Como citar APA:
Rangel, E.
(2024) Humanization of the brand and its impact on the
purchase decision. Case: Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo . Repique, 6(2), 42-58
Vol. 6 Núm. 2
Julio - Diciembre 2024
e-ISSN: 2550-6676
pp 42 - 58
Humanization of the brand and its impact on the purchase
decision. Case: Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo
Ernesto Rangel Luzuriaga
By establishing an emotional relationship with consumers, brands
can promote trust, which gives them an important competitive
advantage. The objective is to analyze the positioning of a brand
according to consumers' perceptions. This objective responds to an
outcome of the research project: Methodology for measuring
positioning through multivariate analysis, for the development of
brand equity: a business approach. In order to create marketing
programs that help increase the rate of student recruitment at
Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo and focus its resources on
the indicated segments, a qualitative type of research was used, with
a multidimensional scaling model, with the Statistical Package for the
Social Sciences (SPSS) program. The sample consisted of participants
from the different studies selected for analysis, the techniques used
were focus groups, a survey for data collection and a bibliographic
review; the instrument used was the data collection form. The
qualitative analysis highlights the relevance of sincerity, passion and
extroversion as qualities that establish a positive relationship
between individuals and brands, thus indicating a possible
connection between customer loyalty and brand identity.
Key words:
Consumer, Competitiveness, Emotional, Brands, Loyalty,
* Mgs. Instituto Superior Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo,,
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
Humanización de la marca y su impacto en la decisión de
compra. Caso: Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo
Al establecer una relación emocional con los consumidores, las
marcas pueden fomentar la confianza, lo que les proporciona una
importante ventaja competitiva. El objetivo es analizar el
posicionamiento de una marca según las percepciones de los
consumidores. Este objetivo responde a un resultado del proyecto
de investigación: Metodología de medición del posicionamiento
mediante análisis multivariante, para el desarrollo del valor de marca:
un enfoque empresarial. Con la finalidad de crear programas de
mercadotecnia que ayuden a incrementar la tasa de captación de
estudiantes en el Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu Santo y enfocar
sus recursos a los segmentos indicados, se utilizó una investigación
de tipo cualitativo, con un modelo de escalamiento
multidimensional, con el programa Statistical Package for the Social
Sciences (SPSS). La muestra estuvo constituida por participantes de
los diferentes estudios seleccionados para el análisis, las técnicas
utilizadas fueron grupos focales, una encuesta para la recolección de
datos y una revisión bibliográfica; el instrumento utilizado fue el
formulario de recolección de datos. El análisis cualitativo destaca la
relevancia de la sinceridad, la pasión y la extroversión como
cualidades que establecen una relación positiva entre los individuos
y las marcas, indicando así una posible conexión entre la fidelidad
del cliente y la identidad de marca.
Palabras clave:
Consumidor, Competitividad, Emocional, Marcas,
Ernesto Rangel Luzuriaga
Received : 19-03-2024
Approved: 08-05-2024
Consumer familiarity when purchasing products and the strategies
applied by marketers in a highly competitive market are two crucial
aspects that define the importance of humanizing a brand and its
impact on purchasing decisions. By establishing an emotional
connection with consumers, brands can build customer trust and
loyalty, which translates into an important competitive advantage.
Humanizing a brand involves creating an authentic identity that
resonates with the values and desires of the target audience, which
can decisively influence consumers' purchasing behavior by
establishing an emotional connection that goes beyond the
features of the product or service offered.
In an environment where competition is fierce and market
saturation is commonplace, humanizing a brand becomes an
essential strategy to stand out and cultivate strong relationships
with consumers, which in turn can translate into greater commercial
success. Consumers tend to feel more confident buying products
from well-known brands, as they believe they offer higher quality
and reliability. This can make it difficult for lesser-known brands to
gain consumer trust (Alvarez, H., et al., 2022). This is a crucial factor
in the purchase process, and well-known brands often benefit from
an inherent advantage in this regard.
Consumers tend to associate the familiarity of a brand with the
quality and reliability of its products. This perception is reinforced
by positive past experiences and effective marketing campaigns
that reinforce the brand's image. Consequently, lesser-known
brands face a significant challenge in gaining consumer trust, as
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
they lack the same level of recognition and reputation as
established brands.
The lack of trust in lesser-known brands may be due to consumers'
perception of risk. Faced with uncertainty about the quality and
product performance of a lesser-known brand, consumers tend to
opt for brands they consider safer and more proven. This
phenomenon is compounded by the risk aversion inherent in many
purchasing decisions, which leads to a preference for the known
and established over the unknown.
Lesser-known brands face a dual challenge: they must not only
overcome consumer unfamiliarity, but also counter the entrenched
perception that popular brands offer higher quality and reliability.
