezzi, Aldo Maino Isaias
communication skills that are developed, these activities foster
teamwork, critical thinking and self-confidence. In a world
increasingly interconnected and mediated by digital
communication, these competencies are essential for students'
personal and professional success. Therefore, promoting and
supporting participation in communicative extracurricular activities
not only enriches the educational experience, but also prepares
students to face the challenges of the contemporary world with
confidence and skill.
The evolution of print journalism reveals a duality between
innovative creativity and the instrumentalization of traditional forms
of public communication. This dichotomy is manifested in the
imitation of television formats, sometimes disregarding the value of
prior communication. Categorized as entertainment or investigative
journalism, both represent an advance over the conventional news
model. In parallel, the importance of communicative extracurricular
activities for the development of fundamental skills in students is
emphasized, highlighting the need to encourage participation in
these activities to promote significant personal and professional
growth. Likewise, the evolution of audiovisual content, driven by
emerging technologies, presents an opportunity for the journalism
club of the Espiritu Santo study center in Guayaquil. By addressing
relevant topics and promoting a reflective attitude towards
information, the club can raise the standard of its productions and
generate a more significant impact on its educational community
and beyond.
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
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