To address this problem, these brands may need targeted
marketing and communication strategies that highlight their
product attributes, offer quality assurances and build trust through
testimonials from satisfied customers or partnerships with industry
opinion leaders.
The purpose of this project is to examine how consumers perceive
a brand, which will serve as a basis for developing marketing
strategies to attract students to Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu
Santo and optimize the allocation of resources to the appropriate
segments. A thorough understanding of consumer perspectives is
critical in the business world, especially when it comes to
understanding their buying preferences in a marketplace saturated
with similar options.
When consumers are faced with products that offer similar features,
the influence of marketing can be a determining factor in their
purchasing decisions. It is crucial to investigate how consumers
perceive the image of brands, what factors influence their choice
and how they respond to advertising strategies. This detailed
knowledge enables companies to adapt their marketing strategies
Ernesto Rangel Luzuriaga
to better meet consumers' needs and desires, as well as to identify
opportunities to differentiate themselves from the competition.
Understanding the consumer's view of their buying preferences not
only provides valuable information about their behaviors and
motivations, but also allows companies to adjust their business
strategies more effectively. By understanding why consumers
choose popular branded products, companies can identify areas for
improvement in their own marketing strategy, from product
differentiation to brand communication.
In-depth analysis can help companies develop more persuasive
marketing messages and build stronger relationships with
consumers by directly addressing their concerns and preferences.
Ultimately, understanding and analyzing the consumer perspective
is essential to remain competitive in an ever-changing marketplace
and to ensure the relevance and effectiveness of marketing
strategies in today's business world.
There are aspects of everyday life, which are important to
understand in order to perform an analysis based on purchases,
trade or consumption; Rodríguez, L., & Velandia, A. (2018), mention
that, the concept of Brand Value or Brand Equity arises as a singular
idea, interpreted either as the price that a consumer is willing to pay
or as the perception that a consumer has about a brand and its
ability to foster loyalty.
Understanding how consumers perceive communication about
social issues and analyzing the transparency of these actions is
essential to determine the importance consumers attach to a
brand's human approach. Gálvez, S., et al., (2021), mention that this
analysis will enable brands to better understand the level of
engagement consumers expect in relation to the social role they
expect them to play. This deeper understanding will make it easier
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
for brands to establish a more authentic and engaged approach to
their consumers' social expectations.
It is essential to understand how consumers' perception of
communication on social issues influences the humanization of a
brand. By assessing the transparency of these actions, companies
can better understand how consumers perceive the brand's social
commitment and how this aspect contributes to the humanization
of its image. By taking this point into account, brands can adapt
their communication strategies to authentically and genuinely
reflect their commitment to relevant social issues.
Other aspects worth defining are consumer purchasing
preferences; Ortega, C. (2021) mentions that, in practice, each
government agency, faced with different needs, makes decisions
about what to buy and in what quantity. This diversity of decisions
can result in the occurrence of overpricing, inefficiencies and
dispersion of actions, which can lead to a series of problems in
terms of the real benefit obtained from the allocated budgets.
What the author points out is that it depends not only on the degree
of affinity with a product, but also on a series of factors that derive
from the action of buying, such as economic level, social influence,
usefulness or diverse needs, among others. Possebon, J., et al.,
(2019) already mentioned. The buying process begins when needs
are identified, and the willingness to buy arises from the individual
motivations and stimuli of each person.
There is abundant information on the theories, characteristics, and
processes of buying, as well as on the cultural, social, and
psychological factors that directly affect consumers' buying
decisions. Therefore, understanding customers and, above all,
understanding what, when and how they influence their behavior,
is very valuable information for a company's decision making.
Although understanding consumer buying behavior is not a simple
Ernesto Rangel Luzuriaga
task, this in-depth knowledge is essential for effective decision
making in companies (Garcia, & Gastulo., 2018).
Authors such as Zavaleta, M., et al., (2023), mention that consumers
demand more than product features, they seek experiences that
connect them emotionally with brands. For this reason, experiential
marketing is being treated with greater emphasis by companies, as
it offers opportunities to create meaningful emotional bonds with
customers; which brings us to the other side of the coin, what
marketers should do to create that bond with customers about their
Peñarrieta, G. (2021), states that fostering two-way interactions,
building communities of followers, providing a more human identity
to the brand and generating value are key aspects. In this context,
customer service plays a fundamental role, and social networks are
presented as an ideal environment to carry out these actions; this
action contributes to building solid relationships and satisfying
customers' needs and expectations. Social networks offer an ideal
space to carry out these activities, as they allow direct and close
communication with users, thus facilitating the creation of
emotional bonds and the construction of a solid brand with a base
of committed followers.
Humanizing brands is essential for business success. In the
communication strategy, knowing the identity behind the brand is
crucial. By identifying the people involved, and not just what the
brand stands for, the receiver will feel more understood (Cabarcas,
E., et al., 2022). This connection is based on mutual understanding
and the brand's ability to empathize with the needs, values and
desires of its audience. By showing the human face behind the
brand, trust is generated and the relationship between the
company and its customers is strengthened, which can translate
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
into increased loyalty, positive recommendations and, ultimately,
commercial success.
Verastegul, F., & Vargas, J. (2021) state that, the use of visualization,
presentation, management and seduction techniques in
merchandising, both in physical and digital environments,
demonstrate their effectiveness in achieving positive results. These
strategies not only attract new customers, but also generate
significant increases in sales for any company.
The research process begins with a focus on qualitative research.
This methodology is deliberately chosen to delve deeper into
consumers' perceptions and experiences in relation to brands. The
multidimensional scaling model will be used, with the Statistical
Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS) program. Qualitative
research allows exploring in detail how consumers interact with
brands, what emotions and associations they evoke, and how these
influences affect their purchase decisions (Moscoso, L., & Díaz, L.
To conduct this study, students from Tecnológico Universitario
Espíritu Santo were sampled, the inclusion of a variety of
perspectives ensures a more complete and nuanced understanding
of how brand humanization affects different consumer groups
(Bron, M. 2019). These participants are recruited from previous
studies related to the topic, which provides a solid foundation for
comparative analysis. In addition to using tools such as focus
groups to find the main attributes, and survey for data collection
(Sanchez, M., et al., 2021), a comprehensive literature review is
conducted to contextualize the findings and enrich the theoretical
understanding of the topic.
Ernesto Rangel Luzuriaga
The main instrument used to collect information during the study is
the data collection form. This tool provides an organized structure
for recording and analyzing relevant data related to brand
humanization and its impact on the purchase decision. The data
collection sheet allows systematizing the information collected from
various sources, which facilitates the identification of significant
patterns and trends in the qualitative data obtained (Gonzáles, J.
2020). Together, these elements make up a rigorous and systematic
research process that sheds light on the complex interaction
between brand humanization and consumer behavior in the
purchasing process.
The findings of Hannis, J. (2020), indicated that people connect
favorably with the brand in terms of sincerity, passion and
extraversion. These results validate the association between brand
loyalty and brand personality, which varies according to the
individual analysis of people. While demographic factors have some
influence on this relationship, communication strategies balance
this impact through the value perceived by consumers.
The participants of the study conducted by Valera, L. (2016), are of
the opinion that the advertising medium used by brands does not
influence their final purchase decision, although men tend to be
more influenced by commercial brands. This contrasts with the fact
that, despite consuming in several stores, they find that Mercadona
offers greater convenience, better value for money and a greater
variety of products, despite the fact that this chain does not
advertise and offers mainly private labels.
Mendoza, D., (2021) in the results of his study points out that,
during the stage of recognition of a need in the purchase decision
process of the participating fast fashion consumers, the indicators
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
have an occasional average influence. In addition, it highlights that
cultural elements, such as seeing family or friends wearing a
garment they like and the desire to be fashionable, always influence
more frequently. It is noted that marketing influence is at a
secondary level, as casual contact with garments or stores on the
street is often the result of carefully planned display or discount
situations. On the other hand, the influence of advertising
campaigns in recognizing the need to buy is rarely relevant.
The results of these indicators are organized according to the
magnitude of the average, which establishes a rating hierarchy. This
means that the attribute with the highest rating is the humanitarian
one, while the one with the lowest rating is the modest one. To
calculate the average rating, a numerical value is assigned to each
response option, which facilitates the calculation process (Mayorga,
J. 2017).
The findings of Hannis, J. (2020), highlight the importance of
sincerity, passion and extraversion as attributes that generate a
positive connection between people and brands, suggesting an
association between consumer loyalty and brand personality. While
demographic factors may influence this relationship,
communication strategies can balance this impact by delivering
perceived value to consumers.
On the other hand, Valera, L. (2016), reveals that, although the
advertising medium does not significantly affect consumers'
purchasing decisions, men tend to be more influenced by
commercial brands. This finding contrasts with consumers'
preference for Mercadona, which offers convenience, value for
money and a wide variety of products despite its non-advertising
approach. In addition, Mendoza, D. (2021), highlights that, during
the needs recognition stage in the fast fashion buying process,
Ernesto Rangel Luzuriaga
cultural factors have a significant influence, while marketing
influence is considered secondary.
Finally, Mayorga, J. (2017), establishes a hierarchy of valuation for
the indicators, where the humanitarian attribute is the most valued
and the modest the least valued, providing a clear structure for the
interpretation of the results.Principle of the form.
The study by Hannis, J. (2020), highlights the importance of brand
personality in the emotional connection established by consumers.
The results reveal that aspects such as sincerity, passion and
extraversion are key elements in generating a positive and lasting
relationship between customers and the brand. This relationship
translates into a higher level of consumer loyalty. In addition, the
study suggests that while demographic factors may influence this
relationship, communication strategies are critical to balance this
impact, as they contribute to consumers' perception of value. Taken
together, these findings underscore the importance of brands
developing a distinctive and authentic personality, as well as
effective communication strategies, to establish strong emotional
connections with their customers and foster long-term loyalty.
Analyzing what Valera, L. (2016) stated about the apparent paradox
between the influence of brand advertising and consumers'
purchasing decisions. Although respondents indicate that the
advertising medium does not significantly impact their final choices,
there is a tendency among men to be guided more by commercial
brands. However, this behavior contrasts with the preference for
Mercadona, where consumers find convenience, value for money
and assortment, despite the fact that this chain does not invest in
advertising and offers mainly private labels.
This finding suggests to the authors that while advertising may
influence certain segments of the population, other factors such as
convenience, price and product variety play a crucial role in the final
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
purchase decision. The preference for Mercadona, despite its non-
advertising focus, highlights the importance of customer
satisfaction and perceived value in consumer loyalty, even in a
highly competitive environment.
The results presented by Mendoza, D. (2021), offer a detailed view
on how fast fashion consumers experience the needs recognition
stage in their purchase process. It is highlighted that, although
indicators have an occasional influence on this stage, cultural
aspects, such as the influence of friends or relatives and the desire
to follow fashion trends, exert a much more constant and significant
influence. This finding suggests that, in the context of fast fashion,
consumers are more likely to be influenced by social and cultural
factors than by traditional marketing strategies.
The low relevance of advertising campaigns in recognizing the need
to purchase highlights the importance of other forms of brand
exposure, such as street display and price promotions, in the
consumer decision-making process. In summary, these results
underscore the complexity of consumer behavior in the fast fashion
industry and the need for companies to understand and adapt to
the cultural and social influences at play.
The approach used by Mayorga, J. (2017), by ordering the
indicators according to the magnitude of the average and
establishing a valuation hierarchy, provides a clear structure for
understanding the relative importance of each attribute evaluated.
By identifying the humanitarian attribute as the most highly valued
and the modest attribute as the least valued, it highlights the
importance that consumers attach to aspects related to social
responsibility and the humanitarian impact of a brand or product.
This quantitative approach, by assigning numerical values to each
response option, allows for an accurate and objective assessment
of the data collected, thus facilitating the interpretation of results
Ernesto Rangel Luzuriaga
and informed decision making. Ultimately, this analysis
methodology provides valuable guidance for companies in
prioritizing their efforts and resources in areas that have the greatest
impact on consumer perception and preferences.
The findings presented reveal a diversity of factors that influence
the purchase preferences of Tecnológico Universitario Espíritu
Santo students in a market saturated with similar options. The
importance of sincerity, passion and extraversion are highlighted as
attributes that generate a positive connection between people and
brands, suggesting an association between consumer loyalty and
brand personality. However, it is noted that demographic factors
may have some influence on this relationship, although
communication strategies can offset this impact by providing
perceived value to consumers.
On the other hand, there is evidence that traditional advertising
may have a limited effect on consumers' purchasing decisions,
especially in comparison with other factors such as convenience,
value for money and product variety. Although men tend to be
more influenced by commercial brands, consumers' preference for
certain brands or establishments may be based on more practical
and concrete considerations, such as shopping experience and
overall satisfaction.
In the specific context of fast fashion, it is observed that cultural
factors play a significant role in the need recognition stage of the
buying process. The influence of marketing is considered secondary
to the consumer's personal experience and social environment. This
finding suggests that marketing strategies should be adapted to
reflect consumers' cultural and social preferences, rather than
relying exclusively on traditional advertising campaigns.
Repique. Revista de Ciencias Sociales.
Vol. 6 No. 2 – 2024
Julio - Diciembre
Ultimately, the results presented highlight the importance of
understanding individual consumer perspectives and preferences in
an increasingly competitive marketplace. While marketing may
influence some purchasing decisions, other factors such as
shopping experience, perceived quality and personal preferences
play an equally important role. For companies, therefore, in-depth
knowledge and analysis of the consumer perspective is essential to
adapt their marketing strategies and better meet the needs and
desires of the market.
Brand humanization and its influence on purchase decisions
represent a fascinating and evolving area of research in marketing.
To explore this topic further, there is a need to explore how factors
such as authenticity, empathy and personalization affect consumer
perception and, ultimately, purchase behavior. Important questions
include the role of new technologies in brand humanization, the
influence of culture and socioeconomic context on the
interpretation of humanizing strategies, and the extent to which
emotional connection to the brand translates into consumer loyalty
and advocacy. These studies could shed light on how companies
can cultivate deeper and more meaningful relationships with their
audiences, generating a positive impact on their long-term business
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